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功能性状对环境变化敏感,在生物多样性与生态系统功能关系的研究中扮演关键角色;基于生物性状的功能多样性与生态系统过程密切相关,是了解生态系统和群落功能的关键所在。基于新薛河底栖动物3个季度的调查数据,对功能性状和功能多样性时空动态及其对环境梯度的响应进行了研究。研究结果表明10个功能性状的等级性状间均存在显著差异。空间格局上,33个等级性状中有21个在河段间差异显著,涉及10个功能性状中的9个;而在时间序列上,仅有12个等级性状于各季节间差异显著,涉及10个功能性状中的6个。功能多样性于各河段间差异显著,表现为D≥E、A≥CB;而于各季节间整体表现为差异不显著;底栖动物各功能性状之间存在一定的权衡关系;水文条件是影响研究区域底栖动物功能多样性的主要因素;功能性状及功能多样性对河流生境质量具有较好的响应性。  相似文献   

高程  郭良栋 《生物多样性》2022,30(10):22429-23168
微生物主要包括细菌、真菌、古菌、病毒等类群, 是地球上出现时间最早、分布最广泛、个体数量最多, 以及物种和基因多样性十分丰富的生物类群。为了适应各种生境, 微生物衍生出腐生、寄生、共生等多样的生存策略, 在生物地球化学循环、生态系统演替与稳定性、环境修复以及人类健康等方面发挥着重要作用。传统的微生物监测方法限制了我们对微生物多样性的认知; 但是, 近年来高通量测序技术和生物信息学的发展极大推动了微生物多样性的研究进展。本文概述了近年来在微生物多样性分布格局与维持、群落构建以及功能属性多样性的最新进展; 总结分析了细菌、古菌、真菌的多样性纬度分布格局及其驱动因子, 选择、扩散、成种、漂变等过程对细菌、古菌、真菌的群落构建的贡献, 以及细菌和真菌的形态、生理生化、生长繁殖、扩散、基因组等功能性状的多样性; 提出了未来微生物多样性研究的重要领域: 环境宏真菌组研究, 微生物多样性与生态系统多功能性的关系研究, 以及微生物互作网络的生态功能研究。  相似文献   

Over 11 years of study, fish species richness decreased continually and significantly in the tailwater of the Warta River (Poland). The smallest sample size required for estimating species richness of fish communities in the tailwater increased. As the rarefaction method has rarely been applied in fishery research, its strengths and drawbacks in cases similar to this are discussed.  相似文献   

溪流鱼类多样性沿着河流纵向梯度的空间分布规律已得到大量报道, 但这些研究大多聚焦基于物种组成的分类α多样性, 而有关分类β多样性和功能多样性的纵向梯度分布规律及其对人类干扰的响应研究较少。本文以青弋江上游3条人为干扰程度不同的河源溪流为研究区域, 比较研究了人为干扰对溪流鱼类功能α和β多样性及其纵向梯度分布格局的影响。结果显示, 人类干扰改变了河源溪流鱼类功能多样性的纵向梯度格局——由线性变化变为二项式分布。此外, 我们发现, 人为干扰导致土著种被本地入侵种取代, 且较强的土地利用和水污染排放可能增大环境的不连续性, 而群落周转和嵌套变化往往取决于环境的变化。尽管功能β多样性由嵌套成分主导, 但周转成分占比相对于人为干扰较小的溪流而言明显增加。人为干扰显著改变了受干扰溪流鱼类的物种组成和功能多样性, 且功能多样性的纵向梯度格局在不同的多样性指标上存在差异。本研究强调, 在评估人为干扰下多样性的变化时, 需要从多方面考虑, 包括空间尺度和多样性指标等。  相似文献   

Understanding factors affecting the functional diversity of ecological communities is an important goal for ecologists and conservationists. Previous work has largely been conducted at the community level; however, recent studies have highlighted the critical importance of considering intraspecific functional diversity (i.e. the functional diversity of phenotypic traits among conspecifics). Further, a major limitation of existing literature on this topic is the lack of empirical studies examining functional diversity of behavioural phenotypes—including animal personalities. This is a major shortcoming because personality traits can affect the fitness of individuals, and the composition of personalities in a population can have important ecological consequences. Our study aims to contribute to filling this knowledge gap by investigating factors affecting the functional diversity of personality traits in wild animal populations. Specifically, we predicted that the richness, divergence and evenness associated with personality traits would be impacted by key components of forest structure and would vary between contrasting forest types. To achieve our objective we conducted a fully replicated large-scale field experiment over a 4 year period using small mammal populations as a model system. We found that greater heterogeneity in the cover of shrubs, coarse woody debris and canopy cover was associated with a greater richness, lower divergence and lower evenness in personality traits. Greater population density was associated with greater functional richness and lower functional divergence and evenness of personality traits. To maintain a behaviourally diverse population and its associated functions, managers may promote heterogeneity in vegetation and increased population density, which we found to be the most important determinants driving functional diversity of personality traits.  相似文献   

1. The power of selected biological invertebrate traits for discriminating different types of human impact (heavy metal pollution and cargo‐ship traffic) were tested using ecological reasoning and linear Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA). 2. Frequency distributions of individual traits and categories of traits from 68 least impacted river reaches (LIRRs) and 304 impacted river reaches were used to define simple assessment rules based on ecological reasoning for specific impairments in large European rivers. In calibration, a maximum of three variables with a priori predictions and two different impairment threshold levels were used. Similarly, DFA was performed on the same variables included in the ecological reasoning approach, but also on all available traits or trait categories. 3. Validation with an independent data set (40 LIRRs, 291 variously impacted river reaches) and using the ecological reasoning approach showed that 75–78% of the reaches were correctly assign with rules on all impact types, 35–57% with rules on heavy metal pollution and 78–93% with rules on cargo‐ship traffic. By comparison, validation showed that DFA performed globally poorer than the ecological reasoning approach. In addition, the performance of the rules based on ecological reasoning remained stable, whereas DFA performance changed between calibration and validation. 4. Although not defined for this purpose, our study provided alarming evidence regarding the impact of cargo‐ship traffic on invertebrate communities in river reaches. Reaches with cargo‐ship traffic were found to have more genera with long life cycles that reproduce repeatedly by ovoviviparity and have a sessile life. 5. The performance of our trait‐based approach to correctly assign reaches to either least impacted or impacted conditions should promote further research on the topic across larger geographic areas (without regionalization) and across smaller stream types to provide a powerful biomonitoring tool that fulfils current European Union directives.  相似文献   

Disturbance is an important factor influencing diversity patterns. Ecological theory predicts that diversity peaks at intermediate levels of disturbance, but this pattern is not present in a majority of empirical tests and can be influenced by the level of ecosystem productivity. We experimentally tested the effects of disturbance on diversity and show that species' autecological traits and community relations predicted species loss. We found that – alone or in concert – increasing disturbance intensity or frequency, or decreasing productivity, reduced diversity. Our species did not exhibit a clear competition-colonization trade-off, and intrinsic growth rate was a more important predictor of response to disturbance and productivity than measures of competitive ability. Furthermore, competitive ability was more important in predicting responses when, in addition to killing individuals, disturbance returned nutrients to the ecosystem. Our results demonstrate that species' traits can help resolve conflicting patterns in the response of diversity to disturbance and productivity.  相似文献   

新薛河底栖动物物种多样性与功能多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究功能多样性与物种多样性关系及其随环境梯度的变化规律,有助于理解生物在群落中的共存机制;然而,二者间关系的研究在淡水生态学中尚鲜见报道。通过对新薛河典型河段(A缓流河段、B断流河段、C有机污染河段、D对照河段、E人为干扰河段)底栖动物季节性调查,就物种多样性和功能多样性时空动态及关系进行了研究。结果表明:在空间序列上,物种多样性指数在B河段均最低,表明间歇性断流对物种多样性影响重大。功能丰富度在D河段最高,A河段最低;功能均匀度在A河段高于其他河段;功能分离度在A、B河段最高,D河段最低。在时间序列上,物种丰富度和Shannon指数均值在10月份最低,4月份最高;均匀度指数在12月份最低,10月份最高。3个功能多样性指数于各季节间差异显著、相互独立,主要受水文条件和底栖动物生活史影响。相关分析表明,功能多样性指数间无显著相关性;功能丰富度同物种丰富度和Shannon指数相关显著,功能均匀度同物种均匀度相关显著。逐步回归分析发现,功能丰富度受物种丰富度和Shannon指数影响显著,功能均匀度受物种均匀度影响显著;功能多样性和物种多样性指数间拟合度总体不高。研究结果进一步表明:相对物种多样性,功能多样性对生境梯度变化响应更加全面。  相似文献   

何淑嫱  李伟  程希平  谭芮  松卫红 《生态学报》2019,39(6):2063-2070
高寒草甸具有重要的生态服务功能,然而固有脆弱性使其极易遭受气候变化和人为干扰等多重因素的影响。作为滇西北旅游资源中重要的组分之一,高寒草甸吸引了大批游客前往开展徒步旅行活动,但伴随着的践踏干扰作用会不可避免地对高寒草甸生态系统带来负面影响。然而,目前关注践踏干扰对滇西北高寒草甸植被的影响,特别是植被功能性状和功能多样性如何发生变化方面的研究还十分欠缺。以云南省香格里拉市碧塔海自然保护区内的典型高寒草甸生态系统为研究对象,采用实验践踏的方式(一共5种不同强度的践踏处理)来模拟旅游活动对草甸植被的干扰作用,并以草甸植被的茎叶性状特征为切入点,重点探讨践踏干扰对茎叶性状的平均大小和变异程度的影响,以及物种丰富度(以物种形态分类为基础)和功能丰富度(以功能性状为基础)之间的关系。研究结果显示,随着践踏强度的增加,植株高度和叶片大小的平均值,而不是茎叶性状的变异程度,出现明显下降趋势。此外,物种丰富度和功能丰富度均随践踏强度的增强而减小,且两者之间呈现显著正相关关系。然而,较之轻度践踏实验组,重度践踏实验组中的功能均匀度和功能分离度水平均有所增加,表明践踏干扰可能会在短期内打破优势种对资源的绝对占有格局和减少物种间的生态位重叠程度。尽管高寒草甸对人类践踏活动有一定的承受能力,但气候变化和人为干扰等多重因素势必会改变和影响高寒草甸群落的结构和功能可持续性,这也对高寒草甸的保护与管理工作提出了更加紧迫的要求。  相似文献   

Aim To (1) describe termite functional diversity patterns across five tropical regions using local species richness sampling of standardized areas of habitat; (2) assess the relative importance of environmental factors operating at different spatial and temporal scales in influencing variation in species representation within feeding groups and functional taxonomic groups across the tropics; (3) achieve a synthesis to explain the observed patterns of convergence and divergence in termite functional diversity that draws on termite ecological and biogeographical evidence to‐date, as well as the latest evidence for the evolutionary and distributional history of tropical rain forests. Location Pantropical. Methods A pantropical termite species richness data set was obtained through sampling of eighty‐seven standardized local termite diversity transects from twenty‐nine locations across five tropical regions. Local‐scale, intermediate‐scale and large‐scale environmental data were collected for each transect. Standardized termite assemblage and environmental data were analysed at the levels of whole assemblages and feeding groups (using components of variance analysis) and at the level of functional taxonomic groups (using correspondence analysis and canonical correspondence analysis). Results Overall species richness of local assemblages showed a greater component of variation attributable to local habitat disturbance level than to region. However, an analysis accounting for species richness across termite feeding groups indicated a much larger component of variation attributable to region. Mean local assemblage body size also showed the greater overall significance of region compared with habitat type in influencing variation. Ordination of functional taxonomic group data revealed a primary gradient of variation corresponding to rank order of species richness within sites and to mean local species richness within regions. The latter was in the order: Africa > south America > south‐east Asia > Madagascar > Australia. This primary gradient of species richness decrease can be explained by a decrease in species richness of less dispersive functional taxonomic groups feeding on more humified food substrates such as soil. Hence, the transects from more depauperate sites/regions were dominated by more dispersive functional taxonomic groups feeding on less humified food substrates such as dead wood. Direct gradient analysis indicated that ‘region’ and other large‐scale factors were the most important in explaining patterns of local termite functional diversity followed by intermediate‐scale geographical and site variables and, finally, local‐scale ecological variables. Synthesis and main conclusions Within regions, centres of termite functional diversity lie in lowland equatorial closed canopy tropical forests. Soil feeding termite evolution further down food substrate humification gradients is therefore more likely to have depended on the long‐term presence of this habitat. Known ecological and energetic constraints upon contemporary soil feeders lend support for this hypothesis. We propose further that the anomalous distribution of termite soil feeder species richness is partly explained by their generally very poor dispersal abilities across oceans. Evolution, radiation and dispersal of soil feeder diversity appears to have been largely restricted to what are now the African and south American regions. The inter‐regional differences in contemporary local patterns of termite species richness revealed by the global data set point to the possibility of large differences in consequent ecosystem processes in apparently similar habitats on different continents.  相似文献   

In the conservation literature on land‐use change, it is often assumed that land‐use intensification drives species loss, driving a loss of functional trait diversity and ecosystem function. Modern research, however, does not support this cascade of loss for all natural systems. In this paper we explore the errors in this assumption and present a conceptual model taking a more mechanistic approach to the species–functional trait association in a context of land‐use change. We provide empirical support for our model's predictions demonstrating that the association of species and functional trait diversity follows various trajectories in response to land‐use change. The central premise of our model is that land‐use change impacts upon processes of community assembly, not species per se. From the model, it is clear that community context (i.e. type of disturbance, species pool size) will affect the response trajectory of the relationship between species and functional trait diversity in communities undergoing land‐use change. The maintenance of ecosystem function and of species diversity in the face of increasing land‐use change are complementary goals. The use of a more ecologically realistic model of responses of species and functional traits will improve our ability to make wise management decisions to achieve both aims in specific at‐risk systems.  相似文献   

Aim In times of biodiversity crisis, it is extremely important to understand diversity gradients. In particular, the study of the diversity of ecological functions is a key issue for the management of ecosystem integrity. Here we identify areas of low functional diversity of the native fish fauna in European drainage basins and we determine the relative importance of three underlying mechanisms: environmental filtering, geographic isolation and climatic history. Location The European continent. Methods Based on 14 morphological traits that are closely related to fish function (habitat and dietary niches), three independent functional diversity indices [functional richness (FR), functional evenness (FE), functional divergence (FD)] were calculated for 128 European drainage basins with a total of 230 fish species. The indices were standardized for species richness using null models. The patterns of the standardized indices are described and three potentially underlying mechanisms are tested using variance partitioning and multi‐linear regression models. Results FR and FD were highest in eastern European drainage basins and in Great Britain and lowest in the Mediterranean. FE patterns were less pronounced. All observed patterns were mainly governed by geographic isolation and present environmental conditions. Within the environmental conditions, average annual temperature and precipitation were good predictors for functional diversity. The role of habitat diversity and size was negligible. Main conclusions Geographic isolation coupled with harsh environmental conditions such as extreme temperatures and low precipitation, as in Mediterranean regions, can lead to low FR and FD. This can be explained by extinction that could not be compensated by re‐colonization and high speciation. Due to their high functional redundancy, communities in these areas might better withstand further species extinctions on a small scale. Over the short term, however, their often extremely low FR suggests a less flexible functioning that can hinder their ability to withstand today's rapid environmental and anthropogenic threats.  相似文献   

近年来, 功能多样性和谱系多样性为探究群落构建机制提供了新方法。为了更准确地了解海南岛高海拔热带云雾林群落构建机制, 该研究以海南岛霸王岭热带云雾林为对象, 测定7个环境因子和13个植物功能性状。利用主成分分析(PCA)筛选环境因子, 以霸王岭、尖峰岭和黎母山热带云雾林分布物种建立区域物种库, 结合模型, 分析Rao二次熵(RaoQ)和平均成对谱系距离(MPD)变化对植物群落构建的影响。结果表明: 林冠开阔度、土壤全磷含量和坡度是影响植物群落构建的关键环境因子。多数功能性状的系统发育信号很低且不显著, 说明热带云雾林群落的系统发育关系与功能性状随历史进程变化不一致。RaoQMPD的实际观测值都显著低于期望值, 且其标准效应值与土壤磷含量显著相关, 说明生境过滤是驱动热带云雾林群落构建的关键因子, 土壤磷含量是群落构建的关键环境筛。  相似文献   

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