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We describe, discuss, and illustrate four new species, one inAdiantum (A. capillatum A. R. Sm. &; Prado, from Ecuador) and three species inPteris (P. lellingeri A. R. Sm. &; Prado, from Bolivia;P. venezuelensis A. R. Sm. &; Prado, from Venezuela; andP. websteri A. R. Sm. &; Prado, from Ecuador, Colombia, and Bolivia).  相似文献   

Jefferson Prado 《Brittonia》2000,52(2):210-212
A new species,Adiantum discolor Prado (Pteridaceae), known only from the wet forests of eastern coastal Brazil, in Bahia, is described and illustrated. It is distinguished principally by its 2-pinnate fronds with a long stipe, 2 or 3 pairs of lateral pinnae, discolorous laminae, and glabrous indusia. Uma nova espécie,Adiantum discolor Prado (Pteridaceae), conhecida somente das florestas úmidas da costa leste do Brasil, no Estado da Bahia, é descrita e ilustrada. Distingüe-se princi-palmente pelas frondes 2-pinadas com um longo pecíolo, 2 ou 3 pares de pinas laterais, laminas discolores e indúsios glabros.  相似文献   

Two populations ofAdiantum Xvariopinnatum were found at the La Selva Biological Field Station in Costa Rica. The plants were morphologically intermediate between their parents, showed additive isozyme banding patterns, and had aborted spores. Herbarium searches for the hybrid turned up specimens from Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, and Colombia. These are the first reports of the hybrid outside of Trinidad.  相似文献   

Jefferson Prado 《Brittonia》2006,58(4):379-384
Three new species from Bolivia and Peru (Adiantum solomonii, A. tryonii, andA. tuomistoanum) are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

The sporoderm ultrastructure of Anogramma Link species, which grow in Argentina, was studied using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The species A. chaerophylla (Desv.) Link and A. lorentzii (Hieron.) Diels were studied with TEM for the first time. The spores of both species have a sculptured, apparently two-layered exospore. The perispore is uniformly thickened on the whole surface: in A. chaerophylla it is three-layered, while, in A. lorentzii it is single-layered with a complex structure. Spherules are present on the perispore surface or incorporated into the structure of A. chaerophylla while, globules exist on and within the perispore in A. lorentzii. The sporoderm ultrastructure in these two species was compared with other cingulate genera within the Pteridaceae. The characteristics found in this work, with respect to spore wall structure and general morphology, suggest that these characters may differentiate species within genus.  相似文献   

Trachypteris is a small genus consisting of four species native to America and Madagascar: Trachypteris induta, T.?pinnata, T.?gilliana, and T.?drakeana. The spores of the genus were studied using light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. They are trilete, triangular to globose, with equatorial diameter of 29?C58???m and polar diameter of 26?C53???m. The exospore is 0.5?C1.1???m thick, plane, and two-layered. The perispore is 0.3?C6.8???m thick and two-layered. Depending on the species, two different ornamentations were observed: cristated with partially fused cristae, and ridged with partially fused ridges, forming an incomplete reticulum. Globules immersed in the perispore were occasionally observed. The systematic value of the Trachypteris spores is discussed, and their morphology and ultrastructure are compared with those of other related cheilanthoid ferns. The palynological characteristics presented here may be useful for phylogenetic studies within the Pteridaceae, and particularly within the cheilanthoid ferns.  相似文献   

蕨类植物孢子表面的纹饰形态复杂多样, 在分类学和古生物学研究中具有重要意义, 目前探索祖先性状演化常用形态学与系统发育学结合的方法。本文选取一回羽叶铁线蕨类植物为材料, 用扫描电子显微镜观察其孢子形态, 用5个叶绿体基因序列构建系统树, 用最大似然法和最大简约法来分析孢子性状的演化。结果表明: 一回羽叶铁线蕨类的孢子纹饰有5种类型, 即光滑、粗糙、颗粒、疣状及瘤状; 这一类群的祖先孢子纹饰有很大的可能是瘤状纹饰; 疣状纹饰可能是由瘤状纹饰演化而来; 孢子纹饰由简单向复杂演化, 越进化的物种其孢子纹饰越复杂。  相似文献   

超微结构研究显示傅氏凤尾蕨(Pteris fauriei Hieron)精子发生过程包括生毛体、多层结构和鞭毛等运动细胞器重新发生,环状线粒体形成,核塑形等过程,最后形成一个螺旋形的游动精子,这与其他真蕨类精子发生过程相似。本研究观察到的一些新现象包括:精细胞在分化早期呈极性,细胞核位于精细胞的近极端,生毛体、线粒体和质体等细胞器主要分布远极端;在生毛体分化早期,可见大量微管从其发出,其周围线粒体丰富;基体分化经历了前中心粒、中心粒和基体3个阶段,它们的内部结构不同;研究表明生毛体内的不定形物质是微管组织者,多层结构、附属微管带及鞭毛等细胞器均由不定形物质分化形成;精细胞在分化过程中产生了丰富的膜结构,它们可能为精核塑形提供原料。本研究报道了傅氏凤尾蕨精细胞分化的一些细节,这有助于进一步揭示蕨类植物精子发生的细胞学机制。  相似文献   

Spore morphology of 25 Mexican and Central American species in Pteris were studied. This was accomplished using scanning electron and light microscopy. Spores are trilete, tetrahedral, with plane or slightly convex proximal faces, concave only occasionally, and convex or hemispherical distal faces. In addition to these general features and size, we also considered the following traits: (a) cingulum; (b) presence of a commissural flange; (c) types of macro-ornamentation; (d) ornamentation in distal and proximal faces. In general, distal and proximal faces of Pteris spores are divided by a circumfluent cingulum, lacking ornamentation, infrequently not well defined, or interrupted. The laesura have a commissural flange in almost half of the studied species. The most common macro-ornamentation is muriform, less frequently steliform or buliform. Ornamentation is usually different on both sides of the spore. In most of the studied species occasional to abundant globules are present on the spore surface. The combination of these traits allows us to recognise six spore types, which are described in detail. These spore types disagree with groups of species of Neotropical Pteris previously studied using other characteristics (mainly frond architecture and molecular data). Our results show that the use of spore characteristics can help clarify infrageneric taxonomy in Pteris.  相似文献   

Based on morphological study of specimens and extensive fieldwork, with the analysis of the micromorphology and phytogeographic materials, the series Venusta of Adiantum from Pan Himalayas was taxonomically revised. It turns out that the shapes of indusia on fertile pinnules and the morphological characteristics of apical serrations on ultimate pinnules and the microstructures of scales are the most important characters for species identification. Seven species and two varieties were recognized from Pan Himalayas: Adiantum roborowskii, A. roborowskii var. robustum, Abonatianum, Afengianum, Afimbriatum, Adavidii, Adavidii var. longispina, Avenustum and Atibeticum. Three published names were reduced to synonyms: Adiantum breviserratum was synonym of Afimbriatum, Adiantum erythrochlamys was synonym of Aroborowskii var. robustum and Adiantum bonatianum var. subaristatum was synonym of Abonatianum.  相似文献   

Irradiation of spores of the fern Mohria caffrorum Sw. witheither red light (67.4 µW cm–2) or far-red light(63.2 µW cm–2) for a period of 24 h induced maximumlevels of germination. Brief irradiations with blue light (127.6µW cm–2) administered before or after photoinductioncompletely nullified the effects of red or far-red light; however,with prolonged exposure to blue light, germination levels roseto near maximum. The similar effects of red and far-red lightin promoting spore germination makes the involvement of phytochromein this process questionable. Based on energy requirements,the promotive and inhibitory phases of blue light appear toinvolve independent modes of action. Mohria caffrorum, ferns, spore germination, photoinduction, phytochrome  相似文献   

Diacylglyceryl-O-4'-(N,N,N-trimethyl)-homoserine was isolatedfrom fronds of the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris L. and identifiedby chemical and spectral analyses. Positional analysis of thefatty acids by lipase treatment showed that palmitic acid wasesterified at position 1, but linoleic, linolenic and arachidonicacids at position 2 of the glycerol moiety of the lipid. Althoughthe trimethylhomoserine lipid has been found in some algal species,this is the first report that it exists in a vascular plant. (Received April 9, 1983; Accepted June 22, 1983)  相似文献   

Spectrophotometric studies of fern phytochrome were performedusing dark-grown leaves of Adiantum. The absorbance differencespectrum between the red- and far-red-light irradiated sampleshowed a photoreversible absorbance change in the far-red region,with a maximum located at 728–730 nm. The concentrationof phytochrome was highest at the leaf tips and decreased graduallyalong the leaf axis. As in the case of angiosperm phytochrome,the level of fern phytochrome decreased under continuous whitelight, and the level increased again when deetiolated tissuewas transferred back to the dark. When the fern tissue was exposedto a pulse of red light, the dark reversion of PFR to PR tookplace with almost no destruction of PFR. Phytochrome could beextracted from light-grown young leaves of the fern with a slightlyalkaline, aqueous buffer that contained 1 M NaCl. The differencespectrum of the partially purified phytochrome from fern wassimilar to that of partially degraded phytochrome from angio-sperms.A polyclonal antibody raised against phytochrome from etiolatedrye seedlings immuno-stained (albeit weakly) a 110-kDa polypeptideafter fractionation by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresisof the preparation of fern phytochrome. The band was very probablyfern phytochrome since it emitted zinc-induced fluorescence. (Received July 12, 1990; Accepted October 5, 1990)  相似文献   

The Photocontrol of Spore Germination in the Fern Ceratopteris richardii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes how different wavelengths of light regulatespore germination in the fern Ceratopteris richardii. This speciesdoes not exhibit any dark germination. Maximum photosensitivityof the spores is reached 7 to 10 d after imbibition. An increasein the red light fluence above the threshold fluence of 1016quanta.m–2 leads to a corresponding increase in germination.In sequential irradiation experiments, farred light can reversethis red light-mediated germination to the level observed withthe far-red light control. Blue light fluences above 1020 quanta.m–2can also block the germination response to red light. Moreover,this antagonistic effect of blue light is not reversed by subsequentirradiation with red light. It is therefore concluded that phytochromeand a distinct blue light photoreceptor control C. richardiispore germination. These interpretations are entirely consistentwith the published literature on other fern genera. (Received November 28, 1986; Accepted April 6, 1987)  相似文献   

利用光镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜对凤尾蕨科(Pteridaceae)蜈蚣草(Pteris vittata L.)孢壁的形成和发育进行研究。结果表明:蜈蚣草孢子四面体型,极面观钝三角圆形,赤道面观半圆形或超半圆形,近极面具瘤状纹饰和近极脊,远极面具脊并连成网状,具赤道环;孢子具乌毛蕨型外壁,由外壁外层构成纹饰的轮廓;实心型周壁由2层构成,且内层薄、外层具小球体。结合孢子外壁和周壁的发育特征,认为凤尾蕨科与裸子蕨科和水蕨科的亲缘关系较近,支持将裸子蕨科和水蕨科置于凤尾蕨科。  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of phytochrome (PHY1) mRNA in the fernAdiantum was investigated by in situ hybridization. PHY1 mRNAsare expressed predominantly in the abaxial rather than the adaxialpart of the petiole of leaf croziers. Moreover, the signalsin light-grown croziers are predominantly nuclear in locationrather than cyto-plasmic. 4Present address: Department of Biology, Yale University, 165Prospect Street, New Haven, CT06520-8104, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Certain fatty acids in the C5 to C18 range, at concentrations as low as 10−5 M, were found to inhibit the germinations of spores of the sensitive fern, Onoclea sensibilis L. The addition of gametophytic culture flltrates of the bracken fern, Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn, containing antheridogen A, was found to overcome this inhibition and allow the spores to germinate and the gametophytes to develop in a normal fashion. Some fatty acids were found to increase the antheridium-inducing potency of antheridogen A as much as 10-fold. An effect similar to this may promote the diecious reproduction of ferns.  相似文献   

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