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M L Bovee  W Yan  B S Sproat  C S Francklyn 《Biochemistry》1999,38(41):13725-13735
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases preserve the fidelity of decoding genetic information by accurately joining amino acids to their cognate transfer RNAs. Here, tRNA discrimination at the level of binding by Escherichia coli histidyl-tRNA synthetase is addressed by filter binding, analytical ultracentrifugation, and iodine footprinting experiments. Competitive filter binding assays show that the presence of an adenylate analogue 5'-O-[N-(L-histidyl)sulfamoyl]adenosine, HSA, decreased the apparent dissociation constant (K(D)) for cognate tRNA(His) by more than 3-fold (from 3.87 to 1.17 microM), and doubled the apparent K(D) for noncognate tRNA(Phe) (from 7.3 to 14.5 microM). By contrast, no binding discrimination against mutant U73 tRNA(His) was observed, even in the presence of HSA. Additional filter binding studies showed tighter binding of both cognate and noncognate tRNAs by G405D mutant HisRS [Yan, W., Augustine, J., and Francklyn, C. (1996) Biochemistry 35, 6559], which possesses a single amino acid change in the C-terminal anticodon binding domain. Discrimination against noncognate tRNA was also observed in sedimentation velocity experiments, which showed that a stable complex was formed with the cognate tRNA(His) but not with noncognate tRNA(Phe). Footprinting experiments on wild-type versus G405D HisRS revealed characteristic alterations in the pattern of protection and enhancement of iodine cleavage at phosphates 5' to tRNA nucleotides in the anticodon and hinge regions. Together, these results suggest that the anticodon and core regions play major roles in the initial binding discrimination between cognate and noncognate tRNAs, whereas acceptor stem nucleotides, particularly at position 73, influence the reaction at steps after binding of tRNA.  相似文献   

It was previously shown that ALA1, the only alanyl-tRNA synthetase gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, codes for two functionally exclusive protein isoforms through alternative initiation at two consecutive ACG codons and an in-frame downstream AUG. We reported here the cloning and characterization of a homologous gene from Candida albicans. Functional assays show that this gene can substitute for both the cytoplasmic and mitochondrial functions of ALA1 in S. cerevisiae and codes for two distinct protein isoforms through alternative initiation from two in-frame AUG triplets 8-codons apart. Unexpectedly, although the short form acts exclusively in cytoplasm, the longer form provides function in both compartments. Similar observations are made in fractionation assays. Thus, the alanyl-tRNA synthetase gene of C. albicans has evolved an unusual pattern of translation initiation and protein partitioning and codes for protein isoforms that can aminoacylate isoaccepting tRNAs from a different species and from across cellular compartments.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (AARS) are an essential family of enzymes that catalyze the attachment of amino acids to specific tRNAs during translation. Previously, we showed that base-specific recognition of the tRNA(Pro) acceptor stem is critical for recognition by Escherichia coli prolyl-tRNA synthetase (ProRS), but not for human ProRS. To further delineate species-specific differences in acceptor stem recognition, atomic group mutagenesis was used to probe the role of sugar-phosphate backbone interactions in recognition of human tRNA(Pro). Incorporation of site-specific 2'-deoxynucleotides, as well as phosphorothioate and methylphosphonate modifications within the tRNA acceptor stem revealed an extensive network of interactions with specific functional groups proximal to the first base pair and the discriminator base. Backbone functional groups located at the base of the acceptor stem, especially the 2'-hydroxyl of A66, are also critical for aminoacylation catalytic efficiency by human ProRS. Therefore, in contrast to the bacterial system, backbone-specific interactions contribute significantly more to tRNA recognition by the human enzyme than base-specific interactions. Taken together with previous studies, these data show that ProRS-tRNA acceptor stem interactions have co-adapted through evolution from a mechanism involving 'direct readout' of nucleotide bases to one relying primarily on backbone-specific 'indirect readout'.  相似文献   

Evilia C  Hou YM 《Biochemistry》2006,45(22):6835-6845
Enzymes of halophilic organisms contain unusual peptide motifs that are absent from their mesophilic counterparts. The functions of these halophile-specific peptides are largely unknown. Here we have identified an unusual peptide that is unique to several halophile archaeal cysteinyl-tRNA synthetases (CysRS), which catalyze attachment of cysteine to tRNA(Cys) to generate the essential cysteinyl-tRNA(Cys) required for protein synthesis. This peptide is located near the active site in the catalytic domain and is highly enriched with acidic residues. In the CysRS of the extreme halophile Halobacterium species NRC-1, deletion of the peptide reduces the catalytic efficiency of aminoacylation by a factor of 100 that largely results from a defect in kcat, rather than the Km for tRNA(Cys). In contrast, maintaining the peptide length but substituting acidic residues in the peptide with neutral or basic residues has no major deleterious effect, suggesting that the acidity of the peptide is not important for the kcat of tRNA aminoacylation. Analysis of general protein structure under physiological high salt concentrations, by circular dichroism and by fluorescence titration of tRNA binding, indicates little change due to deletion of the peptide. However, the presence of the peptide confers tolerance to lower salt levels, and fluorescence analysis in 30% sucrose reveals instability of the enzyme without the peptide. We suggest that the stability associated with the peptide can be used to promote proper enzyme conformation transitions in various stages of tRNA aminoacylation that are associated with catalysis. The acquisition of the peptide by the halophilic CysRS suggests an enzyme adaptation to high salinity.  相似文献   

Editing of misactivated amino acids by class I tRNA synthetases is encoded by a specialized internal domain specific to class I enzymes. In contrast, little is known about editing activities of the structurally distinct class II enzymes. Here we show that the class II alanyl-tRNA synthetase (AlaRS) has a specialized internal domain that appears weakly related to an appended domain of threonyl-tRNA synthetase (ThrRS), but is unrelated to that found in class I enzymes. Editing of misactivated glycine or serine was shown to require a tRNA cofactor. Specific mutations in the aforementioned domain disrupt editing and lead to production of mischarged tRNA. This class-specific editing domain was found to be essential for cell growth, in the presence of elevated concentrations of glycine or serine. In contrast to ThrRS, where the editing domain is not found in all three kingdoms of living organisms, it was incorporated early into AlaRSs and is present throughout evolution. Thus, tRNA-dependent editing by AlaRS may have been critical for making the genetic code sufficiently accurate to generate the tree of life.  相似文献   

The activation domain of class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, which contains the Rossmann fold and the signature sequences HIGH and KMSKS, is generally split into two halves by the connective peptides (CP1, CP2) whose amino acid sequences are idiosyncratic. CP1 has been shown to participate in the binding of tRNA as well as the editing of the reaction intermediate aminoacyl-AMP or the aminoacyl-tRNA. No function has been assigned to CP2. The amino acid sequence of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans TrpRS was predicted from the genome sequence. Protein sequence alignments revealed that A. ferrooxidans TrpRS contains a 70 amino acids long CP2 that is not found in any other bacterial TrpRS. However, a CP2 in the same relative position was found in the predicted sequence of several archaeal TrpRSs. A. ferrooxidans TrpRS is functional in vivo in Escherichia coli. A deletion mutant of A. ferrooxidans trpS lacking the coding region of CP2 was constructed. The in vivo activity of the mutant TrpRS in E. coli, as well as the kinetic parameters of the in vitro activation of tryptophan by ATP, were not altered by the deletion. However, the K(m) value for tRNA was seven-fold higher upon deletion, reducing the efficiency of aminoacylation. Structural modeling suggests that CP2 binds to the inner corner of the L shape of tRNA.  相似文献   

Bacterial tyrosyl-tRNA synthetases (TyrRS) possess a flexibly linked C-terminal domain of approximately 80 residues, which has hitherto been disordered in crystal structures of the enzyme. We have determined the structure of Thermus thermophilus TyrRS at 2.0 A resolution in a crystal form in which the C-terminal domain is ordered, and confirm that the fold is similar to part of the C-terminal domain of ribosomal protein S4. We have also determined the structure at 2.9 A resolution of the complex of T.thermophilus TyrRS with cognate tRNA(tyr)(G Psi A). In this structure, the C-terminal domain binds between the characteristic long variable arm of the tRNA and the anti-codon stem, thus recognizing the unique shape of the tRNA. The anticodon bases have a novel conformation with A-36 stacked on G-34, and both G-34 and Psi-35 are base-specifically recognized. The tRNA binds across the two subunits of the dimeric enzyme and, remarkably, the mode of recognition of the class I TyrRS for its cognate tRNA resembles that of a class II synthetase in being from the major groove side of the acceptor stem.  相似文献   

The sequence of a 228-amino acid nonspecific RNA binding domain appended to the N terminus of a eukaryote tRNA synthetase is shown here to have two lysine-rich clusters (LRCs) that are functionally significant in vivo and in vitro. These two LRCs have unrelated sequences and are separated by a spacer of over 100 amino acids. By using a sensitive test for function in vivo, each LRC is shown to be sufficient in the absence of the other. This sufficiency requires fusion of the spacer to either of the LRCs. Experiments in vitro confirmed that the LRCs are each important for RNA binding. Thus, this nonspecific RNA binding domain has two dissimilar lysine-rich sequence elements that are functionally redundant. Further experiments suggest that this redundancy is not used to dock two molecules of RNA but rather to enhance the overall affinity for a single RNA molecule.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases catalyze the formation of an aminoacyl-AMP from an amino acid and ATP, prior to the aminoacyl transfer to tRNA. A subset of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, including glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (GluRS), have a regulation mechanism to avoid aminoacyl-AMP formation in the absence of tRNA. In this study, we determined the crystal structure of the 'non-productive' complex of Thermus thermophilus GluRS, ATP and L-glutamate, together with those of the GluRS.ATP, GluRS.tRNA.ATP and GluRS.tRNA.GoA (a glutamyl-AMP analog) complexes. In the absence of tRNA(Glu), ATP is accommodated in a 'non-productive' subsite within the ATP-binding site, so that the ATP alpha-phosphate and the glutamate alpha-carboxyl groups in GluRS. ATP.Glu are too far from each other (6.2 A) to react. In contrast, the ATP-binding mode in GluRS.tRNA. ATP is dramatically different from those in GluRS.ATP.Glu and GluRS.ATP, but corresponds to the AMP moiety binding mode in GluRS.tRNA.GoA (the 'productive' subsite). Therefore, tRNA binding to GluRS switches the ATP-binding mode. The interactions of the three tRNA(Glu) regions with GluRS cause conformational changes around the ATP-binding site, and allow ATP to bind to the 'productive' subsite.  相似文献   

The selection of tRNAs by their cognate aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases is critical for ensuring the fidelity of protein synthesis. While nucleotides that comprise tRNA identity sets have been readily identified, their specific role in the elementary steps of aminoacylation is poorly understood. By use of a rapid kinetics analysis employing mutants in tRNA(His) and its cognate aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase, the role of tRNA identity in aminoacylation was investigated. While mutations in the tRNA anticodon preferentially affected the thermodynamics of initial complex formation, mutations in the acceptor stem or the conserved motif 2 loop of the tRNA synthetase imposed a specific kinetic block on aminoacyl transfer and decreased tRNA-mediated kinetic control of amino acid activation. The mechanistic basis of tRNA identity is analogous to fidelity control by DNA polymerases and the ribosome, whose reactions also demand high accuracy.  相似文献   

The monomeric form of the class I Escherichia coli methionine tRNA synthetase has a distinct carboxyl-terminal domain with a segment that interacts with the anticodon of methionine tRNA. This interaction is a major determinant of the specificity and efficiency of aminoacylation. The end of this carboxyl-terminal domain interacts with the amino-terminal Rossman fold that forms the site for amino acid activation. Thus, the carboxyl-terminal end may have evolved in part to integrate anticodon recognition with amino acid activation. We show here that internal deletions that disrupt the anticodon interaction have no effect on the kinetic parameters for amino acid activation. Moreover, an internally deleted enzyme can aminoacylate an RNA microhelix, which is based on the acceptor stem of methionine tRNA, with the same efficiency as the native protein. These results suggest that, in this enzyme, amino acid activation and acceptor helix aminoacylation are functionally integrated and are independent of the anticodon-binding site.  相似文献   

D Valenzuela  L H Schulman 《Biochemistry》1986,25(16):4555-4561
Four different structural regions of Escherichia coli tRNAfMet have been covalently coupled to E. coli methionyl-tRNA synthetase (MetRS) by using a tRNA derivative carrying a lysine-reactive cross-linker. We have previously shown that this cross-linking occurs at the tRNA binding site of the enzyme and involves reaction of only a small number of the potentially available lysine residues in the protein [Schulman, L. H., Valenzuela, D., & Pelka, H. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 6018-6023; Valenzuela, D., Leon, O., & Schulman, L. H. (1984) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 119, 677-684]. In this work, four of the cross-linked peptides have been identified. The tRNA-protein cross-linked complex was digested with trypsin, and the peptides attached to the tRNA were separated from the bulk of the tryptic peptides by anion-exchange chromatography. The tRNA-bound peptides were released by cleavage of the disulfide bond of the cross-linker and separated by reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography, yielding five major peaks. Amino acid analysis indicated that four of these peaks contained single peptides. Sequence analysis showed that the peptides were cross-linked to tRNAfMet through lysine residues 402, 439, 465, and 640 in the primary sequence of MetRS. Binding of the tRNA therefore involves interactions with the carboxyl-terminal half of MetRS, while X-ray crystallographic data have shown the ATP binding site to be located in the N-terminal domain of the protein [Zelwer, C., Risler, J. L., & Brunie, S. (1982) J. Mol. Biol. 155, 63-81].(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In higher organisms, aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases developed receptor-mediated ex-translational functions that are activated by various natural mechanisms. Hydrogen-deuterium exchange combined with mass spectrometry and small-angle x-ray scattering showed that activation of the cytokine function of the 528-amino acid human tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase was associated with pinpointed uncovering of a miniature internal ELR tripeptide that triggers receptor signaling. The results reveal the structural simplicity of how the ex-translational function is implemented.  相似文献   

The aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases arose early in evolution and established the rules of the genetic code through their specific interactions with amino acids and RNA molecules. About half of these tRNA charging enzymes are class I synthetases, which contain similar N-terminal nucleotide-fold-like structures that are joined to variable domains implicated in specific protein-tRNA contacts. Here, we show that a bacterial synthetase gene can be split into two nonoverlapping segments. We split the gene for Escherichia coli methionyl-tRNA synthetase (a class I synthetase) at several sites near the interdomain junction, such that one segment codes for the nucleotide-fold-containing domain and the other provides determinants for tRNA recognition. When the segments are folded together, they can recognize and charge tRNA, both in vivo and in vitro. We postulate that an early step in the assembly of systems to attach amino acids to specific RNA molecules may have involved specific interactions between discrete proteins that is reflected in the interdomain contacts of modern synthetases.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) catalyze the first step in protein biosynthesis, establishing a connection between codons and amino acids. To maintain accuracy, aaRSs have evolved a second active site that eliminates noncognate amino acids. Isoleucyl tRNA synthetase edits valine by two tRNA(Ile)-dependent pathways: hydrolysis of valyl adenylate (Val-AMP, pretransfer editing) and hydrolysis of mischarged Val-tRNA(Ile) (posttransfer editing). Not understood is how a single editing site processes two distinct substrates--an adenylate and an aminoacyl tRNA ester. We report here distinct mutations within the center for editing that alter adenylate but not aminoacyl ester hydrolysis, and vice versa. These results are consistent with a molecular model that shows that the single editing active site contains two valyl binding pockets, one specific for each substrate.  相似文献   

Class II MHC glycoproteins bind short (7-25 amino acid) peptides in an extended type II polyproline-like conformation and present them for immune recognition. Because empty MHC is unstable, measurement of the rate of the second-order reaction between peptide and MHC is challenging. In this report, we use dissociation of a pre-bound peptide to generate the active, peptide-receptive form of the empty class II MHC molecule I-Ek. This allows us to measure directly the rate of reaction between active, empty I-Ek and a set of peptides that vary in structure. We find that all peptides studied, despite having highly variable dissociation rates, bind with similar association rate constants. Thus, the rate-limiting step in peptide binding is minimally sensitive to peptide side-chain structure. An interesting complication to this simple model is that a single peptide can sometimes bind to I-Ek in two kinetically distinguishable conformations, with the stable peptide-MHC complex isomer forming much more slowly than the less-stable one. This demonstrates that an additional free-energy barrier limits the formation of certain specific MHC-peptide complex conformations.  相似文献   

Geslain R  Bey G  Cavarelli J  Eriani G 《Biochemistry》2003,42(51):15092-15101
The aim of this work was to characterize crucial amino acids for the aminoacylation of tRNA(Arg) by yeast arginyl-tRNA synthetase. Alanine mutagenesis was used to probe all the side chain mediated interactions that occur between tRNA(Arg2)(ICG) and ArgRS. The effects of the substitutions were analyzed in vivo in an ArgRS-knockout strain and in vitro by measuring the aminoacylation efficiencies for two distinct tRNA(Arg) isoacceptors. Nine mutants that generate lethal phenotypes were identified, suggesting that only a limited set of side chain mediated interactions is essential for tRNA recognition. The majority of the lethal mutants was mapped to the anticodon binding domain of ArgRS, a helix bundle that is characteristic for class Ia synthetases. The alanine mutations induce drastic decreases in the tRNA charging rates, which is correlated with a loss in affinity in the catalytic site for ATP. One of those lethal mutations corresponds to an Arg residue that is strictly conserved in all class Ia synthetases. In the known crystallographic structures of complexes of tRNAs and class Ia synthetases, this invariant Arg residue stabilizes the idiosyncratic conformation of the anticodon loop. This paper also highlights the crucial role of the tRNA and enzyme plasticity upon binding. Divalent ions are also shown to contribute to the induced fit process as they may stabilize the local tRNA-enzyme interface. Furthermore, one lethal phenotype can be reverted in the presence of high Mg(2+) concentrations. In contrast with the bacterial system, in yeast arginyl-tRNA synthetase, no lethal mutation has been found in the ArgRS specific domain recognizing the Dhu-loop of the tRNA(Arg). Mutations in this domain have no effects on tRNA(Arg) aminoacylation, thus confirming that Saccharomyces cerevisiae and other fungi belong to a distinct class of ArgRS.  相似文献   

Farrow MA  Nordin BE  Schimmel P 《Biochemistry》1999,38(51):16898-16903
The high accuracy of the genetic code relies on the ability of tRNA synthetases to discriminate rigorously between closely similar amino acids. While the enzymes can detect differences between closely similar amino acids at an accuracy of about 1 part in 100-200, a finer discrimination requires the presence of the cognate tRNA. The role of the tRNA is to direct the misactivated amino acid to a distinct catalytic site for editing where hydrolysis occurs. Previous work showed that three nucleotides at the corner of the L-shaped tRNA were collectively required. Here we show that each of these nucleotides individually contributes to the efficiency of editing. However, all are dispensable for the chemical step of hydrolysis. Instead, these nucleotides are required for translocation of a misactivated amino acid from the active site to the center for editing.  相似文献   

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