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1. Range size, population size and body size, the key macroecological variables, vary temporally both within and across species in response to anthropogenic and natural environmental change. However, resulting temporal trends in the relationships between these variables (i.e. macroecological patterns) have received little attention. 2. Positive relationships between the local abundance and regional occupancy of species (abundance-occupancy relationships) are among the most pervasive of all macroecological patterns. In the absence of formal predictions of how abundance-occupancy relationships may vary temporally, we outline several scenarios of how changes in abundance within species might affect interspecific patterns. 3. We use data on the distribution and abundance of 73 farmland and 55 woodland bird species in Britain over a 32-year period encompassing substantial habitat modification to assess the likelihood of these scenarios. 4. In both farmland and woodland habitats, the interspecific abundance-occupancy relationship changed markedly over the period 1968-99, with a significant decline in the strength of the relationship. 5. Consideration of intraspecific dynamics shows that this has been due to a decoupling of abundance and occupancy particularly in rare and declining species. Insights into the intraspecific processes responsible for the interspecific trend are obtained by analysis of temporal trends in the distribution of individuals between sites, which show patterns consistent with habitat quality declines. 6. This study shows that a profitable approach to ascertaining the nature of human impacts is to link intra- and interspecific processes. In the case of British farmland and woodland birds, changes to the environment lead to species-specific responses in large-scale distributions. These species-specific changes are the driver of the observed changes in the form and strength of the interspecific relationship. 相似文献
A. E. Sorensen 《Oecologia》1981,50(2):242-249
Summary The phenology of fruit trees and avian consumption of fruit were examined in Wytham wood, Oxford in 1979–1980. Ripe fruit was available to and fed upon by birds from late August until early May. Observations made on a daily transect indicated that most of the fruit was eaten by tits and thrushes, but the two families differed in the seasonal consumption and species of fruit taken. Tits took fruits of Elder, Bramble, White Bryony, Honeysuckle, Black Bryony, and Woody Nightshade at the beginning of the season only, while thrushes consumed fruits of Elder, Bramble, Hawthorn, Sloe, Rose, and Ivy mainly in the middle and end of the season. Members of these two families also visited different habitat types following the consumption of fruit, probably effecting different patterns of dispersal. There was no correlation between feeding preferences and the abundance or profitabilities (as defined by Pyke et al. 1977) of fruits with respect to total nitrogen, total proteins, total carbohydrates, total fats, or kilocalories. It is concluded that other factors such as palatability or content of other nutrients may be important in determining the feeding preferences of different species of frugivorous birds. 相似文献
A report on the Second EMBL/EMBO Symposium on Functional Genomics: 'Exploring the Edges of Omics', European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, Germany, 16-19 October 2004. 相似文献
Jeanne Vallet Véronique Beaujouan Joséphine Pithon Françoise Rozé Hervé Daniel 《Biodiversity and Conservation》2010,19(12):3375-3392
The increasing rate of urban sprawl continues to fragment European landscapes threatening the persistence of native woodland plant communities. The dynamics of woodland edges depend on the characteristics of woodland patches and also on landscape context. Our aim was to assess the extent of edge influences on the understorey vegetation of small native woodlands in rural and urban landscapes. The study was carried out in two cities of north-western France. Ten comparable woodlands, each of about 1.5 ha, were surveyed; five were situated adjacent to crops and five adjacent to built-up land. Vascular plant species were recorded in 420 3 × 3 m plots placed at seven different distances from the edge (from 0 to about 45 m from the edge). Soil pH, light levels, level of disturbance and tree and shrub cover were also recorded. Plant species were first classified as non-indigenous or indigenous and then three groups of indigenous species were distinguished according to their affinity for forest habitat (forest specialists, forest generalists and non-forest species). We inferred certain ecological characteristics of understorey vegetation by using Ellenberg values. An inter-class correspondence analysis was carried out to detect patterns of variation in plant community composition. Linear mixed models were used to test the effects of adjacent land use, distance from the edge and their interactions on the species richness of the different groups and on the ecological characteristics of vegetation. Total species richness, richness of forest generalists and of non-forest species decreased from edge to interior in both urban and rural woodlands. The number of non-indigenous species depended mainly on urban–rural landscape context. Urban woodland edges were not as rich in forest specialists as rural edges. More surprisingly, the number of forest specialists was higher in rural edges than in rural interiors. Community composition was mainly affected by urban–rural context and to a lesser degree by the edge effect: the community composition of urban edges resembled that of urban interiors whereas in rural woodlands vegetation near edges (up to 10 m) strongly differed from interiors with a pool of species specific to edges. Urban woodland vegetation was more nitrophilous than rural vegetation in both edges and interiors. A major difference between urban and rural vegetation was the distribution of basiphilous species according to distance from the edge. Generally edge vegetation was more basiphilous than interior vegetation however the presence of basiphilous species fell off quickly with distance from the edge in rural woodlands (in the first 10–15 m) and more slowly (from 25 m onwards) in urban woodlands. This pattern was linked to variation in measured soil pH. As regards the conservation of flora in small native woodlands, it appeared that invasion of exotic and non-forest species was currently limited in both urban and rural landscape contexts but might pose problems in the future, especially in urban woodlands. Forest species were not negatively affected by the edge effect and indeed edges seemed to provide important habitats for this group. Hence conservationists should pay particular attention to the protection of edges in urban woodlands. 相似文献
Cribb TH 《International journal for parasitology》2004,34(2):117-123
The way in which the huge Australian parasite fauna is described (discovery and naming) is the subject of this address. The approach to the task has never been well-organised so that a few groups of parasites are now relatively well-known because of the efforts of small groups of workers who have made sustained efforts in these groups, but equally some host-parasite systems have been almost completely ignored in that no worker has ever given them sustained attention. A high proportion of Australian parasites have been described by international workers. The sustaining of interest in a group of parasites over a long period is the key to real progress being made. The nature of the organisation of Australian science presently means that few positions are available for parasite taxonomists and funding for taxonomic research is scarce. Thus, parasite taxonomy (like the taxonomy of many groups of Australian plants and animals) can only be considered to be in crisis. 相似文献
Michael A. Hardy Justin K. Vreeland William D. Tietje 《Journal of Field Ornithology》2013,84(4):345-354
Conditions in wintering areas can have persistent effects throughout the year for bird populations. Most studies, however, are conducted during the breeding season and the non‐breeding ecology of many species remains poorly understood. We assessed vegetation associations of birds wintering in a diverse, well‐structured oak woodland in coastal‐central California. We calculated density estimates for 20 bird species and examined correlations between bird densities and vegetation characteristics as described by a principal components analysis. Ruby‐crowned Kinglets (Regulus calendula) and Hutton's Vireos (Vireo huttoni) were positively associated with vegetation characteristic of dense, floristically diverse woodland with abundant coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) cover and a structurally complex understory. Conversely, White‐breasted Nuthatches (Sitta carolinensis) and Western Bluebirds (Sialia mexicana) were negatively correlated with dense woodland and occurred at the highest densities on plots with large widely spaced blue oaks (Q. douglasii) and a sparse understory. Thirteen of the remaining 16 species were more abundant in dense woodland patches, but these relationships were not statistically significant. Our results are in agreement with those of previous studies and suggest that evergreen oak trees and a dense understory provide key resources (e.g., cover and food) for some bird species during the winter. However, areas with large widely spaced deciduous oaks are important habitats for other species. We therefore suggest that dense patches of live oaks and shrubs should be retained, but a mosaic of dense and sparse woodland is necessary to accommodate the entire suite of oak‐woodland birds. 相似文献
Hansson 《Ecology letters》1998,1(3):142-145
Nestedness was examined for vascular plants and birds in the centres and edges of 26 sites of ancient oak-hazel woodland in Sweden. Both taxa exhibited significant nestedness in site centres and for whole sites, but not at the edges for birds. Woodland ranks of nestedness differed between plants and birds. Rank of nestedness of birds, but not of plants, depended on area. Horizontal habitat structure affected nestedness of both plants and birds. Mobility appears decisive for creating rank differences between sites for various taxa. High mobility may also explain a greater edge effect in birds from allochtonous, more or less transient individuals. Nestedness in relation to mobility, particularly at edges, should be of theoretical interest. The possible use of nestedness patterns in conservation makes further analyses urgent for less mobile taxa. 相似文献
Rufus B. Sage Andrew N. Hoodless Chris M. Hewson Sue Wilson Chris Le Clare John H. Marchant 《Bird Study》2013,60(4):409-420
Capsule Repeated counts of fledged broods can provide a useful estimate of breeding success for most common woodland birds. Aims To assess the efficacy of comparing fledged-brood survey data with territory mapping using simple mark–recapture analysis techniques to provide an estimate of breeding success for common woodland birds that does not involve finding nests. Methods Three observers undertook territory mapping surveys of adults, followed by counts of fledged broods four times a week during May–July 2007 in two 15 ha woods each, both in southern England. Using known fledging to maturity periods, these counts were used to calculate daily detection probabilities for broods of ubiquitous species. These enabled fledged brood territory occupancy probabilities (i.e. brood to territory ratios) to be estimated that take account of the possibility that broods were present but missed by surveys. Results Of the 19 species found in all six woods, mean daily detection probability estimates for fledged broods of 17 species ranged from 0.17 to 0.50 with significant variation between woods for 12 species, but within region/observer for four species. The mean probability of detecting a brood at least once was over 75% using four visits per week and over 50% using two visits. Only for Great Spotted Woodpeckers Dendrocopos major and Garden Warblers Sylvia borin was the fledging period too short and the daily detection probability too low to provide a reasonable estimate of the territory occupancy probability. Conclusion Daily detection probabilities for fledged broods of most common woodland birds were sufficiently high to enable useable estimates of fledged-brood territory occupancy probabilities to be made based on a survey programme involving two or three visits per week between late May and the end June. The method used may have application as a means of providing a relatively easily derived productivity index for woodland bird monitoring programmes or for research studies. 相似文献
Sergey Dobretsov Raeid M. M. Abed Thirumahal Muthukrishnan Priyanka Sathe Laila Al-Naamani Bastien Y. Queste 《Biofouling》2013,29(9):1064-1077
AbstractFor the first time, the densities and diversity of microorganisms developed on ocean gliders were investigated using flow cytometry and Illumina MiSeq sequencing of 16S and 18S rRNA genes. Ocean gliders are autonomous buoyancy-driven underwater vehicles, equipped with sensors continuously recording physical, chemical, and biological parameters. Microbial biofilms were investigated on unprotected parts of the glider and surfaces coated with base, biocidal and chitosan paints. Biofilms on the glider were exposed to periodical oscillations of salinity, oxygen, temperature, pressure, depth and light, due to periodic ascending and descending of the vehicle. Among the unprotected surfaces, the highest microbial abundance was observed on the bottom of the glider’s body, while the lowest density was recorded on the glider’s nose. Antifouling paints had the lowest densities of microorganisms. Multidimensional analysis showed that the microbial communities formed on unprotected parts of the glider were significantly different from those on biocidal paint and in seawater. 相似文献
Victor A. Stiebens Sonia E. Merino Christian Roder Frédéric J. J. Chain Patricia L. M. Lee Christophe Eizaguirre 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2013,280(1763)
Without genetic variation, species cannot cope with changing environments, and evolution does not proceed. In endangered species, adaptive potential may be eroded by decreased population sizes and processes that further reduce gene flow such as philopatry and local adaptations. Here, we focused on the philopatric and endangered loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nesting in Cape Verde as a model system to investigate the link between adaptive potential and philopatry. We produced a dataset of three complementary genomic regions to investigate female philopatric behaviour (mitochondrial DNA), male-mediated gene flow (microsatellites) and adaptive potential (major histocompatibility complex, MHC). Results revealed genetically distinct nesting colonies, indicating remarkably small-scale philopatric behaviour of females. Furthermore, these colonies also harboured local pools of MHC alleles, especially at the margins of the population''s distribution, which are therefore important reserves of additional diversity for the population. Meanwhile, directional male-mediated gene flow from the margins of distribution sustains the adaptive potential for the entire rookery. We therefore present the first evidence for a positive association between philopatry and locally adapted genomic regions. Contrary to expectation, we propose that philopatry conserves a high adaptive potential at the margins of a distribution, while asymmetric gene flow maintains genetic connectivity with the rest of the population. 相似文献
BarbaraHelm 《Journal of avian biology》2006,37(6):533-540
Recent findings in non-migratory birds have reopened questions about the interpretation and seasonal organization of Zugunruhe . I address the relationship between Zugunruhe and migration by comparing underlying circannual patterns in captive populations of migratory and non-migratory stonechats. Zugunruhe was highly variable and lacked clear periodicity, indicating its sensitivity to external cues. Patterns of Zugunruhe were similar in African residents, European short-distance migrants, and Siberian long-distance migrants, revealing no major difference in circannual organization. Moult was regulated independently of Zugunruhe and timed more rigidly, particularly in stonechats from equatorial Africa. The persistent and variable circannual patterns of Zugunruhe suggest that non-migratory and migratory stonechats have similar underlying programs but have modified the expression of actual migration. The findings, together with published observations from other species, emphasize the importance of considering programs for migration in a wide range of species, without losing sight of its environmental context. 相似文献
Habitat change and woodland birds in Britain: implications for management and future research 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
There is increasing evidence that changes in habitat structure in the form of reduced understorey and loss of open habitats, both probably a result of increases in shading and deer browsing, may be responsible for causing recent changes in the composition of breeding bird communities in many lowland British woods and forests. In contrast, management of upland coniferous forests may prevent the attainment of mature and old-growth structures which would benefit community development in these new ecosystems. We suggest that the key challenge for woodland conservation policy is to create larger areas of both young-growth and old-growth habitat. These objectives need not necessarily conflict with each other, or with other multipurpose forestry objectives, provided that they inform strategic plans and are targeted at appropriate locations and scales. In the lowlands, the current large stock of middle-aged, often unmanaged and species-poor woodland provides an opportunity to restore or create new woodland habitats of high biodiversity value. The development of woodfuel markets may effectively increase the amount of young-growth but it is unclear exactly what habitat structures might be created. In the uplands, allowing more natural development of native woodland in mosaics with other habitats may provide opportunities for both old- and young-growth species. For the foreseeable future, deer impacts will continue to be widespread and probably increasingly severe in many areas. In view of the uncertainty about the implications of climate change for woodland ecosystems, a strong case can be made for attempting to buffer valued wildlife communities against damaging effects by creating and maintaining high structural diversity at a range of scales and increasing the area of woodland. 相似文献
J. Cabanis 《Journal of Ornithology》1878,26(1):100
《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):244-255
This study investigated the species composition, numbers and behaviour of birds in an intertidal oyster culture area in Cork Harbour . These data were compared to a nearby area free of aquaculture within the same estuary in March 1999. Species which occurred in the aquaculture free area were also observed in the trestle-area. The most abundant species were oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus, redshank Tringa totanus, dunlin Calidris alpina, curlew Numenius arquata, black-headed gull Larus ridibundus and common gull Larus canus. Oystercatcher, curlew, black-headed gull and common gull occurred in significantly lower numbers in the trestle area, while for redshank and dunlin the differences were not significant. The percentage of birds feeding did not differ between the two areas. Oystercatcher, redshank, dunlin and curlew mostly fed in both areas. In contrast, black-headed gull and common gull generally did not feed, but surveyed the area. Whether the trestles were covered by oyster bags or not did not have any effect on the number of birds except for the dunlin. Dunlin were significantly more frequent beneath the trestles with bags compared with those without bags. In general, the percentage of birds feeding did not differ between areas. Interspecies differences occurred with regard to the position occupied by birds at the trestles. Oystercatcher, redshank and curlew spent more time underneath the trestles. Dunlin, black-headed gulls and common gulls did not differ in numbers underneath or on top of the trestles. These preliminary observations at a single time period give some insight as to the potential interactions between shellfish aquaculture and intertidal birds. 相似文献
S. Ulfstrand 《Oecologia》1977,27(1):23-45
Summary Three foraging niche dimensions were measured at four seasons in six passerine bird species in a pine-dominated woodland. Total niche size increased in the order Certhia familiaris. In the first two species niche sizewas relatively constant at all seasons in spite of fluctuations in separatedimensions suggesting intraspecific complementarity between dimensionbreadths. Diffuse niche overlap was much lower in summer than at otherseasons in all species. Generally, this was due to movements of exploitationcurves along resource axes away from zones of interspecific overlap andto enlargement of total guild niche size, rather than to a reduction in totalniche size of the species. In some species a positive correlation was indicatedbetween breadth of niche dimension and diffuse overlap in the same dimension.Total niche size was correlated with total diffuse overlap up to acertain overlap value. Interspecific niche size complementarity was stronglysuggested by total guild niche being much less variable between seasons thanthe separate niche size of each species. The narrow niche of P. major, usuallyregarded a generalist, may be due to it being primarily adapted to broadleavedrather than coniferous woodland. 相似文献