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The protein kinase D (PKD) family comprises multifunctional serine/threonine-specific protein kinases with three mammalian isoforms: PKD1, PKD2 and PKD3. A prominent PKD function is the regulation of basolateral-targeted transport carrier fission from the trans -Golgi network (TGN). To visualize site-specific PKD activation at this organelle, we designed a molecular reporter consisting of a PKD-specific substrate sequence fused to enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), specifically targeted to the TGN via the p230 GRIP domain. Quantitative analyses using a phosphospecific antibody and ratiometric fluorescence imaging revealed that Golgi-specific phosphorylation of the reporter was strictly dependent on stimulation of endogenous PKD or transient expression of active PKD constructs. Conversely, PKD-specific pharmacological inhibitors and siRNA-mediated PKD knockdown suppressed reporter phosphorylation. Using this reporter we investigated a potential role for PKD in the regulation of Golgi complex morphology. Interestingly, nocodazole-induced Golgi complex break-up and dispersal was associated with local PKD activation as measured by reporter phosphorylation and this was efficiently blocked by expression of a dominant-negative PKD mutant or PKD depletion. Our data thus identify a novel link between PKD activity and the microtubule cytoskeleton, whereby Golgi complex integrity is regulated.  相似文献   

Nanomaterials (NMs) display many unique and useful physico-chemical properties. However, reliable approaches are needed for risk assessment of NMs. The present study was performed in the FP7-MARINA project, with the objective to identify and evaluate in vitro test methods for toxicity assessment in order to facilitate the development of an intelligent testing strategy (ITS). Six representative oxide NMs provided by the EC-JRC Nanomaterials Repository were tested in nine laboratories. The in vitro toxicity of NMs was evaluated in 12 cellular models representing 6 different target organs/systems (immune system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, reproductive organs, kidney and embryonic tissues). The toxicity assessment was conducted using 10 different assays for cytotoxicity, embryotoxicity, epithelial integrity, cytokine secretion and oxidative stress. Thorough physico-chemical characterization was performed for all tested NMs. Commercially relevant NMs with different physico-chemical properties were selected: two TiO2 NMs with different surface chemistry – hydrophilic (NM-103) and hydrophobic (NM-104), two forms of ZnO – uncoated (NM-110) and coated with triethoxycapryl silane (NM-111) and two SiO2 NMs produced by two different manufacturing techniques – precipitated (NM-200) and pyrogenic (NM-203). Cell specific toxicity effects of all NMs were observed; macrophages were the most sensitive cell type after short-term exposures (24-72h) (ZnO>SiO2>TiO2). Longer term exposure (7 to 21 days) significantly affected the cell barrier integrity in the presence of ZnO, but not TiO2 and SiO2, while the embryonic stem cell test (EST) classified the TiO2 NMs as potentially ‘weak-embryotoxic’ and ZnO and SiO2 NMs as ‘non-embryotoxic’. A hazard ranking could be established for the representative NMs tested (ZnO NM-110 > ZnO NM-111 > SiO2 NM-203 > SiO2 NM-200 > TiO2 NM-104 > TiO2 NM-103). This ranking was different in the case of embryonic tissues, for which TiO2 displayed higher toxicity compared with ZnO and SiO2. Importantly, the in vitro methodology applied could identify cell- and NM-specific responses, with a low variability observed between different test assays. Overall, this testing approach, based on a battery of cellular systems and test assays, complemented by an exhaustive physico-chemical characterization of NMs, could be deployed for the development of an ITS suitable for risk assessment of NMs. This study also provides a rich source of data for modeling of NM effects.  相似文献   

The purinergic P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) is a sensor of extracellular ATP, a damage-associated molecule that is released from necrotic cells and that induces pro-inflammatory cytokine production and cell death. To investigate whether the innate immune response to damage signals could contribute to the development of pulmonary necrotic lesions in severe forms of tuberculosis, disease progression was examined in C57BL/6 and P2X7R−/− mice that were intratracheally infected with highly virulent mycobacterial strains (Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain 1471 of the Beijing genotype family and Mycobacterium bovis strain MP287/03). The low-dose infection of C57BL/6 mice with bacteria of these strains caused the rapid development of extensive granulomatous pneumonia with necrotic areas, intense bacillus dissemination and anticipated animal death. In contrast, in P2X7R−/− mice, the lung pathology presented with moderate infiltrates of mononuclear leukocytes without visible signs of necrosis; the disease attenuation was accompanied by a delay in mortality. In vitro, the hypervirulent mycobacteria grew rapidly inside macrophages and induced death by a P2X7R-dependent mechanism that facilitated the release of bacilli. Furthermore, these bacteria were resistant to the protective mechanisms elicited in macrophages following extracellular ATP stimulation. Based on this study, we propose that the rapid intracellular growth of hypervirulent mycobacteria results in massive macrophage damage. The ATP released by damaged cells engages P2X7R and accelerates the necrotic death of infected macrophages and the release of bacilli. This vicious cycle exacerbates pneumonia and lung necrosis by promoting widespread cell destruction and bacillus dissemination. These findings suggest the use of drugs that have been designed to inhibit the P2X7R as a new therapeutic approach to treat the aggressive forms of tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Alphaviruses are RNA viruses transmitted between vertebrate hosts by arthropod vectors, primarily mosquitoes. How arthropods counteract alphaviruses or viruses per se is not very well understood. Drosophila melanogaster is a powerful model system for studying innate immunity against bacterial and fungal infections. In this study we report the use of a novel system to analyze replication of Sindbis virus (type species of the alphavirus genus) RNA following expression of a Sindbis virus replicon RNA from the fly genome. We demonstrate deficits in the immune deficiency (Imd) pathway enhance viral replication while mutations in the Toll pathway fail to affect replication. Similar results were observed with intrathoracic injections of whole virus and confirmed in cultured mosquito cells. These findings show that the Imd pathway mediates an antiviral response to Sindbis virus replication. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of an antiviral role for the Imd pathway in insects.  相似文献   

The Kingdom Fungi adds substantially to the diversity of life, but due to their cryptic morphology and lifestyle, tremendous diversity, paucity of formally described specimens, and the difficulty in isolating environmental strains into culture, fungal communities are difficult to characterize. This is especially true for endophytic communities of fungi living in healthy plant tissue. The developments in next generation sequencing technologies are, however, starting to reveal the true extent of fungal diversity. One of the promising new technologies, namely semiconductor sequencing, has thus far not been used in fungal diversity assessments. In this study we sequenced the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) nuclear encoded ribosomal RNA of the endophytic community of the economically important tree, Eucalyptus grandis, from South Africa using the Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine (PGM). We determined the impact of various analysis parameters on the interpretation of the results, namely different sequence quality parameter settings, different sequence similarity cutoffs for clustering and filtering of databases for removal of sequences with incomplete taxonomy. Sequence similarity cutoff values only had a marginal effect on the identified family numbers, whereas different sequence quality filters had a large effect (89 vs. 48 families between least and most stringent filters). Database filtering had a small, but statistically significant, effect on the assignment of sequences to reference sequences. The community was dominated by Ascomycota, and particularly by families in the Dothidiomycetes that harbor well-known plant pathogens. The study demonstrates that semiconductor sequencing is an ideal strategy for environmental sequencing of fungal communities. It also highlights some potential pitfalls in subsequent data analyses when using a technology with relatively short read lengths.  相似文献   

A suitable time temperature process for packaging small potatoes in flexible pouches is described. Spores of Bacillus stearothermophilus were inoculated onto the surface of peeled potatoes in flexible pouches. These were evacuated, heat sealed and heated in a steam retort modified to allow a water cooking process with an air overpressure of ca. 68·95 kPa (10 lbf/in2). The D and z values determined in the retort were confirmed by parallel heat-resistance tests with spores in glass ampoules held in an oil bath. Heat treatment at 121·1 °C for 20 min in the retort satisfactorily killed test inocula of spores without overcooking the potatoes. Uninoculated peeled potatoes with a natural level of contamination ( ca. 4 x 103 spores/sealed pouch) were treated in the retort for different times at 121·1 °C and then incubated at 30 °C for 6 months. No pouches heated for 17–25 min showed microbial growth. This procedure may be applied to any type of food if the numbers of naturally occurring heat-resistant contaminants can be related to the number and heat resistance of a suitable test micro-organism.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2019,116(9):1667-1681
Whether synaptic transmission is excitatory or inhibitory depends, to a large extent, on whether the ion channels that open upon binding the released neurotransmitter conduct cations or anions. The mechanistic basis of the opposite charge selectivities of Cys-loop receptors has only recently begun to emerge. It is now clear that ionized side chains—whether pore-facing or buried—in the first α-helical turn of the second transmembrane segments underlie this phenomenon and that the electrostatics of backbone atoms are not critically involved. Moreover, on the basis of electrophysiological observations, it has recently been suggested that not only the sign of charged side chains but also their conformation are crucial determinants of cation-anion selectivity. To challenge these ideas with the chemical and structural rigor that electrophysiological observations naturally lack, we performed molecular dynamics, Brownian dynamics, and electrostatics calculations of ion permeation. To this end, we used structural models of the open-channel conformation of the α1 glutamate-gated Cl channel and the α1 glycine receptor. Our results provided full support to the notion that the conformation of charged sides chains matters for charge selectivity. Indeed, whereas some rotamers of the buried arginines at position 0′ conferred high selectivity for anions, others supported the permeation of cations and anions at similar rates or even allowed the faster permeation of cations. Furthermore, we found that modeling glutamates at position −1′ of the anion-selective α1 glycine receptor open-state structure—instead of the five native alanines—switches charge selectivity also in a conformation-dependent manner, with some glutamate rotamers being much more effective at conferring selectivity for cations than others. Regarding pore size, we found that the mere expansion of the pore has only a minimal impact on cation-anion selectivity. Overall, these results bring to light the previously unappreciated impact of side-chain conformation on charge selectivity in Cys-loop receptors.  相似文献   

Nanomaterials (NMs) are particles with at least one dimension between 1 and 100 nm and a large surface area to volume ratio, providing them with exceptional qualities that are exploited in a variety of industrial fields. Deposition of NMs into environmental waters during or after use leads to the adsorption of an ecological (eco‐) corona, whereby a layer of natural biomolecules coats the NM changing its stability, identity and ultimately toxicity. The eco‐corona is not currently incorporated into ecotoxicity tests, although it has been shown to alter the interactions of NMs with organisms such as Daphnia magna (D. magna). Here, the literature on environmental biomolecule interactions with NMs is synthesized and a framework for understanding the eco‐corona composition and its role in modulating NMs ecotoxicity is presented, utilizing D. magna as a model. The importance of including biomolecules as part of the current international efforts to update the standard testing protocols for NMs, is highlighted. Facilitating the formation of an eco‐corona prior to NMs ecotoxicity testing will ensure that signaling pathways perturbed by the NMs are real rather than being associated with the damage arising from reactive NM surfaces “acquiring” a corona by pulling biomolecules from the organism's surface.  相似文献   

Enamelin (ENAM) plays an important role in the mineralization of the forming enamel matrix. We have performed an evolutionary analysis of mammalian ENAM to identify highly conserved residues or regions that could have important function (selective pressure), to predict mutations that could be associated with amelogenesis imperfecta in humans, and to identify possible adaptive evolution of ENAM during 200 million years ago of mammalian evolution. In order to fulfil these objectives, we obtained 36-ENAM sequences that are representative of the mammalian lineages. Our results show a remarkably high conservation pattern in the region of the 32-kDa fragment of ENAM, especially its phosphorylation, glycosylation, and proteolytic sites. In primates and rodents we also identified several sites under positive selection, which could indicate recent evolutionary changes in ENAM function. Furthermore, the analysis of the unusual signal peptide provided new insights on the possible regulation of ENAM secretion, a hypothesis that should be tested in the near future. Taken together, these findings improve our understanding of ENAM evolution and provide new information that would be useful for further investigation of ENAM function as well as for the validation of mutations leading to amelogenesis imperfecta.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a life-history trait directly affecting population dynamics and species range shifts and thus playing a prominent role in the response to climate change. Nonetheless, the relationship between extreme climatic events and dispersal has received little attention in birds. Here we focused on climatic, demographic and individual factors affecting the dispersal propensity of a major glossy ibis population. We performed a capture-resighting analysis on individuals born and observed at Doñana (South-West Spain) over fourteen years. We applied a multiple analytical approach to show that single-site capture-resighting estimates were a reliable index of dispersal propensity from the area. We focused on the emigration of Doñana-born individuals sporadically (transients) and regularly (residents) frequenting their natal area. Droughts during two out of 14 study years caused higher apparent dispersal rates, explaining most of the annual variation in these rates. The age structure of Doñana-born individuals resighted simultaneously locally and in Morocco in one week over the 2010 autumn confirmed that the 2005 drought boosted permanent emigration. As numbers increased steadily during non-drought years since the formation of the colony in 1996 to several thousand pairs, philopatry increased gradually, while transients probability appeared to be related to average breeding success. Age, sex, density, quality of foraging habitat and breeding success in the previous season were not found to directly affect apparent dispersal. Nonetheless, autumn sex ratio gradually switched from male (≈0.68) to female-skewed (≈0.44) by the end of the study period, suggesting that males and females respond differently to high densities reached in recent years. This study demonstrates the importance of extreme climatic events as a powerful motor for spread of species in expansion. Also, it suggests different factors drive emigration of individuals according to their amount of experience in the area (e.g. transients vs residents).  相似文献   

Insects as Food: A Case Study from the Northwest Amazon   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this article I examine the use of insects as food by Tukanoan Indians in the Northwest Amazon and discuss both the characteristics of the species exploited and their significance in the diet. Data on insect collection were obtained from harvest records and participant-observation. Dietary intake was determined from weighed food intake records. The insects collected belonged to over 20 species. The most important in the diet were those which formed large, highly predictable aggregations: beetle larvae (genus Rhynchophorus), ants (genus Atta), termites (genus Syntermes), and caterpillars (families Noctuidae and Saturniidae). The composition of insects is similar to that of other animal foods. Their inclusion in the diet was frequent and inversely related to the consumption of fish and game. They provided up to 12% of the crude protein derived from animal foods in men's diets and 26% in women's diets during one season of the year.  相似文献   

Primary stabbing headache (PSH) or ice pick headache is an infrequently studied, yet socially important problem facing children and adolescents. The current study examined the effects of routine external hand warming on the PSH intensity of a 16-year-old male referred for management of recurrent headaches. The participant, Michael, alternated periods of non-warming with periods of daily external hand warming, and an ABAB design was used to evaluate the impact of hand warming on PSH intensity. Results indicate that clinically significant symptom reduction was obtained with implementation of external hand warming.  相似文献   

To examine the role of the tonoplast in plant salt tolerance and identify proteins involved in the regulation of transporters for vacuolar Na+ sequestration, we exploited a targeted quantitative proteomics approach. Two-dimensional differential in-gel electrophoresis analysis of free flow zonal electrophoresis separated tonoplast fractions from control, and salt-treated Mesembryanthemum crystallinum plants revealed the membrane association of glycolytic enzymes aldolase and enolase, along with subunits of the vacuolar H+-ATPase V-ATPase. Protein blot analysis confirmed coordinated salt regulation of these proteins, and chaotrope treatment indicated a strong tonoplast association. Reciprocal coimmunoprecipitation studies revealed that the glycolytic enzymes interacted with the V-ATPase subunit B VHA-B, and aldolase was shown to stimulate V-ATPase activity in vitro by increasing the affinity for ATP. To investigate a physiological role for this association, the Arabidopsis thaliana cytoplasmic enolase mutant, los2, was characterized. These plants were salt sensitive, and there was a specific reduction in enolase abundance in the tonoplast from salt-treated plants. Moreover, tonoplast isolated from mutant plants showed an impaired ability for aldolase stimulation of V-ATPase hydrolytic activity. The association of glycolytic proteins with the tonoplast may not only channel ATP to the V-ATPase, but also directly upregulate H+-pump activity.  相似文献   

During mitosis, the ribbon of the Golgi apparatus is transformed into dispersed tubulo-vesicular membranes, proposed to facilitate stochastic inheritance of this low copy number organelle at cytokinesis. Here, we have analyzed the mitotic disassembly of the Golgi apparatus in living cells and provide evidence that inheritance is accomplished through an ordered partitioning mechanism. Using a Sar1p dominant inhibitor of cargo exit from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), we found that the disassembly of the Golgi observed during mitosis or microtubule disruption did not appear to involve retrograde transport of Golgi residents to the ER and subsequent reorganization of Golgi membrane fragments at ER exit sites, as has been suggested. Instead, direct visualization of a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged Golgi resident through mitosis showed that the Golgi ribbon slowly reorganized into 1–3-μm fragments during G2/early prophase. A second stage of fragmentation occurred coincident with nuclear envelope breakdown and was accompanied by the bulk of mitotic Golgi redistribution. By metaphase, mitotic Golgi dynamics appeared to cease. Surprisingly, the disassembly of mitotic Golgi fragments was not a random event, but involved the reorganization of mitotic Golgi by microtubules, suggesting that analogous to chromosomes, the Golgi apparatus uses the mitotic spindle to ensure more accurate partitioning during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Chromogranin A (CgA) is a soluble glycoprotein stored along with hormones and neuropeptides in secretory granules of endocrine cells. In the last four decades, intense efforts have been concentrated to characterize the structure and the biological function of CgA. Besides, CgA has been widely used as a diagnostic marker for tumors of endocrine origin, essential hypertension, various inflammatory diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease. CgA displays peculiar structural features, including numerous multibasic cleavage sites for prohormone convertases as well as a high proportion of acidic residues. Thus, it has been proposed that CgA represents a precursor of biologically active peptides, and a “granulogenic protein” that plays an important role as a chaperone for catecholamine storage in adrenal chromaffin cells. The widespread distribution of CgA throughout the neuroendocrine system prompted several groups to investigate the role of CgA in peptide hormone sorting to the regulated secretory pathway. This review summarizes the findings and theoretical concepts around the molecular machinery used by CgA to exert this putative intracellular function. Since CgA terminal regions exhibited strong sequence conservation through evolution, our work focused on the implication of these domains as potential functional determinants of CgA. Characterization of the molecular signals implicating CgA in the intracellular traffic of hormones represents a major biological issue that may contribute to unraveling the mechanisms defining the secretory competence of neuroendocrine cells.  相似文献   

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