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Cardiovascular disease is associated with a multitude of pathophysiologic conditions, including vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation in response to vessel injury. Diethylstilbestrol (DES) was previously prescribed for at-risk pregnancies to prevent abortion, miscarriage, and premature labor. Our aim in this study was to elucidate the effects and molecular mechanism of DES on proliferation and cell cycle progression of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB-stimulated rat aortic VSMCs. Treating the cells with DES (1-7 μM) dramatically inhibited cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner without any cytotoxic effects. In addition, DES blocked cell cycle progression from PDGF-BB-stimulated cells, which we found was related to down-regulation of the cell cycle regulatory factors, cyclin D1, and cyclin E. Our data demonstrate that DES inhibits rat aortic VSMC proliferation and cell cycle progression through regulation of cell cycle-related proteins. Therefore, our observations may explain, in part, the mechanistic basis underlying the therapeutic effects of DES in cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

D W Goodrich  N P Wang  Y W Qian  E Y Lee  W H Lee 《Cell》1991,67(2):293-302
The RB gene product is a nuclear phosphoprotein that undergoes cell cycle-dependent changes in its phosphorylation status. To test whether RB regulates cell cycle progression, purified RB proteins, either full-length or a truncated form containing the T antigen-binding region, were injected into cells. Injection of either protein early in G1 inhibits progression into S phase. Co-injection of anti-RB antibodies antagonizes this effect. Injection of RB into cells arrested at G1/S or late in G1 has no effect on BrdU incorporation, suggesting that RB does not inhibit DNA synthesis in S phase. These results indicate that RB regulates cell proliferation by restricting cell cycle progression at a specific point in G1 and establish a biological assay for RB activity. Neither co-injection of RB with a T antigen peptide nor injection into cells expressing T antigen prevents cells from progressing into S phase, which supports the hypothesis that T antigen binding has functional consequences for RB.  相似文献   

Autocrine production of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) regulates growth of human intestinal muscle cells by activation of distinct phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase)-dependent and ERK1/2-dependent pathways. The aim of the present study was to determine the mechanisms by which IGF-I regulates the G(1) phase of the cell cycle and muscle cell proliferation. Incubation of quiescent cells with IGF-I stimulated time-dependent cell cycle progression measured by using fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis and by incorporation of [(3)H]thymidine. Studies using a microarray-based approach were used initially to identify genes expressed in human intestinal muscle encoding proteins known to participate in the G(1) phase of the cell cycle that were regulated by IGF-I. Incubation of muscle cells for 24 h with IGF-I elicited greater than fivefold increase in the expression of cyclin D1 and greater than twofold increase in retinoblastoma protein (Rb1). IGF-I elicited a time-dependent increase in cyclin D1 protein levels mediated jointly by ERK1/2-dependent and PI3-kinase-dependent mechanisms. Increase in cyclin D1 levels was accompanied by a time-dependent increase in cyclin D1-dependent cyclin-dependent kinase-4 (CDK4) activity. IGF-I also elicited a rapid time-dependent increase in Rb-(Ser807/811) phosphorylation, the specific target of the cyclin D(1)-dependent CDK4 kinase, and a slower increase in total Rb protein levels. We conclude that IGF-I stimulates G(1) phase progression, DNA synthesis, and cell proliferation of human intestinal smooth muscle cells. Effects of IGF-I on proliferation are mediated jointly by ERK1/2-dependent and PI3-kinase-dependent pathways that regulate cyclin D1 levels, CDK4 activity, and Rb activity.  相似文献   

WW domain-containing oxidoreductase (WWOX) has been reported to be a tumor suppressor in multiple cancers, including prostate cancer. WWOX can induce apoptotic responses to inhibit tumor progression, and the other mechanisms of WWOX in tumor suppression have also been reported recently. In this study, we found significant down-regulation of WWOX in prostate cancer specimens and prostate cancer cell lines compared with the normal controls. In addition, an ectopically increased WWOX expression repressed tumor progression both in vitro and in vivo. Interestingly, overexpression of WWOX in 22Rv1 cells led to cell cycle arrest in the G1 phase but did not affect sub-G1 in flow cytometry. GFP-WWOX overexpressed 22Rv1 cells were shown to inhibit cell cycle progression into mitosis under nocodazole treatment in flow cytometry, immunoblotting and GFP fluorescence. Further, cyclin D1 but not apoptosis correlated genes were down-regulated by WWOX both in vitro and in vivo. Restoration of cyclin D1 in the WWOX-overexpressed 22Rv1 cells could abolish the WWOX-mediated tumor repression. In addition, WWOX impair c-Jun-mediated cyclin D1 promoter activity. These results suggest that WWOX inhibits prostate cancer progression through negatively regulating cyclin D1 in cell cycle lead to G1 arrest. In summary, our data reveal a novel mechanism of WWOX in tumor suppression.  相似文献   

WW domain-containing oxidoreductase (WWOX) has been reported to be a tumor suppressor in multiple cancers, including prostate cancer. WWOX can induce apoptotic responses to inhibit tumor progression, and the other mechanisms of WWOX in tumor suppression have also been reported recently. In this study, we found significant down-regulation of WWOX in prostate cancer specimens and prostate cancer cell lines compared with the normal controls. In addition, an ectopically increased WWOX expression repressed tumor progression both in vitro and in vivo. Interestingly, overexpression of WWOX in 22Rv1 cells led to cell cycle arrest in the G1 phase but did not affect sub-G1 in flow cytometry. GFP-WWOX overexpressed 22Rv1 cells were shown to inhibit cell cycle progression into mitosis under nocodazole treatment in flow cytometry, immunoblotting and GFP fluorescence. Further, cyclin D1 but not apoptosis correlated genes were down-regulated by WWOX both in vitro and in vivo. Restoration of cyclin D1 in the WWOX-overexpressed 22Rv1 cells could abolish the WWOX-mediated tumor repression. In addition, WWOX impair c-Jun-mediated cyclin D1 promoter activity. These results suggest that WWOX inhibits prostate cancer progression through negatively regulating cyclin D1 in cell cycle lead to G1 arrest. In summary, our data reveal a novel mechanism of WWOX in tumor suppression.  相似文献   

Adhesion to fibronectin through the alpha5beta1 integrin enables endothelial cells to proliferate in response to growth factors, whereas adhesion to laminin through alpha2beta1 results in growth arrest under the same conditions. On laminin, endothelial cells fail to translate Cyclin D1 mRNA and activate CDK4 and CDK6. Activated Rac, but not MEK1, PI-3K, or Akt, rescues biosynthesis of cyclin D1 and progression through the G(1) phase. Conversely, dominant negative Rac prevents these events on fibronectin. Mitogens promote activation of Rac on fibronectin but not laminin. This process is mediated by SOS and PI-3K and requires coordinate upstream signals through Shc and FAK. These results indicate that Rac is a crucial mediator of the integrin-specific control of cell cycle in endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known regarding how energetic demand during cell proliferation is sensed or coordinated with mitochondrial metabolism. Here we demonstrate that cell cycle progression through G1 is associated with a significant increase in mitochondrial membrane potential (?Ψm) and respiration. We used this change in metabolic rate to isolate cells in G1 with low and high levels of mitochondrial membrane potential (?ΨmL and ?ΨmH). Biochemical and functional studies demonstrate that ?ΨmL and ?ΨmH cells display the distinct characteristics of early and late G1 phase, respectively. We further demonstrate that the metabolic rate in G1 reflect levels of the mTOR-raptor complex as well as susceptibility to rapamycin-induced cell cycle delay. In conclusion, our data suggests a coupling of mitochondrial bioenergetics and G1 progression and points to the mTOR signaling pathway as a potential molecular coordinator of these two processes.  相似文献   

Mimosine reversibly arrests cell cycle progression at the G1-S phase border   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
It has previously been demonstrated that the compound mimosine inhibits cell cycle traverse in late G1 phase prior to the onset of DNA synthesis (Hoffman BD, Hanauske-Abel HM, Flint A, Lalande M: Cytometry 12:26-32, 1991; Lalande M: Exp Cell Res 186:332-339, 1990). These results were obtained by using flow cytometric analysis of DNA content to compare the effects of mimosine on cell cycle traverse with those of aphidicolin, an inhibitor of DNA polymerase alpha activity. We have now measured the incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine into lymphoblastoid cells by flow cytometry to determine precisely where the two inhibitors act relative to the initiation of DNA synthesis. It is demonstrated here that mimosine arrests cell cycle progression at the G1-S phase border. The onset of DNA replication occurs within 15 min of releasing the cells from the mimosine block. In contrast, treatment with aphidicolin results in the accumulation of cells in early S phase. These results indicate that mimosine is a suitable compound for affecting the synchronous release of cells from G1 into S phase and for analyzing the biochemical events associated with this cell cycle phase transition.  相似文献   

8-Hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), a marker of oxidative stress, has been recently rediscovered to inhibit Rac1 in neutrophils and macrophages, thereby inhibiting Rac1-linked functions of these cells, including reactive oxygen species production through NADPH oxidase activation, phagocytosis, chemotaxis, and cytokine release. In vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), reactive oxygen species also induce abnormal proliferation and migration leading to progression of atherosclerosis. Based upon the involvement of reactive oxygen species in phagocytic cells and VSMCs during the atherosclerotic process, we hypothesized that 8-OHdG could have antiatherosclerotic action and tested this hypothesis in an experimentally induced atherosclerosis in mice. Partially ligated ApoE knockout mice, a more physiologically relevant model of low and oscillatory flow, developed an advanced lesion in 2 weeks, and orally administered 8-OHdG significantly reduced plaque formation along with reduced superoxide formation, monocyte/macrophage infiltration, and extracellular matrix (ECM) accumulation. The effects of 8-OHdG observed in primary VSMCs were consistent with the in vivo effects of 8-OHdG and were inhibitory to angiotensin II or platelet-derived growth factor-induced production of reactive oxygen species, proliferation, migration, and ECM production. Also, angiotensin II-induced Rac1 activity in VSMCs was significantly inhibited by 8-OHdG, and transfection of constitutively active Rac1 reversed the inhibitory effect of 8-OHdG on VSMC activation. Molecular docking study showed that 8-OHdG stabilizes Rac1-GEF complex, indicating the physical contact of 8-OHdG with Rac1. These findings highly suggest that the antiatherosclerotic effect of 8-OHdG is mediated by inhibition of Rac1 activity. In conclusion, our results show a novel action of orally active 8-OHdG in suppressing atherosclerotic plaque formation in vivo and VSMC activation in vitro through inhibition of Rac1, which emphasizes a new therapeutic avenue to benefit atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Polyamines are important for cell growth and proliferation and they are formed from arginine and ornithine via arginase and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC). Arginine may alternatively be metabolised to NO via NO synthase. Here we study if vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation can be reversed by polyamine synthesis inhibitors and investigate their mechanism of action. Cell proliferation was assessed in cultured vascular smooth muscle A7r5 cells and in endothelium-denuded rat arterial rings by measuring [3H]-thymidine incorporation and by cell counting. Cell cycle phase distribution was determined by flow cytometry and polyamines by HPLC. Protein expression was determined by Western blotting. The ODC inhibitor DFMO (1–10 mM) reduced polyamine concentration and attenuated proliferation in A7r5 cells and rat tail artery. DFMO accumulated cells in S phase of the cell cycle and reduced cyclin A expression. DFMO had no effect on cell viability and apoptosis as assessed by fluorescence microscopy. Polyamine concentration and cellular proliferation were not affected by the arginase inhibitor NOHA (100–200 μM) and the NO synthase inhibitor l-NAME (100 μM). Lack of effect of NOHA was reflected by absence of arginase expression. Polyamine synthesis inhibition attenuates vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation by reducing DNA synthesis and accumulation of cells in S phase, and may be a useful approach to prevent vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation in cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

The binding, internalization, and metabolism of [3H]-heparin by human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and human umbilical arterial smooth muscle cells (HUASMC) have been characterized using size-exclusion HPLC. Incubation of HUVEC with [3H]-heparin demonstrated selective binding of high-molecular-weight (MW) components (MW = 21 kd), which was followed by rapid, temperature-dependent internalization. Over the next 3 hours, this internalized [3H]-heparin was degraded to low-MW fragments (MW = 0.9 kd). Primary cultures of HUASMC selectively bound extremely high-MW components (MW = 40 kd) and also smaller components whose MW (0.9 kd) corresponded to that of the heparin metabolite(s) formed by HUVEC. Subcultured HUASMC bound only the 40-kd components. Internalization of heparin by smooth muscle cells (SMC) was significantly slower than that determined for HUVEC, and even after 4 hours there was no evidence of the heparin being metabolized. However, when incubating primary rabbit aortic SMC with purified low-MW heparin fragment(s) produced in culture by HUVEC, a significantly lower proliferative response of these cells (IC50 = 18.4 micrograms/ml) was obtained. Virtually no effect was observed with subcultured SMC in the range of the tested concentrations (0-20 micrograms/ml). These fragments were 10- to 15-fold more effective in inhibiting primary SMC growth than was standard heparin. Furthermore, heparin fractions in the same range of molecular weights, purified either after nitrous acid or heparinase depolymerization of standard heparin, showed no activity on primary SMC growth, thus indicating a high degree of selectivity of the heparin metabolite(s) produced by HUVEC in culture.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the mechanisms responsible for the growth-inhibitory action of parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHRP) in A10 vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). Fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis of serum-stimulated VSMC treated with PTHRP or dibutyryl-cAMP (DBcAMP) demonstrated an enrichment of cells in G1 and a reduction in the S phase. Measurement of DNA synthesis in platelet-derived growth factor-stimulated VSMC treated with DBcAMP revealed that cells became refractory to growth inhibition by 12-16 h, consistent with blockade in mid-G1. cAMP treatment blunted the serum-induced rise in cyclin D1 during cell cycle progression without altering levels of the cyclin-dependent kinase cdk4 or cyclin E and its associated kinase, cdk2. Exposure of cells to PTHRP or cAMP resulted in a reduction in retinoblastoma gene product (Rb) phosphorylation. Immunoblotting of extracts from cAMP-treated cells with antibodies to cdk inhibitors revealed a striking increase in p27(kip1) abundance coincident with the G1 block. Immunoprecipitation with an anti-cyclin D1 antibody of cell lysates prepared from cAMP-treated cells followed by immunoblotting with antisera to p27(kip1) disclosed a threefold increase in p27(kip1) associated with cyclin D1 compared with lysates treated with serum alone. We conclude that PTHRP, by increasing intracellular cAMP, induces VSMC cycle arrest in mid-G1. This occurs secondary to a suppression in cyclin D1 and induction of p27(kip1) expression, which in turn inhibits Rb phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Arterial remodeling in response to pathological insult is a complex process that depends in part on the balance between vascular cell apoptosis and proliferation. Studies in experimental models suggest that HO-1 mediates neointimal formation while limiting lumen stenosing, indicating a differential effect on vascular endothelial (EC) and smooth muscle cells (SMC). We investigated the effect of HO-1 expression on cell cycle progression in EC and SMC. The addition of SnMP (10 microM), an inhibitor of HO activity, to EC or SMC for 24h, resulted in significant abnormalities in DNA distribution and cell cycle progression compared to cells treated with the HO-1 inducers, heme (10 microM) or SnCl(2) (10 microM). SnMP increased G(1) phase and decreased S and G(2)/M phases in EC while heme or SnCl(2) decreased G(1) phase, but increased S and G(2)/M phases (p<0.05). Opposite effects were obtained in SMC. SnMP decreased G(1) phase and increased S and G(2)/M phases while heme or SnCl(2) increased G(1) phase but decreased S and G(2)/M phases (p<0.05). Our data demonstrate that HO-1 regulates the cell cycle in a cell-specific manner; it increases EC but decreases SMC cycle progression. The mechanisms underlying the HO-1 cell-specific effect on cell cycle progression within the vascular wall are yet to be explored. Nevertheless, these findings suggest that cell-specific targeting of HO-1 expression may provide a novel therapeutic strategy for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

Kim TJ  Kang YJ  Lim Y  Lee HW  Bae K  Lee YS  Yoo JM  Yoo HS  Yun YP 《Experimental cell research》2011,317(14):2041-2051
Ceramide 1-phosphate (C1P) is a novel bioactive sphingolipid formed by ceramide kinase (CERK)-catalyzed phosphorylation of ceramide. It has been implicated in the regulation of such vital pathophysiological functions as phagocytosis and inflammation, but there have been no reports ascribing a biological function to CERK in vascular disorders. Here the potential role of CERK/C1P in neointimal formation was investigated using rat aortic vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) in primary culture and a rat carotid injury model. Exogenous C8-C1P stimulated cell proliferation, DNA synthesis, and cell cycle progression of rat aortic VSMCs in primary culture. In addition, wild-type CERK-transfected rat aortic VSMCs induced a marked increase in rat aortic VSMC proliferation and [3H]-thymidine incorporation when compared to empty vector transfectant. C8-C1P markedly activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) within 5 min, and the activation could be prevented by U0126, a MEK inhibitor. Also, K1, a CERK inhibitor, decreased the ERK1/2 phosphorylation and cell proliferation on platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-stimulated rat aortic VSMCs. CERK expression and C1P levels were found to be potently increased during neointimal formation using a rat carotid injury model. However, ceramide levels decreased during the neointimal formation process. These findings suggest that C1P can induce neointimal formation via cell proliferation through the regulation of the ERK1/2 protein in rat aortic VSMCs and that CERK/C1P may regulate VSMC proliferation as an important pathogenic marker in the development of cardiovascular disorders.  相似文献   

Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) was reported to suppress the proliferation and migration of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) which play an important role in several vascular proliferative disorders including restenosis. Our preliminary studies demonstrated that TFPI gene induced apoptosis in human vascular smooth muscle cells (hVSMCs). The current study was designed to address the role TFPI gene plays in the cell cycle of hVSMCs. hVSMCs isolated from human umbilical artery were transfected with pIRES-TFPI plasmid which expresses TFPI in eukaryotic cells. As measured by RT-PCR, the expression of TFPI was elevated in the TFPI treated cells, leading to the arrest of the cells at G1 phase as analyzed by flow cytometry. Further study by Western blotting demonstrated that TFPI gene transfer increased the amount of p21 and p53 and decreased the amount of cyclin D and phosphorylated cdk4 and cdk6 in the cells.  相似文献   

Cell spreading and proliferation are tightly coupled in anchorage-dependent cells. While adhesion-dependent proliferation signals require an intact actin cytoskeleton, and some of these signals such as ERK activation have been characterized, the role of myosin in spreading and cell cycle progression under different extracellular matrix (ECM) conditions is not known. Studies presented here examine changes in myosin activity in freshly isolated hepatocytes under ECM conditions that promote either proliferation (high fibronectin density) or growth arrest (low fibronectin density). Three different measures were obtained and related to both spreading and cell cycle progression: myosin protein levels and association with cytoskeleton, myosin light chain phosphorylation, and its ATPase activity. During the first 48 h in culture, corresponding with transit through G1 phase, there was a six-fold increase in both myosin protein levels and myosin association with actin cytoskeleton. There was also a steady increase in myosin light chain phosphorylation and ATPase activity with spreading, which did not occur in non-spread, growth-arrested cells on low density of fibronectin. Myosin-inhibiting drugs blocked ERK activation, cyclin D1 expression, and S phase entry. Overexpression of the cell cycle protein cyclin D1 overcame both ECM-dependent and actomyosin-dependent inhibition of DNA synthesis, suggesting that cyclin D1 is a key event downstream of myosin-dependent cell cycle regulation.  相似文献   

Vascular smooth muscle cell (SMC) apoptosis contributes to physiological and pathological vascular remodeling. Autocrine fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling promotes survival in SMC in vitro. Interruption of autocrine FGF signaling results in apoptosis that can be rescued by other growth factors such as PDGF (platelet-derived growth factor) or EGF (epidermal growth factor). Such heterologous growth factor rescue is prevented by pharmacological inhibition of MAPK, implicating signaling through Ras in mediating survival. This study was designed to test the hypothesis that signaling through Ras is both necessary and sufficient to mediate SMC survival in vitro. Recombinant adenoviruses encoding dominant-negative (Ras(N17)) and constitutively active (Ras(L61)) mutants of Ras were used. Ras(N17) blocks growth factor-mediated MAPK activation and can itself induce SMC apoptosis. Ras(N17) is synergistic with inhibition of autocrine FGF signaling in triggering apoptosis and prevents heterologous growth factor rescue. Conversely, Ras(L61) prevents apoptosis resulting from inhibition of autocrine FGF signaling. Rescue by Ras(L61) can be partially prevented by pharmacological inhibition of MEK or phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, two downstream effectors of Ras. These results suggest that Ras signaling is both necessary and sufficient to mediate survival in SMC in vitro. Further work is required to determine how these signaling events are regulated in the context of vascular remodeling in vivo.  相似文献   

Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) at capacitance arteries of hypertensive individuals and animals undergo dramatic polyploidization that contributes toward their hypertrophic phenotype. We report here the identification of a defective mitotic spindle cell cycle checkpoint in VSMC isolated from capacitance arteries of pre-hypertensive rats. These cells demonstrated a high predisposition to polyploidization in culture and failed to maintain cyclin B protein levels in response to colcemid, a mitotic inhibitor. Furthermore, this altered mitotic spindle checkpoint status was associated with the overexpression of Cks1, a Cdc2 adapter protein that promotes cyclin B degradation. Cks1 up-regulation, cyclin B down-regulation, and VSMC polyploidization were evidenced at the smooth muscle of capacitance arteries of genetically hypertensive and Goldblatt-operated rats. In addition, angiotensin II infusion dramatically increased Cks1 protein levels at capacitance arteries of normotensive rats, and angiotensin II treatment of isolated VSMC abrogated their ability to down-regulate Cks1 and maintain cyclin B protein expression in response to colcemid. Finally, transduction of VSMC from normotensive animals with a retrovirus that drives the expression of Cks1 was sufficient to alter their mitotic spindle cell cycle checkpoint status and promote unscheduled cyclin B metabolism, cell cycle re-entry, and polyploidization. These data demonstrate that Cks1 regulates cyclin B metabolism and ploidy in VSMC and may contribute to the understanding of the phenomena of VSMC polyploidization during hypertension.  相似文献   

As viruses are reliant upon their host cell to serve as proper environments for their replication, many have evolved mechanisms to alter intracellular conditions to suit their own needs. For example, human cytomegalovirus induces quiescent cells to enter the cell cycle and then arrests them in late G(1), before they enter the S phase, a cell cycle compartment that is presumably favorable for viral replication. Here we show that the protein product of the human cytomegalovirus UL82 gene, pp71, can accelerate the movement of cells through the G(1) phase of the cell cycle. This activity would help infected cells reach the late G(1) arrest point sooner and thus may stimulate the infectious cycle. pp71 also induces DNA synthesis in quiescent cells, but a pp71 mutant protein that is unable to induce quiescent cells to enter the cell cycle still retains the ability to accelerate the G(1) phase. Thus, the mechanism through which pp71 accelerates G(1) cell cycle progression appears to be distinct from the one that it employs to induce quiescent cells to exit G(0) and subsequently enter the S phase.  相似文献   

Recent work has shown that macrophage-mediated cytostatic activity inhibits cell cycle traverse in G1 and/or S phase of the cell cycle without affecting late S, G2, or M phases. The present report is directed at distinguishing between such cytostatic effects on G1 phase or S phase using the accumulation of DNA polymerase alpha as a marker of G1 to S phase transition. Quiescent lymphocytes stimulated with concanavalin A undergo a semisynchronous progression from G0 to G1 to S phase with a dramatic increase in DNA polymerase alpha activity between 20 and 30 hr after stimulation. This increase in enzyme activity was inhibited, as was the accumulation of DNA, when such cells were cocultured with activated murine peritoneal macrophages during this time interval. However, if mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes were enriched for S-phase cells by centrifugal elutriation and cocultured with activated macrophages for 4-6 hr, DNA synthesis was inhibited but the already elevated DNA-polymerase activity was unaffected. Similar results were obtained when a virally transformed lymphoma cell line was substituted as the target cell in this assay. These results show that both G1 and S phase of the cycle are inhibited and suggest that inhibition of progression through the different phases may be accomplished by at least two distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   

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