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An in vitro organ culture method was used to produce alymphoid bursal epithelium. When fragments of 2-week-old chicken bursas were cultured, the following changes were observed in the follicular structures. The cortical lymphoid cells disappeared early in the culture, while medullary cells seemed to remain intact. The specific follicular epithelium disappeared and the medullas were opened to the plical surface. The openings became gradually wider, and the medullary cells were emptied through them to the plical surface. The basement membrane-associated epithelium at the corticomedullary border proliferated markedly, and when the medullary openings became wider, this layer became gradually a part of the epithelium covering the fragment. After 14 days of culture, when the fragments were alymphoid, they were transplanted onto the CAM of 10-day-incubated, histocompatible chick embryos. Eight days after transplantation the epithelium of the grafts was richly infiltrated by lymphoid cells. These findings show that alymphoid bursal epithelium can be produced by in vitro culture of bursal fragments. The exact characterization of the lymphoid infiltration in the transplanted fragments is yet to be determined.  相似文献   

A culture system was developed which permitted the differentiation of chicken lens epithelial cells to lentoid bodies which contained several cell layers, accumulated high levels of delta-crystallin, and produced extensive gap junctions. This differentiation process was prevented when the cells were infected with a temperature-sensitive src mutant of Rous sarcoma virus and maintained at the permissive temperature. These transformed cells continued to proliferate and also synthesized the major lens gap junction protein, MP28, at near-normal rates. However, this MP28 was not assembled to produce gap junctions. Cultures shifted to the nonpermissive temperature formed lentoid bodies similar to those in uninfected lens cultures, including the establishment of gap junctions containing MP28.  相似文献   



Study of the normal development of the intestinal epithelium has been hampered by a lack of suitable model systems, in particular ones that enable the introduction of exogenous genes. Production of such a system would advance our understanding of normal epithelial development and help to shed light on the pathogenesis of intestinal neoplasia. The criteria for a reliable culture system include the ability to perform real time observations and manipulations in vitro, the preparation of wholemounts for immunostaining and the potential for introducing genes.  相似文献   

The in vivo differentiation of embryonic chicken lens epithelial cells into lens fibers is accompanied by a marked decrease in the rate of degradation of phosphatidylinositol. The present experiments were undertaken to determine whether a similar change in phosphatidylinositol metabolism occurs during in vitro lens fiber formation in cultured explants of embryonic chicken lens epithelia. Lens epithelial cells in the explants differentiate into lens fibers following the addition of fetal calf serum, insulin or chicken vitreous humor to the culture medium. The results show that phosphatidylinositol is degraded with a half-life of 3-6 h in cultured lens epithelia that are not stimulated to differentiate. In contrast, no degradation occurs for at least 6 h in lens epithelia stimulated to form lens fibers. The stabilization of phosphatidylinositol is apparent within 4 h after the onset of fiber cell formation, and thus represents an early event in differentiation. The rapid degradation of phosphatidylinositol in lens epithelia is accompanied by comparably rapid synthesis. During this metabolic turnover only the phosphorylinositol portion of the molecule is renewed, as expected if hydrolysis occurs by the action of a phospholipase C, such as phosphatidylinositol phosphodiesterase. Thus, these data suggest that agents which produce in vitro differentiation of embryonic chicken lens epithelial cells into lens fibers lead to a reduction in either the amount or the activity of phospholipase C.  相似文献   

If that portion of a chick embryo destined to form the eye, the lens, part of the brain and the surrounding head region be removed from the chick before the lens has begun to develop, and placed in a liquid culture medium for four days, a structure resembling the lens will form in appropriate proximity to the presumptive retina, and the cells of the lens will synthesize proteins unique to and characteristic of the lens. The time course of morphological development of such explants is here described. In vitro the lens placode dose not invaginate to form a lens vesicle, as it does in ovo. Instead placode cells elongate directly to form fibre cells. The shape of the lens formed in this aberrant manner is remarkably similar to that of normal lens. At least one, and probably all three, of the characteristic crystallins of the lens form in these aberrant lenses, the cytological and biochemical differentiation of which proceeds normally, despite failure of the normal morphogenetic activities of the organ.  相似文献   

The growth and differentiation of transitional epithelium in vitro   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The development of rat transitional epithelial cells grown on conventional non-permeable surfaces was compared with development on permeable collagen supports. On glass or plastic surfaces, cells grew as expanding nomolayer sheets. Once confluent, growth continued with a bilayer being formed in most areas and apical cells being continuously sloughed off. Although most cells were interconnected by desmosomes, and junctional complexes were formed, no other indications of differentiation were observed. After 2-3 wk of growth, division stopped and cel death ensued. In contrast, single-cell suspensions plated on collagen-coated nylon disks reassociated into multicellular islands and commenced growth. Mitoses were confined to the basal cells in contact with the permeable substrate. The islands developed into epithelial trilayers, tapering to monolayers along spreading edges. Once the islands were confluent, stratification was completed and appeared similar to that observed in vivo. Germinal cells formed a basal lamina, and the upper layer was composed of large, flattened cells with an unusually thick asymmetrical plasma membrane on the apical surface. Electron microscopic and radioactive tracers demonstrated "leaky" zonulae occludentes with a restricted permeability to small molecules. The movement of urea was retarded in comparison to water. Unlike the slow turnover of adult epithelium in vivo, maturation and sloughing of apical cells were measurable. Transfer of cells could be effected and growth maintained for up to 4 mo. These results may indicate the necessity of a nutrient-permeable growth surface for the polarized differentiation of adult transitional epithelium.  相似文献   

The differentiation of sensory and support cells within the embryonic chick otocyst is accompanied by alterations in the distribution of preexisting intercellular junctions. Prior to innervation of this epithelium, tight, gap and adhering junctions exist between all cells. Upon differentiation of the epithelium, apical bands of tight and adhering junctions are maintained throughout, while gap junctions and desmosomes are found only between support cells. Thus, some of the gap junctions that join homogeneous epithelial cells prior to innervation are removed as sensory cells differentiate, and a separate population of very large gap junctions is formed between differentiating support cells. Morphological evidence suggests two possible mechanisms which may be responsible for the observed changes in gap junctional distribution: removal of gap junctions by internalization, and formation of gap junctions by aggregation of precursor particles. The temporal correlation between junctional modulation, cytological differentiation of sensory and support cells, and ingrowth of nerve fibers makes the latter event a likely developmental cue for differentiation of this epithelium.  相似文献   

During embryonic chick lens differentiation, the epithelial cells become transformed into elongated fibres. Concomitantly, the fibre nuclei undergo degeneration and high molecular weight (HMW) DNA breaks down due to nuclear endodeoxyribonuclease activity. An electronmicroscopic study of lens epithelial and fibre nuclei was made at different stages of chick embryonic development, both in vivo and in vitro. The in vitro conditions are conducive to the expression of endogenous endodeoxyribonuclease activity in fibres. In both conditions we observed condensation of chromatin. The organization of some nuclear material into distinct linear arrays followed by streaming of nuclear material into the cytoplasm is recorded only in vitro. Such a condition may lead to acceleration of the process of aging in lens fibres.  相似文献   

Summary Fragments of human breast epithelium, devoid of all stromal and basal lamina components, which maintain their in vivo topological organisation can be cultured for up to 28 days within a reconstituted rat-tail-derived collagen matrix. These organoids initially undergo a loss of structural and 3-dimensional organisation, typified by loss of lumina formed by epithelial cells, and myosin from myoepithelial cells. Their subsequent reorganisation is dependent on the presence of serum, insulin, hydrocortisone, and cholera toxin in tissue culture medium. After this preliminary phase, a reduction in the concentration of serum, insulin, hydrocortisone, and cholera toxin is necessary to allow the structural differentiation of epithelial and myoepithelial cells. The myoepithelial cells also regain their ability to produce the basal lamina component laminin. The use of bovine-dermal collagen as the matrix, rather than rat-tail-derived collagen is shown to result in more stable organisation and differentiation of the organoids. The successful use of single-cell pellets (derived by trypsinisation of the organoids) in place of organoids in such cultures illustrates that there is no requirement for pre-existing cell/ cell contact or topological organisation of cells prior to embedding within the collagen matrix.  相似文献   

Synchronous oscillations of DNA synthesis and histone 2B mRNA expression occur during normal development of 13- to 16-day-old embryonic chicken lens epithelium. At least four cycles were observed with peak values of DNA synthesis and histone 2B mRNA 5 to 10 times greater than baseline values. Fourier analysis of DNA synthesis identified a statistically significant oscillatory period of 18 hr, the approximate length of the cell cycle at this age. Minor components of 7-9 and 12 hr were also identified in the data sets. Lenses labeled with 3H-thymidine and analyzed by autoradiography at 13.8 days of embryogenesis revealed more than twice the number of labeled nuclei at this time than in lenses labeled 9 hr later; histone 2B mRNA followed this same pattern. These findings demonstrate that a significant population of cells is synchronized with respect to the cell cycle in the developing lens epithelium in ovo. The temporal pattern of mitosis may be the basis of the fiber cell architecture and consequent lens transparency.  相似文献   

Summary This communication reports the results of a morphological study of three-day old cultures of epiblast tissue from the early chick embryo. The most striking feature of these cultures was the appearance of domes or elevated blister-like structures, composed of a single layer of cells which were morphologically distinct from the remaining cells in the culture. The domes arose in high-density areas of the culture. Their roofs were lined by basal laminae that did not develop in other areas of the culture. In several morphological respects, the cells of the dome roof closely resembled the epiblast in vivo. This was in contrast to the cells spread on the substratum in sparse regions of the culture, which did not. Each dome was surrounded by a dense ring of multilayered ruffling cells which appeared to give rise to both the dome roof and to fibroblast-like cells that spread on the substratum beneath the dome. Fibroblast-like cells also developed in discrete patches in other regions of the culture. In other tissues, dome formation has been attributed to fluid transport by the epithelium; in the present case it is also possible to invoke the capacity of the epiblast to fold, as contributing to the mechanism of dome formation.  相似文献   

The roles of PDZ domain-containing proteins such as Dlg and Scrib have been well described for Drosophila; however, their requirement for mammalian development is poorly understood. Here we show that Dlg, Scrib, MAGI1, MAGI3, and MPDZ are expressed in the mouse ocular lens. We demonstrate that the increase in proliferation and defects in cellular adhesion and differentiation observed in epithelia of lenses that express E6, a viral oncoprotein that can bind to several PDZ proteins, including the human homologs of Dlg and Scrib, is dependent on E6's ability to bind these proteins via their PDZ domains. Analyses of lenses from mice carrying an insertional mutation in Dlg (dlg(gt)) show increased proliferation and proliferation in spatially inappropriate regions of the lens, a phenotype similar to that of lenses expressing E6. The results from this study indicate that multiple PDZ domain-containing proteins, including Dlg and Scrib, may be required for maintaining the normal pattern of growth and differentiation in the lens. Furthermore, the phenotypic similarities among the Drosophila dlg mutant, the lenses of dlg(gt) mice, and the lenses of E6 transgenic mice suggest that Dlg may have a conserved function in regulating epithelial cell growth and differentiation across species.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that fetal lung mesenchyme can reprogram embryonic rat tracheal epithelium to express a distal lung phenotype. We have also demonstrated that embryonic rat lung epithelium can be induced to proliferate and differentiate in the absence of lung mesenchyme. In the present study we used a complex growth medium to induce proliferation and distal lung epithelial differentiation in embryonic tracheal epithelium. Day-13 embryonic rat tracheal epithelium was separated from its mesenchyme, enrobed in growth factor-reduced Matrigel, and cultured for up to 7 days in medium containing charcoal-stripped serum, insulin, epidermal growth factor, hepatocyte growth factor, cholera toxin, fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGF1), and keratinocyte growth factor (FGF7). The tracheal epithelial cells proliferated extensively in this medium, forming lobulated structures within the extracellular matrix. Many of the cells differentiated to express a type II epithelial cell phenotype, as evidenced by expression of SP-C and osmiophilic lamellar bodies. Deletion studies showed that serum, insulin, cholera toxin, and FGF7 were necessary for maximum growth. While no single deletion abrogated expression of SP-C, deleting both FGF7 and FGF1 inhibited growth and prevented SP-C expression. FGF7 or FGF1 as single additions to the medium, however, were unable to induce SP-C expression, which required the additional presence of serum or cholera toxin. FGF10, which binds the same receptor as FGF7, did not support transdifferentiation when used in place of FGF7. These data indicate that FGF7 is necessary, but not sufficient by itself, to induce the distal rat lung epithelial phenotype, and that FGF7 and FGF10 play distinct roles in lung development.  相似文献   

Lens fiber formation is characterized by extensive cell elongation. Earlier studies have shown that lens cell elongation in vitro can occur in the absence of microtubules and is associated with a proportional increase in cell volume. We have previously suggested that lens fiber cell elongation is directly caused by an increase in cell volume. In this report, lenses from 3- and 6-day-old chicken embryos were three-dimensionally reconstructed from serial sections to provide a measure of cell volume and length during various stages of primary and secondary lens fiber formation. In both cases, cell volume was highly correlated with cell length during lens cell elongation. In addition, during primary lens fiber formation, large intercellular spaces between lens vesicle cells disappeared as these cells began to elongate to form lens fibers. Loss of intercellular spaces would be expected if increasing cell volume were responsible for cell elongation. Finally, results of experiments in which the lens capsule was cut with a fine tungsten needle suggested that the capsule was elastic and normally under tension. These findings were used to formulate a model which accounts for the major events in lens morphogenesis based on (1) the regulation of cell volume, (2) the junctions present between lens cells, and (3) the constraint provided by the elasticity of the lens capsule.  相似文献   

A small number of cells of lens epithelium from newly hatched chickens were cultured at clonal density to investigate the retention of differentiated properties during cellular growth in vitro. Singly plated cells proliferated to produce colonies, at least some of which were considered to be true clones of single cell origin. The differentiation of lens fibers occurring in many colonies was identified through observations by electron microscopy as well as immunofluorescence utilizing specific antiserum against lens fibers. Primary or secondary mass cultures of cells of lens epithelium contained cells which produce differentiated colonies when cultured at clonal density. Colony-producing cells can be differentially dissociated from monolayers by EDTA treatment without using tyrpsin. For successful culture of cells of lens epithelium at clonal density, the use of conditioned medium is necessary.  相似文献   

Chick lens epithelial cells were cultured on plastic and type IV collagen substrata, and the confluent cultures were labeled continuously with [35S]sulfate for 20 h. Intact lenses were also labeled in the same way. 35S-Proteoglycans isolated from those cultures were compared for their molecular sizes and glycosaminoglycan compositions. The results have shown that: 1) Proteoglycans synthesized by cells on type IV collagen were significantly smaller than those by cells on plastic. 2) Proteoglycans of intact lens showed a broad distribution of molecular size and contained a high proportion of chondroitin sulfate in the medium fraction compared to those of the two cell cultures. In order to explain such differences between proteoglycans from cultures, label-chase experiments with [35S]sulfate were done for proteoglycans synthesized. 35S-Proteoglycans isolated at each chase time 0, 2.5, and 17 h) were compared and the following results were found: 1) The cell layers of both "plastic" and "type IV collagen" cultures contained glycosaminoglycan species predominantly at each chase time rather than proteoglycans. 2) Changes in the glycosaminoglycan compositions of medium fractions of cell cultures were observed during the chase period; in medium of the "plastic" culture, proteoheparan sulfate increased with chase time, whereas in medium of the "type IV collagen" culture, chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycan (not proteoglycan) increased with chase time. 3) In intact lens culture, lens capsule fraction at every chase time contained a proteoglycan unique in molecular size, which was not found in cell culture fractions. 4) All fractions from intact lens cultures contained a higher content of chondroitin sulfate at every chase time than the respective fractions from cell cultures. These results suggest that adhesion of the cells to type IV collagen or lens capsule influences the degradation and secretion of proteoglycans. In addition, they can account partially for the above-described differences in molecular sizes and glycosaminoglycan compositions between 35S-proteoglycans from various cultures continuously labeled with [35S]sulfate.  相似文献   

Adipose cell differentiation in culture   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary The isolation of preadipocyte cell strains from adipose tissue and from bone marrow, and the establishment of preadipocyte cell lines from embryonic and adult mouse, have been useful tools to study the process of adipose cell differentiation.This process is regulated both by extracellular signals present in serum and by intracellular signals; the characterization of these signals is under investigation. During adipose cell differentiation morphological and enzymatic changes are dramatic and they are accompanied by qualitative and quantitative variations of the cell protein content. These changes include the induction of the enzymes of the fatty acid and triglyceride synthesizing pathways and a subsequent triglyceride accumulation. The development of hormonal responses to insulin and to -adrenergics is also observed, and differentiated adipose cells behave essentially like mature adipocytes isolated from adipose tissue.The present review will be devoted to the main events of adipose conversion in cell lines and cell strains, and to current work which concerns the identification of the triggering signals possibly involved in that process.Abbreviations LPL lipoprotein lipase - MGL monoglyceride lipase - T3 triiodothyronine - dbcAMP dibutyryl-CAMP - MIX 1-methyl-3-isobutylxanthine - PG prostaglandins - FCS fetal calf serum - EDGF eye-derived growth factor - PDGF platelet-derived growth factor - FGF fibroblast growth factor - VLDL very low density proteins  相似文献   

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