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Summary Seed predation can be an important determinant of plant success, but has received little attention in wetland plant communities. Here, we examine the role of flower and seed predators in limiting the seed production of the dominant perennial plants in a salt marsh plant community. Of the four perennial investigated, direct ovule loss to consumers ranged from 51 to 80%, resulting in seed set reductions ranging from 50% to over 20-fold. Most losses were due to generalist grazing by the grasshopper, Conocephalus spartinae. More species-specific losses were inflicted by planthoppers, and microlepidopteran and dipteran larval seed parasites.Insect abundance and consumer pressure on flowers and seeds increased over the early summer, peaked in the middle of July, and declined through August, and this temporal pattern was reflected in the natural consumer damage incurred by each of the marsh perennials. Juncus gerardi flowers earlier than other marsh perennials and largely escapes heavy consumer losses. Spartina patens and Distichlis spicata flower in the middle of the summer during the peak consumer activity and incur extremely heavy seed losses. Spartina alterniflora flowers late in the summer as consumer pressure is subsiding, which appears to minimize its seed loss. In addition to destroying seeds directly, consumers also markedly reduce the frequency and affect the timing of sexual expression in these plants. In particular, predation drastically reduces the frequency of male flowers, which could lead to pollen limitation of seed set.Intense flower and seed predation on these marsh perennials may be an important determinant of the success of marsh plant populations as well as a potent selective force on their flowering phenologies and reproductive effort.  相似文献   

We studied mechanisms of vegetation change in fens subject to succession from open water to floating mats and finally herbaceous rich-fens. Earlier research showed that these systems are characterized by transient seed banks. Our main question was whether seedlings of later successional fen stages are already present in earlier stages, remaining subordinate in the vegetation until conditions become suitable for them. If, however, conditions during succession change in a way that only a limited set of species can survive as seedlings during each of the successional stages, no seedling bank will exist. The transient character of the seeds would then imply that seeds will not germinate and will subsequently die and that seeds that have germinated in the “wrong” stage will not become established. We hypothesized that: (1) germination and seedling survival of fen species are significantly better in the successional fen stage for which these species are characteristic, (2) as a consequence no seedling banks occur in these fens. In a field experiment, seeds of five characteristic fen species in the standing vegetation of three successional fen stages i.e. raft fen, quaking fen and rich fen were sown in each of these stages in a turf pond in the Tienhoven area, The Netherlands. Germination and seedling survival were measured over two growing seasons together with environmental variables. Germination was higher in the “own” stage for all species groups as was survival for quaking fen species and rich fen species. For both these stages, percentage of germination and survival of four out of five characteristic species were significantly higher in the “own” stage. Germination and survival can be considered stage-dependent and it was concluded that seedling banks do not exist in these fens. Site-specific environmental variables act as a sieve and differentiate on species presence already during early life history stages. We found clues that the environmental sieve acts at the level of nutrient availability, tolerance for high sulphide concentration and light climate. Because of the transient seed bank and absence of a seedling bank in these fen wetlands, successful establishment of species necessitates a continuous dispersal of characteristic species until the environmental conditions permit establishment. This also implies that species of the whole successional sere should be present within dispersal distance.  相似文献   

Ice rafting of salt marsh peat is a recurrent phenomenon in north temperate regions. This process was simulated in a northern New England salt marsh to test several hypotheses concerning the effects of peat transport from high to low intertidal heights on the growth and mortality of key sessile organisms: the ribbed mussel Geukensia demissa (Dillwyn), the fucoid alga Fucus vesiculosus L. var. spiralis (Farlow) and the cordgrass Spartina alterniflora (Loisel.). Growth rates increased when Geukensia and Fucus were transported to the lower intertidal; however, Spartina died when similarly transported. Predation pressure (primarily from Carcinus maenus L.) on Geukensia was greater when it was rafted to the lower intertidal zone than in the upper intertidal habitat and was size specific; mussels >3.5cm reached a size-escape from crab predation.A winter survey of dislodged mussels revealed that 72% of the mussels collected were dead and 86% had been overgrown by large Fucus plants, >2.5 × the natural frequency of Fucus overgrowth (32%). In marsh habitats where hard substratum is rare, 91% of the Fucus were growing on Geukensia. A dislodgement experiment showed that a significantly greater percentage of Geukensia was dislodged after ice-out when Fucus was attached to the shell than those mussels without Fucus overgrowth. In the spring, a population survey conducted in the salt marsh examined densities, biomass and population structure of Geukensia, as well as densities, percent cover and biomass of Fucus. Values obtained in the foremarsh were compared to those from the peat islands recently rafted to the tidal flats. Both biomass and densities of Geukensia were similar in the two areas; however, the size-frequency distributions of the mussels were different. Since fewer large mussels, Fucus and Fucus-overgrown mussels were found on the newly transported peat islands, this pattern appears to reflect dislodgement of larger Geukensia by attached algae during ice transport. Two ice-related sources of mortality were identified for Geukensia: (1) Fucus overgrowth acted as a vector for mussel dislodgement and was an indirect source of mortality; and (2) ice crushing was a direct source of mortality for non-overgrown mussels.  相似文献   

J. P. Bakker 《Plant Ecology》1985,62(1-3):391-398
Grazing an abandoned salt marsh causes retrogressive succession, since mid salt-marsh communities change into lower salt-marsh communities. Grazing and mowing are compared in detail. Both management practices enhance species diversity in an abandoned salt marsh. This can be attributed to the removal of litter. The finding that lower salt-marsh species appear more with grazing than with mowing or abandoning is not related to a higher soil salinity as compared to mowing or abandoning, but probably to locally baring of the soil by grazing animals. Only species of pioneer or unstable environments seem to have a persistent seed bank, for other species seed dispersal seems to be a limiting factor for their establishment.Nomenclature follows Heukels & van Ooststroom (1977) for species; Westhoff & den Held (1969) for syntaxa.Mrs R. Rusthoven analyzed the soil samples, Mr E. Leeuwinga drawed the figures, and Mrs J. O'Brien corrected the English text.  相似文献   

Nutrients can structure communities by influencing both plant interactions and plant herbivore interactions, though rarely do studies integrate these processes. In this study we examined how nitrogen fertilization influenced (1) the positive interaction between the marsh elder, Iva frutescens, and the black rush, Juncusgerardi, and (2) the quality of Iva as a host plant for the aphid, Uroleuconambrosiae. Previous studies have shown that by mitigating soil salt accumulation and hypoxia, Juncus is essential to the survival of Iva and its aphid herbivore at mid-marsh elevations. To address the effects of nitrogen on this interaction, we compared fertilized and unfertilized Iva plants subject to Juncus removal and control treatments in the field. Additionally, we measured the monthly population growth rates of aphids transplanted onto these Iva plants. Iva leaf biomass and flower number results indicated that fertilizing Iva eliminated its dependence upon Juncus, such that fertilized plants grown without Juncus were not different from unmanipulated plants. Aphid monthly population growth rates through mid-summer revealed that fertilization also eliminated the indirect dependency of aphids on Juncus, so that aphid growth rates on fertilized Iva without Juncus neighbors were similar to rates on unmanipulated Iva. Results also indicated that fertilizing Iva grown with Juncus increased Iva size, potentially enabling these plants to support larger aphid populations. Our results suggest that only under conditions of nitrogen limitation are the positive effects of Juncus essential to the mid-marsh persistence of Iva and its aphid herbivore. Furthermore, we found that nitrogen effects on aphid populations may arise not only from a direct effect of nutrients on Iva size but also through the indirect effects of nitrogen on the interaction between Juncus and Iva. We argue that studies integrating processes occurring both within and between trophic levels, are important to fully understanding the community-wide effects of nutrients. Received: 14 November 1997 / Accepted: 11 May 1998  相似文献   

A model of primary productivity in a salt marsh is developed and compared to a regression analysis study of data showing dependence of growth on growing season, mean tidal height, and average monthly temperatures for several grass species.  相似文献   

Fleshy-fruited plants rely on animal frugivores to disperse their seeds, and seed removal by frugivores may leave an imprint on seedling recruitment. However, to what extent plant–frugivore interactions are related to seedling recruitment has rarely been quantified at the community level, especially in species-rich tropical forests. In this study, we tested the effect of different plant traits on fruit removal by frugivores and tested the relative importance of fruit removal, plant traits and abiotic factors for seedling recruitment. We quantified plant–frugivore interactions of 22 fleshy-fruited plant species consumed by 56 diurnal frugivore species, and counted the number of seedlings that emerged along an elevational gradient in the Colombian Andes. We measured a set of plant traits (i.e., crop size; fruit size; seed load and mass; fruit nutritional contents), estimated the density of adult plants and recorded relevant abiotic factors (light, temperature and humidity). We found that fruit removal by frugivores was positively associated with crop size, but negatively associated with fruit length and unrelated to seed load and fruit nutritional content. Seedling densities were positively related to the density of adult plants, seed mass and fruit removal by animals. We found no relationship between abiotic factors and seedling recruitment. Our results indicate that fruit abundance and morphology are important determinants of fruit removal and that fruit removal is positively associated with seedling recruitment accounting for effects of species abundance and plant traits. We conclude that plant traits shape fruit removal and seedling recruitment at the community level, while these two crucial processes of forest regeneration are directly linked by seed dispersal of animals.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have documented declines in plant diversity in response to habitat loss in fragmented landscapes. However, determining the mechanisms that lead to species loss is challenging using solely a correlative approach. Here we link correlative assessments of plant community composition with seed additions for a focal species to test the hypothesis that distributions of forests plants within a fragmented landscape are limited by seed dispersal. Woody plant species richness of fragments declined as fragments (n=26) became more isolated by agricultural fields. We predicted that if these isolation effects were driven by poor dispersal rather than other effects associated with habitat loss, then plants should vary in their response to isolation in relation to their seed size (i.e., stronger effects for plants with larger seeds). As predicted under this dispersal limitation hypothesis, sensitivity of bird-dispersed shrubs to isolation was related to their seed mass, with species with heavy seeds (e.g., Lindera benzoin) exhibiting stronger declines in presence across isolation gradients than species with light seeds. Seed addition experiments were performed for Lindera benzoin in two high isolation forest fragments (nearest neighbor mean distance=803 m) where Lindera was naturally absent, and two low isolation fragments (nearest neighbor mean distance=218 m) with naturally occurring Lindera populations. Seed addition and control plots (n=50 1 m2 plots per fragment) were monitored for 13 censuses over 3 years. Across all four fragments, seed additions resulted in significant increases in Lindera seedling recruitment with no differences in final seedling establishment among fragments. However, insect herbivory was higher on Lindera seedlings in high isolation compared to low isolation fragments and was negatively correlated with seedling survival over some years. Consistent with prior work, our results confirm that seed dispersal plays a significant role in affecting plant diversity in fragmented landscapes. However, results also suggest the need for a better understanding of how additional processes, such as herbivory, may be altered as habitat is lost and what effects such changes have for forest plants.  相似文献   

Nutrient limitation and plant species composition in temperate salt marshes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Addition of inorganic nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a factorial design in two ungrazed Wadden-Sea salt marshes at low and high elevations showed that nitrogen was the limiting nutrient. No effects of nutrient addition were detected in the 1st year, probably due to a considerable rainfall deficit during the growing season. In the 2nd year, which was more humid, only nitrogen addition caused significant effects in both the low salt marsh dominated by Puccinellia maritima and the high marsh dominated by Festuca rubra. No two-way or three-way interactions with phosphorus or potassium were found. In the low marsh, nitrogen addition had a negative effect on the biomass of Puccinellia, but a positive effect on the biomass of Suaeda maritima and on the total above-ground biomass. Puccinellia was replaced by Suaeda after nitrogen addition, due to shading. In the high salt marsh, no significant effects of fertilizer application on total above-ground biomass were found, due to the weak response of the dominant species Festuca rubra, which accounted for 95% of total biomass. The biomass of Spergularia maritima increased, however, as a response to nitrogen addition.The shoot length of Festuca was positively affected by nitrogen fertilization. It is suggested that stands of Festuca reached maximal biomass at the study site without fertilization and that its growth was probably limited by self-shading. Received: 22 September 1996 / Accepted: 5 April 1997  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal propagules in a salt marsh   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The tolerance of indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to stressful soil conditions and the relative contribution of spores of these fungi to plant colonization were examined in a Portuguese salt marsh. Glomus geosporum is dominant in this salt marsh. Using tetrazolium as a vital stain, a high proportion of field-collected spores were found to be metabolically active at all sampling dates. Spore germination tests showed that salt marsh spores were not affected by increasing levels of salinity, in contrast to two non-marsh spore isolates, and had a significantly higher ability to germinate under increased levels of salinity (20) than in the absence of or at low salinity (10). Germination of salt marsh spores was not affected by soil water levels above field capacity, in contrast to one of the two non-marsh spore isolates. For the evaluation of infectivity, a bioassay was established with undisturbed soil cores (containing all types of AM fungal propagules) and soil cores containing only spores as AM fungal propagules. Different types of propagules were able to initiate and to expand the root colonization of a native plant species, but spores were slower than mycelium and/or root fragments in colonizing host roots. The AM fungal adaptation shown by this study may explain the maintenance of AMF in salt marshes.  相似文献   

Microbial activity within the environment can have distinct geochemicaleffects, and so changes in a microbial community structure can result ingeochemical change. We examined seasonal changes in both the microbialcommunityand the geochemistry of an inter-tidal salt marsh in north-west England tocharacterise biogeochemical processes occurring at this site.Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis of sediment samples collected atmonthly intervals was used to measure seasonal changes in microbial biomass andcommunity structure. The PLFA data were analysed using multivariate techniques(Ward's method and the Mahalanobis distance metric), and we show that the useofthe Mahalanobis distance metric improves the statistical analysis by providingdetailed information on the reasons samples cluster together and identifyingthedistinguishing features between the separate clusters. Five clusters of likesamples were defined, showing differences in the community structure over thecourse of a year.At all times, the microbial community was dominated by PLFA associated withaerobic bacteria, but this was most pronounced in summer (August). Theabundanceof branched fatty acids, a measure of the biomass of anaerobes, started toincrease later in the year than did those associated with aerobes and thefungalbiomarker 18:26 showed a brief late-summer peak.The salt marsh remained mildly oxic throughout the year despite the increase inmicrobial respiration, suggested by the large increases in the abundance ofPLFA, in the warmer months. The conditions therefore remained most favourablefor aerobic species throughout the year, explaining their continual dominanceatthis site. However, as the abundance of PLFA synthesised by anaerobesincreased,increases in dissolved Mn concentrations were observed, which we suggest weredue to anaerobic respiration of Mn(IV) to Mn(II). Overall, the geochemicalconditions were consistent with the microbial community structure and changeswithin it.  相似文献   

Rodent seed predation and seedling recruitment in mesic grassland   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Seedling recruitment of two grasses (Arrhenatherum elatius and Festuca rubra) and two herbs (Centaurea nigra and Rumex acetosa) was measured in areas with and without rodents to which seeds of each species were sown at three seed densities (1000, 10,000 and 50,000 seeds m−2) in two seasons (spring and autumn 1995). Seed removal was measured for 10-day periods and the fate of seedlings was followed for 15 months after sowing. The proportion of seed removed ranged from 6 to 85% and increased with increasing seed density for each species. Rodents had no effect on seedling emergence or survival in the spring sowing. In the autumn sowing, rodents reduced seedling emergence of all four species sown at 1000 and 10,000 seeds m−2 but had no impact at 50,000 seeds m−2, presumably because of microsite limitation. We suggest the difference between spring and autumn arose because emergence was seed limited in autumn but microsite limited in spring; microsite availability was higher in autumn because a summer drought killed plants, reduced plant biomass and opened up the sward. Fifteen months after the autumn sowing, fewer A. elatius and C. nigra seedlings survived on plots exposed to rodents. This result reflected not only the reduced seedling emergence but also increased seedling mortality (seedling herbivory) in sites exposed to rodents. In contrast, F. rubra and R.acteosa showed density-dependent seedling survival which compensated for initial differences in seedling emergence, so that no effect of rodents remained after 15 months. The results suggest that rodent seed predation and seedling herbivory exert strong effects on seedling recruitment of A.elatius and C. nigra when recruitment conditions are favourable (conditions that lead to high microsite availability) and may contribute to both species being maintained at low densities in the grassland. The results also demonstrate that highly significant impacts of rodent seed predation at the seedling emergence stage can disappear by the time of plant maturation. Received: 2 March 1998 / Accepted: 28 September 1998  相似文献   

Ewanchuk PJ  Bertness MD 《Oecologia》2003,136(4):616-626
High latitude salt marsh plant communities are frequently exposed to conspicuous winter ice disturbances, which trigger secondary succession. In this paper, we document the recovery of a northern New England salt marsh from a severe winter icing event in 1998. Ice disturbances that killed plants but that left the underlying peat intact recovered rapidly. However, ice damage that killed plants and removed the underlying peat, led to areas of physiologically harsh edaphic conditions, specifically waterlogged and anoxic soils that limited plant recolonization. A transplant experiment revealed that only the most stress-tolerant plants were capable of invading the most stressful portions of ice disturbances. A second experiment that artificially dried disturbance patches accelerated patch recovery. These data suggest that recovery from intense ice disturbance is dependent on stress-tolerant plants invading edaphically harsh disturbances, eventually facilitating the recolonization of the community. This process likely takes longer than a decade for full recovery to occur in the areas where both plants and the peat base are removed.  相似文献   

Dimethyl sulfide metabolism in salt marsh sediments   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract Anoxic sediment slurries prepared from Spartina salt marsh soils contained dimethyl sulfide (DMS) at concentrations ranging from 1 to 10 μM. DMS was produced in slurries over the initial 1–24 h incubation. After the initial period of production, DMS decreased to undetectable levels and methane thiol (MSH) was produced. Inhibition of methanogenesis caused a 20% decrease in the rate of DMS consumption, while inhibition of sulfate reduction caused a 80% decrease in DMS consumption. When sulfate reduction and methanogenesis were simultaneously inhibited, DMS did not decrease. DMS contributed about 28% to the methane production rate, while DMS probably contributed only 1% or less to the sulfate reduction rate. Incubation of the sediment slurries under an atmosphere of air resulted in similar DMS consumption compared to anaerobic incubations, but MSH and CH4 were not evolved.
Sediments from the marsh released significant quantities of DMS when treated with cold alkali, indicating that potentially significant sources of DMS existed in the sediments. Values of base-hydrolyzable DMS as high as 190 μmol per liter of sediment were observed near the sediment surface, and values always decreased with depth in the sediment. Simple flux experiments with small intact sediment cores, showed that DMS was emitted from the marsh surface when cores were injected with glutaraldehyde or molybdate and 2-bromoethanesulfonate (BES), but nit when cores were left uninhibited. These results showed that DMS was readily metabolized by microbes in marsh sediments and that this metabolism may be responsible for reducing the emission of DMS from the marsh surface.  相似文献   

Extreme environments are characterised by wide variations in physical factors. Tidal flats and their adjacent salt marshes along the North Sea coast experience this type of variability on a daily, seasonal and annual basis. Plants and animals living in these extreme environments have to adapt to these, at times rapid, changes. This can be done by developing specific physiological responses which often encompass the synthesis of unusual chemicals. A number of salt marsh plants have traditionally been used for medical, nutritional or even industrial purposes. Here, examples are presented for these plants.  相似文献   

Short-term sediment deposition was studied at four salt marsh areas in the Tagus estuary. In areas covered with Sarcocornia perennis, Sarcocornia fruticosa, Halimione portulacoides and Spartina maritima and also in the non-vegetated areas, sedimentation was measured as the monthly accumulation of sediments on nylon filters anchored on the soil surface, from August 2000 to May 2001. Our experiments were used also to determine the influence of the different plant species in vertical accretion rates. Short-term sedimentation rates (from 2.8 to 272.3 g m−2 d−1) did show significant differences when the four salt marshes studied in the Tagus estuary were compared to each others. Salt marshes closer to the sediment sources had higher sedimentation rates. Our results suggest that the salt marsh type and surface cover may provide small-scale variations in sedimentation and also that sediment deposition values do change according to the position of the different plant species within the salt marsh. Sedimentation is an essential factor in salt marsh vertical accretion studies and our investigation may provide support to help forecast the adaptative response of the Tagus estuary wetlands to future sea level rise.  相似文献   

The role of seed bank, seed rain, and regeneration from seedlings and sprouts after swidden agriculture was compared in 5-, 10- and 20-year-old secondary forest and in a primary forest in Bragantina, Pará, Brazil. The seed bank (0–5 cm soil depth) was largest in the 5-year-old forest (1190 ± 284 seeds m−2) and decreased nearly ten-fold with age to 137 ± 19 seeds m−2 in the primary forest. The highest seed rain was in the 5-year-old forest (883 ± 230 seeds m−2 year−1) and the least in the primary forest (220 ± 80 seeds m−2 year−1). Large plants (≥5 cm dbh) had more individuals and species that regenerated from sprouts than from seeds and the most abundant tree species in the secondary forest stands of all ages appear to be maintained by sprouting. The smaller individuals (≥1 m tall, <5 cm dbh) in the 5-year-old forest were mainly from sprouts, but those in the older secondary forests originated mainly from seeds. These results show that at the beginning of succession, although many species can be introduced to swidden fallow from seed bank and seed rain, it is the sprout that is the main source of recruits of primary forest species in secondary forests in Bragantina.  相似文献   

The abundance and composition of the submerged macrophyte seed bank in the Doñana marsh (southwestern Spain) was evaluated to assess its relationship with the overlying vegetation. The results obtained demonstrate the existence of a dense seed-bank, both in terms of the number of seeds and their biomass, which represented about 10% (5% for angiosperms and >20% for Charophyta) of the total plant biomass, which ensures the maintenance of the annual submerged macrophyte populations of the seasonally inundated Donñana marsh. Seed bank and established vegetation were coupled, as reflected in the existence of significant correlations between their structure and abundance. This coupling was lacking for Charophyta, whose oospores are widespread and abundant across the marsh, even at locations where they are absent, or rare, in the established vegetation. These differences between the seed bank of annual angiosperms and Charophyta appear to reflect, in part, structural differences between angiosperm seeds and Charophyta oospores, with important ecological consequences. An important aspect of these differences is the allocation of Charophyta reproductive effort to many small propagules lacking embryo storage, compared to those of angiosperms, which ensures their efficient dispersal and numerical abundance in the seed bank.  相似文献   

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