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A. Kenton 《Chromosoma》1978,65(4):309-324
Extensive C-band polymorphism has been found within and between diploid (2n=10) and tetraploid (2n=20) populations of Gibasis karwinskyana and Gibasis consobrina from Mexico. In G. karwinskyana, where the polymorphism is most pronounced, diploids and tetraploids share a similar banding pattern when collected from the same area. The banding pattern of G. consobrina shows less variation, and is most like that of G. karwinskyana collected closest to it. These findings have led to reconsideration of the relationships within and between populations of these two species.  相似文献   

Keith Jones 《Chromosoma》1974,45(4):353-368
The plant species Gibasis schiedeana (Kunth) D. R. Hunt sens. lat. contains two cytotypes viz. a self-sterile diploid with 2n=10 (x=5) and a selffertile cytological autotetraploid with 2n=16 (x=4). Single chromosome sets of these plants consist of 2 metacentrics +3 acrocentrics, and 3 metacentrics +1 acrocentric chromosomes respectively suggesting a Robertsonian relationship between them. Their artificial F1 hybrids show the pairing of acrocentrics with metacentric arms confirming the supposed nature of the chromosome affinities. Both breeding systems and ploidy levels show that the direction of the change has been from x=5 to x=4 by a translocation of the Robertsonian type.  相似文献   

Discovery of permanent hybridity in the very large chromosomes of Gibasis pulchella (Commelinaceae) has allowed specific identification of segmental interchanges in complex heterozygotes. The interchanges are confined to terminal regions, are sometimes very small, and may be unequal in size. Breakpoints have occurred close to major C-bands, probably at euchromatin/heterochromatin boundaries. Complete and disjunctional ring formation at meiosis results in the segregation of two Renner complexes, each of which can be specifically identified with C-banding. The complex carrying the interchanges is usually transmitted through the pollen. Certain chromosomes that have undergone more extensive change than the rest of the complement may have some special significance. There is evidence of small duplications within heterozygous genomes. Permanent hybridity in different organisms may have quite different origins, possibly initiated by major karyotype repatterning following the activation of transposons that generate chromosome breakage.Abbreviations p Short arm - q long arm - M metacentric - SM submetacentric - BS bisatellited chromosome in population 4 - UB unbanded chromosome in population 4 - II bivalent; closed meiotic ring configuration, e.g., 10, ring of ten - ch open chain configuration - NOR nucleolus organising region  相似文献   

The development of the one and-inline of the pollen wall aredescribed for Gibasis karwinsk yana and G. venustula. Duringthe tetrad stage the appearance of electron-opaque depositionsor tri-partite plates at discrete sites between the plasma membraneof the spore and the inward surface of the callose special wallare the first indications of exine development. The sulcus rapidlydifferentiates being composed of discrete exine granules ona thin foot layer. Probacula in non-apertural areas developin an electron-opaque granular layer situated between the plasmamembrane, which is highly convoluted, and the callose specialwall. A foot layer is formed from electron-opaque lamellae atthe plasma membrane. Exine pattern is clearly established withinthe tetrad. After release of the spores from the tetrad an intimate associationis rapidly developed between the plasma membrane of the periplasmodialtapetum and the newly-formed exine. Compacted electron-opaquematerial is found at the interface between membrane and theexine and vesicular material is added from the tapetum. Theincrease in volume that occurs in both spore and anther is accompaniedby considerable vacuolation. Intine development begins just prior to pollen grain mitosisand continues rapidly at the aperture. The thin foot layer becomesdiscontinuous. Further intine deposition takes place after mitosisand a bilayer is apparent in mature grains. The matrix of thislayer contains conspicuous electron-opaque platelets. The exineof the mature spore stains less intensely than in the youngspore and the interbacula spaces are filled with material fromthe degenerate tapetum. Gibasis karwinskyana, Gibasis venustula, Commelinaceae, exine, intine, tapetum, pollen wall, ultrastructure  相似文献   

Three closely related species of theG. linearis group are differentiated by their basic numbers and ploidy levels. The change in basic number involves Robertsonian fusion, but the species also differ by interchange and cryptic structural changes revealed by meiotic pairing in F1 hybrids.Chromosome Evolution in theGibasis linearis Group (Commelinaceae), II.—Part I:Kenton (1981a).  相似文献   

M. J. Pettenati 《Genetica》1987,74(3):219-224
The C-banded karyotypes of the three known varieties of Rhoeo are presented for the first time. Each variety displayed the same banding pattern with C-bands identified at all centromeres and some telomeres. In addition, the karyotype of a rare bivalent-forming Rhoeo was ascertained to consist of two complexes using C-banding. The nature and location of Rhoeo's C-bands are discussed.This paper represents part of a dissertation submitted for a Ph.D. thesis at West Virginia University.  相似文献   

A. Kenton 《Chromosoma》1984,90(4):303-310
Karyotypes, DNA amounts, and meiotic behaviour were examined in population samples of two closely related species, Gibasis venustula and G. heterophylla, and their F1 hybrids. All samples were diploid (2n=12). DNA amount was similar in G. heterophylla, G. venustula ssp. robusta, and some populations of G. venustula ssp. venustula but in 13 samples of the latter, it showed as much as a 60% difference despite karyotypic uniformity. Although DNA levels were related to the altitude of the habitat, there was some variation within two morphological and ecological races of subspecies venustula. Analysis of hybrid meiosis and pollen fertility demonstrated the cytogenetical discreteness of populations, races, and subspecies. Populations and races were concluded still to be evolving following ecological isolation. The significance of quantitative and qualitative genome changes in evolution and their bearing on the classification of these species is discussed.  相似文献   

A. Kenton 《Chromosoma》1981,84(2):291-304
Two related species of Gibasis, G. venustula (x = 6) and G. speciosa (x = 5) have been shown to be differentiated by a Robertsonian fusion. Meiotic analysis of the F1 hybrids has revealed further chromosome differentiation of the parent species, involving several interchanges and inversions. These rearrangements tend to be concentrated in the Robertsonian group, and give rise to unusual meiotic configurations. The sets of the two species are nonetheless highly homologous as shown by high chiasma frequency and as much as 65% stainable pollen in the F1. Models are proposed suggesting the possible evolutionary pathways of this karyotypic differentiation. The results are discussed in terms of chromosome evolution and its consequences for these species.  相似文献   

Ann Kenton 《Chromosoma》1991,100(7):467-478
C-banding differences within Gibasis karwinskyana (Roem & Schult.) Rohw. were reassessed using dual fluorochrome staining. Pronounced differences in C-band pattern between two subspecies with identical basic karyotypes were due to different chromosomal locations of AT-rich and GC-rich heterochromatin. The AT-rich component had an equilocal distribution in the karyotype and has evidently been accumulated at telomeres, as shown by its prevalence in supernumerary segments and B chromosomes. The GC-rich component also varied in amount, but was limited to nucleolus organizing regions (NORs) and centromeres. Centromeres and telomeres are suggested to constitute separate, although perhaps interdependent, centres of heterochromatin amplification. The possible role of nuclear architecture in determining the accumulation, distribution and spread of these sequences is discussed.Abbreviations H Hoechst 33258 - CMA chromomycin A3 - NOR nucleolus organizing region - SS supernumerary segment - Q quinacrine dihydrochloride - H+ H etc. indicate enhanced (+) and quenched (-) fluorescence with the stated fluorochrome by H.C. Macgregor  相似文献   

Giemsa C-banding patterns in two species of mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti and Aedes mascarensis, their hybrids and backcross progeny revealed differences in the sex chromosome pair. In A. aegypti, the female determining or the m chromosome in both males and females shows a conspicuous band in the centromere region and another band in one arm. The male determining or the M chromosome is devoid of any bands. Progeny of crosses involving A. aegypti females and A. mascarensis males showed interesting albeit unexpected results. The intercalary band was suppressed in both sons and daughters. When such F1 sons were backcrossed to A. aegypti females, a proportion of males developed into intersexes. These intersex progeny differed from the normal males in terms of their banding pattern. In the reciprocal cross (A. mascarensis female × A. aegypti male), the F1 and the backcross progeny yielded the expected C-banding patterns. The implications of the reversible expression of the intercalary band on the A. aegypti m chromosome and its relevance to genetic regulation are discussed.  相似文献   

Genomic in situ hybridisation (GISH) was used to reveal chromosome pairing in two partly fertile, triploid (2n = 3x = 21) hybrids obtained by crossing the diploid (2n = 2x = 14) Festuca pratensis Huds. (designated FpFp), used as a female parent, with the autotetraploid (2n = 4x = 28) Lolium multiflorum Lam. (designated LmLmLmLm), used as a male parent. The pattern of chromosome pairing calculated on the basis of the mean values of chromosome configurations identified in all 100 PMCs analysed, was: 0.71I Lm + 2.24I Fp + 2.18II Lm/Lm + 0.54II Lm/Fp + 4.18III Lm/Lm/Fp. A relatively high number of Lm/Lm bivalents and Fp univalents, and a low number of Lm/Fp bivalents and Lm univalents indicated that the pairing was preferential between L. multiflorum chromosomes. Other observations regarding chromosome pairing within the Lm/Lm/Fp trivalents also confirmed this preferential pairing in the analysed triploids, as the Fp chromosome was not randomly located in the chain- and frying-pan-shaped trivalents. The similarities and differences in chromosome pairing at metaphase I and the level of preferential pairing between Lolium chromosomes in the different triploid Lolium-Festuca hybrids are discussed.  相似文献   

Meiotic analysis of 21 plants from a single population of Gibasis linearis which contained from 0 to 6 apparently identical B chromosomes showed that the mean chiasma frequencies were significantly higher with increasing numbers of Bs. It was also found that those meiotic cells of a 5B plant which contained fewer than five B chromosomes showed a marked fall in chiasma frequency, demonstrating that the influence of B chromosomes on chiasma formation in A chromosomes acts at a cellular rather than a whole-anther level.  相似文献   

A. Davies  G. Jenkins  H. Rees 《Genetica》1990,82(2):103-110
The chromosomes of the two closely related diploid species, Gibasis consobrina and G. karwinskyana (Commelinaceae; 2n=2x=10), are morphologically alike, yet form few chiasmate associations at metaphase I in the f1 hybrid. During meiotic prophase, however, synaptonemal complexes join the majority of the chromosomes of the complement in complex multiple pairing configurations. The F1 hybrid between different tetraploid genotypes of the same two species similarly forms multivalents during meiotic prophase, which are subsequently eliminated in favour of strictly homologous bivalents before metaphase I. One quadrivalent comprising interchange chromosomes inherited from one of the parents, usually persists to first metaphase. Evidently the resolution of multivalents to bivalents at first metaphase, which accounts for diploidisation, is not attributable to the elimination of multivalents per se, but of multivalents comprising chromosomes of limited homology.  相似文献   

The cross compatibility within and between Yulania Spach and Michelia L.(Magnoliaceae) is relatively good and various such hybrids,obtained by conventional artificial hybridization,are available.The aim of the present study was to determine the extent of genome differentiation between the species involved in these crosses through the observation of chromosome pairing during meiosis in pollen mother cells (PMCs) of the hybrids.Chromosome pairing behavior was studied in five species (2n =38) and two interspecific hybrids of Michelia,eight species (2n =38,76 and 114) and 10 interspecific hybrids of Yulania,and three intergeneric hybrids between Michelia and Yulania.The results showed that chromosome pairing was normal with bivalent formation in diploid parental species and in interspecific hybrids.In addition to bivalents,multivalents were encountered in polyploid parental species and polyploid interspecific hybrids.In the intergeneric hybrids between a tetraploid Yulania and two diploid Michelia,19 chromosomes,most likely originating from Michelia,were unable to synapse from zygotene to metaphase I.Meiotic chromosome pairing indicated a high degree of homology between species within Michelia and Yulania and less homology between the genomes of these two genera.The differentiation of morphological characters and the distinctness of natural distribution also support the conclusion that these two genera are likely independent monophyletic groups.This suggests that the two genera were split at early evolution of Magnoliaceae and the overlapping characteristics in external morphology and internal structures of the two genera may be the result of parallel evolution or ancient common ancestry.  相似文献   

蹄蝠科的核型进化:比较染色体涂色、G带和C带分析(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mao XG  Wang JH  Su WT  Wang YX  Yang FT  Nie WH 《动物学研究》2010,31(5):453-460
与其姐妹科(菊头蝠科)相比,蹄蝠科的细胞遗传学研究较少。迄今为止,仅少数蹄蝠科几个物种有高分辨率的G带核型报道,且有关该科核型进化的大多数结论都是基于常规Giemsa染色研究而得。该研究利用三叶小蹄蝠的染色体特异探针,通过比较染色体涂色、G和C显带,建立了5种蹄蝠的染色体同源性图谱,并探讨了它们同源染色体间的G和C带异同。结果表明:罗伯逊易位、臂内倒位以及异染色质的扩增可能是蹄蝠科物种核型进化的主要机制。通过对这5种蹄蝠物种及其外群物种之间的同源染色体片段的比较分析,作者推测蹄蝠科的祖先核型并不像先前认为的全由端着丝粒染色体组成,而应该含有中着丝粒染色体。  相似文献   

Meiotic pairing inTradescantia soconuscana 2n=26 (6M+16A+4T) suggests that it has a tetraploid constitution which is not apparent in its chromosome number. Its nombre fondamental of 32 indicates that it could have evolved from an ancestor with x=8 by a combination of Robertsonian fusion, hybridization and polyploidy. The 2n=16 (8A+8T) karyotype of a closely related diploid supports this. The allied genusZebrina may have followed a similar method of chromosome evolution.  相似文献   

Summary The meiotic behaviour of rye chromosomes 1R, 2R, 3R, 6R and 7R/4R of hexaploid triticale Cachirulo is analyzed using the C-banding technique. These chromosomes show different C-banding patterns and present different pairing levels at metaphase I. A decreasing effect of large telomeric heterochromatin bands on pairing is deduced from the following two main facts: i) The chromosome 7R/4R shows the highest pairing associated with the smallest amount of heterochromatin, ii) pairing levels of 2 R short arm and 3 R long arm which carry large telomeric bands are less than their respective long and short arms lacking telomeric heterochromatin. Possible desynaptic effects of heterochromatin are discussed although an asynaptic effect cannot be rejected.  相似文献   

Lee YI  Chang FC  Chung MC 《Annals of botany》2011,108(1):113-121

Background and Aims

Lady''s slipper orchids (Paphiopedilum) are of high value in floriculture, and interspecific hybridization has long been used for breeding improved cultivars; however, information regarding the genome affinities of species and chromosome pairing behaviour of the hybrids remains almost unknown. The present work analyses the meiotic behaviour of interspecific hybrids by genomic in situ hybridization and cytologically evaluates the genomic relationships among parental species.


Eight interspecific F1 hybrids of Paphiopedilum species in various subgenera or sections were investigated in this study. The chromosome behaviour in meiosis of these interspecific hybrids was analysed and subjected to genomic in situ hybridization and fluorescent in situ hybridization.

Key Results

Genomic in situ hybridization was demonstrated as an efficient method to differentiate between Paphiopedilum genomes and to visualize the chromosome pairing affinities in interspecific F1 hybrids, clarifying the phylogenetic distances among these species. Comparatively regular chromosome pairing observed in the hybrids of P. delenatii × P. bellatulum, P. delenatii × P. rothschildianum and P. rothschildianum × P. bellatulum suggested high genomic affinities and close relationships between parents of each hybrid. In contrast, irregular chromosome associations, such as univalents, trivalents and quadrivalents occurred frequently in the hybrids derived from distant parents with divergent karyotypes, such as P. delenatii × P. callosum, P. delenatii × P. glaucophyllum, P. rothschildianum × P. micranthum and P. rothschildianum × P. moquetteanum. The existence of multivalents and autosyndesis demonstrated by genomic in situ hybridization in this study indicates that some micro-rearrangements and other structural alterations may also play a part in differentiating Paphiopedilum species at chromosomal level, demonstrated as different chromosome pairing affinities in interspecific hybrids.


The results indicate that genome homology and the interaction of genetic factors, but not chromosome number nor karyotype similarity, determine the chromosome pairing behaviour in Paphiopedilum hybrids.  相似文献   

Comparisons were made of levels of chromosome pairing in pentaploid hybrids between normal and ph 1b -and ph 2 -mutant forms of Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare cv. Chinese Spring each crossed with Triticum kotschyi and T. turgidum var. dicoccoides. Higher levels of multivalent formation in the ph 1b -kotschyi, compared with the ph 1b -dicoccoides pentaploid was attributed mainly to the absence of allelic buffering, by the Ph 1 allele, in the Kotschyi pentaploid and its presence in the dicoccoides pentaploid. The higher level of homoeologous pairing in the ph 2 -dicoccoides pentaploid compared with that of kotschyi was believed to be due to differential levels of homoe-and non-homoallelic buffering in the two pentaploids. The high level of homoeologous pairing caused by the ph 2 -mutant in the dicoccoides pentaploid indicates a potential use of pairing promoters, free of homoallelic buffering, as a means of increasing thelevel of homoeologous pairing in wheat and in certain of its hybrids with alien species.  相似文献   

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