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Sampling was conducted on the Missouri and Yellowstone rivers, North Dakota to obtain information on the distribution, abundance and habitat use of the sturgeon chub (Macrhybopsis gelida) and sicklefin chub (M. meeki)(Family Cyprinidae), two declining benthic fish species native to the Missouri River basin. The study area consisted of three distinct river segments, the Missouri River near Williston, the Missouri River near Bismarck (below Garrison Dam), and the Yellowstone River near its confluence with the Missouri River. Both species of chub were collected, mainly with a benthic trawl, throughout 94% of the range sampled in the Williston and Yellowstone segments. Sicklefin and sturgeon chubs were the second and third most abundant cyprinids, respectively, collected from the Williston and Yellowstone segments. Best-fit regression models indicated that the presence of sturgeon chubs increased with decreasing depth, increasing velocity and decreasing water clarity, and that the presence of sicklefin chubs increased with increasing depth, decreasing velocity and decreasing water clarity. In contrast, no chubs of either species were collected in trawls from the Bismarck segment. This segment had significantly deeper, faster, and clearer water than both the Williston and Yellowstone segments.  相似文献   

The Neotropical Cichlidae is among the most species-rich and ecologically diverse groups of freshwater fishes. This study investigated interspecific morphological and ecological relationships within an assemblage of six cichlids in the Upper Bladen River, Belize. This portion of the river drains a nearly pristine watershed within a nature reserve, and thus should provide a natural ecological context for interpretation of ecological patterns. Species distributions within morphological, habitat and dietary space yielded patterns consistent with a hypothesis of niche partitioning. Statistical analyses of the species assemblage revealed relationships between two principal morphological gradients from multivariate analysis with several diet and habitat variables, and these patterns were consistent with prior functional morphological interpretations. Given that this local cichlid assemblage contains no congeneric species, it is apparent that morphological divergence resulting in niche segregation reflects selective establishment of species from a more species-rich regional species pool rather than in situ adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

Western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) are one of the most destructive introduced species in the American West. The negative impact of introduced species on native taxa depends on their spatio-temporal overlap, which will determine the availability of refugia for native species. Experiments on the mechanisms underlying the interactions between introduced and native species rarely address habitat use, overlap, and refugia because individuals are confined to enclosures. In a previous study we used cages, microcosms, and aquaria to show that mosquitofish could prey on and out-compete native least chub (Iotichthys phlegethontis). In this study, we examined the spatio-temporal overlap between mosquitofish and least chub under natural conditions. We found periods of overlap and partitioning in the seasonal and diel habitat use of these species. Both species used shallow habitats during the day and night throughout the spring when least chub were spawning. Predation by adult mosquitofish on young least chub during the spring likely explains the reduction in least chub recruitment in the presence of mosquitofish. During the summer least chub avoided mosquitofish by exclusively using cooler habitats, or by occupying deeper, cooler habitats during the day when mosquitofish were active, and shallower, warmer habitats at night when mosquitofish were inactive. A shift to cooler habitats in the presence of mosquitofish may result in decreased growth and fecundity of least chub. However, we suggest that a reduction of warm shallow habitat may have a disproportionately greater negative impact on mosquitofish than species native to temperate regions, such as least chub. Habitat manipulations that reduce or eliminate warm habitats may ameliorate the harmful effects of mosquitofish and promote the long-term persistence of native taxa.  相似文献   

When ecologically divergent taxa encounter one another, hybrid zones can form when reproductive isolation is incomplete. The location of such hybrid zones can be influenced by environmental variables, and an ecological context can provide unique insights into the mechanisms by which species diverge and are maintained. Two ecologically differentiated species of small benthic fishes, the endemic and imperiled prairie chub, Macrhybopsis australis, and the shoal chub, Macrhybopsis hyostoma, are locally sympatric within the upper Red River Basin of Texas. We integrated population genomic data and environmental data to investigate species divergence and the maintenance of species boundaries in these two species. We found evidence of advanced‐generation asymmetric hybridization and introgression, with shoal chub alleles introgressing more frequently into prairie chubs than the reciprocal. Using a Bayesian Genomic Cline framework, patterns of genomic introgression were revealed to be quite heterogeneous, yet shoal chub alleles were found to have likely selectively introgressed across species boundaries significantly more often than prairie chub alleles, potentially explaining some of the observed asymmetry in hybridization. These patterns were remarkably consistent across two sampled geographic regions of hybridization. Several environmental variables were found to significantly predict individual admixture, suggesting ecological isolation might maintain species boundaries.  相似文献   

Life‐history characteristics of age‐0 sturgeon chub Macrhybopsis gelida, shoal chub Macrhybopsis hyostoma and sicklefin chub Macrhybopsis meeki were compared using several methods. All Macrhybopsis species consumed mostly midge pupae, but M. meeki had the most general diet (Levins' index, B = 0·22) compared with M. hyostoma (B = 0·02) and M. gelida (B = 0·09). Morisita's diet overlap index among species pairs ranged from 0·62 to 0·97 and was highest between M. hyostoma and M. gelida. Daily ages estimated from lapilli otoliths for each species ranged from 15 to 43 days for M. gelida, 19 to 44 for M. hyostoma and from 16 to 64 days for M. meeki. Mean growth rates ranged from 0·79 mm day?1 for M. meeki to 1·39 mm day?1 for M. gelida. Mortality estimates indicated high daily survivorship rates for M. meeki (0·985), but could not be estimated for the other two species. Hatch date histograms were congruent with the belief that M. hyostoma and M. gelida spawn periodically from June to September. Macrhybopsis meeki, however, appeared to respond to a specific spawning cue as hatch dates were unimodal with a peak in July. These results fill a gap in current knowledge of these imperilled species that can be used to guide management decisions.  相似文献   

Habitat partitioning is a common ecological mechanism to avoid competition among coexisting species, and the introduction of new species into existing assemblages can increase competitive pressures. However, situations of species in allopatry and sympatry only differing in species presence but not in environmental conditions are scarce. Thus, discerning whether niche segregation arises from competition or from different habitat preferences is usually unfeasible. Here, we analyse species’ habitat niches in an assemblage of native and introduced herbivores in southern Patagonia. We test if niche overlap is higher between native and domestic herbivores than among natives as expected from the relatively short time of coexistence, and we evaluate the effect of intra‐ and interspecific competition on niche breadth. We use a probabilistic multidimensional approach and null models to evaluate overlap and changes in niche dimensions. Overlap among native species is low as expected for species coexisting in evolutionary time. In native‐domestic species pairs, niche overlap was higher than among natives, although showing some niche segregation indicating niche differentiation in ecological time. Moreover, the presence of domestic species was associated with niche narrowing of both native and introduced species, revealing interspecific density‐dependent effects on their habitat niche during resource shortage periods.  相似文献   

Macrhybopsis reproduction and propagule traits were studied in the laboratory using two temperature regimes and three hormone treatments to determine which methods produced the most spawns. Only sicklefin chub Macrhybopsis meeki spawned successfully although sturgeon chub Macrhybopsis gelida released unfertilized eggs. All temperature and hormone treatments produced M. meeki spawns, but two treatments had similar success rates at 44 and 43%, consisting of a constant daily temperature with no hormone added, or daily temperature fluctuations with hormone added to the water. Spawns consisted of multiple successful demersal circular swimming spawning embraces interspersed with circular swims without embraces. The most spawns observed for one female was four and on average, 327 eggs were collected after each spawn. The water‐hardened eggs were semi‐buoyant and non‐adhesive, the first confirmation of this type of reproductive guild in the Missouri River Macrhybopsis sp. From spawn, larvae swam vertically until 123 accumulated degree days (° D) and 167° D for consumption of first food. Using average water speed and laboratory development time, the predicted drift distance for eggs and larvae could be 468–592 km in the lower Missouri River. Results from this study determined the reproductive biology and early life history of Macrhybopsis spp. and provided insight into their population dynamics in the Missouri River.  相似文献   

Aim Western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) have been linked with the decline of native fish and amphibians throughout the world. Separation along the temperature niche axis may promote the long‐term coexistence of introduced western mosquitofish, with native species in temperate regions. Recent research has shown that western mosquitofish can reduce the recruitment of native least chub (Iothichthys phlegethontis) endemic to the Bonneville Basin. We tested the hypotheses that cold temperatures (≤ 15 °C in the summer, freezing winters) would: (1) reduce the aggressive and predatory effects of western mosquitofish on least chub, and (2) eliminate the overwinter survival and recruitment of western mosquitofish while having little effect on least chub recruitment. Location Bonneville Basin of Utah, USA. Methods We used short‐term tests in the laboratory at the level of individuals and manipulated temperature (warm, cold and seasonal treatments) in long‐term experiments using mesocosms at the population level. Results Cold temperatures (≤ 15 °C) reduced the aggression and predation of western mosquitofish on least chub at the level of individuals. At the population level, however, cool summers (≤ 15 °C) eliminated recruitment in both species because they required warm summers (c. 20–30 °C) to survive freezing winters. Although least chub had an overwinter advantage in survival (75% least chub, 45% western mosquitofish), it was overwhelmed by the rapid reproduction of western mosquitofish as temperatures increased in the summer. Main conclusions Studies at the level of populations are necessary to understand the ultimate effects of introduced species on native taxa. Separation along the temperature niche axis was not sufficient to promote coexistence between these species in habitats with warm summers (c. 30 °C). Although coexistence may be possible in habitats with cool summers (≤ 20 °C) and freezing winters, the ability of niche separation to promote long‐term coexistence between native and introduced species may ultimately depend on their respective rates of evolution. Long‐term coexistence may not be possible if introduced species can adapt to new environmental conditions faster than native species can evolve mechanisms to reduce their harmful effects.  相似文献   

Mauro Fasola 《Ecography》1993,16(1):73-81
This paper describes the multidimensional niche of syntopic smooth newts Triturus vulgaris. alpine newts Triturus alpestris. and Italian crested newts Triturus carnifex. which constitute a complex community of eight components (the three species and their larvae, plus juvenile and neotenic alpine newts) All the potentially limiting resources (seasonal time, diel time, habitat and food) are analyzed as single niche dimensions, and then the real multidimensional niche is calculated Resource states are objectively defined, using an algorithm that groups the significant resource categories The larvae were segregated by prey, season, habitat, and water depth, in order of decreasing importance, their overlap was very low when their complete multidimensional niche was considered, and therefore they have few opportunities for present–day competition The adults were largely segregated by season and water depth, and to a lesser degree by habitat and prey, their multidimensional niches overlapped to a certain degree, thus leaving conditions for ongoing competition Considenng all the species and the life stages together, the order of importance for segregation was season, prey, habitat, water depth and diel activity, with a low overlap in the complete niche Differences m prey size were probably due to morphological constraints, differences in diel activity had very little effect on segregation except m separating larvae from the adults, and were likely promoted by need to avoid mutual predation and cannibalism It remains to be tested whether seasonal, habitat, and water depth differences are due to competitive pressures or to ecophysiological constraints  相似文献   

Variation in the growth patterns of roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.), pike, Esox lucius L., and chub, Leuciscus cephalus (L.) was examined along the upper Warta River, where human impact (mostly pollution) has influenced the longitudinal zonation on the fish assemblage. Significant differences were found in the exponent of weight-length relationships for roach and chub populations occupying different zones of the river, but no such variation was observed in pike. Moreover, pike growth was isometric, whereas roach and chub grew allometrically, with regression coefficients (slope) above 3. Although the length-at-age data were similar for each zone, the von Bertalanffy parameters (L inf, K and t 0) suggest that there may exist some inter-zone variation in the overall growth patterns of these species. All the species grew better in the zone where the index of relative abundance (relating dominance of a particular species to its maximum abundance in river system) achieved its highest value. The results suggest that a relative abundance index expressed in this way can be a good index of habitat quality.  相似文献   

Changes in the gonado‐somatic index and abundance of the different Labeobarbus species in the mouths of four major afferent rivers of Lake Tana, Ethiopia, were monitored monthly during 1999 and 2000. Riverine spawning was characteristic for seven of Lake Tana's 15 contemporary Labeobarbus species. These seven did not show spatial segregation among afferent rivers but significant temporal segregation occurred in aggregating in the river mouths and migrating towards the upstream spawning areas during the breeding season (June–October). Among the eight other species, peak gonad development occurred generally in the same period as in the riverine spawners. These species, however, did not aggregate in the river mouths during the breeding period and were absent from the upstream spawning areas. A derived, novel strategy, lacustrine spawning was hypothesized for these eight Labeobarbus species. This hypothesis was further supported by observations of running female fishes in the littoral zones distant from any of the afferent rivers. This derived strategy is only common among the littoral‐dwelling Labeobarbus species with restricted distribution patterns. At present it is thought that sequential waves of speciation and habitat divergence followed by trophic specialization, shaped the diversity of Lake Tana labeobarbs.  相似文献   

Habitat use and diets of five tilapiine populations of the Upper Zambezi River Basin in Zambia, south-central Africa, were examined during the 8 month descending phase of the annual hydrological cycle. All species occurred across a range of habitats, with most individuals captured from lagoons. Tilapia rendalli , a macrophyte feeder, was the only dietary specialist. Ontogenetic diet shifts were not observed over the size range examined (30–320 mm L S). Algae were uncommon in tilapiine diets. Tilapia ruweti , the smallest tilapiine in the region, was the only species that consumed more algae (filamentous algae) than detritus. Oreochromis andersonii , Oreochromis macrochir and Tilapia sparrmanii had high dietary overlap and occurred in the same habitats in similar relative abundances. High overlap in habitat use and diet among tilapiines contrasted with findings from a comparable analysis of predatory haplochromine cichlids of the region that revealed strong ecological segregation and niche complementarity during the annual descending-water phase.  相似文献   

Species‐level environmental niche modeling has been crucial in efforts to understand how species respond to climate variation and change. However, species often exhibit local adaptation and intraspecific niche differences that may be important to consider in predicting responses to climate. Here, we explore whether phylogeographic lineages of the bank vole originating from different glacial refugia (Carpathian, Western, Eastern, and Southern) show niche differentiation, which would suggest a role for local adaptation in biogeography of this widespread Eurasian small mammal. We first model the environmental requirements for the bank vole using species‐wide occurrences (210 filtered records) and then model each lineage separately to examine niche overlap and test for niche differentiation in geographic and environmental space. We then use the models to estimate past [Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and mid‐Holocene] habitat suitability to compare with previously hypothesized glacial refugia for this species. Environmental niches are statistically significantly different from each other for all pairs of lineages in geographic and environmental space, and these differences cannot be explained by habitat availability within their respective ranges. Together with the inability of most of the lineages to correctly predict the distributions of other lineages, these results support intraspecific ecological differentiation in the bank vole. Model projections of habitat suitability during the LGM support glacial survival of the bank vole in the Mediterranean region and in central and western Europe. Niche differences between lineages and the resulting spatial segregation of habitat suitability suggest ecological differentiation has played a role in determining the present phylogeographic patterns in the bank vole. Our study illustrates that models pooling lineages within a species may obscure the potential for different responses to climate change among populations.  相似文献   

内蒙古阿拉善荒漠主要啮齿动物生态位测度比较   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
用3种不同的生态位宽度和生态位重叠测度方法,对内蒙古阿拉善荒漠11种主要啮齿动物的生态位进行了比较研究。结果表明,子午沙鼠的生态位宽度指数最高,3种方法计算结果分别为0.842、0.723、0.516。该种在7种生境中均有分布,且以人工草地和农田的数量最高,天然草地的数量最低,对7种资源等级的利用具有一定的选择性。五趾跳鼠的次之,分别为0.751、0.722、0.513。该种在7种生境中均有分布且数量差异不大,对7种资源等级的利用具有一定的普遍性。比较3种生态位宽度指数测度方法,以Shannon.WienerIndex对荒漠区啮齿动物较为适宜。生态位重叠指数最高的啮齿动物因计算方法的不同有1-9个种对,生态位重叠指数最低的有10~11个种对。分析比较3种生态位重叠指数测度方法,以Pianka Index更适合于荒漠区啮齿动物的生态位重叠测度。  相似文献   

In 1997 and 1998, we sampled the Missouri River, North Dakota to determine if anthropogenic disturbances had influenced catostomid species composition and feeding ecology. We compared two distinct river segments, the Missouri River between the mouth of the Yellowstone River and Lake Sakakawea (the Yellowstone–Sakakawea segment (YSS)), a moderately altered segment and the Missouri River between Garrison Dam and Lake Oahe (the Garrison–Oahe segment (GOS)), a highly altered segment. The segments exhibited greatly different sucker communities. Bigmouth buffalo, Ictiobus cyprinellus, smallmouth buffalo, Ictiobus bubalus, and river carpsucker, Carpiodes carpio, represented 94% of the sucker catch in the YSS, whereas in the GOS, white sucker, Catostomus commersoni, and longnose sucker, Catostomus catostomus, constituted 98% of the sucker catch. In the YSS, high zooplankton densities led to greater sucker zooplanktivory and food niche overlap than in the GOS. Intense anthropogenic disturbances to the GOS are associated with the differences in sucker species composition, prey density and composition, and sucker feeding ecology between the two segments.  相似文献   

Lake Sainte-Croix is a hydro-electric reservoir on the river Verdon that came into operation about 16 years ago. The area of the lake is about 22 km2 and the volume about 767 Mm3. The water level drops by as much as 16 m in winter. Sainte-Croix is a warm monomictic oligotrophic lake. The indigenous fish fauna of the Verdon originally included 8 species. Successive stocking has raised this number to 17. In catches made in 1976–1977 with 27 mm mesh nets, 80 to 90% of the fish with a body size of between 15 and 25 cm were of the four main species indigenous to the river before the dam was built: Leuciscus cephalus, Barbus fluviatilis, Chondrostoma toxostoma, Salmo trutta. Catches made at same period with 14 mm mesh nets gave only Chondrostoma toxostoma and Leuciscus cephalus.Changes in the fish fauna were apparent from catches made in 1984 and 1987 with nets of the same mesh size. There was a marked demographic increase of roach, and more recently of bleak and gudgeon, all three species introduced after the construction of the dam. At the same time, there was a decrease in catch frequency of Ch. toxostoma, L. cephalus and B. fluviatilis in the downstream area of the lake. Stomach content analysis carried out in different seasons on the six most abundant species of the lake (roach, toxostome, chub, bleak, perch and gudgeon) provided evidence on the trophic organisation of the fish fauna. We have measured niche breadth for each species by the Simpson diversity index and niche overlap by the Pianka index. Bleak is the only species to feed on zooplankton in open water. Roach is a particularly opportunistic feeder, sometimes taking plankton, but at Sainte-Croix it is exclusively herbivorous and benthophagous. Niche overlap between these two species is slight or null, depending on the season. On the other hand, there is a high degree of overlap between roach and chub and between roach and toxostome. The decrease in toxostome and chub frequency in the downstream area of the lake, where roach is most abundant, would appear to be a competitive exclusion phenomenon. There is high niche overlap between bleak and young perch, which partly explains the low abundance of the latter species; other contributory factors are the scarcity of zooplankton inshore, and the scarcity of zoobenthos resulting from the drop in the water level in winter.  相似文献   

Analyzing coexistence of exotic and native ungulates in arid areas is important from both a theoretical and a species conservation perspective. We assess the habitat use patterns and possible interference between guanaco (Lama guanicoe) and feral livestock (donkey and cattle) in arid environments of South America. To determine habitat use and niche overlap between exotic and native ungulate species, ten sites with different habitats and six natural waterholes were selected. Plots (20 at each site, ten around each waterhole) were randomly set up and characterized by environmental variables and relative use by cattle, donkey and guanaco through faecal pellet counts. Aggregation, niche breadth and niche overlap of the three herbivores were analyzed at habitat level (mesoscale). A direct redundancy analysis was used to examine the relationships between abundance of herbivore faeces and environmental variables at microscale. Mesoscale analyses showed (i) an extensive use of the area by all three species, with guanaco having the highest niche breadth followed by donkey and cattle and (ii) a large, broad guanaco–donkey and donkey–cattle habitat overlap. However, results at a finer scale showed high spatial aggregation of feral livestock species and an independent use of territory by guanacos. This study is the first to provide information about habitat partitioning between guanacos and feral livestock in the hyper-arid Monte Desert biome and points to an apparent lack of negative effects on the native ungulate.  相似文献   

A central prediction of niche theory is that biotic communities are structured by niche differentiation arising from competition. To date, there have been numerous studies of niche differentiation in local ant communities, but little attention has been given to the macroecology of niche differentiation, including the extent to which particular biomes show distinctive patterns of niche structure across their global ranges. We investigated patterns of niche differentiation and competition in ant communities in tropical rainforests, using different baits reflecting the natural food spectrum. We examined the extent of temporal and dietary niche differentiation and spatial segregation of ant communities at five rainforest sites in the neotropics, paleotropics, and tropical Australia. Despite high niche overlap, we found significant dietary and temporal niche differentiation in every site. However, there was no spatial segregation among foraging ants at the community level, despite strong competition for preferred food resources. Although sucrose, melezitose, and dead insects attracted most ants, some species preferentially foraged on seeds, living insects, or bird feces. Moreover, most sites harbored more diurnal than nocturnal species. Overall niche differentiation was strongest in the least diverse site, possibly due to its lower number of rare species. Both temporal and dietary differentiation thus had strong effects on the ant assemblages, but their relative importance varied markedly among sites. Our analyses show that patterns of niche differentiation in ant communities are highly idiosyncratic even within a biome, such that a mechanistic understanding of the drivers of niche structure in ant communities remains elusive.  相似文献   

Human‐mediated habitat transformation is increasingly evident around the world. Yet, how this transformation influences species’ niche width and overlap remains unclear. On the one hand, human‐mediated habitat transformation promotes increased species similarity through trait‐based filtering, and an increased prevalence of generalist species with broad niches, resulting in functional homogenization. On the other hand, species that colonize transformed habitats could use empty niches, resulting in decreased species similarity and an expansion of assemblage‐level niche space. Here we explore these two alternatives in eight highly diverse passerine assembles in natural, rural and urban habitats in south and southwest China, a rapidly developing region of the world. Based on stable isotopes, we found that species’ niche width increased from natural to human‐made habitats, but there were no differences in niche overlap among habitats. Therefore, we found evidence for niche expansion, with generalists appearing to use empty niches created by human habitat modification, and with assemblages being comprised of complementary species. Further research is needed to determine whether increased between‐ or within‐individual niche variation is the main driver of niche expansion in transformed habitats.  相似文献   

Species recovery efforts generally focus on in situ actions such as habitat protection. However, captive breeding can also provide critical life history information, as well as helping supplement existing or restoring extirpated populations. We have successfully propagated nine species in captivity, including blackside dace, spotfin chubs, bloodfin darters, and boulder darters. Threatened blackside dace, Phoxinus cumberlandensis, were induced to spawn in laboratory aquaria by exposing them to milt from a reproductively mature male stoneroller, Campostoma anomalum or river chub, Nocomis micropogon. The latter are nest-building minnows, with which Phoxinus may spawn in nature. Eggs are broadcast among gravel and pebbles. Blackside dace individuals reared in captivity were used for translocation. Threatened spotfin chubs, Cyprinella monacha, fractional crevice spawners, deposited eggs in laboratory aquaria in the spaces created between stacks of ceramic tiles. Captively produced spotfin chubs were used as part of a larger stream restoration and fish reintroduction project in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The bloodfin darter, Etheostoma sanguifluum, was first used as a surrogate to develop techniques for spawning a closely related species, the endangered boulder darter, E. wapiti. Both darter species mated in a wedge created between two ceramic tiles. Our efforts have had variable but generally high success, with survival rates of 50–90% of eggs deposited. Captive production of nongame fishes can aid recovery of rare species or populations, aid in watershed restoration, and can help to refine water quality standards. In addition, captive breeding allows discovery of important behavioral or life history characteristics that may constrain reproduction of rare species in altered natural habitats.  相似文献   

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