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The chloroplast envelope plays critical roles in the synthesis and regulated transport of key metabolites, including intermediates in photosynthesis and lipid metabolism. Despite this importance, the biogenesis of the envelope membranes has not been investigated in detail. To identify the determinants of protein targeting to the inner envelope membrane (IM), we investigated the targeting of the nucleus-encoded integral IM protein, atTic40. We found that pre-atTic40 is imported into chloroplasts and processed to an intermediate size (int-atTic40) before insertion into the IM. Int-atTic40 is soluble and inserts into the IM from the internal stromal compartment. We also show that atTic40 and a second IM protein, atTic110, can target and insert into isolated IM vesicles in vitro. Collectively, our experiments are consistent with a "postimport" mechanism in which the IM proteins are first imported from the cytoplasm and subsequently inserted into the IM from the stroma.  相似文献   

Oxa1 is the mitochondrial representative of a family of related proteins that mediate the insertion of substrate proteins into the membranes of bacteria, chloroplasts, and mitochondria. Several studies have demonstrated that the bacterial homologue YidC participates both in the direct uptake of proteins from the bacterial cytosol, and in the uptake of nascent proteins from the Sec translocase. Studies on the biogenesis of membrane proteins in mitochondria established that Oxa1 has the capability to receive substrates at the inner surface of the inner membrane. In this study, we asked if Oxa1 may similarly cooperate with a protein translocase within the membrane. Since Oxa1 is involved in its own biogenesis, we used the precursor of Oxa1 as a model protein and investigated its import pathway. We found that immediately after import into mitochondria, Oxa1 initially accumulates at Tim23 that forms the inner membrane protein translocase. Cleavage of the Oxa1 presequence is dependent on mtHsp70, a heat shock protein of the mitochondrial matrix. However, mutant mtHsp70 showing a defect in the release of bound substrate proteins does not interfere with subsequent membrane insertion, indicating that membrane insertion of the mature protein is essentially mtHsp70-independent. We conclude that Oxa1 has the ability to accept preproteins within the membrane.  相似文献   

Aqueous channels are at the core of the translocase of the outer membrane (TOM) and the translocase of the inner membrane for the transport of preproteins (TIM23), the translocases mediating the transport of proteins across the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes. Yet, the existence of a channel associated to the translocase of the inner membrane for the insertion of multitopic protein (TIM22) complex has been arguable, as its function relates to the insertion of multispanning proteins into the inner membrane. For the first time, we report conditions for detecting a channel activity associated to the TIM22 translocase in organelle, i.e. intact mitoplasts. An internal signal peptide in the intermembrane space of mitochondria is a requisite to inducing this channel, which is otherwise silent. The channel showed slightly cationic and high conductance activity of 1000 pS with a predominant half-open substate. Despite their different composition, the channels of the three mitochondrial translocases were thus remarkably similar, in agreement with their common task as pores transiently trapping proteins en route to their final destination. The opening of the TIM22 channel was a step-up process depending on the signal peptide concentration. Interestingly, low membrane potentials kept the channel fully open, providing a threshold level of the peptide is present. Our results portray TIM22 as a dynamic channel solely active in the presence of its cargo proteins. In its fully open conformation, favored by the combined action of internal signal peptide and low membrane potential, the channel could embrace the in-transit protein. As insertion progressed and initial interaction with the signal peptide faded, the channel would close, sustaining its role as a shunt that places trapped proteins into the membrane.  相似文献   

Protein import into mitochondria involves several components of the mitochondrial outer and inner membranes as well as molecular chaperones located inside mitochondria. Here, we have investigated the effect of sulfhydryl group reagents on import of the in vitro transcribed/translated precursor of the F1 subunit of the ATP synthase (pF1) into Solanum tuberosum mitochondria. We have used a reducing agent, dithiothreitol (DTT), a membrane-permeant alkylating agent, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), a non-permeant alkylating agent, 3-(N-maleimidopropionyl)biocytin (MPB), an SH-group specific agent and cross-linker 5,5-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) as well as an oxidizing cross-linker, copper sulfate. DTT stimulated the mitochondrial protein import, whereas NEM, MPB, DTNB and Cu2+ were inhibitory. Inhibition by Cu2+ could be reversed by addition of DTT. The efficiency of inhibition was higher in energized mitochondria than in non-energized. We have dissected the effect of the SH-group reagents on binding, unfolding and transport of the precursor into mitochondria. Our results demonstrated that the inhibitory effect of NEM, DTNB and Cu2+ on the efficiency of import was not due to the interaction of the SH-group reagents with import receptors. Modification of pF1 with NEM prior to the import resulted in stimulation of import, whereas DTNB and Cu2+ were inhibitory. NEM, MPB, DTNB and Cu2+ inhibited import of the NEM-modified pF1 into intact mitochondria. Import of pF1 through a receptor-independent bypass-route as well as import into mitoplasts were sensitive to DTT, NEM, MPB, DTNB and Cu2+ in a similar manner as import into mitochondria. As MPB does not cross the inner membrane, these results indicated that redox and conformational status of SH groups located on the outer surface of the inner mitochondrial membrane were essential for protein import.  相似文献   

The liquid state model that envisions respiratory chain complexes diffusing freely in the membrane is increasingly challenged by reports of supramolecular organization of the complexes in the mitochondrial inner membrane. Supercomplexes of complex III with complex I and/or IV can be isolated after solubilisation with mild detergents like digitonin. Electron microscopic studies have shown that these have a distinct architecture and are not random aggregates. A 3D reconstruction of a I1III2IV1 supercomplex shows that the ubiquinone and cytochrome c binding sites of the individual complexes are facing each other, suggesting a role in substrate channelling. Formation of supercomplexes plays a role in the assembly and stability of the complexes, suggesting that the supercomplexes are the functional state of the respiratory chain. Furthermore, a supramolecular organisation of ATP synthases has been observed in mitochondria, where ATP synthase is organised in dimer rows. Dimers can be isolated by mild detergent extraction and recent electron microscopic studies have shown that the membrane domains of the two partners in the dimer are at an angle to each other, indicating that in vivo the dimers would cause the membrane to bend. The suggested role in crista formation is supported by the observation of rows of ATP synthase dimers in the most curved parts of the cristae. Together these observations show that the mitochondrial inner membrane is highly organised and that the molecular events leading to ATP synthesis are carefully coordinated.  相似文献   

The process of mitochondrial protein import has been studied for many years. Despite this attention, many processes associated with mitochondrial biogenesis are poorly understood. Insight into one of these processes, assembly of beta-barrel proteins into the mitochondrial outer membrane, will be discussed. This review focuses on recent data that suggest that assembly of beta-barrel proteins into the outer mitochondrial membrane is dependent on a newly identified protein complex termed the sorting and assembly machinery (SAM complex). Members of the SAM complex have been identified in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms, suggesting that the process of beta-barrel assembly into membranes has been conserved through evolution.  相似文献   

A protein of molecular weight 29,000 has been isolated from the mitochondrial inner membrane. It is a major component of Racker's hydrophobic protein mixture and is also rather selectively released from the inner membrane by lysolecithin treatment. Data indicate that the 29,000 component may be as much as 10% of the total protein of the inner membrane.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are complex organelles with a highly dynamic distribution and internal organization. Here, we demonstrate that mitofilin, a previously identified mitochondrial protein of unknown function, controls mitochondrial cristae morphology. Mitofilin is enriched in the narrow space between the inner boundary and the outer membranes, where it forms a homotypic interaction and assembles into a large multimeric protein complex. Down-regulation of mitofilin in HeLa cells by using specific small interfering RNA lead to decreased cellular proliferation and increased apoptosis, suggesting abnormal mitochondrial function. Although gross mitochondrial fission and fusion seemed normal, ultrastructural studies revealed disorganized mitochondrial inner membrane. Inner membranes failed to form tubular or vesicular cristae and showed as closely packed stacks of membrane sheets that fused intermittently, resulting in a complex maze of membranous network. Electron microscopic tomography estimated a substantial increase in inner:outer membrane ratio, whereas no cristae junctions were detected. In addition, mitochondria subsequently exhibited increased reactive oxygen species production and membrane potential. Although metabolic flux increased due to mitofilin deficiency, mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation was not increased accordingly. We propose that mitofilin is a critical organizer of the mitochondrial cristae morphology and thus indispensable for normal mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

Electrophysiology of the inner mitochondrial membrane   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The application of electrophysiological techniques to mitochondrial membranes has allowed the observation and partial characterization of several ion channels, including an ATP-sensitive K+-selective one, a high-conductance megachannel, a 107 pS anionic channel and three others studied at alkaline pH's. A reliable correlation with the results of non-electrophysiological studies has been obtained so far only for the first two cases. Activities presumed to be associated with the Ca2+ uniporter and with the adenine nucleotide translocator, as well as the presence of various other conductances have also been reported. The review summarizes the main properties of these pores and their possible relationship to permeation pathways identified in biochemical studies.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are complex organelles with two membranes. Their architecture is determined by characteristic folds of the inner membrane, termed cristae. Recent studies in yeast and other organisms led to the identification of four major pathways that cooperate to shape cristae membranes. These include dimer formation of the mitochondrial ATP synthase, assembly of the mitochondrial contact site and cristae organizing system (MICOS), inner membrane remodelling by a dynamin-related GTPase (Mgm1/OPA1), and modulation of the mitochondrial lipid composition. In this review, we describe the function of the evolutionarily conserved machineries involved in mitochondrial cristae biogenesis with a focus on yeast and present current models to explain how their coordinated activities establish mitochondrial membrane architecture.  相似文献   

The inner membrane of liver and heart mitochondria possesses an anion uniport pathway, known as the inner membrane anion channel (IMAC). IMAC is inhibited by matrix Mg2+, matrix H+, N,N'-dicyclohexycarbodiimide, mercurials and amphiphilic amines such as propranolol. Most of these agents react with a number of different mitochondrial proteins and, therefore, more selective inhibitors have been sought. In this paper, we report the discovery of a new class of inhibitors, triorganotin compounds, which block IMAC completely. One of the most potent, tributyltin (TBT) inhibits malonate uniport via IMAC 95% at 0.9 nmol/mg. The only other mitochondrial protein reported to react with triorganotins, the F1F0ATPase, is inhibited by about 0.75 nmol/mg. The potency of inhibition of IMAC increases with hydrophobicity in the sequence trimethyltin much less than triethyltin much less than tripropyltin less than triphenyltin less than tributyltin; which suggests that the binding site is accessible from the lipid bilayer. It has long been established that triorganotins are anionophores able to catalyze Cl-/OH- exchange; however, TBT is able to inhibit Cl- and NO3- transport via IMAC at doses below those required to catalyze rapid rates of Cl-/OH- exchange. Consistent with previous reports, the data indicate that about 0.8 nmol of TBT per mg of mitochondrial protein is tightly bound and not available to mediate Cl-/OH- exchange. We have also shown that the mercurials, p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate and mersalyl, which only partially inhibit Cl- and NO3- transport can increase the IC50 for TBT 10-fold. This effect appears to result from a reaction at a previously unidentified mercurial reactive site. The inhibitory dose is also increased by raising the pH and inhibition by TBT can be reversed by S2- and dithiols but not by monothiols.  相似文献   

Herrmann JM  Neupert W 《IUBMB life》2003,55(4-5):219-225
The inner membrane of mitochondria harbours a large number of polypeptides, many of which have evolved from proteins of the prokaryotic progenitors of mitochondria. The sorting routes on which these proteins are integrated into the mitochondrial inner membrane reflect their phylogenetic origin: Proteins of eukaryotic descent typically reach their destination following arrest of import at the level of the inner membrane. In contrast, many proteins inherited from the prokaryotic progenitor cell are inserted into the inner membrane in an export step following translocation into the matrix. Recently, three different insertion pathways from the matrix into the inner membrane were identified which show considerable parallels to the protein insertion processes in bacteria and chloroplasts. Two of these pathways depend on the related inner membrane proteins Oxa1 and Cox18. A third route is less well defined and depends on the membrane-associated matrix protein Mba1.  相似文献   

Dynamic subcompartmentalization of the mitochondrial inner membrane   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The inner membrane of mitochondria is organized in two morphologically distinct domains, the inner boundary membrane (IBM) and the cristae membrane (CM), which are connected by narrow, tubular cristae junctions. The protein composition of these domains, their dynamics, and their biogenesis and maintenance are poorly understood at the molecular level. We have used quantitative immunoelectron microscopy to determine the distribution of a collection of representative proteins in yeast mitochondria belonging to seven major processes: oxidative phosphorylation, protein translocation, metabolite exchange, mitochondrial morphology, protein translation, iron-sulfur biogenesis, and protein degradation. We show that proteins are distributed in an uneven, yet not exclusive, manner between IBM and CM. The individual distributions reflect the physiological functions of proteins. Moreover, proteins can redistribute between the domains upon changes of the physiological state of the cell. Impairing assembly of complex III affects the distribution of partially assembled subunits. We propose a model for the generation of this dynamic subcompartmentalization of the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

Exposure of mitochondria to visible light in the presence of riboflavin resulted in the initial release of respiratory control, followed by inhibition of electron transport and dissolution of structural integrity. Under these conditions, however, cytochrome c oxidase activity remained unchanged. ATPase activity was stimulated initially and remained in this activitated state even under continued illumination. In submitochondrial preparations, both electron transport and ATPase declined as a function of illumination time; cytochrome c oxidase was not sensitive to light. Enzyme inactivation also occurred to a lesser extent in the absence of riboflavin.  相似文献   

Insertion of newly synthesized proteins into or across the mitochondrial outer membrane is initiated by import receptors at the surface of the organelle. Typically, this interaction directs the precursor protein into a preprotein translocation pore, comprised of Tom40. Here, we show that a prominent beta-barrel channel protein spanning the outer membrane, human voltage- dependent anion-selective channel (VDAC), bypasses the requirement for the Tom40 translocation pore during biogenesis. Insertion of VDAC into the outer membrane is unaffected by plugging the translocation pore with a partially translocated matrix preprotein, and mitochondria containing a temperature-sensitive mutant of Tom40 insert VDAC at the nonpermissive temperature. Synthetic liposomes harboring the cytosolic domain of the human import receptor Tom20 efficiently insert newly synthesized VDAC, resulting in transbilayer transport of ATP. Therefore, Tom20 transforms newly synthesized cytosolic VDAC into a transmembrane channel that is fully integrated into the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

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