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This study establishes the widespread prevalence of fastidious or viable but non-culturable endophytic bacteria in field shoots and in unsuspicious shoot-tip cultures of papaya (Carica papaya L.) against the norm of asepsis in vitro. A total of 150 shoot-tips (approximately 10 mm) were inoculated on MS-based culture medium after surface sterilization of field-derived axillary shoots of cv. Surya during November or January (100 and 50, respectively) when 35–50% cultures showed endophytic microbial growth on culture medium. Indexing of apparently clean cultures using bacteriological media helped in detecting and removing additional 14–17% stocks with covert bacteria during the first two passages. The rest of the stocks stayed consistently index-negative during the first eight subculture cycles, but appeared positive in PCR-screening undertaken thereafter employing universal bacterial 16S rRNA gene primers indicating the association of non-cultivable bacteria. Direct sequencing of the PCR product yielded overlapping nucleotide data signifying mixed template or the presence of diverse endophytic microorganisms. This was confirmed by light microscopy of tissue sap revealing viable bacteria in considerable numbers, which were detected under phase contrast or with negative staining. Planting tissue segments or applying homogenate from these stocks on diverse bacteriological media did not induce the organisms to grow in vitro. The shoot cultures displayed variation in growth and rooting potential, the onus of such variation was solely attributable to the associated microorganisms. The findings were confirmed with additional field shoots and fresh in vitro stocks established subsequently. The observations have implications in micropropagation and all other applications involving plant cell, tissue, organ, and protoplast culture.  相似文献   

In this article we describe the identification of endophytic bacteria belonging to three groups isolated from shoot tip cultures of banana cv. Grand Naine in a recent study (Thomas et al. 2008) based on partial 16S rRNA gene sequence homology analysis. The first group included banana stocks that displayed obvious colony growth on MS based tissue culture medium during the first in vitro passage. The second group constituted stocks that were tissue index-negative for cultivable bacteria initially but turned index-positive after a few to several (4–8) in vitro passages while the third group formed one sub-stock that turned index-positive after about 18 passages. The organisms belonged to about 20 different genera comprising of α, β, γ-proteobacteria, Gram-positive firmicutes and actinobacteria. Visibly expressing easily cultured organisms during the first in vitro passage included Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Ochrobactrum, Pantoea, Staphylococcus and Bacillus spp. Organisms of second group that were not detected or non-culturable originally constituted Brevundimonas, Methylobacterium, Alcaligenes, Ralstonia, Pseudomonas, Corynebacterium, Microbacterium, Staphylococcus, Oceanobacillus and Bacillus spp. while the third group that turned cultivable after extended in vitro culturing included mostly non-filamentous actinobacteria (Brachybacterium, Brevibacterium, Kocuria and Tetrasphaera spp.). The identification results suggested that the endophytes of second and third groups were not strictly obligate or fastidious microbes but those surviving in viable but-non-culturable (VBNC) state and displaying gradual activation to cultivable form during continuous tissue culturing. Several of the organisms isolated are known as beneficial ones in agriculture while some organisms have possible implications in human health. The use of tissue cultures for isolating uncommon endophytes is discussed. Supply of live bacterial cultures or genetic material for research purpose is subject to their revival from glycerol stocks (as some of the organisms showed poor tolerance) and the requestor obtaining written permission from the Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi-110001.  相似文献   

Covert bacteria-harboring long-term micropropagated culture of grape that was sanitized of associated microbes as assessed through the indexing of tissue and medium for several passages (Thomas and Prakash (2004) In Vitro – Plant 40:603–607) showed reemergence of bacteria in a section of cultures (3/40) during the subsequent screening. Similarly, long-term propagated triploid watermelon cultures showed bacterial reentry in some sub-stocks (2/14) during their extended monitoring post-antibiotic treatment (Thomas et al. (2006) Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult, 85:317–329). Each of the three grape sub-stocks showed single bacterium, identified as Bacillus pumilus (×2) or Brevibacillus sp. (×1) based on 16S rDNA sequence analysis with 100% similarity to ‘ARBG2’ and ‘ARBG1’ isolates respectively, retrieved originally from grape stocks as long-term alcohol-surviving spore-forming covert contaminants. The two isolates from watermelon included Brevibacillus sp. (ARBG1) and B. pumilus (AuRB-WM1), the latter distinct from the ‘ARBG2’ isolate. The chance of bacterial re-entry through endophytic survival or during culture handling appeared remote on account of the tissue indexing employed and the care taken. Monitoring the autoclaves for proper functioning using chemical, physical and biological indicators, sealing the vessels to protect from microscopic vectors and scrutinizing the autoclaved medium for microbial growth all pointed the contaminant source to occasional vessel-adhering residual spores from the previous covertly contaminated cycle(s) that were not recognized as contaminated. Such spores withstood the standard autoclaving either due to their high heat resistance or some conditions typical to tissue culture vessels, and the proportion of vessels showing carry-over inoculum increased with the number of passages of culturing with the organism. The problem due to these hardy spore-forming bacteria was circumvented through double autoclaving of culture vessels with the first one a day prior to the medium preparation  相似文献   

A simple tissue culture protocol was developed for efficient plant regeneration from young inflorescence-derived calli in wild barley, Hordeum brevisubulatum (Trin.) Link, an important pasturage grass. Genetic and epigenetic instabilities in the regenerated plants (regenerants) were assessed by three molecular markers AFLP, S-SAP and MSAP. Two pools of calli derived from young inflorescences of a single donor plant and 44 randomly chosen regenerants were subjected to AFLP analysis. Results showed that 74 out of 793 scored bands were polymorphic among the studied samples, giving rise to a genetic variation frequency of 9.3%. The number of variant bands as compared to the donor plant varied greatly among the regenerants, with a small number of regenerants accumulated a large number of variant bands (maximum 55), while the majority of regenerants showed only 2–3 variant bands. A subset of regenerants together with the two pools of calli were selected for S-SAP and MSAP analysis to detect possible retrotranspositional activity of a prominent retroelement family, BARE-1, in the genomes of Hordem species, and possible alterations in cytosine methylation. S-SAP analysis showed that of the 768 scored bands, 151 were polymorphic among the analyzed samples, giving rise to a genetic variation frequency of 19.7%, albeit no evidence for retrotranspositional event was obtained based on locus-specific PCR amplifications. MSAP analysis revealed that tissue culture has caused cytosine methylation alterations in both level and pattern compared with the donor plant. Sequencing of selected variant bands indicated that both protein-coding genes and transposon/retrotransposons were underlying the genetic and epigenetic variations. Correlation analysis of the genetic and epigenetic instabilities indicated that there existed a significant correlation between MSAP and S-SAP (r = 0.8118, 1,000 permutations, P < 0.05), whereas the correlation between MSAP and AFLP (r = 0.1048) is not statistically significant. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Xiaoling Li and Xiaoming Yu contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

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