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ATP is thought to be released to the extracellular compartment by neurons and astrocytes during neural activation. We examined whether ATP exerts its effect of promoting pial arteriolar dilation (PAD) directly or upon conversion (via ecto-nucleotidase action) to AMP and adenosine. Blockade of extracellular direct ATP to AMP conversion, with ARL-67156, significantly reduced sciatic nerve stimulation-evoked PADs by 68%. We then monitored PADs during suffusions of ATP, ADP, AMP, and adenosine in the presence and absence of the following: 1) the ecto-5'-nucleotidase inhibitor α,β-methylene adenosine 5'-diphosphate (AOPCP), 2) the A(2) receptor blocker ZM 241385, 3) the ADP P2Y(1) receptor antagonist MRS 2179, and 4) ARL-67156. Vasodilations induced by 1 and 10 μM, but not 100 μM, ATP were markedly attenuated by ZM 241385, AOPCP, and ARL-67156. Substantial loss of reactivity to 100 μM ATP required coapplications of ZM 241385 and MRS 2179. Dilations induced by ADP were blocked by MRS 2179 but were not affected by either ZM 241385 or AOPCP. AMP-elicited dilation was partially inhibited by AOPCP and completely abolished by ZM 241385. Collectively, these and previous results indicate that extracellular ATP-derived adenosine and AMP, via A(2) receptors, play key roles in neural activation-evoked PAD. However, at high extracellular ATP levels, some conversion to ADP may occur and contribute to PAD through P2Y(1) activation.  相似文献   

Reactive gliosis is an invariant feature of the pathology of central nervous system (CNS) injury and a major determinant of neuronal survival and regeneration. To begin to understand the alterations in astrocyte protein expression that drive glial changes that occur following injury, we used an established model system (endothelin-1 stimulation of hypertrophy) and proteomic analysis to define a discrete set of differentially expressed proteins and post-translational modifications that occur as the astrocytes change from a quiescent to a reactive state. This orchestrated set of changes included proteins involved in cytoskeletal reorganization (caldesmon, calponin, alpha B-crystallin, stathmin, collapsing response mediator protein-2), cell adhesion (vinculin, galectin-1), signal transduction (RACK-1) and astrocyte differentiation (glutamine synthetase). Using proteomic analysis to understand what drives astrocyte expression of these functionally divergent molecules may offer insight into the mechanisms by which astrocytes can exhibit both pro-regenerative and anti-regenerative activities following CNS injury.  相似文献   

Astrocytes can act as intermediaries between neurons and cerebral arterioles to regulate vascular tone in response to neuronal activity. Release of glutamate from presynaptic neurons increases blood flow to match metabolic demands. CO is a gasotransmitter that can be related to neural function and blood flow regulation in the brain. The present study addresses the hypothesis that glutamatergic stimulation promotes perivascular astrocyte CO production and pial arteriolar dilation in the newborn brain. Experiments used anesthetized newborn pigs with closed cranial windows, piglet astrocytes, and cerebrovascular endothelial cells in primary culture and immunocytochemical visualization of astrocytic markers. Pial arterioles and arteries of newborn pigs are ensheathed by astrocytes visualized by glial fibrillary acidic protein staining. Treatment (2 h) of astrocytes in culture with L-2-alpha-aminoadipic acid (L-AAA), followed by 14 h in toxin free medium, dose-dependently increased cell detachment, suggesting injury. Conversely, 16 h of continuous exposure to L-AAA caused no decrease in endothelial cell attachment. In vivo, topical L-AAA (2 mM, 5 h) disrupted the cortical glia limitans histologically. Such treatment also eliminated pial arteriolar dilation to the astrocyte-dependent dilator ADP and to glutamate but not to isoproterenol or CO. Glutamate stimulated CO production by the brain surface that also was abolished following L-AAA. In contrast, tetrodotoxin blocked dilation to N-methyl-D-aspartate but not to glutamate, isoproterenol, or CO or the glutamate-induced increase in CO. The concurrent loss of CO production and pial arteriolar dilation to glutamate following astrocyte injury suggests astrocytes may employ CO as a gasotransmitter for glutamatergic cerebrovascular dilation.  相似文献   

In newborn pigs, carbon monoxide (CO) contributes to regulation of cerebrovascular circulation. Results from isolated adult cerebral arteries suggest CO may have less dilatory potential in mature animals. However, few data are available on the direct effects of CO on cerebrovascular circulation in vivo except for those from newborn pigs. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that i) rat cerebral arterioles dilate to CO in vivo and ii) CO-induced cerebrovascular dilatory responses are age dependent in pigs. Also, we examined whether the permissive role of nitric oxide in CO-induced dilation observed in piglets is present in older pigs and rats. Experiments used anesthetized newborn, 7-week-old, and juvenile (3- to 4-month-old) pigs and 3- to 4-month-old rats with closed cranial windows and topical applications of CO and sodium nitroprusside (SNP). Dilations to SNP were not different at different ages in pigs or between pigs and rats. CO produced pial arteriolar dilations in all groups. Dilation to 10(-5) M CO was reduced in juvenile pigs as compared to newborn and 7-week-old pigs, and tended to less at 10(-6) M CO. Dilations of rat pial arterioles to all concentrations were less than those of newborn and 7-week-old pigs, but not different from those of juvenile pig pial arterioles. In newborn and 7-week-old pigs, l-nitro-arginine (LNA) inhibited the dilation to CO, an effect reversed by a constant background of SNP. In contrast, LNA did not reduce dilation to CO in juvenile pigs or rats. In conclusion, rat pial arterioles like those in piglets dilate to CO in vivo, but there are age and species differences with regard to reactivity and interaction with NO.  相似文献   

Glutamine has been shown to influence endothelial-dependent relaxation and nitric oxide production in vitro, possibly by limiting arginine availability, but its effects in vivo have not been well studied. Hyperammonemia is a pathophysiological condition in which glutamine is elevated and contributes to depressed CO(2) reactivity of cerebral arterioles. We tested the hypothesis that acute hyperammonemia decreases pial arteriolar dilation to acetylcholine in vivo and that this decrease could be prevented by inhibiting glutamine synthetase with L-methionine-S-sulfoximine (MSO) or by intravenous infusion of L-arginine. Pial arteriolar diameter responses to topical superfusion of acetylcholine were measured in anesthetized rats before and at 6 h of infusion of either sodium or ammonium acetate. Ammonium acetate infusion increased plasma ammonia concentration from approximately 30 to approximately 600 microM and increased cerebral glutamine concentration fourfold. Arteriolar dilation to acetylcholine was intact after infusion of sodium acetate in groups pretreated with vehicle or with MSO plus methionine, which was coadministered to prevent MSO-induced seizures. In contrast, dilation in response to acetylcholine was completely blocked in hyperammonemic groups pretreated with vehicle or methionine alone. However, MSO plus methionine administration before hyperammonemia, which maintained cerebral glutamine concentration at control values, preserved acetylcholine dilation. Intravenous infusion of L-arginine during the last 2 h of the ammonium acetate infusion partially restored dilation to acetylcholine without reducing cerebral glutamine accumulation. Superfusion of 1 or 2 mM L-glutamine through the cranial window for 1 h in the absence of hyperammonemia attenuated acetylcholine dilation but had no effect on endothelial-independent dilation to nitroprusside. We conclude that 1) hyperammonemia reduces acetylcholine-evoked dilation in cerebral arterioles, 2) this reduction depends on increased glutamine rather than ammonium ions, and 3) increasing arginine partially overcomes the inhibitory effect of glutamine.  相似文献   

Endothelin (ET)-1-mediated vasoconstrictor tone contributes to the development and progression of several adiposity-related conditions, including hypertension and atherosclerotic vascular disease. The aims of the present study were to determine 1) whether endogenous ET-1 vasoconstrictor activity is elevated in overweight and obese adults, and, if so, 2) whether increased ET-1-mediated vasoconstriction contributes to the adiposity-related impairment in endothelium-dependent vasodilation. Seventy-nine adults were studied: 34 normal weight [body mass index (BMI) < 25 kg/m(2)], 22 overweight (BMI ≥ 25 and < 30 kg/m(2)), and 23 obese (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m(2)). Forearm blood flow (FBF) responses to intra-arterial infusion of ET-1 (5 pmol/min for 20 min) and selective ET-1 receptor blockade (BQ-123, 100 nmol/min for 60 min) were determined. In a subset of the study population, FBF responses to ACh (4.0, 8.0, and 16.0 μg·100 ml tissue(-1)·min(-1)) were measured in the absence and presence of selective ET-1 receptor blockade. The vasoconstrictor response to ET-1 was significantly blunted in overweight and obese adults (~ 70%) compared with normal weight adults. Selective ET-1 receptor blockade elicited a significant vasodilator response (~ 20%) in overweight and obese adults but did not alter FBF in normal weight adults. Coinfusion of BQ-123 did not affect FBF responses to ACh in normal weight adults but resulted in an ~ 20% increase (P < 0.05) in ACh-induced vasodilation in overweight and obese adults. These results demonstrate that overweight and obesity are associated with enhanced ET-1-mediated vasoconstriction that contributes to endothelial vasodilator dysfunction and may play a role in the increased prevalence of hypertension with increased adiposity.  相似文献   

Using CHO-K1, HeLa S3 and two Walker lines (WR and WS) differentially sensitive to cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (cisplatin), the survival after exposure to cisplatin, mitomycin C, vinblastine, vincristine or cytosine arabinoside has been determined either of clonogens or of cells rendered polyploid by post-exposure incubation in the presence of cytochalasin B (CB). It is suggested that the inhibition of cytokinesis by CB permits an assessment to be made of the fraction of damage whose expression is cell division-related, possibly including that resulting from a loss or malsegregation of genetic material. It was found that the response of polykaryons in comparison to clonogens was both agent- and cell line-dependent. After cisplatin exposure, polykaryon survival (defined as the ability to accumulate at least 16C DNA) declined exponentially with dose and was qualitatively, and to some extent quantitatively, similar to that observed previously after irradiation. In HeLa S3, giant cells induced by 10-20Gy irradiation in the absence of CB exhibited a radiation dose-dependent reduction in the relative frequency of highly polyploid cells which was similar to that observed in CB-induced polykaryons.  相似文献   

The influence of embryonic exposure to aflatoxin-B1 (AF-B1) upon the erythroid system of the maturing chicken was examined using a variety of assays. Since the chick embryo is known to possess mixed-function oxidase activity, this animal serves as an excellent model system for studies of human fetal toxicology. AF-B1 (0.1 microgram) was administered to either 6- or 12-day embryos by the air sac method. This level of AF-B1 was highly mutagenic and was found to induce an average of 10.6 sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) per cell compared with 1.8 SCEs per cell for the acetone control solvent. Despite selection against treated embryos through acute and chronic embryonic toxicity, hatched chicks from AF-B1 treatment groups exhibited erythroid anemia when compared to the acetone controls. Cell count, hematocrit, and hemoglobin concentration were all significantly reduced in the 12-day AF-B1 treatment groups compared with controls. Both sexes were equally affected. While the number of peripheral erythrocytes was reduced following exposure to AF-B1, the differentiation status of erythrocytes was apparently unaltered. Mean cell volume, percentage of circulating reticulocytes, and incidence of an erythroid differentiation marker, chicken fetal antigen, were parameters in which no treatment effects were observed. An apparent maturation effect was noted since adult hematocrits were similar between control and treatment groups. Possible explanations for this age effect are discussed. The ability to detect significant posthatch erythroid toxicity following embryonic exposure to mutagenic levels of AF-B1 suggests the importance of this general approach to perinatal carcinogenic evaluation.  相似文献   

Much of our understanding of homologous recombination, as well as the development of the working models for these processes, has been derived from extensive work in model organisms, such as yeast and fruit flies, and mammalian systems by studying the repair of induced double strand breaks or repair following exposure to genotoxic agents in vitro. We therefore set out to expand this in vitro work to ask whether DNA-damaging agents with varying modes of action could induce somatic change in an in vivo mouse model of homologous recombination. We exposed pregnant dams to DNA-damaging agents, conferring a variety of lesions at a specific time in embryo development. To monitor homologous recombination frequency, we used the well-established retinal pigment epithelium pink-eyed unstable assay. Homologous recombination resulting in the deletion of a duplicated 70 kb fragment in the coding region of the Oca2 gene renders this gene functional and can be visualized as a pigmented eyespot in the retinal pigment epithelium. We observed an increased frequency of pigmented eyespots in resultant litters following exposure to cisplatin, methyl methanesulfonate, ethyl methanesulfonate, 3-aminobenzamide, bleomycin, and etoposide with a contrasting decrease in the frequency of detectable reversion events following camptothecin and hydroxyurea exposure. The somatic genomic rearrangements that result from such a wide variety of differently acting damaging agents implies long-term potential effects from even short-term in utero exposures.  相似文献   

Deeply anesthetized male Wistar rats were perfused by Hanks' balanced salt solution bubbled with either 95%air and 5%CO2 (normoxic group) or 95%N2 and 5%CO2 (hypoxic group) from the thoracic aorta for 30 min, and the isolated abdominal aortae from both groups were used for electron microscopy, immunocytochemistry of endothelin (ET)-1 and ET-converting enzyme (ECE)-1, and in situ hybridization of preproET-1 mRNA. A remarkable increase in the number of Weibel-Palade (WP) bodies, storage sites of ET-1 and ECE-1, occurred in the hypoxic group when compared to the normoxic group. Immunoreactivities for ET-1 and ECE-1, and signals for preproET-1 mRNA were seen along the endothelia of both groups, but the intensities were significantly elevated in the hypoxic group. The increase in the number of ECE-1 immunoreactive gold particles was noticed especially in WP bodies in the hypoxic group. These findings indicate the enhancement of preproET-1 synthesis in the aortic endothelial cells as well as the acceleration of ET-1 processing in increased WP bodies in such cells in an experimentally hypoxic condition of the rat aortae.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster V79 cells were repeatedly exposed to a low dose of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) over several weeks and then exposed to H2O2, cisplatin or ultraviolet (UV) light. Cell killing was examined by colony formation, following these treatments. It was seen that cells conditioned by multiple low doses of H2O2 showed resistance to killing in case of H2O2 and cisplatin but the sensitivity to UV light was same as the control cells. Apoptosis was also determined in these cells after the same treatments. UV light failed to induce apoptosis in both conditioned and in control cells, but in case of cells treated with H2O2 and with cisplatin, there was less apoptosis in the conditioned cells compared to the control cells. From our observation we can say that the enhanced survival of cells after treatment with H2O2 or cisplatin could be due to inhibition of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Although endothelin-1 (ET-1) induces vasoconstriction, it remains unknown whether 17beta-estradiol (E(2)) treatment following trauma-hemorrhage alters these ET-1-induced vasoconstrictive effects. In addition, the role of the specific estrogen receptor (ER) subtypes (ER-alpha and ER-beta) and the endothelium-localized downstream mechanisms of actions of E(2) remain unclear. We hypothesized that E(2) attenuates increased ET-1-induced vasoconstriction following trauma-hemorrhage via an ER-beta-mediated pathway. To study this, aortic rings were isolated from male Sprague-Dawley rats following trauma-hemorrhage with or without E(2) treatment, and alterations in tension were determined in vitro. Dose-response curves to ET-1 were determined, and the vasoactive properties of E(2), propylpyrazole triol (PPT, ER-alpha agonist), and diarylpropionitrile (DPN, ER-beta agonist) were determined. The results showed that trauma-hemorrhage significantly increased ET-1-induced vasoconstriction; however, administration of E(2) normalized ET-1-induced vasoconstriction in trauma-hemorrhage vessels to the sham-operated control level. The ER-beta agonist DPN counteracted ET-1-induced vasoconstriction, whereas the ER-alpha agonist PPT was ineffective. Moreover, the vasorelaxing effects of E(2) were not observed in endothelium-denuded aortic rings or by pretreatment of the rings with a nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitor. Cyclooxygenase inhibition with indomethacin had no effect on the action of E(2). Thus, E(2) administration attenuates ET-1-induced vasoconstriction following trauma-hemorrhage via an ER-beta-mediated pathway that is dependent on endothelium-derived NO synthesis.  相似文献   

Enhanced endothelin-1-mediated leg vascular tone in healthy older subjects.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Advanced age is associated with a decreased leg blood flow and reduced physical activity. Endothelin (ET-1), a powerful vasoconstrictor, may play a role in the increased leg vascular tone in older men. objectives: to assess the ET-1-mediated vascular tone in the legs of healthy sedentary older men, both before and after 8 wk of exercise training. methods: in 8 younger subjects (19-50 yr) and 8 older men (67-76 yr), bilateral leg blood flow was measured using venous occlusion plethysmography before and after antagonizing ET-1 (using selective ET(A/B)-receptor antagonists). In older men, reversibility of the observations was assessed after 8 wk of cycling. results: ET-receptor inhibition increased leg blood flow significantly more in older men compared with younger individuals (29 +/- 9% and 10 +/- 4%, respectively, P < 0.05). Eight-week cycling training increased baseline blood flow in older men. The blood flow response to ET-receptor inhibition in older men was not affected by the training program (25 +/- 8%, P > 0.05 for comparison with pretraining). The flow ratio (blood flows infused leg/noninfused leg) decreased significantly by training from 26 +/- 8% to 7+3% (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: the increased baseline vascular tone in aging is at least in part mediated by the endothelin. Eight-weeks cycling training in older sedentary men decreased leg vascular tone and seems to partly decrease the ET-1-mediated vascular tone.  相似文献   

Endothelin (ET) levels are elevated in congestive heart failure secondary to myocardial infarction (MI) and correlate well with the severity of pulmonary hypertension (PH), suggesting that the ET peptide could contribute to the pathophysiology of venous PH. Alterations of pulmonary vasoreactivity to ET after MI and the respective roles of the ET(A) and ET(B) receptors (ET(A)-R and ET(B)-R) have never been evaluated, to our knowledge. MI was induced in rats. Three weeks later, small pulmonary resistance arteries were mounted on a microvascular myograph. Cumulative concentration-response curves to ET-1 and sarafotoxin 6c (S6c) were performed. Response to ET was also assessed in the presence of ET-R antagonists. Heterodimerization of receptors was evaluated by immunoprecipitation of the ET(B)-R, followed by western blotting for the expression of the ET(A)-R. Maximal vasoconstriction and sensitivity to ET-1 were similar in sham and MI with values of 88 +/- 3.9% and 80 +/- 3.8%, respectively. The response to S6c was similarly less in both sham (67 +/- 5.7%) and MI groups (60 +/- 6.6%). When administered alone, the ET(A)-R antagonist (10 nM A-147627.1) and the ET(B)-R antagonist (1 microM A-192621.1) had no significant effect. However, their combination markedly reduced vaso-constriction (52 +/- 5.3%; P < 0.001). The endothelial and medial distribution of ET-Rs was similar in sham and MI groups. In vitro studies demonstrated co-immunoprecipitation of the ET(A)-R and ET(B)-R. Vasoconstriction of isolated resistance pulmonary arteries to ET agonists is not altered after MI. Dual antagonism results in optimal blockade of vasoconstriction, possibly because the ET(A)-R and ET(B)-R can form functional heterodimers.  相似文献   

It is suggested that endothelin-1 (ET-1), a potent vasoconstrictor peptide, is involved in the pathogenesis of cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). We examined the effects of intracisternal administration of big ET-1 on the cerebral arteries in the absence or presence of pretreatment with phosphoramidon, an inhibitor of ET converting enzyme, in anesthetized dogs. After intracisternal administration of big ET-1 (10 micrograms/dog), the caliber of the basilar artery on the angiogram was decreased to about 59% of the control. This was accompanied by a marked increase in immunoreactive ET in the cerebrospinal fluid. Systemic arterial pressure was markedly elevated following big ET-1 injection. All changes induced by big ET-1 were effectively prevented with phosphoramidon. These data suggest that intracisternally administered big ET-1 is converted to ET-1 and that the generated ET-1 produces cerebral vasospasm and hypertension. A phosphoramidon-sensitive metalloproteinase appears to contribute to this conversion.  相似文献   

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