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DNA charge transport chemistry is found to provide a sensitive method for probing protein-dependent changes in DNA structure and enzymatic reactions. Here we describe the development of an electrochemical assay of protein binding to DNA-modified electrodes based upon the detection of associated perturbations in DNA base stacking. Gold electrode surfaces that were modified with loosely packed DNA duplexes, covalently crosslinked to a redox-active intercalator and containing the binding site of the test protein, were constructed. Charge transport through DNA as a function of protein binding was then assayed. Substantial attenuation in current is seen in the presence of the base-flipping enzymes HhaI methylase and uracil DNA glycosylase, as well as with TATA-binding protein. When restriction endonuclease PvuII (R.PvuII) binds to its methylated target, little base-stacking perturbation occurs and little diminution in current flow is observed. Importantly, the kinetics of restriction by R.PvuII of its nonmethylated target is also easily monitored electrochemically. This approach should be generally applicable to assaying protein--DNA interactions and reactions on surfaces.  相似文献   

Mutation detection by electrocatalysis at DNA-modified electrodes   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Detection of mutations and damaged DNA bases is important for the early diagnosis of genetic disease. Here we describe an electrocatalytic method for the detection of single-base mismatches as well as DNA base lesions in fully hybridized duplexes, based on charge transport through DNA films. Gold electrodes modified with preassembled DNA duplexes are used to monitor the electrocatalytic signal of methylene blue, a redox-active DNA intercalator, coupled to [Fe(CN)6]3-. The presence of mismatched or damaged DNA bases substantially diminishes the electrocatalytic signal. Because this assay is not a measure of differential hybridization, all single-base mismatches, including thermodynamically stable GT and GA mismatches, can be detected without stringent hybridization conditions. Furthermore, many common DNA lesions and "hot spot" mutations in the human p53 genome can be distinguished from perfect duplexes. Finally, we have demonstrated the application of this technology in a chip-based format. This system provides a sensitive method for probing the integrity of DNA sequences and a completely new approach to single-base mismatch detection.  相似文献   

Recently developed DNA-modified diamond surfaces exhibit excellent chemical stability to high-temperature incubations in biological buffers. The stability of these surfaces is substantially greater than that of gold or silicon surfaces, using similar surface attachment chemistry. The DNA molecules attached to the diamond surfaces are accessible to enzymes and can be modified in surface enzymatic reactions. An important application of these surfaces is for surface invasive cleavage reactions, in which target DNA strands added to the solution may result in specific cleavage of surface-bound probe oligonucleotides, permitting analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Our previous work demonstrated the feasibility of performing such cleavage reactions on planar gold surfaces using PCR-amplified human genomic DNA as target. The sensitivity of detection in this earlier work was substantially limited by a lack of stability of the gold surface employed. In the present work, detection sensitivity is improved by a factor of approximately 100 (100 amole of DNA target compared with 10 fmole in the earlier work) by replacing the DNA-modified gold surface with a more stable DNA-modified diamond surface.  相似文献   

Electrochemistry at DNA-modified surfaces provides an alternative approach to photochemistry or radiation biology for studying charge migration through the double helix. Using short duplexes self-assembled onto gold, electrochemical reduction of redox-active reporter molecules has been observed through DNA films more than 50 A thick, with heterogeneous rate constants as great as approximately 100 s(-1). Though apparently insensitive to base content and sequence, even small distortions in the electronic structure of the pi-stack (caused, for example, by single-base mismatches and other DNA lesions) attenuate the rate of electron transport. Understanding the role of conformational dynamics within the double helix, as well as the cooperative effects of self-assembling individual duplexes into ordered superlattices remain important challenges for theory and experiment.  相似文献   

Carbon-nanotube-modified glassy carbon (CNT/GC) transducers have been developed for enhancing the sensitivity and stability of enzyme-based electrochemical bioassays of DNA hybridization. The amplified signal reflects the interfacial accumulation of phenolic products of the alkaline-phosphatase tracer onto the CNT layer. In particular, chronopotentiometric measurements (following short accumulation periods) offer a substantial enhancement of the response of enzymatically liberated alpha-naphthol. The CNT modifier also leads to a dramatic improvement in the stability of the amperometric response of alpha-naphthol. These advantages of CNT/GC electrodes are illustrated from comparison to unmodified glassy carbon electrodes. Factors influencing the adsorptive accumulation of alpha-naphthol, and the overall performance of the new DNA assay, are assessed and optimized. The attractive performance characteristics of the new multi-amplification electrochemical detection of DNA hybridization are reported in connection to the detection of nucleic acid sequences related to the breast cancer BRCA1 gene.  相似文献   

We demonstrated a novel application of transient coulostatic pulse technique for the detection of label free DNA hybridization on nm-sized gold interdigitated ultramicroelectrode arrays (Au-IDA) made in silicon technology. The array consists of eight different positions with an Au-IDA pair at each position arranged on the Si-based Biochip. Immobilization of capture probes onto the Au-IDA was accomplished by self-assembling of thiol-modified oligonucleotides. Target hybridization was indicated by a change in the magnitude of the time dependant potential relaxation curve in presence of electroactive Fe(CN)(6)(3-) in the phosphate buffer solution. While complementary DNA hybridization showed 50% increase in the relaxation potential, the non-complementary DNA showed a negligible change. A constant behaviour was noted for all positions. The dsDNA specific intercalating molecule, methylene blue, was found to be enhancing the discrimination effect. The changes in the relaxation potential curves were further corroborated following the ELISA like experiments using ExtraAvidine alkaline phosphatase labelling and redox recycling of para-aminophenol phosphate at IDAs. The coulostatic pulse technique was shown to be useful for identifying DNA sequences from brain tumour gene CK20, human herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus and M13 phage. Compared to the hybridization of short chain ONTs (27 mers), the hybridization of long chain M13 phage DNA showed three times higher increase in the relaxation curves. The method is fast enough to monitor hybridization interactions in milli or microsecond time scales and is well suitable for miniaturization and integration compared to the common impedance techniques for developing capacitative DNA sensors.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) modified gold electrodes are prepared by the dry adsorptive method and the electrochemical behavior of neomycin and the influence of Pb(II) are studied by cyclic voltammetry, chronocoulometry, differential pulse voltammetry. It is found that in 0.01 M phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) buffer solutions (pH 7.3) at DNA/Au electrode neomycin exhibits an irreversible cathodic peak (Ep = 0.489 V), which is more positive and less sensitive compared with that at bare gold electrodes (Ep = 0.423 V). In the presence of Pb(II) the peak shifts toward positive with its height increasing. Moreover, the peak height is linear to neomycin concentration over the range of 0.15-57 μM. The interaction of Pb(II)-neomycin complex with calf thymus DNA is also studied by calculating the binding constants (K) of the Pb(II)-neomycin complex to DNA and binding site size (s) from voltammetric data (1.0 × 107 M−1 and 4 bp, respectively).  相似文献   

Microarrays based on DNA-DNA hybridization are potentially useful for detecting and subtyping viruses but require fluorescence labeling and imaging equipment. We investigated a label-free electrical detection system using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy that is able to detect hybridization of DNA target sequences derived from avian H5N1 influenza virus to gold surface-attached single-stranded DNA oligonucleotide probes. A 23-nt probe is able to detect a 120-nt base fragment of the influenza A hemagglutinin gene sequence. We describe a novel method of data analysis that is compatible with automatic measurement without operator input, contrary to curve fitting used in conventional electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) data analysis. A systematic investigation of the detection signal for various spacer molecules between the oligonucleotide probe and the gold surface revealed that the signal/background ratio improves as the length of the spacer increases, with a 12- to 18-atom spacer element being optimal. The optimal spacer molecule allows a detection limit between 30 and 100 fmol DNA with a macroscopic gold disc electrode of 1 mm radius. The dependence of the detection signal on the concentration of a 23-nt target follows a binding curve with an approximate 1:1 stoichiometry and a dissociation constant of KD=13+/-4 nM at 295 K.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The bacterium Staphylococcus aureus constitutes one of the most important causes of nosocomial infections. One out of every three individuals naturally carries S. aureus in their anterior nares, and nasal carriage is associated with a significantly higher infection rate in hospital settings. Nasal carriage can be either persistent or intermittent, and it is the persistent carriers who, as a group, are at the highest risk of infection and who have the highest nasal S. aureus cell counts. Prophylactic decolonization of S. aureus from patients' noses is known to reduce the incidence of postsurgical infections, and there is a clear rationale for rapid identification of nasal S. aureus carriers among hospital patients. FINDINGS: A molecular diagnostic assay was developed which is based on helicase-dependent target amplification and amplicon detection by chip hybridization to a chip surface, producing a visible readout. Nasal swabs from 70 subjects were used to compare the molecular assay against culturing on "CHROMagar Staph aureus" agar plates. The overall relative sensitivity was 89%, and the relative specificity was 94%. The sensitivity rose to 100% when excluding low-count subjects (<100 S. aureus colony-forming units per swab). CONCLUSIONS: This molecular assay is much faster than direct culture and has sensitivity that is appropriate for identification of high-count (>100 S. aureus colony-forming units per swab) nasal S. aureus carriers who are at greatest risk for nosocomial infections.  相似文献   

A method is described for the detection of DNA hybrids formed on a solid support, based upon the pairing of oligonucleotide chemistry and the technologies of electronic microdevice design. Surface matrices have been created in which oligonucleotide probes are covalently linked to a thin SiO2 film. 32P labeled target nucleic acid is then hybridized to this probe matrix under conditions of high stringency. The salient feature of the method is that to achieve the highest possible collection efficiency, the hybridization matrix is placed directly on the surface of a charge coupled device (CCD), which is used to detect 32P decay from hybridized target molecules (1, Eggers, M.D., Hogan, M.E., Reich, R.K., Lamture, J.B., Beattie, K.L., Hollis, M.A., Ehrilich, D.J., Kosicki, B.B., Shumaker, J.M., Varma, R.S., Burke, B.E., Murphy, A., and Rathman, D.D., (1993), Advances in DNA Sequencing Technology, Proc. SPIE, 1891, 13-26). Two implementations of the technology have been employed. The first involves direct attachment of the matrix to the surface of a CCD. The second involves attachment of the matrix to a disposible SiO2 coated chip, which is then placed face to face upon the CCD surface. As can be predicted from this favorable collection geometry and the known characteristics of a CCD, it is found that as measured by the time required to obtain equivalent signal to noise ratios, 32P detection speed by the direct CCD approach is at least 10 fold greater than can be obtained with a commercial gas phase array detector, and at least 100 fold greater than when X-ray film is used for 32P detection. Thus, it is shown that excellent quality hybridization signals can be obtained from a standard hybridization reaction, after only 1 second of CCD data acquisition.  相似文献   

We describe the use of two heparin-binding proteins, avidin and lactoferrin, as probes for monitoring the amount of heparin immobilized to plastic surfaces. The proteins were derivatized with either fluorescent labels or europium chelates, enabling sensitive, fast, reproducible, and robust assays, and were used to measure the amount of protein bound to heparinized microplates, with particular attention to plates that have been coated with bovine serum albumin (BSA)-heparin conjugate. This direct method unequivocally shows that BSA-heparin affords an economical, convenient, and reliable method for coating both polystyrene microtiter plates and magnetic beads with heparin. We demonstrate that assays using directly labeled proteins overcome the problems of dissociation of the heparin-protein complex, which can occur during incubation and washing steps associated with antibody-based detection methods, and the loss in binding capacity caused by certain blocking regimes. We suggest that labeled avidin and lactoferrin are convenient probes for heparinized surfaces with the potential for much wider applicability than that presented here.  相似文献   

The electrochemiluminescence (ECL) behavior of ruthenium complex/tripropylamine (TPA) systems at DNA-modified gold electrode was studied to understand the possible mechanism and to develop new detection platforms. DNA strand, especially double-stranded DNA (ds-DNA), can preconcentrate TPA and acts as the acceptor of the protons released from TPAH(+), therefore the improved ECL emission and the low potential ECL were observed. The intercalation of Ru(phen)(3)(2+) into ds-DNA was confirmed to be a sensitive and label-free DNA-related detection platform. The above results were validated by the analysis of lysozyme using anti-lysozyme aptamer-modified electrode. This work opens a new field by the use of DNA-modified electrode to develop novel sensing platforms, such as low potential ECL biosensors and Ru(phen)(3)(2+) intercalation-based ECL biosensors.  相似文献   

Specific and predictable hybridization of the polynucleotide sequences to their complementary counterparts plays a fundamental role in the rational design of new nucleic acid nanodevices. Generally, nucleic acid hybridization can be performed using two major strategies, namely hybridization of DNA or RNA targets to surface-tethered oligonucleotide probes (solid-phase hybridization) and hybridization of the target nucleic acids to randomly distributed probes in solution (solution-phase hybridization). Investigations into thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of these two strategies showed that hybridization on surfaces is less favorable than that of the same sequence in solution. Indeed, the efficiency of DNA hybridization on surfaces suffers from three constraints: (1) electrostatic repulsion between DNA strands on the surface, (2) steric hindrance between tethered DNA probes, and (3) nonspecific adsorption of the attached oligonucleotides to the solid surface. During recent years, several strategies have been developed to overcome the problems associated with DNA hybridization on surfaces. Optimizing the probe surface density, application of a linker between the solid surface and the DNA-recognizing sequence, optimizing the pH of DNA hybridization solutions, application of thiol reagents, and incorporation of a polyadenine block into the terminal end of the recognizing sequence are among the most important strategies for enhancing DNA hybridization on surfaces.  相似文献   



Increasing evidence indicates that plant responses to ions (uptake/transport, inhibition, and alleviation of inhibition) are dependent upon ion activities at the outer surface of root-cell plasma membranes (PMs) rather than activities in the bulk-phase rooting medium.


A web-accessible computer program was written to calculate the electrical potential (ψ) at the outer surface of root-cell PMs (ψ PM). From these values of ψ PM, activities of ion I with charge Z ({I Z}) can be calculated for the outer surface of the PM ({I Z}PM). In addition, ψ and {I Z} in the Donnan phase of the cell walls (ψ CW and {I Z}CW) can be calculated.


By reanalysing published data, we illustrate how this computer program can assist in the investigation of plant-ion interactions. For example, we demonstrate that in saline solutions, both Ca deficiency and Na uptake are more closely related to {Ca2+}PM and {Na+}PM than to {Ca2+}b and {Na+}b (activities in the bulk-phase media). Additional examples are given for Zn and P nutrition, Ni toxicity, and arsenate uptake.


The computer program presented here should assist others to develop an electrostatic view of plant-ion interactions and to re-evaluate some commonly-held views regarding mechanisms of ion transport, toxicity, competition among ions, and other phenomena.  相似文献   

A simple method has been developed and validated for direct, sensitive detection and specific identification of 16S rRNA. We first report our direct investigation of discrimination efficiency for sequence variations in RNA using oligonucleotide microarrays assisted by base stacking hybridization, and demonstrate that the sequence variations of double base substitution, single base substitution and single base deletion in RNA could be directly identified. With the help of tyramide signal amplification (TSA), the detection sensitivity of this method for four clinically important bacterial species was below 0.5, 5, 1 and 1 ng of total RNA, which are 100-1000 fold more sensitive than the published methods.  相似文献   

We applied high-density microarrays to the enrichment of specific sequences from the human genome for high-throughput sequencing. After capture of 6,726 approximately 500-base 'exon' segments, and of 'locus-specific' regions ranging in size from 200 kb to 5 Mb, followed by sequencing on a 454 Life Sciences FLX sequencer, most sequence reads represented selection targets. These direct selection methods supersede multiplex PCR for the large-scale analysis of genomic regions.  相似文献   

DNA computing using single-molecule hybridization detection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
DNA computing aims at using nucleic acids for computing. Since micromolar DNA solutions can act as billions of parallel nanoprocessors, DNA computers can in theory solve optimization problems that require vast search spaces. However, the actual parallelism currently being achieved is at least a hundred million-fold lower than the number of DNA molecules used. This is due to the quantity of DNA molecules of one species that is required to produce a detectable output to the computations. In order to miniaturize the computation and considerably reduce the amount of DNA needed, we have combined DNA computing with single-molecule detection. Reliable hybridization detection was achieved at the level of single DNA molecules with fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy. To illustrate the use of this approach, we implemented a DNA-based computation and solved a 4-variable 4-clause instance of the computationally hard Satisfiability (SAT) problem.  相似文献   

Summary A basic problem in genetic counseling of families with Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy (DMD/BMD) concerns the carrier status of female relatives of an affected male. In about 60% of these patients, deletions of one or more exons of the dystrophin gene can be identified. These deletions preferentially include exon 45, which can be detected by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Southern blot analysis of genomic cosmid clones that map to this critical region. As a new approach for definitive carrier detection, we have performed chromosomal in situ suppression (CISS) hybridization with these cosmid clones in female relatives of four unrelated patients. In normal females, most metaphases showed signals on both×chromosomes, whereas only one×chromosome was labeled in carriers. Our results demonstrate that CISS hybridization can define the carrier status in female relatives of DMD patients exhibiting a deletion in the dystrophin gene.  相似文献   

Direct detection of soil-bound prions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Scrapie and chronic wasting disease are contagious prion diseases affecting sheep and cervids, respectively. Studies have indicated that horizontal transmission is important in sustaining these epidemics, and that environmental contamination plays an important role in this. In the perspective of detecting prions in soil samples from the field by more direct methods than animal-based bioassays, we have developed a novel immuno-based approach that visualises in situ the major component (PrP(Sc)) of prions sorbed onto agricultural soil particles. Importantly, the protocol needs no extraction of the protein from soil. Using a cell-based assay of infectivity, we also report that samples of agricultural soil, or quartz sand, acquire prion infectivity after exposure to whole brain homogenates from prion-infected mice. Our data provide further support to the notion that prion-exposed soils retain infectivity, as recently determined in Syrian hamsters intracerebrally or orally challenged with contaminated soils. The cell approach of the potential infectivity of contaminated soil is faster and cheaper than classical animal-based bioassays. Although it suffers from limitations, e.g. it can currently test only a few mouse prion strains, the cell model can nevertheless be applied in its present form to understand how soil composition influences infectivity, and to test prion-inactivating procedures.  相似文献   

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