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Cyanobacteria are important primary producers, and many are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen playing a key role in the marine environment. However, not much is known about the diversity of cyanobacteria in Portuguese marine waters. This paper describes the diversity of 60 strains isolated from benthic habitats in 9 sites (intertidal zones) on the Portuguese South and West coasts. The strains were characterized by a morphological study (light and electron microscopy) and by a molecular characterization (partial 16S rRNA, nifH, nifK, mcyA, mcyE/ndaF, sxtI genes). The morphological analyses revealed 35 morphotypes (15 genera and 16 species) belonging to 4 cyanobacterial Orders/Subsections. The dominant groups among the isolates were the Oscillatoriales. There is a broad congruence between morphological and molecular assignments. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of 9 strains have less than 97% similarity compared to the sequences in the databases, revealing novel cyanobacterial diversity. Phylogenetic analysis, based on partial 16S rRNA gene sequences showed at least 12 clusters. One-third of the isolates are potential N(2)-fixers, as they exhibit heterocysts or the presence of nif genes was demonstrated by PCR. Additionally, no conventional freshwater toxins genes were detected by PCR screening.  相似文献   

目的分析长江河口捕获的8种野生鱼类的肠道菌群多样性的差异并观察这种差异与食性的联系。方法采用PCR-DGGE(denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis)技术,DGGE图谱用PCA(principal component analy-sis)方法进行分析。结果建立了长江口8种鱼野生条件下肠道菌群的DGGE指纹图谱,观察到它们在野生条件下的肠道菌群的差异。其中,营底栖生活的舌鰕虎鱼的肠道菌群和其他7种野生鱼有着明显的差异,其他7种鱼的肠道菌群多样性的差异与它们的食性差异相关。结论PCR-DGGE技术是一种能够快速有效地分析研究鱼类肠道菌群结构的技术。8种野生鱼的肠道菌群的结构有明显的差别,并且食性差异大的鱼类之间肠道菌群差异也  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial blooms are intensifying global ecological hazards. The fine structure and dynamics of bloom community are critical to understanding bloom development but little understood. Here, the questions whether dominant bloomers have high diversity and whether dominant OTUs (operational taxonomical units) compete with one another were addressed. 16S rRNA gene amplicons from an annual bloom at five locations in Harsha Lake (Ohio, USA) showed cyanobacteria were the dominant phylum, and co-existing major bacterial phyla included Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinoacteria, and Verrucomicrobia. On the genus level, the initial dominance by Dolichospermum in June yielded to Planktothrix in July, which were replaced by Microcystis and Cylindrospermopsis in August throughout the bloom. Based on the number of verified unique OTUs (a within-genus biodiversity metric), dominant genera tended to have high within-genus diversity. For example, Dolichospermum had 57 unique OTUs, Planktothrix had 36, Microcystis had 12, and Cylindrospermopsis had 4 unique OTUs. Interestingly, these different OTUs showed different dynamics and association with other OTUs. First, no between-OTU competitions were observed during the bloom cycle, and dominant OTUs were abundant throughout the bloom. Such biodiversity of OTUs and their dynamics were verified in Microcystis aeruginosa with two microcystin synthetase genes (mcyA and mcyG): the relative abundance of both genes varied during the bloom based on quantitative PCR. Two Dolichospermum circinale OTUs and one P. rubescens OTU were most abundant and persistently present throughout the entire bloom. Second, these OTUs differed in the OTUs they were associated with. Third, these OTUs tended to have different levels of association with the environmental factors, even they belonged to the same genera. These findings suggest the structure and dynamics of a cyanobacterial bloom community is complex, with only few OTUs dominating the bloom. Thus, high-resolution molecular characterization will be necessary to understand bloom development.  相似文献   

Rice variety is one of the key factors regulating methane (CH4) production and emission from the paddy fields. However, the relationships between rice varieties and populations of microorganisms involved in CH4 dynamics are poorly understood. Here we investigated CH4 dynamics and the composition and abundance of CH4‐producing archaea and CH4‐oxidizing bacteria in a Chinese rice field soil planted with three types of rice. Hybrid rice produced 50–60% more of shoot biomass than Indica and Japonica cultivars. However, the emission rate of CH4 was similar to Japonica and lower than Indica. Furthermore, the dissolved CH4 concentration in the rhizosphere of hybrid rice was markedly lower than Indica and Japonica cultivars. The rhizosphere soil of hybrid rice showed a similar CH4 production potential but a higher CH4 oxidation potential compared with the conventional varieties. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the archaeal 16S rRNA genes showed that the hydrogenotrophic methanogens dominated in the rhizosphere whereas acetoclastic methanogens mainly inhabited the bulk soil. The abundance of total archaea as determined by quantitative (real‐time) PCR increased in the later stage of rice growth. However, rice variety did not significantly influence the structure and abundance of methanogenic archaea. The analysis of pmoA gene fragments (encoding the α‐subunit of particulate methane monooxygenase) revealed that rice variety also did not influence the structure of methanotrophic proteobacteria, though variable effects of soil layer and sampling time were observed. However, the total copy number of pmoA genes in the rhizosphere of hybrid rice was approximately one order of magnitude greater than the two conventional cultivars. The results suggest that hybrid rice stimulates the growth of methanotrophs in the rice rhizosphere, and hence enhances CH4 oxidation which attenuates CH4 emissions from the paddy soil. Hybrid rice is becoming more and more popular in Asian countries. The present study demonstrated that planting of hybrid rice will not enhance CH4 emissions albeit a higher grain production than the conventional varieties.  相似文献   

To explore the effect of ultra-strong static magnetic field on gut microbiota, 16 T static magnetic field was used to study the changes in the structure and composition of human and mouse gut microbiota in this environment. In the mouse gut microbiota, at the genus level, the magnetic field significantly decreased the relative abundances of Escherichia-Shigella, Lactobacillus, Enterococcus, Burkholderia-Caballeronia-Paraburkholderia, Parasutterella, and Ralstonia and significantly increased those of Parabacteroides, Alloprevotella, Alistipes, Odoribacter, Bacteroides, Mucispirillum, Sutterella, and Prevotellaceae_UCG-001. Similarly, at the genus level, the relative abundances of Bacteroides, Parabacteroides, Romboutsia, and Streptococcus significantly decreased in the human gut microbiota. Contrary to the changing trend of the abundance in the mouse gut, the abundances of Bacteroides and Parabacteroides in the human gut were significantly reduced under magnetic field. The BugBase phenotypic prediction analysis showed that the relative abundances of five phenotypes, including anaerobism, mobile elements, potential pathogenicity, stress-tolerant, and biofilm formation, changed significantly in the mouse gut microbiota, while the relative abundances of two phenotypes, including Gram-positive and Gram-negative phenotypes, changed significantly in the human gut microbiota. The 16 T magnetic field could differently affect the composition, structure, and phenotypes of gut microbiota in human and mice, suggesting the importance of model selection in studying the biological effects of magnetic field.  相似文献   

A denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) method for analyzing 16S rDNA of methanogenic archaeal community in paddy field soil is presented. Five specific primers for 16S rDNA of methanogenic archaea, which were modified from the primers for archaea, were first evaluated by polymerase chain reaction and DGGE using genomic DNAs of 13 pure culture strains of methanogenic archaea. The DGGE analysis was possible with two primer pairs (0348aF-GC and 0691R; 0357F-GC and 0691R) of the five pairs tested although 16S rDNA of some non-methanogenic archaea was amplified with 0348aF-GC and 0691R. These two primer pairs were further evaluated for use in analysis of methanogenic archaeal community in Japanese paddy field soil. Good separation and quality of patterns were obtained in DGGE analysis with both primer pairs. A total of 41 DNA fragments were excised from the DGGE gels and their sequences were determined. All fragments belonged to methanogenic archaea. These results indicate that the procedure of DGGE analysis with the primer pair 0357F-GC and 0691R is suitable for investigating methanogenic archaeal community in paddy field soil.  相似文献   

The ability of cyanobacteria to produce toxins and other secondary metabolites is patchily distributed in natural populations, enabling the use of cellular oligopeptide compositions as markers to classify strains into ecologically-relevant chemotypical subpopulations. The composition and spatiotemporal distribution of Microcystis chemotypes within and among waterbodies was studied at different time scales by analyzing (i) Microcystis strains isolated between 1998 and 2007 from different Spanish reservoirs and (ii) individual Microcystis aeruginosa colonies collected from pelagic and littoral habitats in Valmayor reservoir (Spain) during a bloom. No agreement between chemotypes and both morphotypes and genotypes (based on cpcBA-IGS, 16S–23S rRNA ITS and mcyB genes) was found, suggesting that oligopeptide profiles in individual strains evolve independently across morphospecies and phylogenetic genotypes, and that the diversity of microcystin variants produced cannot be explained by mcyB gene variations alone. The presence of identical chemotypes in spatially-distant reservoirs with dissimilar trophic state, lithology or depth indicate that waterbody characteristics and geographical boundaries weakly affect chemotype composition and distribution. At smaller spatiotemporal scales (i.e. during bloom), M. aeruginosa populations showed high number of chemotypes, as well as marked differences in chemotype composition and relative abundance among the littoral and pelagic habitats. This indicates that the factors influencing chemotype composition, relative abundance and dynamics operate at short spatial and temporal scales, and supports emerging hypotheses about interactions with antagonistic microorganisms as possible drivers for widespread chemical polymorphisms in cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Benthic nitrogen fixation has been estimated to contribute 15 Tg N year(-1) to the marine nitrogen budget. With benthic marine nitrogen fixation being largely overlooked in more recent surveys, a refocus on benthic diazotrophy was considered important. Variations in nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction-gas chromatography) in a tropical lagoon in the western Indian Ocean (Zanzibar, Tanzania) were monitored over a 3-year period (2003-2005) and related to cyanobacterial and diazotrophic microbial diversity using a polyphasic approach. Different nitrogenase activity patterns were discerned, with the predominant pattern being high daytime activities combined with low nighttime activities. Analyses of the morphological and 16S rRNA gene diversity among cyanobacteria revealed filamentous nonheterocystous (Oscillatoriales) and unicellular (Chroococcales) representatives to be predominant. Analyses of the nifH gene diversity showed that the major phylotypes belonged to noncyanobacterial prokaryotes. However, as shown by cyanobacterial selective nifH-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis, cyanobacterial nifH gene sequences were present at all sites. Several nifH and 16S rRNA gene phylotypes were related to uncultured cyanobacteria or bacteria of geographically distant habitats, stressing the widespread occurrence of still poorly characterized microorganisms in tropical benthic marine communities.  相似文献   

黑土区水田化肥氮去向的研究   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:18  
选取东北北部黑土地区水稻生产上施氮量、施肥方法和主要氮肥品种(尿素)为参数,采用示踪元素微区法和常规尿素小区法,连续2年系统地研究了水田化肥氮的去向。结果表明,化肥氮22.2%~46.1%进入了水稻体内,平均为37.7%,当年进入土壤中的残留氮12.7%~25.4%,氨挥发为8.8%~17.2%,作物对化肥氮的利用高低决定于施氮方法,化肥氮深施、混施均比表层施用利用率高,低施肥量化肥氮利用率比高施肥量利用率高,土壤残留量与施肥方法有关,深施和高施氮量均增加土壤残留,^15N试验证明,由于东北北部黑土比较粘重和土体构型的原因,在土层深度为80cm以下未检测出土壤残留化肥氮,示踪试验和小区试验证明,化肥氮的激发效应(PE)量和土壤残留氮量从该地区总体估算为大致平衡。  相似文献   

[目的]连续3次风干-湿润循环培养水稻土,在DNA和RNA水平下,探究细菌对干湿交替胁迫的响应机制,明确风干水稻土能否代替新鲜土壤进行细菌群落组成分析.[方法]针对我国江苏省常熟市水稻土,开展新鲜土壤的3次风干-湿润循环连续培养处理(每次循环中风干、湿润状态各维持7 d),在DNA和RNA水平应用16S rRNA基因高...  相似文献   

Accumulation of Cr(VI) in rice seeds cultivated in Cr-contaminated soil of the Sundarbans (India) is an environmental problem. Cr(VI) concentration in this soil was 6.2 ± 0.3 mg/kg, whereas total chromium was 32.04 ± 1.60 mg/kg. A Cr(VI)-removing bacterium isolated from Cr-contaminated paddy field soil of Sundarbans was identified as Staphylococcus sciuri. Enrichment culture of S. sciuri was applied to pot cultivation of rice in Cr-contaminated soil. After 8 weeks, 71 ± 3% Cr(VI) (final concentration 2.15 ± 0.01 mg/kg) and 65 ± 2% total Cr removal (end concentration 11.3 ± 0.5 mg/kg) were attained in bacterium-treated soils. Growth parameters indicated healthy development of plants cultivated in bacterium-treated soils that was not observed in control plants. Total Cr removal attained in rice seeds of plants cultivated in bacterium-treated soils compared with control rice seeds was 78 ± 4%. Total Cr concentration in test seeds was 0.72 ± 0.05 mg/kg (World Health Organization [WHO] permissible limit: 1.30 mg/kg), whereas the same in control seeds was 3.27 ± 0.16 mg/kg. Cr(VI) reduction achieved in rice seeds cultivated in bacterium-treated soil compared with control rice seeds was 95 ± 5%. Cr(VI) concentration in rice seeds cultivated in treated soil was 0.050 ± 0.003 mg/kg, whereas the same in untreated control was 0.93 ± 0.05 mg/kg. Successful paddy field soil bioremediation by any Staphylococcus species was demonstrated for the first time.  相似文献   

Colonial and filamentous cyanobacteria frequently have bacteria associated with their extracellular mucus zone or more tightly attached to their cells surface. The toxin-producing cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena is an important component of the Baltic Sea plankton community, and its filaments are likely to provide a microenvironment suitable for the development of a particular bacteria flora. In the present work, 13 bacterial strains associated with filaments of N. spumigena from the Baltic Sea were isolated and identified by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene. Different bacterial lineages were found associated with the cyanobacterial filaments, including the alpha, beta, and gamma subdivisions of the class Proteobacter and the division Firmicutes (Gram-positive bacteria). Several 16S rRNA gene sequences were not closely related to previously reported sequences of cultured bacteria from the Baltic Sea or to any other reported sequence. Conversely, sequences related to the gamma Proteobacter genus Shewanella, a group previously described in the Baltic Sea, were found among the isolates. The bacterial isolates were grown and added to cultures of exponentially growing N. spumigena. Five isolates, related to the alpha and gamma Proteobacter and Firmicutes, affected negatively the cyanobacterial growth, leading to a lower biomass yield up to 38% relative to controls with no bacteria addition. Five gamma Proteobacter-related strains had no effect on the cyanobacterial growth, while three strains related to Shewanella baltica had a positive effect. Although none of the bacterial isolates showed strong algicidal effect, the observed stimulatory and retarding effects on N. spumigena growth under culture conditions denotes the importance of the associated bacterial community for the dynamics of these cyanobacterial populations in nature. Moreover, several new taxa recovered in this study probably belong to species not yet described.  相似文献   

福建冷浸田土壤质量评价因子的最小数据集   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
江南山区中低产冷浸田分布广泛,其改良利用对促进粮食增产意义重大.本研究通过比较福建省17对典型冷浸田与同一微地貌单元内非冷浸田表层土壤的41项物理、化学与生物指标,系统分析了冷浸田与非冷浸田之间各指标差异及其产生的原因,并利用主成分分析等方法构建冷浸田土壤质量评价因子最小数据集.结果表明:与非冷浸田相比,冷浸田土壤总有机质高31.7%,表征活性有机质的微生物生物量C降低37.8%;Fe2+高177.0%,速效磷、钾分别降低52.3%和22.8%;过氧化氢酶和转化酶分别高58.3%和22.1%,磷酸酶、硝酸还原酶分别降低47.8%和66.6%,微生物区系数量降低29.8%~46.0%;物理性砂粒含量高8.0%,浸水容重降低25.8%.冷浸田与非冷浸田之间表土有28项属性指标呈现显著差异.用因子分析方法从28项有显著差异的指标中归纳出累计贡献率达78.5%并能分别反映土壤生化、活性有机N、还原性障碍、物理与化学养分特征的5个主成分,结合相关分析模型和专家经验法建立了包括C/N、细菌、微生物生物量N、还原性物质总量、物理性砂粒、全磷6项因子的冷浸田土壤质量评价因子最小数据集.  相似文献   

【目的】研究西南不同地区的高山湖泊中可培养细菌的多样性及其产胞外蛋白酶、纤维素酶和胞外多糖的能力。【方法】以西南4个不同地区的高山湖泊:雷波的马湖(LB)、中缅边境的凯邦亚湖(ZM)、沙德的莲花湖(SD)、腾冲的青海湖(TC)的水样为研究对象,利用稀释涂布平板方法对可培养细菌进行分离筛选,然后通过对可培养细菌的生理生化指标和16S r RNA基因序列进行分析,初步确定细菌属别;对分离得到的菌株进行产胞外蛋白酶和纤维素酶活性测定和产胞外多糖能力检测。【结果】从西南地区4个湖泊中共分离筛选得到41株细菌,其中LB 15株、ZM 13株、SD 7株、TC 6株。根据16S r RNA基因序列的系统进化分析,4个地区可培养细菌的组成和丰度存在明显差异,其中LB和ZM的优势菌属是芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus),其次是气单胞菌属(Aeromonas)和假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas),分离的TC菌株全部属于芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus),分离的SD菌株特异性较强。进一步酶活性和胞外多糖检测表明,分离得到的41株细菌中有28株菌的发酵产物具有蛋白酶活性,6株具有纤维素酶活性,17株可产胞外多糖(Exopolysaccharides,EPS)。其中有2株细菌同时产蛋白酶、纤维素酶和胞外多糖,10株细菌同时产蛋白酶和胞外多糖,2株细菌同时产蛋白酶和纤维素酶,1株细菌同时产纤维素酶和胞外多糖。【结论】西南4个高山湖泊中存在丰富的微生物菌种资源,且4个湖泊中筛选的可培养细菌受所处环境的影响大。其中莲花湖由于高海拔和较偏僻等特点,人为干扰小,分离得到的细菌类群与其他湖泊相比明显不同;而马湖、凯邦亚湖和青海湖3个湖泊的海拔相对较低,受人类活动影响较大,分离得到的细菌均较常见。此外高山湖泊中的可培养细菌具有分泌多种胞外活性物质特性,为工业化应用奠定了资源基础,极具更深入的开发和研究价值。  相似文献   

1. We assessed the role of cyanobacterial–bacterial consortia (Gloeotrichia echinulata phycospheres) for net changes in inorganic carbon, primary production (PP) and secondary production in Lake Erken (Sweden). 2. At the time of sampling, large colonies of G. echinulata formed a massive bloom with abundances ranging from 102 colonies L?1 in the pelagic zone to 5000 colonies L?1 in shallow bays. These colonies and their surrounding phycospheres contributed between 17 and 92% of total PP, and phycosphere‐associated bacteria contributed between 8.5 and 82% of total bacterial secondary production. PP followed a diurnal cycle, whereas bacterial production showed no such pattern. Over a 24 h period, carbon dioxide measurements showed that the phycospheres were net autotrophic in the top layer of the water column, whereas they were net heterotrophic below 2 m depth. 3. Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA genes of attached bacteria revealed a diverse bacterial community that included populations affiliated with Proteobacteria, Bacteriodetes, Acidobacteria, Fusobacteria, Firmicutes, Verrucomicrobia, and other Cyanobacteria. 4. Compared with their planktonic counterparts, bacteria associated with cyanobacterial phycospheres had lower affinity for arginine, used as a model compound to assess uptake of organic compounds. 5. Extrapolation of our data to the water column of lake Erken suggests that microorganisms that were not associated with cyanobacteria dominated CO2 production at the ecosystem scale during our experiments, as CO2 fixation balanced CO2 production in the cyanobacterial phycospheres.  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between plant species composition and microbial community diversity and structure, we carried out a molecular analysis of microbial community structure and diversity in two field experiments. In the first experiment, we examined bacterial community structure in bulk and rhizosphere soils in fields exposed to different plant diversity treatments, via a 16S rRNA gene clone library approach. Clear differences were observed between bacterial communities of the bulk soil and the rhizosphere, with the latter containing lower bacterial diversity. The second experiment focused on the influence of 12 different native grassland plant species on bacterial community size and structure in the rhizosphere, as well as the structure of Acidobacteria and Verrucomicrobia community structures. In general, bacterial and phylum-specific quantitative PCR and PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis revealed only weak influences of plant species on rhizosphere communities. Thus, although plants did exert an influence on microbial species composition and diversity, these interactions were not specific and selective enough to lead to major impacts of vegetation composition and plant species on below-ground microbial communities.  相似文献   

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