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Ahrling KA  Peterson S 《Biochemistry》2003,42(25):7655-7662
During the first few enzymatic turnovers after dark-adaptation of photosystem II (PSII), the relaxation rate of the EPR signals from the Mn cluster and Y(D)(*) are significantly enhanced. This light-adaptation process has been suggested to involve the appearance of a new paramagnet on the PSII donor side [Peterson, S., Ahrling, K., H?gblom, J., and Styring, S. (2003) Biochemistry 42, 2748-2758]. In the present study, a correlation is established between the observed relaxation enhancement and the redox state of the quinone pool. It is shown that the addition of quinol to dark-adapted PSII membrane fragments induces relaxation enhancement already after a single oxidation of the Mn, comparable to that observed after five oxidations in samples with quinones (PPBQ or DQ) added. The saturation behavior of Y(D)(*) revealed that with quinol added in the dark, a single flash was necessary for the relaxation enhancement to occur. The quinol-induced relaxation enhancement of PSII was also activated by illumination at 200 K. Whole thylakoids, with no artificial electron acceptor present but with an intact plastoquinone pool, displayed the same relaxation enhancement on the fifth flash as membrane fragments with exogenous quinones present. We conclude that (i) reduction of the quinone pool induces the relaxation enhancement of the PSII donor-side paramagnets, (ii) light is required for the quinol to effect the relaxation enhancement, and (iii) light-adaptation occurs in the intact thylakoid system, when the endogenous plastoquinone pool is gradually reduced by PSII turnover. It seems clear that a species on the PSII donor side is reduced by the quinol, to become a potent paramagnetic relaxer. On the basis of XANES reports, we suggest that this species may be the Mn ions not involved in the cyclic redox changes of the oxygen-evolving complex.  相似文献   

To investigate the environment of the phylloquinone secondary electron acceptor A(1) within the photosystem I reaction center, we have carried out site-directed mutagenesis of two tryptophan residues (W693 and W702) in the PsaA subunit of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. One of these conserved tryptophans (W693) is predicted to be close to the phylloquinone and has been implicated in the interaction of A(1) with an aromatic residue through pi--pi stacking. We find that replacement of W702 with either histidine or leucine has no effect on the electronic structure of A(1)(*-) or on forward electron transfer from A(1)(*-) to the iron--sulfur center F(x). In contrast, the same mutations of W693 alter the electronic structure of the photoaccumulated A(1)(*-) and slow forward electron transfer as measured by the decay of the electron spin-polarized signal arising from the P700(*+)/A(1)(*-) radical pair. These results provide support for the hypothesis that W693 has a role in poising the redox potential of A(1)/A(1)(*-) so it can reduce F(x), and they indirectly provide evidence for electron transfer along the PsaA-side branch of cofactors in PSI.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a photoautotrophic green alga, which can be grown mixotrophically in acetate-supplemented media (Tris–acetate–phosphate). We show that acetate has a direct effect on photosystem II (PSII). As a consequence, Tris–acetate–phosphate-grown mixotrophic C. reinhardtii cultures are less susceptible to photoinhibition than photoautotrophic cultures when subjected to high light. Spin-trapping electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy showed that thylakoids from mixotrophic C. reinhardtii produced less 1O2 than those from photoautotrophic cultures. The same was observed in vivo by measuring DanePy oxalate fluorescence quenching. Photoinhibition can be induced by the production of 1O2 originating from charge recombination events in photosystem II, which are governed by the midpoint potentials (Em) of the quinone electron acceptors. Thermoluminescence indicated that the Em of the primary quinone acceptor (QA/QA) of mixotrophic cells was stabilised while the Em of the secondary quinone acceptor (QB/QB) was destabilised, therefore favouring direct non-radiative charge recombination events that do not lead to 1O2 production. Acetate treatment of photosystem II-enriched membrane fragments from spinach led to the same thermoluminescence shifts as observed in C. reinhardtii, showing that acetate exhibits a direct effect on photosystem II independent from the metabolic state of a cell. A change in the environment of the non-heme iron of acetate-treated photosystem II particles was detected by low temperature electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. We hypothesise that acetate replaces the bicarbonate associated to the non-heme iron and changes the environment of QA and QB affecting photosystem II charge recombination events and photoinhibition.  相似文献   

The possible functions of a light-induced electron transfer to oxygen in the photosynthetic electron transport chain of higher plant chloroplasts are considered. The thermodynamic preconditions, as well as the experimental data about the participations of ferredoxin, the components of photosystems I and II, and plastoquinone in oxygen reduction are examined. It is concluded that, even in the presence of ferredoxin and ferredoxin + NADP+, oxygen reduction is carried out mainly by the membrane-bound carriers of the photosynthetic electron transport chain. The hypothesis is put forward that most superoxides, which are produced by reduction of O2 molecules by the intramembrane components of the acceptor side of photosystem I, are reduced within the membrane by the plastohydroquinone molecules to the hydrogen peroxide. It is assumed that the H2O2 molecules that originate as the result of this process serve for signaling about the redox state of the plastoquinone pool. Published in Russian in Biokhimiya, 2008, Vol. 73, No. 1, pp. 137–144.  相似文献   

The efficiency of oxidized endogenous plastoquinone-9 (PQ-9) as a non-photochemical quencher of chlorophyll fluorescence has been analyzed in spinach thylakoids and PS II membrane fragments isolated by Triton X-100 fractionation of grana stacks. The following results were obtained: (a) After subjection of PS II membrane fragments to ultrasonic treatment in the presence of PQ-9, the area over the induction curve of chlorophyll fluorescence owing to actinic cw light increases linearly with the PQ-9/PS II ratio in the reconstitution assay medium; (b) the difference of the maximum fluorescence levels, Fmax, of the induction curves, measured in the absence and presence of DCMU, is much more pronounced in PS II membrane fragments than in thylakoids; (c) the ratio Fmax(-DCMU)/Fmax(+DCMU) increases linearly with the content of oxidized PQ-9 that is varied in the thylakoids by reoxidation of the pool after preillumination and in PS II membrane fragments by the PQ-9/PS II ratio in the reconstitution assay; (d) the reconstitution procedure leads to tight binding of PQ-9 to PS II membrane fragments, and PQ-9 cannot be replaced by other quinones; (e) the fluorescence quenching by oxidized PQ-9 persists at low temperatures, and (f) oxidized PQ-9 preferentially affects the F695 of the fluorescence emission spectrum at 77 K. Based on the results of this study the oxidized PQ-9 is inferred to act as a non-photochemical quencher via a static mechanism. Possible implications for the nature of the quenching complex are discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Joly D  Carpentier R 《Biochemistry》2007,46(18):5534-5541
The effect of exogenous plastoquinone (PQ) on the different deexcitation pathways of photosystem I (PSI) was investigated. Addition of oxidized decyl-plastoquinone (dPQ) and PQ-2 strongly quenched the chlorophyll (Chl) emission spectra of PSI submembrane fractions over all wavelengths. This quenching increased with the concentration of exogenous PQ added and followed the modified Stern-Volmer law. The Stern-Volmer constants found for dPQ and PQ-2 were 1.25 x 10(6) M-1 and 0.55 x 10(6) M-1, respectively, and the fraction of fluorescence accessible to the quencher was 0.7 for both exogenous PQ. dPQ and PQ-2 also retarded the P700 photooxidation measured under limiting actinic light irradiances. Photoacoustic measurements showed that addition of dPQ increased the heat dissipation and decreased the photochemical capacity of PSI. From these results, exogenous oxidized PQ were shown to efficiently quench the Chl excited state in the PSI antenna and change the balance between Chl deexcitation pathways. Moreover, reduction of the endogenous PQ pool in whole thylakoid membranes by NADPH increased PSI fluorescence by 65%, indicating the importance of the redox state of the PQ pool on PSI energy dissipation.  相似文献   

Photosystem II of higher plants is a multisubunit transmembrane complex composed of a core moiety and an extensive peripheral antenna system. The number of antenna polypeptides per core complex is modulated following environmental conditions in order to optimize photosynthetic performance. In this study, we used a barley (Hordeum vulgare) mutant, viridis zb63, which lacks photosystem I, to mimic extreme and chronic overexcitation of photosystem II. The mutation was shown to reduce the photosystem II antenna to a minimal size of about 100 chlorophylls per photosystem II reaction centre, which was not further reducible. The minimal photosystem II unit was analysed by biochemical methods and by electron microscopy, and found to consist of a dimeric photosystem II reaction centre core surrounded by monomeric Lhcb4 (chlorophyll protein 29), Lhcb5 (chlorophyll protein 26) and trimeric light-harvesting complex II antenna proteins. This minimal photosystem II unit forms arrays in vivo, possibly to increase the efficiency of energy distribution and provide photoprotection. In wild-type plants, an additional antenna protein, chlorophyll protein 24 (Lhcb6), which is not expressed in viridis zb63, is proposed to associate to this minimal unit and stabilize larger antenna systems when needed. The analysis of the mutant also revealed the presence of two distinct signalling pathways activated by excess light absorbed by photosystem II: one, dependent on the redox state of the electron transport chain, is involved in the regulation of antenna size, and the second, more directly linked to the level of photoinhibitory stress perceived by the cell, participates in regulating carotenoid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

John H. Golbeck  Bessel Kok 《BBA》1979,547(2):347-360
The primary photochemical quencher Q and the secondary electron acceptor pool in Photosystem II have been titrated. We used particles of Scenedesmus mutant No. 8 that lack System I and allowed the system to equilibrate with external redox mediators in darkness prior to measurement of the fluorescence rise curve.The titration of Q, as indicated by the dark level of Fi, occurs in two discrete steps. The high-potential component (Qh) has a midpoint potential of +68 mV (pH 7.2) and accounts for ~67% of Q. The pH sensitivity of the midpoint potential is ?60 mV, indicating the involvement of 1 H+e. The low-potential component (Q1) accounts for the remaining 33% of Q and shows a midpoint potential near?300 mV (pH 7.2).The plastoquinone pool, assayed as the half-time of the fluorescence rise curve, titrates as a single component with a midpoint potential 30–40 mV more oxidizing than that of Qh, i.e., at 106 mV (pH 7.2). The Em shows a pH sensitivity of ?60 mV/pH unit, indicating the involvement of 1 H+e. The observation that all 12–14 electron equivalents in the pool titrate as a single component indicates that the heterogeneity otherwise observed in the secondary acceptor system is a kinetic rather than a thermodynamic property.Illumination causes peculiar, and as yet unclarified, changes of both Q and the secondary pool under anaerobic conditions that are reversed by oxygen.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the photosystem II (PS II) centers which are inactive in plastoquinone reduction, the initial variable fluorescence rise from the non-variable fluorescence level Fo to an intermediate plateau level Fi has been studied. We find that the initial fluorescence rise is a monophasic exponential function of time. Its rate constant is similar to the initial rate of the fastest phase (-phase) of the fluorescence induction curve from DCMU-poisoned chloroplasts. In addition, the initial fluorescence rise and the -phase have the following common properties: their rate constants vary linearly with excitation light intensity and their fluorescence yields are lowered by removal of Mg++ from the suspension medium. We suggest that the inactive PS II centers, which give rise to the fluorescence rise from Fo to Fi, belong to the -type PS II centers. However, since these inactive centers do not display sigmoidicity in fluorescence, they thus do not allow energy transfer between PS II units like PS II.Abbreviations DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea - DMQ 2,5-dimethyl-p-benzoquinone - Fo initial non-variable fluorescence yield - Fm maximum fluorescence yield - Fi intermediate fluorescence yield - PS II photosystem II - QA primary quinone acceptor of PS II - QB secondary quinone acceptor of PS II  相似文献   

Two mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, mf1 and mf2, characterized by a marked reduction in their phosphatidylglycerol content together with a complete loss in its Delta3-trans hexadecenoic acid-containing form, also lost photosystem II (PSII) activity. Genetic analysis of crosses between mf2 and wild-type strains shows a strict cosegregation of the PSII and lipid deficiencies, while phenotypic analysis of phototrophic revertant strains suggests that one single nuclear mutation is responsible for the pleiotropic phenotype of the mutants. The nearly complete absence of PSII core is due to a severely decreased synthesis of two subunits, D1 and apoCP47, which is not due to a decrease in translation initiation. Trace amounts of PSII cores that were detected in the mutants did not associate with the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein antenna (LHCII). We discuss the possible role of phosphatidylglycerol in the coupled process of cotranslational insertion and assembly of PSII core subunits.  相似文献   

The psbEFLJ operon of tobacco plastids encodes four bitopic low molecular mass transmembrane components of photosystem II. Here, we report the effect of inactivation of psbL on the directional forward electron flow of photosystem II as compared to that of the wild type and the psbJ deletion mutant, which is impaired in PSII electron flow to plastoquinone [Regel et al. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 41473-41478]. Exposure of Delta psbL plants to a saturating light pulse gives rise to the maximal fluorescence emission, Fm(L), which is followed within 4-6 s by a broader hitherto not observed second fluorescence peak in darkness, Fm(D). Conditions either facilitating oxidation or avoiding reduction of the plastoquinone pool do not affect the Fm(L) level of Delta psbL plants but prevent the appearance of Fm(D). The level of Fm(D) is proportional to the intensity and duration of the light pulse allowing reduction of the plastoquinone pool in dark-adapted leaves prior to the activation of PSI and oxidation of plastoquinol. Lowering the temperature decreases the Fm(D) level in the Delta psbL mutant, whereas it increases considerably the lifetime of Q(A)*- in the Delta psbJ mutant. The thermoluminescence signal generated by Q(A)*-/S(2) charge recombination is not affected; on the other hand, charge recombination of Q(B)*-/S(2,3) could not be detected in Delta psbL plants. PSII is highly sensitive to photoinhibition in Delta psbL. We conclude that PsbL prevents reduction of PSII by back electron flow from plastoquinol protecting PSII from photoinactivation, whereas PsbJ regulates forward electron flow from Q(A)*- to the plastoquinone pool. Therefore, both proteins contribute substantially to ensure unidirectional forward electron flow from PSII to the plastoquinone pool.  相似文献   

State transitions, or the redistribution of light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) proteins between photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII), balance the light-harvesting capacity of the two photosystems to optimize the efficiency of photosynthesis. Studies on the migration of LHCII proteins have focused primarily on their reassociation with PSI, but the molecular details on their dissociation from PSII have not been clear. Here, we compare the polypeptide composition, supramolecular organization, and phosphorylation of PSII complexes under PSI- and PSII-favoring conditions (State 1 and State 2, respectively). Three PSII fractions, a PSII core complex, a PSII supercomplex, and a multimer of PSII supercomplex or PSII megacomplex, were obtained from a transformant of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii carrying a His-tagged CP47. Gel filtration and single particles on electron micrographs showed that the megacomplex was predominant in State 1, whereas the core complex was predominant in State 2, indicating that LHCIIs are dissociated from PSII upon state transition. Moreover, in State 2, strongly phosphorylated LHCII type I was found in the supercomplex but not in the megacomplex. Phosphorylated minor LHCIIs (CP26 and CP29) were found only in the unbound form. The PSII subunits were most phosphorylated in the core complex. Based on these observations, we propose a model for PSII remodeling during state transitions, which involves division of the megacomplex into supercomplexes, triggered by phosphorylation of LHCII type I, followed by LHCII undocking from the supercomplex, triggered by phosphorylation of minor LHCIIs and PSII core subunits.  相似文献   

We have adapted the procedure for the isolation of PSII membranes from higher plants (D.A. Berthold et al., 1981, FEBS Lett. 134, 231–234) to the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The chlorophyll (Chl)-binding proteins from this PSII preparation have been further separated into single Chl-binding polypeptides and characterized spectroscopically. Seven single polypeptides were shown to bind Chl a and Chl b. In particular, we demonstrate that polypeptides p9, p10 and p22, which had not been previously shown to bind Chl a and b, have characteristics similar to those of CP29, CP26 and CP24 from higher plants. We note, however, that p9 and p10 are phosphorylatable in C. reinhardtii, at variance with CP29 and CP26 from higher plants. Our data support the notion that the PSII antenna systems in C. reinhardtii and in higher plants are very similar. Therefore, studies on the organization and regulation of light-harvesting processes in C. reinhardtii may provide information of general relevance for both green algae and higher plants.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - IEF isoelectrofocusing - LHC light harvesting complex - MW molecular weight - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PS photosystem - RC reaction centre - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate We thank Dr. J. Olive (Institut Jacques Monod, Paris, France) for the electron-microscopy analysis, C. de Vitry (Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Paris, France) for the kind gift of a PSII RC preparation and P. Dainese and M.L. Di Paolo (Universitá di Padova, Padova, Italy) for helpfull discussions. Professor Strasser and Elizbeth Scwartz (Université de Genova, Genova, Switzerland) are thanked for assistance in taking low-temperature fluorescence emission spectra. Roberto Bassi was recipient of a short-term fellowship from the European Molecular Biology Organization fellowship, during the early phases of the work.  相似文献   

A method is described for the isolation and purification of active oxygen-evolving photosystem II (PS II) membranes from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The isolation procedure is a modification of methods evolved for spinach (Berthold et al. 1981). The purity and integrity of the PS II preparations have been assesssed on the bases of the polypeptide pattern in SDS-PAGE, the rate of oxygen evolution, the EPR multiline signal of the S2 state, the room temperature chlorophyll a fluorescence yield, the 77 K emission spectra, and the P700 EPR signal at 300 K. These data show that the PS II characteristics are increased by a factor of two in PS II preparations as compared to thylakoid samples, and the PS I concentration is reduced by approximately a factor ten compared to that in thylakoids.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - Chl chlorophyll - DCBQ 2,6-dichloro-p-benzoquinone - DCMU (diuron) 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - DMQ 2,5-dimethyl-p-benzoquinone - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - EPR electron paramagnetic resonance - Hepes N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - MES 2-[N-Morpholino]ethanesulfonic acid - OEE oxygen evolving enhancer - PS II photosystem II - SDS-PAGE sodium dedocyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Functional roles of an anionic lipid phosphatidylglycerol (PG) were studied in pgsA-gene-inactivated and cdsA-gene-inactivated/phycobilisome-less mutant cells of a cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, which can grow only in PG-supplemented media. 1) A few days of PG depletion suppressed oxygen evolution of mutant cells supported by p-benzoquinone (BQ). The suppression was recovered slowly in a week after PG re-addition. Measurements of fluorescence yield indicated the enhanced sensitivity of QB to the inactivation by BQ. It is assumed that the loss of low-affinity PG (PGL) enhances the affinity for BQ that inactivates QB. 2) Oxygen evolution without BQ, supported by the endogenous electron acceptors, was slowly suppressed due to the direct inactivation of QB during 10 days of PG depletion, and was recovered rapidly within 10 h upon the PG re-addition. It is concluded that the loss of high-affinity PG (PGH) displaces QB directly. 3) Electron microscopy images of PG-depleted cells showed the specific suppression of division of mutant cells, which had developed thylakoid membranes attaching phycobilisomes (PBS). 4) Although the PG-depletion for 14 days decreased the chlorophyll/PBS ratio to about 1/4, florescence spectra/lifetimes were not modified indicating the flexible energy transfer from PBS to different numbers of PSII. Longer PG-depletion enhanced allophycocyanin fluorescence at 683 nm with a long 1.2 ns lifetime indicating the suppression of energy transfer from PBS to PSII. 5) Action sites of PGH, PGL and other PG molecules on PSII structure are discussed.  相似文献   

Using time-resolved single photon counting, fluorescence decay in photosystem I (PS I) was analyzed in mutant strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii that lack photosystem II. Two strains are compared: one with a wild-type PS I core antenna (120 chlorophyll a/P700) and a second showing an apparent reduction in core antenna size (60 chlorophyll a/P700). These data were calculated from the lifetimes of core antenna excited states (75 and 45 ps, respectively) and from pigment stoichiometries. Fluorescence decay in wild type PS I is composed of two components: a fast 75-ps decay that represents the photochemically limited lifetime of excited states in the core antenna, and a minor (less than 10%) 300-800 ps component that has spectral characteristics of both peripheral and core antenna pigments. Temporal and spectral properties of the fast PS I decay indicate that (a) excitations are nearly equilibrated among the range of spectral forms present in the PS I core antenna, (b) an average excitation visits a representative distribution of core antenna spectral forms on all pigment-binding subunits regardless of the origin of the excitation, (c) reduction in core antenna size does not alter the range of antenna spectral forms present, and (d) transfer from peripheral antennae to the PS I core complex is rapid (less than 5 ps).  相似文献   

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