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We examined seven strains, comprising five serotypes, of Cryptococcus neoformans to determine what constituents of the organisms are responsible for pathogenicity and virulence in BALB/c mice. C. neoformans strains were divided into three virulence classes by survival rates after intravenous inoculation of 1 X 10(5) or 1 X 10(7) viable cells, and virulence was found not to be correlated with serotype or capsular size. C. neoformans cells resisted phagocytosis in different degrees in the presence of normal serum. Sensitivity of the C. neoformans strains to singlet oxygen ranged from resistance to susceptibility. Histological examination revealed that a weakly encapsulated virulent strain induced inflammatory responses with granuloma formation in the liver, lung, and kidney in addition to formation of cystic foci in the brain. In contrast, although the heavily encapsulated virulent strain produced granulomatous lesions in the liver, this strain preferably produced mucinous cystic foci in the lung, kidney, and brain. Correlation between virulence, and biological, histopathological and physiological evidence suggests that C. neoformans strains are endowed with the implicated multiple pathogenic constituents in various degrees and proportions. The following are suggested as the most important pathogenic constituents: a polysaccharide capsule responsible for resistance to phagocytosis and formation of cystic foci; a cell surface structure for responsible for resistance to intra- or extracellular killing and induction of the granulomatous lesion; a growth rate suitable for interacting with phagocytic elimination.  相似文献   

Yan Z  Xu J 《Genetics》2003,163(4):1315-1325
Previous studies demonstrated that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was uniparentally transmitted in laboratory crosses of the pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus neoformans. To begin understanding the mechanisms, this study examined the potential role of the mating-type locus on mtDNA inheritance in C. neoformans. Using existing isogenic strains (JEC20 and JEC21) that differed only at the mating-type locus and a clinical strain (CDC46) that possessed a mitochondrial genotype different from JEC20 and JEC21, we constructed strains that differed only in mating type and mitochondrial genotype. These strains were then crossed to produce hyphae and sexual spores. Among the 206 single spores analyzed from six crosses, all but one inherited mtDNA from the MATa parents. Analyses of mating-type alleles and mtDNA genotypes of natural hybrids from clinical and natural samples were consistent with the hypothesis that mtDNA is inherited from the MATa parent in C. neoformans. To distinguish two potential mechanisms, we obtained a pair of isogenic strains with different mating-type alleles, mtDNA types, and auxotrophic markers. Diploid cells from mating between these two strains were selected and 29 independent colonies were genotyped. These cells did not go through the hyphal stage or the meiotic process. All 29 colonies contained mtDNA from the MATa parent. Because no filamentation, meiosis, or spore formation was involved in generating these diploid cells, our results suggest a selective elimination of mtDNA from the MATalpha parent soon after mating. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that mating type controls mtDNA inheritance in fungi.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans is a basidiomycete fungal pathogen of humans that has diverged considerably from other model fungi such as Neurospora crassa, Aspergillus nidulans, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the common human fungal pathogen Candida albicans. The recent completion of the genome sequences of two related C. neoformans strains and the ongoing genome sequencing of three other divergent Cryptococcus strains with different virulence phenotypes and environmental distributions should improve our understanding of this important pathogen. We discuss the biology of C. neoformans in light of this genomic data, with a special emphasis on the role that evolution and sexual reproduction have in the complex relationships of the fungus with the environment and the host.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic karyotype of the pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus neoformans   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The electrokaryotype of the pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus neoformans is described for the first time. Three different patterns were seen: (a) serotypes B and C (variety gattii) are similar and consist of nine chromosome mobility groups of greater than 580 kb; (b) serotype A (variety neoformans) revealed eight chromosome-like groups greater than 700 kb; (c) serotype D (the second serotype of variety neoformans) not only differs from those described above, but each D isolate tested showed a different distribution of bands. The discrepancy, and the importance of electrokaryotyping as a taxonomic tool, are discussed.  相似文献   

RNA interference in the pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Cryptococcus neoformans is a pathogenic fungus responsible for serious disease in immunocompromised individuals. This organism has recently been developed as an experimental system, with initiation of a genome project among other molecular advances. However, investigations of Cryptococcus are hampered by the technical difficulty of specific gene replacements. RNA interference, a process in which the presence of double-stranded RNA homologous to a gene of interest results in specific degradation of the corresponding message, may help solve this problem. We have shown that expression of double-stranded RNA corresponding to portions of the cryptococcal CAP59 and ADE2 genes results in reduced mRNA levels for those genes, with phenotypic consequences similar to that of gene disruption. The two genes could also be subjected to simultaneous interference through expression of chimeric double-stranded RNA. Specific modulation of protein expression through introduction of double-stranded RNA thus operates in C. neoformans, which is the first demonstration of this technique in a fungal organism. Use of RNA interference in Cryptococcus should allow manipulation of mRNA levels for functional analysis of genes of interest and enable efficient exploration of genes discovered by genome sequencing.  相似文献   

The basidiomycetous yeast Cryptococcus neoformans infects humans and causes a meningoencephalitis that is uniformly fatal if untreated. The organism has a defined sexual cycle involving mating of haploid MATa and MATalpha strains, gene disruption by transformation and homologous recombination is now readily accomplished, and robust animal models for infection have been well established. In addition, a pair of congenic MATalpha and MATa haploid strains have been constructed that permit detailed studies on physiology and virulence by classical genetic approaches. These strains represent a valuable resource for further studies in this organism, and the genomic sequence of one of these strains, JEC21 (=B-4500), was recently chosen to be sequenced by an international consortium. Because of the importance of these strains for genetic studies in C. neoformans and the fact that the genomic sequence of one of these strains is in progress, we review here how these congenic strains were originally constructed.  相似文献   

The function of the peroxisomes was examined in the pathogenic basidiomycete Cryptococcus neoformans. Recent studies reveal the glyoxylate pathway is required for virulence of diverse microbial pathogens of plants and animals. One exception is C. neoformans, in which isocitrate lyase (encoded by ICL1) was previously shown not to be required for virulence, and here this was extended to exclude also a role for malate synthase (encoded by MLS1). The role of peroxisomes, in which the glyoxylate pathway enzymes are localized in many organisms, was examined by mutation of two genes (PEX1 and PEX6) encoding AAA (ATPases associated with various cellular activities)-type proteins required for peroxisome formation. The pex1 and pex6 deletion mutants were unable to localize the fluorescent DsRED-SKL protein to peroxisomal punctate structures, in contrast to wild-type cells. pex1 and pex6 single mutants and a pex1 pex6 double mutant exhibit identical phenotypes, including abolished growth on fatty acids but no growth difference on acetate. Because both icl1 and mls1 mutants are unable to grow on acetate as the sole carbon source, these findings demonstrate that the glyoxylate pathway can function efficiently outside the peroxisome in C. neoformans. The pex1 mutant exhibits wild-type virulence in a murine inhalation model and in an insect host, demonstrating that peroxisomes are not required for virulence under these conditions. An unusual phenotype of the pex1 and pex6 mutants was that they grew poorly with glucose as the carbon source, but nearly wild type with galactose, which suggested impaired hexokinase function and that C. neoformans peroxisomes might function analogously to the glycosomes of the trypanosomid parasites. Deletion of the hexokinase HXK2 gene reduced growth in the presence of glucose and suppressed the growth defect of the pex1 mutant on glucose. The hexokinase 2 protein of C. neoformans contains a predicted peroxisome targeting signal (type 2) motif; however, Hxk2 fused to fluorescent proteins was not localized to peroxisomes. Thus, we hypothesize that glucose or glycolytic metabolites are utilized in the peroxisome by an as yet unidentified enzyme or regulate a pathway required by the fungus in the absence of peroxisomes.  相似文献   

Occurrence of diploid strains of Cryptococcus neoformans.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
A mating between niacin and pantothenate auxotrophs of Cryptococcus neoformans gave a few prototrophic progeny that were self-fertile. These were uninuclear but contained twice as much DNA as the parental strains. Segregation of nutritional markers was observed upon sporulation. We conclude that these self-fertile strains are diploids.  相似文献   

An improved method has been developed for RNA interference in Cryptococcus neoformans, using opposing promoters to facilitate cloning and RNA interference targeting URA5 to allow selection of cells in which silencing is most effective. These advances significantly reduce the variability of silencing and the effort required for interference plasmid construction.  相似文献   

Hybridization of digested DNA to probes derived from repeated sequences has proven to be an extremely powerful epidemiologic tool for studying the relatedness of fungi. The dispersed nature of these sequences throughout the genome provides the discriminatory power for distinguishing two independent isolates from each other based on banding pattern. The genome of Cryptococcus neoformans contains a number of classes of transposable elements, which are often present in multiple copies. We characterized a probe related to the Ty3/gypsy class of transposable elements called TCN1 and used it to screen multiple isolates from all four serotypes of C. neoformans. DNA with TCN1 homology could be amplified from each isolate of serotypes A and D and all isolates hybridized to a probe derived from TCN1. Isolates from serotype B and C were also tested for the presence of a TCN1 homolog, however, only some of these isolates yielded both a TCN1-specific PCR product or hybridization signal. Comparison of the TCN1 hybridization patterns of serotypes A and D to multiple RAPD patterns of the same isolates suggested that TCN1 was more discriminating and therefore, a useful epidemiological tool.  相似文献   

Sun S  Xu J 《Genetics》2007,177(3):1475-1486
Cryptococcus neoformans has two varieties, var. grubii and var. neoformans, that correspond to serotypes A and D, respectively. Molecular phylogenetic analyses suggest that these two varieties have diverged from each other for approximately 18 million years. The discovery of pathogenic serotype AD hybrid strains in nature indicates that intervariety mating in C. neoformans occurs in the natural environment. However, little is known about the genetic consequences of hybridization in C. neoformans. Here, we analyzed a hybrid population of 163 progeny from a cross between strains of serotypes A (CDC15) and D (JEC20), using 114 codominant nuclear PCR-RFLP markers and 1 direct PCR marker. These markers were distributed on all 14 chromosomes of the sequenced strain JEC21 that was isogenic to one of the parents (JEC20) in our cross. Our analyses identified that of the 163 progeny, 5 were heterozygous at all 115 loci, 1 was completely homozygous and identical to one of the parents (CDC15), and the remaining 157 each contained at least 1 heterozygous locus. Because all 163 progeny inherited mitochondria from the MATa parent JEC20, none of the progeny had a genotype identical to either of the two parents or to a composite of the two parents. All 115 nuclear loci showed three different genotypes in the progeny population, consistent with Mendelian segregation during meiosis. While the linkage analysis showed independent reassortment among loci on different linkage groups, there were significant differences in recombination frequencies among chromosomes and among regions within certain chromosomes. Overall, the linkage-map length from this hybrid cross was much shorter and the recombination frequency much lower than those constructed using serotype D strains, consistent with suppressed recombination in the intervariety cross between strains of serotypes A and D. We discuss the implications of our results in our understanding of the speciation and evolution of the C. neoformans species complex.  相似文献   

Melanin is a virulence factor for many pathogenic fungal species, including Cryptococcus neoformans. Melanin is deposited in the cell wall, and melanin isolated from this fungus retains the shape of the cells, resulting in hollow spheres called "ghosts". In this study, atomic force, scanning electron, and transmission electron microscopy revealed that melanin ghosts are covered with roughly spherical granular particles approximately 40-130 nm in diameter, and that the melanin is arranged in multiple concentric layers. Nuclear magnetic resonance cryoporometry indicated melanin ghosts contain pores with diameters between 1 and 4 nm, in addition to a small number of pores with diameters near 30 nm. Binding of the antibodies to melanin reduced the apparent measured volume of these pores, suggesting a mechanism for their antifungal effect. We propose a model of cryptococcal melanin structure whereby the melanin granules are held together in layers. This structural model has implications for cell division, cell wall remodeling, and antifungal drug discovery.  相似文献   

Determination of the enzymatic profile of 41 Cryptococcus neoformans strains, 20 isolated from AIDS patients and 21 from bird droppings, was performed by using the API-ZYM commercial kit system (Bio-Mérieux, France), which tests 19 different kinds of enzymes. All the strains showed positive enzymatic activity to the esterase (C4) (n. 3). On the contrary, alkaline phosphatase (n. 2), cystine arylamidase (n. 8), trypsin (n. 9), chymotripsin (n. 10), alpha-galactosidase (n. 13), beta-glucuronidase (n. 15), alpha-mannosidase (n. 19), alpha-fucosidase (n. 20) were negative in all the strains. The other 10 enzymes (n. 4,5,6,7,11,12,14,16,17,18) were distributed among the strains in different positive percentages. From the results of each enzymatic profile obtained, the 20 AIDS strains were grouped into 15 types, while the 21 bird dropping strains were grouped into 14 types. Interestingly, only one enzyme profile type occurred in the strains isolated from the AIDS patients and from the bird droppings. These results suggest that the API ZYM system is useful in discriminating between the AIDS strains and the bird dropping strains.  相似文献   

The major virulence factor of the pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans is an extensive polysaccharide capsule which surrounds the cell. Almost 90% of the capsule is composed of a partially acetylated linear alpha-1,3-linked mannan substituted with D-xylose and D-glucuronic acid. A novel mannosyltransferase with specificity appropriate for a role in the synthesis of this glucuronoxylomannan is active in cryptococcal membranes. This membrane-associated activity transfers mannose in vitro from GDP-mannose to an alpha-1, 3-dimannoside acceptor, forming a second alpha-1,3 linkage. Product formation by the transferase is dependent on protein, time, temperature, divalent cations, and each substrate. It is not affected by amphomycin or tunicamycin but is inhibited by GDP and mannose-1-phosphate. The described activity is not detectable in the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, consistent with the absence of a similar polysaccharide structure in that organism. A second mannosyltransferase from C. neoformans membranes adds mannose in alpha-1,2 linkage to the same dimannoside acceptor. The two activities differ in pH optimum and cation preference. While the alpha-1,2 transferase does not have specificity appropriate for a role in glucuronoxylomannan synthesis, it may participate in production of mannoprotein components of the capsule. This study suggests two new targets for antifungal drug discovery.  相似文献   

In fungi, glycoinositolphosphoryl ceramide (GIPC) biosynthetic pathway produces essential molecules for growth, viability, and virulence. In previous studies, we demonstrated that the opportunistic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans synthesizes a complex family of xylose-(Xyl) branched GIPCs, all of which have not been previously reported in fungi. As an effort to understand the biosynthesis of these sphingolipids, we have now characterized the structures of GIPCs from C. neoformans wild-type (KN99alpha) and mutant strains that lack UDP-Xyl, by disruption of either UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (NE321) or UDP-glucuronic acid decarboxylase (NE178). The structures of GIPCs were determined by a combination of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, tandem mass spectrometry (MS), and gas chromatography-MS. The main and largest GIPC from wild-type strain was identified as an alpha-Manp(1 --> 6)alpha-Manp(1 --> 3)alpha-Manp[beta-Xylp(1 --> 2)]alpha-Manp(1 --> 4)beta-Galp(1 --> 6)alpha-Manp(1 --> 2) Ins-1-P-Ceramide, whereas the most abundant GIPC from both mutant strains was found to be an alpha-Manp(1 --> 3)alpha-Manp(1 --> 4)beta-Galp(1 --> 6)alpha-Manp(1 --> 2)Ins-1-P-Ceramide. The ceramide moieties of C. neoformans wild-type and mutant strains were composed of a C(18) phytosphingosine, which was N-acylated with 2-hydroxy tetra-, or hexacosanoic acid, and 2,3-dihydroxy-tetracosanoic acid. Our structural analysis results indicate that the C. neoformans mutant strains are unable to complete the assembly of the GIPC-oligosaccharide moiety due the absence of Xyl side chain.  相似文献   

Summary Cryptococcus neoformans was isolated from a severe outbreak of bovine mastitis. A comparison of 62 strains revealed considerable variation in color, acid production in sugars, and amount of capsular material. During the course of the study, the origin of 10 mucoid mutants was noted. The strains were compared with strains of the same species isolated from human cryptococcosis, from soil, and with the originalSanfelice strain. They are typical of the speciesC. neoformans in colony characteristics, morphology, temperature tolerance, acid production in sugars and pathogenicity for mice.  相似文献   

The origin of virulence in environmental fungi that have no requirement for animal hosts in their life cycle is enigmatic. Cryptococcus neoformans is a human pathogenic fungus with virulence factors for mammalian pathogenesis that also contribute to environmental survival. C. neoformans virulence may originate from selection pressures imposed by environmental predators.  相似文献   

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