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Cell and cell wall growth are mutually dependent processes that must be tightly coordinated and controlled. LRR-extensin1 (LRX1) of Arabidopsis thaliana is a potential regulator of cell wall development, consisting of an N-terminal leucine-rich repeat domain and a C-terminal extensin-like domain typical for structural cell wall proteins. LRX1 is expressed in root hairs, and lrx1 mutant plants develop distorted root hairs that often swell, branch, or collapse. The aberrant cell wall structures found in lrx1 mutants point toward a function of LRX1 during the establishment of the extracellular matrix. To identify genes that are involved in an LRX1-dependent developmental pathway, a suppressor screen was performed on the lrx1 mutant, and two independent rol1 (for repressor of lrx1) alleles were isolated. ROL1 is allelic to Rhamnose Biosynthesis1, which codes for a protein involved in the biosynthesis of rhamnose, a major monosaccharide component of pectin. The rol1 mutations modify the pectic polysaccharide rhamnogalacturonan I and, for one allele, rhamnogalacturonan II. Furthermore, the rol1 mutations cause a change in the expression of a number of cell wall-related genes. Thus, the lrx1 mutant phenotype is likely to be suppressed by changes in pectic polysaccharides or other cell wall components.  相似文献   

Here we report on a lipid-signalling pathway in plants that is downstream of phosphatidic acid and involves the Arabidopsis protein kinase, AGC2-1, regulated by the 3'-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1 (AtPDK1). AGC2-1 specifically interacts with AtPDK1 through a conserved C-terminal hydrophobic motif that leads to its phosphorylation and activation, whereas inhibition of AtPDK1 expression by RNA interference abolishes AGC2-1 activity. Phosphatidic acid specifically binds to AtPDK1 and stimulates AGC2-1 in an AtPDK1-dependent manner. AtPDK1 is ubiquitously expressed in all plant tissues, whereas expression of AGC2-1 is abundant in fast-growing organs and dividing cells, and activated during re-entry of cells into the cell cycle after sugar starvation-induced G1-phase arrest. Plant hormones, auxin and cytokinin, synergistically activate the AtPDK1-regulated AGC2-1 kinase, indicative of a role in growth and cell division. Cellular localisation of GFP-AGC2-1 fusion protein is highly dynamic in root hairs and at some stages confined to root hair tips and to nuclei. The agc2-1 knockout mutation results in a reduction of root hair length, suggesting a role for AGC2-1 in root hair growth and development.  相似文献   

Feng S  Shen Y  Sullivan JA  Rubio V  Xiong Y  Sun TP  Deng XW 《The Plant cell》2004,16(7):1870-1882
Ubiquitin/proteasome-mediated protein degradation controls various developmental pathways in eukaryotes. Cullin-containing complexes are both versatile and abundant groups of RING family ubiquitin E3 ligases, whose activities are subject to control by RUB/Nedd8 (for related to ubiquitin/neural precursor cell-expressed developmentally downregulated 8) modification of their cullin subunits. Here, we report the identification of an Arabidopsis thaliana counterpart of human CAND1 (cullin-associated and neddylation-dissociated) and demonstrate that it can preferentially interact with unmodified CUL1. The Arabidopsis cand1-1 null mutant displays distinct phenotypes, including late flowering, aerial rosettes, floral organ defects, low fertility, dwarfism, loss of apical dominance, and altered responses to multiple plant hormones. Molecular analyses show that many of these defects are because of compromised activity of CUL1-containing ubiquitin E3 ligases, indicating that CAND1 is required for their optimal activity. Furthermore, the cand1-1 mutant displays a partial constitutive photomorphogenic phenotype and has defects in HY5 degradation in the absence of light, a process mediated by a different RING family E3, COP1. Thus, our data provides genetic support for a critical role of CAND1 in regulating various ubiquitin E3 ligases and their targeted cellular and developmental pathways.  相似文献   

Among the proteins that accumulate as plant seeds desiccate are several protein families that are composed principally of a tandemly repeated 11-mer amino acid motif. Proteins containing the same motif accumulate in the desiccating leaves of a desiccation-tolerant plant species. This motif is characterized by apolar residues in positions 1, 2, 5 and 9, and charged or amide residues in positions 3, 6, 7, 8 and 11. An α helical arrangement of the 11-mer repeating unit gives an amphiphilic helix whose hydrophobic stripe twists in a right-handed fashion around the helix. Should these proteins dimerize via binding of their hydrophobic faces, a right-handed coiled coil would be formed. Such a structure has not previously been observed. A conceivable function for these proteins in ion sequestration in the desiccated state is proposed.  相似文献   

Streptomycetes have a complex morphogenetic programme culminating in the formation of aerial hyphae that develop into chains of spores. After spore dispersal, environmental signals trigger dormant spores to germinate to establish a new colony. We here compared whole genome expression of a wild-type colony of Streptomyces coelicolor forming aerial hyphae and spores with that of the chp null mutant that forms few aerial structures. This revealed that expression of 244 genes was significantly altered, among which genes known to be involved in development. One of the genes that was no longer expressed in the Δ chpABCDEFGH mutant was nepA , which was previously shown to be expressed in a compartment connecting the substrate mycelium with the sporulating parts of the aerial mycelium. We here show that expression is also detected in developing spore chains, where NepA is secreted to end up as a highly insoluble protein in the cell wall. Germination of spores of a nepA deletion mutant was faster and more synchronous, resulting in colonies with an accelerated morphogenetic programme. Crucially, spores of the Δ nepA mutant also germinated in water, unlike those of the wild-type strain. Taken together, NepA is the first bacterial structural cell wall protein that is important for maintenance of spore dormancy under unfavourable environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Mira H  Martínez N  Peñarrubia L 《Planta》2002,214(6):939-946
Emerging data suggest that the mechanisms regulating plant copper homeostasis could be implicated in stress and senescence signal transduction pathways. To gain insight into copper-modulated patterns of gene expression, copper-treated Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. plants were analysed by mRNA differential display. The experimental conditions were selected using aggregation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco) as a molecular sensor to monitor copper-induced oxidative stress. Two copper-induced messengers encoding a vegetative storage protein (VSP2) were isolated by this technique. Both clones differed in the length of their 3'-untranslated region according to the presence of two polyadenylation signals in this region. VSP2 expression was further studied under natural senescence and various conditions causing oxidative stress, such as ozone exposure, paraquat and H2O2 treatments. The expression of other messengers related to copper homeostasis and detoxification processes was followed in parallel to that of VSP2. Here, we describe specific gene-expression responses to copper treatment, and present arguments connecting copper homeostasis, senescence and antioxidative responses in plants. Our results are consistent with the role of VSPs as temporary nitrogen-storage proteins which accumulate if nutrients are abundant, either in developing organs or in cotyledons and mature leaves subjected to generalized protein mobilization, such as those conditions created under severe oxidative stress.  相似文献   

A clone encoding a proline-rich protein (ZmPRP) has been obtained from maize root by differential screening of a maturing elongation root cDNA library. The amino acid sequence deduced from the full-length cDNA contains a putative signal peptide and a highly repetitive sequence containing the PEPK motif, indicating that the ZmPRP mRNA may code for a cell wall protein. The PEPK repeat is also found in a previously reported wheat sequence but differs from the repeated sequences found in hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (HRGP) and in dicot proline-rich proteins (PRP). In the maize genome, the ZmPRP protein is encoded by a single gene that is expressed in maturing regions of the root, in the hypocotyl and in the pericarp. In these organs, the ZmPRP mRNA accumulates in the xylem and surrounding cells, and in the epidermis. No ZmPRP mRNA was found in the phloem. The pattern of mRNA accumulation is very similar to the one observed for genes coding for proteins involved in lignin biosynthesis and, like most cell wall proteins, ZmPRP synthesis is also induced by wounding. These data support the hypothesis that ZmPRP is a member of a new class of fibrous proteins involved in the secondary cell wall formation in monocot species.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that plants "evolved a strategy of defending themselves from a phytopathogen attack" during evolution. This metaphor is used frequently, but it does not facilitate understanding of the mechanisms providing plant resistance to the invasion of foreign organisms and to other unfavorable external factors, as well as the role of these mechanisms in plant growth and development. Information on processes involving one of the plant resistance factors--polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein (PGIP)--is considered in this review. The data presented here indicate that PGIP, being an extracellular leucine-rich repeat-containing protein, performs important functions in the structure of plant cell wall. Amino acid residues participating in PGIP binding to homogalacturonan in the cell wall have been determined. The degree of methylation and the mode of distribution of homogalacturonan methyl groups are responsible for the formation of a complex structure, which perhaps determines the specificity of PGIP binding to pectin. PGIP is apparently one of the components of plant cell wall determining some of its mechanical properties; it is involved in biochemical processes related to growth, expansion, and maceration, and it influences plant morphology. Polygalacturonase (PG) is present within practically all plant tissues, but the manifestation of its activity varies significantly depending on physiological conditions in the tissue. Apparently, the regulation of PG functioning in apoplast significantly affects the development of processes associated with the modification of the structure of plant cell wall. PGIP can regulate PG activity through binding to homogalacturonan. The genetically determined structure of PGIP in plants determines the mode of its interaction with an invader and perhaps is one of the factors responsible for the set of pathogens causing diseases in a given plant species.  相似文献   

The functions of nitric oxide (NO) in processes associated with root hair growth in Arabidopsis were analysed. NO is located at high concentrations in the root hair cell files at any stage of development. NO is detected inside of the vacuole in immature actively growing root hairs and, later, NO is localized in the cytoplasm when they become mature. Experiments performed by depleting NO in Arabidopsis root hairs indicate that NO is required for endocytosis, vesicle formation, and trafficking and it is not involved in nucleus migration, vacuolar development, and transvacuolar strands. The Arabidopsis G'4,3 mutant (double mutant nia1/nia2) is severely impaired in NO production and generates smaller root hairs than the wild type (WT). Root hairs from the Arabidopsis G'4,3 mutant show altered vesicular trafficking and are reminiscent of NO-depleted root hairs from the Arabidopsis WT. Interestingly, normal vesicle formation and trafficking as well as root hair growth is restored by exogenous NO application in the Arabidopsis G'4,3 mutant. All together, these results firmly support the essential role played by NO in the Arabidopsis root-hair-growing process.  相似文献   

LRR-extensins (LRX) form a family of structural cell wall proteins containing a receptor-like domain. The functional analysis of Arabidopsis LRX1 has shown that it is involved in cell morphogenesis of root hairs. In this work, we have studied LRX2, a paralog of LRX1. LRX2 expression is mainly found in roots and is responsive to factors promoting or repressing root hair formation. The function of LRX1 and LRX2 was tested by the expression of a truncated LRX2 and different LRX1/LRX2 chimaeric proteins. Using complementation of the lrx1 phenotype as the parameter for protein function, our experiments indicate that LRX1 and LRX2 are functionally similar but show differences in their activity. Genetic analysis revealed that single lrx2 mutants do not show any defect in root hair morphogenesis, but synergistically interact with the lrx1 mutation. lrx1/lrx2 double mutants have a significantly enhanced lrx1 phenotype, resulting in frequent rupture of the root hairs soon after their initiation. Analysis of the root hair cell wall ultrastructure by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed the formation of osmophilic aggregates within the wall, as well as local disintegration of the wall structure in the double mutant, but not in wild-type plants. Our results indicate that LRX1 and LRX2 have overlapping functions in root hair formation, and that they likely regulate cell morphogenesis by promoting proper development of the cell wall.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis, root hairs are formed only from a set of epidermal cells named trichoblasts or hair-forming cells. Previous studies showed CAPRICE (CPC) promotes differentiation of hair-forming cells by controlling a negative regulator, GLABRA2 (GL2), which is preferentially expressed in hairless cells. Here, we show that CPC is also predominantly expressed in the hairless cells, but not in the neighboring hair-forming cells, and that CPC protein moves to the hair-forming cells and represses the GL2 expression. We also show that the N terminus of bHLH protein interacts with CPC and is responsible for the GL2 expression. We propose a model in which CPC plays a key role in the fate-determination of hair-forming cells.  相似文献   

Evidence is provided that ethylene is a positive regulator of hair cell development in the root epidermis of Arabidopsis thaliana. Treatment of seedlings with increasing concentrations of the ethylene precursor, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) results in progressively more root hair cells developing in positions normally occupied by non-hair cells. Consistent with these findings are observations that treatments that block either ethylene synthesis or its perception reduce the number of root hairs. A model is proposed in which either ethylene or ACC is a signal involved in specifying the pattern of cell differentiation in the Arabidopsis root epidermis.  相似文献   

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress activates unfolded protein responses (UPRs), such as promoting protein folding under the control of specific gene expression. Our previous study showed that ER stress induced by ER stress inducers such as tunicamycin (Tm), an inhibitor of N-linked glycan synthesis, causes ectopic lignin deposition in Arabidopsis roots, but the relationship between UPR and ectopic lignin deposition remains unclear. The receptor-like kinase THESEUS1 (THE1) has been shown to sense cell wall damage (CWD) induced in Arabidopsis by cellulose synthase inhibitors such as isoxaben (ISO) and to activate ectopic lignin deposition. In this study, we assessed the involvement of THE1 in ectopic lignin deposition caused by the ER stress inducer Tm. The loss-of-function mutation of THE1, the1-3, suppressed Tm-induced root growth inhibition and ectopic lignin deposition, revealing that THE1 is involved in root growth defects and ectopic lignin deposition caused by ER stress. Similarly, ISO treatment induced ectopic lignin deposition as well as the expression of the UPR marker genes binding protein 3 (BiP3) and ER-localized DnaJ 3b (ERdj3b). Conversely, in the the1-3 mutant, ISO-induced ectopic lignin deposition and the expression of BiP3 and ERdj3b were suppressed. These results showed that THE1 is involved in not only root growth inhibition and ectopic lignin deposition caused by ER stress but also CWD-induced UPR.  相似文献   

Shi H  Zhu JK 《Plant physiology》2002,129(2):585-593
Root hair development in plants is controlled by many genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors. A number of genes have been shown to be important for root hair formation. Arabidopsis salt overly sensitive 4 mutants were originally identified by screening for NaCl-hypersensitive growth. The SOS4 (Salt Overly Sensitive 4) gene was recently isolated by map-based cloning and shown to encode a pyridoxal (PL) kinase involved in the production of PL-5-phosphate, which is an important cofactor for various enzymes and a ligand for certain ion transporters. The root growth of sos4 mutants is slower than that of the wild type. Microscopic observations revealed that sos4 mutants do not have root hairs in the maturation zone. The sos4 mutations block the initiation of most root hairs, and impair the tip growth of those that are initiated. The root hairless phenotype of sos4 mutants was complemented by the wild-type SOS4 gene. SOS4 promoter-beta-glucuronidase analysis showed that SOS4 is expressed in the root hair and other hair-like structures. Consistent with SOS4 function as a PL kinase, in vitro application of pyridoxine and pyridoxamine, but not PL, partially rescued the root hair defect in sos4 mutants. 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid treatments promoted root hair formation in both wild-type and sos4 plants, indicating that genetically SOS4 functions upstream of ethylene and auxin in root hair development. The possible role of SOS4 in ethylene and auxin biosynthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Xiao Y  Du F  Cao L  Dong H  Ren H 《The New phytologist》2011,190(3):667-682
? Villin is one of the major actin filament bundling proteins in plants. The function of Arabidopsis VILLINs (AtVLNs) is still poorly understood in living cells. In this report, the biochemical activity and cellular function of AtVLN4 were examined. ? The biochemical property of AtVLN4 was characterized by co-sedimentation assays, fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy of pyrene fluorescence. The in vivo function of AtVLN4 was analysed by ectopically expressing it in tobacco pollen and examining the phenotypes of its T-DNA insertional plants. ? Recombinant AtVLN4 protein exhibited multiple activities on actin, including actin filament bundling, calcium (Ca(2+))-dependent filament severing and barbed end capping. Expression of AtVLN4 in tobacco pollen induced the formation of supernumerary actin cables and reduced pollen tube growth. Loss of function of AtVLN4 resulted in slowing of root hair growth, alteration in cytoplasmic streaming routes and rate, and reduction of both axial and apical actin bundles. ? Our results demonstrated that AtVLN4 is involved in root hair growth through regulating actin organization in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Light is one of the most crucial environmental cues for plants. Phytochrome, one of the major photoreceptors of plants, regulates expression of many genes. We screened for Arabidopsis promoter trap lines that exhibited light-dependent reporter gene expression. Molecular analysis of one such line revealed that a reporter gene was inserted near an Arabidopsis homologue of the soybean GH3 gene, AtGH3a. We performed RNA gel blot analysis to further characterize the response of the AtGH3a gene to light. In response to the end-of-day far-red light treatment, the expression increased substantially. Analysis of the phyB-deficient mutant indicated that this light response is under the control of phytochrome B. The expression was also induced by exogenous auxin. Furthermore, the light response was substantially reduced in the auxin-related axr2 mutant. Taken together, it is suggested that phytochrome B regulates the expression of genes by altering the levels of auxin.  相似文献   

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