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We report on the fabrication of an optical silicon-based label-free DNA sensor. n-Type crystalline silicon wafers have been electrochemically etched to form porous silicon layers and characterized in terms of porosity, pore distribution, surface composition and photoluminescence. Samples (0.25 cm(2)) have been cut and properly derivatized using trimethoxy-3-bromoacetamidopropylsilane in order to link single strand DNA (ss-DNA). Such a molecule is not commercially available and has been ad-hoc prepared by reacting hydrobromic acid and 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane in presence of 1-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-3-ethylcarbodiimide as coupling agent. Trimethoxy-3-bromoacetamidopropylsilane acts as a bridge anchored to the porous silicon surface through the silane group while immobilizing ss-DNA by means of the bromoacetamido moiety. We have found that derivatized samples exhibit a photoluminescence that is stable in time and is not modified after exposure to non-complementary DNA strand. On the other hand, a sensible enhancement of the light emission has been observed when the derivatized samples react with the complementary strand, showing that the specific ss-DNA/complementary DNA (c-DNA) interaction can be optically sensed without using further labeling steps. This strongly strengthens the possible role of silicon as a material for biosensors.  相似文献   

Classical strategies for gene microarrays require labeling of probes or target nucleic acids with signaling molecules, a process that is expensive, time consuming and not always reliable. Bazan and colleagues showed that a nucleic acid-binding cationic conjugated polyelectrolyte can be used in label-free DNA microarrays based on surfaces modified with neutral peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probes. This technique provides a simple and sensitive method for DNA detection without the need for covalent labeling of target DNA.  相似文献   

A biochip approach based on porous silicon as substrate is presented. The goal is to enhance the sensitivity of the biochip by increasing the specific surface area on the support. The elaboration of porous silicon layers has been optimized to guarantee good accessibility for large bio-molecule targets. Oligonucleotide probes are synthesised directly on the surface using phosphoramidite chemistry. The high specific surface area of porous silicon allows the direct characterisation, by infrared spectroscopy, of the porous layer formation and the functionalisation steps. The monolayer grafting and derivatisation protocol is additionally characterized by wettability and fluorescence microscopy. The surface modification of porous layers (i.e. thermal oxidation and chemical derivatisation) ensures the stability of the structure against strong chemical reagents used during the direct oligonucleotide synthesis. Finally the protocol is successfully transferred to a flat Si/SiO(2) substrate, and validated by biological target specific recognition during hybridisation tests. In particular, radioactive measurements show a 10-fold enhancement of the oligonucleotide surface density on the porous silicon substrate compared to the flat thermal silica.  相似文献   

Sputtered silicon nitride optical waveguide surfaces were silanized and modified with a hetero-bifunctional crosslinker to facilitate thiol-reactive immobilization of contact-printed DNA probe oligonucleotides, streptavidin and murine anti-human interleukin-1 beta capture agents in microarray formats. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used to characterize each reaction sequence on the native silicon oxynitride surface. Thiol-terminated DNA probe oligonucleotides exhibited substantially higher surface printing immobilization and target hybridization efficiencies than non-thiolated DNA probe oligonucleotides: strong fluorescence signals from target DNA hybridization supported successful DNA oligonucleotide probe microarray fabrication and specific capture bioactivity. Analogously printed arrays of thiolated streptavidin and non-thiolated streptavidin did not exhibit noticeable differences in either surface immobilization or analyte capture assay signals. Non-thiolated anti-human interleukin-1 beta printed on modified silicon nitride surfaces reactive to thiol chemistry exhibited comparable performance for capturing human interleukin-1 beta analyte to commercial amine-reactive microarraying polymer surfaces in sandwich immunoassays, indicating substantial non-specific antibody-surface capture responsible for analyte capture signal.  相似文献   

Recently, we demonstrated that Anti Resonant Reflecting Optical Waveguide (ARROW) based on porous silicon (PS) material can be used as a transducer for the development of a new optical biosensor. Compared to a conventional biosensor waveguide based on evanescent waves, the ARROW structure is designed to allow a better overlap between the propagated optical field and the molecules infiltrated in the porous core layer and so to provide better molecular interactions sensitivity. The aim of this work is to investigate the operating mode of an optical biosensor using the ARROW structure. We reported here an extensive study where the antiresonance conditions were adjusted just before the grafting of the studied molecules for a given refractive index range. The interesting feature of the studied ARROW structure is that it is elaborated from the same material which is the porous silicon obtained via a single electrochemical anodization process. After oxidation and preparation of the inner surface of porous silicon by a chemical functionalization process, bovine serum albumin (BSA) molecules, were attached essentially in the upper layer. Simulation study indicates that the proposed sensor works at the refractive index values ranging from 1.3560 to 1.3655. The experimental optical detection of the biomolecules was obtained through the modification of the propagated optical field and losses. The results indicated that the optical attenuation decreases after biomolecules attachment, corresponding to a refractive index change Δn(c) of the core. This reduction was of about 2 dB/cm and 3 dB/cm for Transverse Electric (TE) and Transverse Magnetic (TM) polarizations respectively. Moreover, at the detection step, the optical field was almost located inside the core layer. This result was in good agreement with the simulated near field profiles.  相似文献   

This article presents theoretical analysis and experimental data for the use of resonant waveguide grating (RWG) biosensors to characterize stimulation-mediated cell responses including signaling. The biosensor is capable of detecting redistribution of cellular contents in both directions that are perpendicular and parallel to the sensor surface. This capability relies on online monitoring cell responses with multiple optical output parameters, including the changes in incident angle and the shape of the resonant peaks. Although the changes in peak shape are mainly contributed to stimulation-modulated inhomogeneous redistribution of cellular contents parallel to the sensor surface, the shift in incident angle primarily reflects the stimulation-triggered dynamic mass redistribution (DMR) perpendicular to the sensor surface. The optical signatures are obtained and used to characterize several cellular processes including cell adhesion and spreading, detachment and signaling by trypsinization, and signaling through either epidermal growth factor receptor or bradykinin B2 receptor. A mathematical model is developed to link the bradykinin-mediated DMR signals to the dynamic relocation of intracellular proteins and the receptor internalization during B2 receptor signaling cycle. This model takes the form of a set of nonlinear, ordinary differential equations that describe the changes in four different states of B2 receptors, diffusion of proteins and receptor-protein complexes, and the DMR responses. Classical analysis shows that the system converges to a unique optical signature, whose dynamics (amplitudes, transition time, and kinetics) is dependent on the bradykinin signal input, and consistent with those observed using the RWG biosensors. This study provides fundamentals for probing living cells with the RWG biosensors, in general, optical biosensors.  相似文献   

DNA hybridization detection in microfluidic devices can reduce sample volumes, processing times, and can be integrated with other measurements. However, as device footprints decrease and their complexity increase, the signal-to-noise ratio in these systems also decreases and the sensitivity is thereby compromised. Device miniaturization produces distinct properties and phenomena with greater influence at the micro-scale than at the macro-scale. Here, a diffusion-restriction model was applied to a miniaturized biochip nanovolume reactor to accurately characterize DNA hybridization events that contribute to shifts in both charge transfer resistance and diffusional resistance. These effects are shown to play a significant role in electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analyses at these length scales. Our highly functional microfluidic biosensor enables the detection of ssDNA targets selectively, with a calculated detection limit of 3.8 nM, and cross-reactivity of 13% following 20 min incubation with the target. This new biosensing approach can be further modeled and tested elucidating diffusion behavior in miniaturized devices and improving the performance of biosensors.  相似文献   

A perylene ligand, N,N-bis-(1-aminopropyl-3-propylimidazol salt)-3,4,9,10-perylene tetracarboxylic acid diimide ligand (PDI), which consisted of π-conjugated perylene moiety and hydrophilic side chains with positively charged imidazole rings, was used to wrap G-quadruplex for fluorescence turn-on K(+) recognition. Electrostatic attraction between PDI's positively charged imidazole rings and DNA's negatively charged phosphate backbones enabled PDI to accumulate on DNA. Upon trapping K(+), these G-rich DNA sequences transitioned to G-quadruplex. Subsequently, PDI ligands wrapped G-quadruplex, in which the flat aromatic core of PDI ligand interacted with G-quartet through π-π stacking and the side chains were positioned in grooves through electrostatic interactions. Consequently, the interaction mode change and conformational transition from PDI stacked G-sequence to PDI wrapped G-quadruplex led to PDI fluorescence enhancement, which was readily monitored as the detection signal. This strategy excluded the sequence tagging step and exhibited high selectivity and sensitivity towards K(+) ion with the linear detection range of 10-150nM. Besides, PDI ligands may hold diagnostic and therapeutic application potentials to human telomere and cancer cells.  相似文献   

A label free optical biosensor based on a free-space Young interferometer configuration is presented. Commercial planar Ta(2) O(5) waveguides are used as sensing elements and allow the investigation of surface bound bioreactions like immunoreactions or biological affinity systems. Design criteria are discussed and a detailed characterization of the sensor performance is presented. The developed interferometer yields an effective refractive index resolution of 9 x 10(-9), corresponding to a surface coverage of approximately 13 fg/mm(2). The performance of the system is characterized by two different affinity systems: the antibody-antigen complex protein G-immunoglobulin G is used as a model system for monitoring reaction kinetics. Further measurements on a silanized surface show the formation of a streptavidin monolayer on a biotinylated surface.  相似文献   

Liu B  Bazan GC 《Nature protocols》2006,1(4):1698-1702
We describe the synthesis of poly[9,9'-bis(6'-N,N,N-trimethylammonium)hexyl)fluorene-co-alt-4,7-(2,1,3-benzothiadiazole) dibromide] (PFBT), a cationic, water-soluble conjugated polymer used in label-free DNA microarrays. This polymer was designed to have a maximum absorbance of close to 488 nm, which meets the excitation wavelength of most commercial microarray readers, and to have efficient emission in the solid state. Starting from commercially available chemicals, five steps are required to synthesize PFBT. The first step involves treatment of 2,7-dibromofluorene in 50% potassium hydroxide solution with excess 1,6-dibromohexene at 75 degrees C for 25 min to afford 2,7-dibromo-9,9-bis(6'-bromohexyl)fluorene (A). In the second step, a mixture of A, bis(pinacolato)diborane and potassium acetate in dioxane is stirred at 85 degrees C for 12 h to afford bis[9,9'-bis(6'-bromohexyl)-fluorenyl]-4,4,5,5-[1.3.2]dioxaborolane (B). The third step involves bromination of 2,1,3-benzothiadiazole using bromine in the presence of hydrogen bromide to afford 4,7-dibromo-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole (C). Suzuki cross-coupling copolymerization of B and C affords the charge-neutral precursor of PFBT. In the final step, quaternization of pendant groups using trimethylamine yields PFBT. Each step takes up to 3 days, including the time required for product purification. The overall protocol requires approximately 3 weeks.  相似文献   

Revealing the behavior of biofunctional molecules (i.e., nucleic acids, nucleic acid binding reagents, enzymatic proteins, etc.) by monitoring them in solution is important for understanding the nanoscale dynamism of their interactions. Atomic force microscope (AFM) imaging with a dynamic force mode (DFM, i.e., tapping mode) in aqueous solution, has many advantages for the imaging of DNA morphological change at a single molecule scale. Hoechst 33258 (H33258) induces DNA condensation in the presence of its excess concentration. To have a better understanding of the condensation process of DNA with excess H33258, we tried to find the optimum conditions for carrying out time-lapse AFM imaging in aqueous solution. To immobilize DNA on the substrate surface, the mica was modified with the various concentrations of 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) solution. We observed that DNA was minimally immobilized on 0.002% APTES-modified mica surface. Then, we determined that the movement of DNA on the mica surface could be observed in the presence of 500 mM NaCl in 10 mM PBS (pH 7.0). Moreover, after the injection of 5 μM H33258, the partial condensation of DNA was observed.  相似文献   

Label-free monitoring of biomolecular reactions in real-time is of great interest since it can provide valuable information about binding kinetics and equilibrium constants. In this report, a sensor based on White Light Reflectance Spectroscopy (WLRS) is presented that is capable of real-time monitoring of biomolecular reactions taking place on top of a polymer covered silicon dioxide reflective surface. The optical set-up consists of a visible–near infrared light source, a bifurcated optical fiber and a spectrometer. The outer part of the optical fiber guides the light vertically onto the surface where the biomolecular reactions occur, whereas the reflected light is driven from the central part of the fiber to the spectrometer. A microfluidic module in combination with a pump supplies the reagents at a constant rate. The biomolecular interactions are monitored as shifts of the wavelength of the interference minimum. The proposed methodology was applied for real-time and label-free monitoring mouse gamma-globulins binding onto immobilized anti-mouse IgG antibody. Mouse gamma-globulins at concentrations down to 150 pM were detected in reaction times of 1-min. Regeneration of immobilized antibody was accomplished up to seven times without loss of its activity. In addition, real-time monitoring of hybridization reaction between complementary oligonucleotides was accomplished. The proposed sensor provides a simple, fast, low cost approach for label-free monitoring of biomolecular interactions and therefore it should by suitable for a wide range of analytical applications.  相似文献   

A direct electrochemical DNA biosensor based on zero current potentiometry was fabricated by immobilization of ssDNA onto gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) coated pencil graphite electrode (PGE). One ssDNA/AuNPs/PGE was connected in series between clips of working and counter electrodes of a potentiostat, and then immersed into the solution together with a reference electrode, establishing a novel DNA biosensor for specific DNA detection. The variation of zero current potential difference (ΔE(zcp)) before and after hybridization of the self-assembled probe DNA with the target DNA was used as a signal to characterize and quantify the target DNA sequence. The whole DNA biosensor fabrication process was characterized by cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy with the use of ferricyanide as an electrochemical redox indicator. Under the optimized conditions, ΔE(zcp) was linear with the concentrations of the complementary target DNA in the range from 10nM to 1μM, with a detection limit of 6.9nM. The DNA biosensor showed a good reproducibility and selectivity. Prepared DNA biosensor is facile and sensitive, and it eliminates the need of using exogenous reagents to monitor the oligonucleotides hybridization.  相似文献   

A porous silicon biosensor based on P450 enzyme for arachidonic acid detection was developed. A new transduction method is presented with a simultaneous measurement of refractive index and fluorescence intensity changes when the analyte is binding to an enzyme on the porous silicon surface. A fluorophore bound to a cysteine residue in an allosteric position of the haem domain (BMP) of cytochrome P450 BM3 enhances its fluorescence intensity upon interaction with its substrate arachidonic acid, involved in diseases such as Alzheimer's, liver cancer and cellular inflammation processes. BMP has been anchored on porous silicon surface and the new transduction method has been successfully exploited to develop a biosensor for arachidonic acid, reaching a detection limit of 10 μM arachidonic acid in a dynamic range of 10-200 μM. Moreover, the change of the refractive index has been also monitored at the same time, displaying a higher detection limit of 30 μM. Preliminary test were also conducted in plasma proving the high specificity and selectivity of the sensor even in presence of interferents in the range of 50-100 μM. Here we suggest these two detection systems could be used simultaneously to increase the accuracy and the dynamic range of the sensor avoiding a false positive response.  相似文献   

A simple and low cost optical sensor, based on porous silicon nanotechnology, has been used to detect and quantify the presence of atrazine pesticide in water and humic acid solutions. In both cases, a well defined optical signal variation can be registered, even at low concentration as 1 ppm. The phenomenon can be ascribed to the capillary infiltration of liquid into the pores, which changes the average refractive index of the structure. Due to the resonant cavity enhanced operation of the proposed sensors, very low detection limits can be reached.  相似文献   

A label-free colorimetric assay, using non-crosslinking AuNP aggregation, has been developed for the screening of specific triplex DNA binders. The relative binding affinities can be simultaneously determined. Our novel assay is simple in design and fast in operation, avoiding either AuNPs modification or oligonucleotide labeling, and easy to implement for visual detection. This strategy may offer a new approach for developing low cost, sensitive and high-throughput screening platform that is likely to be highly useful in a wide range of applications.  相似文献   

Hu Y  Hua S  Li F  Jiang Y  Bai X  Li D  Niu L 《Biosensors & bioelectronics》2011,26(11):4355-4361
Sensitive electrochemical impedance assay of DNA hybridization by using a novel graphene sheets platform was achieved. The graphene sheets were firstly functionalized with 3,4,9,10-perylene tetracarboxylic acid (PTCA). PTCA molecules separated graphene sheets efficiently and introduced more negatively-charged -COOH sites, both of which were beneficial to the decoration of graphene with gold nanoparticles. Then amine-terminated ionic liquid (NH?-IL) was applied to the reduction of HAuCl? to gold nanoparticles. The green-synthesized gold nanoparticles, with the mean diameter of 3 nm, dispersed uniformly on graphene sheets and its outer layer was positively charged imidazole termini. Due to the presence of large graphene sheets and NH?-IL protected gold nanoparticles, DNA probes could be immobilized via electrostatic interaction and adsorption effect. Electrochemical impedance value increased after DNA probes immobilization and hybridization, which was adopted as the signal for label-free DNA hybridization detection. Unlike previously anchoring DNA to gold nanoparticles, this label-free method was simple and noninvasive. The conserved sequence of the pol gene of human immunodeficiency virus 1 was satisfactorily detected via this strategy.  相似文献   

We have developed an aptameric enzyme subunit (AES) which can detect the DNA in a homogeneous solution. The AES is an artificial enzyme subunit composed of an enzyme-inhibiting aptamer bearing a target-molecule binding site. We connected a probe DNA to a thrombin-inhibiting aptamer at its 5′ or 3′ end. The inhibitory activity of the thrombin-inhibiting aptamer bearing the probe DNA decreased compared to that of the original aptamer; however, it recovered upon hybridization with the target DNA. Using this AES, we were able to detect target DNAs by measuring the thrombin activity in a homogeneous solution. K. Ikebukuro and W. Yoshida have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

A surface plasmon resonance (SPR) waveguide immunosensor fabricated by germanium-doped silicon dioxide was investigated in this study. The designed waveguide sensor consisted of a 10 microm SiO(2) substrate layer (n=1.469), a 10 microm Ge-SiO(2) channel guide (n=1.492) and a 50 nm gold film layer for immobilization of biomolecules and SPR signal detection. The resultant spectral signal was measured by a portable spectrophotometer, where the sensor was aligned by a custom-designed micro-positioner. The results of the glycerol calibration standards showed that the resonance wavelength shifted from 628 to 758 nm due to changes of refractive index from 1.36 to 1.418. Flow-through immunoassay on waveguide sensors also showed the interactions of protein A, monoclonal antibody (mAb ALV-J) and avian leucosis virus (ALVs) resulted in wavelength shifting of 4.17, 3.03 and 2.18 nm, respectively. The SPR dynamic interaction could also be demonstrated successfully in 4 min as the sensor was integrated with a lateral flow nitrocellulose strip. These results suggest that SPR detection could be carried out on designed waveguide sensor, and the integration of nitrocellulose strip for sample filtering and fluid carrier would facilitate applications in point-of-care portable system.  相似文献   

Detection and quantification of biological and chemical species are central to many areas of healthcare and the life sciences, ranging from diagnosing disease to discovery and screening of new drug molecules. Semiconductor nanowires configured as electronic devices have emerged as a general platform for ultra-sensitive direct electrical detection of biological and chemical species. Here we describe a detailed protocol for realizing nanowire electronic sensors. First, the growth of uniform, single crystal silicon nanowires, and subsequent isolation of the nanowires as stable suspensions are outlined. Second, fabrication of addressable nanowire device arrays is described. Third, covalent modification of the nanowire device surfaces with receptors is described. Fourth, an example modification and measurements of the electrical response from devices are detailed. The silicon nanowire (SiNW) devices have demonstrated applications for label-free, ultrasensitive and highly-selective real-time detection of a wide range of biological and chemical species, including proteins, nucleic acids, small molecules and viruses.  相似文献   

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