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Protease activities present in wheat germ and rabbit reticulocyte lysates   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Rabbit reticulocyte lysates and wheat germ lysates were found to contain significant neutral protease activity when assayed against the highly sensitive 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin (AMC) peptide substrates Phe-AMC, succinyl-Ala-Ala-Phe-AMC and t-boc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Ala-AMC (substrates for aminopeptidase, chymotrypsin and elastase-like enzymes, respectively). Additionally, wheat germ lysates contain a trypsin-like activity when assayed against CBZ-Gly-Gly-Arg-AMC and a post-proline cleaving activity which hydrolyzed the Pro-Ala bond of t-boc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Ala-AMC.  相似文献   

New epr features consistent with a novel type of Cu(II) are observed in partially reduced Type 2 copper depleted laccase molecules. Cu(II) hyperfine lines appear near 2590 G and 2770 G, and a rhombic g1 feature is also observed. These reflect a Cu(II) emergent on reductive disruption of the binuclear Type 3 site in T2D laccase. Additionally, much of the new, magnetically isolated Cu(II) is retained on full reoxidation of partly reduced Type 2 copper depleted laccase. The proportion of disrupted Type 3 Cu(II) sites remaining after reoxidation appears to depend on the prior distribution of electrons within T2D laccase.  相似文献   

An inhibitor of protein synthesis was activated under high oxygen partial pressure (pO2) in hemin-supplemented and glutathione disulfide-free lysates from rabbit reticulocytes. This inhibitor shared some common features with other translational inhibitors from rabbit reticulocytes; that is, hemin-controlled repressor, glutathione disulfide-activated inhibitor and high pressure-activated inhibitor. It caused biphasic kinetics of inhibition which could be potentiated by ATP. Its activation was prevented by cAMP or glucose 6-phosphate. The high pO2-inhibitor could be partially purified from post-ribosomal supernatant containing ribosomal salt wash by precipitation between 0-50% (NH4)2SO4-saturation, Sephadex G-100, and DEAE-cellulose chromatography.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that addition of Ca2+ and phospholipid (PL) inhibits translation in hemin-containing reticulocyte lysates through activation of a eukaryotic protein synthesis initiation factor (eIF-2) kinase. The possibility that this activation was mediated by a Ca2+-PL-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C, PKC) appeared unlikely by the observation that it was prevented or reversed by NADPH-generating systems. Nevertheless, reticulocyte lysates contain a potent PKC activity and we deemed it desirable to isolate this enzyme to answer unequivocally the question whether it does or does not activate eIF-2 alpha kinase. We have purified reticulocyte PKC to near homogeneity with Mr 95,500 as estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme absolutely depended upon both Ca2+ and phosphatidylserine for activity on histone H1 or the beta-subunit of initiation factor eIF-2 and underwent autophosphorylation in a Ca2+- and PL-dependent manner. Mild treatment with trypsin yielded an Mr 82,000 polypeptide that still required Ca2+ and PL for activity. This Mr agrees with that reported for other PKCs, suggesting that these enzymes may undergo limited degradation during isolation. Further proteolytic treatment converted the reticulocyte enzyme into a Ca2+- and PL-dependent form, as is known for PKCs from other sources. The highly purified PKC had no effect on translation in hemin-supplemented reticulocyte lysates.  相似文献   

GTP (2 mM) promotes protein synthesis in rabbit reticulocyte lysates in which protein chain initiation is inhibited by the activation of specific adenosine 3′:5′ cyclic monophosphate independent protein kinases in: 1) heme deficiency; or 2) in hemin-supplemented lysates by the addition of the purified heme-regulated protein kinase (HRI); or 3) oxidized glutathione; or 4) by low levels of double stranded RNA. The molecular basis for the promotion of protein synthesis by GTP under these various conditions was investigated by examining the in, situ state of eIF-2 phosphorylation. The results show that GTP (2 mM) blocks eIF-2 phosphorylation and also promotes the dephosphorylation of phosphorylated eIF-2. These findings suggest that GTP restores protein synthesis by a common mechanism that involves the relief of eIF-2 from phosphorylation. The nonphosphorylated eIF-2 is, therefore, available for the maintenance and the restoration of protin chain initiation cycle.  相似文献   

The binding of p3A4,3'-32P [pCp] to rabbit reticulocyte RNase L can be displaced by the trimer and tetramer triphosphates of 2',5'-oligoadenylates (2-5A). Using assay conditions of protein synthesis, 2-5A trimer or tetramer triphosphates are shown to be equally effective when the displacement is done at 4 degrees C (on ice). In contrast, at 30 degrees C, the tetramer triphosphates still displace whereas the trimer triphosphates become ineffective. When lysates are preincubated at temperature ranging from 4 degrees-37 degrees C, the same results are obtained even when the subsequent displacement is done on ice. Incubation temperature also significantly affects the ability of metabolically stable dyes cibacron blue and aurintricarboxylic acid to inhibit RNase L binding activity. Taken together, these results suggest that rabbit reticulocyte RNase L may assume multiple conformations which are differentially affected by various forms of 2-5A or other compounds.  相似文献   

2,3-Bisphosphoglycerate was the most potent effector of glycolytic intermediates tested for their effects on protein synthesis in gel-filtered lysates from rabbit reticulocytes. 2,3-Bisphosphoglycerate at low levels was stimulatory but became inhibitory at high levels. Both effects were dependent on Mg2+ concentrations. The higher the concentration of Mg2+, the higher the concentration of 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate required for maximal activation. 2,3-Bisphosphoglycerate concentrations required to exhibit an inhibitory effect increased as Mg2+ concentration increased. Both effects of 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate are discussed in terms of regulation of hemoglobin synthesis during maturation of erythroid cells.  相似文献   

A pancreatic deoxyribonuclease preparation, shown to be free of significant ribonuclease activity, inhibits hemoglobin synthesis in a rabbit reticulocytelysate. Preincubation with DNAase (15 min at 25 degrees C) is required to obtain a marked inhibitory effect (nearly 70%). It has been shown that DNAase does not significantly interfere with the elongation or termination steps of translation, but it seems to prevent reinitiation of globin polypeptide chains allowing polysome run-off. In particular, the formation of the 40S/met-tRNAmetf complex is greatly reduced in the DNAase-treated lysate. At the moment the mechanism by which DNAase inhibits initiation is not clear.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase type 1 and type 2 activities (designated PP-1 and PP-2, respectively) from rabbit reticulocyte lysates have been identified and characterized based on criteria previously established for similar activities in rabbit skeletal muscle and rabbit liver. These include (a) chromatographic separation on DEAE-cellulose, (b) substrate specificity toward glycogen phosphorylase a and the alpha- and beta-subunits of phosphorylase kinase, (c) differential sensitivity to the heat-stable protein phosphatase inhibitors-1 and -2, and (d) sensitivity to MgATP. When total lysate phosphatases are assayed in the presence of 1 mM MnCl2, protein phosphatase type 2 represents 84% of lysate phosphorylase phosphatase activity. However, when phosphatase assays are carried out with MgATP concentrations similar to those in the lysate, type 2 activity is diminished, and the levels of type 1 (41%) and type 2 (59%) phosphatase activities are comparable. A small proportion (6%) of total lysate phosphatase is tightly bound to the ribosomes, where type 1 phosphatase predominates. At least five species of protein phosphatases can be identified in lysates. These constitute two forms of protein phosphatase type 1, one of which (designated FC) is dependent on MgATP and a lysate activator protein FA; both FC and FA have been identified previously in skeletal muscle. Three species of protein phosphatase type 2 have been identified and designated PP-2B, PP-2A1, and PP-2A2 based on criteria recently established for rabbit skeletal muscle and rabbit liver phosphatases, which display similar phosphatase profiles. Lysate protein phosphatases types 1, FC, 2A1, and 2A2 can all act on phosphorylase a and the alpha- (type 2) or beta-(type 1) subunit of phosphorylase kinase. PP-2B, a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent phosphatase, specifically dephosphorylates the alpha-subunit of phosphorylase kinase, but does not act on phosphorylase alpha. The heat-stable protein phosphatase inhibitor-2 from skeletal muscle completely blocks the activity of the two type 1 phosphatases (PP-1, FC), but has no effect on the three species of type 2 protein phosphatase. A preliminary assay of the two heat-stable phosphatase inhibitors in lysates indicates significant levels of inhibitor-2, but little or no detectable inhibitor-1.  相似文献   

The cleavage pathway of the three capsid protein precursors of encephalomyocarditis virus, proteins A1, A, and B, was studied in rabbit reticulocyte lysates. Kinetic data suggested that the three proteins were cleaved through a sequential of A1 to A to B.  相似文献   

Inhibition of protein synthesis in rabbit reticulocyte lysates occurs in response to a variety of conditions including heme deficiency, addition of oxidants, and heat stress. The inhibition of translation is due to the activation of a heme-regulated protein kinase (HRI) which specifically phosphorylates the alpha-subunit of the eukaryotic initiation factor eIF-2. In this report, immunoadsorption with monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and Western blot analysis were used to investigate the interaction of HRI, the 90-kDa heat shock protein (hsp 90), hsp 70, and the EC1 antigen in rabbit reticulocyte lysates under protein synthesizing conditions. The data indicate that hsp 90, hsp 70, and the EC1 antigen interact with HRI in rabbit reticulocyte lysate. The EC1 antigen is a protein that has been demonstrated to be associated with several steroid hormone receptor-hsp 90 complexes and reacts with the KN 382/EC1 mAb (EC1). The association of HRI with hsp 90 and the EC1 antigen in the reticulocyte lysate was found to be dependent on the presence of hemin at a concentration of 5 microM or higher; little HRI was coadsorbed by the 8D3 anti-hsp 90 mAb or the EC1 mAb in the absence of hemin. Hsp 70 remains associated with HRI in the absence of hemin, suggesting that hsp 90 and 70 may bind to HRI at different sites. The immunological properties of the hsp 70 associated with HRI indicate that it may be the constitutively express heat shock cognate protein (hsc 73). The results suggest that the association of HRI with hsp 90 and the EC1 antigen may be in a dynamic equilibrium, in which complex formation is either facilitated or stabilized by the presence of hemin, and supports the notion that these proteins in conjunction with hsp 70 may play a role in regulating HRI activity or activation in situ.  相似文献   

Mouse interferon mRNA, extracted from NDV (Newcastle disease virus)-induced L-929 cells has been translated with high efficiency in Xenopus laevis oocytes and rabbit reticulocyte lysates. The translational efficiency of a crude RNA extract was 10 640 interferon units/mg RNA/hour for the Xenopus oocytes and 4 012 interferon units/mg RNA/hour for the reticulocyte lysates. The translation product fulfilled the usual criteria for mouse interferon, viz. species specificity and neutralization by specific anti-mouse interferon antiserum. Upon injection of crude interferon mRNA into Xenopus oocytes, interferon activity appeared both in the oocyte homogenates and the oocyte incubation medium. When analyzed by velocity sedimentation in formamidesucrose, the mouse interferon mRNA showed a rather sharp peak halfway between the 4 S and 18 S RNA markers, as could be expected from a mRNA which codes for a 20,000 dalton protein.  相似文献   

Inside the interphase cell, approximately 5% of the total intermediate filament protein exists in a soluble form. Past studies using velocity gradient sedimentation (VGS) indicate that soluble intermediate filament protein exists as an approximately 7 S tetrameric species. While studying intermediate filament assembly dynamics in the Xenopus oocyte, we used both VGS and size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) to analyze the soluble form of keratin. Previous studies (Coulombe, P. A., and E. Fuchs. 1990. J. Cell Biol. 111:153) report that tetrameric keratins migrate on SEC with an apparent molecular weight of approximately 150,000; the major soluble form of keratin in the oocyte, in contrast, migrates with an apparent molecular weight of approximately 750,000. During oocyte maturation, the keratin system disassembles into a soluble form (Klymkowsky, M. W., L. A. Maynell, and C. Nislow. 1991. J. Cell Biol. 114:787) and the amount of the 750-kD keratin complex increases dramatically. Immunoprecipitation analysis of soluble keratin from matured oocytes revealed the presence of type I and type II keratins, but no other stoichiometrically associated polypeptides, suggesting that the 750-kD keratin complex is composed solely of keratin. To further study the formation of the 750-kD keratin complex, we used rabbit reticulocyte lysates (RRL). The 750-kD keratin complex was formed in RRLs contranslating type I and type II Xenopus keratins, but not when lysates translated type I or type II keratin RNAs alone. The 750-kD keratin complex could be formed posttranslationally in an ATP-independent manner when type I and type II keratin translation reactions were mixed. Under conditions of prolonged incubation, such as occur during VGS analysis, the 750-kD keratin complex disassembled into a 7 S (by VGS), 150-kD (by SEC) form. In urea denaturation studies, the 7 S/150-kD form could be further disassembled into an 80-kD species that consists of cofractionating dimeric and monomeric keratin. Based on these results, the 750-kD species appears to be a supratetrameric complex of keratins and is the major, soluble form of keratin in both prophase and M-phase oocytes, and RRL reactions.  相似文献   

The stimulation of protein synthesis by NAD+ in rabbit reticulocyte lysates has been reported. [Lennon M. B., Wu, J., and Suhadolnik, R. J., (1976) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 72, 530–538]. NAD+ can replace the creatine phosphate-creatine phosphokinase (CPCPK) energy regenerating system normally used in in vitro protein synthesizing systems. The replacement of CPCPK by NAD+ is optimal at 37 °C. A significant lag in the rate of protein synthesis with NAD+ is observed with decreasing temperatures. Analysis of the adenylate energy charge with NAD+ shows an initial rapid decrease. This decrease in the energy charge recovers with increasing NAD+ concentrations. The energy level correlates with the rates of incorporation of d,l-[4,5-3H(N)]leucine into protein. ATP production via NAD+ pyrophosphorylase or oxidative phosphorylation does not explain the stimulation by NAD+. Rather, the stimulation is correlated with the activation of glycolysis. Glycolysis is not active in lysate preparations because NAD+ is absent. Additional possible roles of NAD+ in protein synthesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of rabbit red cell carbonic anhydrase isozyme B and C was demonstrated in reticulocyte cell-free lysates by the specific immunoprecipitin reaction. Using this homologous protein synthesis system, it was found that 10?5 to 10?7 M thyroxine preferentially inhibited the synthesis of carbonic anhydrase B isozyme without affecting that of C isozyme. These results suggested that this inhibitory action of the protein synthesis by thyroxine may be responsible for the decreased level of the B type isozymes in human hyperthyroidism or experimental hyperthyroidism of rabbits.  相似文献   

R S Ranu 《FEBS letters》1986,208(1):117-122
The heme-regulated protein kinase, which specifically phosphorylates the 38-kDa subunit of initiation factor eIF-2, can utilize adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (ATP[gamma S]) as a substrate. The rate of thiophosphorylation is 5-6-times slower than that observed with ATP. It is of special interest that thiophosphorylated derivatives of eIF-2 are resistant to dephosphorylation catalyzed by eIF-2 phosphoprotein phosphatase. The thiophosphorylated eIF-2 is less effective in promoting protein synthesis in hemin-deficient lysates under physiological conditions. In addition, ATP[gamma S] could also be utilized by the self-phosphorylation activity intrinsically associated with HRI.  相似文献   

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