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Despite variable and often scarce supplies of inorganic phosphate (Pi) from soils, plants must distribute appropriate amounts of Pi to each cell and subcellular compartment to sustain essential metabolic activities. The ability to monitor Pi dynamics with subcellular resolution in live plants is, therefore, critical for understanding how this essential nutrient is acquired, mobilized, recycled, and stored. Fluorescence indicator protein for inorganic phosphate (FLIPPi) sensors are genetically encoded fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based sensors that have been used to monitor Pi dynamics in cultured animal cells. Here, we present a series of Pi sensors optimized for use in plants. Substitution of the enhanced yellow fluorescent protein component of a FLIPPi sensor with a circularly permuted version of Venus enhanced sensor dynamic range nearly 2.5-fold. The resulting circularly permuted FLIPPi sensor was subjected to a high-efficiency mutagenesis strategy that relied on statistical coupling analysis to identify regions of the protein likely to influence Pi affinity. A series of affinity mutants was selected with dissociation constant values of 0.08 to 11 mm, which span the range for most plant cell compartments. The sensors were expressed in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), and ratiometric imaging was used to monitor cytosolic Pi dynamics in root cells in response to Pi deprivation and resupply. Moreover, plastid-targeted versions of the sensors expressed in the wild type and a mutant lacking the PHOSPHATE TRANSPORT4;2 plastidic Pi transporter confirmed a physiological role for this transporter in Pi export from root plastids. These circularly permuted FLIPPi sensors, therefore, enable detailed analysis of Pi dynamics with subcellular resolution in live plants.Phosphorus is an essential element that plants acquire and assimilate in the form of inorganic phosphate (Pi). This macronutrient is a component of numerous metabolites and macromolecules, including ATP, nucleic acids, and phospholipids, and serves key roles in energy transfer reactions, signal transduction processes, and regulation of enzyme activities. Of fundamental importance to plants, Pi also serves critical roles in photosynthesis as both a substrate for ATP synthesis through photophosphorylation and a regulator in the partitioning of fixed carbon between the starch and Suc biosynthetic pathways.In many soils, particularly those used for low-input agriculture, the amounts of Pi available to plants are limiting for growth and productivity (Vance et al., 2003). Most of the Pi in soils is unavailable, because it is immobilized through formation of insoluble complexes or exists in organic forms, such as phytate, that plants cannot use directly (Schachtman et al., 1998). As a result, concentrations of free Pi in soil solution range from 1 to 10 μm, whereas cells require Pi in the millimolar range (Bieleski, 1973).To acclimate to Pi limitation, plants have evolved mechanisms to enhance Pi acquisition and also, mobilize, recycle, and conserve internal stores. These mechanisms include secretion of organic acids and phosphatases (Vance et al., 2003), increased growth of lateral roots and root hairs (Bates and Lynch, 2000; Péret et al., 2011), production of high-affinity Pi transporters at the root-soil interface (Misson et al., 2004; Shin et al., 2004), formation of symbiotic association with mycorrhizal fungi, which enhances Pi scavenging capabilities (Javot et al., 2007), modification of metabolic pathways (Plaxton and Tran, 2011), and altered patterns of Pi translocation between organs and transport between subcellular compartments (Walker and Sivak, 1986; Mimura, 1999; Raghothama, 1999). Substantial insights have been gained into the underlying biochemical identities and regulatory strategies for such adaptive responses, including those related to sensing and signaling of Pi status (Rouached et al., 2010; Chiou and Lin, 2011; Plaxton and Tran, 2011; Jain et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2014). However, a thorough understanding of their respective mechanisms and how these are integrated is limited by the inability to assess intracellular Pi concentrations with high spatial and temporal resolution.Genetically encoded fluorescent sensors or biosensors have proven to be powerful tools for monitoring metabolites and ions in vivo, because their expression and subcellular targeting can be manipulated and fluorescence imaging is nondestructive (Lalonde et al., 2005; Okumoto et al., 2012). Sensor proteins are fusions of a ligand binding domain or protein with one or two fluorescent proteins (e.g. GFP and related variants). Sensors with a single fluorescent protein report ligand-dependent changes in conformation as changes in fluorescence intensity, whereas sensors with two fluorescent proteins can yield changes in fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), which can be quantified through ratiometric imaging. FRET-based sensors have been used in live plants to assess a variety of analytes, including Glc, maltose, Suc, Gln, calcium, zinc, and pH (Deuschle et al., 2006; Chaudhuri et al., 2008, 2011; Kaper et al., 2008; Rincón-Zachary et al., 2010; Adams et al., 2012; Gjetting et al., 2012, 2013; Krebs et al., 2012).Gu et al. (2006) engineered a FRET-based Pi sensor named fluorescence indicator protein for inorganic phosphate (FLIPPi) that consists of a cyanobacterial inorganic phosphate binding protein (PiBP) fused to enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (eCFP) and enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (eYFP) and showed the use of one of these sensors for monitoring cytosolic Pi in cultured animal cells. In this study, we generated a series of second generation FLIPPi sensors that were modified and optimized for use in live plants. Substitution of eYFP with a circularly permuted (cp) form of the fluorescent protein Venus (cpVenus; Nagai et al., 2002, 2004) greatly increased the magnitude of Pi-dependent FRET responses. In keeping with the initial nomenclature, Pi sensors constructed with cpVenus were designated cpFLIPPi. We also used a targeted mutagenesis approach to obtain cpFLIPPi sensors with Pi binding affinities that spanned the physiological range of most cell compartments and expressed these in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Confocal microscopy coupled with ratiometric analysis or acceptor photobleaching detected changes in cytosolic Pi levels in root epidermal cells in response to Pi starvation, and these changes were fully reversed by Pi replenishment. Plastid-localized versions of the same sensors expressed in wild-type plants and mutants lacking the PHOSPHATE TRANSPORT4;2 (PHT4;2) plastidic Pi transporter (Irigoyen et al., 2011) were used to confirm a role for this transporter in the export of Pi from root plastids. These results show the use of cpFLIPPi sensors for monitoring Pi distributions with both cellular and subcellular resolutions in live plants.  相似文献   

Here we describe a procedure to image subcellular structures in live rodents that is based on the use of confocal intravital microscopy. As a model organ, we use the salivary glands of live mice since they provide several advantages. First, they can be easily exposed to enable access to the optics, and stabilized to facilitate the reduction of the motion artifacts due to heartbeat and respiration. This significantly facilitates imaging and tracking small subcellular structures. Second, most of the cell populations of the salivary glands are accessible from the surface of the organ. This permits the use of confocal microscopy that has a higher spatial resolution than other techniques that have been used for in vivo imaging, such as two-photon microscopy. Finally, salivary glands can be easily manipulated pharmacologically and genetically, thus providing a robust system to investigate biological processes at a molecular level.In this study we focus on a protocol designed to follow the kinetics of the exocytosis of secretory granules in acinar cells and the dynamics of the apical plasma membrane where the secretory granules fuse upon stimulation of the beta-adrenergic receptors. Specifically, we used a transgenic mouse that co-expresses cytosolic GFP and a membrane-targeted peptide fused with the fluorescent protein tandem-Tomato. However, the procedures that we used to stabilize and image the salivary glands can be extended to other mouse models and coupled to other approaches to label in vivo cellular components, enabling the visualization of various subcellular structures, such as endosomes, lysosomes, mitochondria, and the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Schlemm''s canal is an important structure of the conventional aqueous humor outflow pathway and is critically involved in regulating the intraocular pressure. In this study, we report a novel finding that prospero homeobox protein 1 (Prox-1), the master control gene for lymphatic development, is expressed in Schlemm''s canal. Moreover, we provide a novel in vivo method of visualizing Schlemm''s canal using a transgenic mouse model of Prox-1-green fluorescent protein (GFP). The anatomical location of Prox-1+ Schlemm''s canal was further confirmed by in vivo gonioscopic examination and ex vivo immunohistochemical analysis. Additionally, we show that the Schlemm''s canal is distinguishable from typical lymphatic vessels by lack of lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor (LYVE-1) expression and absence of apparent sprouting reaction when inflammatory lymphangiogenesis occurred in the cornea. Taken together, our findings offer new insights into Schlemm''s canal and provide a new experimental model for live imaging of this critical structure to help further our understanding of the aqueous humor outflow. This may lead to new avenues toward the development of novel therapeutic intervention for relevant diseases, most notably glaucoma.  相似文献   

For a better understanding of the mode of action of duocarmycin and its analogs, the novel fluorescent duocarmycin derivatives 13 – 15 and 17b – 19b were synthesized, and their bioactivity as well as their cellular uptake investigated using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) in live‐cell imaging experiments.  相似文献   

By delivering optical images with spatial resolutions below the diffraction limit, several super-resolution fluorescence microscopy techniques opened new opportunities to study biological structures with details approaching molecular structure sizes. They have now become methods of choice for imaging proteins and their nanoscale dynamic organizations in live cells. In this mini-review, we describe and compare the main far-field super-resolution approaches that allow studying endogenous or overexpressed proteins in live cells.  相似文献   

By delivering optical images with spatial resolutions below the diffraction limit, several super-resolution fluorescence microscopy techniques opened new opportunities to study biological structures with details approaching molecular structure sizes. They have now become methods of choice for imaging proteins and their nanoscale dynamic organizations in live cells. In this mini-review, we describe and compare the main far-field super-resolution approaches that allow studying endogenous or overexpressed proteins in live cells.  相似文献   

Photostability is one of the most important characteristic of a dye for fluorescence microscopy. Recently we demonstrated that vitamins present in imaging media dramatically accelerate photobleaching of Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (EGFP) and many other green fluorescent and photoactivatable proteins. Here we tested all vitamins of commonly used media (such as Dulbecco''s Modified Eagle Medium, DMEM) one-by-one and found that only two vitamins, riboflavin and pyridoxal, decrease photostability of EGFP. Thus, DMEM without riboflavin and pyridoxal can be used as an imaging medium, which ensures high photostability of GFPs at the expense of minimal biochemical disturbance. Then, we tested some antioxidants and found that a plant flavonoid rutin greatly enhances photostability of EGFP during live cell microscopy. In complete DMEM, rutin increased EGFP photostability up to the level of vitamin-depleted DMEM. Moreover, being added to vitamin-depleted DMEM, rutin was able to further suppress EGFP photobleaching. Potentially, new medium formulations can be widely used for fluorescence microscopy of GFP-expressing cells and model multicellular organisms in a variety of imaging applications, where photostability represents a challenge.  相似文献   

There is no confocal microscope optimized for single-molecule imaging in live cells and superresolution fluorescence imaging. By combining the swiftness of the line-scanning method and the high sensitivity of wide-field detection, we have developed a, to our knowledge, novel confocal fluorescence microscope with a good optical-sectioning capability (1.0 μm), fast frame rates (<33 fps), and superior fluorescence detection efficiency. Full compatibility of the microscope with conventional cell-imaging techniques allowed us to do single-molecule imaging with a great ease at arbitrary depths of live cells. With the new microscope, we monitored diffusion motion of fluorescently labeled cAMP receptors of Dictyostelium discoideum at both the basal and apical surfaces and obtained superresolution fluorescence images of microtubules of COS-7 cells at depths in the range 085 μm from the surface of a coverglass.  相似文献   

Stem cells divide asymmetrically to generate two progeny cells with unequal fate potential: a self-renewing stem cell and a differentiating cell. Given their relevance to development and disease, understanding the mechanisms that govern asymmetric stem cell division has been a robust area of study. Because they are genetically tractable and undergo successive rounds of cell division about once every hour, the stem cells of the Drosophila central nervous system, or neuroblasts, are indispensable models for the study of stem cell division. About 100 neural stem cells are located near the surface of each of the two larval brain lobes, making this model system particularly useful for live imaging microscopy studies. In this work, we review several approaches widely used to visualize stem cell divisions, and we address the relative advantages and disadvantages of those techniques that employ dissociated versus intact brain tissues. We also detail our simplified protocol used to explant whole brains from third instar larvae for live cell imaging and fixed analysis applications.  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - Cell penetrating peptides (CPPs) are unique molecules with the ability to pass through biological membranes as they carry their cargoes...  相似文献   

Abstract: Frequent checks of live traps require enormous amounts of labor and add human scents associated with repeated monitoring, which may reduce capture efficiency. To reduce efforts and increase efficiency, we developed a trap-signaling device with long-distance reception, durability in adverse weather, and ease of transport, deployment, and use. Modifications from previous designs include a normally open magnetic switch and a mounting configuration to maximize reception. The system weighed <225 g, was effective ≤17.1 km, and failed in <1% of trap-nights. Employing this system, researchers and wildlife managers may reduce the amount of effort checking traps while improving the welfare of trapped animals.  相似文献   

The Drosophila brain and visual system are widely utilized model systems to study neuronal development, function and degeneration. Here we show three preparations of the brain and visual system that cover the range from the developing eye disc-brain complex in the developing pupae to individual eye and brain dissection from adult flies. All protocols are optimized for the live culture of the preparations. However, we also present the conditions for fixed tissue immunohistochemistry where applicable. Finally, we show live imaging conditions for these preparations using conventional and resonant 4D confocal live imaging in a perfusion chamber. Together, these protocols provide a basis for live imaging on different time scales ranging from functional intracellular assays on the scale of minutes to developmental or degenerative processes on the scale of many hours.  相似文献   

Cell-matrix adhesion plays a key role in controlling cell morphology and signaling. Stimuli that disrupt cell-matrix adhesion (e.g., myeloperoxidase and other matrix-modifying oxidants/enzymes released during inflammation) are implicated in triggering pathological changes in cellular function, phenotype and viability in a number of diseases. Here, we describe how cell-substrate impedance and live cell imaging approaches can be readily employed to accurately quantify real-time changes in cell adhesion and de-adhesion induced by matrix modification (using endothelial cells and myeloperoxidase as a pathophysiological matrix-modifying stimulus) with high temporal resolution and in a non-invasive manner. The xCELLigence cell-substrate impedance system continuously quantifies the area of cell-matrix adhesion by measuring the electrical impedance at the cell-substrate interface in cells grown on gold microelectrode arrays. Image analysis of time-lapse differential interference contrast movies quantifies changes in the projected area of individual cells over time, representing changes in the area of cell-matrix contact. Both techniques accurately quantify rapid changes to cellular adhesion and de-adhesion processes. Cell-substrate impedance on microelectrode biosensor arrays provides a platform for robust, high-throughput measurements. Live cell imaging analyses provide additional detail regarding the nature and dynamics of the morphological changes quantified by cell-substrate impedance measurements. These complementary approaches provide valuable new insights into how myeloperoxidase-catalyzed oxidative modification of subcellular extracellular matrix components triggers rapid changes in cell adhesion, morphology and signaling in endothelial cells. These approaches are also applicable for studying cellular adhesion dynamics in response to other matrix-modifying stimuli and in related adherent cells (e.g., epithelial cells).  相似文献   

单端孢霉烯B族毒素脱氧雪腐镰刀烯醇(deoxinivalenol, DON)是产毒镰刀菌在侵染小麦等作物过程中的一类重要的致病因子,可以帮助产毒镰刀菌在麦穗间扩展。DON会抑制蛋白质合成,对动物、微生物和寄主具有毒性(cytotoxicity and phytotoxicity),然而产毒镰刀菌自身借助何种保护机制免受DON毒害目前研究甚少。DON毒害机制的研究对于镰刀菌毒素的持续防控和粮食安全、人民生命健康保障具有重要意义。综述了产毒镰刀菌DON合成解毒机制的最新研究进展,主要包括DON合成的亚细胞定位、合成基因簇内的外排蛋白和解毒基因作用方式,以期为有针对性地破解其解毒机制,设计研发高效靶向控毒技术的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Kinesin-5 (also known as Eg5, KSP and Kif11) is required for assembly of a bipolar mitotic spindle. Small molecule inhibitors of Kinesin-5, developed as potential anti-cancer drugs, arrest cell in mitosis and promote apoptosis of cancer cells. We performed a genome-wide siRNA screen for enhancers and suppressors of a Kinesin-5 inhibitor in human cells to elucidate cellular responses, and thus identify factors that might predict drug sensitivity in cancers. Because the drug''s actions play out over several days, we developed an intermittent imaging screen. Live HeLa cells expressing GFP-tagged histone H2B were imaged at 0, 24 and 48 hours after drug addition, and images were analyzed using open-source software that incorporates machine learning. This screen effectively identified siRNAs that caused increased mitotic arrest at low drug concentrations (enhancers), and vice versa (suppressors), and we report siRNAs that caused both effects. We then classified the effect of siRNAs for 15 genes where 3 or 4 out of 4 siRNA oligos tested were suppressors as assessed by time lapse imaging, and by testing for suppression of mitotic arrest in taxol and nocodazole. This identified 4 phenotypic classes of drug suppressors, which included known and novel genes. Our methodology should be applicable to other screens, and the suppressor and enhancer genes we identified may open new lines of research into mitosis and checkpoint biology.  相似文献   

Many biological and clinical studies require the longitudinal study and analysis of morphology and function with cellular level resolution. Traditionally, multiple experiments are run in parallel, with individual samples removed from the study at sequential time points for evaluation by light microscopy. Several intravital techniques have been developed, with confocal, multiphoton, and second harmonic microscopy all demonstrating their ability to be used for imaging in situ1. With these systems, however, the required infrastructure is complex and expensive, involving scanning laser systems and complex light sources. Here we present a protocol for the design and assembly of a high-resolution microendoscope which can be built in a day using off-the-shelf components for under US$5,000. The platform offers flexibility in terms of image resolution, field-of-view, and operating wavelength, and we describe how these parameters can be easily modified to meet the specific needs of the end user.We and others have explored the use of the high-resolution microendoscope (HRME) in in vitro cell culture 2-5, in excised 6 and living animal tissues 2,5, and in human tissues in vivo2,7. Users have reported the use of several different fluorescent contrast agents, including proflavine 2-4, benzoporphyrin-derivative monoacid ring A (BPD-MA) 5, and fluoroscein 6,7, all of which have received full, or investigational approval from the FDA for use in human subjects. High-resolution microendoscopy, in the form described here, may appeal to a wide range of researchers working in the basic and clinical sciences. The technique offers an effective and economical approach which complements traditional benchtop microscopy, by enabling the user to perform high-resolution, longitudinal imaging in situ.  相似文献   

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