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A monoclonal antibody (MAB 10), obtained from mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, was found to recognize a superficial antigen in living or fixed parasites. It reacted more strongly with T. cruzi than with related parasites such as T. brucei and Leishmania. In immunoblots it recognized a single trypanosoma polypeptide and also brain tubulin, both of which had the same electrophoretic mobility. Further analysis suggested that the alpha-tubulin subunit contained the epitope recognized by MAB 10. These results suggest that a surface tubulin-like protein is present is T. cruzi.  相似文献   

We have obtained a hybridoma clone, JLJ5a, which secretes monospecific antibody directed against a 110-kdalton protein of gerbil fibroma cells, Rat-1 fibroblasts, and L6 myoblasts. It appears to be localized in the Golgi apparatus by the following criteria: (a) In double- staining experiments the localization of the 110-kdalton protein by the JLJ5a monoclonal antibody was coincident with the reaction products of thiamine pyrophosphatase (one of the enzyme markers of the Golgi apparatus; Novikoff and Goldfischer, 1961, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 47:802-810) in the same cells. (b) The staining pattern of the JLJ5a monoclonal antibody became fragmented and dispersed into vacuoles after pretreatment of the cells with Colcemid or monensin.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody MPM-12, raised by using partially purified extract of mitotic HeLa cells as the immunogen, preferentially stains the cytoplasm of mitotic cells by indirect immunofluorescence without exhibiting any species specificity. On immunoblots, MPM-12 recognizes three bands, of 155, 88, and 68 kDa, in mitotic HeLa cell extract but only the 68-kDa band in interphase cell extract. The 68-kDa band seems to be associated with chromatin while the other two are not. All three MPM-12 reactive peptides are phosphorylated, and the phosphorylation seems to be required for MPM-12 reactivity. The MPM-12 immunocomplexes exhibit autophosphorylating and histone H1 kinase activity.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, AF3, was previously shown to specifically inhibit poliovirus binding to HeLa cells and to detect a 100-kDa glycoprotein only in cell lines and tissues permissive for poliovirus infection. These results suggested that the 100-kDa protein may be involved in the pathogenesis of poliomyelitis and the cellular function of the poliovirus receptor site. To study further the role of the 100-kDa protein in poliovirus attachment, immunoaffinity purification, amino acid sequencing, and cDNA cloning were undertaken. The results demonstrate that antibody AF3 reacts with the lymphocyte homing receptor CD44, a multifunctional cell surface glycoprotein involved in the homing of circulating lymphocytes to lymph nodes and the modulation of lymphocyte adhesion and activation. Antibody AF3 reacts with a subset of CD44 molecules (AF3CD44H), which appears to be a small fraction of the heterogeneously glycosylated CD44 molecules expressed on hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic cells. Anti-CD44 monoclonal antibodies, previously reported to induce CD44-mediated modulation of lymphocyte activation and adhesion, compete with 125I-AF3 in binding assays, demonstrating functional overlap among the epitopes. The anti-CD44 monoclonal antibody A3D8, which binds to a greater molecular weight range of CD44 than does AF3, inhibits poliovirus binding to a similar degree. CD44 does not act as a poliovirus receptor, since CD44-expressing mouse L-cell transformants did not bind poliovirus. The poliovirus receptor and AF3CD44H may be noncovalently associated, or they may interact through the cytoskeleton or signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

The A6 cell line is a model for tight epithelia and studies of epithelial polarity. Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were produced by immunization of mice with intact A6 cells and fusion of spleen cells to generate hybridomas. Hybridoma supernatants were screened by ELISA to select MAbs binding to the apical membrane of confluent A6 cells. Localization of MAb binding was examined by indirect immunofluorescence using cross sections of A6 monolayers grown on collagen coated filters. One MAb, designated 13F12, was positive by apical surface ELISA but localized specifically to the basolateral membrane of cross sections of A6 monolayers on filters. Immunofluorescence labeling of confluent A6 cells grown on glass cover slips revealed that MAb 13F12 does not bind to the apical membrane, but binds to basolateral determinants in the regions of domes, where it appears able to penetrate cellular junctions. Subconfluent A6 cells express the antigen all over the cell surface. Cells approaching confluency express the antigen on the apical membrane of some cells but not others, and as the cells reach confluency, the antigen disappears from the apical surface, and the cells become fully polarized. A6 cells at confluency on glass cover slips are equally polarized as cells grown on filters with respect to this antigen. The antigen has been identified by immunoprecipitation as a 22 kDa protein. High concentrations of MAb 13F12 did not inhibit cell plating, indicating that the antigenic site is not directly involved in cell adhesion to the substrate. MAb 13F12 should prove to be a useful tool to study many aspects of epithelial polarity, including the signals involved in sorting of proteins to specific membrane domains.  相似文献   

Higashi  N; Tsujii  K; Sunamoto  J 《Chemical senses》1998,23(6):709-716
We established a hybridoma clone 1N1 that produced a monoclonal antibody to stain the apical portion of frog taste cells, by directly immunizing taste discs of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) without any dispersion procedure of the taste organ. The antibody stained discrete regions on the surface of the taste discs, but did not stain the epithelium sheet of the tongue devoid of taste discs. The antibody stained approximately 93% of the taste discs tested (172/184) derived from nine frogs, showing that distribution of the antigen was common to most of the taste discs. The following observations strongly suggested that the antibody recognized a certain antigen on the apical membrane of the taste cells. (i) The antibody selectively stained cross points of intermucus areas on the surface of the taste disc. Neither the mucus cells nor the wing cells that mainly cover the surface were stained with the antibody. (ii) Dispersed taste cells were prepared by calcium ion chelating and subsequently by collagenase treatment to avoid digestion of the antigen. The antibody stained the apical end of the taste cells.   相似文献   

The eighth component of human C is essential for the formation of the membranolytic C attack complex. C8 has a unique structure in that two covalently linked chains, C8 alpha and C8 gamma, are associated non-covalently with the third chain, C8 beta. In order to study the structure and assembly of the C8 molecule, a panel of mAb has been produced against the C component C8. Eight of these mAb had reactivity to the C8 alpha-gamma subunit, whereas four reacted with C8 beta. One of the C8 alpha-gamma mAb, C8A2, had specificity for an epitope on the C8 alpha-chain and exhibited no cross-reactivity to any of the other terminal C components, including C8 beta. C8A2 inhibited the hemolytic activity of the C8 alpha-gamma subunit but had no effect on the activity of fluid phase whole C8 or C8 within membrane-bound C5b-8. Functional experiments suggest that C8A2 inhibits C8 alpha-gamma activity by interfering with its interaction with the C8 beta-chain. In an enzyme immunoassay using the C8A2 mAb, free C8 alpha-gamma subunit could be detected in both homozygous and heterozygous C8 beta-deficient serum. However, only low level binding was observed when homozygous C5- and C7-deficient sera were tested. Thus the mAb, C8A2, recognizes an epitope expressed on the C8 alpha-gamma subunit but not on intact C8 and can detect free C8 alpha-gamma in the presence of native C8.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (MAb), termed AMC30, was raised after in vitro immunization with sonicated neurofibrillary tangle (NFT)-enriched fractions prepared from Alzheimer's brain. The antigen to which AMC30 is directed was expressed by microglial cells in senile plaques of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Microglia in the parenchyma surrounding brain tumors or infarctions, multinuclear giant cells, perivascular and parenchymal macrophages throughout the brain of AIDS patients were also labeled. Different non-nervous system lesions in which macrophages participate were also stained. Microglial cells in normal areas of the cortex or white matter were not labeled with MAb AMC30. The antigen to which AMC30 is directed was not detected in normal bone marrow, lymph nodes, lung, or spleen monocytes or macrophages. The epitope recognized by MAb AMC30 was present after formalin fixation and paraffin embedding. Our findings suggest that this MAb is directed against an antigen that is specifically expressed in a subpopulation of microglial cells and macrophages reactive to various pathological conditions.  相似文献   

We have produced a monoclonal antibody that specifically recognizes the adrenocorticotropic receptor on rat adrenal cells. The immunogen was designed from an RNA sequence complementary to the mRNA coding for ACTH1-24. This complementary peptide, termed HTCA, has been shown to specifically bind ACTH and was proposed to mimic the ACTH binding site of the hormone receptor. The monoclonal anti-HTCA antibody recognized a restricted domain of the HTCA peptide, bound to Y-1 adrenal cells with a KD of 1.8 nM, and blocked the binding of 125I-ACTH to rat adrenal cells. These findings show that anti-HTCA competes with ACTH for binding to the ACTH receptor.  相似文献   

A murine monoclonal antibody, termed HeFi-1, was produced after immunization with the L428 Hodgkin's disease tissue culture cell line. HeFi-1 selectively stained only the Reed-Sternberg or Hodgkin's cells in 18 of 18 cases of Hodgkin's disease, including the nodular sclerosis, mixed cellularity, and lymphocyte-depleted histologic subtypes. HeFi-1 did not stain any cells in normal lung, brain, salivary gland, thyroid, gall bladder, pancreas, liver, testis, breast, endometrium, or kidney. Rare large cells at the edge of the lymphoid follicles were stained in normal tonsil, colon, and hyperplastic thymus. There was no staining of any cells in 14 cases of B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; however, the malignant cells in three of 11 cases of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma which appeared to express T cell markers were also stained with HeFi-1. Tissue culture cell lines including the T cell acute lymphocytic leukemia lines MOLT4 and CEM, the histiocytic cell line U-937, and the amniotic cell line WISH were not stained. Seven Epstein Barr virus (EBV)-positive lymphoblastoid cell lines were stained with HeFi-1, but there was no staining of three EBV+ African Burkitt's lymphoma cell lines or three EBV- American Burkitt's cell lines. HeFi-1 did not block the ability of the L428 cells to stimulate a mixed lymphocyte reaction or function as accessory cells for mitogen-induced human T cell proliferative responses. Modulation of the HeFi-1 cell surface antigen on the L428 cells was not observed. HeFi-1 specifically immunoprecipitated a cell surface protein of approximately 120,000 daltons from both the L428 and EBV+ lymphoblastoid cell lines. HeFi-1 monoclonal antibody should prove useful not only in the diagnosis, staging, and potential therapy of Hodgkin's disease, but also for determining the cell of origin of the Reed-Sternberg cell.  相似文献   

A hemagglutinating monoclonal antibody has been obtained from a mouse/mouse hybridoma after immunisation with the leb-active oligosaccharide, lacto-N-difucohexaose I, coupled to edestin. The antibody agglutinated human red cells regardless of Lewis phenotype. Blood group O cells were strongly, agglutinated, and progressively weaker agglutination was observed with A2, B and A2B cells. Blood group A1 and A1B cells were not agglutinated.By examining the binding of the antibody to glycolipids and oligosaccharides it was shown that the Leb and Y (Ley)-haptens bind to a similar extent. Full binding activity was dependent on the presence of, both fucosyl residues.Abbreviations LND l lacto-N-difucohexaose l - IV2Fuc,lll4FucLcOse4 LND l-OL, lacto-N-difucohexaitol l  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were raised against proteoglycan core protein isolated after chondroitinase ABC digestion of human articular cartilage proteoglycan monomer. Characterization of one of the monoclonal antibodies (1/20/5-D-4) indicated that it specifically recognized an antigenic determinant in the polysaccharide structure of both corneal and skeletal keratan sulfate. Enzyme immunoassay analyses indicated that the mouse monoclonal IgG1 recognized keratan sulfate in native proteoglycan aggregate and proteoglycan monomer preparations isolated from hyaline cartilages of a wide variety of animal species (human, monkey, cow, sheep, chicken, and shark cartilage). The 1/20/5-D-4 monoclonal antibody did not recognize antigenic determinants on proteoglycan isolated from Swarm rat chondrosarcoma. This finding is consistent with several biochemical analyses showing the absence of keratan sulfate in proteoglycan synthesised by this tissue. A variety of substructures isolated after selective cleavage of bovine nasal cartilage proteoglycan (Heineg?rd, D., and Axelsson, J. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 1971-1979) were used as competing antigens in radioimmunoassays to characterize the specificity of the 1/20/5-D-4 immunoglobulin. Substructures derived from the keratan sulfate attachment region of the proteoglycan (keratan sulfate peptides) showed the strongest inhibition. Both corneal and skeletal keratan sulfate peptides as competing antigens in radioimmunoassays showed similar inhibition when compared on the basis of their glucosamine content. Therefore, the 1/20/5-D-4 monoclonal antibody appears to recognize a common determinant in their polysaccharide moieties. Chemical desulfation of the keratan sulfate reduced the antigenicity of the glycosaminoglycan. The antibody did not recognize determinants present in dermatan sulfate, heparin, heparin sulfate, or hyaluronic acid.  相似文献   

Deng YQ  Dai JX  Ji GH  Jiang T  Wang HJ  Yang HO  Tan WL  Liu R  Yu M  Ge BX  Zhu QY  Qin ED  Guo YJ  Qin CF 《PloS one》2011,6(1):e16059
Flaviviruses are a group of human pathogenic, enveloped RNA viruses that includes dengue (DENV), yellow fever (YFV), West Nile (WNV), and Japanese encephalitis (JEV) viruses. Cross-reactive antibodies against Flavivirus have been described, but most of them are generally weakly neutralizing. In this study, a novel monoclonal antibody, designated mAb 2A10G6, was determined to have broad cross-reactivity with DENV 1-4, YFV, WNV, JEV, and TBEV. Phage-display biopanning and structure modeling mapped 2A10G6 to a new epitope within the highly conserved flavivirus fusion loop peptide, the (98)DRXW(101) motif. Moreover, in vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrated that 2A10G6 potently neutralizes DENV 1-4, YFV, and WNV and confers protection from lethal challenge with DENV 1-4 and WNV in murine model. Furthermore, functional studies revealed that 2A10G6 blocks infection at a step after viral attachment. These results define a novel broadly flavivirus cross-reactive mAb with highly neutralizing activity that can be further developed as a therapeutic agent against severe flavivirus infections in humans.  相似文献   

The entire and partial gag regions of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) were overproduced in Escherichia coli and used for epitope mapping of antibodies against p17. We found that a mouse monoclonal antibody to p17, V17 recognizes the mature p17 but not the unprocessed Gag proteins containing the entire p17 moiety. Further analysis revealed that V17 recognizes the C-terminal 12-amino-acid region of p17 having free C-terminus. This monoclonal antibody may be useful for monitoring the maturation of virus particles.  相似文献   

The fertilization-induced exocytosis of egg cortical granules (CGs) is responsible for a block to polyspermy, crucial to the viability of many species. The contents of mammalian CGs have been an elusive target for analysis because of picogram quantities of CG proteins. By using media enriched in secreted CG contents from calcium ionophore-induced eggs as an immunogen, a monoclonal antibody was raised that immunolocalized to structures in the mouse egg cortex with all the hallmarks of CGs. These structures were the correct size, absent from the region over the metaphase II spindle, and greatly reduced after fertilization. Double-labeling experiments confirmed that the antibody recognized the same population of CGs as those recognized by Lens culinaris agglutinin. On Western blots, the antibody primarily recognized a 32-kDa protein (and secondarily one at approximately 25 kDa) in mouse eggs. Analysis of biotin-labeled secreted proteins from activated eggs confirmed that CGs release only a small number of major proteins (45, 34, 32, 28, and approximately 20 kDa by SDS-PAGE). We therefore propose that the 32-kDa protein identified by this antibody is likely to correspond to the 32-kDa protein released from activated eggs and that it may be involved in the block to polyspermy. These methods should make it possible to generate additional antibodies to study the structure of CG components as well as their roles in the polyspermy block and CG biogenesis.  相似文献   

A hybrid hybridoma secreting a bispecific hybrid mAb (bsmAb), which recognizes both the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) and the drug doxorubicin, was produced by somatic hybridization of two hybridomas. The bsmAb obtained was able to retarget doxorubicin cytotoxicity in vitro specifically on EGF-R-positive cells exerting at the same time an antidotal effect on cells that did not overexpress the EGF-R. Distribution studies in mice indicate that the bsmAb selectively delivers the drug to tumour cells and modifies doxorubicin biodistribution with a statistically significant decrease of drug concentration in the intestine, which is the main target of early anthracycline toxicity. In keeping with this finding is the remarkable antidotal activity exerted by bsmAb in mice treated with doxorubiein, which is proved by retardation in loss of body weight and mortality. The effectiveness on tumour growth of the mAb followed by the administration of doxorubicin appears to be equal to that of the drug alone; however, the bsmAb exerts a remarkable antidotal activity.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody D51 recognizes the transferrin-receptor structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
H J Gross 《Blut》1985,51(2):117-122
A monoclonal antibody D51 has been obtained during immunization against human fetal thymus. The antibody binds to a variety of leukemic cells. This is similar to the staining pattern of the mAb OKT9 and L 5.1, which recognize the transferrin receptor. However, there are some differences. The antibody immunoprecipitates a protein present on Molt-4 cells. Under reducing conditions this protein has a molecular weight of 90 K dalton. Under non-reducing conditions it has a molecular weight of 180 K dalton. This suggests a dimeric structure. The consecutive immunoprecipitation with D51 and OKT9, respectively, demonstrates that both antibodies recognize the structure of the transferrin receptor.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, Mab 8A2, that recognizes a novel set of gangliosides was produced by immunizing a mouse with Embryonic Day 14 chick optic nerve. Immunohistochemical studies of the developing chick retina revealed a complex pattern of Mab 8A2 immunoreactivity. Initially, staining is concentrated in the optic fiber layer in the central retina. Later in development, the most intense staining is seen at the periphery of the retina and 8A2 immunoreactivity appears in other retina layers. In the adult retina, 8A2 immunoreactivity is lost from the optic fiber layer but persists in the inner plexiform layer, inner nuclear layer, and outer plexiform layer. Cell culture experiments showed intense staining of neurites from retinal ganglion cells but no staining of Muller cells. Biochemical characterization of the epitope recognized by Mab 8A2 suggests that it includes a 9-O-acetyl group that is present on five different gangliosides. The 8A2 immunoreactive gangliosides are distinct from and have slower mobilities on thin-layer chromatographs than those recognized by Mab D1.1 which recognizes 9-O-acetyl GD3.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies produced against chick embryo limb bud proteoglycan (PG-M) were selected for their ability to recognize determinants on intact chondroitin sulfate chains. One of these monoclonal antibodies (IgM; designated MO-225) reacts with PG-M, chick embryo cartilage proteoglycans (PG-H, PG-Lb, and PG-Lt), and bovine nasal cartilage proteoglycan, but not with Swarm rat chondrosarcoma proteoglycan. The reactivity of PG-H to MO-225 is not affected by keratanase digestion but is completely abolished after chondroitinase digestion. Competitive binding analyses with various glycosaminoglycan samples indicate that the determinant recognized by MO-225 resides in a D-glucuronic acid 2-sulfate(beta 1----3)N-acetylgalactosamine 6-sulfate disaccharide unit (D-unit) common to antigenic chondroitin sulfates. A tetrasaccharide trisulfate containing D-unit at the reducing end is the smallest chondroitin sulfate fragment that can inhibit the binding of the antibody to PG-H. Decreasing the size of a D-unit-rich chondroitin sulfate by hyaluronidase digestion results in progressive reduction in its inhibitory activity. The results suggest that the epitope has a requirement for a long stretch of a disaccharide-repeating structure for a better fit to the antibody.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody W3/25, which recognizes rat T helper cells, was injected i.p. or i.v. into Lewis rats with clinical signs of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE). This treatment, which was given 12 or 13 days after inducing EAE by the injection of purified myelin basic protein, significantly affected the course of the disease in that treated animals recovered, on the average, in 2 days, whereas control animals exhibited signs of EAE for a minimum of 4 days. Two pan-T cell monoclonal antibodies given in similar dosage failed to affect the course of the disease.  相似文献   

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