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The egg morphology and successive changes of developing embryos of the whirligig beetle, Dineutus mellyi (Adephaga: Gyrinidae) are described from observations based on light and scanning electron microscopy. The egg surface is characterized by minute conical projections covering the entire egg surface, a stalk‐like micropylar projection at the anterior pole of the egg, and a longitudinal split line along which the chorion is cleaved during the middle embryonic stages. The germ band or embryo is formed on the ventral egg surface, and develops on the surface throughout the egg period; thus, the egg is a superficial type, as is the case in most coleopteran species. A pair of lateral tracheal gills (LTGs) of the first abdominal segment originates from appendage‐like projections arising at the lateral side of pleuropodia, and the LTGs of the second to ninth abdominal segments are arranged in a row with that of the first segment. Therefore, LTGs are structures with serial homology. The paired dorsal tracheal gills (DTGs) of the ninth abdominal segment are formed on the regions just latero‐dorsal to the LTGs of this segment. Regarding the pleuropodia as the structures being homologous with thoracic legs, neither the LTGs nor DTGs are homologous with thoracic legs, but originate in the more lateral region corresponding to the future pleura of the thoracic segments. The last (10th) abdominal segment in the larva is formed by the fusion of the embryonic 10th and 11th abdominal segments. Four terminal hooks at the end of the last abdominal segment originate from two pairs of swellings on the posterior end of the embryonic 11th abdominal segment. It is proposed that the terminal hooks possibly correspond to the claws of medially fused cerci of the embryonic 11th abdominal segment. J. Morphol. 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of transverse fragmentation on the segment pattern of the short germ embryo of the locust Schistocerca gregaria has been investigated at two stages subsequent to the formation of the germ anlage. Following fragmentation both anterior and posterior partial embryos were observed, although rarely in a single egg. Anterior partial patterns usually terminated with a segment visible at the time of fragmentation or with the next segment due to appear. Posterior partial patterns began with a wide range of segments depending on the level of fragmentation.Anterior and posterior partial patterns developing in a single egg were usually not complementary and the segments missing sometimes included some segments visible when the embryo was fragmented. Non-complementary patterns resulted following fragmentation in all regions, while complementary patterns only occurred after fragmentation in the visibly-segmented region.The results suggest that following fragmentation isolated posterior portions of the embryo continue to form segments, while isolated anterior regions usually do not. This effect could result from variable damage to an existing pattern of unequally-sized segment primordia, or from the disruption of a process of sequential segmentation in the elongating posterior region of the embryo. The results are broadly compatible with the progress zone model proposed by Summerbell et al. (1973).  相似文献   

The scanning electron microscope was used to study the changing features of scorpion embryos from the blastula through early stages in the development of appendages. The earliest scorpion fossils (Silurian period) have structures more advanced than the embryos herein, so the possibility is considered that these embryos still retain and display some features indicative of evolutionary patterns in adult pre-Silurian ancestors. The blastodisc stage is followed by a knob-like germinal center that gives rise to most of the embryo body. The germinal center elongates on the ventral surface of the spherical yolk mass. The broad cephalic lobe is first delineated from the following pedipalpal segment. The limbbuds for the pedipalps and anterior walking legs appear, as additional segments are added at a growth zone at the rear of the embryo body. Initially, in the cephalic lobe there are no limbbuds; then the cheliceral buds emerge from the posterior part of the lobe. The stomodeum appears first in the anterior half of the cephalic lobe, but an oral groove forms and the mouth is displaced posteriorly within the groove. This repositioning allows space anteriorly for invagination (semilunar grooves) of epithelium for the brain and medial eyes. The mouth is directed ventrally in all stages of this study. The widespread chelicerae are initially posterior to the mouth, but later move anterior and dorsal to it. Small limbbud bulges on mesosomal segments disappear later and never become protruding appendages. Metasomal segments are produced free from the yolk surface in a ventral flexure beneath the embryo body. The telson starts as two spherical lobes, but later elongates and tapers distally, not yet developing the sharp sting (aculeus) seen in Silurian and all subsequent scorpions. The walking legs are digitigrade, as in most fossil aquatic scorpions. Segments are delineated in the appendages; the chelicerae and pedipalps are divided distally for chela (claw) formation. Bilateral swellings (limbbuds) on the third abdominal segment become larger than the others, indicating the site of pectine formation. The early fin-like pectines are somewhat posterior in the mesosoma, suggesting ancestral swimming, maneuvering, and balancing for the elongate abdomen. The pectinal surface is initially smooth but later transverse striations increase the surface area as a possible respiratory adaptation. Pectinal teeth (present in Silurian and all subsequent scorpions) and forward movement and merging of anterior abdominal segments are not yet evident in embryos of this study.  相似文献   

The early embryonic development and features of the developing embryo of the glowworm Rhagophthalmus ohbai are described chiefly by light microscopy, with emphasis on the germ rudiment formation and its phylogenetic implication. The egg period is 30-34 days at about 23 degrees C. The newly laid egg is a short ellipsoid, 1.09 by 0.78 mm in size, and the size increases to 1.15 by 0.95 mm by 17 days after oviposition. Cleavage is of the typical superficial type. The germ disk is formed by cell aggregation of the embryonic area at the anterior end of the egg. The central part of the germ disk then sinks into the yolk and the spherical germ rudiment is formed by fusion of the amnioserosal folds extended from all margins of the germ disk. The inner region of the germ rudiment soon becomes slender and develops into the short embryo, whereas the outer region facing the anterior end is extended to form the thin amnion. The embryo then rapidly elongates, the elongation being accompanied by embryo segmentation and formation of appendages. The submerged condition of the embryo persists until about 17 days after oviposition (about 1 day before embryonic revolution) and thereafter the embryo becomes superficial in position. The presence of the following embryonic characters in R. ohbai supports the molecular data placing it within the Lampyridae: 1) formation of a spherical germ rudiment near the anterior end of the egg, and 2) the submerged condition of the developing embryo persists until shortly before revolution.  相似文献   

External features of the egg, developing embryo, and first instar nymph of Kamimuria tibialis are described. The embryonic development from the germ disc to the full-grown embryo is divided into 12 stages. The saclike embryonic rudiment is formed by the bending and folding of the germ disc. The embryo first elongates at the egg surface and then sinks into the yolk due to caudal flexure. In the head, four paired protocerebral lobes differentiate and the fourth lobes are thought to be the rudiments of preantennal ganglia. The columnar serosal cells appear at the posterior pole of the egg and they disappear before katatrepsis. The coniform chloride cells occur at the hind margins of the first nine abdominal segments in the full-grown embryo and first instar nymph. Amnion formation in K. tibialis is very similar to that of Allonarcys proteus and the Isoptera. It is proposed that the immersed type of growth pattern of embryos is divided into two subtypes in hemimetabolous insects; one is in the Palaeoptera and Paraneoptera, and the other is in the Plecoptera, Orthoptera, Notoptera, Isoptera, Embioptera, and the blattarian, Periplaneta americana.  相似文献   

Arthropods show two kinds of developmental mode. In the so-called long germ developmental mode (as exemplified by the fly Drosophila), all segments are formed almost simultaneously from a preexisting field of cells. In contrast, in the so-called short germ developmental mode (as exemplified by the vast majority of arthropods), only the anterior segments are patterned similarly as in Drosophila, and posterior segments are added in a single or double segmental periodicity from a posterior segment addition zone (SAZ). The addition of segments from the SAZ is controlled by dynamic waves of gene activity. Recent studies on a spider have revealed that a similar dynamic process, involving expression of the segment polarity gene (SPG) hedgehog (hh), is involved in the formation of the anterior head segments. The present study shows that in the myriapod Glomeris marginata the early expression of hh is also in a broad anterior domain, but this domain corresponds only to the ocular and antennal segment. It does not, like in spiders, represent expression in the posterior adjacent segment. In contrast, the anterior hh pattern is conserved in Glomeris and insects. All investigated myriapod SPGs and associated factors are expressed with delay in the premandibular (tritocerebral) segment. This delay is exclusively found in insects and myriapods, but not in chelicerates, crustaceans and onychophorans. Therefore, it may represent a synapomorphy uniting insects and myriapods (Atelocerata hypothesis), contradicting the leading opinion that suggests a sister relationship of crustaceans and insects (Pancrustacea hypothesis). In Glomeris embryos, the SPG engrailed is first expressed in the mandibular segment. This feature is conserved in representatives of all arthropod classes suggesting that the mandibular segment may have a special function in anterior patterning.  相似文献   

Summary In endoplasm close to the posterior pole of the egg ofPimpla one finds conglomerated oosome material, rich in RNA. Investigations after various operations in the oosome region (10% of egg length), before cleavage were intended to show whether pole cells develop, how many segments form and if gonads contain primordial germ cells.Oosome material was squashed with a blunt glass needle. The uninjured part of the egg in front of the oosome region develops blastoderm but no pole cells. It gives rise to a fully segmentated larva with germ cells in the gonads.After ligation of up to 15% of egg length complete embryos with germ cells can develop. The smaller the anterior isolates, the more abdominal segments are missing.By ligation and invagination of the hindpole of eggs with a blunt glass needle, anteriorly material from the oosome region is combined with ooplasm situated more. Translocation of only a small amount of ooplasm results in the same number of abdominal segments in the anterior isolate as in ordinary ligated eggs. Translocation of much ooplasm yields a significantly greater number of abdominal segments. It is immaterial for the metameric segmentation of the embryo whether the oosome is situated before or behind the ligature or is destroyed. But the depth of the invagination and how many segments result do not seem to be correlated.A completely segmentated embryo can develop also after extirpation of the oosome provided care is taken not to injure the hindpole-plasm. No pole-cells result when the complete oosome is missing and the hindpole-plasm is present; loss of part of the oosome results in the development of only a few pole-cells. Thus oosome material is a necessary and quantitative condition for pole-cell differentiation. In one favourable case pole-cells developed in the extraovate because the oosome was followed after some hours by endoplasm and cleavage nuclei.Functions of the oosome are discussed: together with cleavage nuclei it is responsible for pole-cell development. As pole-cells are not invariable precursors of germ-cells, the oosome cannot contain determinants for them. Possibly it includes postembryonic growth modifiers or it could be active in gametogenesis later on. As an egg without oosome-region is able to develop an embryo, this region does not or exclusively contain an activation-center (e. g.Platycnemis), or special hind-pole factors (e. g.Euscelis). In any case the oosome itself does not include these factors. A greater number of segments in the anterior isolate after translocation of ooplasm could be due to its special quality, as inEuscelis andBruchidius whose metameric organisations originate from a bipolar ooplasmic reaction system. Also it could depend only on the increase of ooplasm competent for differentiation-factors in the middle and anterior egg parts.

Durchgeführt mit Leihgaben der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft und mit Hilfe von Euratom (Verträge Nr. 041-65-10 BIOD und Nr. 077-69-I BIOC mit dem Heiligenberg-Institut).  相似文献   

Summary The mutationbicaudal (Bull, 1966) causes embryos to develop a longitudinal mirror image duplication of the posteriormost abdominal segments, while head and thorax are missing. These embryos occur with varying frequencies among eggs laid by mutant females, irrespective of the paternal genotype. Recombination and deletion mapping indicate thatbicaudal (bic) is a recessive, hypomorphic, maternal-effect mutation mapping at a single locus on the second chromosome ofDrosophila melanogaster close tovg (67.0±0.1). The frequency of bicaudal embryos depends on the age of the mother, her genetic constitution and the temperature at which she is raised. Best producers are very young females hemizygous forbic (bic/Df(2)vg B ) at 28° C. Under these conditions 80% to 90% of the eggs which differentiate can show the bicaudal embryo phenotype. Upon ageing of the mother the frequency of bicaudal embryos declines rapidly, and most of the eggs develop the normal body pattern. Temperature shift experiments suggest a temperature-sensitive period at the onset of vitellogenesis.The mutation causes several types of abnormalities in the segment pattern of theDrosophila embryo, which are interpreted as various degrees of expression of the mutant character. The most frequent abnormal phenotype is the symmetrical bicaudal embryo with one to five abdominal segments duplicated. Less frequent are asymmetrical types, in which the smaller number of segments is always in the anterior reversed part. Other phenotypes are embryos with missing or rudimentary heads, and embryos with irregular gaps in the segment pattern. In bicaudal embryos, the pole cells, formed at the posterior pole of the egg prior to blastoderm formation, are not duplicated at the anterior. The significance of thebicaudal phenotypes for embryonic pattern-formation inDrosophila is discussed.  相似文献   

The egg structure and outline of the embryonic development of Metallyticus splendidus of one of the basal Mantodea representatives, Metallyticidae, were described in the present study. The results obtained were compared with those from the previous studies, to reconstruct and discuss the groundplan of Mantodea and Dictyoptera. In M. splendidus, the egg is spheroidal, it has a convex ventral side at the center in which numerous micropyles are grouped, and it possesses a conspicuous hatching line in its anterior half. These are the groundplan features of mantodean eggs and the “grouped micropyles in the ventral side of the egg” are regarded as an apomorphic groundplan feature of Dictyoptera. A small circular embryo is formed by a simple concentration of blastoderm cells, which then undergoes embryogenesis of the typical short germ band type. Blastokinesis is of the “non-reversion type” and the embryo keeps its original superficial position and original orientation throughout embryonic development. During the middle stages of development, the embryo undergoes rotation around the egg's anteroposterior axis. These features are a part of the groundplan of Mantodea. It is uncertain whether sharing of the “non-reversion type” of blastokinesis by Mantodea and blaberoidean Blattodea can be regarded as homology or homoplasy.  相似文献   

The process of embryogenesis is described for the inarticulate brachiopod Discinisca strigata of the family Discinidae. A fate map has been constructed for the early embryo. The animal half of the egg forms the dorsal ectoderm of the apical and mantle lobes. The vegetal half forms mesoderm and endoderm and is the site of gastrulation; it also forms the ectoderm of the ventral regions of the apical and mantle lobes of the larva. The plane of the first cleavage goes through the animal-vegetal axis of the egg along the future plane of bilateral symmetry of the larva. The timing of regional specification in these embryos was examined by isolating animal, vegetal, or lateral regions at different times from the 2-cell stage through gastrulation. Animal halves isolated at the 8-cell and blastula stages formed an epithelial vesicle and did not gastrulate. When these halves were isolated from blastulae they formed the cell types typical of apical and mantle lobes. Vegetal halves isolated at all stages gastrulated and formed a more or less normal larva; the only defect these larvae had was the lack of an apical tuft, which normally forms from cells at the animal pole of the embryo. When lateral isolates were created at all developmental stages, these halves gastrulated. Cuts which separated presumptive anterior and posterior regions generated isolates at the 4-cell and blastula stages that formed essentially normal larvae; however, at the midgastrula stage these halves formed primarily anterior or posterior structures indicating that regional specification had taken place along the anterior-posterior axis. The plane of the first cleavage, which predicts the plane of bilateral symmetry, can be shifted by either changing the cleavage pattern that generates the bilateral 16-cell blastomere configuration or by isolating embryo halves prior to, or during, the 16-cell stage. These results indicate that while the plane of the first cleavage predicts the axis of bilateral symmetry, the axis is not established until the fourth cleavage. The development of Discinisca is compared to development in the inarticulate brachiopod Glottidia of the family Lingulidae and to Phoronis in the phylum Phoronida.  相似文献   

孙仪林  王靖怡  陆迪  张琪 《昆虫学报》2022,65(11):1524-1537
【目的】本研究旨在探究尖唇散白蚁Reticulitermes aculabialis胚胎在不同发育阶段的变化特征。【方法】每日收集尖唇散白蚁的卵,并固定其胚胎发育状态,采用DAPI染剂对白蚁胚胎进行染色,通过激光共聚焦扫描显微镜观察记录尖唇散白蚁胚胎在不同发育阶段的形态特征。【结果】在25℃下尖唇散白蚁胚胎发育过程历经25~30 d,按照发育特征将其划分为12个阶段。胚胎发育早期,卵黄细胞均匀分布在卵内部,卵内细胞核向卵的中间浓缩,在细胞到达卵的后表面时形成浓缩的囊胚细胞作为胚盘;胚胎发育中期,胚胎开始进行“反转型”的囊胚运动,头部和前后轴从后极到前极反转,胚带出现明显的“双弯”结构。胚胎发育中后期,胚胎变宽,内部器官逐渐开始发育,出现明显的伸长与分节;胚胎发育后期,附肢发育明显,内部器官发育成熟。【结论】尖唇散白蚁胚胎发育过程历经12个阶段,属于短胚带型,胚带出现“双弯”结构,发育中期经历两次囊胚反转。本研究为真社会性昆虫白蚁的胚胎发育过程提供了形态学和生物学依据。  相似文献   

体节形成是昆虫胚胎发育过程中的关键问题.东亚飞蝗Locusta migratoria manilensis(Meyen)是一种重要的农业害虫,其体节形成的时序过程尚无详细报道.本研究采用免疫组化和品红染色方法研究了室内人工饲养东亚飞蝗的体节形成过程.结果表明:完成受精后,细胞核开始分裂并向卵表面迁移.细胞核到达卵表面的...  相似文献   

Axis determination in polyspermic Xenopus laevis eggs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Polyspermic Xenopus laevis eggs can be identified easily because of regions of pigment accumulation and white stripes, which arise by a nocodazole-sensitive process. Eggs containing up to four sperm are capable of forming a single embryonic axis. Dispermic eggs display two regions of pigment accumulation, one around each sperm entry point (SEP), and one white stripe between the SEPs. Such eggs with a 180 degree separation between the SEPs were bisected before first cleavage along the white stripe, creating dorsal and ventral halves in many cases. Each half cleaved and formed a tadpole. When eggs were bisected early in the period of cytoplasmic reorganization (0.5-0.6 normalized time), each half could form a complete tadpole. When eggs were bisected after the period of reorganization (0.8-0.9), often one half formed a tadpole with a complete head but reduced or absent tail and the other half formed a tadpole with a complete tail but reduced or absent head. These results demonstrate that sperm cooperate to give a single embryonic axis in polyspermic eggs and the development of dorsal and ventral egg halves differs after egg reorganization before first cleavage.  相似文献   

l(1) giant is a zygotic lethal mutation which affects the embryonic development of both the labial/thoracic segments and a subset of posterior abdominal segments. Using antibodies specific for proteins encoded by several Drosophila genes to identify the compartmental origin of the defects, we show that the requirement of giant activity is different in these two embryonic domains. Anteriorly, the posterior compartment of the labial segment is missing at the blastoderm stage. Posteriorly, cells are specifically deleted by cell death within the anterior compartments of abdominal segments 5-7 during germ band elongation. In mature embryos, posterior compartment structures of the peripheral nervous system of A5-7 are fused. In addition to a different pattern of defect in the two parts of the embryo, the kind of action appears different. Anteriorly, giant resembles a gap mutation in that a particular region is missing from the blastoderm fate map, whereas in the abdominal domain, giant affects the development of anterior compartment-specific structures.  相似文献   

L(1)giant is a zygotic lethal mutation which affects the embryonic development of both the labial/thoracic segments and a subset of posterior abdominal segments. Using antibodies specific for proteins encoded by several Drosophila genes to identify the compartmental origin of the defects, we show that the requirement of giant activity is different in these two embryonic domains. Anteriorly, the posterior compartment of the labial segment is missing at the blastoderm stage. Posteriorly, cells are specifically deleted by cell death within the anterior compartments of abdominal segments 5–7 during germ band elongation. In mature embryos, posterior compartment structures of the peripheral nervous system of A5–7 are fused. In addition to a different pattern of defect in the two parts of the embryo, the kind of action appears different. Anteriorly, giant resembles a gap mutation in that a particular region is missing from the blastoderm fate map, whereas in the abdominal domain, giant affects the development of anterior compartment-specific structures.  相似文献   

Copidosoma floridanum is a polyembryonic wasp that undergoes total cleavage of the egg followed by proliferation of blastomeres to produce up to 2,000 embryos from a single egg. This unusual mode of development raises several questions about how axial polarity is established in individual embryonic primordia. By examining embryonic development of larvae with duplicated structures (conjoined larvae), we determined that conjoined larvae form by mislocalization of two embryonic primordia to a common chamber of the extraembryonic membrane that surrounds individual embryos. Analysis of an anterior marker, Distalless, in mislocalized early embryos indicated that anterior structures form independently of one another. This suggests each embryonic primordium has some intrinsic polarity. However, during germband extension embryos usually fuse in register with each other, resulting in conjoined larvae with heads facing each other. Analysis of the posterior segmental marker, Engrailed, in conjoined embryos suggested that fusion in register initiates during germband extension. Thus, even though embryonic primordia initially have a random axial orientation, conjoined larvae usually possess a common orientation due to reorientation during germband extension. These observations suggest that differential cellular affinities during segmentation play an important role in embryo fusion. Received: 13 June 1996 / Accepted: 15 August 1996  相似文献   


This review deals with the question of how cells in the early embryo of the pea-beetle differentiate into a sequential pattern of segments. Anterior and posterior fragments of an egg have different options for development depending on whether they are exposed, before cellularization, to decaying ooplasm in the complementary fragment. Without such exposure all fragments produce fewer segments than corresponding fragments obtained at cellularization. With exposure a fraction of anterior and posterior fragments produces considerably more segments than corresponding fragments obtained at cellularization. In addition, posterior fragments are uniquely different from anterior ones in that they also produce reversal of segment sequence which can be restricted to longitudinal strips of the larval cuticle.

The difference in reaction to decaying ooplasm between anterior and posterior fragments suggests an asymmetry in the control of metamerization. Lateral inhibition by an asymmetric gradient of a diffusible morphogen can describe these observations [18] except for the restriction of reversal to longitudinal strips. The latter requires either that morphogen transport be polarized, possibly by a voltage gradient in the egg, or that the interpretation of cell position is polarized. The induction of double abdomens with UV-light and RNase suggests that RNA is part of the control mechanism. This and strip-restricted reversal are features shared by eggs of Coleoptera and Diptera.  相似文献   

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