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人类的致病基因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨微  刘兰英 《生命的化学》2002,22(5):457-460
在人类基因组计划取得重大进展的背景下,有1000多种致病基因被克隆鉴定出来并加以分类。定位克隆,定位候选克隆及新兴的SNP标记均被用于搜索新的致病基因。对肿瘤,神经系统和视觉系统等致病遗传基因的研究已获初步成果。  相似文献   

刘万清  贺林 《生命科学》1998,10(5):233-235
遗传病相关基因的定位工作是目前世界各国医学遗传学研究的焦点。随着人类基因组计划的发展,许多方法被应用到这一领域中。90年代以来,结合连锁分析在基因组内进行自动化、大规模扫描定位基因的方法逐渐被倒立和发展,目前已成为该领域中应用最广、最有效的手段。  相似文献   

常染色体显性遗传非综合征型耳聋致病基因定位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
耳聋具有高度的遗传异质性, 迄今已定位了51个常染色体显性遗传非综合征型耳聋(autosomal dominant non-syndromic sensorineural hearing loss, DFNA)基因位点, 20个DFNA相关基因被克隆.文章收集了一个DFNA巨大家系, 家系中有血缘关系的家族成员共170人, 对73名家族成员进行了详细的病史调查、全身检查和耳科学检查, 提示39人有不同程度的迟发性感音神经性听力下降, 未见前庭及其他系统的异常.应用ABI公司382个常染色体微卫星多态标记进行全基因组扫描连锁分析, 将该家系致聋基因定位于14q12-13处D14S1021-D14S70之间约7.6 cM (3.18 Mb)的区域, 最大LOD值为6.69 (D14S1040), 与已知DFNA9位点有4.7 cM (2.57 Mb)的重叠区, DFNA9致病基因COCH位于重叠区域内.下一步拟进行COCH基因的突变筛查, 以揭示该家系耳聋的分子致病机制.  相似文献   

SNP标记对角膜混浊小鼠 突变相关基因的精细定位   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蒋荧梅  刘春  吴刘成  邵义祥 《遗传》2010,32(5):486-491
为深入研究前期工作中以ENU诱变技术建立的遗传性角膜混浊突变系小鼠(B6-Co)的遗传机制, 利用 SNP标记对其突变基因进行精细定位, 将该品系中具有角膜混浊表型的小鼠(B6-CoP)与DBA/2小鼠(简称D2)配种得到F1代, 再回交D2亲本品系得到F2代, 提取F2代角膜混浊小鼠鼠尾DNA。在MGI数据库中选取小鼠13号染色体已定位区间附近5个在C57BL/6(简称B6)和D2两个品系之间有差异的SNP, 应用聚合酶链反应-限制性片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)技术及连锁分析方法对B6-Co小鼠突变基因进行精细定位。结果表明: B6-Co小鼠突变基因定位于13号染色体上112 546 283~113 397 654 bp之间, 因该区间内有5个已知基因, 其中Map3k1基因与小鼠眼睛形态生成和眼睑闭合密切相关, 提示Map3k1是B6-Co小鼠突变的强力候选基因。  相似文献   

耳聋具有高度的遗传异质性, 迄今已定位了51个常染色体显性遗传非综合征型耳聋(autosomal dominant non-syndromic sensorineural hearing loss, DFNA)基因位点, 20个DFNA相关基因被克隆。文章收集了一个DFNA巨大家系, 家系中有血缘关系的家族成员共170人, 对73名家族成员进行了详细的病史调查、全身检查和耳科学检查, 提示39人有不同程度的迟发性感音神经性听力下降, 未见前庭及其他系统的异常。应用ABI公司382个常染色体微卫星多态标记进行全基因组扫描连锁分析, 将该家系致聋基因定位于14q12-13处D14S1021-D14S70之间约7.6 cM (3.18 Mb)的区域, 最大LOD值为6.69 (D14S1040), 与已知DFNA9位点有4.7 cM (2.57 Mb)的重叠区, DFNA9致病基因COCH位于重叠区域内。下一步拟进行COCH基因的突变筛查, 以揭示该家系耳聋的分子致病机制。  相似文献   

目的:基于全基因组关联分析(Genomewideassociationstudy,GWAS)数据与生物信息学方法,识别冠心病潜在致病基因。方法:利用生物信息学方法和GWAS数据,对单核苷酸多态性(SingleNucleotidePolymorphisms,SNP)进行疾病风险打分,依据特定距离阈值内的SNP-SNP互作关系,筛选出疾病相关SNP显著风险模块,识别潜在致病基因。结果:设定阈值20kb,经筛选获得279个SNP显著风险模块,映射到79个基因,文献验证率为71.01%。结论:基于SNP互作识别的潜在致病基因,能更加准确的分析冠心病的发生发展过程。  相似文献   

在帕金森病 (PD)病人中 ,遗传因素起着重要作用 ,尤其是家族性PD病人 ,以常染色体显性方式遗传。Polymeropoulos等[1] 1 996年在一个意大利人的家族性PD家系中将PD的致病基因定位于第 4号染色体的 4q2 1 q2 3区间 ,1 997年他们就确定其致病基因是由于α synuclein的基因在第 4号外显子的一个错义点突变所致。它使其编码的第 5 3位氨基酸由Ala置换Thr,同时这一发现也在 3个希腊人的家族性PD病人得到证实。α synuclein是由 1 40个氨基酸残基组成的疏水性蛋白质 ,广泛存在于多种膜结构 ,…  相似文献   

SNP(single nucleotide polymorphism,单核苷酸多态)在猪基因组中的分布极其广泛,平均分布间隔为300~400 bp,相关数据库收录已达55万条。猪基因组测序已取得实质性进展,大规模搜索发现基因组及EST(expressed sequence tag)序列中的SNP已展开,应用于猪全基因组水平的SNP芯片已建立。在此基础上,基于猪SNP标记的遗传图谱绘制、QTL(quantitative trait loci)定位、遗传多样性检测及全基因组关联分析等也都相继出现。  相似文献   

单核苷酸多态性(Single Nucleotide Polymorphism,SNP)是人类基因组中最常见的遗传多态,在遗传学研究的很多方面具有重要的作用。它的搜寻正受到广泛关注。近年来,国际上出现了一种基于生物信息学的发掘SNP新方法。本文对该方法的两种策略及其各自所存在的问题作一介绍。 Abstract:Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP), the most common form of human genetic variation, represents a valuable resources for a variety of genetic research. There is considerable interest in the discovery of it. Recently, a new method based on bioinfomatics has been developed for the discovery of SNP. In this paper, the two strategy of this method and their respective problem are discussed.  相似文献   

人基因组连锁分析和基因定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马洪明  柴建华 《生命科学》1997,9(1):19-22,48
连锁分析是确定基因之间连锁关系的统计学方法,是目前进行基因定位的重要手段,LOD法是最为常用的有效的连锁分析的方法,本文连锁分析原理,方法和应用成果及前瞻等三方面进行了介绍。  相似文献   

Genetic studies in shrimp have focused on disease, with production traits such as growth left unexamined. Two shrimp species, Litopenaeus vannamei and Penaeus monodon, which represent the majority of US shrimp imports, were selected for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery in alpha-amylase (AMY2) and cathepsin-l (CTSL), both candidate genes for growth. In L. vannamei, four SNPs were found in AMY2 and one SNP was found in CTSL. In P. monodon, one SNP was identified in CTSL. The CTSL gene was mapped to linkage group 28 of P. monodon using the female map developed with the Australian P. monodon mapping population. Association analyses for the AMY2 and CTSL genes with body weight (BW) were performed in two L. vannamei populations. While neither gene was found to be significantly associated with BW in these populations, there was a trend in one population towards higher BW for allele G of CTSL SNP C681G.  相似文献   

Classical bovine spongiform encephalopathy is a transmissible prion disease that is fatal to cattle and is a human health risk due to its association with a strain of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). Mutations to the coding region of the prion gene (PRNP) have been associated with susceptibility to transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in mammals including bovines and humans. Additional loci such as the retinoic acid receptor beta (RARB) and stathmin like 2 (STMN2) have also been associated with disease risk. The objective of this study was to refine previously identified regions associated with BSE susceptibility and to identify positional candidate genes and genetic variation that may be involved with the progression of classical BSE. The samples included 739 samples of either BSE infected animals (522 animals) or non-infected controls (207 animals). These were tested using a custom SNP array designed to narrow previously identified regions of importance in bovine genome. Thirty one single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified at p < 0.05 and a minor allele frequency greater than 5%. The chromosomal regions identified and the positional and functional candidate genes and regulatory elements identified within these regions warrant further research.  相似文献   

Classical bovine spongiform encephalopathy is a transmissible prion disease that is fatal to cattle and is a human health risk due to its association with a strain of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). Mutations to the coding region of the prion gene (PRNP) have been associated with susceptibility to transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in mammals including bovines and humans. Additional loci such as the retinoic acid receptor beta (RARB) and stathmin like 2 (STMN2) have also been associated with disease risk. The objective of this study was to refine previously identified regions associated with BSE susceptibility and to identify positional candidate genes and genetic variation that may be involved with the progression of classical BSE. The samples included 739 samples of either BSE infected animals (522 animals) or non-infected controls (207 animals). These were tested using a custom SNP array designed to narrow previously identified regions of importance in bovine genome. Thirty one single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified at p < 0.05 and a minor allele frequency greater than 5%. The chromosomal regions identified and the positional and functional candidate genes and regulatory elements identified within these regions warrant further research.  相似文献   

The chromosomal localization of 13 bovine genes was determined using radiation hybrid (RH) mapping. The RH mapping data were in agreement with published data using either linkage, somatic cell hybrids or in situ hybridization. Mutation analysis using single-stranded conformational polymorphism, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and sequencing revealed 13 SNPs in four different genes, namely carboxypeptidase E (CPE), uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2), single-minded (Drosophila) homologue 1 (SIM1) and methallothionein IIa (MT2A). With the exception of one mutation in CPE, all other mutations are either silent or are situated in an intron. The polymerase chain reaction RFLP was used on unrelated animals from different cattle breeds for determing allelic distribution.  相似文献   

Bioinformatics and re-sequencing approaches were used for the discovery of sequence polymorphisms in Litopenaeus vannamei . A total of 1221 putative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified in a pool of individuals from various commercial populations. A set of 211 SNPs were selected for further molecular validation and 88% showed variation in 637 samples representing three commercial breeding lines. An association analysis was performed between these markers and several traits of economic importance for shrimp producers including resistance to three major viral diseases. A small number of SNPs showed associations with test weekly gain, grow-out survival and resistance to Taura Syndrome Virus. Very low levels of linkage disequilibrium were revealed between most SNP pairs, with only 11% of SNPs showing an r 2-value above 0.10 with at least one other SNP. Comparison of allele frequencies showed small changes over three generations of the breeding programme in one of the commercial breeding populations. This unique SNP resource has the potential to catalyse future studies of genetic dissection of complex traits, tracing relationships in breeding programmes, and monitoring genetic diversity in commercial and wild populations of L. vannamei .  相似文献   

Cultivated apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) is one of the most important fruit crops in temperate regions, and has great economic and cultural value. The apple genome is highly heterozygous and has undergone a recent duplication which, combined with a rapid linkage disequilibrium decay, makes it difficult to perform genome‐wide association (GWA) studies. Single nucleotide polymorphism arrays offer highly multiplexed assays at a relatively low cost per data point and can be a valid tool for the identification of the markers associated with traits of interest. Here, we describe the development and validation of a 487K SNP Affymetrix Axiom® genotyping array for apple and discuss its potential applications. The array has been built from the high‐depth resequencing of 63 different cultivars covering most of the genetic diversity in cultivated apple. The SNPs were chosen by applying a focal points approach to enrich genic regions, but also to reach a uniform coverage of non‐genic regions. A total of 1324 apple accessions, including the 92 progenies of two mapping populations, have been genotyped with the Axiom®Apple480K to assess the effectiveness of the array. A large majority of SNPs (359 994 or 74%) fell in the stringent class of poly high resolution polymorphisms. We also devised a filtering procedure to identify a subset of 275K very robust markers that can be safely used for germplasm surveys in apple. The Axiom®Apple480K has now been commercially released both for public and proprietary use and will likely be a reference tool for GWA studies in apple.  相似文献   



Availability of molecular markers has proven to be an efficient tool in facilitating progress in plant breeding, which is particularly important in the case of less researched crops such as cotton. Considering the obvious advantages of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertion-deletion polymorphisms (InDels), expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were analyzed in silico to identify SNPs and InDels in this study, aiming to develop more molecular markers in cotton.


A total of 1,349 EST-based SNP and InDel markers were developed by comparing ESTs between Gossypium hirsutum and G. barbadense, mining G. hirsutum unigenes, and analyzing 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR) sequences. The marker polymorphisms were investigated using the two parents of the mapping population based on the single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. Of all the markers, 137 (10.16%) were polymorphic, and revealed 142 loci. Linkage analysis using a BC1 population mapped 133 loci on the 26 chromosomes. Statistical analysis of base variations in SNPs showed that base transitions accounted for 55.78% of the total base variations and gene ontology indicated that cotton genes varied greatly in harboring SNPs ranging from 1.00 to 24.00 SNPs per gene. Sanger sequencing of three randomly selected SNP markers revealed discrepancy between the in silico predicted sequences and the actual sequencing results.


In silico analysis is a double-edged blade to develop EST-SNP/InDel markers. On the one hand, the designed markers can be well used in tetraploid cotton genetic mapping. And it plays a certain role in revealing transition preference and SNP frequency of cotton genes. On the other hand, the developmental efficiency of markers and polymorphism of designed primers are comparatively low.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1046) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

High-resolution genetic maps are essential for fine mapping of complex traits, genome assembly, and comparative genomic analysis. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the primary molecular markers used for genetic map construction. In this study, we identified 13,362 SNPs evenly distributed across the Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) genome. Of these SNPs, 12,712 high-confidence SNPs were subjected to high-throughput genotyping and assigned to 24 consensus linkage groups (LGs). The total length of the genetic linkage map was 3,497.29 cM with an average distance of 0.47 cM between loci, thereby representing the densest genetic map currently reported for Japanese flounder. Nine positive quantitative trait loci (QTLs) forming two main clusters for Vibrio anguillarum disease resistance were detected. All QTLs could explain 5.1–8.38% of the total phenotypic variation. Synteny analysis of the QTL regions on the genome assembly revealed 12 immune-related genes, among them 4 genes strongly associated with V. anguillarum disease resistance. In addition, 246 genome assembly scaffolds with an average size of 21.79 Mb were anchored onto the LGs; these scaffolds, comprising 522.99 Mb, represented 95.78% of assembled genomic sequences. The mapped assembly scaffolds in Japanese flounder were used for genome synteny analyses against zebrafish (Danio rerio) and medaka (Oryzias latipes). Flounder and medaka were found to possess almost one-to-one synteny, whereas flounder and zebrafish exhibited a multi-syntenic correspondence. The newly developed high-resolution genetic map, which will facilitate QTL mapping, scaffold assembly, and genome synteny analysis of Japanese flounder, marks a milestone in the ongoing genome project for this species.  相似文献   

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