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Encephalomyelitis in mice experimentally infected with Akabane virus.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lesions in the central nervous system of mice, induced by intracerebral injection of Akabane virus, were observed by the fluorescent antibody technique and histological method. Fluorescent antigens were recognized in the cytoplasm of nerve cells, but were not detected exactly in any other part. Fluoresced nerve cells were distributed almost all over the central nervous system, especially in medulla oblongata and spinal cord. The appearance of fluorescent antigens was followed by histological changes. So-called Nissl's acute severe degeneration was observed in nerve cells in the area where the fluorescent antigens were distributed. Spongy foci were seen in medulla oblongata and spinal cord. Virus was recovered from brain and spinal cord, but not from any other visceral organ or blood. Akabane virus showed an affinity to nerve cells and caused primary nonpurulent encephalomyelitis when inoculated intracerebrally to mice.  相似文献   

The intestinal histopathology and in situ postures of Gymnophalloides seoi (Digenea: Gymnophallidae) were studied using C3H/HeN and C57BL/6 mice as experimental hosts; the effects of immunosuppression were also observed. The metacercariae isolated from naturally infected oysters, 300 or 1,000 in number, were infected orally to each mouse, and the mice were killed at days 3-21 post-infection (PI). In immunocompetent (IC) mice, only a small number of flukes were found in the mucosa of the duodenum and jejunum during days 3-7 PI, with their large oral suckers pinching and sucking the root of villi. The intestinal mucosa showed mild villous atrophy, crypt hyperplasia, and inflammations in the villous stroma and crypt, with remarkable goblet cell hyperplasia. These mucosal changes were almost restored after days 14-21 PI. In immunosuppressed (IS) mice, displacement as well as complete loss of villi adjacent to the flukes was frequently encountered, otherwise the histopathology was generally mild, with minimal goblet cell hyperplasia. In these mice, numerous flukes were found, and it seemed that they were actively moving and rotating in situ. Several flukes were found to have invaded into the submucosa, almost facing the serosa. These results indicate that in IC mice the intestinal histopathology caused by G. seoi is generally mild, and the flukes do not penetrate beyond the mucosa, however, in IS mice, the flukes can cause severe destruction of neighboring villi, and some of them invade into the submucosa.  相似文献   

Adenosine, derived from hydrolysis of 5'-AMP by 5'-nucleotidase activity, may be involved in coupling coronary blood flow to cardiac function and metabolism; it has been postulated as a cardioprotective substance in ischemic myocardium. The stimulation of beta-adrenergic receptors produces an increase in adenosine by 5'-AMP hydrolysis. In addition, it has been demonstrated that in Chagas' disease there is decreased cardiac perfusion. We show in this paper by histochemical and densitometric procedures that ecto-5'-nucleotidase activity increases in ventricles of acutely Trypanosoma cruzi-infected mice and that the density of beta-adrenergic receptors is significantly diminished with affinity similar to controls, showing that a compensatory mechanism was absent. The increase of ecto-5'-nucleotidase in heart myocytes from infected mice may produce cardioprotective adenosine that may be independent of beta-adrenergic function, based on the hypoperfusion conditions of acute chagasic cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   

This research was conducted on ten glass slides selected from the histopathology evaluation chickens. Five slides of control's chickens healthy and five slides of chickens infected experimentally with chicken anemia virus (CAV slide) between one and twenty-one days post infection (PI), they were analyzed in magnifications of 200x and 400x. Histopathology showed severe bone marrow hypoplasia to complete aplasia, fully depletion of the erythrocytic and granulocytic series, both accompanied by space occupying adipocytic replacement. Foci of erythropoietic hyperplasia with intense mielopoietic activity, some hemocytoblast increased of size, with large nucleus. A quantitative analytical technique by Positive Pixel Count Algorithm was applied. It demonstrated that measures area stained of control slides were higher than CAV slides (Average: 61% vs. 25%, respectively). So, the control slides showed strong positivity, due to the presence of bigger quantity of cells of erythrocytic and granulocytic series. The CAV slides of seven days PI had high positivity (average: 94%), it was explained because the chicken anemia virus takes place severe lesions between ten to seventeen days PI, after 21 days PI the cellular regeneration is observed that is evidenced by means of focuses of erythroblastoid cells hyperplasia. This technique demonstrates in a quantitative way the severe decrease of the cellular components of the bone marrow in presence of the infection for CAV, supporting with numeric data the histology image evaluated by the pathologist. Therefore, it can be used as support to the histopathology of field samples to evaluate the presence of lesions taken place by CAV and this way to improve the quality and efficiency of the veterinary pathology services.  相似文献   

Deer mice are the principal reservoir hosts of Sin Nombre virus, the etiologic agent of most hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome cases in North America. Infection of deer mice results in persistence without conspicuous pathology, and most, if not all, infected mice remain infected for life, with periods of viral shedding. The kinetics of viral load, histopathology, virus distribution, and immune gene expression in deer mice were examined. Viral antigen was detected as early as 5 days postinfection and peaked on day 15 in the lungs, hearts, kidneys, and livers. Viral RNA levels varied substantially but peaked on day 15 in the lungs and heart, and antinucleocapsid IgG antibodies appeared in some animals on day 10, but a strong neutralizing antibody response failed to develop during the 20-day experiment. No clinical signs of disease were observed in any of the infected deer mice. Most genes were repressed on day 2, suggesting a typical early downregulation of gene expression often observed in viral infections. Several chemokine and cytokine genes were elevated, and markers of a T cell response occurred but then declined days later. Splenic transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) expression was elevated early in infection, declined, and then was elevated again late in infection. Together, these data suggest that a subtle immune response that fails to clear the virus occurs in deer mice.  相似文献   

Histological and ultrastructural alterations in lung tissue of BALB/c mice infected with dengue virus serotype 2 (non-neuroadapted), by intraperitoneal and intravenous routes were analyzed. Lung tissues were processed following the standard techniques for photonic and electron transmission microscopies. Histopathological and ultrastructural studies showed interstitial pneumonia, characterized by the presence of mononuclear cells. In the mouse model, the dengue virus serotype 2 seems to led to a transient inflammatory process without extensive damage to the interalveolar septa, but caused focal alterations of the blood-exchange barrier. Endothelial cells of blood capillaries exhibited phyllopodia suggesting activation by presence of dengue virus. Morphometrical analysis of mast cells showed an expressive increase of the number of these cells in peribronchiolar spaces and adjacent areas to the interalveolar septa. Alveolar macrophages showed particles dengue virus-like inside rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex, suggesting viral replication. The tissue alterations observed in our experimental model were similar to the observed in human cases of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Our results show that BALB/c mice are permissive host for dengue virus serotype 2 replication and therefore provides an useful model to study of morphological aspects of dengue virus infection.  相似文献   

Allethrin (C(19)H(26)O(3)) is non-cyano-containing pyrethroid insecticide that is used extensively for controlling flies and mosquitoes. Apart from its neurotoxic effects in non-target species, allethrin is reported to be mutagenic in bacterial systems. In this study, we observed oxidative damage-mediated genotoxicity caused by allethrin in Swiss albino mice. The genotoxic potential of allethrin was evaluated using chromosome aberrations (CAs) and a micronuclei (MN) induction assay as genetic end-points. The oral intubation of allethrin (25 and 50mg/kg b.wt.) significantly induces CAs and MN in mouse bone marrow cells. The DNA-damaging potential of allethrin was estimated in mouse liver using the DNA alkaline unwinding assay (DAUA) and by measuring the levels of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxy-guanosine (8-OH-dG). Furthermore, a dose-dependent increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and lipid peroxidation (LPO), with a concurrent decrease in superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase, confirm its pro-oxidant potential. The DNA-damaging potential of allethrin was found to be mediated through the modulation of p53, p21, GADD45α and MDM-2. These results confirm the genotoxic and the pro-oxidant potential of allethrin in Swiss albino mice.  相似文献   

Seven hamsters, experimentally infected with Borrelia burgdorferi, were examined by both cultural and histological techniques at 1 to 9 months postinfection. Spirochetes were detected in the spleen, kidney, or eye of all animals by culture and in the spleen, kidney, eye, liver, or heart blood of five of seven animals by histological examination. Two animals showed nonspecific hepatic portal lymphocytic infiltration, while five of the hamsters displayed no significant histologic signs of inflammation or granuloma formation in the major organ systems. Synovitis and arthropathy did not occur. All animals showed some degree of follicular lymphoid hyperplasia of the spleen. Spirochetes were predominantly extracellular with a rare organism appearing to be partially within a macrophage.  相似文献   

Chronic administration of clenbuterol, a beta-adrenoceptor agonist (2 mg/kg body weight/day for 30 days) to mice resulted in an increased body mass. Measurement of dry tissue mass suggested a protein anabolic effect in the gastrocnemius and heart. Quantitative estimation of collagen content, a non-contractile element as calculated from hydroxyproline assay revealed its proliferation in the gastrocnemius, cardiac ventricle, intestine and to some extent also in the kidney. Clenbuterol did not induce collagen proliferation in non-muscle tissues such as the lungs and liver. Histopathological examination of sections from treated ventricles showed an extensive collagen infiltration in the subendocardium and at myonecrosis sites.  相似文献   

Milk fat globule membranes and mammary tumour virus particles (d = 1.17 g/cm3) have been obtained from the milk of a Swiss albino mice strain. Comparitive biochemistry shows that these two structures differ significantly in the phospholipid, polypeptide and glycopolypeptide patterns and enzymatic activities. However, the lipid profile and the morphology of both structures suggest a filiation with the plasma membrane. Density fractions obtained from the crude virus preparation have been thoroughly investigated. The results suggest that most of these fractions represent degraded virus and/or atypical virus assembly.  相似文献   

《Mutation Research Letters》1993,301(2):107-111
Swiss albino male mice, 6–8 weeks old, were treated i.p. with different doses of desferrioxamine dissolved in water for 7 days. Some of the mice in each group were injected i.p. with adriamycin (15 mg/kg) and killed after 30 or 24, 48 and 72 h. The femoral cells of mice in different groups were collected and studied. Desferrioxamine treatment failed to affect the incidence of micronuclei at doses of 125–250 mg/kg/day. Pretreatment with desferrioxamine was found to provide significant protection against adriamycin-induced micronuclei without interfering with its cytotoxic potential.  相似文献   

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