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Aim Urbanization is associated with strong changes in biodiversity, but the diversity of plant and animal assemblages varies among urban habitats. We studied effects of urban habitats on the diversity of vascular plants and land snails in 32 large cities. Location Central Europe, Belgium and the Netherlands. Methods The species composition of all vascular plants that had not been planted by humans, and all land snails, was recorded in seven 1‐ha plots within each city. Each plot contained one urban habitat type representing a different disturbance regime: historical city square, boulevard, residential area with compact building pattern, residential area with open building pattern, park, early successional and mid‐successional site. For each plot, we obtained temperature and precipitation data. The effects of climate and habitat types on species composition were quantified using ordination methods with an adjusted variation partitioning algorithm. Differences in species composition among urban habitats were described using statistically determined diagnostic species, and differences in alpha, beta and gamma diversity were quantified. Results A total of 1196 plant and 87 snail species were recorded. Habitat type explained higher proportions of the total variation in both plant and snail species composition (11.2 and 8.2%, respectively) than did climate (4.6 and 6.3%). For both taxa, the main differences in species composition were observed between strongly urbanized sites in city centres and early successional and mid‐successional sites. For vascular plants, the number of species was lowest in city squares and boulevards, and highest at successional sites and in residential areas with compact building patterns. Beta diversity of vascular plants calculated for the same habitat types among cities was highest for squares and successional sites. The number of snail species was lowest in city squares and at early successional sites, and highest at mid‐successional sites. The highest beta diversity of snail assemblages among cities was observed within the city square and early successional habitat types, and the lowest within residential area habitat types. Main conclusions Urban habitats differ notably in the diversity of their vascular plant flora and land snail fauna. Understanding the habitat‐related biodiversity patterns in urbanized landscapes will allow projections of future impacts of urban land‐use changes on the biota.  相似文献   



Large ‐ scale diversity patterns are generated by different but not mutually exclusive mechanisms. However, understanding of multiple facets of diversity and their determinants in the freshwater realm remains limited. Here, we characterized the geographical gradients, hotspots and spatial congruence of three facets of freshwater molluscan diversity and evaluated the relative importance of three different underlying mechanisms related to the energy, area/environmental heterogeneity and dispersal/historical hypotheses.




Species richness (SR), functional richness (FR) and taxonomic distinctness (TD, a proxy of phylogenetic diversity) were calculated for 212 drainage basins with a total of 313 molluscan species. Spatial congruence between the diversity facets was evaluated with Pearson correlation coefficient and overlap among hotspots. Multiple linear regression models and variation partitioning were used to assess the relative importance of different mechanisms.


Hotspots of SR and FR were mainly concentrated in the Yangtze River and Huai River basins, while high TD values were patchily distributed across China. We found extremely low spatial congruence between TD and both SR and FR, while there was relatively high concordance between SR and FR. All diversity facets were best explained by the dispersal/historical hypothesis with strong unique effects, followed by the factors related to the energy hypothesis. The area/ environmental heterogeneity hypothesis was only weakly supported.

Main conclusions

We found a potentially strong influence of dispersal limitation and evolutionary history on the geographical diversity gradients of Chinese molluscs. This finding contrasts with the general finding that energy‐related factors are the strongest correlates of diversity patterns at large spatial scales. Moreover, our results do not support the idea that using any one diversity component as a surrogate of the others in developing conservation strategies. Instead, an integrative approach embracing multiple facets of diversity should be adopted in the conservation of freshwater biodiversity.

Urbanization is one of the most extreme forms of environmental alteration, posing a major threat to biodiversity. We studied the effects of urbanization on avian communities via a systematic review using hierarchical and categorical meta‐analyses. Altogether, we found 42 observations from 37 case studies for species richness and 23 observations from 20 case studies for abundance. Urbanization had an overall strong negative effect on bird species richness, whereas abundance increased marginally with urbanization. There was no evidence that city size played a role in influencing the relationship between urbanization and either species richness or abundance. Studies that examined long gradients (i.e. from urban to rural) were more likely to detect negative urbanization effects on species richness than studies that considered short gradients (i.e. urban vs. suburban or urban vs. rural areas). In contrast, we found little evidence that the effect of urbanization on abundance was influenced by gradient length. Effects of urbanization on species richness were more negative for studies including public green spaces (parks and other amenity areas) in the sampled landscapes. In contrast, studies performed solely in the urban matrix (i.e. no green spaces) revealed a strong positive effect on bird abundance. When performing subset analyses on urban–suburban, suburban–rural and suburban–natural comparisons, species richness decreased from natural to urban areas, but with a stronger decrease at the urban–suburban interface, whereas bird abundance showed a clear intermediate peak along the urban–rural gradient although abundance in natural areas was comparable to that in suburban areas. This suggests that species loss happens especially at the urban–suburban interface, and that the highest abundances occur in suburban areas compared to urban or rural areas. Thus, our study shows the importance of suburban areas, where the majority of birds occur with fairly high species richness.  相似文献   

新陈代谢是生物的基本生理过程。生态学代谢理论(metabolic theory of ecology)基于生物个体大小和环境温度对个体新陈代谢过程的影响, 使用尺度推移(scaling)的方法来解释多种生态学格局和过程。James Borwn等将这一理论用于解释物种多样性的大尺度格局, 并从机制上解释了物种多样性与环境温度的关系。这一理论提出了两个明确的预测: (1)物种多样性的对数与绝对温度的倒数之间呈线性关系; (2) 这一线性关系的斜率为–0.6至–0.7。这一理论自提出以来, 饱受争议, 经过了正反两方面经验数据的检验, 目前仍未形成一致的结论。虽然这一理论仍面临着一些有待解决的问题, 但它以崭新的思路和方法有别于以往的基于统计学方法的研究。人们过去对该理论的实证检验忽略了两个重要的约束条件, 即除温度以外的环境条件处于理想状态和群落处于平衡状态, 而这两个约束条件是理解该理论的基础。本文对生态学代谢理论的理论框架、预测和含义, 以及以往的检验结果进行阐述, 在此基础上提出了作者对该理论的若干认识和未来研究中应考虑的若干问题。  相似文献   

Aim The scale dependence of many ecological patterns and processes implies that general inference is reliant on obtaining scale‐response curves over a large range of grains. Although environmental correlates of richness have been widely studied, comparisons among groups have usually been applied at single grains. Moreover, the relevance of environment–richness associations to fine‐grain assemblages has remained surprisingly unclear. We present a first global cross‐scale assessment of environment–richness associations for birds, mammals and amphibians from 2000 km down to c. 20 km. Location World‐wide. Methods We performed an extensive survey of the literature for well‐sampled terrestrial vertebrate inventories over clearly defined small extents. Coarser grain richness was estimated from the intersection of extent‐of‐occurrence range maps with concentric equal‐distance circles around fine‐grain assemblage location centroids. General linear and simultaneous autoregressive models were used to relate richness at the different grains to environmental correlates. Results The ability of environmental variables to explain species richness decreases markedly toward finer grains and is lowest for fine‐grained assemblages. A prominent transition in importance occurs between productivity and temperature at increased grains, which is consistent with the role of energy affecting regional, but not local, richness. Variation in fine‐grained predictability across groups is associated with their purported grain of space use, i.e. highest for amphibians and narrow‐ranged and small‐bodied species. Main conclusions We extend the global documentation of environment–richness associations to fine‐grained assemblages. The relationship between fine‐grained predictability of a group and its ecological characteristics lends empirical support to the idea that variation in species fine‐grained space use may scale up to explain coarse‐grained diversity patterns. Our study exposes a dramatic and taxonomically variable scale dependence of environment–richness associations and suggests that environmental correlates of richness may hold limited information at the level of communities.  相似文献   

1. Despite wide recognition that fish assemblages are influenced by factors operating over a range of spatial scales, little effort has been devoted to quantifying large‐scale variation and the multiscale dependencies of assemblage patterns and processes. This is particularly true for Mediterranean streams, where seasonally predictable drying‐up may lead to a strong association between assemblage attributes and large‐scale factors affecting the distribution of population sources and extinction likelihood. 2. The contribution of large‐scale factors to stream fish assemblage variation was quantified across a Mediterranean landscape, in south‐west Portugal. Fish abundance and species composition were estimated at 166 sites across third‐ to sixth‐order streams, in March–July 1998. Variance partitioning by redundancy analyses was used to analyse assemblage variation against three sets of predictor variables: environmental (catchment position, and geomorphic and hydrological factors), large‐scale spatial trends and neighbourhood effects. 3. Environmental variables and spatial trends accounted for 34.6% of the assemblage variation across the entire region, and for 36.6 and 57.8% within the two largest catchments (Mira and Seixe). Neighbourhood effects were analysed at the catchment scale, increasing the explained variation to 56.1% (Mira) and 70.7% (Seixe). 4. A prevailing environmental gradient was reflected in an increase in the abundance of all species and size‐classes in relation to catchment position, with more fish present in larger streams and in downstream reaches. Variables describing geomorphic and hydrological settings were less important in explaining assemblage variation. 5. Spatial trends always accounted for the smallest fraction of assemblage variation, and they were probably associated with historical barriers to fish dispersal. The strong neighbourhood effects may be related to spatially autocorrelated habitat conditions, but they are also a likely consequence of fish emigration/extinction and colonisation processes. 6. These results emphasise that a substantial proportion of fish assemblage variation in Mediterranean streams may be explained by large‐scale factors, irrespective of microhabitats and local biotic interactions. It is suggested that this pattern results to a large extent from the seasonal drying‐up, with the summer shortage of surface water limiting fish occurrence in headwaters, and consequently the key core areas for fish concentrating in larger streams and tributaries adjacent to large streams because of neighbourhood effects.  相似文献   

The metabolic theory of ecology (MTE) endeavours to explain ecosystem structure and function in terms of the effects of temperature and body size on metabolic rate. In a recent paper (Wang et al., 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 106 , 13388), we tested the MTE predictions of species richness using tree distributions in eastern Asia and North America. Our results supported the linear relationship between log‐transformed species richness and the inverse of absolute temperature predicted by the MTE, but the slope strongly depends on spatial scale. The results also indicate that there are more tree species in cold climate at high latitudes in North America than in eastern Asia, but the reverse is true in warm climate at low latitudes. Qian & Ricklefs (2011, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 20 , 362–365) recently questioned our data and some of the analyses. Here we reply to them, and provide further analyses to show that their critiques are primarily based on unsuitable data and subjective conjecture.  相似文献   

Freshwater fish biodiversity is quickly decreasing and requires effective monitoring and conservation. Environmental DNA (eDNA)‐based methods have been shown to be highly sensitive and cost‐efficient for aquatic biodiversity surveys, but few studies have systematically investigated how spatial sampling design affects eDNA‐detected fish communities across lentic systems of different sizes. We compared the spatial patterns of fish diversity determined using eDNA in three lakes of small (SL; 3 ha), medium (ML; 122 ha) and large (LL; 4,343 ha) size using a spatially explicit grid sampling method. A total of 100 water samples (including nine, 17 and 18 shoreline samples and six, 14 and 36 interior samples from SL, ML and LL, respectively) were collected, and fish communities were analysed using eDNA metabarcoding of the mitochondrial 12S region. Together, 30, 35 and 41 fish taxa were detected in samples from SL, ML, and LL, respectively. We observed that eDNA from shoreline samples effectively captured the majority of the fish diversity of entire waterbodies, and pooled samples recovered fewer species than individually processed samples. Significant spatial autocorrelations between fish communities within 250 m and 2 km of each other were detected in ML and LL, respectively. Additionally, the relative sequence abundances of many fish species exhibited spatial distribution patterns that correlated with their typical habitat occupation. Overall, our results support the validity of a shoreline sampling strategy for eDNA‐based fish community surveys in lentic systems but also suggest that a spatially comprehensive sampling design can reveal finer distribution patterns of individual species.  相似文献   

Aim To create a map of bird species richness (BSR) in East Asia and to examine the effect of area, isolation, primary productivity, topographic heterogeneity, and human population density on BSR. Location East Asia (from 70° E to 180° E longitude), including the eastern half of the Palaearctic Region, the entire Oriental Region, and the entire Wallacea Subregion. Methods The breeding ranges of 2406 terrestrial bird species were mapped and overlaid to create a species richness map. The BSR map was transformed into a 100 × 100 km quadrat system, and BSR was analysed in relation to land area, average normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), elevation range, and average population density. Results In general, BSR declined from the Tropics to the Arctic. In mainland East Asia, however, BSR was highest around the Tropic of Cancer, and fluctuated between 30° and 50° N. Islands had lower BSR than adjacent mainland areas. The NDVI was strongly positively correlated with BSR in mainland areas and on islands. For mainland areas, NDVI explained 65% of the BSR variation, and topographic heterogeneity explained an additional 6% in ordinary least‐squares regression. On islands, NDVI explained 66% of BSR variation, island area explained 13%, and distance to mainland accounted for 1%. Main conclusions In East Asia, we suggest that primary productivity is the key factor underpinning patterns of BSR. Primary productivity sets the upper limits of the capacity of habitats to support bird species. In isolated areas such as islands and peninsulas, however, BSR might not reach the richness limits set by primary productivity because the degree of isolation and area size also can affect species richness. Other factors, such as spatial heterogeneity, biotic interactions, and perturbations, may also affect species richness. However, their effects are secondary and are not as strong as primary productivity, isolation, and area size.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the relative contributions of current vs. historical factors in explaining broad‐scale diversity gradients using a combination of contemporary factors and a quantitative estimate of the temporal accessibility of areas for recolonization created by glacial retreat following the most recent Ice Age. Location The part of the Nearctic region of North America that was covered by ice sheets during the glacial maximum 20 000 BP. Methods We used range maps to estimate the species richness of mammals and terrestrial birds in 48 400 km2 cells. Current conditions in each cell were quantified using seven climatic and topographical variables. Historical conditions were estimated using the number of years before present when an area became exposed as the ice sheets retreated during the post‐Pleistocene climate warming. We attempted to tease apart contemporary and historical effects using multiple regression, partial regression and spatial autocorrelation analysis. Results A measure of current energy inputs, potential evapotranspiration, explained 76–82% of the variance in species richness, but time since deglaciation explained an additional 8–13% of the variance, primarily due to effects operating at large spatial scales. Because of spatial covariation between the historical climates influencing the melting of the ice sheet and current climates, it was not possible to partition their effects fully, but of the independent effects that could be identified, current climate explained two to seven times more variance in richness patterns than age. Main Conclusions Factors acting in the present appear to have the strongest influence on the diversity gradient, but an historical signal persisting at least 13 000 years is still detectable. This has implications for modelling changes in diversity patterns in response to future global warming.  相似文献   

Understanding the structure of and spatial variability in the species composition of ecological communities is at the heart of biogeography. In particular, there has been recent controversy about possible latitudinal trends in compositional heterogeneity across localities (β‐diversity). A gradient in the size of the regional species pool alone can be expected to impose a parallel gradient on β‐diversity, but whether β‐diversity also varies independently of the size of the species pool remains unclear. A recently suggested methodological approach to correct latitudinal β‐diversity gradients for the species pool effect is based on randomization null models that remove the effects of gradients in α‐ and γ‐diversity on β‐diversity. However, the randomization process imposes constraints on the variability of α‐diversity, which in turn force γ‐ and β‐diversity to become interdependent, such that any change in one is mirrored in the other. We argue that simple null model approaches are inadequate to discern whether correlations between α‐, β‐ and γ‐diversity reflect processes of ecological interest or merely differences in the size of the species pool among localities. We demonstrate that this kind of Narcissus effect may also apply to other metrics of spatial or phylogenetic species distribution. We highlight that Narcissus effects may lead to artificially high rejection rates for the focal pattern (Type II errors) and caution that these errors have not received sufficient attention in the ecological literature.  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate the strength of evidence for hypotheses explaining the relationship between climate and species richness in forest plots. We focused on the effect of energy availability which has been hypothesized to influence species richness: (1) via the effect of productivity on the total number of individuals (the more individuals hypothesis, MIH); (2) through the effect of temperature on metabolic rate (metabolic theory of biodiversity, MTB); or (3) by imposing climatic limits on species distributions. Location Global. Methods We utilized a unique ‘Gentry‐style’ 370 forest plots data set comprising tree counts and individual stem measurements, covering tropical and temperate forests across all six forested continents. We analysed variation in plot species richness and species richness controlled for the number of individuals by using rarefaction. Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression and spatial regressions were used to explore the relative performance of different sets of environmental variables. Results Species richness patterns do not differ whether we use raw number of species or number of species controlled for number of individuals, indicating that number of individuals is not the proximate driver of species richness. Productivity‐related variables (actual evapotranspiration, net primary productivity, normalized difference vegetation index) perform relatively poorly as correlates of tree species richness. The best predictors of species richness consistently include the minimum temperature and precipitation values together with the annual means of these variables. Main conclusion Across the world's forests there is no evidence to support the MIH, and a very limited evidence for a prominent role of productivity as a driver of species richness patterns. The role of temperature is much more important, although this effect is more complex than originally assumed by the MTB. Variation in forest plot diversity appears to be mostly affected by variation in the minimum climatic values. This is consistent with the ‘climatic tolerance hypothesis’ that climatic extremes have acted as a strong constraint on species distribution and diversity.  相似文献   

 物种丰富度的分布格局及其形成机制是生态学研究的热点。以往的研究主要描述丰富度的格局, 而对其形成机制研究较少, 且主要集中于探讨单个因子或过程的影响。物种丰富度同时受到多个因子和过程的综合作用, 面积、温度及物种分布区限制被认为是控制山地物种丰富度海拔格局的主要因素, 三者同时沿海拔梯度而变化, 同时作用于丰富度的海拔格局。幂函数种-面积关系(SAR)、生态学代谢理论(MTE)及中域效应假说(MDE)分别基于以上3个因素, 从机制上解释了物种丰富度 的海拔格局。探讨这些假说的相对影响对研究物种丰富度的大尺度格局及其形成机制具有重要意义。方差分离方法有利于分解不同因素的影响, 为此, 该文以秦岭太白山的植物物种丰富度为例, 采用方差分离和逐步回归方法, 分析了SAR、MTE及MDE对物种丰富度海拔格局的影响。结果表明, 太白山的植物物种丰富度沿海拔梯度呈单峰分布格局, 但丰富度峰值存在类群差异; 对太白山所有植物物种丰富度的垂直格局而言, SAR、MTE及MDE分别解释了其物种丰富度随海拔变化的66.4%、19.8%和37.9%, 共同解释了84.6%, 在消除其他因素的影响后, SAR和MTE的独立影响较高(分别为25.5%和17.7%), 而MDE的独立影响不显著; 分类群研究则发现, 苔藓植物丰富度的海拔格局主要受MDE的影响, 蕨类植物丰富度的海拔格局同时受到SAR、MTE以及MDE的影响, 而种子植物物种丰富度的海拔格局主要受SAR和MTE影响。  相似文献   

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