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Studies were carried out to measure changes in the transmembrane potential of rat alveolar macrophages during exposure of the cells to zymosan particles or to the membrane perturbant, phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA), and to determine if changes in membrane potential are related to superoxide anion release. Exposure of the cells to either zymosan or PMA leads to membrane depolarization, which precedes superoxide anion release. Furthermore, the magnitude of the depolarization is dependent upon the concentration of either zymosan or PMA. During exposure of the alveolar macrophages to increasing levels of zymosan, there is an increase in the amount of superoxide released as well as an increase in the magnitude of the depolarization. Incubation of the cells in medium containing 150 mM K+, a medium which causes membrane depolarization, leads to superoxide release from resting cells and a decrease in the amount of superoxide released from cells exposed to zymosan. These results indicate that release of superoxide anion from rat alveolar macrophages is related to membrane depolarization and suggest that the transmembrane potential change may act as a signal to initiate the phagocytotic responses of the cells.  相似文献   

Type II cells were isolated from rat lungs by elastase digestion and purified by centrifugal elutriation. The fluorescent dye, Di-S-C3(5), was used as a probe to monitor transmembrane potential (Em) of cells suspended in N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid (HEPES)-buffered medium. With this technique, the Em of type II cells was estimated to be -27 +/- 2 mV. This resting Em is very close to the equilibrium potential for chloride (-21 mV), which suggests that chloride is passively distributed in type II cells. The resting Em of type II cells is more dependent on the extracellular concentration of potassium (K+) than on external sodium (Na+); i.e., the membrane depolarizes as external sodium is replaced by potassium, suggesting that in unstimulated type II cells the membrane is more permeable to potassium than to sodium. In addition, the resting potential appears to be due, in part, to the activity of a ouabain-sensitive, Na-K pump, which acts to hyperpolarize type II cells. Addition of a membrane perturbant, phorbol myristate acetate (PMA, 10 micrograms/ml), to a type II cell suspension results in an increase in oxygen consumption and membrane depolarization. Both of these responses are sodium dependent and thus appear to be linked to a PMA-induced increase in sodium permeability.  相似文献   

Rat pulmonary alveolar macrophages (PAM) were compared with peripheral blood neutrophils for their ability to killEscherichia coli andStaphylococcus aureus in vitro. A wide range of opsonic conditions were studied, including from 10 to 40% autologous serum, alveolar lavage fluid (ALF), concentrated ALF supernatant, and several bacterial preopsonization procedures. PAM killed at most 41% of the initialE. coli inoculum in the presence of 40% serum and ALF. PAM killed only 5% of the initial inoculum ofS. aureus with 40% serum preopsonization, 10% serum plus ALF in the reaction mixture. No improvement in killing of either organism was seen after addition of ALF concentrated supernatant to the assay. In contrast to PAM, neutrophils killed more than 90% of the initial inoculum of either organism in the presence of 10% serum. The results imply that additional opsonic or physical factors in vivo are necessary for maximum PAM microbicidal function.  相似文献   

Alveolar macrophages are the primary phagocytic cell of lung, but are also capable of a variety of other functions, which include initiating or modulating inflammatory and immune responses through the production of soluble mediators. One such group of mediators is the eicosanoids. Further, recent data indicate that alveolar macrophages are not functionally homogeneous, but are heterogeneous with several subpopulations that differ both morphologically and functionally. Considering the apparent importance of prostaglandin synthesis and release in inflammatory and immune responses, the current study was undertaken to determine whether alveolar macrophage subpopulations differ in their ability to synthesize and release prostaglandin (PG) E, PGI2, and thromboxane A2 after stimulation by calcium ionophore A23187, zymosan, or aggregated IgG. Alveolar macrophages were harvested by bronchoalveolar lavage and were separated into 18 density-defined fractions. Density-defined alveolar macrophages (DD-AM) showed marked heterogeneity in prostaglandin synthesis and release. Maximal PGE synthesis and release was seen as a single peak after calcium ionophore A23187 and zymosan stimulation. In contrast, two peaks in PGE synthesis were seen after aggregated IgG stimulation. PGI2 synthesis was seen as a single peak generated by different DD-AM after calcium ionophore A23187 and zymosan. In contrast, aggregated IgG stimulation of subpopulations exhibited uniform synthesis and release of PGI2. Thromboxane A2 synthesis and release was maximal from a broad range of various DD-AM after calcium ionophore A23187, zymosan, and aggregated IgG stimulation. The results demonstrate that DD-AM are heterogeneous in ability to synthesize and release prostaglandins which is dependent on the stimuli. Therefore, specific subpopulations of alveolar macrophages may be central to the control of the pulmonary inflammatory response through specific eicosanoid synthesis and release.  相似文献   

Treatment of neonatal rats with repeated doses of monosodium-L-glutamate resulted in changes of morphology and function of alveolar macrophages recovered from adult female rats. Numerous cellular lipid vacuoles and lamellar structures were observed in these alveolar macrophages under transmission electron microscopy. There was approximately 50% increase of cellular total lipid content measured by Oil-Red-O staining and colorimetric method. The yeast phagocytosis and intracellular killing ability, as well as the inhibitory effect on the growth of tumor cells were reduced in alveolar macrophages from neonatal MSG-treated rats.  相似文献   



Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a rare disease occurred by idiopathic (autoimmune) or secondary to particle inhalation. The in-air microparticle induced X-ray emission (in-air micro-PIXE) system performs elemental analysis of materials by irradiation with a proton microbeam, and allows visualization of the spatial distribution and quantitation of various elements with very low background noise. The aim of this study was to assess the secondary PAP due to inhalation of harmful particles by employing in-air micro-PIXE analysis for particles and intracellular iron in parafin-embedded lung tissue specimens obtained from a PAP patient comparing with normal lung tissue from a non-PAP patient. The iron inside alveolar macrophages was stained with Berlin blue, and its distribution was compared with that on micro-PIXE images.


The elements composing particles and their locations in the PAP specimens could be identified by in-air micro-PIXE analysis, with magnesium (Mg), aluminum (Al), silicon (Si), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), scandium (Sc), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), titanium (Ti), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), manganase (Mn), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) being detected. Si was the major component of the particles. Serial sections stained by Berlin blue revealed accumulation of sideromacrophages that had phagocytosed the particles. The intracellular iron content of alveolar macrophage from the surfactant-rich area in PAP was higher than normal lung tissue in control lung by both in-air micro-PIXE analysis and Berlin blue staining.


The present study demonstrated the efficacy of in-air micro-PIXE for analyzing the distribution and composition of lung particles. The intracellular iron content of single cells was determined by simultaneous two-dimensional and elemental analysis of paraffin-embedded lung tissue sections. The results suggest that secondary PAP is associated with exposure to inhaled particles and accumulation of iron in alveolar macrophages.  相似文献   

Summary Radioimmunoassay and immunocytochemical staining methods were used to study the distribution of thyroid hormone in rat alveolar macrophages. The cells were fractionated into six subpopulations by Percoll density gradient. Positive immunoreactive tri-iodothyronine (T3) was observed in all subpopulations of macrophages, especially in low-density (1.040 and 1.050 g cm–3) groups, by avidin-biotin-peroxidase immunostaining techniques. The macrophages also showed various patterns of cellular T3 stainability. Results from radioimmunoassay of macrophage extracts also demonstrated that macrophages of low density had a higher level of total T3 than those of higher densities (1.060 g cm–3).  相似文献   

The binding characteristics of ten FITC-labeled plant lectins (Con-A, MPA, BPA, PNA, WGA, SBA, UEA-I, DBA, GS-I, GS-II) to lavaged rat alveolar macrophages were assessed by flow cytometry. The alveolar macrophages (AM) were incubated with varying concentrations of each lectin in a pinocytosis-inhibiting buffer. In addition to measuring lectin-associated green fluorescence, the electronic cell volumes and axial light loss characteristics of the AM were also measured flow cytometrically. These latter parameters were found to be good indicators of cell agglutination caused by some of the lectins, and, in conjunction with green fluorescence measurements, usefully serve to determine optimal or nonagglutinating lectin concentrations for flow cytometric studies. With the exception of UEA-I, all of the lectins examined bound to AM, although a wide range of binding was observed among the lectins. At subagglutinating concentrations, Con A, MPA, BPA, PNA, WGA, SBA, and GS-I bound to the AM with unimodal patterns. Histograms of lectin-associated fluorescence intensity obtained with DBA clearly presented a pattern consistent with a more complex, bimodal distribution of labeled AM, suggesting the presence of at least two subset populations. The low-intensity distribution of AM represented congruent to 70% of the cells, while the more strongly labeled subset represented congruent to 15% of the parent AM population. The remaining balance of the AM was identified as another subpopulation by the failure to detectably bind to the DBA. While GS-II bound to all of the AM, this lectin labeled about 5% of the cells much more intensely than the bulk of the population. Thus, two subset populations of AM could be resolved according to their differing avidities for the GS-II lectin.  相似文献   

The time course of uptake and distribution of 3H-arachidonic acid (3H-AA) into rat alveolar macrophage phospholipid pools was examined. Macrophages incubated with exogenous 3H-AA in RPMI-1640 containing 0.1% bovine serum albumin (BSA), incorporated this radiolabel into phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol (PI) with plateaus reached within 2 to 4 hours, which remained relatively constant for up to 18 hours. Incorporation of 3H-AA into phosphatidylethanolamine was small, but continued to increase for 14 hours. Analysis of phosphate content in phospholipid pools revealed that treatment with exogenous 5 nM arachidonic acid had no effect upon pool sizes, but there was a selective incorporation of 3H-AA into PI. Cells were incubated with 3H-AA in RPMI alone or medium containing either 0.2% lactalbumin, fetal calf serum at variable concentrations, 10% Nu Serum, or 0.1% BSA. Incubation of macrophages with 3H-AA in RPMI alone or containing 0.2% lactalbumin, resulted in approximately 70% of the radiolabel taken up by the cells being incorporated into triglyceride. The addition of BSA to RPMI-1640 medium was found to facilitate selective uptake of 3H-AA into phospholipids. Approximately 70% of incorporated 3H-AA was releasable through the action of exogenous phospholipase A2.  相似文献   

The time course of uptake and distribution of 3H-arachidoni acid (3H-AA) into rat alveolar macrophage phospholipid pools was examined. Macrophages incubated with exogenous 3H-AA in RPMI-1640 containing 0.1% bovine serum albumin (BSA), incorporated this radiolabel into phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol (PI) with plateau reached within 2 to 4 hours, which remained relatively constant for up to 18 hours. Incorporation of 3H-AA into phospholipid pools revealed that treatment with exogenous 5 nM arachidonic acid had no effect upon pool sizes, but there was a selective incorporation if 3H-AA into PI. Cells were incubated with 3H-AA in RPMI alone or medium containing either 0.2% lactalbumin, fetal calf serum at variable concentrations, 10% Nu, Serum, or 0.1% BSA. Incubation of macrophages with 3H-AA in RPMI alone or containing 0.2% lactalbumin, resulted in approximately 70% of the radiolabel taken up by the cells being incorporated into triglyceride. The addition of BSA to RPMI-1640 medium was found to facilitate selective uptake of 3H-AA into phospholipids. Approximately 70% of incorporated 3H-AA was releseable through the action of exogenous phospholipase A2.  相似文献   

The solubility of five types of commercial nickel oxide particles was determined in different types of solutions, including distilled water, physiological saline, buffered saline, and tissue-culture medium, in order to estimate their solubility in the human respiratory tract. In addition, we examined the solubility of the two types of particles that were the most and least soluble particles of the above five types of nickel oxide, in rat alveolar macrophages cultured in vitro. The solubility of the nickel oxide particles in these solutions varied remarkably with their types, suggesting that, even though they are called as “nickel oxide,” their solubilities are different among the manufacturer and the product lot. Their solubilities were also influenced by the types of solution and the existence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The solubility of nickel oxide particles in the alveolar macrophages was significantly larger than that observed in the culture medium without macrophages, but smaller than that observed in the distilled water. These results suggest that the actual solubility of nickel oxide particles in the respiratory tract may be difficult to estimate by the conventional solubility analysis method using distilled water, and that the enhancement of particle dissolution by the alveolar macrophages and the depression of particle solubility by the coexisting salt and carbon dioxide should be taken into consideration for the accurate estimation.  相似文献   

To determine whether ozone is clastogenic at environmentally relevant exposure levels, rats were exposed for 6 h to 0.0, 0.12, 0.27, or 0.80 ppm ozone. The alveolar macrophages were isolated from animals sacrificed 28 h after the end of the exposure. The mitotic index and frequency of chromosome aberrations were determined. No change in the mitotic index was detected following 0.12 ppm ozone exposure. A significant decrease in mitotic index was observed after exposure to 0.27 ppm ozone; a significant (4-fold) increase in the frequency of dividing macrophages was detected following exposure to 0.8 ppm ozone. Only chromatid-type aberrations were observed. There was a significant increase in the frequency of cells with chromatid gaps and in the frequency of cells with chromatid deletions. Animals exposed to 0.27 ppm ozone had the highest proportion of cells with chromatid deletions (0.172) relative to background level (0.028). No exchanges or chromosome-type aberrations were detected in any of the animals. These data suggest that ozone, at relatively low levels, is clastogenic in macrophages from exposed rats.  相似文献   

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