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Summary Data and analyses on paternal age and 47,+21 are reviewed. It is concluded that there are few, if any, grounds to justify the inference of a paternal age effect independent of maternal age for those paternal age-maternal age combinations on which there are prenatal diagnostic data. It is suggested that genetic counseling as to increased (or decreased) risk of Down syndrome associated with various paternal ages is not justified at present.  相似文献   



Maternal age over 35 years is a well known risk factor in reproduction. This effect of maternal age had been demonstrated on the risk of infertility and the risk of miscarriage on the basis of epidemiological data and ART data, especially AID sources. In contrast, the effect of paternal age has been rarely analysed. The objective of this study was to review the literature analysing the effect of paternal age on the risk of infertility and the risk of miscarriage.

Material and method

Sixteen publications analysing paternal age were selected by a MEDLINE search. Thirteen publications concerned epidemiological data, based on surveys in the general population, surveys in pregnant women, case-control studies, and birth and death certificates. Three publications concerned ART data, based on IVF with ovum donation. In IVF with ovum donation, there is no correlation between paternal age and age of the female gamete donor.


Seven epidemiological studies analysed the effect of paternal age on the risk of infertility. After controlling for maternal age, five studies showed a paternal age effect, and one showed a very weak paternal age effect. The last study did not show any paternal age effect, but only considered men under the age of 33 years. Three studies analysed the effect of paternal age on pregnancy rates in IVF with ovum donation. Only one study showed a paternal age effect. The four studies analysing the effect of paternal age on the risk of miscarriage showed a paternal age effect and two of the three studies based on birth and death certificates showed a paternal age effect on late foetal death (>20 weeks of gestation).


There are concordant data in the literature showing an effect of paternal age on the risk of infertility and the risk of miscarriage. Paternal age over 40 years could therefore be a risk factor in reproduction in the same way as maternal age over 35 years. Moreover, the risk of infertility and the risk of miscarriage could be much higher when both partners are over the age of 35–40 years.  相似文献   

Summary All available evidence indicates that the human mutation rate increases with paternal age. In developed countries, a reduction in the proportion of older parents is a common feature of the marked changes in parental age distribution that occur as a result of family planning. We have related the current paternal age distribution in the European countries for which data is readily available, to a derived curve for paternal agespecific relative mutation rate. The results indicate that, to the extent that it is dependent on paternal age, the mutation rate has decreased considerably in developed countries during the past 50 years. The human mutation rate is a dynamic entity, continuously changing in response to social conditions.  相似文献   

Finding a positive association between paternal age and the incidence of aneuploidy is not difficult. A cursory analysis however reveals that any association is indirect, brought about by a close correlation between paternal age and maternal age. Approaches for dissecting out the confounding age effects of the mother has led to a lively exchange among epidemiologists, with perhaps a consensus for the absence of a paternal age effect, at least for trisomy 21. Molecular studies revealed the relatively minor contribution of paternal errors to trisomy, but even research on the paternally derived trisomies alone has been inconclusive; thus studies focussed directly on the sperm heads. Human-hamster fusion assays were superseded by FISH for establishing any possible link between age and the proportion of disomic sperm in an ejaculate. Despite innumerable microscope hours however, although convincing studies suggesting an age effect for disomies 1, 9, 18 and 21 and the sex chromosomes are in the literature, others failed to notice any association for these or other chromosomes. It is biologically plausible that chromosomal non-disjunction errors should increase with age. Male reproductive hormone production, testicular morphology and semen parameters all decline slowly with age and paternal age is implicated in congenital birth defects, such as achondroplasia and Apert syndromes and also linked to compromised DNA repair mechanisms. Despite several decades of epidemiological and molecular cytogenetic studies, however, we are still not close to a definitive answer of whether or not there is a paternal age effect for aneuploidy. In this review we conclude by questioning the efficacy of FISH because of difficulties in detecting nullisomy and because of evidence that the centromeres (from which most sperm-FISH probes are derived) cluster at the nuclear centre. Array-based approaches may well supersede FISH in addressing the question of a paternal age effect; for now, however, the jury is still out.  相似文献   

Paternal age and trisomy among spontaneous abortions   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The relationship of paternal age to specific types of trisomy and to chromosomally normal loss was investigated in data drawn from a case-control study of spontaneous abortions. Differences in paternal age between karyotype groups and controls delivering after 28 weeks gestation were tested using an urn model analysis which adjusted, by regression, for maternal age and, by stratification, for the effects of design variables (payment status, phase of study) and demographic factors (language, ethnicity). The magnitude of paternal age differences was estimated using least squares regression analysis. For chromosomally normal cases there was no association with paternal age. Among the fourteen trisomy categories examined, four (7, 9, 18, 21) showed increased paternal age ( 1 year above expectation), three (13, 20, 22) showed decreased paternal age and the rest, including the most common, trisomy 16, showed negligible differences. Only the association with trisomy 22 was statistically significant (P = 0.012), with a predicted reduction in paternal age of 2.1 years (95% CI -4.9, -0.5 years). This association did not vary with maternal age, payment status, phase of study, language or ethnicity. Because previous observations are extensive, the relation of paternal age to trisomy 21 was examined further. The overall association was not significant ( = 0.8 years; 95% CI -0.8, 2.4 years). Moreover, there was evidence that the magnitude and direction of paternal age associations vary significantly within the sample, although not between subgroups defined on the basis of payment, phase of study, language or ethnicity. With respect to maternal age, the trend is towards a greater paternal age difference for trisomy 21 losses in younger women (P = 0.058). Given the number of tests performed, the finding for trisomy 22 and reduced paternal age could be due to chance. Among trisomy types, the direction of paternal age associations was not consistent for chromosomes grouped according to characteristics that might relate to the probability of nondisjunction, such as size, arm ratio, or nucleolar organizer region content, or to the potential viability of the trisomy. Thus, neither on statistical nor biological grounds do the data provide compelling evidence of paternal age effects on the trisomies found among spontaneous abortions, or on chromosomally normal losses.  相似文献   

Summary An investigation of a paternal age effect independent of maternal age was undertaken for 98 cases of Down's syndrome genotypes diagnosed prenatally compared to 10,329 fetuses with normal genotype diagnosed prenatally in data reported to the New York State Chromosome Registry. The mean of the difference (delta) in paternal age of cases compared to those with normal genotypes after controlling for maternal age, was slightly negative,-0.27 with a 95% confidence interval of-1.59 to +1.06. A regression analysis was also done in which the data were first fit to an equation of the type lny=(bx+c) and then to the equation ln y=(bx+dz+c) where y = rate of Down's syndrome, x = maternal age, z = paternal age, and b, d, and c are parameters. This also revealed no evidence for a paternal age effect. The value of d (the paternal age coefficient) was in fact slightly negative,-0.0058, with an asymptotic 95% confidence interval of-0.0379 to +0.0263. Lastly, multiple applications of the Mantel-Haenszel test considering various boundaries in paternal age also revealed no statistically significant evidence for a paternal age effect independent of maternal age. These results are at variance with claims of others elsewhere of a very strong paternal age effect detected in studies at prenatal diagnoses. Five different hypotheses are suggested which may account for discrepancies among studies to date in findings on paternal age effects for Down's syndrome: (i) there are temporal, geographic, or ethnic variations in paternal age effects, (ii) there is no paternal age effect and statistical fluctuation accounts for all trends to date; (iii) methologic artifacts have obscured a paternal age effect in some studies which did not find a positive outcome; (iv) methodologic artifacts are responsible for the positive results in some studies to date; (v) there is a rather weak paternal age effect independent of maternal age in most if not all populations, but because of statistical fluctuation the results are significant only in some data sets. The results of all data sets to date which we have been able to analyze by one year intervals are consistent with a mean delta of +0.04 to +0.48 and in the value of d (the paternal age coefficient) of +0.006 to +0.017, and it appears the fifth hypothesis cannot be excluded. Projections based on this assumption are presented.  相似文献   

Reexamination of paternal age effect in Down's syndrome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The recent discovery that the extra chromosome in about 30% of cases of 47, trisomy 21 is of paternal origin has revived interest in the possibility of paternal age as a risk factor for a Down syndrome birth, independent of maternal age. Parental age distribution for 611 Down's syndrome 47,+21 cases was studied. The mean paternal age was 0.16 year greater than in the entire population of live births after controlling for maternal age. There was no evidence for a significant paternal age effect at the 0.05 level. For 242 of these Down's syndrome cases, control subjects were selected by rigidly matching in a systematic manner. Paternal age was the variable studied, with maternal age and time and place of birth controlled. There was no statistically significant association between paternal age and Down's syndrome. After adjustment for maternal age, these two studies were not consistent with an increase of paternal age in Down's syndrome.  相似文献   

Huntington disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant degenerative disorder caused by an expanded and unstable trinucleotide repeat (CAG)n in a gene (IT-15) on chromosome 4. HD exhibits genetic anticipation—earlier onset in successive generations within a pedigree. From a population-based clinical sample, we ascertained parent-offspring pairs with expanded alleles, to examine the intergenerational behavior of the trinucleotide repeat and its relationship to anticipation. We find that the change in repeat length with paternal transmission is significantly correlated with the change in age at onset between the father and offspring. When expanded triplet repeats of affected parents are separated by median repeat length, we find that the longer paternal and maternal repeats are both more unstable on transmission. However, unlike in paternal transmission, in which longer expanded repeats display greater net expansion than do shorter expanded repeats, in maternal transmission there is no mean change in repeat length for either longer or shorter expanded repeats. We also confirmed the inverse relationship between repeat length and age at onset, the higher frequency of juvenile-onset cases arising from paternal transmission, anticipation as a phenomenon of paternal transmission, and greater expansion of the trinucleotide repeat with paternal transmission. Stepwise multiple regression indicates that, in addition to repeat length of offspring, age at onset of affected parent and sex of affected parent contribute significantly to the variance in age at onset of the offspring. Thus, in addition to triplet repeat length, other factors, which could act as environmental factors, genetic factors, or both, contribute to age at onset. Our data establish that further expansion of paternal repeats within the affected range provides a biological basis of anticipation in HD.  相似文献   

Paternal kin discrimination in wild baboons.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Mammals commonly avoid mating with maternal kin, probably as a result of selection for inbreeding avoidance. Mating with paternal kin should be selected against for the same reason. However, identifying paternal kin may be more difficult than identifying maternal kin in species where the mother mates with more than one male. Selection should nonetheless favour a mechanism of paternal kin recognition that allows the same level of discrimination among paternal as among maternal kin, but the hypothesis that paternal kin avoid each other as mates is largely untested in large mammals such as primates. Here I report that among wild baboons, Papio cynocephalus, paternal siblings exhibited lower levels of affiliative and sexual behaviour during sexual consortships than non-kin, although paternal siblings were not significantly less likely to consort than non-kin. I also examined age proximity as a possible social cue of paternal relatedness, because age cohorts are likely to be paternal sibships. Pairs born within two years of each other were less likely to engage in sexual consortships than pairs born at greater intervals, and were less affiliative and sexual when they did consort. Age proximity may thus be an important social cue for paternal relatedness, and phenotype matching based on shared paternal traits may play a role as well.  相似文献   

If it is now clearly established that advanced maternal age can have a deleterious impact on reproductive issues, and an increasing number of recent publications also indicate an increased risk associated with advanced paternal age. Based on a review of the literature, the authors analyse the consequences of advanced paternal age on various reproductive parameters.  相似文献   

It is well recognized that age at onset of Huntington disease (HD) is strongly influenced by the sex of the affected parent, and this has lead to suggestions that genetic imprinting or maternal specific factors may play a role in the expression of the disease. This study evaluated maternal and paternal ages, birth order, parental age at onset, and sex of the affected parent and grandparent in 1,764 patients in the National HD Roster by using linear-regression techniques which incorporated a weighted least-squares approach to accommodate the correlation among siblings. It was found that paternal age is negatively associated with age at onset of HD, particularly among subjects who inherit the mutant gene from grandfathers. Apparent associations between age at onset and birth order and between age at onset and maternal age were not significant after adjustment for paternal age. The paternal age effect is strongest among juvenile-onset cases and individuals with anticipation of greater than or equal to 10 years, although it is detectable across the entire age-at-onset distribution. The tendency for older fathers, including those not transmitting the HD gene, to have affected offspring with early-onset disease may be consistent with a gene imprinting mechanism involving DNA methylation. Because paternal age in unaffected fathers is also a significant determinant of age at onset, methylation in this context might involve HD modifier genes or the normal HD allele.  相似文献   

Although the adverse effects of maternal aging on reproductive outcomes have been investigated widely, there is no consensus on the impact of paternal age. Therefore, we investigated the effect of paternal age on reproductive outcomes in a retrospective analysis of 9,991 in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles performed at the Reproductive Medicine Center of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University (China) between January 2007 and October 2013. Samples were grouped according to maternal age [<30 (3,327 cycles), 30–34 (4,587 cycles), and 35–38 (2,077 cycles)] and then subgrouped according to paternal age (<30, 30–32, 33–35, 36–38, 39–41, and ≥42). The groups did not differ in terms of fertilization rate, numbers of viable and high-quality embryos and miscarriage rate when controlling maternal age (P >0.05). Chi-squared analysis revealed that there were no differences in implantation and pregnancy rates among the different paternal age groups when maternal age was <30 and 35–38 years (P >0.05). However, implantation and pregnancy rates decreased with paternal age in the 31–34 y maternal age group (P <0.05). Our study indicates that paternal age has no impact on fertilization rate, embryo quality at the cleavage stage and miscarriage rate. For the 30–34 y maternal age group, the implantation rate decreased with increased paternal age, with the pregnancy rate in this group being significantly higher in the paternal <30 y and 30–32 y age groups, compared with those in the 36–38 y and 39–41 y groups.  相似文献   

Advanced paternal age has been repeatedly shown to modulate offspring quality via male- and/or female-driven processes, and there are theoretical reasons to expect that some of these effects can be sex-specific. For example, sex allocation theory predicts that, when mated with low-condition males, mothers should invest more in their daughters compared to their sons. This is because male fitness is generally more condition-dependent and more variable than female fitness, which makes it less risky to invest in female offspring. Here, we explore whether paternal age can affect the quality and quantity of offspring in a sex-specific way using Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism. In order to understand the contribution of male-driven processes on paternal age effects, we also measured the seminal vesicle size of young and older males and explored its relationship with reproductive success and offspring quality. Older males had lower competitive reproductive success, as expected, but there was no difference between the offspring sex ratio of young and older males. However, we found that paternal age caused an increase in offspring quality (i.e., offspring weight), and that this increase was more marked in daughters than sons. We discuss different male- and female-driven processes that may explain such sex-specific paternal age effects.  相似文献   

Summary Investigations of the influence of paternal age on the rate of Down's syndrome are complicated by the high correlation between parental ages and the strong dependence of the incidence rate upon maternal age. Two possible approaches to isolating an independent paternal age effect are shown to lead to erroncous results if based on data by quinquennial age intervals rather than by single-year intervals. For a multiple regression method the discrepancy can be removed by using the mean maternal and mean paternal age within each quinquennial cell. Failure to do so results in an artifactual paternal age effect.  相似文献   

Paternal age has been associated with offspring congenital heart defects (CHDs), which might be caused by increased mutations in the germ cell line because of cumulated cell replications. Empirical evidences, however, remain inconclusive. Furthermore, it is unknown whether all subtypes of CHDs are affected by paternal age. We aimed to explore the relationship between paternal age and the risk of offspring CHDs and its five common subtypes using national register data in Denmark. A total of 1 893 899 singletons born in Denmark from 1977 to 2008 were included in this national-based cohort study. Cox’s proportion hazards model with robust sandwich estimate option was used to estimate the hazards ratio (95% confidence interval) for the associations between paternal age and all CHDs, as well as subtypes of CHDs (patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), ventricular septal defect (VSD), atrial septal defect (ASD), tetralogy of fallot (TOF) and coarctation of the aorta (CoA)). We did not observe an overall association between paternal age and offspring CHDs. However, compared to the paternal age of 25–29 years, paternal age of older than 45 years was associated with a 69% increased risk of PDA (HR45+ = 1.69, 95%CI:1.17–2.43). We observed similar results when subanalyses were restricted to children born to mothers of 27–30 years old. After taking into consideration of maternal age, our data suggested that advanced paternal age was associated with an increased prevalence of one subtype of offspring congenital heart defects (CHDs), namely patent ductus arteriosus (PDA).  相似文献   

Genomic copy number variations (CNVs) and increased parental age are both associated with the risk to develop a variety of clinical neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. At the same time, it has been shown that the rate of transmitted de novo single nucleotide mutations is increased with paternal age. To address whether paternal age also affects the burden of structural genomic deletions and duplications, we examined various types of CNV burden in a large population sample from the Netherlands. Healthy participants with parental age information (n = 6,773) were collected at different University Medical Centers. CNVs were called with the PennCNV algorithm using Illumina genome-wide SNP array data. We observed no evidence in support of a paternal age effect on CNV load in the offspring. Our results were negative for global measures as well as several proxies for de novo CNV events in this unique sample. While recent studies suggest de novo single nucleotide mutation rate to be dominated by the age of the father at conception, our results strongly suggest that at the level of global CNV burden there is no influence of increased paternal age. While it remains possible that local genomic effects may exist for specific phenotypes, this study indicates that global CNV burden and increased father’s age may be independent disease risk factors.  相似文献   

We analyzed rates of extra structurally abnormal chromosomes (ESAC) detected in prenatal cytogenetic diagnoses of amniotic fluid reported to the New York Chromosome Registry. These karyotypes include both extra unidentified structurally abnormal chromosomes (EUSAC)--often denoted as "markers"--and extra identified structurally abnormal chromosomes (EISAC). The rate of all EUSAC was 0.64/1,000 (0.32-0.40/1,000 mutant and 0.23-0.32 inherited), and that of all EISAC was 0.11/1,000 (0.07/1,000 mutant and 0.04/1,000 inherited). The rate of all ESAC was approximately 0.8/1,000-0.4-0.5/1,000 mutant and 0.3-0.4/1,000 inherited. Mean +/- SD maternal age of mutant cases was 37.5 +/- 2.9, significantly greater than the value of 35.8 years in controls. A regression analysis indicated a rate of change of the log of the rate of about +0.20 with each year of maternal age between 30 and 45 years. When paternal age was introduced, the maternal age coefficient increased to about +0.25--close to that seen for 47, +21--but the paternal age coefficient was -0.06. After being matched for maternal age and year of diagnosis, the case-control difference in paternal age for 24 mutant cases was -2.4 with a 95% confidence interval of -4.6 to -0.1 years. In a regression analysis of the effects of both parental ages on the (log) rate, the maternal age coefficient was +0.25 and the paternal age coefficient was -0.06. These results are consistent with a (weak) negative paternal age effect in the face of a strong maternal age effect. Since ESAC include a heterogeneous group of abnormalities, the maternal age and paternal age trends, if not the result of statistical fluctuation or undetected biases, may involve different types of events. Data in the literature suggest that chromosomes with de novo duplicated inversions of 15p have a strong maternal age effect (but little paternal age effect). Such chromosomes, however, do not account for the active maternal age trends seen in the data analyzed here. Inherited ESAC exhibited no such trends.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Unlike maternal age, the effect of paternal age on birth defect prevalence has not been well examined. We used cases from the Texas birth defect registry, born during 1996-2002, to evaluate the association of paternal age with the prevalence of selected structural birth defects. METHODS: Poisson regression was used to calculate prevalence ratios (PRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) associated with paternal age for each birth defect, adjusting for maternal age, race/ethnicity, and parity. RESULTS: Relative to fathers ages 25-29 years, fathers 20-24 years of age were more likely to have offspring with gastroschisis (PR 1.47, 95% CI: 1.12-1.94), and fathers 40+ years old were less likely to have offspring with trisomy 13 (PR 0.40, 95% CI: 0.16-0.96). No association was seen between paternal age and prevalence of anencephaly and encephalocele. A selection bias was observed for the other birth defects in which cases of younger fathers were more often excluded from study. CONCLUSIONS: In studies of birth defect risk and paternal age, the source of information may affect the validity of findings.  相似文献   

Average paternal age is increasing in many high income countries, but the implications of this demographic shift for child health and welfare are poorly understood. There is equivocal evidence that children of older fathers are at increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders and reduced IQ. We therefore report here on the relationship between paternal age and a composite indicator of scholastic achievement during adolescence, i.e. compulsory school leaving grades, among recent birth cohorts in Stockholm County where delayed paternity is notably common. We performed a record-linkage study comprising all individuals in Stockholm County who finished 9 years of compulsory school from 2000 through 2007 (n = 155,875). Data on school leaving grades and parental characteristics were retrieved from administrative and health service registers and analyzed using multiple linear regression. Advancing paternal age at birth was not associated with a decrease in school leaving grades in adolescent offspring. After adjustment for year of graduation, maternal age and parental education, country of birth and parental mental health service use, offspring of fathers aged 50 years or older had on average 0.3 (95% CI −3.8, 4.4) points higher grades than those of fathers aged 30–34 years. In conclusion, advancing paternal age is not associated with poorer school performance in adolescence. Adverse effects of delayed paternity on offspring cognitive function, if any, may be counterbalanced by other potential advantages for children born to older fathers.  相似文献   



The adverse effects of advancing maternal age on offspring''s health and development are well understood. Much less is known about the impact of paternal age.


We explored paternal age-offspring cognition associations in 772 participants from the West of Scotland Twenty-07 study. Offspring cognitive ability was assessed using Part 1 of the Alice Heim 4 (AH4) test of General Intelligence and by reaction time (RT).


There was no evidence of a parental age association with offspring RT. However, we observed an inverse U-shaped association between paternal age and offspring AH4 score with the lowest scores observed for the youngest and oldest fathers. Adjustment for parental education and socioeconomic status somewhat attenuated this association. Adjustment for number of, particularly older, siblings further reduced the scores of children of younger fathers and appeared to account for the lower offspring scores in the oldest paternal age group.


We observed a paternal age association with AH4 but not RT, a measure of cognition largely independent of social and educational experiences. Factors such as parental education, socioeconomic status and number of, particularly older, siblings may play an important role in accounting for paternal age-AH4 associations. Future studies should include parental intelligence.  相似文献   

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