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The magnesium ion-requiring step in fertilization of sea urchins was investigated. When eggs were inseminated in Mg-free sea water, several spermatozoa were found to bind to each egg surface with their reacted acrosomes without elevation of fertilization membrane. The number of binding jelly-treated spermatozoa to an egg did not differ regardless of the presence or virtual absence of magnesium ions. Although fertilization did not occur in Ca, Mg-deficient sea water (CM-deficient SW) even when jelly-treated spermatozoa were employed, some eggs could be fertilized by the addition of magnesium to the CM-deficient SW 60 sec after insemination, when jelly-treated spermatozoa had completely lost their fertilizing capacity in the CM-deficient SW. The acrosomal process of jelly-treated spermatozoa appeared to penetrate the vitelline layer in the CM-deficient SW. DTT- or pancreatin-treated eggs could not be fertilized in the virtual absence of magnesium. Re-fertilization using the fertilized eggs deprived of fertilization membrane did not occur under conditions of magnesium deficiency. These results suggest that external magnesium ions are indispensable at least for the fertilization process following penetration of the vitelline layer by the spermatozoa, such as fusion of the plasma membrane between an egg and a reacted spermatozoon, or the subsequent step(s) such as sperm penetration into egg interior and egg activation which precedes the cortical reaction.  相似文献   

When the spermatozoa of sea urchins are added to eggs which have been fixed with glutaraldehyde and washed thoroughly, the spermatozoa swarm around the eggs and adhere to the egg surface. The mode of sperm adhesion to the fixed egg is assumed, on the evidence of electron-microscopical studies, to be the same as that of adhesion to the intact egg at the initial stage of normal fertilization. The spermatozoa and fixed eggs of five species of sea urchins were combined and heterologous crosses were studied. Species-specific adhesion of sperm to fixed eggs was clearly demonstrated. There is a direct relationship between the cross-fertilization of living gametes and the binding capacity of spermatozoa and fixed eggs in so far as the employed five species are concerned.  相似文献   

牛体外受精的程序及超微结构研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
孙青原  秦鹏春 《动物学报》1996,42(3):303-308
牛体外成熟卵母细胞体外受精后3小时精子入卵,8小时原核形成,24小时的核多到卵中央。精子发生顶体反应的部位主要在透明表面,方式是顶体外膜自身囊经,发生顶体反应的粗子可斜向或垂直穿过透明带。卵丘细胞可吞噬大量精子,在阻多精受精中发挥重要作用。高尔基得合体,线料体、环状片层和滑面内质网等在原核周围形成细胞器集团。牛体外受精卵的雌雄原结合比体内受精的要延迟,胞吐到卵周隙中的皮质颗粒内容物扩散不完全。  相似文献   

Evolutionary biologists generally invoke male competition and female choice as mechanisms driving sexual selection. However, in broadcast-spawning organisms sperm may be limiting and females may compete, in the Darwinian sense, for increased mating success. In this study, I investigate how species differences in egg and sperm traits result in different patterns of fertilization among three closely related sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, S. franciscanus, and S. droebachiensis). Field studies demonstrate that all three species achieve similar percentages of eggs fertilized when eggs and sperm are released simultaneously. However, when sperm must disperse before encountering eggs, differences arise among species such that those with the smaller eggs and faster but shorter-lived sperm achieve relatively fewer fertilizations than do species with larger eggs and slower but longer-lived sperm. A field hybridization experiment, field estimates of sperm dispersal, correlations of egg size to field rates of fertilization, laboratory studies of fertilization kinetics, and a simulation model all suggest that it is attributes of the egg (probably egg size) that are responsible for the differences. These patterns of fertilization match the species' patterns of dispersion; species that do well only when sperm and eggs are released in close proximity are more aggregated, species that do relatively well when sperm and eggs are released farther apart are more dispersed. These results are consistent with the notion that eggs of different species are adapted to maximize reproductive success under different degrees of sperm limitation and suggest that male competition and female choice may not be an appropriate dichotomy in broadcast-spawning organisms.  相似文献   

Unlike populations of many terrestrial species, marine populations often are not separated by obvious, permanent barriers to gene flow. When species have high dispersal potential and few barriers to gene flow, allopatric divergence is slow. Nevertheless, many marine species are of recent origin, even in taxa with high dispersal potential. To understand the relationship between genetic structure and recent species formation in high dispersal taxa, we examined population genetic structure among four species of sea urchins in the tropical Indo-West Pacific that have speciated within the past one to three million years. Despite high potential for gene flow, mtDNA sequence variation among 200 individuals of four species in the urchin genus Echinometra shows a signal of strong geographic effects. These effects include (1) substantial population heterogeneity; (2) lower genetic variation in peripheral populations; and (3) isolation by distance. These geographic patterns are especially strong across scales of 5000-10,000 km, and are weaker over scales of 2500-5000 km. As a result, strong geographic patterns would not have been readily visible except over the wide expanse of the tropical Pacific. Surface currents in the Pacific do not explain patterns of gene flow any better than do patterns of simple spatial proximity. Finally, populations of each species tend to group into large mtDNA regions with similar mtDNA haplotypes, but these regional boundaries are not concordant in different species. These results show that all four species have accumulated mtDNA differences over similar spatial and temporal scales but that the precise geographic pattern of genetic differentiation varies for each species. These geographic patterns appear much less deterministic than in other well-known coastal marine systems and may be driven by chance and historical accident.  相似文献   

Within the sea urchin genus Heliocidaris, changes in early embryonic and larval development have resulted in dramatic differences in the length of time larvae spend in the plankton before settling. The larvae of one species, H. tuberculata, spend several weeks feeding in the plankton before settling and metamorphosing into juveniles. The other species, H. erythrogramma, has modified this extended planktonic larval stage and develops into a juvenile within 3–4 days after fertilization. We used restriction site polymorphisms in mitochondrial DNA to examine the population genetic consequences of these developmental changes. Ten restriction enzymes were used to assay the mitochondrial genome of 29 individuals from 2 localities for H. tuberculata and 62 individuals from 5 localities for H. erythrogramma. Within H. tuberculata, 11 mitochondrial genotypes were identified. A GST analysis showed high levels of genetic exchange between populations separated by 1,000 kilometers of open ocean. In contrast, in H. erythrogramma, 13 mitochondrial genotypes differing by up to 2.33% were geographically partitioned over spatial scales ranging from 800 to 3,400 kilometers. Between distant localities, there was complete mitochondrial lineage sorting and large sequence divergence between resulting clades. Over much smaller spatial scales (< 1,000 km), genetic differentiation was due to the differential sorting of very similar genotypes. This pattern of mitochondrial variation suggests that these population differences have arisen recently and may reflect the historical interplay between the restricted dispersal capabilities of H. erythrogramma and the climatic and geological changes associated with Pleistocene Ice Ages.  相似文献   

The activity of arylcsterase in sea urchin eggs ( Anthocidaris craxsispina ), increases at 5 min after fertilization to about 1.5-fold that in unfertilized eggs, and decreases at 15 min to a lower level than that in unfertilized eggs. Then the activity of the enzyme increases again. The enzyme activity in unfertilized eggs is enhanced by either fructose 1, 6-diphosphate (FDP) at concentrations between 4 and 10 μM, or guanosine 3', 5'-cyclic monophosphalc (cGMP) at concentrations between 0.1 and 0.3 μM. The activity is detectable in the crude microsomal fraction and also in the supernatant fraction obtained from sea urchin egg homogenates by centrifugation at 105,000 × g for 2 hr.  相似文献   

Preexisting developmental plasticity in feeding larvae may contribute to the evolutionary transition from development with a feeding larva to nonfeeding larval development. Differences in timing of development of larval and juvenile structures (heterochronic shifts) and differences in the size of the larval body (shifts in allocation) were produced in sea urchin larvae exposed to different amounts of food in the laboratory and in the field. The changes in larval form in response to food appear to be adaptive, with increased allocation of growth to the larval apparatus for catching food when food is scarce and earlier allocation to juvenile structures when food is abundant. This phenotypic plasticity among full siblings is similar in direction to the heterochronic evolutionary changes in species that have greater nutrient reserves within the ova and do not depend on particulate planktonic food. This similarity suggests that developmental plasticity that is adaptive for feeding larvae also contributes to correlated and adaptive evolutionary changes in the transition to nonfeeding larval development. If endogenous food supplies have the same effect on morphogenesis as exogenous food supplies, then changes in genes that act during oogenesis to affect nutrient stores may be sufficient to produce correlated adaptive changes in larval development.  相似文献   

The morphology of the spermatozoa of three species of echinothurid sea urchins, Asthenosoma ijimai, Araeosoma owstoni, Hapalosoma gemmiferum, was investigated by means of transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The spermatozoa of these three species of echinothurid sea urchins have similar fine structure, but they differ in several features from the more familiar regular sea urchins. 1) The external anatomy of the head region of the echinothurid spermatozoon is diagnostic in that it has a highly elongated head. 2) The spermatozoon of echinothurid sea urchins has a very long slender nucleus, protruding on its proximal end, so that the shape of the nucleus resembles a sperhead. 3) The acrosomal granule in the acrosomal vesicle of the echinothurid spermatozoon is not a mass of homogenous particulate material but an electron opaque rod condensed in the central part of the acrosomal vesicle. Scanning electron microscopic examination revealed that echinothurid spermatozoa form acrosomal processes similar to those of other regular sea urchins. 4) The basal body is situated just beneath the middle of the posterior protrusion of the nucleus. The distal centriole is located beside the basal body almost in contact with it. The axis of the distal centriole is almost but not quite parallel to that of the basal body. A satellite complex can be recognized around the posterior part of the proximal centriole.  相似文献   

During the initial stages of fertilization envelope elevation in eggs of Strongylocentrotus pur puratus and S. droebachiensis a large concavity of the egg cortex was observed in the light microscope. This concavity corresponded in shape and size with the elevating fertilization envelope. However, after the vitelline layers of eggs were disrupted and the eggs inseminated, the concavity failed to develop although the eggs were fertilized and developed normally. We propose that the concavity is formed owing to increased hydrostatic pressure within the perivitelline space. To further support this hypothesis we measured total egg protein secreted during fertilization, and found that 98% was retained within the perivitelline space. Furthermore, 80% of the total protein was contributed by the hyaline layer. Presumably, colloidal osmotic pressure and/or hydration of fertilization product, trapped beneath the fertilization envelope, is responsible for increased hydrostatic pressure within the perivitelline space, and therefore promotes not only fertilization envelope elevation, but the cortical concavity as well.  相似文献   

It has been known for nearly a century that at the 16-cell stage of sea urchin embryos, the animal 4 cells divide equally and horizontally, whereas the vegetal 4 cells cleave unequally and practically vertically into macromeres and micromeres. Recently, more careful observations were made on the process of micromere formation and it has been revealed that a primary cause for the inequality lies in the migration of the 4 vegetal nuclei to the vegetal pole of the embryo which brings about excentricity of the mitotic apparatus. Records of this phenomenon are given in the present paper.  相似文献   

The activity of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex in sea urchin eggs is localized in the crude mitochondrial fraction. The activity of the enzyme complex in the intact mitochondrial fraction of unfertilized eggs is too low to be estimated and is enhanced upon fertilization with a 5-min lag period. The activity of the enzyme complex in unfertilized eggs is enhanced by Ca2+at concentrations between 5 × 10?5 M and 10?3 M. The activity in fertilized eggs is blocked after incubation with 2 mM ATP, and the block of the activity is also released by Ca2+. The blockage of the enzyme complex activity is accompanied by phosphorylation of proteins, and release of the block by Ca2+ is concomitantly followed by the dephosphorylation of proteins in the mitochondrial fraction. The enzyme complex in unfertilized eggs will be assumed to be the one inhibited by phosphorylation. The enzyme complex will be activated upon fertilization as a consequence of the dephosphorylation, that is caused by the increase in intracellular concentration of Ca2+.  相似文献   

The number of sperm incorporated into eggs made polyspermic with varying concentrations of nicotine (0.025–0.25%, v/v) appears to be directly related to the concentrations employed. The cortical response is morphologically equivalent to that observed in control preparations. Shortly after their incorporation all of the spermatozoa undergo structural events normally associated with the development of the male pronucleus in monospermic eggs. During the reorganization of the spermatozoa, sperm asters are formed. The number of male pronuclei that initially migrate to and encounter the female pronucleus is usually one to three. When pronuclei come into proximity to one another the surface of the female pronucleus proximal to the advancing male pronuclei flattens and becomes highly convoluted. Subsequently, the pronuclei contact each other and the outer and inner membranes of the pronuclear envelopes fuse, thereby producing the zygote nucleus. The male pronuclei remaining in the zygote after this initial series of pronuclear fusions continue to differentiate, i.e. they enlarge, form nucleolus-like bodies, and undergo further chromatin dispersion. In approximately 90% of the zygotes, all of the remaining male pronuclei progressively migrate to the zygote nucleus and fuse to form one large nucleus by 80 min postinsemination. Mitosis and cleavage of the polyspermic zygote occurs later than in monospermic eggs.  相似文献   

Thymidylate synthase activity in sea urchin eggs increases just after fertilization and decreases 30 min later. Then, cyclic variation in the activity occurs in association with the cleavage cycle. Dihydrofolate reductase activity in fertilized eggs is almost the same as in unfertilized eggs and shows no marked change within 3 hr after fertilization. Aminopterin, an analogue of dihydrofolate, inhibits dihydrofolate reductase, and arrests cleavage. On incubation in sea water containing aminopterin (20-100μM) from the time of fertilization, the development of Clypeaster and Pseudocentrotus eggs was arrested at the 32–64 cell stage, and that of Anthocidaris eggs was arrested at the morula stage. Dihydrofolate (100μM) counteracts the inhibitory effect of aminopterin on egg cleavage. Thymidine at concentrations above 10μM also prevents inhibition by aminopterin. Other deoxyribonucleosides at concentrations of 10μM to 100μM do not affect inhibition of egg cleavage by aminopterin. Deoxyadenosine at concentrations above 5 mM inhibits egg cleavage, but other deoxyribonucleosides have no effect.  相似文献   

Fertilization of sea urchin eggs fails to occur at a pH lower than 6.5. Analytical studies on this problem were made with Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, Anthocidaris crassispina and Pseudocentrotus depressus. If the spermatozoa have been pretreated with egg water, eggs can be fertilized even at pH 6.5 and 6.0. The acrosome reaction is inhibited at a pH lower than 6.5. Intact spermatozoa fail to adhere to the fixed eggs in acidified sea water, whereas egg-water-treated spermatozoa adhere even at pH 6.5 and 6.0. From these results we infer that the failure of fertilization at pH 6.5–6.0 is caused by non-occurrence of the acrosome reaction, and that fertilization reactions other than the acrosome reaction, such as the binding and fusion of the gametes, are not inhibited in this range of pH. At pH 5.5, the spermatozoa become inert and fertilization is inhibited or suppressed, even though egg-water-treated spermatozoa are employed.  相似文献   

Nicotine reduces the amplitude of the fertilization potential in sea urchin eggs, at least in part because it decreases the slope of the current voltage relation of the unfertilized egg membrane. The reduced fertilization potential amplitude provides an electrophysiological explanation for previous observations that nicotine impairs the fast block to polyspermy. The block to polyspermy is also impaired by fertilization in low sodium sea water, a medium which has been reported to reduce fertilization potential amplitude.  相似文献   

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