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The bacterial pathogen Legionella pneumophila replicates in a specialized vacuole within host cells. Establishment of the replication vacuole depends on the Dot/Icm translocation system that delivers a large number of protein substrates into the host cell. The functions of most substrates are unknown. Here, we analysed a defined set of 127 confirmed or candidate Dot/Icm substrates for their effect on host cell processes using yeast as a model system. Expression of 79 candidates caused significant yeast growth defects, indicating that these proteins impact essential host cell pathways. Notably, a group of 21 candidates interfered with the trafficking of secretory proteins to the yeast vacuole. Three candidates that caused yeast secretory defects (SetA, Ceg19 and Ceg9) were investigated further. These proteins impinged upon vesicle trafficking at distinct stages and had signals that allowed translocation into host cells by the Dot/Icm system. Ectopically produced SetA, Ceg19 and Ceg9 localized to secretory organelles in mammalian cells, consistent with a role for these proteins in modulating host cell vesicle trafficking. Interestingly, the ability of SetA to cause yeast phenotypes was dependent upon a functional glycosyltransferase domain. We hypothesize that SetA may glycosylate a component of the host cell vesicle trafficking machinery during L. pneumophila infection.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila is a facultative intracellular pathogen capable of replicating in a wide spectrum of cells. Successful infection by Legionella requires the Dot/Icm type IV secretion system, which translocates a large number of effector proteins into infected cells. By co-opting numerous host cellular processes, these proteins function to establish a specialized organelle that allows bacterial survival and proliferation. Even within the vacuole, L. pneumophila triggers robust immune responses. Recent studies reveal that a subset of Legionella effectors directly target some basic components of the host innate immunity systems such as phagosome maturation. Others play essential roles in engaging the host innate immune surveillance system. This review will highlight recent progress in our understanding of these interactions and discuss implications for the study of the immune detection mechanisms.  相似文献   

Many gram-negative pathogens use a type IV secretion system (T4SS) to deliver effector proteins into eukaryotic host cells. The fidelity of protein translocation depends on the efficient recognition of effector proteins by the T4SS. Legionella pneumophila delivers a large number of effector proteins into eukaryotic cells using the Dot/Icm T4SS. How the Dot/Icm system is able to recognize and control the delivery of effectors is poorly understood. Recent studies suggest that the IcmS and IcmW proteins interact to form a stable complex that facilitates translocation of effector proteins by the Dot/Icm system by an unknown mechanism. Here we demonstrate that the IcmSW complex is necessary for the productive translocation of multiple Dot/Icm effector proteins. Effector proteins that were able to bind IcmSW in vitro required icmS and icmW for efficient translocation into eukaryotic cells during L. pneumophila infection. We identified regions in the effector protein SidG involved in icmSW-dependent translocation. Although the full-length SidG protein was translocated by an icmSW-dependent mechanism, deletion of amino terminal regions in the SidG protein resulted in icmSW-independent translocation, indicating that the IcmSW complex is not contributing directly to recognition of effector proteins by the Dot/Icm system. Biochemical and genetic studies showed that the IcmSW complex interacts with a central region of the SidG protein. The IcmSW interaction resulted in a conformational change in the SidG protein as determined by differences in protease sensitivity in vitro. These data suggest that IcmSW binding to effectors could enhance effector protein delivery by mediating a conformational change that facilitates T4SS recognition of a translocation domain located in the carboxyl region of the effector protein.  相似文献   

Manipulation of host innate immune responses by the malaria parasite   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It has long been known that malaria infection causes host immune modulation by various mechanisms. However, the role of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) in mediating innate immune responses to parasite-derived components during the blood stages of malaria has only recently been described. TLRs might have an important role in pathogenesis during malaria infection, as supported by genetic analyses in mice and humans. Moreover, recent findings revealed that sporozoites can partially differentiate in lymph nodes and that liver stages induce the formation of previously unknown parasite-filled vesicles (merosomes) that could function as immune escape machinery. Elucidation of the mechanisms by which the host innate immune system responds to, and/or is manipulated by, Plasmodium infection will hopefully lead to discoveries of potential targets that will ultimately prevent and/or intervene in malaria infection.  相似文献   

Type-IV secretion systems are devices present in a wide range of bacteria (including bacterial pathogens) that deliver macromolecules (proteins and single-strand-DNA) across kingdom barriers (as well as between bacteria and into the surroundings). The type-IV secretion systems were divided into two subgroups and Legionella pneumophila and Coxiella burnetii are the only two bacteria known today to utilize a type-IVB secretion system for pathogenesis. In this review we summarized the available information concerning the icm/dot type-IVB secretion systems by comparing the two bacteria that possess this system, the proteins components of their systems as well as the homology of proteins from type-IVB secretion systems to proteins from type-IVA secretion systems. In addition, the phenotypes associated with mutants in the L. pneumophila icm/dot genes, their relations to properties of specific Icm/Dot proteins as well as the protein substrates delivered by this system are described.  相似文献   

The innate immune system is the first line of defense against invading pathogens. Innate immune cells recognize molecular patterns from the pathogen and mount a response to resolve the infection. The production of proinflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species, phagocytosis, and induced programmed cell death are processes initiated by innate immune cells in order to combat invading pathogens. However, pathogens have evolved various virulence mechanisms to subvert these responses. One strategy utilized by Gram-negative bacterial pathogens is the deployment of a complex machine termed the type III secretion system (T3SS). The T3SS is composed of a syringe-like needle structure and the effector proteins that are injected directly into a target host cell to disrupt a cellular response. The three human pathogenic Yersinia spp. (Y. pestis, Y. enterocolitica, and Y. pseudotuberculosis) are Gram-negative bacteria that share in common a 70 kb virulence plasmid which encodes the T3SS. Translocation of the Yersinia effector proteins (YopE, YopH, YopT, YopM, YpkA/YopO, and YopP/J) into the target host cell results in disruption of the actin cytoskeleton to inhibit phagocytosis, downregulation of proinflammatory cytokine/chemokine production, and induction of cellular apoptosis of the target cell. Over the past 25 years, studies on the Yersinia effector proteins have unveiled tremendous knowledge of how the effectors enhance Yersinia virulence. Recently, the long awaited crystal structure of YpkA has been solved providing further insights into the activation of the YpkA kinase domain. Multisite autophosphorylation by YpkA to activate its kinase domain was also shown and postulated to serve as a mechanism to bypass regulation by host phosphatases. In addition, novel Yersinia effector protein targets, such as caspase-1, and signaling pathways including activation of the inflammasome were identified. In this review, we summarize the recent discoveries made on Yersinia effector proteins and their contribution to Yersinia pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The intracellular pathogen Legionella pneumophila is able to strike a balance between the death and survival of the host cell during infection. Despite the presence of high level of active caspase 3, the executioner caspase of apoptotic cell death, infected permissive macrophages are markedly resistant to exogenous apoptotic stimuli. Several bacterial molecules capable of promoting the cell survival pathways have been identified, but proteins involved in the activation of caspase 3 remain unknown. To study the mechanism of L. pneumophila‐mediated caspase 3 activation, we tested all known Dot/Icm substrates for their ability to activate caspase 3. Five effectors capable of causing caspase 3 activation upon transient expression were identified. Among these, by using its ability to activate caspase 3 by inducing the release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria, we demonstrated that VipD is a phospholipase A2, which hydrolyses phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphocholine (PC) on the mitochondrial membrane in a manner that appears to require host cofactor(s). The lipase activity leads to the production of free fatty acids and 2‐lysophospholipids, which destabilize the mitochondrial membrane and may contribute to the release of cytochrome c and the subsequent caspase 3 activation. Furthermore, we found that whereas it is not detectably defectively in caspase 3 activation in permissive cells, amutant lacking all of these five genes is less potent in inducing apoptosis in dendritic cells. Our results reveal that activation of host cell death pathways by L. pneumophila is a result of the effects of multiple bacterial proteins with diverse biochemical functions.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila is an intracellular pathogen that uses effector proteins translocated by the Dot/Icm type IV secretion system to modulate host cellular processes. Here we investigate the dynamics of subcellular structures containing ubiquitin during L. pneumophila infection of phagocytic host cells. The Dot/Icm system mediated the formation of K48 and K63 poly-ubiquitin conjugates to proteins associated with L. pneumophila -containing vacuoles in macrophages and dendritic cells, suggesting that regulatory events and degradative events involving ubiquitin are regulated by bacterial effectors during infection. Stimulation of TLR2 on the surface of macrophages and dendritic cells by L. pneumophila- derived molecules resulted in the production of ubiquitin-rich dendritic cell aggresome-like structures (DALIS). Cells infected by L. pneumophila with a functional Dot/Icm system, however, failed to produce DALIS. Suppression of DALIS formation did not affect the accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins on vacuoles containing L. pneumophila. Examining other species of Legionella revealed that Legionella jordanis was unable to suppress DALIS formation after creating a ubiquitin-decorated vacuole. Thus, the L. pneumophila Dot/Icm system has the ability to modulate host processes to promote K48 and K63 ubiquitin conjugates on proteins at the vacuole membrane, and independently suppress cellular events required for the formation of DALIS.  相似文献   

Type IV secretion systems (T4SSs) are large macromolecular machines that translocate protein and DNA and are involved in the pathogenesis of multiple human diseases. Here, using electron cryotomography (ECT), we report the in situ structure of the Dot/Icm type IVB secretion system (T4BSS) utilized by the human pathogen Legionella pneumophila. This is the first structure of a type IVB secretion system, and also the first structure of any T4SS in situ. While the Dot/Icm system shares almost no sequence similarity with type IVA secretion systems (T4ASSs), its overall structure is seen here to be remarkably similar to previously reported T4ASS structures (those encoded by the R388 plasmid in Escherichia coli and the cag pathogenicity island in Helicobacter pylori). This structural similarity suggests shared aspects of mechanism. However, compared to the negative‐stain reconstruction of the purified T4ASS from the R388 plasmid, the L. pneumophila Dot/Icm system is approximately twice as long and wide and exhibits several additional large densities, reflecting type‐specific elaborations and potentially better structural preservation in situ.  相似文献   

The Dot/Icm system is a type IVb secretion system used by Legionella pneumophila to modulate vesicular transport in both protozoan and mammalian host cells. It has been shown that proteins and processes that are highly conserved in all eukaryotic cells are targets for some of the proteins injected by the Dot/Icm system. For example, the Legionella protein RalF was shown previously to be a Dot/Icm substrate that functions as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for the Arf family of eukaryotic small GTP-binding proteins. Here we show that ectopic production of the RalF protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae interferes with yeast growth. Inhibition of yeast growth was found to be dependent on the ability of RalF to function as an Arf-GEF in vivo. The possibility that other Dot/Icm substrate proteins would have the capacity to interfere with yeast growth was used as a rationale to screen plasmid libraries containing random fragments of Legionella chromosomal DNA positioned downstream of a galactose-inducible promoter. This screen identified Legionella proteins that conferred a conditional growth defect when overproduced by yeast cultured in the presence of galactose. Most of the Legionella proteins identified were determined to be substrates of the Dot/Icm system. This screen led to the identification of a new Dot/Icm substrate protein that was called YlfA, for yeast lethal factor A. A paralogue of YlfA was identified on an unlinked region of the Legionella chromosome and this protein was also translocated by the Dot/Icm system. It was determined that a hydrophobic region near the N-terminus of the YlfA protein and an adjacent region predicted to form a coiled-coil domain were necessary for a biological activity that interfered with yeast growth. The YlfA protein did not decorate the Legionella-containing vacuole during the first 7 h of infection but could be observed on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-derived replicative vacuole and on punctate structures throughout the host cell at later stages. Ectopic production of YlfA in mammalian cells revealed that the N-terminal hydrophobic domain in YlfA was able to localize the protein to early secretory organelles, including endoplasmic reticulum. These studies show that yeast genetics can be exploited to identify and characterize proteins that are injected into host cells by bacterial pathogens that utilize type IV secretion systems for pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Upon infection, Legionella pneumophila uses the Dot/Icm type IV secretion system to translocate effector proteins from the Legionella‐containing vacuole (LCV) into the host cell cytoplasm. The effectors target a wide array of host cellular processes that aid LCV biogenesis, including the manipulation of membrane trafficking. In this study, we used a hidden Markov model screen to identify two novel, non‐eukaryotic s oluble N SF a ttachment protein re ceptor (SNARE) homologs: the bacterial Legionella SNARE effector A (LseA) and viral SNARE homolog A proteins. We characterized LseA as a Dot/Icm effector of L. pneumophila, which has close homology to the Qc‐SNARE subfamily. The lseA gene was present in multiple sequenced L. pneumophila strains including Corby and was well distributed among L. pneumophila clinical and environmental isolates. Employing a variety of biochemical, cell biological and microbiological techniques, we found that farnesylated LseA localized to membranes associated with the Golgi complex in mammalian cells and LseA interacted with a subset of Qa‐, Qb‐ and R‐SNAREs in host cells. Our results suggested that LseA acts as a SNARE protein and has the potential to regulate or mediate membrane fusion events in Golgi‐associated pathways.  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii, the causative agent of human Q fever, is an intracellular pathogen that replicates in an acidified vacuole derived from the host lysosomal network. This pathogen encodes a Dot/Icm type IV secretion system that delivers bacterial proteins called effectors to the host cytosol. To identify new effector proteins, the functionally analogous Legionella pneumophila Dot/Icm system was used in a genetic screen to identify fragments of C. burnetii genomic DNA that when fused to an adenylate cyclase reporter were capable of directing Dot/Icm-dependent translocation of the fusion protein into mammalian host cells. This screen identified Dot/Icm effectors that were proteins unique to C. burnetii, having no overall sequence homology with L. pneumophila Dot/Icm effectors. A comparison of C. burnetii genome sequences from different isolates revealed diversity in the size and distribution of the genes encoding many of these effectors. Studies examining the localization and function of effectors in eukaryotic cells provided evidence that several of these proteins have an affinity for specific host organelles and can disrupt cellular functions. The identification of a transposon insertion mutation that disrupts the dot/icm locus was used to validate that this apparatus was essential for translocation of effectors. Importantly, this C. burnetii Dot/Icm-deficient mutant was found to be defective for intracellular replication. Thus, these data indicate that C. burnetii encodes a unique subset of bacterial effector proteins translocated into host cells by the Dot/Icm apparatus, and that the cumulative activities exerted by these effectors enables C. burnetii to successfully establish a niche inside mammalian cells that supports intracellular replication.  相似文献   

Secretion of bacterial effector proteins into host cells plays a key role in bacterial virulence. Yet, the dynamics of the secretion systems activity remains poorly understood, especially when machineries deal with the export of numerous effectors. We address the question of multi-effector secretion by focusing on the Legionella pneumophila Icm/Dot T4SS that translocates a record number of 300 effectors. We set up a kinetic translocation assay, based on the β-lactamase translocation reporter system combined with the effect of the protonophore CCCP. When used for translocation analysis of Icm/Dot substrates constitutively produced by L. pneumophila, this assay allows a fine monitoring of the secretion activity of the T4SS, independently of the expression control of the effectors. We observed that effectors are translocated with a specific timing, suggesting a control of their docking/translocation by the T4SS. Their delivery is accurately organized to allow effective manipulation of the host cell, as exemplified by the sequential translocation of effectors targeting Rab1, namely SidM/DrrA, LidA, LepB. Remarkably, the timed delivery of effectors does not depend only on their interaction with chaperone proteins but implies cyclic-di-GMP signaling, as the diguanylate cyclase Lpl0780/Lpp0809, contributes to the timing of translocation.  相似文献   

Pathogen recognition is the first and crucial step in innate immunity. Molecular families involved in the recognition of pathogens and activation of the innate immune responses in immunoreactive cells include the Toll-like receptor family in mammals and the peptidoglycan recognition protein (PGRP) family in Drosophila, which sense microorganisms in an extracellular or luminal compartment. Other emerging families are the intracellular recognition molecules for bacteria, such as nucleotide binding and oligomerization domain-like receptors in mammals and PGRP--LE in Drosophila, several of which have been shown to detect structures of bacterial peptidoglycan in the host cell cytosol. Exciting advances in recent studies on autophagy indicate that macroautophagy (referred to here as autophagy) is selectively induced by intracellular recognition molecules and has a crucial role in the elimination of intracellular pathogens, including bacteria, viruses and parasites. This review discusses recent studies related to intracellular recognition molecules and innate immune responses to intracellular pathogens, and highlights the role of autophagy in innate immunity.  相似文献   

Retroviruses can selectively trigger an array of innate immune responses through various PRR. The identification and the characterization of the molecular basis of retroviral DNA sensing by the DNA sensors IFI16 and cGAS has been one of the most exciting developments in viral immunology in recent years. DNA sensing by these cytosolic sensors not only leads to the initiation of the type I interferon (IFN) antiviral response and the induction of the inflammatory response, but also triggers cell death mechanisms including pyroptosis and apoptosis in retrovirus-infected cells, thereby providing important insights into the pathophysiology of chronic retroviral infection. Host restriction factors such as SAMHD1 and Trex1 play important roles in regulating innate immune sensing, and have led to the idea that innate immune defense and host restriction actually converge at different levels to determine the outcome of retroviral infection. In this review, we discuss the sensing of retroviruses by cytosolic DNA sensors, the relevance of host factors during retroviral infection, and the interplay between host factors and the innate antiviral response in different cell types, within the context of two human pathogenic retroviruses – human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) and human T cell-leukemia virus type I (HTLV-1).  相似文献   

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