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Random trees and random characters can be used in null models for testing phylogenetic hypothesis. We consider three interpretations of random trees: first, that trees are selected from the set of all possible trees with equal probability; second, that trees are formed by random speciation or coalescence (equivalent); and third, that trees are formed by a series of random partitions of the taxa. We consider two interpretations of random characters: first, that the number of taxa with each state is held constant, but the states are randomly reshuffled among the taxa; and second, that the probability each taxon is assigned a particular state is constant from one taxon to the next. Under null models representing various combinations of randomizations of trees and characters, exact recursion equations are given to calculate the probability distribution of the number of character state changes required by a phylogenetic tree. Possible applications of these probability distributions are discussed. They can be used, for example, to test for a panmictic population structure within a species or to test phylogenetic inertia in a character's evolution. Whether and how a null model incorporates tree randomness makes little difference to the probability distribution in many but not all circumstances. The null model's sense of character randomness appears more critical. The difficult issue of choosing a null model is discussed.  相似文献   

利用微机对房室海绵进行了1)属的清理工作,2)标准化术语的建立与属的标准化术语描述,3)建数据库,4)性状的统计分析。并发现了房室海绵出水管类型、房室排列方式、房室充填物类型、孔和管、体型和房室形态方面的六大演化趋向。  相似文献   

Conspicuous innovations in the history of life are often preceded by more cryptic genetic and developmental precursors. In many cases, these appear to be associated with recurring origins of very similar traits in close relatives (parallelisms) or striking convergences separated by deep time (deep homologies). Although the phylogenetic distribution of gain and loss of traits hints strongly at the existence of such precursors, no models of trait evolution currently permit inference about their location on a tree. Here we develop a new stochastic model, which explicitly captures the dependency implied by a precursor and permits estimation of precursor locations. We apply it to the evolution of extrafloral nectaries (EFNs), an ecologically significant trait mediating a widespread mutualism between plants and ants. In legumes, a species‐rich clade with morphologically diverse EFNs, the precursor model fits the data on EFN occurrences significantly better than conventional models. The model generates explicit hypotheses about the phylogenetic location of hypothetical precursors, which may help guide future studies of molecular genetic pathways underlying nectary position, development, and function.  相似文献   

In this study, we integrate information from phylogeny, comparative ontogeny, and experimental embryology in an attempt to elucidate the mechanisms controlling evolutionary trends towards digital reduction and loss observed in amphibians. Frogs and salamanders that have lost phalanges and even whole toes have done so in a very ordered manner, i.e., certain skeletal elements are lost prior to others. This pattern of morphological diversity is described and trends elucidated. It is concluded that the process is characterized by striking intraordinal convergences coupled with substantial differences between the trends observed in frogs as compared to urodeles. We argue that this pattern is essentially a reflection of the differences in the ontogenies of the two orders. Similarly, the convergences within urodeles and within anurans can be explained as the result of regulation of developmental parameters in a resilient developmental program. We further explore this hypothesis by experimentally perturbing the number of cells in the embryonic limb primordium to show that reduction in the number of mesenchymal cells secondarily affects the developmental process of pattern formation causing a rearrangement of the skeletal morphology of the foot. The same experimental manipulation has different effects in frogs as compared to salamanders. However, in both cases, the experimentally generated morphologies tend to parallel the phenotypes and trends observed in nature. Our conclusion is that most of the patterns of diversity in the digital morphology of amphibians can be explained as a reflection of developmental properties. In general, we present a methodology that attempts to empirically address the issue of identifying developmental constraint in morphological evolution.  相似文献   

本文从生物分类学理论的一些基本问题分析入手,论述了性状加权的哲学基础和生物学意义,对不同学派的观点从理论上进行了客观分析,并提出了作者本人的一些新的看法。  相似文献   

1. Natural populations are exposed to environmental stress of varying intensities. This provides a reference point for extrapolations from the living biota to fossils and vice versa. 2. Evolutionary change is likely when there are resources in excess of maintenance and survival needs. It is largely precluded at species borders by the metabolic costs of stress; from this follows climatic tracking by species. 3. A relatively small increase in abiotic stress could underlie extinctions of stress-sensitive endemic species and the spread of stress-resistant generalist and widespread species. Widespread fossil species appear resistant to extinction under the stress level of normal background extinctions. 4. Synergistic interactions among generalized stresses should increase the likelihood of extinctions, especially for stresses with energetic consequences. 5. Some marine organisms survived the K-T mass extinction event because of stress-evasion mechanisms such as stress-resistant life-cycle stages with low metabolic rates. 6. In moderately stressed and narrowly fluctuating environments, sufficient genetic variability and metabolic energy should be available to permit adaptation. In these environments phyletic gradualism is expected. 7. In highly stressed and widely fluctuating environments, a punctuated evolutionary pattern is expected whereby stasis occurs most of the time. 8. Evolutionary patterns therefore can vary depending on the details of the interaction between stress, environmental fluctuations, energy availability and genetic variability. 9. Little evolutionary change is expected when the availability of energy is severely restricted. Examples include cave animals in stable but stressed environments and ‘living fossils’ in widely fluctuating but stressed environments. 10. Since the primary effect of abiotic stress may be at the level of energy carriers, a reductionist approach permits generalisations in considering extinctions and conditions under which diversification is likely.  相似文献   

Theoretical studies of character displacement lead to the view that evolutionary divergence depends primarily on incomplete utilization of available resources. Those models which incorporate constraints preventing complete utilization of resources, even in the absence of competitors, all predict character displacement. Those models which allow greater flexibility of resource use within a species predict correspondingly less divergence. Indeed, Matessi and Jayakar (1980, 1981) based their conditions for occurrence of character displacement on underutilization of resources. I extend a model used by Slatkin (1980, 1983) and Taper and Case (1985) which allows each species to fully utilize its resources in the absence of competitors. I concentrate on the biologically reasonable case in which the species, though similar, differ in their ecological characteristics. As a result of this greater biological realism, I arrive at a different conclusion regarding the conditions which lead to character displacement. The presence of a variety of biological differences between species—including as a subset those which result from resource underutilization—leads to divergence with respect to a quantitatively inherited character, due to interspecific competitive interactions. The resulting displacement can be large and depends little on the parameters chosen. The only exception, involving a character with very low heritability, occurs when the non-interactive phenotypic differences are much greater than those associated with studies of character displacement in natural populations. Thus, under conditions comparable to those encountered in the field, involving similar yet not identical species, evolutionary divergence is a consequence of interspecific competition.  相似文献   

Larvae of two species of sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis and S. purpuratus) differ in initial form and in the rate of development. To determine whether these differences are attributable to the large interspecific difference in egg size, we experimentally reduced egg size by isolating blastomeres from embryos. The rate of development of feeding larvae derived from isolated blastomeres was quantified using a novel morphometric method. If the differences early in the life histories of these two species are due strictly to differences in egg size, then experimental reduction of the size of S. droebachiensis eggs should yield an initial larval form and rate of development similar to that of S. purpuratus. Our experimental manipulations of egg size produced three clear results: 1) smaller eggs yielded larvae that were smaller and had simpler body forms, 2) smaller eggs resulted in slower development through the early feeding larval stages, and 3) effects of egg size were restricted to early larval stages. Larvae from experimentally reduced eggs of the larger species had rates of development similar to those of the smaller species. Thus, cytoplasmic volumes of the eggs, not genetic differences expressed during development, account for differences in larval form and the rate of form change. This is the first definitive demonstration of the causal relationship between egg size (parental investment per offspring) and life-history characteristics in marine benthic invertebrates. Because larval form influences feeding capability, the epigenetic effects of egg size on larval form are likely to have important functional consequences. Adaptive evolution of egg size may be constrained by the developmental relationships between egg size and larval form: evolutionary changes in egg size alone can result in concerted changes in larval form and function; likewise evolutionary changes in larval form and function can be achieved through changes in egg size. These findings may have broader implications for other taxa in which larval morphology and, consequently, performance may be influenced by changes in egg size.  相似文献   

Mollusks and most non-mammalian vertebrates have been characterized as evolving an order of magnitude more slowly in morphology and karyotype compared with most groups of placental mammals. New calculations of the previously used measures of chromosomal rates of evolution for different groups of gastropods, using a larger and taxonomically broader sample, indicate that these rates had been previously underestimated, although they are still lower than those of the most rapidly evolving placental groups. When genera of approximately the same geological age are compared, little difference (less than an order of magnitude) in fossil-based measures of average rate of karyotypic evolution are found among placental mammals, frogs, lizards, and snails. Variation in rates within major groups obtained from the limited available data does not allow clear generalizations on among-group differences in chromosomal rates of evolution.  相似文献   

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