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Effect of tau on the vinblastine-induced aggregation of tubulin   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Two microtubule-associated proteins, tau and the high molecular weight microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP 2), were purified from rat brain microtubules. Addition of either protein to pure tubulin caused microtubule assembly. In the presence of tau and 10 microM vinblastine, tubulin aggregated into spiral structures. If tau was absent, or replaced by MAP 2, little aggregation occurred in the presence of vinblastine. Thus, vinblastine may be a useful probe in elucidating the individual roles of tau and MAP 2 in microtubule assembly.  相似文献   

The antitumor drug vinblastine has been a useful probe for examining the interaction of tubulin with the microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), specifically with and MAP 2. Although and MAP 2 can stimulate microtubule assemblyin vitro, their specific interactions with tubulin are known to differ. For example, in the presence of vinblastine, both and MAP 2 cause tubulin to form spirals, but causes formation of clustered spirals of high turbidity, while MAP 2 causes formation of loose spirals of low turbidity [Ludueñaet al., J. Biol. Chem. 259, 12890–12898 (1984)]. Although cold temperatures can inhibit microtubule assembly, cold has no effect on vinblastine-induced tubulin spiral formation. Consequently, we used the vinblastine-tubulin system to examine the interactions of and MAP 2 with tubulin at low temperatures. We found that -tubulin-vinblastine complexes form about as well at 0°C as at 37°C. In contrast, MAP 2-tubulin-vinblastine complexes form much less well at 0°C than at 37°C. We find, however, that MAP 2, at 0°C, will strongly inhibit, and even reverse, formation of the -tubulin-vinblastine complex. This suggests that the temperature-sensitive factor is the MAP 2-stimulated tubulin-tubulin interaction rather than the MAP 2-tubulin interactionper se; this raises the possibility that the tubulin-tubulin interactions stimulated by differ in their temperature sensitivity from those stimulated by MAP 2.  相似文献   

Phenobarbital (PB) specifically induces mitotic chromosomal malsegregation in the diploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain D61.M but no other genetic events such as mitotic recombination or point mutations. In accordance with the hypothesis that PB exerts its genotoxic activity by an interaction with tubulin, it stimulates the GTP-promoted assembly of porcine brain tubulin in vitro. This process is reversible thus excluding an unspecific denaturation of the tubulin protein by PB.  相似文献   

Vinblastine induces brain tubulin to assemble into spirals. This process is stimulated by microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) which copolymerize with brain microtubules assembled in vitro. When the carboxy terminal of tubulin is removed by subtilisin digestion, vinblastine readily induces the aggregation of tubulin into spiral-like or circular structures, even in the absence of MAPs. These results suggest that in the absence of MAPs, the carboxy-terminal domain of tubulin may inhibit vinblastine-induced polymerization of tubulin into spiral-like structures.  相似文献   

Two different proteins, tau and microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP 2), are able to stimulate tubulin polymerization into microtubules in vitro, but it is not certain if both proteins act by the same mechanism. We have examined the effects of tau and MAP 2 on the vinblastine-induced polymerization of tubulin into spiral filaments. In the presence of tau, vinblastine induced extensive aggregation of tubulin as shown by a large increase in turbidity. The increase in turbidity was accompanied by the formation of large numbers of spirals composed of a filament 40-60 A in diameter. The rate and extent of this aggregation into spirals were dependent on the concentrations of tubulin, tau, and vinblastine. Unlike normal microtubule assembly, this type of aggregation was not inhibited by colchicine or podophyllotoxin. In contrast, MAP 2, even at high concentrations, was less effective than tau at promoting the vinblastine-induced increase in turbidity of tubulin. In fact, MAP 2 strongly inhibited the effect of tau. These results indicate that tau and MAP 2 interact differently with the tubulin molecule in the presence of vinblastine and suggest that the two proteins may play different roles in regulating or promoting microtubule assembly. Vinblastine may thus be a useful probe in analyzing the modes of interactions of tau and MAP 2 with tubulin.  相似文献   

Two tubulin variants, isolated from chicken brain and erythrocytes and known to have different peptide maps and electrophoretic properties, are demonstrated to exhibit different assembly properties in vitro: 1) erythrocyte tubulin assembles with greater efficiency (lower critical concentration, greater elongation rate) but exhibits a lower nucleation rate than brain tubulin, and 2) erythrocyte tubulin readily forms oligomers whose presence significantly retards the rate of elongation, suggesting that tubulin oligomers may also be important for determining the rate of assembly and the length of microtubules in erythrocytes. Erythrocyte tubulin isolated by cycles of in vitro assembly-disassembly is also demonstrated to contain a 67-kDa tau factor that greatly enhances microtubule nucleation but has little effect on elongation rates or critical concentration. Immunofluorescence microscopy with tau antibody indicates that tau is specifically associated with marginal band microtubules, suggesting that it may be important for determining microtubule function in vivo.  相似文献   

Polymorphic assembly of subtilisin-cleaved tubulin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Limited proteolysis of tubulin with subtilisin results in cleavage of both the alpha and beta subunits, releasing small peptides from the C-terminal ends. At 37 degrees C the digested tubulin assembles into polymorphic structures: microtubules with attached ribbons in the presence of GTP, rings in the presence of GDP, and protofilament spirals in the presence of vinblastine. Undigested tubulin does not assemble under these conditions. Rings and Vinca-induced spiral structures are assembled from undigested tubulin only when microtubule-associated proteins, high Mg2+ concentrations, or polycations are present. Thus, cleavage with subtilisin affects assembly in a manner similar to the addition of these agents. It appears that binding of positively charged substances may act by neutralizing the charge on the highly acidic C-terminal regions of the alpha- and beta-subunits, while cleavage with subtilisin produces the same effect by removing these peptides. Undigested and subtilisin-digested tubulin form sheets of protofilaments in the presence of Zn2+, which indicates that the binding sites for the 2-3 Zn2+ ions necessary to induce sheet formation do not reside in the C-terminal regions of the monomers.  相似文献   

A number of aprotic solvents which had previously been found to induce mitotic aneuploidy in yeast were tested for their effects on re-assembly of twice recycled tubulin from pig brain. Some of the solvents which were strong aneuploidy-inducing mutagens in yeast slowed down tubulin assembly in vitro at concentrations lower than those required for aneuploidy induction. Ethyl acetate, methyl acetate, diethyl ketone and acetonitrile fell into this category. Other strong aneuploidy-inducing agents like acetone and 2-methoxyethyl acetate accelerated tubulin assembly. Non-genetically active methyl isopropyl ketone and isopropyl acetate both accelerated assembly, whereas methyl n-propyl ketone and n-propyl acetate were weak inducers of aneuploidy and slowed down the rate and extent of assembly. Those chemicals which slowed down the assembly rate also reduced the extent of assembly. Most chemicals which accelerated assembly also led to an increased extent of assembly, with the exception of isopropyl acetate. At the higher concentrations, however, a maximum assembly rate was reached which was followed by a slow decline. Although a perfect correlation between effects on the induction of chromosomal malsegregation and the interference with tubulin assembly in vitro was not seen, the experiments with tubulin were carried out using this class of chemicals because some of them strongly induced mitotic aneuploidy under conditions which suggested tubulin to be the prime target. The lack of a perfect coincidence might be due to species differences between the porcine brain and the yeast spindle tubulin, or the test for aneuploidy induction may have been negative because the concentrations required for an effect on yeast tubulin may be greater than the general lethal toxicity limit. Bearing this reservation in mind, the results suggest that the yeast aneuploidy test has a considerable predictive value for mammalian mutagenicity.  相似文献   

Tubulin in high-speed supernatants of brain undergoes an alternate form of polymerization into structures that resemble membranes rather than microtubules. The reaction required elevated temperature (37°C) and was prevented by 1mM CaCl2 or 10?4 M maytansine. The membraneous material was composed of tubulin (80%) and microtubule-associated proteins (8%) and contained phospholipids. The tubulin was identified on the basis of comigration in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and colchicine-binding activity.  相似文献   

L. Utrilla  J. Sans  C. De la Torre 《Protoplasma》1989,152(2-3):101-108
Summary Tubulin distribution in c-mitoses (induced by 1 mM colchicine) has been studied by indirect immunofluorescence with monoclonal antibodies inAllium cepa L. meristems proliferating under steady state kinetics. Two hours after colchicine treatment was initiated tubulin is detected in approximately 25% of the cells as arrowheads on the kinetochores, as if these structures stabilize microtubules against disassembly. Total disassembly of microtubules occurs in 70% of the c-mitoses six hours after the initiation of the colchicine treatment, when restitution nuclei also start appearing. After 2 to 14 hours of colchicine treatment, tubulin is detected in about 30% of the c-mitoses, both in small kinetochores-like dots and in a strand which apparently connects sister kinetochores. Other larger microtubule-like structures, up to 20 m long, apparently unassociated with kinetochores, are assembled in the presence of cholchicine in c-mitoses after 10 hours. Such structures disappear when chromosomes decondense and the nuclear envelope reforms in the restitution nucleus; they do not seem to be related to interphase cortical microtubules which reappear in control telophase.  相似文献   

The effect of polyamines on tubulin assembly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The assembly of cold solubilized microtubules prepared from calf brain and the polymerization of tubulin purified from this material are facilitated by polyamines at physiological concentrations. The number of free amino groups in the polyamine determines the ability of the polyamines to promote microtubule formation. Spermine with four amino groups was the most effective polyamine tested. Spermidine and N'-acetylspermine with 3 amino groups were less effective than spermine but more effective than N8-acetylspermidine and putrescine which contain two free amino groups. Microtubule formation may therefore be controlled by alterations in the nature and amounts of polyamines present.  相似文献   

The effects of denatured tubulin on microtubule assembly from active phosphocellulose-tubulin have been studied. The presence of denatured tubulin resulted in an inhibition of the assembly and in the increase of the critical concentration to trigger the assembly. Inhibition of both the rate and extent of microtubule assembly was dependent on denatured tubulin concentration. This perturbation of microtubule assembly by denatured tubulin is likely to be specific as non-microtubule proteins did not significantly affect the assembly.  相似文献   

Microtubule-associated proteins (MAP), such as tau, modulate the extent and rate of microtubule assembly and play an essential role in morphogenetic processes, such as axonal growth. We have examined the mechanism by which tau affects microtubule polymerization by examining the kinetics of microtubule assembly and disassembly through direct observation of microtubules using dark-field microscopy. Tau increases the rate of polymerization, decreases the rate of transit into the shrinking phase (catastrophe), and inhibits the rate of depolymerization. Tau strongly suppresses the catastrophe rate, and its ability to do so is independent of its ability to increase the elongation rate. Thus, tau generates a partially stable but still dynamic state in microtubules. This state is perturbed by phosphorylation by MAP2 kinase, which affects all three activities by lowering the affinity of tau for the microtubule lattice.  相似文献   

A procedure for radiolabeling the terminal phosphoryl group of the tubulin nonexchangeable GTP site using bacterial acetate kinase and acetyl-32P is described. Warming such samples to 37 degrees results in microtubule assembly and hydrolysis of the nonexchangeable site GTP in a parallel fashion. Removal of the microtubule-associated protein fraction from lebeled tubulin prevents hydrolysis and assembly, and recombination of these components restores both processes again in a parallel fashion. These and other experiments indicate that the nonexchangeable site GTP hydrolysis and assembly are intimately linked. The experiments also demonstrate that GRP is not required at the exchangeable nucleotide site for assembly to occur.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, the microtubule-associated protein AtMAP65-1 shows various functions on microtubule dynamics and organizations. However, it is still an open question about whether AtMAP65-1 binds to tubulin dimers and how it regulates microtubule dynamics. In present study, the tubulin-binding activity of AtMAP65-1 was investigated. Pull-down and co-sedimentation experiments demonstrated that AtMAP65-1 bound to tubulin dimers, at a molar ratio of 1 : 1. Cross-linking experiments showed that AtMAP65-1 bound to tubulin dimers by interacting with alpha-tubulin of the tubulin heterodimer. Interfering the bundling effect of AtMAP65-1 by addition of salt and monitoring the tubulin assembly, the experiment results indicated that AtMAP65-1 promoted tubulin assembly by interacting with tubulin dimers. In addition, five truncated versions of AtMAP65-1, namely AtMAP65-1 deltaN339 (amino acids 340-587); AtMAP65-1 deltaN494 (amino acids 495-587); AtMAP65-1 340-494 (amino acids 340-494); AtMAP65-1 deltaC495 (amino acids 1-494) and AtMAP65-1 deltaC340 (amino acids 1-339), were tested for their binding activities and roles in tubulin polymerization in vitro. Four (AtMAP65-1 deltaN339, deltaN494, AtMAP65-1 340-494 and deltaC495) from the five truncated proteins were able to co-sediment with microtubules, and three (AtMAP65-1 deltaN339, deltaN494 and AtMAP65-1 340-494) of them could bind to tubulin dimers in vitro. Among the three truncated proteins, AtMAP65-1 deltaN339 showed the greatest activity to promote tubulin polymerization, AtMAP65-1 deltaN494 exhibited almost the same activity as the full length protein in promoting tubulin assembly, and AtMAP65-1 340-494 had minor activity to promote tubulin assembly. On the contrast, AtMAP65-1 deltaC495, which bound to microtubules but not to tubulin dimers, did not affect tubulin assembly. Our study suggested that AtMAP65-1 might promote tubulin assembly by binding to tubulin dimers in vivo.  相似文献   

Trypanosome tubulin was purified to near homogeneity by chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex, Amicon filtration and assembly-disassembly in vitro. Polymerization of the tubulin in vitro yielded long, structurally normal, microtubules and some sheet structures on addition of GTP and incubation at 37 degrees C, in either the presence or the absence of Mg2+. Tubulin assembly was disrupted by glycerol and a selection of microtubule-reactive drugs. Immunological analysis of the purified tubulin revealed tyrosinated and acetylated alpha-tubulin, in addition to defining the migration characteristics of the alpha- and beta-tubulin on one-dimensional SDS/polyacrylamide gels. This is the first isolation of trypanosome tubulin with the ability to form structurally normal microtubules independent of the addition of taxol or nucleating microtubule fragments. The development of the purification procedure thus provides an important step for subsequent study of microtubule-associated protein-tubulin and plasma-membrane-microtubule cytoskeleton interactions of trypanosomes, and increases the potential for development of tubulin-based anti-trypanosome drugs.  相似文献   

The effect of dapsone on assembly-disassembly process of bovine brain tubulin was examined. The drug was found to readily bind tubulin dimer and that in its presence colchicine binding to tubulin was enhanced. Although dapsone associated with tubulin at a site other than the colchicine binding site, distinct inhibition of microtubule assembly was detected.  相似文献   

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