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Cytokinesis requires a membrane-remodeling and fission event termed abscission that occurs after chromosome segregation, cleavage furrow formation, and contraction have completed. In this study, we show how abscission factor recruitment is controlled by the Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1). At the metaphase-anaphase transition, Plk1 initiates cleavage furrow formation and is then progressively degraded during mitotic exit. During this period, Plk1 phosphorylates the abscission factor Cep55 in trans and prevents its untimely recruitment to the anaphase spindle. A Plk1 phosphorylation site mutant of Cep55 is prematurely recruited to the anaphase spindle and fails to support abscission. Endogenous Cep55 behaves similarly after Plk1 inhibition by the drugs BI2536 or GW842862. Only once Plk1 is degraded can Cep55 target to the midbody and promote abscission. Blocking Plk1 degradation leads to elevated levels of Plk1 at the midbody and the failure of Cep55 recruitment. Thus, Plk1 activity negatively regulates Cep55 to ensure orderly abscission factor recruitment and ensures that this occurs only once cell contraction has completed.  相似文献   

During anaphase, spindle elongation pulls sister chromatids apart until each pair is fully separated. In turn, cytokinesis cleaves the cell between the separated chromosomes. What ensures that cytokinesis proceeds only after that all chromosome arms are pulled out of the cleavage plane was unknown. Here, we show that a signaling pathway, which we call NoCut, delays the completion of cytokinesis in cells with spindle-midzone defects. NoCut depends on the Aurora kinase Ipl1 and the anillin-related proteins Boi1 and Boi2, which localize to the site of cleavage in an Ipl1-dependent manner and act as abscission inhibitors. Inactivation of NoCut leads to premature abscission and chromosome breakage by the cytokinetic machinery and is lethal in cells with spindle-elongation defects. We propose that NoCut monitors clearance of chromatin from the midzone to ensure that cytokinesis completes only after all chromosomes have migrated to the poles.  相似文献   

Ewing sarcoma is a malignant bone cancer that primarily occurs in children and adolescents. Eighty-five percent of Ewing sarcoma is characterized by the presence of the aberrant chimeric EWS/FLI1 fusion gene. Previously, we demonstrated that an interaction between EWS/FLI1 and wild-type EWS led to the inhibition of EWS activity and mitotic dysfunction. Although defective mitosis is considered to be a critical step in cancer initiation, it is unknown how interference with EWS contributes to Ewing sarcoma formation. Here, we demonstrate that EWS/FLI1- and EWS-knockdown cells display a high incidence of defects in the midzone, a midline structure located between segregating chromatids during anaphase. Defects in the midzone can lead to the failure of cytokinesis and can result in the induction of aneuploidy. The similarity among the phenotypes of EWS/FLI1- and EWS siRNA-transfected HeLa cells points to the inhibition of EWS as the key mechanism for the induction of midzone defects. Supporting this observation, the ectopic expression of EWS rescues the high incidence of midzone defects observed in Ewing sarcoma A673 cells. We discovered that EWS interacts with Aurora B kinase, and that EWS is also required for recruiting Aurora B to the midzone. A domain analysis revealed that the R565 in the RGG3 domain of EWS is essential for both Aurora B interaction and the recruitment of Aurora B to the midzone. Here, we propose that the impairment of EWS-dependent midzone formation via the recruitment of Aurora B is a potential mechanism of Ewing sarcoma development.  相似文献   

A number of proteins accumulate in the anaphase spindle midzone, but the interaction and precise role of these proteins in midzone organization remain obscure. Here, we found that the microtubule-bundling protein PRC1 bound separately to the three motor proteins, KIF4, MKLP1 and CENP-E, but not to the chromosomal passenger proteins. In KIF4-deficient cells, the central spindle was disorganized, and all midzone-associated proteins including PRC1 failed to concentrate at the midline, instead being dispersed along the loosened microtubule bundles of the central spindle. This suggests that KIF4 is essential for the organization of central spindles and for midzone formation. In PRC1-deficient cells, no midzone was formed, KIF4 and CENP-E did not localize to the disconnected half-spindle, and MKLP1 and chromosomal passenger proteins localized to discrete subdomains near microtubule plus ends in the half-spindle. Thus, PRC1 is required for interaction of the two half-spindles and for localization of KIF4 and CENP-E. These results suggest that KIF4 and its binding partner PRC1 play essential roles in the organization of central spindles and midzone formation.  相似文献   

Rape M 《Current biology : CB》2007,17(13):R506-R508
At anaphase, the kinase Plk1 localizes to the spindle midzone, where it orchestrates cytokinesis. New work has now identified PRC1 as a Plk1-delivery factor that is tightly controlled by opposing cyclin B-Cdk1- and Plk1-dependent phosphorylations.  相似文献   

A role for Plk1 phosphorylation of NudC in cytokinesis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) plays essential roles at multiple events during cell division, yet little is known about its physiological substrates. In a cDNA phage display screen using Plk1 C-terminal affinity columns, we identified NudC (nuclear distribution gene C) as a Plk1 binding protein. Here, we characterize the interaction between Plk1 and NudC, show that Plk1 phosphorylates NudC at conserved S274 and S326 residues in vitro, and present evidence that NudC is also a substrate for Plk1 in vivo. Downregulation of NudC by RNA interference results in multiple mitotic defects, including multinucleation and cells arrested at the midbody stage, which are rescued by ectopic expression of wild-type NudC, but not by NudC with mutations in the Plk1 phosphorylation sites. These results suggest that Plk1 phosphorylation of NudC may influence cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Midzone microtubules of mammalian cells play an essential role in the induction of cell cleavage, serving as a platform for a number of proteins that play a part in cytokinesis. We demonstrate that PRC1, a mitotic spindle-associated Cdk substrate that is essential to cell cleavage, is a microtubule binding and bundling protein both in vivo and in vitro. Overexpression of PRC1 extensively bundles interphase microtubules, but does not affect early mitotic spindle organization. PRC1 contains two Cdk phosphorylation motifs, and phosphorylation is possibly important to mitotic suppression of bundling, as a Cdk phosphorylation-null mutant causes extensive bundling of the prometaphase spindle. Complete suppression of PRC1 by siRNA causes failure of microtubule interdigitation between half spindles and the absence of a spindle midzone. Truncation mutants demonstrate that the NH2-terminal region of PRC1, rich in alpha-helical sequence, is important for localization to the cleavage furrow and to the center of the midbody, whereas the central region, with the highest sequence homology between species, is required for microtubule binding and bundling activity. We conclude that PRC1 is a microtubule-associated protein required to maintain the spindle midzone, and that distinct functions are associated with modular elements of the primary sequence.  相似文献   

Mammalian polo-like kinases (Plks) are characterized by the presence of an N-terminal protein kinase domain and a C-terminal polo-box domain (PBD) involved in substrate binding and regulation of kinase activity. Plk1-4 have traditionally been linked to cell cycle progression, genotoxic stress and, more recently, neuron biology. Recently, a fifth mammalian Plk family member, Plk5, has been characterized in murine and human cells. Plk5 is expressed mainly in differentiated tissues such as the cerebellum. Despite apparent loss of catalytic activity and a stop codon in the middle of the human gene, Plk5 proteins retain important functions in neuron biology. Notably, its expression is silenced by epigenetic alterations in brain tumors, such as glioblastomas, and its re-expression prevents cell proliferation of these tumor cells. In this review, we will focus on the non-cell cycle roles of Plks, the biology of the new member of the family and the possible kinase- and PBD-independent functions of polo-like kinases.  相似文献   

We performed a functional analysis of fascetto (feo), a Drosophila gene that encodes a protein homologous to the Ase1p/PRC1/MAP65 conserved family of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). These MAPs are enriched at the spindle midzone in yeast and mammals and at the fragmoplast in plants, and are essential for the organization and function of these microtubule arrays. Here we show that the Feo protein is specifically enriched at the central-spindle midzone and that its depletion either by mutation or by RNAi results in aberrant central spindles. In Feo-depleted cells, late anaphases showed normal overlap of the antiparallel MTs at the cell equator, but telophases displayed thin MT bundles of uniform width instead of robust hourglass-shaped central spindles. These thin central spindles exhibited diffuse localizations of both the Pav and Asp proteins, suggesting that these spindles comprise improperly oriented MTs. Feo-depleted cells also displayed defects in the contractile apparatus that correlated with those in the central spindle; late anaphase cells formed regular contractile structures, but these structures did not constrict during telophase, leading to failures in cytokinesis. The phenotype of Feo-depleted telophases suggests that Feo interacts with the plus ends of central spindle MTs so as to maintain their precise interdigitation during anaphase-telophase MT elongation and antiparallel sliding.  相似文献   

Survivin is a member of inhibitors of apoptosis proteins (IAPs), and also belongs to be a member of the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC) which has multiple functions including inhibition of apoptosis and regulation of cell division and SAC activity. Plk1 (polo-like kinase 1) associates with the spindle poles and also distributes to the kinetochores and is shown to involve in spindle organization, APC/C activation and cytokinesis in many models. Our recent work has shown that Survivin is a critical regulator of chromosome segregation and spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) in meiosis. In the present study, we found that Plk1 co-localized with Survivin at metaphase I (MI) and telophase I (TI) stage after GVBD. Plk1 dispersed into the oocyte cytoplasm or accumulated near the chromosomes after the depletion of Survivin by morpholino (MO) injection. Our results showed that the localization of Plk1 to kinetochores required the involvement of Survivin.  相似文献   

Defects in chromosome condensation, segregation or cytokinesis during mitosis disrupt genome integrity and cause organismal death or tumorigenesis. The conserved kinase AIR-2/Aurora B is required for normal execution of all these important mitotic events in Caenorhabditis elegans. TLK-1 has been recently shown to be a substrate and activator of AIR-2 in the presence of another AIR-2 activator ICP-1/INCENP, and to cooperate with AIR-2 to ensure proper mitotic chromosome segregation. However, whether TLK-1 may contribute to chromosome condensation or cytokinesis is unclear. A time-lapse microscopy analysis showed that tlk-1 mutants are defective in chromosome condensation and cytokinesis, in addition to chromosome segregation, during mitosis. Our data indicate that TLK-1 contributes to chromosome condensation and segregation, at least in part, in a manner that is distinct from the ICP-1-mediated mechanism and does not involve loading AIR-2 or condensin proteins to mitotic chromosomes. Moreover, TLK-1 functions in cytokinesis by localizing AIR-2 to the midzone microtubules. The localization pattern of TLK-1 is different from those of ICP-1 and AIR-2, revealing differences in dynamic regulation and association of TLK-1 and ICP-1 towards AIR-2 in vivo. Interestingly, human TLK2 could functionally substitute for tlk-1, suggesting that the mitotic roles of TLK members might be evolutionarily conserved.  相似文献   

In recent years, the function of different tumour suppressors in the regulation of macroautophagy has been studied. We show here that BRCA1, unlike other tumour suppressors, negatively regulates formation of autophagosomes and lysosomal mass under conditions of both basal and enhanced autophagy. In MCF-7 breast cancer cells, increased formation of autophagic vacuoles after inactivation of BRCA1 by siRNAs is associated with an increase in reactive oxygen species, such as superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide. This allows one to propose an antioxidant function for BRCA1 and suggests that dysfunctional mitochondria and the generated reactive oxygen species excess could explain the increased macroautophagy observed in the absence of BRCA1. In addition, a quick decrease in BRCA1 levels occurs when MCF-7 cells are switched to a nutrient-poor environment that stimulates macroautophagy and that is also reminiscent of certain phases of tumour growth. Inhibition of BRCA1 synthesis has an important role in this reduction, while there are almost no changes in BRCA1 degradation by lysosomes and proteasomes. Therefore, BRCA1 produces macroautophagy inhibition by reducing the formation of autophagic vacuoles, and this, together with the other results presented here, shows new functional aspects of BRCA1 that could help to clarify the role of autophagy in cancer development.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin (Ig) diversification by somatic hypermutation in germinal center B cells is instrumental for maturation of the humoral immune response, but also bears the risk of excessive or aberrant genetic changes. Thus, introduction of DNA damage by activation-induced cytidine deaminase as well as DNA repair by multiple pathways need to be tightly regulated during the germinal center response to prevent lymphomagenesis. In the present study, we show that DNA damage checkpoint signaling via checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) negatively regulates somatic hypermutation. Chk1 inhibition in human B cell lymphoma lines as well as inactivation of Chk1 alleles by gene targeting in DT40 B cells leads to increased somatic hypermutation. This is apparently due to changes in DNA repair pathways regulated by Chk1, such as a decreased homologous recombination efficiency that also leads to decreased Ig gene conversion in DT40. Our data show that Chk1 signaling plays a crucial role in regulation of Ig diversification and sheds unexpected light on potential origins of aberrant somatic hypermutation in B cell lymphomagenesis.  相似文献   

The process of cytokinesis can be divided into two stages: the assembly and constriction of an actomyosin ring giving rise to a narrow intracellular canal and the final breaking and resealing of this canal. Mutations in several genes of Caenorhabditis elegans disrupt the spindle midzone (anti-parallel microtubules and associated proteins that form between the spindle poles) and give rise to failures in the completion of cytokinesis. We show that loss of function of spd-1 causes midzone disruptions, although cytokinesis generally completes. SPD-1 is a conserved microtubule-bundling protein that localizes to the midzone and also to microtubule bundles in the cytoplasm. The midzone localization of SPD-1 is perturbed in embryos depleted of other midzone components, yet the cytoplasmic bundles are not affected. We found that two other midzone components also localize to the ingressing furrow in wild-type embryos; when SPD-1 is depleted, there is no visible midzone, and only this furrow localization remains. SPD-1 differs from other midzone components in that it is essential for the integrity of the midzone, yet not for cytokinesis. Also, it can localize to the midzone when other midzone components are depleted, suggesting that SPD-1 may play an early role in the pathway of midzone assembly.  相似文献   

The central spindle is a postanaphase array of microtubules that plays an essential role in organizing the signaling machinery for cytokinesis. The model by which the central spindle organizes the cytokinetic apparatus is premised on an antiparallel arrangement of microtubules, yet cells lacking spindle bipolarity are capable of generating a distal domain of ectopic furrowing when forced into mitotic exit. Because protein regulator of cytokinesis (PRC1) and kinesin family member 4A (KIF4A) are believed to play a principal role in organizing the antiparallel midzone array, we sought to clarify their roles in monopolar cytokinesis. Although both factors localized to the distal ends of microtubules during monopolar cytokinesis, depletion of PRC1 and KIF4A displayed different phenotypes. Cells depleted of PRC1 failed to form a polarized microtubule array or ectopic furrows following mitotic exit, and recruitment of Aurora B kinase, male germ cell Rac GTPase-activating protein, and RhoA to the cortex was impaired. In contrast, KIF4A depletion impaired neither polarization nor ectopic furrowing, but it did result in elongated spindles with a diffuse distribution of cytokinetic factors. Thus, even in the absence of spindle bipolarity, PRC1 appears to be essential for polarizing parallel microtubules and concentrating the factors responsible for contractile ring assembly, whereas KIF4A is required for limiting the length of anaphase microtubules.  相似文献   

During the G2 to M phase transition, a portion of mitotic regulator Plk1 localizes to the kinetochores and regulates the initiation of kinetochore–microtubule attachments for proper chromosome alignment. Once kinetochore–microtubule attachment is achieved, this portion of Plk1 is removed from the kinetochores as a result of ubiquitination. However, the crucial molecular mechanism that promotes the localization and the maintenance of Plk1 on the kinetochores until metaphase is still unclear. We report that ubiquitin-specific peptidase 16 (Usp16) plays a key role during this process. Usp16 deubiquitinates Plk1, resulting in an enhanced interaction with kinetochore-localized proteins such as BubR1, and thereby retains Plk1 on the kinetochores to promote proper chromosome alignment in early mitosis. Down-regulation of Usp16 causes increased ubiquitination and decreased kinetochore localization of Plk1. Thus, our data unveil a unique mechanism by which Usp16 promotes the localization and maintenance of Plk1 on the kinetochores for proper chromosome alignment.  相似文献   

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