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Adsorption ofRhizobium meliloti L5-30 in low numbers to alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) roots was dependent on the presence of divalent cations, and required neutral pH. Adsorption was proportional to Ca and/or Mg concentrations up to 1.5 mM. Ca was not substituted by Sr, Ba or Mn. Adsorption was abolished and viability decreased at pH6. When lowering pH, higher Ca concentrations were required to attain similar adsorption levels, indicating a marked interactive effect between Ca and H ions. Pretreatment of the roots with Ca and low pH did not affect subsequent adsorption of the bacteria. However, Ca pretreatment ofR. meliloti sustained further adsorption at low Ca levels and low pH substantially affected their ability to adsorb. Low pH appears to affect the stability of binding causing desorption of the previously bound bacteria. The presence of saturating concentrations of heterologousR. leguminosarum bv.trifolii A118, did not prevent the expression of divalent cations and pH requirements, as well as their interaction. Our results suggest that rhizobial binding to the root surface already shows the Ca and pH dependence of alfalfa nodulation, which was generally associated to some event prior to rhizobial penetration of root hairs.  相似文献   

Two mutants defective in succinate utilization were isolated by NTG mutagenesis of the effective wild typeRhizobium meliloti strain S14. The mutants used carbon sources in a fashion similar to strain S14, but they were not able to grow on succinate, fumarate or malate. The mutants nodulated alfalfa plants but did not exhibit any nitrogenase activity. The mutants oxidized glucose and fructose, but were not able to oxidize organic acids. Cultured free-living bacteria of strain S14 appeared to have an inducible C4-dicarboxylic acid uptake system and a constitutive glucose uptake system. When S14 cells were grown on glucose in the presence of 5mM or more succinate or malate, the rate of glucose-dependent O2 consumption significantly decreased suggesting the presence of a catabolite repression like phenomenom. Contribution no. 301, Station de Recherches, Agriculture Canada.  相似文献   

Summary The binding ofRhizobium meliloti strains A2 (effective) and V6 (ineffective),Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain B6S3 andR. trifolii strain TL5 to lucerne seedling roots was studied by using14C or3H-labelled bacteria. When added singly or in combination with the heterologous bacteria, the number of A2 cells attached to the roots was significantly less than the number of B6S3 or TL5 cells. However, the presence of the heterologous bacteria did not decrease the proportion of A2 cells added in the inoculum that bind to the roots, suggesting thatR. meliloti is attached to specific sites. In fact, the same number of A2 or V6 cells bind to the roots and in mixed inoculation the 2 strains share equally the binding sites. When added to the seedlings growth medium NO 3 at 5 or 16 mM significantly decreased the number of A2 cells adhering to lucerne seedling roots. The results suggest that the lectin-recognition hypothesis is probably involved in the attachment ofR. meliloti to lucerne seedling roots.Contribution No. 252 Station de recherches, Agriculture Canada  相似文献   

A strain ofRhizobium meliloti has been shown to be capable of growth in the presence of methionine sulphoximine concentrations at least two orders of magnitude higher than that required for the complete inhibition of glutamine synthetase activity. Neither the specific growth rate, nor the nutritional requirements of the organism were affected by methionine sulphoximine in the medium.Rhizobium meliloti appeared to assimilate ammoniavia the glutamate dehydrogenase pathway during growth in the presence of methionine sulphoximine. This suggests thatRhizobium meliloti may have some regulatory mechanism controlling ammonia assimilation that is not present in other enterobacteria possessing similar enzymatic machinery  相似文献   

A multi-marked strain ofRhizobium meliloti was developed by the co-mutation method and employed to contribute to the genetic map ofR. meliloti chromosome. Seven loci were placed at 5 sites in theleu region in the orderman-aba, fix, leu-cro-azt, ost-thi.  相似文献   

InRhizobium meliloti, the promoter P1 of thenif HDK operon, and also the promoter P2, have earlier been shown to be active in the bacteria present in alfalfa root nodules, but not in the bacteria grown aerobically in culture. Here we have looked at the expression from P1 and P2 in two non-symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria,Azotobacter vinelandii andAzospirillum brasilense, using constructions in which the promoters are fused upstream of theβ-galactosidase gene. The promoter P1, but not P2, is active inA. vinelandii, while neither P1 nor P2 is active inAzospirillum brasilense.  相似文献   

Symbiotic nitrogen fixation of Rhizobium meliloti bacteroids in Medicago sativa root nodules was suppressed by several inorganic nitrogen sources. Amino acids like glutamine, glutamic acid and aspartic acid, which can serve as sole nitrogen sources for the unnodulated plant did not influence nitrogenase activity of effective nodules, even at high concentrations.Ammonia and nitrate suppressed symbiotic nitrogen fixation in vivo only at concentrations much higher than those needed for suppression of nitrogenase activity in free living nitrogen fixing bacteria. The kinetics of suppression were slow compared with that of free living nitrogen fixing bacteria. On the other hand, nitrite, which acts as a direct inhibitor of nitrogenase, suppressed very quickly and at low concentrations. Glutamic acid and glutamine enhanced the effect of ammonia dramatically, while the suppression by nitrate was enhanced only slightly.  相似文献   

Summary Antibiotic resistant mutants 8-0 StrR, 110 TetR and 138 KanR derived from wild typeRhizobium japonicum strains were inoculated into silt loam soil to cell concentrations greater than 2×108/g of soil. Population changes were monitored using antibiotic media and strain identification was done using immunodiffusion assay on microcores of soil. Immunodiffusion bands formed by the mutant strains with homologous antisera essentially duplicated bands formed by the parent strain. Strains 110 TetR and 8-0 StrR had cross reacting antigens whereas antigens of strain 138 KanR reacted only with the homologous antiserum. Populations ofR. japonicum strains introduced into sterile soil increased over a period of four weeks under both single and mixed culture inoculations. All populations decreased by the end of six weeks and thereafter remained constant. When theseR. japonicum strains were introduced into non-sterile soil, the population did not increase over the initial population added. Population decreased gradually for two weeks and then maintained thereafter. It was possible to recover very low populations of antibiotic resistantR. japonicum strains from both sterile and unsterile soils using media containing specific antibiotics. Detection ofR. japonicum strains by immunodiffusion was accomplished only when the population was 109 cells/g of soil. The method using antibiotic resistant mutants permitted an evaluation of the interactions of variousR. japonicum strains in soil with respect to their survival and multiplication.  相似文献   

Summary Symbiotic mutants of Rhizobium meliloti were isolated following Tn5 mutagenesis. Besides four nodulation mutants (Nod-) unable to induce nodule formation on alfalfa, five infection mutants (Inf-), which induce the formation of root nodules without detectable infection threads or bacteroids, were obtained. The Inf- mutants were subdivided into two classes. One class contains mutants which fail to synthesize acidic exopolysaccharide (EPS-). The other class is comprised of mutants which produce excess amounts of acidic exopolysaccharide (EPS*). 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the exopolysaccharide isolated from one of the latter type of Inf- mutant, 101.45, revealed that the side chain of the repeating octosaccharide unit lacks the terminal pyruvate residue. Complementing cosmids were isolated for all Inf- mutants. In the case of the Inf- EPS- mutants the complementing cosmids contain DNA segments which overlap and are part of megaplasmid 2. For two mutants the mutations were found to map on a 7.8 kb EcoRI fragment. In the case of the Inf- EPS* mutants the complementing cosmids carry chromosomal DNA. The mutations of two Inf- EPS* mutants were localized on a 6.4 kb EcoRI fragment. Coinoculation of alfalfa plants with Nod- and Inf- EPS- mutants resulted in effective symbiosis. The nodules appeared wild type and fixed nitrogen. In constrast, coinoculations with Nod- mutants and the Inf- EPS* mutant 101.45 did not result in the formation of effective nodules.  相似文献   

Summary Rhizobium japonicum strain 8-0 StrR applied as inoculum to Clark 63 soybeans formed small ineffective nodules which had very low nitrogenase activity compared to nodules formed by two effective strains, 110 TetR and 138 KanR. Mean numbers of cells per milligram of nodule tissue for plants up to 34 days old were 7.7×106 for 8-0 StrR, 4.1×108 for 110 TetR and 7.6×108 for 138 KanR. Cell counts per unit mass of nodule were independent of plant age for strains 110 TetR and 138 KanR, however, for strain 8-0 StrR, 25 and 34 days old plants had fewer viable cells per nodule mass than 18 day old plants. When a mixture of two effective strains was used, the nodules of individual plants were predominantly caused by either 110 TetR or 138 KanR. In one experiment the predominance was random, but in another, strain 110 TetR clearly dominated. Strain 138 KanR was absent in some nodules on 18 day old plants, and in others, less than 102 cells per nodule were found. When strains 8-0 StrR and 138 KanR were used as mixed inoculum, most of the nodules had strain 8-0 StrR but strain 138 KanR was detected in many nodules and was generally evident in the largest nodules. Nitrogenase activity by many individual nodules was low except for nodules which had cells of 138 KanR. Nitrogenase activity by whole root systems of these plants was relatively high and similar to plants that had only nodules of strain 138 KanR. Similar relationships were observed for a mixed inoculum of 8-0 StrR and 110 TetR. In general, mixed inoculations resulted in nodules with a particular strain being dominant for each individual plant. Double infections within individual nodules were not uncommon and such nodules often had disproportionate numbers of cells of two competingR. japonicum strains.Contribution from the Laboratory of Soil Microbiology, Department of Agronomy, Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station. Missouri Journal Series Number 7967.  相似文献   

Summary The rate of oxygen and total mannitol consumption were studied with 48 strains ofRhizobium meliloti in relation to their symbiotic nitrogen fixation efficiency as expressed by the plants dry weight yields. The rate of oxygen consumption is positively correlated to the total mannitol consumption and significant inverse relationship between these two physiological properties and symbiotic efficiency are apparent. The possibility of using the rate of oxygen consumption as a preselection tool is discussed.Contribution no159.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to evaluate whether field-grown cultivars of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) nodulate differentially with members of a soil population ofRhizobium meliloti, and to determine the influence of the dominant nodule occupants on N2-dependent growth of the same cultivars under greenhouse conditions. Nodules were sampled from four replicate plots of Vernal, Anchor, and Saranac alfalfa, and the isolates analysed serologically. Results from agglutination tests identified serogroup 31 as a dominant nodule occupant. A significant cultivar effect was observed, with a greater and more consistent occupancy rate by serogroup 31 across the replicates on Vernal (60%) compared to Anchor (24%) or Saranac (36%). The symbiotic effectiveness of the parent isolate of serogroup 31 was evaluated on each cultivar over four successive harvests in a greenhouse study. Significant cultivar x N source interactions for herbage dry weight resulted following the second harvest. Of the three cultivars, only inoculated Vernal responded with an increase in shoot dry weight and N2 assimilated relative to N supplemented plants between harvests two and three. In separate greenhouse experiments, field isolates of serogroup 31 from nodules on Vernal produced homogeneous, effective responses both on Vernal and Anchor. In contrast, serogroup 31 field isolates from Anchor nodules were highly heterogeneous in effectiveness on the parent host, with poorly effective isolates being substantially more effective on Vernal. The data indicate that attention should be given to the potential impact of the indigenousR. meliloti population upon cultivar ranking at specific field locations, and also to strain-cultivar idiosyncracies when carrying out physiological sutidies of regrowth characteristics.Technical Paper No. 8716 of the Oregon State University Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) growth and nodulation in acid soil is reduced because the plant and its bacterial symbiontRhizobium meliloti cannot tolerate acid, aluminum-rich soil. A study was conducted to determine if a relatively acid-tolerant alfalfa germplasm combined with a relatively acid-tolerantR. meliloti strain could overcome these limitations. In a light room study, an acid-tolerant alfalfa germplasm inoculated with a more acid-tolerantR. meliloti strain produced greater top growth, nodule number and weight, and acetylene reduction values in an unlimed soil (pH 4.6) than the same germplasm inoculated with a relatively acid-sensitiveR. meliloti strain or an acid-sensitive germplasm inoculated with either a relatively acid-tolerant or acid-sensitiveR. meliloti strain.  相似文献   

Summary The utilization of the tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates and related compounds was studied in strains ofRhizobium meliloti having different symbiotic effectiveness. In general, the very effective (VE) strains used these compounds as sole carbon source better than the ineffective (I) strains. However, a significant different was observed between VE and I strains in their ability to use acetate or oxaloacetate for growth. In fact, at a concentration of 2 mM, 80% of the VE strains used acetate or oxaloacetate white 50% of the I strains used acetate and none was able to grow on oxaloacetate. No correlation was found between the symbiotic effectiveness of the strains and their ATP content, when grown on mannitol. The highest ATP content (9.21 nM×g protein–1) was found in the I strain S20 and the lowest (0.69 nM×g protein–1 was found in the effective strain S8. Numerical analysis of the patterns of utilization of the TCA cycle intermediates and related compounds indicated that the 49 strains tested formed 11 distinct groups at 86% similarity, according to Jaccard's coefficient. Several strains showed unique patterns of utilization and can be clearly identified under laboratory conditions.Contribution no.225 Station de Recherches, Agriculture Canada.  相似文献   

Rhizobial purine auxotrophs have earlier been shown to be defective in symbiosis, though the exact reason for this failure is not clear. Using various dyes that specifically bind different cell surface molecules, we show that there are multiple changes in the cell surface molecules associated with different purine auxotrophs. Affected molecules in different purine auxotrophs that were tested include (i) acidic exopolysaccharides, (ii) cellulose fibrils, and (iii) beta (1–3) glucans. Our results show that the symbiotic deficiency of purine auxotrophs is likely to be a result of these associated changes on the cell surface  相似文献   

Drought is an important environmental factor that can affect rhizobial competition and N2 fixation. Three alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. and M. falcata L.) accessions were grown in pots containing soil from an irrigated (Soil 1) and a dryland (Soil 2) alfalfa field in northern Utah, USA. Mutants of three strains of Rhizobium meliloti Dang. from Pakistan (UL 136, UL 210, and UL 222) and a commercial rhizobial strain 102F51a were developed with various levels of resistance to streptomycin. Seeds inoculated with these individual streptomycin-resistant mutants were sown in the two soils containing naturalized rhizobial populations. Soils in the pots were maintained at −0.03, −0.5, and −1.0 MPa. After 10 weeks, plants were harvested and nodule isolates were cultured on agar medium with and without streptomycin to determine nodule occupancy (proportion of the nodules occupied by introduced rhizobial strains). Number of nodules, nodule occupancy, total plant dry weight, and shoot N were higher for Soil 1 than Soil 2. Number of nodules, plant dry weight, and shoot N decreased as drought increased from −0.03 to −1.0 MPa in the three alfalfa accessions. Rhizobial strains UL 136 and UL 222 were competitive with naturalized alfalfa rhizobia and were effective at symbiotic N2 fixation under drought. These results suggest that nodulation, growth, and N2 fixation in alfalfa can be improved by inoculation with competitive and drought-tolerant rhizobia and may be one economically feasible way to increase alfalfa production in water-limited environments. Joint contribution from USDA-ARS and the Utah Agric. Exp. Sta., Utah State Univ., Logan, UT 84322-4810, USA. Journal Paper No. 4931. Joint contribution from USDA-ARS and the Utah Agric. Exp. Sta., Utah State Univ., Logan, UT 84322-4810, USA. Journal Paper No. 4931.  相似文献   

After NTG treatment of the very effective wild type strain P121 ofRhizobium leguminosarum biovarphaseoli, mutants defective in the utilization of sugars or organic acids were obtained. All the mutants nodulated the cultivar Goldie ofPhaseolus vulgaris. The arabinose, fructose, glucose and pyruvate utilization mutants formed nodules similar in shape and size to the nodules formed by the wild type strain. These mutants exhibited an acetylene reduction activity significantly lower than the activity observed with the wild type strain. All the C4-dicarboxylic acid utilization mutatns, formed ineffective nodules that did not show a significant acetylene reduction activity. The C4-dicarboxylic acids uptake system is apparently inducible in the free-living bacteria of strain P121. When P121 cells were grown on glucose in the presence of 2.5 mM malate, the rate of glucose-dependent O2 consumption significantly decreased suggesting the presence of a catabolite repression-like phenomenon. Isolated bacteroids of strain P121, under the experimental conditions used, were able to oxidize succinate, fumarate or malate but did not oxidize pyruvate, glucose, fructose or sucrose.  相似文献   

Pairs of Rhizobium meliloti nod mutants were co-inoculated onto alfalfa (Medicago saliva L.) roots to determine whether one nod mutant could correct, in situ, for defects in nodule initiation of another nod mutant. None of the Tn5 or nod deletion mutants were able to help each other form nodules when co-inoculated together in the absence of the wild-type. However, as previously observed, individual nod mutants significantly increased nodule initiation by low dosages of co-inoculated wild-type cells. Thus, nod mutants do produce certain signal substances or other factors which overcome limits to nodule initiation by the wild-type. When pairs of nod mutants were co-inoculated together with the wild-type, the stimulation of nodulation provided by individual nodABC mutants was not additive. However, clearly additive or synergistic stimulation was observed between pairs of mutants with a defective host-specificity gene (nodE, nodF, or nodH). Each pair of host-specificity mutants stimulated first nodule formation to nearly the maximum levels obtainable with high dosages of the wild-type. Mutant bacteria were recovered from only about 10% of these nodules, whereas the co-inoculated wild-type was present in all these nodules and substantially outnumbered mutant bacteria in nodules occupied by both. Thus, these mutant co-inoculants appeared to help their parent in situ even though they could not help each other. Sterile culture filtrates from wild-type cells stimulated nodule initiation by low dosages of the wild-type, but only when a host-specificity mutant was also present. The results from our studies seem consistent with the possibility that pairs of host-specificity mutants are able to help the wild-type initiate nodule formation by sustained production of complementary signals required for induction of symbiotic host responses.  相似文献   

Summary The effectiveness ofRhizobium trifolii isolates from five locations in southern Britain representing contrasting soil types has been examined with five white clover varieties. The average effectiveness of Rhizobium isolates varied considerably as did the average productivity of plant varieties. The largest differences were, however, associated with Rhizobium population × plant variety interactions. These were often large enough to reverse relative yield differences between white clover varieties. The implications of these results for improving clover productivity in nitrogen fixation are discussed.  相似文献   

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