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Systematic long-term monitoring of abundance is essential to inform conservation measures and evaluate their effectiveness. To instigate such work in the Pelagos Sanctuary in the Mediterranean, two aerial surveys were conducted in winter and summer 2009. A total of 467 (131 in winter, 336 in summer) sightings of 7 species was made. Sample sizes were sufficient to estimate abundance of fin whales in summer (148; 95% CI = 87–254) and striped dolphins in winter (19,462; 95% CI = 12 939–29 273) and in summer (38 488; 95% CI = 27 447–53 968). Numbers of animals within the Sanctuary are significantly higher in summer, when human activities and thus potential population level impacts are highest. Comparisons with data from past shipboard surveys suggest an appreciable decrease in fin whales within the Sanctuary area and an appreciable increase in striped dolphins. Aerial surveys proved to be more efficient than ship surveys, allowing more robust estimates, with smaller CIs and CVs. These results provide essential baseline data for this marine protected area and continued regular surveys will allow the effectiveness of the MPA in terms of cetacean conservation to be evaluated and inform future management measures. The collected data may also be crucial in assessing whether ship strikes, one of the main causes of death for fin whales in the Mediterranean, are affecting the Mediterranean population.  相似文献   

A total of 1,715 km of boat-based surveys and 1,521 km of aircraft-based surveys was conducted from 1986–1989 to assess the distribution, relative abundance, and ecological relationships of cetaceans in the northern Gulf of California. Seven cetacean species were seen; in decreasing frequency of groups encountered they were: bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus ; vaquitas, Phocoena sinus ; common dolphins, Delphinus delphis ; fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus ; Bryde's whales, B. edeni ; gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus , and killer whales, Orcinus orca. Common dolphins were numerically dominant and bottlenose dolphins were seen most often. Bryde's whales and vaquitas had the smallest group sizes. In general, the odontocete cetaceans were separated spatially, whereas the distribution of Bryde's and fin whales overlapped considerably.  相似文献   

Jay  Barlow 《Marine Mammal Science》2006,22(2):446-464
Cetacean abundance is estimated for the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) around the Hawaiian Islands based on a ship line‐transect survey from August to November, 2002. Sighting detection functions are estimated from this and other NOAA research surveys from 1986 to 2002 using a new, multiple‐covariate approach. Twenty‐four species were seen on this survey, including two species (Fraser's dolphin [Lagenodelphis hosei] and sei whale [Balaenoptera borealis]) that had not been previously documented to occur in Hawaiian waters. The most abundant large whales are sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) and Bryde's whales (Balaenoptera edeni). The most abundant delphinids are pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus), rough‐toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis), Fraser's dolphins, spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata), and striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba). Dwarf and pygmy sperm whales (Kogia sima and Kogia breviceps) and Cuvier's beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) are also estimated to be quite abundant. Some of the migratory baleen whales (fin whales [Balaenoptera physalus], sei whales, minke whales [B. acutorostrata], and humpback whales [Megaptera novaeangliae]) were seen only late in the survey. Abundance is estimated for 19 cetacean species. The overall density of cetaceans is low in the study area, especially for delphinids. The precision of density and abundance estimates is generally low for all species because of the low number of sightings.  相似文献   

A sightings survey was conducted in the summer of 1991 in the western Mediterranean to describe the distribution of fin whales and to estimate their absolute abundance during the summer feeding season. Fin whales were only found in the Liguro-Provençal basin, in deep waters (mean depth 2,360, S.E.: 46.8 m), beyond the continental shelf. The highest densities of fin whales were found in relatively cool waters (mean = 23.9°C), and water in areas in which fin whales were found was significantly cooler than that in areas without fin whales. Patterns of distribution of whales, with remarkably high densities in the feeding grounds, and composition of schools, which were found to be smaller than in other regions, suggest that food resources for the species in the north-western Mediterranean feeding grounds occur at higher densities but are more patchily distributed than in other fin whale feeding grounds so far studied. Abundance was estimated as 3,583 individuals (S.E.: 967; 95% CI: 2,130-6,027).  相似文献   

The relative abundance of the most common cetacean schools in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean for 1977–1980 are estimated based on encounter rates with tuna purse-seiners. No temporal trends were apparent in the relative abundance estimates. The geographic distributions for eight different school types are described. Multivariate statistical techniques are used to investigate interrelations between species and relationships to parameters of the physical environment. The results suggest three major species groupings: (1) an inshore grouping of bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncates ), Risso's dolphin ( Grampus griseus ), pilot whales ( Globicephala macrorhynchus ) and, to a lesser extent, common dolphins ( Delphinus delphis ); (2) an offshore pelagic grouping of spotted and spinner dolphins ( Stenella attenuate and S. longirostris ); and (3) an association between pilot whales and common dolphins that overlaps the first grouping in inshore areas and also tends to be segregated from the second grouping. The results also suggest that relative densities of different school types are strongly related to physical environmental parameters, the most important being sea surface temperature, depth of the thermocline and thickness of the oxygen minimum layer.  相似文献   

The physical habitat of cetaceans found along the continental slope in the north-central and western Gulf of Mexico was characterized from shipboard sighting data, simultaneous hydrographic measurements, and satellite remote sensing. The study area was encompassed by the longitude of the Florida-Alabama border (87.5°W), the southernmost latitude of the Texas-Mexico border (26.0°N), and the 100-m and 2,000-m isobaths. Shipboard surveys were conducted seasonally for two years from April 1992 to May 1994. A total of 21,350 km of transect was visually sampled in an area of 154,621 km2. Sighting localities of species in the study area were differentiated most clearly with bottom depth. Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) were consistently found in the shallowest water on the continental shelf and along the shelf break. In addition, the bottom depth gradient (sea floor slope) was less for Atlantic spotted dolphins than for any other species. Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were found most commonly along the upper slope in water significantly deeper than that for Atlantic spotted dolphins. All the other species and species categories were found over deeper bottom depths; these were Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus), short-finned pilot whales (Glob-icephala macrorhynchus), pygmy/dwarf sperm whales (Kogia spp.), roughtoothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis), spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris), sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus), striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba), Mesoplodon spp., pantropical spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata), Clymene dolphins (Stenella clymene) and unidentified beaked whales (Ziphiidae). Risso's dolphins and short-finned pilot whales occurred along the upper slope and, as a subgroup, were significantly different from striped dolphins, Mesoplodon spp., pantropical spotted dolphins, Clymene dolphins, and unidentified beaked whales, which occurred in the deepest water. Pygmy/dwarf sperm whales, rough-toothed dolphins, spinner dolphins, and sperm whales occurred at intermediate depths between these two subgroups and overlapped them.  相似文献   

Research has suggested killer whale (Orcinus orca) predation may affect cetacean vocal behavior; however, few data exist to test this hypothesis. Data collected during 40,976 km of visual and acoustic shipboard surveys in the tropical Pacific Ocean, including 1,232 detections of 13 species, were examined to determine if changes in dolphin vocal activity could be attributed to the presence of killer whales. Generalized linear models and Random Forest analyses were used to test the hypothesis that dolphin vocal activity was related to the distance and time to the nearest killer whale sighting. Both results show that dolphin vocalizations were inversely correlated with the temporal proximity of killer whales (< 0.05). Despite the relative rarity of killer whales in the tropics, they appear to influence vocal behavior of nearby dolphin schools. This disruption in communication may not significantly impact interactions necessary for survival in tropical waters where killer whale density is low. However, in temperate climates, where increased productivity supports a greater abundance of killer whales, this interruption in communication may have a greater impact. The lower incidence of whistling dolphins in temperate waters may be related to the greater abundance of killer whales in these areas.  相似文献   

The study of local cetaceans in Venezuela has a very recent history, and few efforts have been made in the assessment of coastal populations based on field research. The occurrence of whales and dolphins along the northeast coast of Venezuela has been documented through sightings and stranding records. Given the underwater topographical features and the influence of upwelling processes, this area is considered a very productive coastal ecosystem. Our objective was to establish the sighting frequency and relative abundance of bottlenose dolphins in the area. Sighting records were gathered on bottlenose dolphins and other cetacean species occurring along the northeast coast of Margarita Island and Los Frailes Archipelago through direct observation during land-based (6 surveys, 48 hours of observation) and boat-based surveys (24 surveys, 121 hours of observation, 1295 km covered). A sighting frequency was calculated using two methodologies and then compared, considering: 1) a mean effective observation time (4.27 hours), and 2) distance covered with cetacean sightings (1108 kin). A third method is proposed relating a mean effective distance covered with cetacean sightings and expressed as a percentage. The abundance index was calculated using the mean effective observation time. The sighting frequency of Tursiops truncattus in the study area was 3 - 4 sightings per day of 4.27 observation hours, or by 185 kilometers covered. The relative abundance was calculated as 35 dolphins in the study area, so a total population of less than 60 dolphins could inhabit the proposed range. Tursiops truncatus is the dominant species in the northeast coast of Margarita Island and Los Frailes Archipelago with 70% of all the sightings, so this locality could be termed as the distribution range of a possible local population of bottlenose dolphins.  相似文献   

Visual line‐transect surveys are commonly used to estimate cetacean abundance. A key parameter in such studies is g(0), the probability of detecting an animal that is directly on the transect line. This is typically considered to be constant for a species across survey conditions. A method is developed to estimate the relative values of g(0) in different survey conditions (Beaufort state) by comparing Beaufort‐specific density estimates. The approach is based on fitting generalized additive models, with the presence of a sighting on a survey segment as the dependent variable, Beaufort state as the key explanatory variable, and year, latitude, and longitude as nuisance variables to control for real differences in density over time and space. Values of relative g(0) are estimated for 20 cetacean taxa using 175,000 km of line‐transect survey data from the eastern and central Pacific Ocean from 1986 to 2010. Results show that g(0) decreases as Beaufort state increases, even for visually conspicuous species. This effect is greatest for the least conspicuous species (rough‐toothed dolphins, beaked whales, minke whales, and dwarf and pygmy sperm whales). Ignoring these large effects results in a nontrivial bias in cetacean abundance estimates.  相似文献   

This study presents a detailed seasonal comparison of the abundance and distribution of cetaceans within 100-150 nmi (185-278 km) of the California coast during 1991 and 1992. The results of a shipboard line-transect survey conducted in July-November 1991 ("summer") were compared to those from aerial line-transect surveys conducted in March-April 1991 and February-April 1992 ("winter"). Using a confidence-interval-based bootstrap procedure, abundance estimates for six of the eleven species included in the comparison exhibited significant (α= 0.05) differences between the winter and summer surveys. Pacific white-sided dolphins ( Lagenorhynchus obliquidens ), Risso's dolphins ( Grampus griseus ), common dolphins ( Delphinus spp.), and northern right whale dolphins ( Lissodelphis borealis ) were significantly more abundant in winter. The abundance of blue whales ( Balaenoptera musculuss ) and gray whales ( Eschrichtius robustus ) reflected well-documented migratory patterns. Fin whales ( B. physalus ) were significantly more abundant during summer. No significant differences in seasonal abundance were identified for Dall's porpoises ( Phocoenoides dalli ), bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ), killer whales ( Orcinus orca ), sperm whales ( Physeter macrocephalus ), or humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae ). Significant north/south shifts in distribution were found for Dall's porpoises, common dolphins, and Pacific white-sided dolphins, and significant inshore/offshore differences were identified for northern right whale dolphins and humpback whales.  相似文献   

A dedicated aerial cetacean survey was conducted concurrently to a standardised net trawl survey for krill in order to investigate distribution patterns of large whales and different krill species and to investigate relationships of these. Distance sampling data were used to produce density surface models for humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae) and fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) around the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP). Abundance for both species was estimated over two strata in the Bransfield Strait and Drake Passage. Distinct distribution patterns suggest horizontal niche partitioning of the two whale species around the WAP, with fin whales aggregating at the shelf edge of the South Shetland Islands in the Drake Passage and humpback whales in the Bransfield Strait. Krill biomass estimated from the concurrent krill survey was used along with CTD data from the same expedition, bathymetric parameters and satellite data on chlorophyll-a and ice concentration to model krill distribution. Comparisons of the predicted distributions of both whale species with the predicted distributions of Euphausia superba, Euphausia crystallorophias and Thysanoessa macrura suggest a complex relationship rather than a straightforward correlation between krill and whales. However, results indicate that fin whales were feeding in an area dominated by T. macrura, while humpback whales were found in areas of higher E. superba biomass. Our results provide abundance estimates for humpback whales and, for the first time, fin whales in the WAP and contribute important information on feeding ecology and habitat use of these two species in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

Summer ichthyoplankton surveys were conducted in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2007 to 2010 to characterize the distribution and abundance of tuna larvae. Larval assemblages of tunas were comprised of four genera: Thunnus, Auxis, Euthynnus, and Katsuwonus. Thunnus were the most abundant and four species were detected; T. atlanticus [blackfin tuna], T. obesus [bigeye tuna], T. albacares [yellowfin tuna], and T. thynnus [bluefin tuna]. Intra- and inter-annual variability in the distribution and abundance of Thunnus species were observed with higher densities in 2008 and 2009, with a decline in abundance observed in 2010. Distribution and abundance of Thunnus larvae were influenced by physical and chemical conditions of the water mass, notably sea surface temperature and salinity. Distinct species-specific habitat preferences were observed and the location of mesoscale oceanographic features influenced larval abundance with higher densities of T. atlanticus, T. obesus, and T. albacares near anticyclonic (warm core) regions and the Loop Current, while T. thynnus was observed in higher densities near cyclonic (cold core) regions. This study demonstrates that spatial and temporal variability in the location of mesoscale oceanographic features may be important to partitioning nursery habitat among Thunnus species.  相似文献   

Aggregations of predators on food patches have been documented for both terrestrial and marine animals. Here, we documented for the first time, and investigated, non-predatory aggregations occurring between humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) and killer whales (Orcinus orca) while feeding on wintering Norwegian spring spawning herring (Clupea harengus) in Andfjord, northern Norway. Observational data were collected during 109 opportunistic surveys through three seasons 2013–2016. Killer whales were observed feeding on 59 occasions, with one to three humpback whales involved in 47 of these feeding events (79.7%), and there was an increased probability of finding feeding humpback whales when feeding killer whales also were observed. With killer whales identified as the initiating species in 94.4% of the feeding aggregations for which the first species was known, and with humpback whales joining and feeding on the fish ball afterwards, we suggest that humpback whales may benefit more from these aggregations than the opposite.  相似文献   

Capture‐recapture methods relying on dorsal fin natural markings have never been applied successfully to striped dolphins, Stenella coeruleoalba, and were rarely used to assess abundance of short‐beaked common dolphins, Delphinus delphis. We used digital photo‐identification to obtain abundance estimates of striped and common dolphins living in mixed groups in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. The proportion of either species was calculated based on the relative number of photographs of adult animals showing relevant portions of their body during conspicuous surfacings. Striped dolphins and common dolphins averaged 95.0% and 3.2% of all individuals, respectively. Animals showing intermediate pigmentation accounted for another 1.8%. Striped dolphin numbers were relatively high, with a point estimate of 835 animals (95% CI = 631–1,106). Common dolphins numbers were low (point estimate 28 animals; 95% CI = 11–73) and individuals were scattered within striped dolphin groups, indicating that this common dolphin population may be nonviable. Within a semiclosed Gulf exposed to considerable anthropogenic impact, the future of both dolphin species is of concern due to their suspected geographic isolation and restricted extent of occurrence. Information provided here can be used to inform timely conservation efforts.  相似文献   

The MOXD2 gene encodes a membrane-bound monooxygenase similar to dopamine-β-hydroxylase, and has been proposed to be associated with olfaction. In this study, we analyzed MOXD2 genes from 64 mammalian species, and identified loss-of-function mutations in apes (humans, Sumatran and Bornean orangutans, and five gibbon species from the four major gibbon genera), toothed whales (killer whales, bottlenose dolphins, finless porpoises, baijis, and sperm whales), and baleen whales (minke whales and fin whales). We also identified a shared 13-nt deletion in the last exon of Old World cercopithecine monkeys that results in conversion of a membrane-bound protein to a soluble form. We hypothesize that the frequent inactivation and alteration of MOXD2 genes in catarrhines and whales may be associated with the evolution of olfaction in these clades.  相似文献   

Simultaneous whale sighting and hydroacoustic surveys were conducted from a research vessel in the Antarctic to examine the relationship between the distribution of euphausiids and baleen whales. High densities of minke whales and large aggregations of euphausiids were observed along the ice edge over the continental slope in the southeast region of area IV and in the southwest region of area V. The results suggest that the continental slope zone that coincides with the ice edge would be an important minke whale feeding area. Minke whales were rarely sighted in the offshore region even if euphausiids were abundant. Distributions of humpback whales were correlated with high euphausiid density zones, regardless of the bottom topographic features. Several groups of blue whales were sighted in the small area along the ice edge where euphausiids were abundant, but sightings were too few to draw any general conclusion about the relationship between blue whales and euphausiids. Both baleen whales and euphausiids were scarce in the area east of 170°W where sea ice covered the continental shelf and slope zone.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted in the summer of 1991 in the western Mediterranean to map the distribution and to estimate the number of striped dolphins surviving the 1990 outbreak of the morbillivirus epizootic. The highest densities of striped dolphins were found in the Alboran Sea and the Ligurian Sea. Total numbers were estimated at 117,880 (SE: 38,962; 95% CI: 68,379–214,800). The mortality resulting from the epizootic is unknown but may have been severe because the mean size of dolphin schools observed during the epizootic outbreak was significantly smaller than that before the event. A return to larger school sizes after the 1990 outbreak is not evidence of a recovery but can be viewed as a regrouping of individuals into schools of a preferred size. Calves were observed in 24.6% of the schools. They were not seen in schools of ten or less but were present in about half the schools of 30 or more dolphins, a result which suggests segregation similar to that seen in populations of this species elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

Aerial surveys of marine mammals are routinely conducted to assess and monitor species’ habitat use and population status. In Australia, dugongs (Dugong dugon) are regularly surveyed and long-term datasets have formed the basis for defining habitat of high conservation value and risk assessments of human impacts. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) may facilitate more accurate, human-risk free, and cheaper aerial surveys. We undertook the first Australian UAV survey trial in Shark Bay, western Australia. We conducted seven flights of the ScanEagle UAV, mounted with a digital SLR camera payload. During each flight, ten transects covering a 1.3 km2 area frequently used by dugongs, were flown at 500, 750 and 1000 ft. Image (photograph) capture was controlled via the Ground Control Station and the capture rate was scheduled to achieve a prescribed 10% overlap between images along transect lines. Images were manually reviewed post hoc for animals and scored according to sun glitter, Beaufort Sea state and turbidity. We captured 6243 images, 627 containing dugongs. We also identified whales, dolphins, turtles and a range of other fauna. Of all possible dugong sightings, 95% (CI = 90%, 98%) were subjectively classed as ‘certain’ (unmistakably dugongs). Neither our dugong sighting rate, nor our ability to identify dugongs with certainty, were affected by UAV altitude. Turbidity was the only environmental variable significantly affecting the dugong sighting rate. Our results suggest that UAV systems may not be limited by sea state conditions in the same manner as sightings from manned surveys. The overlap between images proved valuable for detecting animals that were masked by sun glitter in the corners of images, and identifying animals initially captured at awkward body angles. This initial trial of a basic camera system has successfully demonstrated that the ScanEagle UAV has great potential as a tool for marine mammal aerial surveys.  相似文献   

Since 1979, fishery-independent data and fishery-dependent data have been used to estimate trends in the abundance of the northeastern stock of spotted dolphins in the eastern tropical Pacific. Data collected aboard tuna vessels have been used to estimate trends in relative abundance, while data collected from fishery-independent research vessels have been used to estimate trends in actual abundance. One of the largest discrepancies between the two data sources is that tuna vessels tend to report dolphin schools that are 400%—500% larger than schools observed by research vessels. After comparing research vessel and tuna vessel observations overlapping in space and time, it appears that either measurement error or selective reporting of large schools is the most likely explanation for the disparity. Comparing single-species schools against portions of mixed- species schools introduced bias. Revised fishery-dependent abundance estimates were generated using only single-species dolphin schools, resulting in estimates that appear more similar to recent fishery-independent abundance estimates.
correctable in fishery-dependent data, suggesting that data on mixed-species schools should not be considered if fishery-dependent data are to be combined with fishery-independent data for stock assessment purposes.  相似文献   

The highly specialized coronulid barnacle Xenobalanus globicipitis attaches exclusively on cetaceans worldwide, but little is known about the factors that drive the microhabitat patterns on its hosts. We investigate this issue based on data on occurrence, abundance, distribution, orientation, and size of X. globicipitis collected from 242 striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) that were stranded along the Mediterranean coast of Spain. Barnacles exclusively infested the fins, particularly along the trailing edge. Occurrence, abundance, and density of X. globicipitis were significantly higher, and barnacles were significantly larger, on the caudal fin than on the flippers and dorsal fin. Barnacles were found more frequently and in greater numbers on the dorsal rather than ventral side of the caudal fin and on the central third of dorsal and ventral fluke surfaces. Nearly all examined individuals attached with their cirral fan oriented opposite to the fluke edge. We suggest that X. globicipitis may chemically recognize dolphins as a substratum, but fins, particularly the flukes, are passively selected because of creation of vortices that increase contact of cyprids with skin and early survival of these larvae at the corresponding sites. Cyprids could actively select the trailing edge and orient with the cirri facing the main direction of flow. Attachment on the dorsal side of the flukes is likely associated with asymmetrical oscillation of the caudal fin, and the main presence on the central segment of the flukes could be related to suitable water flow conditions generated by fluke performance for both settlement and nutrient filtration.  相似文献   

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