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In vitro studies have suggested an important role for the minor capsid protein (VP1) unique region and the junction between VP1 and the major capsid protein (VP2) in the neutralizing immune response to B19 parvovirus. We investigated the role of the NH2-terminal region of the major structural protein in capsid structure by expressing progressively more truncated versions of the VP2 gene followed by analysis using immunoblotting and electron microscopy of density gradient-purified particles. Deletion of the first 25 amino acids (aa) of VP2 did not affect capsid assembly. Altered VP2 with truncations to aa 26 to 30, including a single amino acid deletion at position 25, failed to self-assemble but did participate with normal VP2 in the capsid structure. The altered region corresponds to the beginning of the beta A antiparallel strand. Truncations beyond aa 30 were incompatible with either self-assembly or coassembly, probably because of deletion of the beta B strand, which helps to form the core structure of the virus.  相似文献   

The structure of the icosahedral capsid of the H-1 parvovirus was probed by chemical cross-linking methods. Treatment of empty capsids with high-molecular-weight polyethylene glycols resulted in irreversible aggregation of the minor capsid protein VP1. Multimers of VP1 containing at least five and perhaps six molecules were obtained, but only with empty capsids and not with the full, DNA-containing virus. Cross-linking of the empty capsids with dimethylsuberimidate confirmed the assignments of the products formed after treatment with polyethylene glycol. With dimethylsuberimidate the most abundant product was a heterologous dimer containing VP1 and the major capsid protein VP2'. A small amount of homologous VP2' dimer was also obtained, but the majority of VP2' remained unreacted even at high concentrations of dimethylsuberimidate. The capsid proteins of the full virus, on the other hand, were completely unreactive to dimethylsuberimidate. The data suggest that the minor protein VP1 may be clustered in the capsid and perhaps composes one or two of the morphological units of the icosahedral shell.  相似文献   

Rat virus (RV) is a common parvovirus of laboratory rodents which can disrupt rat-based research. Prenatal or perinatal infection can be pathogenic or lead to persistent infection, whereas infection of adult rats is typically self-limiting. Effects on the host immune system have been documented during RV infection, but little is known about immune responses necessary for viral clearance. Our studies were conducted to identify humoral and cellular responses to the predominant capsid protein, VP2, during experimental infection of adult rats. We observed VP2-specific proliferation, gamma interferon production, and an immunoglobulin G2a humoral response that is maintained for at least 35 days following RV infection. These results strongly suggest the induction of virus-specific Th1-mediated immunity.  相似文献   

S L Rhode  III 《Journal of virology》1977,21(2):694-712
The linear duplex replicative form (RF) DNA of the parvovirus H-1 has been characterized with respect to cleavage by the bacterial restriction endonuclease of Escherichia coli, EcoRI. RF DNA has a single cleavage site 0.22 genome length from the left end of the molecule. The molecular weight of H-1 RF DNA determined by gel electrophoresis is 3.26 X 10(6). H-1 RF DNA has been found to dimerize by hydrogen-bounded linkage at the molecular left end, and in some molecules the viral strand is covalently linked to the complementary strand. Some 10% of monomeric RF DNA also has a covalent linkage between the viral and complementary strands at the left end. The EcoRI-B fragment, containing the left end of the RF molecule, appears to be a replication terminus by its labeling characteristics for both RF and progeny DNA synthesis. These findings suggest that the left end of H-1 RF DNA has some type of "turn-around" structure and that this end is not an origin for DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

We previously identified a minimal 12-amino-acid domain in the C terminus of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) scaffolding protein which is required for interaction with the HSV-1 major capsid protein. An alpha-helical structure which maximizes the hydropathicity of the minimal domain is required for the interaction. To address whether cytomegalovirus (CMV) utilizes the same strategy for capsid assembly, several glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins to the C terminus of the CMV assembly protein precursor were produced and purified from bacterial cells. The study showed that the glutathione S-transferase fusion containing 16 amino acids near the C-terminal end was sufficient to interact with the major capsid protein. Interestingly, no cross-interaction between HSV-1 and CMV could be detected. Mutation analysis revealed that a three-amino-acid region at the N-terminal side of the central Phe residue of the CMV interaction domain played a role in determining the viral specificity of the interaction. When this region was converted so as to correspond to that of HSV-1, the CMV assembly protein domain lost its ability to interact with the CMV major capsid protein but gained full interaction with the HSV-1 major capsid protein. To address whether the minimal interaction domain of the CMV assembly protein forms an alpha-helical structure similar to that in HSV-1, peptide competition experiments were carried out. The results showed that a cyclic peptide derived from the interaction domain with a constrained (alpha-helical structure competed for interaction with the major capsid protein much more efficiently than the unconstrained linear peptide. In contrast, a cyclic peptide containing an Ala substitution for the critical Phe residue did not compete for the interaction at all. The results of this study suggest that (i) CMV may have developed a strategy similar to that of HSV-1 for capsid assembly; (ii) the minimal interaction motif in the CMV assembly protein requires an alpha-helix for efficient interaction with the major capsid protein; and (iii) the Phe residue in the CMV minimal interaction domain is critical for interaction with the major capsid protein.  相似文献   

The rat parvovirus H-1PV is a promising anticancer agent given its oncosuppressive properties and the absence of known side effects in humans. H-1PV replicates preferentially in transformed cells, but the virus can enter both normal and cancer cells. Uptake by normal cells sequesters a significant portion of the administered viral dose away from the tumor target. Hence, targeting H-1PV entry specifically to tumor cells is important to increase the efficacy of parvovirus-based treatments. In this study, we first found that sialic acid plays a key role in H-1PV entry. We then genetically engineered the H-1PV capsid to improve its affinity for human tumor cells. By analogy with the resolved crystal structure of the closely related parvovirus minute virus of mice, we developed an in silico three-dimensional (3D) model of the H-1PV wild-type capsid. Based on this model, we identified putative amino acids involved in cell membrane recognition and virus entry at the level of the 2-fold axis of symmetry of the capsid, within the so-called dimple region. In situ mutagenesis of these residues significantly reduced the binding and entry of H-1PV into permissive cells. We then engineered an entry-deficient viral capsid and inserted a cyclic RGD-4C peptide at the level of its 3-fold axis spike. This peptide binds α(v)β(3) and α(v)β(5) integrins, which are overexpressed in cancer cells and growing blood vessels. The insertion of the peptide rescued viral infectivity toward cells overexpressing α(v)β(5) integrins, resulting in the efficient killing of these cells by the reengineered virus. This work demonstrates that H-1PV can be genetically retargeted through the modification of its capsid, showing great promise for a more efficient use of this virus in cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV), a member of the Birnaviridae family, is a double-stranded RNA virus. The IBDV capsid is formed by two major structural proteins, VP2 and VP3, which assemble to form a T=13 markedly nonspherical capsid. During viral infection, VP2 is initially synthesized as a precursor, called VPX, whose C end is proteolytically processed to the mature form during capsid assembly. We have computed three-dimensional maps of IBDV capsid and virus-like particles built up by VP2 alone by using electron cryomicroscopy and image-processing techniques. The IBDV single-shelled capsid is characterized by the presence of 260 protruding trimers on the outer surface. Five classes of trimers can be distinguished according to their different local environments. When VP2 is expressed alone in insect cells, dodecahedral particles form spontaneously; these may be assembled into larger, fragile icosahedral capsids built up by 12 dodecahedral capsids. Each dodecahedral capsid is an empty T=1 shell composed of 20 trimeric clusters of VP2. Structural comparison between IBDV capsids and capsids consisting of VP2 alone allowed the determination of the major capsid protein locations and the interactions between them. Whereas VP2 forms the outer protruding trimers, VP3 is found as trimers on the inner surface and may be responsible for stabilizing functions. Since elimination of the C-terminal region of VPX is correlated with the assembly of T=1 capsids, this domain might be involved (either alone or in cooperation with VP3) in the induction of different conformations of VP2 during capsid morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Hydroxyproline in the major capsid protein VP1 of polyomavirus.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Amino acid analysis of [3H]proline-labeled polyomavirus major capsid protein VP1 by two-dimensional paper chromatography of the acid-hydrolyzed protein revealed the presence of 3H-labeled hydroxyproline. Addition of the proline analog L-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid to infected mouse kidney cell cultures prevented or greatly reduced hydroxylation of proline in VP1. Immunofluorescence analysis performed on infected cells over a time course of analog addition revealed that virus proteins were synthesized but that transport from the cytoplasm to the nucleus was impeded. A reduction in the assembly of progeny virions demonstrated by CsCl gradient purification of virus from [35S]methionine-labeled infected cell cultures was found to correlate with the time of analog addition. These results suggest that incorporation of this proline analog into VP1, accompanied by reduction of the hydroxyproline content of the protein, influences the amount of virus progeny produced by affecting transport of VP1 to the cell nucleus for assembly into virus particles.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) virions are large, complex enveloped particles containing a proteinaceous tegument layer connected to an icosahedral capsid. The major capsid protein, VP5 (149 kDa), makes up both types of capsomere, pentons and hexons. Limited trypsin digestion of VP5 identified a single stable 65 kDa fragment which represents a proposed protein folding nucleus. We report the 2.9 A crystal structure of this fragment and its modeling into an 8.5 A resolution electron cryomicroscopy map of the HSV-1 capsid. The structure, the first for any capsid protein from Herpesviridae, revealed a novel fold, placing herpesviruses outside any of the structurally linked viral groupings. Alterations in the geometrical arrangements of the VP5 subunits in the capsomeres exposes different residues, resulting in the differential association of the tegument and VP26 with the pentons and hexons, respectively. The rearrangements of VP5 subunits required to form both pentavalent and hexavalent capsomeres result in structures that exhibit very different electrostatic properties. These differences may mediate the binding and release of other structural proteins during capsid maturation.  相似文献   

Chen Q  Yang Y  Liu Y  Han B  Zhang JT 《Biochemistry》2002,41(29):9052-9062
Human multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1) is a member of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transport superfamily which also includes human multidrug resistance 1 (MDR1) gene product P-glycoprotein (Pgp). Overexpression of MRP1 or Pgp causes multidrug resistance in cancer cells. Different from Pgp, MRP1 contains an extra membrane-spanning domain (MSD1) with a putative extracellular amino terminus in addition to the core structure of two MSDs and two NBDs (nucleotide-binding domains). The structural and functional significance of the additional MSD1 in MRP1 remains elusive. In this study, we generated an IgG1 subclass monoclonal antibody, IU2H10, specific to the amino terminus of human MRP1 and mapped its epitope to 10 amino acids (S8ADGSDPLWD17). It can be used for Western blot, immunoprecipitation, and indirect immunofluorescence studies of human MRP1. However, surprisingly we found that IU2H10 cannot react with MRP1 unless cells are permeabilized. Furthermore, the IU2H10 epitope is exposed extracellularly when the carboxyl-terminal core domain of human MRP1 is deleted. Examination of the amino-terminal sequence of human MRP1 suggests that it consist of mainly coiled structures. These observations provide evidence for a model that is different from the prevailing extracellular location of the amino terminus of human MRP1. It is possible that part of the amino terminus of human MRP1, following exposure to the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, is retracted to the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Polyomavirus reaches the nucleus in a still encapsidated form, and the viral genome is readily found in association with the nuclear matrix. This association is thought to be essential for viral replication. In order to identify the protein(s) involved in the virus-nuclear matrix interaction, we focused on the possible roles exerted by the multifunctional cellular nuclear matrix protein Yin Yang 1 (YY1) and by the viral major capsid protein VP1. In the present work we report on the in vivo association between YY1 and VP1. Using the yeast two-hybrid system we demonstrate that the VP1 and YY1 proteins physically interact through the D-E region of VP1 and the activation domain of YY1.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions drive the assembly of the herpes simplex virus type 1 capsid. A key interaction occurs between the C terminus of the scaffold protein and the N terminus of the major capsid protein (VP5). Results from alanine-scanning mutagenesis of hydrophobic residues in the N terminus of VP5 revealed seven residues (I27, L35, F39, L58, L65, L67, and L71) that reside in two predicted alpha helices (helix 1(22-42) and helix 2(58-72)) that are important for this bimolecular interaction. The goal of the present study was to further characterize the VP5 scaffold interaction domain (SID). Amino acids at the seven positions were replaced with L, M, V or P (I27); I, M, V, or P (L35, L58, L65, L67, and L71); and H, W, Y, or L (F39). Replacement with a hydrophobic side chain did not affect the interaction with scaffold protein in yeast cells or the ability of a virus specifying the mutation from replicating in cells. The mutation to the proline side chain abolished the interaction in all cases and was lethal for virus replication. Mutant viruses with proline substitutions in helix 1(22-42) at positions 27 and 35 assembled large open capsid shells that did not attain closure. Proline substitutions in helix 2(58-72) at either position 59, 65, or 67 abolished the accumulation of VP5 protein, and, at 58 and 71, although VP5 did accumulate, capsid shells were not assembled. Thus, the second SID, SID2, is highly structured, and this alpha helix (helix 2(58-72)) is likely involved in capsomere-capsomere interactions during shell accretion. Conserved glycine G59 in helix 2(58-72) was also mutated. G59 may act as a flexible "hinge" in helix 2(58-72) because decreasing the movement of this side chain by replacement with valine impaired capsid assembly. Thus, the N terminus of VP5 and the alpha helices embedded in this domain, as in the capsid shell proteins of some double-stranded DNA phages, are a key regulator of shell accretion and stabilization.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of the genome RNA encoding capsid protein VP1 (918 nucleotides) of 18 enterovirus 70 (EV70) isolates collected from various parts of the world in 1971 to 1981 were determined, and nucleotide substitutions among them were studied. The genetic distances between isolates were calculated by the pairwise comparison of nucleotide difference. Regression analysis of the genetic distances against time of isolation of the strains showed that the synonymous substitution rate was very high at 21.53 x 10(-3) substitution per nucleotide per year, while the nonsynonymous rate was extremely low at 0.32 x 10(-3) substitution per nucleotide per year. The rate estimated by the average value of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions (W.-H. Li, C.-C. Wu, and C.-C. Luo, Mol. Biol. Evol. 2:150-174, 1985) was 5.00 x 10(-3) substitution per nucleotide per year. Taking the average value of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions as genetic distances between isolates, the phylogenetic tree was inferred by the unweighted pairwise grouping method of arithmetic average and by the neighbor-joining method. The tree indicated that the virus had evolved from one focal place, and the time of emergence was estimated to be August 1967 +/- 15 months, 2 years before first recognition of the pandemic of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis. By superimposing every nucleotide substitution on the branches of the phylogenetic tree, we analyzed nucleotide substitution patterns of EV70 genome RNA. In synonymous substitutions, the proportion of transitions, i.e., C<==>U and G<==>A, was found to be extremely frequent in comparison with that reported on other viruses or pseudogenes. In addition, parallel substitutions (independent substitutions at the same nucleotide position on different branches, i.e., different isolates, of the tree) were frequently found in both synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions. These frequent parallel substitutions and the low nonsynonymous substitution rate despite the very high synonymous substitution rate described above imply a strong restriction on nonsynonymous substitution sites of VP1, probably due to the requirement for maintaining the rigid icosahedral conformation of the virus.  相似文献   

Analysis of extracts of H-1 parvovirus-infected cells with virus-specific antiserum led to the identification of two forms of the noncapsid virus protein NCVP1. These two proteins had apparent molecular weights of 84,000 (NCVP1) and 92,000 (NCVP1') and were structurally related, based on their immunological reactivity and on peptide map analysis. Both of these proteins appeared early in the virus infection, about the same time that capsid proteins appeared. NCVP1' was a highly phosphorylated protein which was apparently derived from NCVP1 via a post-translational event. Phosphoserine was the predominant phosphorylated amino acid in NCVP1' and appeared to be localized in one site or a few sites on the protein. The possible involvement of these noncapsid proteins in parvovirus DNA replication is discussed.  相似文献   

The structural proteins of the budgerigar fledgling disease virus, the first known nonmammalian polyomavirus, were analyzed by isoelectric focusing and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The major capsid protein VP1 was found to be composed of at least five distinct species having isoelectric points ranging from pH 6.45 to 5.85. By analogy with the murine polyomavirus, these species apparently result from different modifications of an initial translation product. Primary chicken embryo cells were infected in the presence of 32Pi to determine whether the virus structural proteins were modified by phosphorylation. SDS-PAGE of the purified virus structural proteins demonstrated that VP1 (along with both minor capsid proteins) was phosphorylated. Two-dimensional analysis of the radiolabeled virus showed phosphorylation of only the two most acidic isoelectric species of VP1, indicating that this posttranslational modification contributes to VP1 species heterogeneity. Phosphoamino acid analysis of 32P-labeled VP1 revealed that phosphoserine is the only phosphoamino acid present in the VP1 protein.  相似文献   

Defective interfering particles of parvovirus H-1.   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
S L Rhode  rd 《Journal of virology》1978,27(2):347-356
Defective interfering particles of the parvovirus H-1 were produced by serial propagation at high multiplicities of infection. Such particles interfere with the synthesis of capsid proteins and infectious virus of standard H-1. The interference is sensitive to UV irradiation, dependent on the multiplicity of the challenge virus, and is active in heterotypic infections against parvovirus H-3 or LuIII. Defective interfering particle genomes have alterations characterized by integral numbers (1 to 10 or more) of a 60-base-pair addition in the neighborhood of the origin of replicative-form DNA replication and deletions that are located primarily within two regions, 32 to 44 or 80 to 90 on the genome map. Some of the implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Structural polymorphism of the major capsid protein of rotavirus   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Rotaviruses are important human pathogens with a triple-layered icosahedral capsid. The major capsid protein VP6 is shown here to self-assemble into spherical or helical particles mainly depending upon pH. Assembly is inhibited either by low pH (<3.0) or by a high concentration (>100 mM) of divalent cations (Ca(2+) and Zn(2+)). The structures of two types of helical tubes were determined by electron cryomicroscopy and image analysis to a resolution of 2.0 and 2.5 nm. In both reconstructions, the molecular envelope of VP6 fits the atomic model determined by X-ray crystallography remarkably well. The 3-fold symmetry of the VP6 trimer, being incompatible with the helical symmetry, is broken at the level of the trimer contacts. One type of contact is maintained within all VP6 particles (tubes and virus), strongly suggesting that VP6 assemblies arise from different packings of a unique dimer of trimers. Our data show that the protonation state and thus the charge distribution are important switches governing the assembly of macromolecular assemblies.  相似文献   

Structure of the amino terminus of a gap junction protein   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Charged amino acid residues in the amino terminus of gap junction forming proteins (connexins) form part, if not all, of the transjunctional voltage sensor of gap junction channels and play a fundamental role in ion permeation. Results from studies of the voltage dependence of N-terminal mutants predict that residues 1-10 of Group I connexins lie within the channel pore and that the N-terminus forms the channel vestibule by the creation of a turn initiated by the conserved G12 residue. Here we report that intercellular channels containing mutations of G12 in Cx32 to residues that are likely to interfere with flexibility of this locus (G12S, G12Y, and G12V) do not express junctional currents, whereas a connexin containing a proline residue at G12 (Cx32G12P), which is expected to maintain a structure similar to that of the G12 locus, forms nearly wild-type channels. We have solved the structure of an N-terminal peptide of Cx26 (MDWGTLQSILGGVNK) using 1H 2D NMR. The peptide contains two structured domains connected by a flexible hinge (domain-hinge-domain motif) that would allow the placement of the amino terminus within the channel pore. Residues 1-10 adopt a helical conformation and line the channel entrance while residues 12-15 form an open turn. Overall, there is good agreement between the structural and dynamic features of the N-terminal peptide provided by NMR and the functional studies of the voltage dependence of channels formed by wild-type and N-terminal mutations.  相似文献   

SV40 is a small, non enveloped DNA virus with an icosahedral capsid of 45 nm. The outer shell is composed of pentamers of the major capsid protein, VP1, linked via their flexible carboxy-terminal arms. Its morphogenesis occurs by assembly of capsomers around the viral minichromosome. However the steps leading to the formation of mature virus are poorly understood. Intermediates of the assembly reaction could not be isolated from cells infected with wt SV40. Here we have used recombinant VP1 produced in insect cells for in vitro assembly studies around supercoiled heterologous plasmid DNA carrying a reporter gene. This strategy yields infective nanoparticles, affording a simple quantitative transduction assay. We show that VP1 assembles under physiological conditions into uniform nanoparticles of the same shape, size and CsCl density as the wild type virus. The stoichiometry is one DNA molecule per capsid. VP1 deleted in the C-arm, which is unable to assemble but can bind DNA, was inactive indicating genuine assembly rather than non-specific DNA-binding. The reaction requires host enzymatic activities, consistent with the participation of chaperones, as recently shown. Our results demonstrate dramatic cooperativity of VP1, with a Hill coefficient of approximately 6. These findings suggest that assembly may be a concerted reaction. We propose that concerted assembly is facilitated by simultaneous binding of multiple capsomers to a single DNA molecule, as we have recently reported, thus increasing their local concentration. Emerging principles of SV40 assembly may help understanding assembly of other complex systems. In addition, the SV40-based nanoparticles described here are potential gene therapy vectors that combine efficient gene delivery with safety and flexibility.  相似文献   

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