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Identification of the silicon form in xylem sap of rice (Oryza sativa L.)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a typical silicon (Si)-accumulating plant, but the mechanism responsible for the translocation from the root to the shoot is poorly understood. In this study, the form of Si in xylem sap was identified by (29)Si-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. In rice (cv. Oochikara) cultured in a monosilicic acid solution containing 0.5 mM Si, the Si concentration in the xylem reached 6 mM within 30 min. In the (29)Si-NMR spectra of the xylem sap, only one signal was observed at a chemical shift of -72.6 ppm, which is consistent with that of monosilicic acid. A (1)H-NMR study of xylem sap did not show any significant difference between the wild-type rice and mutant rice defective in Si uptake, and the components of the xylem sap were not affected by the Si supply. The Si concentration in the xylem sap in vitro decreased from an initial 18 mM to 2.6 mM with time. Addition of xylem sap to a solution containing 8 mM Si did not prevent the polymerization of silicic acid. All these results indicate that Si is translocated in the form of monosilicic acid through the xylem and that the concentration of monosilicic acid is high in the xylem only transiently.  相似文献   

Summary Studies conducted at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) during 1980 and 1981 have shown up to 73% heterosis, 59% heterobeltiosis and 34% standard heterosis for yield in rice. The latter was estimated in comparison to commercial varieties: IR36 and IR42 (yield 4–5 t/ha in wet season trials and 7–8 t/ha in dry season trials). Generally speaking, absolute yield was lower and extent of standard heterosis was higher in wet season than in dry season with some exception. Yields up to 5.9 t/ha (22% standard heterosis) in the wet season and 10.4 t/ha (34% standard heterosis) in the dry season were obtained. Most of the hybrids performed better in some season while some performed better in both seasons. Hybrids showed better lodging resistance although they were 5–10 cm taller. F1 hybrids had significant positive correlations with the parental traits viz., yield (r = 0.446), tillering (r = 0.746), height (r = 0.810) and flowering (r = 0.843). Selection of parents among elite breeding lines on the basis of their per se yield performance, diverse origin and resistance to insects and diseases should give heterotic combination. Yield advantage of hybrids was due primarily to increase in number of spikelets per unit area even though tiller number was reduced. Grain weight was either the same or slightly higher. High yielding hybrids also showed significant heterosis and heterobeltiosis for total dry matter and harvest index. For commercial utilization of heterosis in rice, effective male sterility and fertility restoration systems are available and up to 45% natural outcrossing on male sterile lines has been observed. Consequently, F1 rice hybrid have been successfully developed and used in China. Prospects of developing hybrid rice varieties elsewhere appear bright especially in countries that have organized seed production, certification and distribution programs and where hybrid seed can be produced at a reasonable cost.  相似文献   

Inheritance of gel consistency in rice was studied in crossés involving highamylose, low-gelatinizalion temperature parents with hard, medium, and soft gel consistency. The results of single-grain analysis of parents, F1, F2, B1F1, B2F2, and their reciprocal crosses from a single-season harvest showed that the differences between hard and soft, hard and medium, and medium and soft gel consistency are under monogenic control and that modifiers affect the expression of the trait. Multiple alleles at the same locus, hereby designated asgec a for medium gel consistency andgec b for soft gel consistency, were recessive to the wild type allele for hard gel consistency andgec a was dominant overgec b. The results indicate that selection for desired gel consistency can effectively be done in early segregating generations.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of various doses of copper and zinc on their uptake and on the yield of rice were studied. Copper applications increased copper contents in the plants without effecting the zinc contents. However, zinc applications though increased zinc contents but markedly decreased the copper contents in the plants. This antagonistic effect of zinc on copper suggests that zinc applications can reduce rice yield if available copper is marginal in the soils. re]19720628  相似文献   

The effect of low irradiance on three rice cultivars (shade tolerant cvs. Swarnaprabha and CO 43 and shade susceptible cv. IR 20) was studied. The large subunit (LSU) of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase with molecular mass of 55 kDa was reduced in cv. IR 20 grown under low irradiance (LI). Native protein profile studied showed, under LI, reduction in the contents of proteins with RF values 0.03, 0.11 and 0.37. Analysis of chloroplast polypeptides revealed an induction of light-harvesting chlorphyll-protein 2 (LHCP2) under shade. The induction was more expressed in cv. CO 43 than in cv. IR 20. Under LI, in vivo labelled protein bands in the molecular range of 26 - 27 kDa were induced. These proteins were highly turned over in the LI-grown plants of cv. CO 43 than in cv. IR 20. A signal for rbcL gene sequences in EcoRI digested lanes was also found. Isozyme analysis of peroxidase showed an induction of a new band with RF 0.43 in cv. IR 20 subjected to LI. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Arsenic toxicity to rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Bangladesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Natural contamination of groundwater with arsenic (As) occurs around the world but is most widespread in the river basin deltas of South and Southeast Asia. Shallow groundwater is extensively used in the Bengal basin for irrigation of rice in the dry winter season, leading to the possibility of As accumulation in soils, toxicity to rice and increased levels of As in rice grain and straw. The impact of As contaminated irrigation water on soil-As content and rice productivity was studied over two winter-season rice crops in the command area of a single tubewell in Faridpur district, Bangladesh. After 16–17 years of use of the tubewell, a spatially variable build up of As and other chemical constituents of the water (Fe, Mn and P) was observed over the command area, with soil-As levels ranging from about 10 to 70 mg kg?1. A simple mass balance calculation using the current water As level of 0.13 mg As L?1 suggested that 96% of the added arsenic was retained in the soil. When BRRI dhan 29 rice was grown in two successive years across this soil-As gradient, yield declined progressively from 7–9 to 2–3 t ha?1 with increasing soil-As concentration. The average yield loss over the 8 ha command area was estimated to be 16%. Rice-straw As content increased with increasing soil-As concentration; however, the toxicity of As to rice resulted in reduced grain-As concentrations in one of the 2 years. The likelihood of As-induced yield reductions and As accumulation in straw and grain has implications to agricultural sustainability, food quality and food security in As-affected regions throughout South and Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Most nutrient solution studies on the interactions between silicon (Si) and cadmium (Cd) are short term. Here we reported a long-term experiment in which rice (Oryza sativa L.) was cultured for 105 days and harvested at four different growth stages to measure biomass accumulation and Cd uptake and distribution in shoots and roots. Exogenous Si increased shoot biomass by 61–238% and root biomass by 48–173% when the culture solution was free of Cd. When 2 μmol L?1 Cd was added, Si supply increased shoot and root biomass by 125–171% and by 100–106% compared to the zero-Si treatment. Increasing the Cd concentration to 4 μmol L?1 decreased the beneficial effects of Si on root and shoot biomass. Silicon supply decreased shoot Cd concentrations by 30–50% and Cd distribution ratio in shoot by 25.3–46%, compared to the treatment without Si supply. Additionally, lower Si supply or more serious Cd stress would lead to roots with bigger biomass and higher Si concentration. Energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis showed that both Si and Cd accumulated synchronously in the border and middle of phytoliths of the shoots. We conclude that Si enhances plant growth and decreases Cd accumulation in shoots and thereby helps to lower the potential risks of food contamination.  相似文献   

Summary Fifty-two introgression lines (BC2F8) from crosses between two Oryza sativa parents and five accessions of O. officinalis were analyzed for the introgression of O. officinalis chromosome segments. DNA from the parents and introgression lines was analyzed with 177 RFLP markers located at approximately 10-cM intervals over the rice chromosomes. Most probe/enzyme combinations detected RFLPs between the parents. Of the 174 informative markers, 28 identified putative O. officinalis introgressed chromosome segments in 1 or more of the introgression lines. Introgressed segments were found on 11 of the 12 rice chromosomes. In most cases of introgression, O. sativa RFLP alleles were replaced by O. officinalis alleles. Introgressed segments were very small in size and similar in plants derived from early and later generations. Some nonconventional recombination mechanism may be involved in the transfer of such small chromosomal segments from O. officinalis chromosomes to those of O. sativa. Some of the introgressed segments show association with genes for brown planthopper (BPH) resistance in some introgressed lines, but not in others. Thus, none of the RFLP markers could be unambiguously associated with BPH resistance.  相似文献   

The syncytial endosperm of rice undergoes cellularization according to a regular morphogenetic plan. At 3 days after pollination (dap) mitosis in the peripheral synctium ceases. Radial systems of microtubules emanating from interphase nuclei define nuclear-cytoplasmic domains (NCDs) which develop axes perpendicular, to the embryo sac wall. Free-growing anticlinal walls between adjacent NCDs compart-mentalize the cytoplasm into open-ended alveoli which are overtopped by syncytial cytoplasm adjacent to the central vacuole. At 4 dap, mitosis resumes as a wave originating adjacent to the vascular bundle. The spindles are oriented parallel to the alveolar walls and cell plates formed in association with interzonal phragmoplasts result in periclinal walls that cut off a peripheral layer of cells and an inner layer of alveoli displaced toward the center. Polarized growth of the newly formed alveoli and elongation of the anticlinal walls occurs during interphase. The next wave of cell division in the alveoli proceeds as the first and a second cylinder of cells is cut off inside the peripheral layer. The periods of polarized growth/anticlinal wall elongation alternating with periclinal cell division are repeated 3–4 times until the grain is filled by 5 dap.  相似文献   

Summary A diallel study involving reciprocal crosses of four genotypes (IR8, 36, 54, and 64) was carried out to understand the genetic mechanism of plant regeneration from immature embryo-calli in rice. Regeneration frequency (% of calli that produced plants) varied from a high of 86% for IR54 to a low of 0% for IR36, while regenerated plants per embryo numbered from 0 to 7 when these same IR lines and the F1 hybrids were compared. Combining ability analysis revealed that both nuclear (with both additive and dominant effects) and cytoplasmic genes are important in controlling regeneration in rice. Parental lines and F1 hybrids with high ability to regenerate were identified.  相似文献   

Summary Inheritance of waxy locus was studied in crosses of a waxy variety with four non-waxy parents having high-, intermediate-, low- or very low-amylose content. The analysis for amylose content was done on a single grain basis in parents, F1, F2, B1F1, and B2F1 seeds. The waxy parent lacking synthesis of amylose content was found to differ from the ones having high-, intermediate-, low- or very low-amylose content by one gene with major effect. Dosage effects for amylose content were observed to have great influence on segregation pattern and efficiency of selection. Selection efficiency for amylose content can be enhanced by selecting for endosperm appearance in early segregating generations.  相似文献   

Summary Eight hundred and thirtyone traditional varieties of rice, Oryza sativa L., were collected in Africa and analysed for their isozymic variability on 15 enzymatic systems, representing 37 presumed loci. There appears to be a correlation between the type of rice growing and the two groups Indica and Japonica. The degree of genetic diversity is nearly equal in African rice and the Asian one. Alleles due to introgression or mutational events were identified. The results suggest that the evolution of O. sativa is continuous in Africa by means of inter-subspecific or inter-specific crosses.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of salinity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The genetics of salinity tolerance in rice was investigated by a nine-parent complete diallel including reciprocals. Test materials involved susceptible (IR28, IR29, and MI-48), moderately tolerant (IR4595-4-1-13, IR9884-54-3-1E-P1, and IR10206-29-2-1), and tolerant (Nona Bokra, Pokkali, and SR26B) parents. Twoweek-old seedlings were grown in a salinized (EC = 12 dS/m) culture solution for 19 days under controlled conditions in the IRRI phytotron. Typical characteristics of salinity tolerance in rice were found to be Na+ exclusion and an increased absorption of K+ to maintain a good Na-K balance in the shoot. Genetic component analysis (GCA) revealed that a low Na-K ratio is governed by both additive and dominance gene effects. The trait exhibited overdominance, and two groups of genes were detected. Environmental effects were large, and the heritability of the trait was low. Our findings suggest that when breeding for salt tolerance, selection must be done in a later generation and under controlled conditions in order to minimize environmental effects. Modified bulk and single-seed descent would be the suitable breeding methods. Combining ability analysis revealed that both GCA and specific combining ability (SCA) effects were important in the genetics of salt tolerance. Moderately tolerant parents — e.g., IR4595-4-1-13 and IR9884-54-3-1E-P1 — were the best general combiners. Most of the best combinations had susceptible parents crossed either to moderate or tolerant parents. The presence of reciprocal effects among crosses necessitates the use of susceptible parents as males in hybridization programs. Large heterotic effects suggest the potential of hybrid rice for salt-affected lands.  相似文献   

The extent of linkage disequilibrium in rice (Oryza sativa L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Despite its status as one of the world's major crops, linkage disequilibrium (LD) patterns have not been systematically characterized across the genome of Asian rice (Oryza sativa). Such information is critical to fully exploit the genome sequence for mapping complex traits using association techniques. Here we characterize LD in five 500-kb regions of the rice genome in three major cultivated rice varieties (indica, tropical japonica, and temperate japonica) and in the wild ancestor of Asian rice, Oryza rufipogon. Using unlinked SNPs to determine the amount of background linkage disequilibrium in each population, we find that the extent of LD is greatest in temperate japonica (probably >500 kb), followed by tropical japonica (approximately 150 kb) and indica (approximately 75 kb). LD extends over a shorter distance in O. rufipogon (<40 kb) than in any of the O. sativa groups assayed here. The differences in the extent of LD among these groups are consistent with differences in outcrossing and recombination rate estimates. As well as heterogeneity between groups, our results suggest variation in LD patterns among genomic regions. We demonstrate the feasibility of genomewide association mapping in cultivated Asian rice using a modest number of SNPs.  相似文献   

Electron-probe Microanalysis of Silicon in the Roots of Oryza sativa L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Employing the electron-probe microanalyser, the localizationof silicon in the different tissues of the mature root of ricehas been investigated. Deposition of silicon is specific tothe endodermis. The heaviest accumulation is associated withthe inner tangential walls and to some extent the radial wallsof the endodermal cells.  相似文献   

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