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Large-scale bleaching of corals on the Great Barrier Reef   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:10  
 The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) experienced its most intensive and extensive coral bleaching event on record in early 1998. Mild bleaching commenced in late January and intensified by late February/early March 1998. Broad-scale aerial surveys conducted of 654 reefs (∼23% of reefs on the GBR) in March and April 1998, showed that 87% of inshore reefs were bleached at least to some extent (>1% of coral cover) compared to 28% of offshore (mid- and outer-shelf) reefs. Of inshore reefs 67% had high levels of bleaching (>10% of coral) and 25% of inshore reefs had extreme levels of bleaching (>60% of coral). Fewer offshore reefs (14%) showed high levels of bleaching while none showed extreme levels of bleaching. Ground-truth surveys of 23 reefs, which experienced bleaching in intensities ranging from none to extreme, showed that the aerial survey data are likely to be underestimates of the true extent and intensity of bleaching on the GBR. The primary cause of this bleaching event is likely to be elevated sea temperature and solar radiation, exacerbated by lowered salinity on inshore and some offshore reefs in the central GBR. Accepted: 30 July 1998  相似文献   

Large-scale coral bleaching episodes are potentially major disturbances to coral reef systems, yet a definitive picture of variation in assemblage response and species susceptibilities is still being compiled. Here, we provide a detailed analysis of the bleaching response of 4160 coral colonies, representing 45 genera and 15 families, from two depths at four sites on reefs fringing inshore islands on the Great Barrier Reef. Six weeks after the onset of large-scale bleaching in 1998, between 11 and 83% of colonies along replicate transects were affected by bleaching, and mortality was 1 to 16%. There were significant differences in bleaching response between sites, depths and taxa. Cyphastrea, Turbinaria and Galaxea were relatively unaffected by bleaching, while most acroporids and pocilloporids were highly susceptible. The hydrocorals (Millepora spp.) were the most susceptible taxa, with 85% mortality. Spatial variation in assemblage response was linked to the taxonomic composition of reef sites and their bleaching history. We suggest, therefore, that much of the spatial variation in bleaching response was due to assemblage composition and thermal acclimation. Accepted: 14 January 2000  相似文献   

Distribution patterns of soft coral genera were examined at 11 reefs situated in a broad transect from inshore to the Coral Sea in the central region of the Great Barrier Reef. Twenty-five genera representing the Orders Alcyonacea and Stolonifera were recorded, and the survey also included one genus of the Order Gorgonacea. Total living soft coral cover is greatest on outershelf reef slopes, and is often less than and inversely related to the cover by stony corals. Soft coral diversity is generally low on reef flats, where soft coral cover is low or nil except in protected, inshore areas. The most diverse assemblages occur on reef slopes in midshelf and outershelf areas, where Efflatounaria and nephtheid genera predominate, and widely distributed alcyoniid genera are common. These richer assemblages are less well represented in the Coral Sea, while innershelf reefs support a less diverse fauna of somewhat different generic composition. Distribution patterns of soft corals across the transect broadly match similar variations in the distributions of stony corals and fishes, inshore reefs being generally depauperate. Such variations across the continental shelf are closely associated with changes in prevailing environmental conditions, but further research will be required to elucidate the effects of environmental parameters on benthic community structure.  相似文献   

Species richness, cover and community structure of reef-building corals were assessed at 599 sites on 135 reefs along the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) between 1994 and 2001, with focus on the nearshore area. Communities were described hierarchically, with smaller regional communities forming part of higher level communities at increasing spatial scales. Site richness increased from the coast to the mid-continental shelf, declining on the outer shelf. Richness also increased with depth to 5 m, stabilizing thereafter. An anomaly was present in a 400 km section adjacent to the northern, ‘wet tropics’ coast, where site richness was 67 and 41% lower than the adjacent far northern and central GBR, respectively; this was probably due to the disturbance regime, with an apparent anthropogenic component. Site richness also declined in the Southern GBR, probably due to naturally marginal conditions. All indicator species had highest values in five small Far Northern and Central GBR communities. In the eight depauperate communities no indicator species had high values, indicating that these communities represent degraded, yet potentially transitional forms of the more diverse communities of the Far Northern and Central GBR. The study shows that on the GBR, disturbance results in the local removal of corals rather than a shift to suites of other coral species.  相似文献   

Long-term sea-noise statistics have been obtained from a region of the central section of the Great Barrier Reef. Fish calling was a major contributor to sea-noise levels. Calling was either in choruses, where groups of fishes called en masse, or as isolated calls repeated ad nauseam. Four calling types predominated, with each displaying unique call characteristics and calling patterns through time and space. Analysis of call types offered information on the fish's calling physiology, behaviour and, through the call's interaction with the local environment, on the location of the caller. Call types ranged from less than 10 ms to several seconds long, and were comprised from one to nearly 40 pulses. The structure of each pulse was related to swim-bladder mechanics; normally swim-bladders were lightly damped. Fish calling was most common during the Australian summer with one call type also displaying lunar trends. All calls had daily patterns of sound production with highest activity levels generally at night. There was some spatial separation of zones of highest call rates, but sources avoided competition for the 'sound space' primarily by offsetting the time of chorus or maximum call rate. On some occasions, a call type attributed to nocturnal planktivorous fishes may have ensonified much of the Great Barrier Reef.  相似文献   

Pigments and UV-absorbing substances in several species of coralsand a blue-green alga harvested in the environs of the GreatBarrier Reef were studied by measuring the in vivo reflectionspectra of intact samples and absorption spectra of their waterextracts with a recording spectrophotometer set on a biologicalresearch vessel. Red, pink, mauve and violet colors of fourspecies of Acropora were thus found to be due to differencesin the relative content of two pigments designated as P(pigment)-560and P-590, according to the maximum wavelength in mµ oftheir major absorption peaks. A yellow species of Acropora anda red species of Pocillopora contained different pigments, P-500and P-480, respectively. All these five species of corals contained,in addition to the above pigments, a UV-absorbing substancehaving an absorption peak near 320 mµ. The contents ofthis substance in the organisms seemed to be very high as judgedfrom its band height relative to band heights of the visiblepigment bands. Blue-green algal cells harvested near the sameenvirons contained a similar UV-absorbing substance in additionto phycobilin pigments. The spectral characteristics of thepigments and the UV-absorbing substance found in the coralsand alga are presented in this paper. 1The present study was carried out in cooperation with Drs.F. T. HAXO, P. HALLDAL and S. W. JEFFREY on the research vessel,R. V. "Alpha Helix", of University of California during the1966 expedition to the Great Barrier Reef, North Queensland,Australia, and was supported by the National Science Foundationof the U. S. A. (Received December 3, 1968; )  相似文献   

Herbivorous fishes are a key functional group on coral reefs. These fishes are central to the capacity of reefs to resist phase shifts and regenerate after disturbance. Despite this importance few studies have quantified the direct impact of these fishes on coral reefs. In this study the roles of parrotfishes, a ubiquitous group of herbivorous fishes, were examined on reefs in the northern Great Barrier Reef. The distribution of 24 species of parrotfish was quantified on three reefs in each of three cross-shelf regions. Functional roles (grazing, erosion, coral predation and sediment reworking) were calculated as the product of fish density, bite area or volume, bite rate, and the proportion of bites taken from various substrata. Inner-shelf reefs supported high densities but low biomass of parrotfishes, with high rates of grazing and sediment reworking. In contrast, outer-shelf reefs were characterised by low densities and high biomass of parrotfish, with high rates of erosion and coral predation. Mid-shelf reefs displayed moderate levels of all roles examined. The majority of this variation in functional roles was attributable to just two species. Despite being rare, Bolbometopon muricatum, the largest parrotfish species, accounted for 87.5% of the erosion and 99.5% of the coral predation on outer-shelf reefs. B. muricatum displayed little evidence of selectivity of feeding, with most substrata being consumed in proportion to their availability. In contrast, the high density of Scarus rivulatus accounted for over 70% of the total grazing and sediment reworking on inner-shelf reefs. This marked variation in the roles of parrotfishes across the continental shelf suggests that each shelf system is shaped by fundamentally different processes. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Patterns of spacing in the butterflyfish Chaetodon trifasciatus (Pisces, Chaetodontidae) were studied in two habitats on the southern Great Barrier Reef. Pairs of fish were found to defend territories at reef slope and lagoon study sites. Territories were 2·7–3·7 times larger in the lagoon than on the reef slope, where population density and food abundance were greater. No significant changes occurred in the sizes of territories in either habitat over on year, but patterns of spacing were generally more variable in the lagoon habitat. This was interpreted as a response to low population density and poor habitat quality.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the structure of fish communities along a transect from the Australian mainland to the Coral Sea, in the Central region of the Great Barrier Reef, were examined. Visual censuses of fish were made on the outer reef slopes (0 to 13 m deep) of two inshore reefs, approximately 10 km offshore, three reefs on the mid-shelf, 50 km offshore, three reefs on the outer shelf, 100 km offshore, and three reefs in the Coral Sea approximately 200 km offshore. The Pomacentridae, Chaetodontidae, Acanthuridae and Scaridae were examined in detail—the Labridac, Siganidae and the lutjanid genus Caesio in less detail. Major changes in the composition of fish communities occurred along the transect (Fig. 3). There were differences in the composition of assemblages among replicate censuses within individual reefs and also differences between reefs at the same location on the transect but these differences were small compared to those among locations. The nature of the distribution of species across the transect differed between families (Figs. 4–6). Pomacentrid and chaetodontid species were significantly more restricted in distribution than acanthurids, scarids or labrids.  相似文献   

Connectivity underpins the persistence and recovery of marine ecosystems. The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is the world's largest coral reef ecosystem and managed by an extensive network of no‐take zones; however, information about connectivity was not available to optimize the network's configuration. We use multivariate analyses, Bayesian clustering algorithms and assignment tests of the largest population genetic data set for any organism on the GBR to date (Acropora tenuis, >2500 colonies; >50 reefs, genotyped for ten microsatellite loci) to demonstrate highly congruent patterns of connectivity between this common broadcast spawning reef‐building coral and its congener Acropora millepora (~950 colonies; 20 reefs, genotyped for 12 microsatellite loci). For both species, there is a genetic divide at around 19°S latitude, most probably reflecting allopatric differentiation during the Pleistocene. GBR reefs north of 19°S are essentially panmictic whereas southern reefs are genetically distinct with higher levels of genetic diversity and population structure, most notably genetic subdivision between inshore and offshore reefs south of 19°S. These broadly congruent patterns of higher genetic diversities found on southern GBR reefs most likely represent the accumulation of alleles via the southward flowing East Australia Current. In addition, signatures of genetic admixture between the Coral Sea and outer‐shelf reefs in the northern, central and southern GBR provide evidence of recent gene flow. Our connectivity results are consistent with predictions from recently published larval dispersal models for broadcast spawning corals on the GBR, thereby providing robust connectivity information about the dominant reef‐building genus Acropora for coral reef managers.  相似文献   

Reef corals occur across a wide range of habitats, from offshore clear waters to nearshore sediment-laden environments. This study tests the hypothesis that corals from turbid nearshore areas have greater capacity to utilise suspended sediment as a food source than conspecifics from less turbid and midshelf areas. The hypothesis was tested on two common and widespread coral species on the Great Barrier Reef (Pocillopora damicornis and Acropora millepora). The particle clearance rates of samples from more turbid reefs were two-fourfold those of conspecifics from less turbid and midshelf reefs. Rates of sediment ingestion were generally a linear function of sediment load indicating no significant saturation within the concentration range of 1–30 mg dry weight l−1. Estimated assimilation efficiency of particulate 14C varied between 50 and 80%, and was maximised for midshelf A. millepora at the lowest sediment concentration, suggesting that heterotrophy is more efficient in oligotrophic habitats. Based on feeding-response curves, assimilation efficiencies, and published records of ambient particle concentrations, representatives of these species on turbid inshore reefs are 10–20 times more heterotrophic on suspended sediment than their conspecifics on less turbid and midshelf reefs. Accepted: 7 September 1999  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between ichthyotoxicity and predation-related defensive functional morphology was examined in alcyonacean soft corals of the central and northern regions of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia. Approximately 170 specimens were assessed encompassing a number of genera within three families: 1) the Alcyoniidae (Lobophytum, Sarcophytum, Sinularia, Cladiella, Parerythropodium, and Alcyonium); 2) Neptheidae (Lemnalia, Paralemnalia, Capnella, Lithophyton, Nephthea, Dendronephthya, Scleronephthya, and Stereonephthya), and 3) Xeniidae (Anthelia, Efflatounaria, Cespitularia, Heteroxenia, and Xenia). Ichthyotoxicity data were derived from earlier studies which used Gambusia affinis Baird and Girard (Vertebrata, Pisces) as a test organism. These data were compared to morphological data collected from specimens in the field and laboratory. Three sets of statistical analyses were performed, each considering a progressively narrower group of taxa. The first included 68 specimens and considered 16 morphological characters in each, falling into the general categories of gross colony form, colony texture, presence of mucus, colony color, polyp retractility, and sclerite morphology and distribution. These were tested for independence against ichthyotoxicity data. The second set of analyses involved a more restricted morphological data set derived from 28 species of Sinularia in combination with 28 species within the Nephtheidae, comparing them to their respective toxicity ranks. The third analysis considered the previous two taxonomic groups separately in relation to their toxicity levels.The attempt to consider many morphological characters in a taxonomically diverse collection did not reveal any general association in the Alcyonacea between defensive morphology and toxicity, and those associations which did emerge were clearly erroneous. The second analysis, considering only Sinularia spp. and nephtheids, demonstrated a negative association between ichthyotoxicity and the morphological characters of a) polypary armament, b) microarmament of the individual polyp, and c) strong mineralization of the coenenchyme. The third analysis revealed that the negative association found between toxicity and the first two characters was derived entirely from the nephtheids while the association detected between toxicity and the third character was restricted to Sinularia. It is concluded that a relationship between toxicity and morphology can be demonstrated, but it is heavily dependent upon which specific morphological characters are being considered and at what level of taxonomic resolution the analysis is being performed. An approach utilizing many characters over many taxa is unlikely to yield significant, reliable, or meaningful results.Australian Institute of Marine Science Contribution Number 383  相似文献   

Unusual disease lesions were observed in Montipora corals on the fringing reef of Magnetic Island (Great Barrier Reef, Australia) following a period of high water temperature in early January 2002. Tissue death in Montipora spp. appeared as a black layer that spread rapidly across the colony surface, though this appeared as the final phase of disease progression (with three previous disease phases now identified, S. Anthony, unpublished). Culture and molecular-based microbial analysis of this layer did not identify a likely microbial pathogen. Despite this, DNA sequencing of microbial 16S rDNA indicated a shift in the bacterial population associated with affected coral tissue. A clone library of the healthy coral sample predominantly contained sequences within the -Proteobacteria. A disease coral sample representing the margin of the black lesion and healthy coral tissue was dominated by sequences, which demonstrated low sequence identity to a range of -Proteobacteria, -Proteobacteria and cyanobacteria. The microbes identified in the diseased Montipora spp. samples are likely to be opportunistic rather than the causative agent of the observed lesion. Studies are in progress to further characterise the ecology of this disease and describe the potential microbial pathogen(s).  相似文献   

Competition between benthic algae and corals is a key process in the community ecology of reefs, especially during reef degradation. However, there have been very few experimental tests for competition between corals and benthic algae, despite widespread assumptions that algae are generally superior competitors, especially in eutrophic conditions. This study tested for competition for space between the massive coral Porites lobata and algal filamentous turfs on three reefs along a cross-shelf gradient of terrestrial influence, by experimentally removing or damaging either corals or algae. The corals and algae were competing for space, but, significantly, the algae appeared to have little effect on coral growth. In contrast, corals significantly inhibited algal growth, suggesting Porites was the competitive superior. Importantly, coral growth was generally positive, even on the reef with the greatest terrestrial influence. Competitive outcomes did not support the argument that algae are more successful competitors in more eutrophic conditions.  相似文献   

 Experimental studies of the upper thermal limits of corals from Orpheus Island, an inshore reef in the central Great Barrier Reef, show that Acropora formosa has a 5-day 50%-bleaching threshold of between 31 and 32 °C in summer, only 2 to 3 °C higher than local mean summer temperatures (29 °C). Summer bleaching thresholds for Pocillopora damicornis and A. elseyi were 1 °C higher (between 32 and 33 °C). The winter bleaching threshold of Pocillopora damicornis was 1 °C lower than its summer threshold, indicating that seasonal acclimatisation may take place. This seasonal difference raises the possibility that at least some corals may be capable of short-term thermal acclimatisation. Neither P. damicornis nor A. elseyi showed habitat-specific (reef flat versus reef slope) differences in bleaching thresholds. Further, colonies of P. damicornis collected from sites 3 km apart also showed no difference in bleaching threshold despite populations of this species responding differently at these two sites during a natural bleaching event. The bleaching thresholds determined in this study are best considered as the maximum tolerable temperatures for local populations of these species because they were determined in the absence of additional stressors (e.g. high light) which often co-occur during natural bleaching events. We consider the 5-day 50% bleaching thresholds determined in these experiments to be fair indicators of upper thermal limits, because >50% of a sample population died when allowed to recover in situ. We found a delay of up to a month in the bleaching response of corals following thermal stress, a result that has implications for identifying the timing of stressful conditions in natural bleaching events. Accepted: 26 May 1999  相似文献   

Marine organisms exhibit great variation in reproductive modes, larval types, and other life-history traits that may have major evolutionary consequences. We measured local and regional patterns of genetic variation in corals along Australia's Great Barrier Reef to determine the relative contributions of sexual and asexual reproduction to recruitment and to infer levels of gene flow both locally (among adjacent sites, < 5 km apart) and regionally (among reefs separated by 500-1,200 km). We selected five common brooding species (Acropora cuneata, A. palifera, Pocillopora damicornis, Seriatopora hystrix, and Stylophora pistillata) and four broadcast spawners (Acropora hyacinthus, A. cytherea, A. millepora, and A. valida), which encompassed a wide range of larval types and potential dispersal capabilities. We found substantial genotypic diversity at local scales in six of the nine species (four brooders, two spawners). For these six, each local population displayed approximately the levels of multilocus genotypic diversity (Go) expected for outcrossed sexual reproduction (mean values of Go:Ge ranged from 0.85 to 1.02), although consistent single-locus heterozygous deficits indicate that inbreeding occurs at the scale of whole reefs. The remaining three species, the brooder S. hystrix and the spawners A. valida and A. millepora displayed significantly less multilocus genotypic diversity (Go) than was expected for outcrossed sexual reproduction (Ge) within each of several sites. Acropora valida and A. millepora showed evidence of extensive localized asexual replication: (1) a small number of multilocus (clonal) genotypes were numerically dominant within some sites (Go:Ge values were as low as 0.17 and 0.20): (2) single-locus genotype frequencies were characterized by both excesses and deficits of heterozygotes (cf. Hardy-Weinberg expectations), and (3) significant linkage disequilibria occurred. For the brooding S. hystrix Go:Ge values were also low within each of four sites (x = 0.48). However, this result most likely reflects the highly restricted dispersal of gametes or larvae, because levels of genetic variation among sites within reefs were extremely high (FSR = 0.28). For all species, we detected considerable genetic subdivision among sites within each reef (high FSR-values), and we infer that larval dispersal is surprisingly limited (i.e., Nem among sites ranging from 0.6 to 3.3 migrants per generation), even in species that have relatively long planktonic durations. Nevertheless, our estimates of allelic variation among reefs (FRT) also imply that for all four broadcast spawning species and three of the brooders, larval dispersal is sufficient to maintain moderate to high levels of gene flow along the entire Great Barrier Reef (i.e., Nem among reefs ranged from 5 to 31). In contrast, widespread populations of S. hystrix and S. pistilata (the two remaining brooders) are relatively weakly connected (Nem among reefs was 1.4 and 2.5, respectively). We conclude that most recruitment by corals is very local, particularly in brooders, but that enough propagules are widely dispersed to ensure that both broadcast spawning and brooding species form vast effectively panmictic populations on the Great Barrier Reef.  相似文献   

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