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Interactions of cadmium (Cd) ions with bovine serum albumin (BSA), bovine hepatic metallothionein (MT), calf thymus histone and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and bovine hepatic chromatins were studied in the presence and absence of divalent zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), or lead (Pb) ions, using equilibrium dialysis at pH 7 and at 37°C. The BSA had 3.5 Cd-binding sites with an apparent affinity constant of 1×105. The other metal ions inhibited the binding by reducing the affinity constant and the number of Cd-binding sites in BSA. There were 6 high affinity and 13 low affinity Cd-binding sites in the MT. Zinc ions had poor efficacy in reducing the binding of Cd to the MT. However, the Cu2+ and Hg2+ ions inhibited the Cd binding to a considerable extent, the former ions being more potent in this respect. Histone did not bind Cd. There were two kinds of Cd-binding sites in DNA: One mole of Cd per four moles DNA-phosphorus at low affinity sites, and one mole of Cd per 6.7 moles DNA-phosphorus at high affinity sites. Their apparent association constants were 8.3×105 and 4.4×106 M, respectively. The other metal ions had inhibitory effects on the binding of Cd to DNA. Histone reduced the Cd-DNA interactions to only a minor extent. The other metal ions reduced the binding of Cd to DNA-histone complex to a small extent. Cadmium binds to the euchromatin (Euch), heterochromatin (Het), and Euch-Het mixture almost equally. The other metal ions reduced the binding maximally in Euch-Het followed next in order by Het and Euch. Cupric ions were the most potent inhibitors of the interactions of Cd with the nuclear materials.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase beta   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

DNA polymerase beta   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Mammalian DNA polymerase beta(beta-pol) is a single polypeptide chain enzyme of 39kDa. beta-pol has enzymatic activities appropriate for roles in base excision repair and other DNA metabolism events involving gap-filling DNA synthesis. Many crystal structures of beta-pol complexed with dNTP and DNA substrates have been solved, and mouse fibroblast cell lines deleted in the beta-pol gene have been examined. These approaches have enhanced our understanding of structural and functional aspects of beta-pol's role in protecting genomic DNA.  相似文献   

The Protein Identification Resource (PIR) protein sequence data bank was searched for sequence similarity between known proteins and human DNA polymerase beta (Pol beta) or human terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase (TdT). Pol beta and TdT were found to exhibit amino acid sequence similarity only with each other and not with any other of the 4750 entries in release 12.0 of the PIR data bank. Optimal amino acid sequence alignment of the entire 39-kDa Pol beta polypeptide with the C-terminal two thirds of TdT revealed 24% identical aa residues and 21% conservative aa substitutions. The Monte Carlo score of 12.6 for the entire aligned sequences indicates highly significant aa sequence homology. The hydropathicity profiles of the aligned aa sequences were remarkably similar throughout, suggesting structural similarity of the polypeptides. The most significant regions of homology are aa residues 39-224 and 311-333 of Pol beta vs. aa residues 191-374 and 484-506 of TdT. In addition, weaker homology was seen between a large portion of the 'nonessential' N-terminal end of TdT (aa residues 33-130) and the first region of strong homology between the two proteins (aa residues 31-128 of Pol beta and aa residues 183-280 of TdT), suggestive of genetic duplication within the ancestral gene. On the basis of nucleotide differences between conserved regions of Pol beta and TdT genes (aligned according to optimally aligned aa sequences) it was estimated that Pol beta and TdT diverged on the order of 250 million years ago, corresponding roughly to a time before radiation of mammals and birds.  相似文献   

DNA strand breaks are repaired by DNA synthesis from an exposed DNA end paired with a homologous DNA template. DNA polymerase delta (Pol δ) catalyses DNA synthesis in multiple eukaryotic DNA break repair pathways but triggers genome instability unless its activity is restrained. We show that human HelQ halts DNA synthesis by isolated Pol δ and Pol δ-PCNA-RPA holoenzyme. Using novel HelQ mutant proteins we identify that inhibition of Pol δ is independent of DNA binding, and maps to a 70 amino acid intrinsically disordered region of HelQ. Pol δ and its POLD3 subunit robustly stimulated DNA single-strand annealing by HelQ, and POLD3 and HelQ interact physically via the intrinsically disordered HelQ region. This data, and inability of HelQ to inhibit DNA synthesis by the POLD1 catalytic subunit of Pol δ, reveal a mechanism for limiting DNA synthesis and promoting DNA strand annealing during human DNA break repair, which centres on POLD3.  相似文献   

Kinetics of human polymerase beta binding to gapped DNA substrates having single stranded (ss) DNA gaps with five or two nucleotide residues in the ssDNA gap has been examined, using the fluorescence stopped-flow technique. The mechanism of the recognition does not depend on the length of the ssDNA gap. Formation of the enzyme complex with both DNA substrates occurs by a minimum three-step reaction, with the bimolecular step followed by two isomerization steps. The results indicate that the polymerase initiates the association with gapped DNA substrates through the DNA-binding subsite located on the 8-kDa domain of the enzyme. This first association step is independent of the length of the ssDNA gap and is characterized by similar rate constants for both examined DNA substrates. The subsequent, first-order transition occurs at the rate of approximately 600-1200 s(-1). This is the major docking step accompanied by favorable free energy changes in which the 31-kDa domain engages in interactions with the DNA. The 5'-terminal PO(4)(-) group downstream from the primer is not a specific recognition element of the gap. However, the phosphate group affects the enzyme orientation in the complex with the DNA, particularly, for the substrate with a longer gap.  相似文献   

Reduction of Cd(II) on a dropping mercury electrode was used to study interaction of β-cyclodextrin with Cd(II) ions. It was found that Cd(II) forms Cdβ-CD(OH)22− hydroxy-complex with the anion of β-cyclodextrin in alkaline solutions (pH>11), the logarithm of stability constant being 10.4±0.1 (20 °C; I=1.0). The calculated value of the diffusion coefficient equal to 1.0×10−6 cm2/s shows a large size Cd(II) complex species formation in alkaline solutions containing β-CD.  相似文献   

Interactions between human DNA polymerase beta and the template-primer, as well as gapped DNA substrates, have been studied using quantitative fluorescence titration and analytical ultracentrifugation techniques. In solution, human pol beta binds template-primer DNA substrates with a stoichiometry much higher than predicted on the basis of the crystallographic structure of the polymerase-DNA complex. The obtained stoichiometries can be understood in the context of the polymerase affinity for the dsDNA and the two ssDNA binding modes, the (pol beta)(16) and (pol beta)(5) binding modes, which differ by the number of nucleotide residues occluded by the protein in the complex. The analysis of polymerase binding to different template-primer substrates has been performed using the statistical thermodynamic model which accounts for the existence of different ssDNA binding modes and has allowed us to extract intrinsic spectroscopic and binding parameters. The data reveal that the small 8 kDa domain of the enzyme can engage the dsDNA in interactions, downstream from the primer, in both (pol beta)(16) and (pol beta)(5) binding modes. The affinity, as well as the stoichiometry of human pol beta binding to the gapped DNAs is not affected by the decreasing size of the ssDNA gap, indicating that the enzyme recognizes the ssDNA gaps of different sizes with very similar efficiency. On the basis of the obtained results we propose a plausible model for the gapped DNA recognition by human pol beta. The enzyme binds the ss/dsDNA junction of the gap, using its 31 kDa domain, with slight preference over the dsDNA. Binding only to the junction, but not to the dsDNA, induces an allosteric conformational transition of the enzyme and the entire enzyme-DNA complex which results in binding of the 8 kDa domain with the dsDNA. This, in turn, leads to the significant amplification of the enzyme affinity for the gap over the surrounding dsDNA, independent of the gap size. The presence of the 5'-terminal phosphate, downstream from the primer, has little effect on the affinity, but profoundly affects the ssDNA conformation in the complex. The significance of these results for the mechanistic model of the functioning of human pol beta is discussed.  相似文献   

Interaction of mithramycin with metal ions and DNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The interaction of mithramycin with metal ions has been studied by absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy. Magnesium shifts the drug absorbance spectrum to longer wavelengths and displays a weak binding constant (Kd = 1mM); no interaction with calcium was detected. The drug requires magnesium for binding to DNA and this is characterised by small additional hypochromic and bathochromic changes. Mithramycin does not bind to DNA in the presence of calcium. With 10mM magnesium the drug binds to DNA with an association constant of 9.2 x 10(4) M-1. The inability of calcium to substitute for magnesium has been confirmed by 'footprinting' experiments using both DNase I and hydroxyl radicals.  相似文献   

The interaction between the native DNA macromolecules and Ca2+, Mn2+, Cu2+ ions in solutions of low ionic strength (10(-3) M Na+) is studied using the methods of differential UV spectroscopy and CD spectroscopy. It is shown that the transition metal ions Mn2+ exercise binding to the nitrogen bases of DNA at concentrations approximately 5 x 10(-6) M and form chelates with guanine of N7-Me(2+)-O6 type. Only at high concentrations in solution (5 x 10(-3) M) do Ca2+ ions interact with the nitrogen bases of native DNA. In the process of binding to Ca2+ and Mn2+ the DNA conformation experiences some changes under which the secondary structure of the biopolymer is within the B-form family. The DNA transition to the new conformation is revealed by its binding to Cu2+ ions.  相似文献   

The interaction of Ag+ with DNA immobilized in polyacrylamide gel was studied by means of the ion-exchange method. Ag+ ions are shown to bind to DNA bases, their charges being neutralized by phosphate groups. The binding sites of Ag+ and H+ are likely to be the same, but the strength of Ag+ binding is greater than that of H+. Ag+ ions like H+ are shown to cause the formation of compact structures in immobilized DNA, the amount of these structures being dependent on subtle differences in DNA samples. DNA samples, not forming compact structures under the influence of H+, do not form them under the influence of Ag+. This fact can indicate the similarity of the mechanisms of the compact structures formation in both cases. The results obtained are compared with the data available for the interaction of Ag+ with DNA in solution. The mechanism of the Ag+-DNA interaction is discussed.  相似文献   

AMP and NaF each taken separately were shown to activate DNA polymerization catalyzed by Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I by means of interaction of AMP or NaF with 3'----5'-exonuclease center of the enzyme. In the presence of NaF which is a selective inhibitor of 3'----5'-exonuclease center, AMP is an inhibitor of polymerization competitive with respect to dATP. Ki values and the pattern of inhibition with respect to dATP were determined for AMP, ADP, ATP, carboxymethylphosphonyl-5'-AMP, Pi, PPi, PPPi, methylenediphosphonic acid and its ethylated esters, phosphonoformic acid, phosphonoacetic acid and its ethylated esters as well as for some bicarbonic acids in the reactions of DNA polymerization catalyzed by Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I (in the presence of NaF) and DNA polymerase alpha from human placenta in the presence of poly(dT) template and r(pA)10 primer. All nucleotides and their analogs were found to be capable of competing with dATP for the active center of the enzyme. Most of the analogs of PPi and phosphonoacetic acid are inhibitors of Klenow fragment competitive with respect to dATP. Nowever these analogs display a mixed-type inhibition in the case of human DNA polymerase alpha. We postulated a similar mechanism of interaction for dNTP with both DNA-polymerases. It is suggested that each phosphate group of PPi makes equal contribution to the interaction with DNA polymerases and that the distance between the phosphate groups is important for this interaction. beta-phosphate of NTP or dNTP is suggested to make negligible contribution to the efficiency of the formation of enzyme complexes with dNTP. beta-phosphate is likely to be an essential point of PPi interaction with the active center of proteins during the cleavage of the alpha-beta-phosphodiester bond of dNTP in the reaction of DNA polymerization.  相似文献   

The 3',5'-exonuclease center of the Klenow fragment of E. coli DNA polymerase I (FK) was selectively blocked by NaF. The latter was shown to forbid the binding of nucleotides and their analogs to the enzyme exonuclease center. In the presence of poly(dT).r(pA)10 template.primer complex and NaF, we observed AMP, ADP, ATP, PPi and dATP to be competitive inhibitors of the FK-catalyzed DNA polymerization. The interactions of the nucleotides with FK and human DNA polymerase alpha were compared to reveal similarity of binding to the DNA polymerizing centers. Structural components of dNTP and PPi playing key roles in forming complexes with pro- and eukaryotic DNA polymerases were identified.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase β (polβ), a member of the X family of DNA polymerases, is the major polymerase in the base excision repair pathway. Using in vitro selection, we obtained RNA aptamers for polβ from a variable pool of 8 × 1012 individual RNA sequences containing 30 random nucleotides. A total of 60 individual clones selected after seven rounds were screened for the ability to inhibit polβ activity. All of the inhibitory aptamers analyzed have a predicted tri-lobed structure. Gel mobility shift assays demonstrate that the aptamers can displace the DNA substrate from the polβ active site. Inhibition by the aptamers is not polymerase specific; inhibitors of polβ also inhibited DNA polymerase κ, a Y-family DNA polymerase. However, the RNA aptamers did not inhibit the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I and only had a minor effect on RB69 DNA polymerase activity. Polβ and κ, despite sharing little sequence similarity and belonging to different DNA polymerase families, have similarly open active sites and relatively few interactions with their DNA substrates. This may allow the aptamers to bind and inhibit polymerase activity. RNA aptamers with inhibitory properties may be useful in modulating DNA polymerase actvity in cells.  相似文献   

Sequence of human DNA polymerase beta mRNA obtained through cDNA cloning   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
A cDNA library from polyA+ RNA of a human teratocarcinoma cell line in phage lambda gt11 was screened with a fragment of the rat beta-polymerase cDNA, lambda pol beta-10, as probe. Five positive phage were identified and plaque purified. The cDNA of one positive clone selected for detailed study was 1257 bp. This insert was sequenced and found to contain the coding region for beta-polymerase, as well as 163 bp and 137 bp from the 5' and 3' untranslated regions, respectively. The primary structure of human beta-polymerase (318 amino acids, Mr = 36, 133) deduced from the cDNA was similar to rat beta-polymerase (95% matched residues). The greatest difference between the sequences of the human and rat cDNAs was in the 3' untranslated regions (64% matched base residues). These results provide necessary sequence information for study of the human beta-polymerase gene.  相似文献   

Postpartum scalp hair samples from 82 term-pregnancy mother/neonate pairs were analyzed for their concentration of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb), using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Maternal and neonatal Zn concentrations had geometric means (and 99% confidence intervals) of 122.5 μg/g (117.9–131.5 μg/g) and 146.9 μg (141.5–156.7 μg/g) respectively. Corresponding Cu values were 18.4 μg/g (17.6–23.8 μg/g) and 6.7 μg/g (6.3–7.6 μg/g). Those of Cd were 0.49 μg/g (0.47–0.69 μg/g) in the mothers and 0.57 μg/g (0.55–0.86 μg/g) in the neonates. For Pb, they were 7.95 μg/g (7.60–9.32 μg/g) and 4.56 μg/g (4.39–5.56 μg/g). Cigaret smoking, despite its relatively low prevalence (19.5%), was associated with lower Zn and higher Cd and Pb concentrations and in lower Zn/Cd and Zn/Pb molar concentration ratios. Smoking also altered interelemental relationships, particularly those of Zn with Cd and Pb and those between Cd and Pb. Smoking frequency appeared to show negative dose-response effects on maternal and neonatal Zn concentrations, Zn/Pb molar concentration ratios, and birth weight. Mothers with a history of oral contraceptive (OC) usage had significantly higher Cu concentrations and lower Zn/Cu molar concentration ratios than nonusers, with the highest Cu concentrations and lowest Zn/Cu values being associated with third-generation OCs. No similar effects were elicited in the respective neonatal Cu concentrations. Neither alcohol consumption nor prenatal supplementation with iron and/or folic acid had discernible effects on the maternal or neonatal elemental concentrations. The data from this study suggest that in a given population of term-pregnancy mothers and neonates, significant interindividual variations in hair trace element concentrations can occur, irrespective of commonality of general environment, and that lifestyle factors, including cigaret smoking and OC usage history, can be significant contributory factors to such variations. The data are discussed in relation to the effects of smoking-associated exposure to Cd and Pb exposure on Zn availability for placental transfer, as well as on the quantitative maternal Zn supply levels to the fetus resulting from the known tendency of smokers to have lower dietary intakes of Zn. The higher Cu concentrations in OC users are discussed in relation to altered Cu metabolism, characterized by increased synthesis of the Cu-binding protein, ceruloplasmin, as an acute-phase antioxidant response to altered lipid profile and increased lipid oxidation.  相似文献   

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