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A previously unrecognized subunit of the receptor for immunoglobulin E   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Our laboratory previously found that under conditions that stabilized the interaction between the alpha and beta subunits of the receptor for immunoglobulin E, two new components were recovered having apparent molecular weights of 45 000 and 20 000, respectively. In this paper, we characterize the 20-kDa material. We demonstrate that it consists of a disulfide-linked dimer of 10-kDa polypeptides and that these have all the characteristics expected for subunits of the receptor. We propose that they be termed gamma chains and that the receptor consists of four chains: one alpha, one beta, and two gamma chains. The gamma chains share many of the labeling properties of the beta chain and, like the latter, are likely to be embedded in the plasma membrane and exposed on the internal but not the external surface of the bilayer.  相似文献   

The structure and dynamics of the plasma membrane are proposed to be critical for the initial steps of signal transduction by the high-affinity immunoglobulin E receptor. Recent experimental advances indicate that interactions between the high-affinity immunoglobulin E receptor and the tyrosine kinase Lyn with cholesterol- and sphingolipid-rich regions within the plasma membrane are important for receptor function. This accumulating evidence points to spatio-temporal control of immunoglobulin E receptor signaling by the organization of the plasma membrane; an attractive hypothesis is that ligand-dependent receptor aggregation causes the segregation of Lyn-containing ordered regions of the plasma membrane from disordered regions.  相似文献   

Molecular structure of human lymphocyte receptor for immunoglobulin E   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55  
We have isolated and sequenced a cDNA clone encoding the human lymphocyte receptor for IgE (Fc epsilon R). The deduced protein sequence reveals that Fc epsilon R consists of 321 amino acids, without any signal sequence, and is oriented with its N-terminus on the cytoplasmic side and its C-terminus on the outside of the cell. This molecule shows striking sequence homology with chicken asialoglycoprotein receptor (hepatic lectin), suggesting a possible role for Fc epsilon R in endocytosis. Fc epsilon R mRNA is expressed in B cells, B cell lines, and macrophage cell lines. It is not expressed in T cells or T cell lines, with the exception of an HTLV-transformed T cell line. mRNAs expressed in a macrophage line and in the latter T cell line differ in size from mRNA expressed in B cells. Human BSF-1 (or IL-4) induces the expression of Fc epsilon R mRNA in B cells, but not in T cells.  相似文献   

We describe experiments which indicate that lipids interact with the receptor for immunoglobulin E (IgE) in several ways. Evidence for loosely bound lipid comes from observations on the special conditions that are required in order to oxidatively iodinate the alpha chain of the receptor in IgE-receptor complexes. Evidence for tightly, but still noncovalently, bound lipids comes from studies on the lipids required to inhibit dissociation of the subunits of the receptor in micellar detergent. Finally, biosynthetic studies indicate that the subunits of the receptor contain ester-linked fatty acids. The latter modification appears to take place on receptors that have already been inserted into the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The receptor on rat basophilic leukemia and related normal cells that binds monomeric immunoglobulin E (IgE) with high affinity contains four polypeptide chains: alpha (to which the IgE binds), beta, and a disulfide-linked dimer of gamma chains. In this study, we have analyzed a further component variably seen when the purified receptors are analyzed on polyacrylamide gels. This component has an apparent Mr of approximately 43 000 and, after treatment with reducing agents, yields one beta and two gamma chains. This complex is generated by immunoprecipitation of preparations totally lacking in it. This novel in vitro phenomenon has provided additional information about the structure of the receptor. Its possible relationship to in vivo aggregation that triggers degranulation of the cells is of interest.  相似文献   

G Alcaraz  J P Kinet  T Y Liu  H Metzger 《Biochemistry》1987,26(9):2569-2575
The alpha, beta, and gamma subunits of the receptor with high affinity for immunoglobulin E were isolated and their compositions assessed by direct amino acid analysis and by incorporation of radioactive precursors. The compositions show no unusual features other than a rather high content of tryptophan in the alpha chain as assessed from the incorporation studies. The results combined with future sequence data will permit unambiguous determination of the multiplicity of the chains in the receptor. Chymotryptic peptide maps of the extrinsically iodinated subunits show several similar peptides, particularly for alpha and beta. However, these putative homologies were not apparent when tryptic maps of the biosynthetically ([3H]leucine) labeled subunits were analyzed.  相似文献   

Aggregation of the receptor for immunoglobulin E on mast cells and related tumor cells initiates exocytosis. We examined tumor cells that had incorporated [3H]leucine and 32P to see if stimulating them produced modifications in the receptors themselves. No changes were observed in the yield of receptors or in the relative proportion and the molecular weights of their alpha, beta, and gamma subunits. In addition, no new "receptor-associated" components were observed. However, after the cells were stimulated, the gamma chains of the receptors showed an average 35% decrease in their associated 32P. Changes in the beta subunits were more variable but on the average showed a similar-sized increase in 32P. Using a novel protocol that permitted examination of aggregated and unaggregated receptors from the same cell, we found that changes in the unaggregated receptors were quantitatively indistinguishable from those exhibited by the aggregated receptors. These findings raise the possibility that the changes are related to one of the inactivation reactions thought to accompany the activation sequence.  相似文献   

Above its critical micelle concentration, Triton X-114 in solution forms two phases at room temperature: a lower phase containing supramicellar aggregates and an upper phase largely depleted of detergent. This property of the detergent is potentially useful for separating under mild conditions proteins that bind detergent from those that do not (Bordier, C. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 1604-1607). We studied the distribution of the receptor for immunoglobulin E (IgE) and its subunits in the two phases. IgE and IgE complexed either with intact receptors or with the alpha chains of the receptor alone are principally partitioned into the upper phase, whereas the unliganded receptor as well as the isolated alpha, and especially the beta and gamma chains of the receptor, preferentially partition into the lower detergent phase. Chromatography of IgE and of the subunits of the receptor on a hydrophobic support showed that the beta and gamma chains have a considerably greater hydrophobic surface than the alpha chains or IgE. These results indicate that the distribution of a protein in the two phases of phase-separated Triton X-114 is not an all-or-none effect based upon whether it binds detergent or not. Rather, it reflects the overall balance between the hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties of the protein's surface.  相似文献   

Mast cells and related cells have on their surface receptors that bind immunoglobulin E (IgE) with high affinity and which, when aggregated, trigger exocytosis. We recently demonstrated that when these receptors are solubilized with mild detergents, their subunits dissociate unless an appropriate lipid:detergent ratio is maintained. The conditions required to maintain the receptors' integrity appeared to parallel those previously determined as necessary to obtain adequate incorporation of unpurified IgE-receptor complexes from detergent extracts into liposomes. We now show that purified IgE-receptor complexes having the full complement of subunits become preferentially inserted into liposomes. If the receptor subunits are chemically cross-linked to each other, at least some of such receptors can be incorporated, even though lipid is omitted during their purification. The findings suggest that the IgE-binding alpha subunit of the receptor is anchored to the bilayer by means of one or both of the other subunits.  相似文献   

The immunoglobulin E (IgE)-binding site of its high-affinity receptor is localized in the second immunoglobulin-like domain (D2) of the alpha-subunit (Fc epsilon RI alpha). In this study, the randomized pentapeptides were introduced between Glu(132) and Ile(138) of Fc epsilon RI alpha D2 and displayed on a filamentous phage. After eight rounds of panning, a phage clone having a mutation of Asp(135)Tyr(136)Met(137) in Fc epsilon RI alpha D2 was obtained. The binding affinity of the mutant phages to immobilized IgE was approximately 500 times higher than that of the wild type. The mutant phages competitively inhibited the binding of IgE to the soluble receptor at a 50% inhibition (IC(50)) value of 116 pM. The mutant Fc epsilon RI alpha D2, which had been expressed as a fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase in Escherichia coli, also showed higher IgE-binding capacity than the wild type. The mutant Fc epsilon RI alpha D2 is expected to manifest its improved IgE-binding affinity together with any fusion partner.  相似文献   

The cell surface component (receptor) which specifically binds immunoglobulin E (IgE) presumably forms an integral part of the functional chain involved in the antigen-induced IgE-mediated degranulation of histamine-containing mast cells and basophils. This paper describes a simple (NH4)2SO4 predipitation assay with which the interaction of IgE with detergent-solubilized receptors can be reproducibly quantitated. Receptor saturation was demonstrated and a linear response to receptor concentration over at least a 30-fold rang obtained. By means of the assay it was shown that (a) all assayable receptors of rat basophil leukemia cells are cell surface expressed; (b) receptor specificity remains intact during solubilization; (c) the binding constants of the solubilized IgE receptors are similar to those determined on intact cells. Utilizing agarose gel filtration, preliminary estimates of the molecular weight of the active free solubilized receptor and of its complex with IgE suggest that the receptor is univalent.  相似文献   

The structural organization of the high affinity receptor for immunoglobulin E has been investigated in plasma membrane vesicles from rat basophilic leukemia cells using lactoperoxidase-catalyzed 125I-iodination to label exposed polypeptide regions. Intact vesicles are predominantly right-side-out in orientation, and lactoperoxidase iodination of these vesicles results in labeling of the alpha subunit of receptor but not the beta and gamma subunits. Lysis of these vesicles to expose the cytoplasmic face of the membrane by two different methods permits labeling of the beta and gamma subunits with no increase in labeling of alpha. The results indicate that both the beta and gamma subunits of the receptor have segments exposed at the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane. These studies have also revealed a previously unidentified IgE binding component in the membrane vesicles; its 125I-labeling characteristics and some other properties are described.  相似文献   

J P Kinet  H Metzger  J Hakimi  J Kochan 《Biochemistry》1987,26(15):4605-4610
Rat mast cells and a neoplastic analogue such as rat basophilic leukemia (RBL) cells have receptors that have exceptionally high affinity for immunoglobulin E (IgE). When aggregated, these receptors induce cellular degranulation. The alpha chain of the receptor contains the binding site for IgE; the function(s) of the noncovalently associated beta and gamma chains is (are) still undefined. Using a cDNA library constructed from the mRNA of RBL cells, we have isolated a cDNA clone whose sequence predicts a putative 23-residue signal peptide, followed by a sequence that accurately predicts the amino acid composition, the peptide molecular weight, and six peptide sequences (encompassing 59 residues or 26% of the total number) determined for the alpha chain by direct analysis. These findings provide strong evidence that the cDNA codes for the alpha chain, even though expression has not been unambiguously achieved. The sequence suggests that the alpha chain contains a 180-residue extracellular portion with two homologous domains of approximately 35 residues, a 20-residue transmembrane segment containing an aspartic acid, and a 27-residue cytoplasmic portion containing 9 basic amino acids. The sequence shows no homology with the low-affinity receptor for IgE from lymphocytes but over 30% homology with an Fc gamma receptor.  相似文献   

The rotational diffusion of immunoglobulin E (IgE) bound to its specific Fc receptor on the surface of living rat basophilic leukemia cells was determined from time-resolved phosphorescence emission and anisotropy measurements. The IgE-receptor complexes are mobile throughout the range of temperatures of 5-38 degrees C. The residual anisotropy does not reach zero, indicating that the rotational diffusion is hindered. The values of rotational correlation times for each temperature are consistent with dispersed receptors rotating freely in the cell membrane and rule out any significant aggregation of occupied receptors before cross-linking by antigen or anti-IgE antibodies. The rotational correlation times decrease with increasing temperature from 65 microseconds at 5.5 degrees C to 23 microseconds at 38 degrees C. However, the degree of orientational constraint experienced by the probe is unchanged. Thus, the temperature dependence can be attributed primarily to a change in the effective viscosity of the cellular plasma membrane. The phosphorescence depolarization technique is very sensitive (our probe concentrations were 10-100 nM) and thus generally applicable to studies of surface receptors and antigens on living cells.  相似文献   

S A Wank  C DeLisi  H Metzger 《Biochemistry》1983,22(4):954-959
Theory predicts that the kinetics of simple interactions between a ligand and a receptor bound on the surface of a cell will be affected by the occupancy of receptors on the same cell. In a diffusion-limited reaction the effect will be on the rate of dissociation but not on the rate of association until the cell is virtually saturated with ligand. If the rate of reaction is not diffusion limited, then the opposite holds; i.e., the forward velocities will be proportional to the concentration of vacant receptors, but the reverse reactions will not be. We examined the kinetics of reaction between immunoglobulin E (IgE) and its receptor and clearly demonstrated that the reaction is not diffusion controlled. The substantial (congruent to 30-fold) increase in the forward rate constant observed for the reaction of IgE with solubilized receptors as opposed to cell-bound receptors is therefore not an artifact of calculation. Since the reverse rate constants show little difference, we postulate that the presence of other surface components (rather than conformational differences in the receptor) affects the reaction with the cells. As an aid to the analysis, the theory has been extended so that not only the rate constants but also the entire course of the reaction of ligand with cell receptors can be predicted for diffusion-limited vs. non-diffusion-limited interactions.  相似文献   

B Rivnay  S A Wank  G Poy  H Metzger 《Biochemistry》1982,21(26):6922-6927
The cell-surface component (alpha) which binds monomeric immunoglobulin E with high affinity is associated with a second polypeptide (beta) in the plasma membrane. The latter component tends to dissociate during purification of the alpha chain from detergent extracts of cells, even at neutral pHs and physiological ionic strengths. We now report that the interaction of alpha and beta can be stabilized by maintaining an appropriate phospholipid to detergent ratio. Under such conditions, other discrete components reproducibly copurify with the alpha and beta chains. These results suggest that the subunits of this membrane protein--or the interaction of it with other constituents in the cell--may be stabilized in ways not observed with ordinary soluble proteins.  相似文献   

C Fewtrell  E Kempner  G Poy  H Metzger 《Biochemistry》1981,20(23):6589-6594
The membrane receptor for immunoglobulin E (IgE) and its ligand, IgE, were irradiated with high-energy electrons. Loss of binding activity was measured for each, and the size of the functional targets was assessed. In both cases, the target size was substantially smaller than the covalent structure of the molecule. The direction of this discrepancy is unprecedented on the basis of experience with loss of enzymatic activity by irradiation; indeed, two enzymes which were present in the receptor preparations gave expected values when measured simultaneously. We suggest that in instances where a function such as ligand binding resides in a conformationally stable domain, radiation inactivation may be capable of revealing this.  相似文献   

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