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Changes in cortisol concentration in response to exercise at 3 different intensities were quantified. Ten apparently healthy, recreationally active males participated. On 4 separate occasions, subjects were assigned a random order of 1-hour cycle ergometer bouts of exercise at 44.5 +/- 5.5%, 62.3 +/- 3.8%, and 76.0 +/- 6.0% (mean +/- SD) of VO2peak and a resting control session. Saliva samples were collected before exercise at 10, 20, 40, and 59 minutes of exercise and at 20 minutes of recovery. Differences in cortisol concentration were assessed via multivariate analysis of variance (alpha = 0.05) Tukey post hoc analysis when indicated. During the highest-intensity exercise session, cortisol was significantly higher at 59 minutes of exercise (p = 0.004) and at 20 minutes of recovery (p = 0.016) than at those same time points during the resting control session. No significant differences in cortisol concentration were noted among resting, low-, and moderate-intensity exercise. Exercise <40 minutes in duration elicited no significant differences at any intensity. These data indicate that only exercise of high intensity and long duration results in significant elevations of salivary cortisol.  相似文献   

This aim of this study was to examine the free hormone (in saliva) responses to squat workouts performed by recreationally weight-trained males, using either a power (8 sets of 6 reps, 45% 1 repetition maximum [1RM], 3-minute rest periods, ballistic movements), hypertrophy (10 sets of 10 reps, 75% 1RM, 2-minute rest periods, controlled movements), or maximal strength scheme (6 sets of 4 reps, 88% 1RM, 4-minute rest periods, explosive intent). To determine the relative importance of the different training variables, these schemes were equated by workout duration with the power and strength schemes also equated by load volume. Salivary testosterone (T) and cortisol (C) both increased following the hypertrophy scheme (P < 0.05), with little to no hormonal change across the power and maximal strength schemes (P > 0.05). In general, the postexercise T and C responses to the hypertrophy scheme exceeded the other two schemes (P < 0.05). The greater volume of load lifted in the hypertrophy protocol over the same workout duration may explain the endocrine differences observed. The similar T and C responses to the power and maximal strength schemes (of equal volume) support such a view and suggest that differences in load intensity, rest periods, and technique are secondary to volume. Because the acute hormonal responses to resistance exercise contribute to protein metabolism, then load volume may be the most important workout variable activating the endocrine system and stimulating muscle growth.  相似文献   

Serum and salivary cortisol concentrations were studied in 78 elite athletes engaged in different sports, by subjecting them to high-intensity laboratory exercise. The mean difference in the pre-exercise cortisol concentrations in the seven groups studied were more marked in serum (from 311 to 768 nmol.l-1) than in saliva (from 17.9 to 22.7 nmol.l-1, only one group reaching 40 nmol.l-1). Judging from the correlation coefficients based on total variances, the post-/pre-exercise differences in cortisol concentrations in serum depended chiefly on pre-exercise values, while those in saliva tended to depend more on the postexercise concentrations. The coefficients of correlation between that difference and either the pre- or postexercise values were -0.71 and 0.47, respectively, for serum, and -0.51 and 0.58, respectively, for saliva. This would suggest that salivary cortisol concentration might be a more suitable variable for assessing glucocorticoid activity in exercise than serum cortisol concentration, probably being less sensitive to pre-exercise emotional state.  相似文献   

Our aim was to evaluate the chronic effects of training and competition during a 4-month season on immune response in professional volleyball players. Players took part in an incremental maximal cycling test at the beginning and at the end of the season. As control group, subjects with regular recreational activity were selected. Blood samples were obtained at rest, immediately after the exercise test, and after 30 min recovery. Volleyball players have similar basal levels of erythrocytes, hematocrit, hemoglobin, and total protein and urate than controls and higher levels of creatinine and activities of AST, ALT, and GGT. Maximal incremental exercise test significantly increased erythrocyte counts, hematocrit, and blood hemoglobin levels in volleyball players. T- and B-lymphocytes significantly increased after exercise test and were maintained high during recovery. Cortisol levels were significantly increased immediately after exercise and during recovery with respect to basal values. Basal and post-exercise cortisol levels were significantly higher at the final of season than at the beginning. Serum levels of immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, and IgM) and complement fractions (C3, C4) were unaffected by the volleyball season. The IgG and IgM levels were significantly higher after exercise and recovery than basal levels. Maximal exercise test induced an acute phase/inflammatory response characterized by increased circulating lymphocytes, antibody response, and cortisol levels. Competition season increases cortisol concentration indicative of accumulated stress intensity.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to examine salivary biomarker response to fluid consumption in exercising athletes. Exercise induces stress on the body and salivary alpha amylase (sAA) and salivary cortisol are useful biomarkers for activity in the sympathoadrenal medullary system and the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis which are involved in the stress response. Fifteen college students were given 150 ml and 500 ml of water on different days and blinded to fluid condition. The exercise protocol was identical for both fluid conditions using absolute exercise intensities ranging from moderate to high. Saliva was collected prior to exercise, post moderate and post high intensities and analyzed by Salimetrics assays. Exercise was significant for sAA with values different between pre-exercise (85 ± 10 U · ml−1) and high intensity (284 ± 30 U · ml−1) as well as between moderate intensity (204 ± 32 U · ml−1) and high intensity. There was no difference in sAA values between fluid conditions at either intensity. Exercise intensity and fluid condition were each significant for cortisol. Cortisol values were different between pre-exercise (0.30 ± 0.03 ug · dL−1) and high intensity (0.45 ± 0.05 ug · dL−1) as well as between moderate intensity (0.33 ± 0.04 ug · dL−1) and high intensity. Moderate exercise intensity cortisol was lower in the 500 ml condition (0.33 ± 0.03 ug · dL−1) compared with the 150 ml condition (0.38 ± 0.03 ug · dL−1). This altered physiological response due to fluid consumption could influence sport performance and should be considered. In addition, future sport and exercise studies should control for fluid consumption.  相似文献   

Yersinia pestis is a Gram-negative coccobacillus causing the dangerous disease, plague. Survival of Y. pestis within host macrophages is important in the initial stages of infection. In our present work, DNA microarray was used to determine the expression profiles of Y. pestis strain 201 in response to in vitro simulating conditions of Mg(2+) limitation, polymyxin treatment and oxidative stress that could be found in phagolysosomal environment. It was demonstrated that Y. pestis made appropriate adaptive/protective responses to survive the stressful environments. There are the induced expression of antiphagocytic factors and Mg(2+) transporters under Mg(2+) limitation condition, the stimulation of drug/analogue sensitivity and glycerol assimilation after polymyxin treatment, and the differential expression in genes encoding stress-responsive proteins, components of cell envelope, iron assimilation and regulatory functions in response to both Mg(2+) limitation and polymyxin treatment. Under oxidative stress, Y. pestis uses several mechanisms, especially including the induced expression of detoxification enzymes and DNA repair proteins, to protect from or repair the oxidative cell damages. This microarray analysis would provide the candidates for identifying genes or pathways required for growth and proliferation of Y. pestis in macrophages.  相似文献   

This study examined the cortisol response to incremental exercise; specifically to see if there was an increase in blood cortisol levels at low intensity exercise (i.e., < 60% VO2 intensity threshold) and determine whether a linear relationship existed between the blood cortisol responses and exercise of increasing workloads (i.e., intensity). Healthy, physically active young men (n = 11) completed exercise tests involving progressive workload stages (3 min) to determine peak oxygen uptake responses (VO2). Blood specimens were collected at rest and at the end of each stage and analyzed for cortisol. Results showed cortisol was significantly increased from resting levels at the end of the first exercise stage (80 W; 41.9 +/- 5.4% peak VO2) and remained significantly elevated from rest until the exercise ended. Interestingly, however, the cortisol concentrations observed at 80 W through 200 W did not significantly differ from one another. Thereafter, during the final two stages of exercise the cortisol concentrations increased further (p < 0.01). The subjects exceeded their individual lactate thresholds over these last two stages of exercise. Regression modeling to characterize the cortisol response resulted in significant regression coefficients (r = 0.415 [linear] and r = 0.655 [3rd order polynominal], respectively; p < 0.05). Comparative testing (Hotelling test) between the two regression coefficents revealed the polynominal model (sigmoidal curve) was the significantly stronger of the two (p = 0.05). In conclusion, the present findings refute the concept that low intensity exercise will not provoke a significant change in blood cortisol levels and suggest the response to incremental exercise involving increasing exercise workloads (i.e., intensities) are not entirely linear in nature. Specifically, a sigmoid curve more highly accurately characterizes the cortisol response to such exercise.  相似文献   

Stress and anxiety are commonly thought to be detrimental to sexual function. Several studies in both the human and animal literature, however, have found that inducing anxiety can enhance sexual function in women. The mechanisms that explain a negative relationship between physical and psychological stress and sexual functioning are well documented, but little is known about how stress or anxiety might have a facilitatory effect on sexual arousal. As an initial step in exploring the relationship between anxiety and sexual arousal, the present study examined the role of the autonomic nervous system, and the adrenal hormones cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEA-S) in response to a sexual film, an anxiety-inducing film, and a humorous film. Nineteen premenopausal women (mean age 24.4 years) who were free from sexual difficulties came into the lab on three separate days. At each session they were shown an anxiety-inducing, sexually arousing, or humorous (control) film while their physiological arousal was measured. They also provided saliva samples before and after each film. Cortisol significantly decreased, while DHEA-S increased in the sexual and humorous conditions. Neither hormone changed significantly in the anxiety-inducing condition. Autonomic nervous system activity measured by heart rate and heart rate variability did not change in response to the sexual or anxiety-inducing films, but heart rate variability increased significantly in response to the humorous film. The cortisol/DHEA-S ratio at the post-sexual film time point was significantly negatively correlated with genital arousal (measured by vaginal pulse amplitude). Anxiety-inducing films did not result in a physiological stress response, which can explain why they do not impair sexual function.  相似文献   

Individuals are unique in how they interact with and respond to their environment. Correspondingly, unpredictable challenges or environmental stressors often produce an individualized response of the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA) axis and its downstream effector cortisol. We used a fully crossed, repeated measures design to investigate the factors shaping individual variation in baseline cortisol in Antarctic fur seal pups and their mothers. Saliva samples were collected from focal individuals at two breeding colonies, one with low and the other with high density, during two consecutive years of contrasting food availability. Mothers and pups were sampled concurrently at birth and shortly before weaning, while pups were additionally sampled every 20 days. We found that heritability was low for baseline cortisol, while within‐individual repeatability and among‐individual variability were high. A substantial proportion of the variation in baseline cortisol could be explained in pups and mothers by a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors including sex, weight, day, season, and colony of birth. Our findings provide detailed insights into the individualization of endocrine phenotypes and their genetic and environmental drivers in a wild pinniped. Furthermore, the strong associations between cortisol and life history traits that we report in fur seals could have important implications for understanding the population dynamics of species impacted by environmental change.  相似文献   

African swine fever virus (ASFV) infection is a big threat to the global pig industry. Because there is no effective vaccine, rapid, low-cost, and simple diagnosis methods are necessary to detect the ASFV infection in pig herds. Nanobodies, with advantages of small molecular weight and easy genetic engineering, have been universally used as reagents for developing diagnostic kits. In this study, the recombinant ASFV-p30 was expressed and served as an antigen to immunize the Bactrian camel. Then, seven nanobodies against ASFV-p30 were screened using phage display technique. Subsequently, the seven nanobodies fused horseradish peroxidase (nanobody-HRP) were secretory expressed and one fusion protein ASFV-p30-Nb75-HRP was selected with the highest sensitivity in blocking ELISA. Using the ASFV-p30-Nb75-HRP fusion protein as a probe, a competitive ELISA (cELISA) was developed for detecting anti-ASFV antibodies in pig sera. The cut-off value of cELISA was determined to be 22.7% by testing 360 negative pig sera. The detection limit of the cELISA for positive pig sera was 1:320, and there was no cross-reaction with anti-other swine virus antibodies. The comparative assay showed that the agreement of the cELISA with a commercial ELISA kit was 100%. More importantly, the developed cELISA showed low cost and easy production as a commercial kit candidate. Collectively, a simple nanobody-based cELISA for detecting antibodies against ASFV is developed and it provides a new method for monitoring ASFV infection in the pig herds.  相似文献   

A physical model was used in a laboratory exercise to teach students about countercurrent exchange mechanisms. Countercurrent exchange is the transport of heat or chemicals between fluids moving in opposite directions separated by a permeable barrier (such as blood within adjacent blood vessels flowing in opposite directions). Greater exchange of heat or chemicals between the fluids occurs when the flows are in opposite directions (countercurrent) than in the same direction (concurrent). When a vessel loops back on itself, countercurrent exchange can occur between the two arms of the loop, minimizing loss or uptake at the bend of the loop. Comprehension of the physical principles underlying countercurrent exchange helps students to understand how kidneys work and how modifications of a circulatory system can influence the movement of heat or chemicals to promote or minimize exchange and reinforces the concept that heat and chemicals move down their temperature or concentration gradients, respectively. One example of a well-documented countercurrent exchanger is the close arrangement of veins and arteries inside bird legs; therefore, the setup was arranged to mimic blood vessels inside a bird leg, using water flowing inside tubing as a physical proxy for blood flow within blood vessels.  相似文献   

Predation directly triggers behavioural decisions designed to increase immediate survival. However, these behavioural modifications can have long term costs. There is therefore a trade-off between antipredator behaviours and other activities. This trade-off is generally considered between vigilance and only one other behaviour, thus neglecting potential compensations. In this study, we considered the effect of an increase in predation risk on the diurnal time-budget of three captive duck species during the wintering period. We artificially increased predation risk by disturbing two groups of 14 mallard and teals at different frequencies, and one group of 14 tufted ducks with a radio-controlled stressor. We recorded foraging, vigilance, preening and sleeping durations the week before, during and after disturbance sessions. Disturbed groups were compared to an undisturbed control group. We showed that in all three species, the increase in predation risk resulted in a decrease in foraging and preening and led to an increase in sleeping. It is worth noting that contrary to common observations, vigilance did not increase. However, ducks are known to be vigilant while sleeping. This complex behavioural adjustment therefore seems to be optimal as it may allow ducks to reduce their predation risk. Our results highlight the fact that it is necessary to encompass the whole individual time-budget when studying behavioural modifications under predation risk. Finally, we propose that studies of behavioural time-budget changes under predation risk should be included in the more general framework of the starvation-predation risk trade-off.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to find out how a population becomes adapted to extremely stressful conditions as its environment deteriorates. We created a deteriorating environment for experimental selection lines of yeast by a stepwise increase in the concentration of salt in the growth medium. After each step, we tested the ability of the lines to grow at a high concentration of salt near the lethal limit for the ancestral strain. We found that mutations enhancing growth in this highly stressful environment began to spread at intermediate salt concentrations. The degree of enhancement was related to effective population size by a power law with a small exponent. The effect size of these mutations also increased with the population size in a similar fashion. From these results, we interpret adaptation to lethal stress as an indirect response to selection for resistance to previous lower levels of stress in a deteriorating environment. This suggests that the pattern of genetic correlation between successively higher levels of stress is an important factor in facilitating evolutionary rescue.  相似文献   

Previous theoretical models of arterial remodeling in response to changes in blood flow were based on the assumption that material properties of the arterial wall remain unchanged during the remodeling process. According to experimental findings, however, remodeling due to increased flow is accompanied by alteration in the structural properties of elastin, which results in a decrease in its effective elastic stiffness. To account for these effects, we propose a predictive model of arterial remodeling hypothesizing that the variation in mechanical properties of elastin is initiated and driven by the deviation of the intimal shear stress from its baseline value. Geometrical remodeling restores the wall stress distribution as it was under normal flow conditions. A constrained mixture approach is followed. Artery is modeled as a thick-walled cylindrical tube made of non-linear, elastic, anisotropic and incompressible material. Data for a rabbit thoracic aorta have been employed. At the final adapted state, the model predicts a non-monotonic dependence of arterial compliance on the magnitude of flow. This result is in agreement with available experimental data in the literature.  相似文献   

Summary Representative endogenous antioxidants and natural food extracts were screened for hydroxyl radical scavenging activity by an ELISA. Whereas conventional assays for hydroxyl radical scavenging activity use either spin traps following the induction of Fenton reaction or measure thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, this assay measures 8-hydroxy deoxyguanosine liberated from the hydroxylation of deoxyguanosine by Cu2+/ascorbate system.  相似文献   

This study examined whether menstrual cycle phase was associated with performance on the Primary Mental Abilities Test of Spatial Relations, a test of mental rotation, in undergraduate students (N = 82). As cortisol levels also vary across the menstrual cycle under conditions of stress and influence cognitive performance, saliva samples were obtained before and after the test session to examine whether cortisol levels were related to between- and within-group differences in spatial performance. Men scored higher on the spatial test than all the groups of women, although the difference between men and women in the menstrual phase was not significant. Women in the luteal phase scored lower than the menstrual, follicular, and oral contraceptive user groups of women. There were no sex or menstrual cycle differences in cortisol levels, and no association between cortisol levels and spatial performance. The poorer performance of women in the luteal phase was not related to differences in ratings of perceived stress, perceived success on the test, or mood. Although menstrual cycle phase accounted for a significant proportion of the variance (15%) in performance on the spatial test, this does not explain why men outperformed women regardless of the phase of the cycle. Thus, there are clearly several other variables, sociocultural and physiological, involved in mediating individual differences in spatial performance.  相似文献   

Serum and salivary cortisol release and mood ratings were measured in response to the procedure of LHRH tests in 12 medical students professionally familiarized with venipunctures (familiarized subgroup) and in 5 non-medical students (unfamiliarized subgroup). There were significant differences in cortisol and mood ratings between both groups. Only the unfamiliarized subgroup showed significant increases of cortisol and higher values for tension and anxiety. Relations between cortisol, tension and anxiety confirm an effect of experimental stress on the secretion of cortisol during the procedure of LHRH tests. Novelty and subjective mood states appear to have predictive values with regard to stress-induced endocrine reactions.  相似文献   

Adrenocortical activity can be assessed by measurement of free cortisol in saliva. Cortisol status has important health implications in both physical and psychological terms. Assessment of cortisol status is complicated by the marked diurnal cortisol cycle. This cycle is characterised by an increase in secretory activity following awakening to achieve the morning acrophase. Thereafter it falls with a declining trend over the remainder of the day. For between subject studies the timing of sampling in relation to this cycle is an important consideration. We report a comprehensive study of the diurnal free cortisol cycle designed to analyse its components and to investigate their reliability and inter-relatedness. We instructed 42 healthy volunteers to collect saliva samples at home on two consecutive days. On each day the first sample was collected immediately upon awakening, followed by a further three samples at 15-minute intervals which collectively comprised the "awakening samples". A further four sample's were collected through the day at 3-hour intervals, all synchronized to awakening time. The cortisol response to awakening was calculated in two ways. Overall cortisol production in the first 45 minutes after awakening was calculated as area under the cortisol curve with reference to zero (AUC). The dynamic of the cortisol response to awakening was calculated as area under the cortisol response curve (AURC) with reference to the first awakening sample. In addition the underlying cortisol secretory activity was assessed based upon the diurnal three-hourly samples. All three parameters of adrenocortical activity showed reasonable stability across the two sampling days indicating all were reliable indexes of trait characteristic. AUC was representative of underlying diurnal activity but AURC was not. Measurement at any time point, 3, 6, 9 or 12 hours post-awakening was representative of the underlying 12-hour diurnal activity.  相似文献   

Most research on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function under aversive conditions has focused on relatively increased acute episodic, or chronic secretions as an operationalization of "stress." Severe or recurrent stress, perhaps in interaction with individual characteristics, results in chronically decreased HPA function among some persons suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder. Little evidence exists to assess the population distribution of chronic low cortisol in different free-ranging human populations, as a manifestation of past trauma or stress. This study reports findings of chronically depressed ambulatory salivary cortisol among rural-dwelling Batswana men (n=30) compared with men living in Gaborone (n=34), the capital of Botswana, based on repeated ambulatory sampling. Out of 914 saliva samples analyzed by radioimmunoassay, 268 (29.3%) samples (41 urban, 227 rural) were below the minimum detectable dose (相似文献   

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