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Cys674 of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase was selectively labeled with N-iodoacetyl-N'-(5-sulfo-1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine without a loss of the catalytic activity, and the steady-state fluorescence anisotropy of this label and its total fluorescence intensity were followed throughout the catalytic cycle. At 25 degrees C, the anisotropy and the total fluorescence intensity increased by 2.1 and 9.4%, respectively, upon Ca2+ binding to the high affinity sites. Upon subsequent ATP binding to the catalytic site, the anisotropy and the total fluorescence intensity decreased by 6.8 and 23.9%, respectively. These drops likely occurred in the enzyme.ATP complex. The extents of changes upon additions of Ca2+ and ATP in the anisotropy, but not in the total fluorescence intensity, were greatly reduced by lowering the temperature. Slight drops in the anisotropy and the total fluorescence intensity occurred upon conversion of phosphoenzyme (EP) from the ADP-sensitive form to the ADP-insensitive form. The anisotropy and the total fluorescence intensity returned to the initial level when EP was hydrolyzed. Mg2+-dependent Pi-induced drops in the anisotropy and the total fluorescence intensity occurred coincidently with EP formation from Pi. These demonstrate that the ATP-induced drops in the anisotropy and the total fluorescence intensity are predominant throughout the catalytic cycle. Most probably, the changes in the anisotropy are due to changes in the rotational diffusion of the label. These findings indicate that ATP binding to the catalytic site induces a relaxed conformation in the microenvironment of the label bound to Cys674.  相似文献   

Sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles were modified with a fluorescent thiol reagent, N-iodoacetyl-N'-(5-sulfo-1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine. One mol of readily reactive thiols per mol of the Ca2+-ATPase was labeled without a loss of the catalytic activity. The fluorescence of the label increased by 8% upon binding of Ca2+ to the high affinity sites of the enzyme. This fluorescence enhancement probably reflects a conformational change responsible for Ca2+-induced enzyme activation. Upon addition of ATP to the Ca2+-activated enzyme, the fluorescence decreased by 15%. This fluorescence drop and formation of the phosphoenzyme intermediate were determined under the same conditions with a stopped-flow apparatus and a rapid quenching system. The amplitude of the fluorescence drop thus determined was saturated with 3 microM ATP. This shows that the fluorescence drop was caused by ATP binding to the catalytic site. In contrast, the rate of the fluorescence drop was not saturated even with 50 microM ATP. The fluorescence drop coincided with phosphoenzyme formation at 0.5 or 3 microM ATP, but it became much faster than phosphoenzyme formation when the ATP concentration was raised to 100 microM. These results indicate that the ATP-induced fluorescence drop reflects a conformational change in the enzyme.ATP complex. The fluorescence drop was accompanied by a red spectrum shift, which suggests that the label was exposed to a more hydrophilic environment. The electrophoretic analysis of the tryptic digest of the labeled enzyme (10.9 kDa) showed that almost all of the label was located on the 5.2-kDa fragment which includes the carboxyl terminus and the putative ATP-binding domain. The sequencing of the two major labeled peptides, which were isolated from the thermolytic digest of the labeled enzyme, revealed that the labeled site in either of these peptides was Cys674. It seems likely that the label bound to this Cys674 could be involved in the observed fluorescence changes.  相似文献   

Cys-674 of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2(+)-ATPase was labeled with N-iodoacetyl-N'-(5-sulfo-1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine without a loss of the catalytic activity, and changes in the fluorescence intensity upon addition of seven kinds of substrate were followed by the stopped-flow method. The steady-state fluorescence intensity and anisotropy were also determined. When Ca2+ was present, the fluorescence intensity and anisotropy decreased greatly upon addition of any substrate used. The observed affinity for each substrate agreed with the previously observed affinity of the catalytic site. The fluorescence drop induced by the adenine nucleotides, ATP and adenosine 5'-(beta, gamma-methylene)triphosphate (a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog), was much faster than that induced by other substrates. The ATP-induced fluorescence drop preceded phosphoenzyme formation when the ATP concentration was high, but the fluorescence drop coincided with phosphoenzyme formation when it was slowed by reducing ATP concentrations. The fluorescence drop induced by ITP or acetyl phosphate was slow even at high concentrations of the substrate, and it coincided with phosphoenzyme formation. When Ca2+ was absent, the fluorescence intensity and anisotropy decreased only slightly upon addition of any substrate other than the adenine nucleotides. They decreased substantially upon addition of the adenine nucleotides, but the kinetics of this fluorescence drop were quite different from that of the fluorescence drop induced by any substrate in the presence of Ca2+. These results show that the conformational change, which makes the bound label less constrained, is induced by substrate binding to the catalytic site of the Ca2(+)-activated enzyme. This change precedes phosphoenzyme formation in the catalytic cycle and is greatly accelerated by the adenine moiety of the substrate.  相似文献   

Changes in the fluoresence ofN-acetyl-N-(5-sulfo-1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine (EDANS), being attached to Cys-674 of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase without affecting the catalytic activity, as well as changes in the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence were followed throughout the catalytic cycle by the steady-state measurements and the stopped-flow spectrofluorometry. EDANS-fluorescence changes reflect conformational changes near the ATP binding site in the cytoplasmic domain, while tryptophan-fluorescence changes most probably reflect conformational changes in or near the transmembrane domain in which the Ca2+ binding sites are located. Formation of the phosphoenzyme intermediates (EP) was also followed by the continuous flow-rapid quenching method. The kinetic analysis of EDANS-fluorescence changes andEP formation revealed that, when ATP is added to the calcium-activated enzyme, conformational changes in the ATP binding site occur in three successive reaction steps; conformational change in the calcium enzyme substrate complex, formation of ADP-sensitiveEP, and transition of ADP-sensitiveEP to ADP-insensitiveEP. In contrast, the ATP-induced tryptophan-fluorescence changes occur only in the latter two steps. Thus, we conclude that conformational changes in the ATP binding site in the cytoplasmic domain are transmitted to the Ca2+-binding sites in the transmembrane domain in these latter two steps.Abbreviations SR sarcoplasmic reticulum - EP phosphoenzyme - EDANS N-acetyl-N-(5-sulfo-1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine - AMP-PCP adenosine 5-(, -methylene)triphosphate - NEM N-ethylmaleimide  相似文献   

Rabbit skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles were loaded with Ca2+ by ATP-dependent Ca2+ accumulation in the presence of low [Mg2+] (0.2-0.5 mM), and Ca2+ release was induced by addition of caffeine or ADP or by means of a Ca2+ jump. The levels of the phosphorylated intermediate (EP) and the tryptophan fluorescence of the Ca2+-ATPase were monitored during both the Ca2+ accumulation and the induced Ca2+ release using fast kinetic techniques. During Ca2+ uptake, both the EP level and the tryptophan fluorescence gradually decreased following a time course similar to that of the Ca2+ accumulation. Upon inducing Ca2+ release by addition of either caffeine or ADP, there was a transient increase of the EP level (from 0.3-0.5 to 1-2 nmol/mg protein) preceding the release of Ca2+. Similarly, a transient increase of the tryptophan fluorescence prior to Ca2+ release produced by the application of a Ca2+ jump was also found. These results indicate that the Ca2+-ATPase enzyme undergoes a rapid conformational change in response to triggering of Ca2+ release.  相似文献   

The technique of time-averaged phosphorescence has been used to study the interaction of calcium ions and ATP with the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase in sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles. The presence of excess calcium ions was found to cause a 20% decrease in the phosphorescence emission anisotropy. This is interpreted as being due to a conformational change in the protein and is supported by data from time-resolved phosphorescence measurements which also show a lowering of the anisotropy. This change in the decay of the emission anisotropy is associated with only minor changes in the rotational relaxation time of the protein and is again suggestive of a conformational change in the protein. In some cases ATP was also observed to lower the time-averaged phosphorescence anisotropy possibly via an interaction with the low-affinity regulatory site of the protein.  相似文献   

Interactions between transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of Ca2+-ATPase from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) have been studied. To affect the hydrophobic transmembrane domain, we used four amphiphilic steroids - esters of a dibasic acid and 20-oxypregnene. All four steroids contained cholesterol-like nuclei and differed by the structure of side chains. Steroids with carboxyl groups in the side chains inhibited the rates of ATP hydrolysis and Ca2+ transport, whereas a steroid without the carboxyl group did not appreciably affect Ca2+-ATPase function. Fluorimetric titration of FITC-labelled Ca2+-ATPase in SR vesicles by Nd3+ showed that steroids increased the apparent dissociation constant for Nd3+ bound to the hydrolytic site, the potency order of the steroids being the same as for the sterol-induced inhibition of the hydrolytic activity of Ca2+-ATPase. These results suggest structural changes in the active site. Ca2+ transport was inhibited more efficiently by steroids than the hydrolytic activity of the enzyme. This could be partially due to the increase of the membrane passive permeability induced by steroids, which, in turn, reflected the efficiency of the interaction of the steroids with lipid bilayers. The effects of the steroids were largely dependent on their amphiphilicity (the availability of polar groups in regions A and D), the structure of the side chains, and, possibly, on the distance between the molecular polar groups. We suggest that the inhibition of hydrolytic and transport functions of Ca2+-ATPase in the SR membrane is due to the interaction of the steroids with the transmembrane alpha-helical segments.  相似文献   

Purified preparations of Ca2+-dependent ATPase were lipid-deleted and incorporated into egg lecithin (EL) and dipalmitoyl lecithin (DPL) liposomes. The temperature dependences of the catalytic activity and of molecular mobility of the spin label (N-1-hydroxyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl) maleimide linked to a highly reactive SH-group in the vicinity of the active center (15-16 A) and of the fatty acid spin probe (6-doxylpalmitate) located in the protein-lipid moiety were compared. The molecular mobility of the spin label was measured by the saturation transfer method; that of the spin probe was estimated from the maximal splitting value. It was found that the catalytic activity of DPL is correlated with the molecular mobility of the hydrophobic part of ATPase, while that of EL with the segment flexibility in the vicinity of the active center.  相似文献   

Previously, we (Suzuki et al. (1978) J. Biochem. 84, 1529) reported that the sedimentation constant of chicken gizzard myosin in the presence of ATP was approximately 10S in 0.15 M or 0.2 M KCl and approximately 6S in 0.3 M or higher concentrations of KCl. The 10S-myosin and 6S-myosin were considerably different in conformation from each other. I now report the finding that the transformation of 6S-myosin to the 10S conformation results in a drastic change in the reactivity of thiol groups of gizzard myosin with N-iodoacetyl-N'-(5-sulfo-1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine (abbreviated as IAEDANS). The so-called SH1-type thiol groups (Sekine et al. (1962) J. Biol. Chem. 237, 2769) were present on 68 kilodalton fragments (produced by tryptic digestion) of gizzard myosin. The reactivity of the thiol groups with IAEDANS was greatly decreased by the 6S to 10S transformation of gizzard myosin molecules. Two other findings were obtained. Blocking the SH1-type thiol groups made the Mg-ATPase activities (in the presence of gizzard native tropomyosin) of gizzard myosin and of acto-gizzard myosin insensitive to calcium and to phosphorylation of regulatory light chains, although calcium-dependent phosphorylation of the IAEDANS-modified myosin could still occur. It also made gizzard myosin filaments resistant to the disassembly action of ATP.  相似文献   

Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle was solubilized with a nonionic detergent, dodecyl octaethyleneglycol monoether (C12E8), at a weight ratio of detergent to protein of greater than 10, so that the Ca2+, Mg2+ dependent ATPase existed mainly in a monomeric form (7). The solubilized ATPase was reacted with 10 microM N-1-P or 5 microM DACM in the presence of 5 mM CaCl2, 0.4 M KCl, 20% glycerol and 50 mM TES at pH 7.5 and 20 degrees C. Under these conditions, about 1 mol of N-1-P was incorporated into 10(5) g SR protein on 10 min incubation and 1 mol of DACM was incorporated into the same amount of SR on 5 min incubation. Analysis of the tryptic digest of the N-1-P- or DACM-labeled. ATPase on SDS polyacrylamide gel revealed that almost all the fluorescence was associated with the 30K m.w. subfragment of the ATPase protein. Even when the amount of the probe incorporated into SR-ATPase was increased from 1 to 3 mol per 10(5) g SR protein, all was incorporated into the 30K subfragment. Both the activities of formation and decomposition of the phosphorylated intermediate (EP) were unaffected by these modifications. When the separately labeled ATPases were mixed together in the presence of C12E8 and the detergent was removed by incubation with Bio-Beads SM-2, a significant amount of fluorescence energy transfer was observed between N-1-P and DACM. However, energy transfer did not occur when the labeled ATPases were mixed after removal of C12E8.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Conformational states in sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase have been examined by tryptic and chymotryptic cleavage. High affinity Ca2+ binding (E1 state) exposes a peptide bond in the A fragment of the polypeptide chain to trypsin. Absence of Ca2+ (E2 state) exposes bonds in the B fragment, which are protected by binding of Mg2+ or ATP. After phosphorylation from ATP the tryptic cleavage pattern depends on the predominant phosphoenzyme species present. ADP-sensitive E1P and ADP-insensitive E2P have cleavage patterns identical to those of unphosphorylated E1 and E2, respectively, indicating that two major conformational states are involved in Ca2+ translocation. The transition from E1P to E2P is inhibited by secondary tryptic splits in the A fragment, suggesting that parts of this fragment are of particular importance for the energy transduction process.The tryptic cleavage patterns of phosphorylated forms of detergent solubilized monomeric Ca2+-ATPase were similar to those of the membrane-bound enzyme, indicating that Ca2+ translocation depends mainly on structural changes within a single peptide chain. On the other hand, the protection of the second cleavage site as observed after vanadate binding to membranous Ca2+-ATPase could not be achieved in the soluble monomeric enzyme. Shielding of this peptide bond may therefore be due to protein-protein interactions in the semicrystalline state of the vanadate-bound Ca2+-ATPase in membranous form.  相似文献   

The conformational states of Ca2+-ATPase in sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles with or without a thousand-fold transmembrane Ca2+ gradient have been studied by fluorescence spectroscopy and fluorescence quenching. In consequence of the establishment of the transmembrane Ca2+ gradient, the steady-state fluorescence results revealed a reproducible 8% decrease in the intrinsic fluorescence while time-resolved fluorescence measurements showed that 13 tryptophan residues in SR · Ca2+-ATPase could be divided into three groups. The fluorescence lifetime of one of these groups increased from 5.5 ns to 5.95 ns in the presence of a Ca2+ gradient. Using KI and hypocrellin B (a photosensitive pigment obtained from a parasitic fungus, growing in Yunnan, China), the fluorescence quenching further indicated that the dynamic change of this tryptophan group, located at the protein-lipid interface, is a characteristic of transmembrane Ca2+ gradient-mediated conformational changes in SR · Ca2+-ATPase.Abbreviations SR sarcoplasmic reticulum - HB hypocrellin B - Trp tryptophan - DMSO dimethysulfoxide - Hepes N-2-hydroxyethyl piperazine-N-ethanesulfonic acad - SR(50005) SR vesicles with 1000-fold transmembrane Ca2+ gradient - SR(5050) SR vesicles without Ca2+ gradient - Ksv(app) apparent Stern-Volmer constant - Ksvi Stern-Volmer constant of component i for dynamic quenching  相似文献   

Trypsin cleaves the Ca2+-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum into two major fragments (A and B), followed by subsequent cleavage into smaller peptides. Although the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport is still observed after cleavage of the ATPase into the A and B fragments, the Ca2+ transport energized by acetyl phosphate is strongly inhibited. Covalent labeling of the Ca2+-ATPase by fluorescein 5'-isothiocyanate inhibited both the ATP and acetyl phosphate-dependent Ca2+ transport. Vanadate protected the A and B fragments from further hydrolysis and preserved the ability of the cleaved Ca2+-ATPase to form crystals and to show the characteristic conformational changes in response to Ca2+ and EGTA that are observed with the intact enzyme. The protective effect of vanadate may be useful for the isolation of the A and B fragments in functional form.  相似文献   

Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase solubilized in monomeric form by nonionic detergent was reacted with CrATP in the presence of 45Ca2+. A Ca2+-occluded complex formed, which was stable during high performance liquid chromatography in the presence of excess non-radioactive Ca2+. The elution position corresponded to monomeric Ca2+-ATPase. It is concluded that a single Ca2+-ATPase polypeptide chain provides the full structural basis for Ca2+ occlusion.  相似文献   

Microcrystalline arrays of Ca2+-transporting ATPase (EC develop in detergent-solubilized sarcoplasmic reticulum upon exposure to 10-20 mM CaCl2 at pH 6.0 for several weeks at 2 degrees C, in a crystallization medium that preserves the ATPase activity for several months. Of 48 detergents tested, optimal crystallization was obtained with Brij 36T, Brij 56, and Brij 96 at a detergent:protein weight ratio of 4:1 and with octaethylene glycol dodecyl ether at a ratio of 2:1. Similar Ca2+-induced crystalline arrays were obtained with the purified or delipidated Ca2+-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum but at lower detergent:protein ratios. The crystals are stabilized by fixation with glutaraldehyde and persist even after the removal of phospholipids by treatment with phospholipases A or C and by extraction with organic solvents. The crystals obtained so far can be used only for electron microscopy, but ongoing experiments suggest that under similar conditions large ordered arrays may develop that are suitable for x-ray diffraction analysis.  相似文献   

Regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The two high affinity calcium binding sites of the cardiac (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase have been identified with the use of Eu3+. Eu3+ competes for the two high affinity calcium sites on the enzyme. With the use of laser-pulsed fluorescent spectroscopy, the environment of the two sites appear to be heterogeneous and contain different numbers of H2O molecules coordinated to the ion. The ion appears to be occluded even further in the presence of ATP. Using non-radiative energy transfer studies, we were able to estimate the distance between the two Ca2+ sites to be between 9.4 to 10.2 A in the presence of ATP. Finally, from the assumption that the calcium site must contain four carboxylic side chains to provide the 6–8 ligands needed to coordinate calcium, and based on our recently published data, we predict the peptidic backbone of the two sites.  相似文献   

The mycotoxin, cyclopiazonic acid (CPA), inhibits the Ca2+-stimulated ATPase (EC and Ca2+ transport activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum (Goeger, D. E., Riley, R. T., Dorner, J. W., and Cole, R. J. (1988) Biochem. Pharmacol. 37, 978-981). We found that at low ATP concentrations (0.5-2 microM) the inhibition of ATPase activity was essentially complete at a CPA concentration of 6-8 nmol/mg protein, indicating stoichiometric reaction of CPA with the Ca2+-ATPase. Cyclopiazonic acid caused similar inhibition of the Ca2+-stimulated ATP hydrolysis in intact sarcoplasmic reticulum and in a purified preparation of Ca2+-ATPase. Cyclopiazonic acid also inhibited the Ca2+-dependent acetylphosphate, p-nitrophenylphosphate and carbamylphosphate hydrolysis by sarcoplasmic reticulum. ATP protected the enzyme in a competitive manner against inhibition by CPA, while a 10(5)-fold change in free Ca2+ concentration had only moderate effect on the extent of inhibition. CPA did not influence the crystallization of Ca2+-ATPase by vanadate or the reaction of fluorescein-5'-isothiocyanate with the Ca2+-ATPase, but it completely blocked at concentrations as low as 1-2 mol of CPA/mol of ATPase the fluorescence changes induced by Ca2+ and [ethylenebis(oxyethylenenitrilo)]tetraacetic acid (EGTA) in FITC-labeled sarcoplasmic reticulum and inhibited the cleavage of Ca2+-ATPase by trypsin at the T2 cleavage site in the presence of EGTA. These observations suggest that CPA interferes with the ATP-induced conformational changes related to Ca2+ transport. The effect of CPA on the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase appears to be fairly specific, since the kidney and brain Na+,K+-ATPase (EC, the gastric H+,K+-ATPase (EC, the mitochondrial F1-ATPase (EC, the Ca2+-ATPase of erythrocytes, and the Mg2+-activated ATPase of T-tubules and surface membranes of rat skeletal muscle were not inhibited by CPA, even at concentrations as high as 1000 nmol/mg protein.  相似文献   

The hydrolytic cycle of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase in the absence of Ca2+ was studied. At pH 6.0, 10 degrees C and in the absence of K+, the enzyme displays a very low velocity of ATP hydrolysis. Addition of up to 15% dimethyl sulfoxide increased this velocity severalfold (from 5-18 nmol of Pi X mg of protein-1 X h-1) and then decreased at higher solvent concentrations. Dimethyl sulfoxide increased both enzyme phosphorylation from ATP and the affinity for this substrate. Maximal levels of 1.0-1.2 nmol of EP X mg of protein-1 and apparent KM for ATP of 5 X 10(-6) M were obtained at a concentration of 30% dimethyl sulfoxide. The same preparation under optimal conditions (pH 7.5, 10 microM CaCl2, 100 mM KCl and no dimethyl sulfoxide at 37 degrees C) displays a velocity of ATP hydrolysis between 8 and 12 X 10(5) nmol of Pi X mg of protein-1 X h-1 while the phosphoenzyme levels varied between 3.5 and 4.0 nmol of EP X mg of protein-1. Enzyme phosphorylation from ATP in the absence of Ca2+ always preceded Pi liberation into the assay media. Two different phosphoenzyme species were formed which were kinetically distinguished by their decomposition rates. The observed steady-state velocity of ATP hydrolysis could be accounted for either by the decay of the fast component or by the simultaneous decomposition of both phosphoenzyme species. The hydrolysis of the phosphoenzyme formed in the absence of Ca2+ was KCl-stimulated and ADP-independent. The rate constant of breakdown was equal to that observed for the phosphoenzyme formed in the presence of Ca2+. It is suggested that the rapidly decaying phosphoenzyme (and possibly both rapidly and slowly decaying species) are intermediates in the reaction cycle of Mg2+-dependent ATP hydrolysis of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase and may represent a bypass of Ca2+ activation by dimethyl sulfoxide.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to probe the regulatory nucleotide site of the Ca2+-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum and to study its relationship with the catalytic nucleotide site. Our approach was to use the nucleotide analogue 2'(3')-O-(2,4,6-trinitrocyclohexadienylidene)adenosine 5'-phosphate (TNP-AMP), which is known to bind the Ca2+-ATPase with high affinity and to undergo a manyfold increase in fluorescence upon enzyme phosphorylation with ATP in the presence of Ca2+. TNP-AMP was shown to bind the regulatory site in that it competitively inhibited (Ki = 0.6 microM) the secondary activation of turnover induced by millimolar ATP, thus providing a high affinity probe for the site. Observation of the high phosphoenzyme-dependent fluorescence upon monomerization of the enzyme without an increase in phosphoenzyme levels showed the regulatory site to be on the same subunit as the catalytic site and excluded an uncovering of "silent" nucleotide sites resulting from dissociation of enzyme subunits. Identical stoichiometric levels of [3H]TNP-AMP binding (4 nmol/mg of protein) to either the free enzyme or the enzyme phosphorylated with 250 microM ATP excluded models of two nucleotide sites per subunit. Finally, transient kinetic experiments in which TNP-AMP was found to block the ADP-induced burst of phosphoenzyme decomposition showed that TNP-AMP was bound to the phosphorylated catalytic site. We conclude that the regulatory nucleotide site is not a separate and distinct site on the Ca2+-ATPase but, rather, results from the nucleotide catalytic site following formation of the phosphorylated enzyme intermediate.  相似文献   

Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase is an ion pump whose catalytic cycle includes the transient formation of an acyl phosphate at Asp(351), and fluorescein isothiocyanate is a covalent inhibitor of ATP binding to this pump, known to specifically derivatize Lys(515) in the nucleotide-binding site. It was previously found that an unusually stable, phosphorylated form of fluorescein-ATPase, with low fluorescence, is obtained following Ca (2+) loading with acetyl phosphate as energy source and then chelation with EGTA of Ca(2+) on the cytosolic side. Here we show that the phospho-linkage in this low fluorescent species is stable at alkaline pH, unlike the acyl phosphate at Asp(351). Moreover, the low fluorescence and stable phosphoryl group track together in primary and secondary tryptic subfragments, separated by SDS-PAGE after denaturation. Finally, normal fluorescence and absorbance are recovered upon treatment with alkaline phosphatase after extensive trypsinolysis. We conclude that the low fluorescent species is the result of the phosphoryl group being transferred from Asp (351) to the fluorescein moiety during pump reversal, yielding fluorescein monophosphate tethered to Ca(2+)-ATPase.  相似文献   

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