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Cancers are a complex set of proliferative diseases that arise in most cases through multi-step pathways involving an accumulation of genetic and epigenetic changes. These steps include inactivation of tumour suppressor genes and activation of oncogenes. However, in addition to genetic mutations in the tumour cells themselves, the local host environment can act as a critical modulator of cancer progression, having either tumour-suppressive or tumour-promoting effects depending on the stage and site of cancer development. Because stromal cells can have these opposing functions during cancer development and progression, a recurring theme throughout this review will be that of balance: maintaining the normal functions of these co-opted cells, yet selectively inhibiting their pro-tumourigenic functions. To achieve this equilibrium, we need to understand the molecular mechanisms by which normal cells become modified by cancer cells before we can hope to target these functions selectively. Here, we will discuss recent efforts to address these key challenges and offer perspectives on the translation of discoveries made in model systems to the clinic.  相似文献   

The structural and thermodynamic basis for carbohydrate-protein recognition is of considerable importance. NCP-1, which is a component of the Piromyces equi cellulase/hemicellulase complex, presents a provocative model for analyzing how structural and mutational changes can influence the ligand specificity of carbohydrate-binding proteins. NCP-1 contains two "family 29" carbohydrate-binding modules designated CBM29-1 and CBM29-2, respectively, that display unusually broad specificity; the proteins interact weakly with xylan, exhibit moderate affinity for cellulose and mannan, and bind tightly to the beta-1,4-linked glucose-mannose heteropolymer glucomannan. The crystal structure of CBM29-2 in complex with cellohexaose and mannohexaose identified key residues involved in ligand recognition. By exploiting this structural information and the broad specificity of CBM29-2, we have used this protein as a template to explore the evolutionary mechanisms that can lead to significant changes in ligand specificity. Here, we report the properties of the E78R mutant of CBM29-2, which displays ligand specificity that is different from that of wild-type CBM29-2; the protein retains significant affinity for cellulose but does not bind to mannan or glucomannan. Significantly, E78R exhibits a stoichiometry of 0.5 when binding to cellohexaose, and both calorimetry and ultracentrifugation show that the mutant protein displays ligand-mediated dimerization in solution. The three-dimensional structure of E78R in complex with cellohexaose reveals the intriguing molecular basis for this "dimeric" binding mode that involves the lamination of the oligosaccharide between two CBM molecules. The 2-fold screw axis of the ligand is mirrored in the orientation of the two protein domains with adjacent sugar rings stacking against the equivalent aromatic residues in the binding site of each protein molecule of the molecular sandwich. The sandwiching of an oligosaccharide chain between two protein modules, leading to ligand-induced formation of the binding site, represents a completely novel mechanism for protein-carbohydrate recognition that may mimic that displayed by naturally dimeric protein-carbohydrate interactions.  相似文献   

The idea of using carbohydrate-based drugs to prevent attachment of microbial pathogens to host tissues has been around for about three decades. This concept evolved from the observation that many pathogenic microbes bind to complex carbohydrate sequences on the surface of host cells. It stands to reason, therefore, that analogs of the carbohydrate sequences pathogens bind to could be used to competitively inhibit these interactions, thereby preventing microbial damage to the host. This article will summarize some of the recent advances in developing such carbohydrate-based anti-infective drugs.  相似文献   

The development of biological agents for the treatment of solid tumours is an area of considerable activity. We are pursuing carbohydrate-binding proteins (lectins) in a strategy aimed at targeting cancer-associated changes in glycosylation. To evaluate lectin-cancer cell interactions we developed a novel cell biosensor in which binding events take place at the cell surface, more closely mimicking an in vivo system. Metastatic, SW620, and non-metastatic, SW480, colorectal cancer cells were grown on the surface of a tissue-culture compatible polystyrene coated biosensor chip and housed in a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) apparatus, the kinetics of binding of a diverse range of lectins was evaluated. The lectin Helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA) has been shown to bind aggressive metastatic cancer and was produced in recombinant form (His- and RFP-tagged). The affinity of HPA was in the nanomolar range to the metastatic SW620 cells but was only in the micromolar range to the non-metastatic SW480. Overall, the dissociation constant (K(D)) of the lectins tested in the new cell biosensor system was an order of magnitude lower (nanomolar range) than has generally been reported with systems such as QCM/SPR. This new cell-biosensor enables molecular interactions to be studied in a more relevant environment. An intrinsic problem with developing new biological therapies is the difficulty in determining the affinity with which proteins will interact with intact cell surfaces. This methodology will be of interest to researchers developing new biological approaches for targeting cell surfaces in a wide range of diseases, including cancer.  相似文献   

rpoB sequence analysis as a novel basis for bacterial identification   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Comparison of the sequences of conserved genes, most commonly those encoding 16S rRNA, is used for bacterial genotypic identification. Among some taxa, such as the Enterobacteriaceae, variation within this gene does not allow confident species identification. We investigated the usefulness of RNA polymerase beta-subunit encoding gene ( rpoB  ) sequences as an alternative tool for universal bacterial genotypic identification. We generated a database of partial rpoB for 14 Enterobacteriaceae species and then assessed the intra- and interspecies divergence between the rpoB and the 16S rRNA genes by pairwise comparisons. We found that levels of divergence between the rpoB sequences of different strains were markedly higher than those between their 16S rRNA genes. This higher discriminatory power was further confirmed by assigning 20 blindly selected clinical isolates to the correct enteric species on the basis of rpoB sequence comparison. Comparison of rpoB sequences from Enterobacteriaceae was also used as the basis for their phylogenetic analysis and demonstrated the genus Klebsiella to be polyphyletic. The trees obtained with rpoB were more compatible with the currently accepted classification of Enterobacteriaceae than those obtained with 16S rRNA. These data indicate that rpoB is a powerful identification tool, which may be useful for universal bacterial identification.  相似文献   

A novel platform for anticancer vaccines has been prepared using glyconanotechnology recently developed in our laboratory. Ten different multifunctional gold glyconanoparticles incorporating sialylTn and Lewis(y) antigens, T-cell helper peptides (TT) and glucose in well defined average proportions and with differing density have been synthesised in one step and characterised using NMR and TEM. Size and nature of the linker were crucial to control kinetics of S-Au bond formation and to achieve the desired ligand ratio on the gold clusters. The technology presented here opens the way for tailoring polyvalent anticancer vaccines candidates and drug delivery carriers with defined average chemical composition.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the zebrafish has become an increasingly popular animal model for the study of human cardiovascular disease. Because zebrafish embryos are transparent and their genetic manipulation is straightforward, the zebrafish has been used to recapitulate a number of cardiovascular disease processes ranging from congenital heart defects to arrhythmia to cardiomyopathy. The use of fluorescent reporters has been essential to identify two discrete phases of cardiomyocyte differentiation necessary for normal cardiac development in the zebrafish. These phases are analogous to the differentiation of the two progenitor heart cell populations in mammals, termed the first and second heart fields. The small size of zebrafish embryos has enabled high-throughput chemical screening to identify small-molecule suppressors of fundamental pathways in vasculogenesis, such as the BMP axis, as well as of common vascular defects, such as aortic coarctation. The optical clarity of zebrafish has facilitated studies of valvulogenesis as well as detailed electrophysiological mapping to characterize the early cardiac conduction system. One unique aspect of zebrafish larvae is their ability to oxygenate through diffusion alone, permitting the study of mutations that cause severe cardiomyopathy phenotypes such as silent heart and pickwickm171, which mimic titin mutations observed in human dilated cardiomyopathy. Above all, the regenerative capacity of zebrafish presents a particularly exciting opportunity to discover new therapies for cardiac injury, including scar formation following myocardial infarction. This Review will summarize the current state of the field and describe future directions to advance our understanding of human cardiovascular disease.KEY WORDS: Cardiovascular, Drug discovery, Zebrafish  相似文献   

Sacchettini JC  Baum LG  Brewer CF 《Biochemistry》2001,40(10):3009-3015
Many biological recognition processes involve the binding and clustering of ligand-receptor complexes and concomitant signal transduction events. Such interactions have recently been observed in human T cells in which binding and cross-linking of specific glycoprotein counter-receptors on the surface of the cells by an endogenous bivalent carbohydrate binding protein (galectin-1) leads to apoptosis [Pace, K. E., et al. (1999) J. Immunol. 163, 3801-3811]. Importantly, different counter-receptors associated with specific phosphatase or kinase activities were shown to form separate clusters on the surface of the cells as a result of galectin-1 binding to the carbohydrate moieties of the respective glycoproteins. This suggests that the unique separation and organization of signaling molecules that results from galectin-1 binding is involved in delivering the signal to die. The ability of galectin-1 to induce the separation of specific glycoprotein receptors was modeled on the basis of molecular and structural studies of the binding of multivalent carbohydrates to lectins that result in the formation of specific two- and three-dimensional cross-linked lattices. These latter studies have been recently highlighted by X-ray crystallographic results showing that a single tetravalent lectin forms distinct cross-linked complexes with four different bivalent oligosaccharides [Olsen, L. R., et al. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 15073-15080]. In this report, binding and cross-linking of multivalent carbohydrates with multivalent lectins is shown to be a new paradigm for supermolecular assembly and signal transduction in biological systems.  相似文献   

Rahat O  Yitzhaky A  Schreiber G 《Proteins》2008,71(2):621-630
Protein-protein interactions networks has come to be a buzzword associated with nets containing edges that represent a pair of interacting proteins (e.g. hormone-receptor, enzyme-inhibitor, antigen-antibody, and a subset of multichain biological machines). Yet, each such interaction composes its own unique network, in which vertices represent amino acid residues, and edges represent atomic contacts. Recent studies have shown that analyses of the data encapsulated in these detailed networks may impact predictions of structure-function correlation. Here, we study homologous families of protein-protein interfaces, which share the same fold but vary in sequence. In this context, we address what properties of the network are shared among relatives with different sequences (and hence different atomic interactions) and which are not. Herein, we develop the general mathematical framework needed to compare the modularity of homologous networks. We then apply this analysis to the structural data of a few interface families, including hemoglobin alpha-beta, growth hormone-receptor, and Serine protease-inhibitor. Our results suggest that interface modularity is an evolutionarily conserved property. Hence, protein-protein interfaces can be clustered down to a few modules, with the boundaries being evolutionarily conserved along homologous complexes. This suggests that protein engineering of protein-protein binding sites may be simplified by varying each module, but retaining the overall modularity of the interface.  相似文献   

Park S  Lee MR  Shin I 《Nature protocols》2007,2(11):2747-2758
Carbohydrate microarrays have received considerable attention as an advanced technology for the rapid analysis of carbohydrate-protein interactions. This protocol provides detailed procedures for the preparation of carbohydrate microarrays by immobilizing hydrazide-conjugated carbohydrates on epoxide-derivatized glass slides. In addition, we describe the use we make of these microarrays in glycomics research. Unlike other techniques that require large amounts of samples and long assay times, carbohydrate microarrays are used to carry out the rapid assessment of a number of carbohydrate-recognition events with tiny amounts of carbohydrate samples. Furthermore, the microarray technology is also utilized for the rapid assay of enzyme activities. We are able to routinely prepare carbohydrate microarrays within 12 h by using hydrazide-conjugated carbohydrates and apply these microarrays for the studies of glycan-protein interactions within 8 h.  相似文献   

Investigations of the conformations of carbohydrates, their analogues and their molecular mimics are described, with emphasis on structural and functional information that can be gained by NMR spectroscopic techniques in combination with molecular modeling. The transferred nuclear Overhauser effect (trNOE) has been employed to determine the bound conformations of carbohydrates and other bioactive molecules in complex with protein receptors. The corresponding experiments in the rotating frame (trROE) and selective editing experiments (e.g., QUIET-NOESY) are used to eliminate indirect cross-relaxation pathways (spin diffusion), thereby minimizing errors in the data used for calculation of conformations. Saturation transfer difference NMR experiments reveal detailed information about intermolecular contacts between ligand and protein. Computational techniques are integrated with NMR-derived information to construct structural models of these bioactive molecules and of their complexes with proteins. Recent investigations into the nature of molecular mimicry with regard to protein-ligand interactions are described, along with applications in determining the mode of action of enzyme inhibitors. The results are relevant for the design of the next generation of drug and vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

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Biobanking is crucial for the development of life sciences in general and biomedical science in particular. A systematic study of stored biomaterials enables the discovery of new biomarkers for various physiological and pathophysiological states, identification of the drug targets, and validation of these findings in human population studies. During the last decades, the importance of biobanking has increased in parallel with the growth in their size from relatively small collections to very large national and international biorepositories. Here, we have systematically reviewed modern approaches to biobanking, a variety of biobank definitions and types, and the current states of biobanking art in Russia and in the world and have discussed the obstacles to the global development of biobanking, along with possible solutions.  相似文献   

A small library of bicyclic carbohydrate derivatives was synthesized and screened. A strong and selective activity against cytomegalovirus was found. Structure-activity relationship for this new type of antivirals is discussed.  相似文献   

Despite years of intense study by many investigators, it may appear that we have made little progress towards a molecular understanding of mammalian sperm binding to the egg zona pellucida. An abundance of evidence derived from in vitro assays suggests that sperm-zona pellucida binding is dependent upon sperm recognition of specific glycan moieties on the zona pellucida glycoproteins. However, there is considerable disagreement regarding the identity of the zona pellucida sugars thought to mediate sperm binding, as well as disagreement over the identity of the sperm receptors themselves. Moreover, results from in vivo gene-targeting strategies fail to support a role for many, if not all, of the sperm receptors and their zona pellucida ligands implicated from in vitro assays. Nevertheless, a retrospective view of the literature suggests that some common principles are emerging regarding the molecular basis of mammalian sperm-zona binding, both with respect to the nature of the components that mediate binding, as well as the involvement of distinct receptor-ligand interactions, that involve both protein- and carbohydrate-dependent mechanisms of binding.  相似文献   


Sorting of membrane proteins in eukaryotic cells is a complex yet vital task that involves several 10,000 molecular players. Sorting takes place not only along the early secretory pathway, i.e., between the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus, but also between other organelles, including exchange with the cell's plasma membrane. Traditionally, specific binary interactions between proteins have been made responsible for most of the protein sorting. A more active role of lipids, however, became visible in recent years. Not only do lipids in complex membranes show domain formation that may support/suppress sorting events, but also collective, membrane-mediated interactions have emerged as a robust physico-chemical mechanism to drive protein sorting. Here, we will review recent insights into these aspects.  相似文献   

Glycogen utilization involves glycogen phosphorylase, an enzyme which appears to be a potential target for the regulation of glycaemia, as the liver isoform is a major player for hepatic glucose output. A single C-glucosylated malonitrile allowed for the synthesis of three glucose-based derivatives namely bis-oxadiazoles, bis-amides and a C-glucosylated tetrahydropyrimidin-2-one. When evaluated as glycogen phosphorylase inhibitors, two of the synthesized compounds displayed inhibition in the sub-millimolar range. In silico studies revealed that only one out of the bis-amides obtained and the C-glucosylated tetrahydropyrimidin-2-one may bind at the catalytic site.  相似文献   

The main parameters of tokamak discharges are known to be limited by large-scale MHD instabilities. Sometimes, the instabilities lead to a rapid (on time scales of tens of microseconds) disruption of the discharge current and to the release of all the energy stored in the plasma column at the discharge chamber wall. This process, which is called the disruptive instability, may have irreversible catastrophic consequences for the operation of a fusion reactor. In the present paper, a study is made of the dynamics of self-oscillations in systems of two and six van der Pol coupled oscillators. A van der Pol coupled-oscillator model is used to develop a multivariable feedback controller based on the combined principle of compensating for internal cross feedbacks within the object and introducing damping feedbacks in each control channel. By using mathematical simulation methods, it is shown that the controller designed guarantees the suppression of self-oscillations in a system of van der Pol oscillators over a fairly broad range of parameters of the object under control (and thereby provides the structural stability of the object). The nonlinear control system model makes it possible to suppress coupled MHD perturbations developing in a tokamak plasma.  相似文献   

Changes in the abundance and properties of blood lipoproteins are generally considered major causes for varied pathological conditions and diseases. Using novel chromatic biomimetic vesicle and cell assays, we present here for the first time evidence for significant changes in lipoproteins' interactions with artificial membranes. Specifically, we demonstrate significant differences in membrane binding between lipoproteins (both low-density lipoprotein [LDL] and high-density lipoprotein [HDL]) harvested from diabetic patients vs. healthy controls as well as between oxidized and native lipoproteins. The chromatic assays, complemented by biophysical techniques and electron microscopy, point to significant reduction of surface membrane binding of the lipoproteins as a consequence of diabetes or oxidation. Overall, our results indicate that the substantial modulation of membrane interactions revealed by the chromatic assays may be used as a new and potentially powerful marker for screening and prediction of diseases associated with oxidative stress.  相似文献   

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