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Gravid females of Alytes obstricans and Alytes cisternasii weretested with synthetic calls in seven-speaker playback tests.A first, "mean-centered" test presented calls with frequenciesrepresenting an array of different calls spanning over the rangeof the population (±2.25 SD). In this test, females ofboth species approached a synthetic call that was lower thanthe average call frequency of the male population although thedifference was significant only for A. obstetricans. The regressionbetween female weight and size and preferred frequency was notsignificant in either species. These results confirm the reportedtrends of females preferring lower frequency calls (correspondingto larger males) based on two-speaker playback tests for A.obstetricans. For A. cisternasii, the lack of significance ofthe seven-speaker test suggests that the preference trend previouslyfound in two-speaker tests may be obscured in more complex acousticalenvironments. A second "supernormal stimulus" test presentedfemales with calls ranging from the lowest frequency valuesof the male population (–2.25 SD) and lower, up to –6.75SD beyond the range. In both species females preferentiallyapproached calls higher than the mean frequency of the stimuluspresented. This result suggests that in both cases selectionfor low frequencies is not open ended, and that the preferredfrequency is within the range of the male population.  相似文献   

The intensity of female preference for call characteristics is measured in two‐speaker playback tests with female Iberian midwife toads ‘Alytes cisternasii’ using an experimental design that allows quantitative comparisons across characters. Female preferences do not appear to be symmetrical above and below the population mean, female preference being more efficient at discriminating against low quality competing males that at selecting optimum males among good ones. Female preference is significantly more effective selecting males calling at higher call rates (a highly variable call characteristic probably related to the physical state of the male) rather than selecting calls of low dominant frequency (a characteristic of low intra‐individual variation, related to male size and age).  相似文献   

Plants of Triticum aestivum L. cv. Gabo, grown at 20 °C,were exposed to 30 °C for short periods during the timebetween the beginning of meiosis in the pollen mother cellsand anthesis. Plant water deficit at this temperature was avoidedby maintaining a high atmospheric relative humidity and tissuewater potential did not change. This temperature treatment appliedfor 3 days, at the time of reduction division and tetrad breakup in the male tissue, lowered grain yield through a drasticreduction in grain set, but was without effect at other stagesof development. Grain set was also reduced by exposing plantsto 30 °C for 1 day only or to a 30 °C day, 20 °Cnight (16 h photoperiod) regime for 3 days during the sensitiveperiod. A reduction in grain set did not result in a compensatoryincrease in the weight of remaining grains. The female fertility of previously heat-stressed plants wasassessed by pollinating with pollen from plants grown at a lowertemperature (20 °C). Grain set in such plants was less thanthat in plants grown at the lower temperature and hand pollinatedwith similar pollen, indicating that female fertility was reducedby high temperature. This was not the sole reason for reducedgrain set, however, as some anthers on heat-stressed plantswere small and neither extruded nor dehisced normally. Suchanthers contained pollen grains that were mostly shrivelled,had abnormal cytoplasm and showed no reaction to 2, 3, 5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride. Similar effects were also noted in pollenfrom apparently normal anthers on heat-stressed plants. Triticum aestivum, wheat, heat stress, pollen, sporogenesis, grain set, male sterility, female sterility  相似文献   

Primary roots of Zea mays were oriented at various angles fromthe vertical ranging from 99° to 1° and their subsequentbending analysed from filmed records. The maximum rate of bendingand the time before bending commenced both varied two-fold,but showed no correlation with the initial angle of tip displacement.Roots orientated to small initial angles (< 40°) oftenovershot the vertical and proceeded to oscillate around thisorientation, whereas roots oriented to large initial angles(> 60°) often failed to achieve the vertical. Roots inthis latter group resumed bending after an indeterminate time,or did so immediately after a second displacement of their tip,showing that they were not intrinsically unable to bend. Theapparently spontaneous resumption of bending after a temporaryplagiogravitropic phase is suggested as being due to noise inthe graviperception system in the root cap. The tips of rootsgrowing vertically downwards showed oscillatory bending movementsup to 10° either side of vertical. This angle correspondsto the minimum angle of displacement which induces gravitropicbending. Only when roots were oriented 10-20° from verticaldid they begin unequivocally to show a gravitropism since atsuch angles the deflection of their tips exceeded that due totheir natural oscillation.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Gravitropism, roots, Zea mays  相似文献   

I examined the scramble competition mating system of the milkweedleaf beetle, Labidomera clivicollis(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae),using data on lifetime mating success of two breeding cohortsin Austin, Texas, USA (30° N, 97° W) and one in Bridgeport,New York, USA (43° N, 76° W). Data from six daily censuseswere combined with focal animal samples to examine the importanceof combat between males and to evaluate the extent to whichthe characters elytron length, vagility, and emergence datewere correlated with male mating success. In both populations,emergence date was the only consistent determinant of the numberof mates a male obtained during his lifetime. Males emergingearlier in the season had higher mating success because theywere active for more of the breeding season. Male body size(elytron length) was not correlated with mating efficiency orlifetime mating success in either population. Males formed prolongedmating associations with females that lasted for up to 2.5 daysand paired males in the New York population had a strong advantageover interlopers attempting to mate with the female. Only 10%of takeover attempts were successful. Selection favored vagilemales in New York, where the sex ratio was male biased, butnot in Texas, where it was female biased. Males that were morevagile had higher mating efficiencies in New York but did nothave higher lifetime mating success because of a trade-off betweenmating efficiency and survival. Behavioral data demonstratedthat lone males spent more time walking and less time feedingthan lone females; mating males were unable to feed at all.The survival disadvantage that comes with increased vagilitymay be due to loss of time spent feeding. The characters examinedsuggest that the most important thing a male L. clivicolliscan do to increase his lifetime mating success is to be presentfor as much of the breeding season as possible.  相似文献   

Sunflower hypocotyls were gravistimulated at angles of 22·5°,45° 90° 135° and 157·5° from the verticaland the gravitropically-induced growth rate changes of the upperand lower surfaces measured. The lag period before the initiation of different growth andalso the magnitude of differential growth were similar at alldisplacement angles. The fact that very small or very largeangles of displacement produce a maximal response needs to beaddressed by models of gravitropism. The autotropic straightening phase (the reduction of the gravitropically-inducedcurvature) began first in the treatments with the smaller displacementangle, consequently the initiation of autotropism was independentof the radius of curvature at the time autotropism was induced.The fact that the lag period before the onset of autotropismis not fixed illustrates the need to take into account autotropismwhen conducting studies of organs subjected to prolonged gravistimulation.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Gravitropism, hypocotyls, Helianthus annuus, sunflower  相似文献   

Seed conditioning and germination in witchweed (Striga asiatica(L.) Kuntze) were temperature-dependent. With higher conditioningtemperatures, shorter conditioning time was required for germinationwith terminal dl-strigol (strigol) treatment at 30 °C. Maximumgermination (80–100%) was obtained by conditioning inwater at 20, 25, 30 and 35 °C for 14, 7, 5 and 3 d, respectively,and terminally treating with 10–6 M strigol at 30 °C.Seeds conditioned in 10–8 M strigol instead of water germinatedmuch less with the same terminal strigol treatment. Generally,conditioning was slower when seeds were conditioned in strigolrather than water. The reduction in germination rate by pretreatmentin strigol or pretreatment at low temperatures could be overcomeby increasing the terminal strigol concentration in the germinationtest. Conditioned seeds did not germinate at 10 and 15 °Cwith a terminal 10–6 M strigol treatment but yielded closeto maximum germination at 25, 30 and 35 °C with the sameterminal strigol treatment. To obtain maximum germination, boththe minimum conditioning temperature and the minimum germinationtemperature for conditioned seeds were 20 °C. Factors suchas conditioning time, and strigol concentration and temperatureduring conditioning and/or germination determine whether seedsremain in the conditioning phase or shift to a germination phase. dl-Strigol, germination stimulation, parasitic plants, seed conditioning, seed germination, Striga asiatica, temperature, weed control  相似文献   

Preference functions, which quantify preference strength relativeto variation in male traits or signals, are central to understandingmechanisms and consequences of female choice. Female tree frogs(Hyla versicolor) choose mates on the basis of advertisementcalls and prefer long calls to short calls. Here we show, intwo experimental designs, that preference strength increasedsignificantly as the difference in call duration was increasedonly if the absolute durations of alternative stimuli were below average. Hence preference strength was a non-linear functionof duration, and females did not base preferences solely onthe percentage difference in duration. In experiments simulatingcostly choice (unequal playback levels), non-linear effectswere more pronounced than in the conventional design (equal playback levels). Repeated estimates of preference strengthusing the unequal-playback design revealed significant among-femalevariation. These patterns of preference suggest that selectionby female choice for males producing calls of average durationover males producing very short calls is stronger than selectionfor males producing very long calls over males producing callsof average duration. Female preferences, especially in tests simulating a potentially costly choice, could reflect differencesin the net benefits to females of mating with males producingcalls of different duration.  相似文献   

Female preference for male song in acoustic insects is primarily influenced by call energy or power, but nonenergy features such as the relative timing of male calls may also be critical in preference. Preferences for leading calls, which may be a type of precedence effect, are an example of the latter factor. In various species, females preferentially orient toward the leading of two or more spatially separated calls presented in controlled playback experiments, however the importance of this effect on mate choice in actual choruses and natural populations is generally unknown. We studied the determinants of mate choice in reenacted choruses of the tettigoniid Ephippiger ephippiger, a species in which females prefer leading calls in two-choice experiments, and neighboring males adjust their relative call timing in a way that reduces the incidence of following calls. We found that mate choice, as indicated by the pattern of female settlement, largely reflects call rate and call constancy. But, we also found suggestions that female choice is influenced by the acoustic neighborhood in which a male sings, males in neighborhoods with more overall singing being preferred, and by a males incidence of leading calls relative to his neighbors. Although statistically inconclusive owing to few relevant samples, we note that the level of preference for leading calls observed in E. ephippiger choruses is comparable to that found in controlled playback experiments.  相似文献   


The mating calls of the Iberian midwife toads, A.o. boscai and A. cisternasii show clear differences. The calls of A.o. boscai have a shorter duration (104.8ms) and a lower fundamental frequency (1.33 kHz) than those of A. cisternasii (172.0 ms and 1.45 kHz), between 12° and 16°C. In both species signal duration was found to be influenced by temperature.  相似文献   

Tauber  Eran 《Behavioral ecology》2001,12(3):308-312
Unlike most acoustic systems evolved for pair formation whereonly males signal, the katydidPhaneroptera nana has a bidirectional communication system where both males and females sing. Despiteextensive study on male chorusing behavior in different communicationsystems, this behavior has rarely been explored in duettingspecies. I examined how this bidirectional communication systemaffects the collective pattern of male signaling.P. nana malesalternate their songs, and in response to synthetic stimulidelay their calls, according to the phase of stimulation. Pairsof synthetic calls (simulating alternating males) presentedto females elicited equal female response, as long as the intercallinterval was 200 ms. Thus, male alternation is imposed by thefemale's responsiveness and may be interpreted as a "jammingavoidance reaction." Further evidence suggests that chorusstructure is not merely constrained by the female sensory temporalresolution, but rather is adaptively related to female choicein this species.  相似文献   

Male and female sterility was induced in canola or rapeseed(Brassica napus L. cv. Westar) flowers grown under high temperatureconditions (32°C/26°C; day/night). At maturity, themajority of flower buds remained closed but had protruding stigmas.The stamens were reduced in size and the anthers showed abnormalmicrosporogenesis. The gynoecia, although normal in appearance,did not set seed and ovule development was aberrant. Flowersof the ogu CMS line of B. napus also showed similar ovular abnormalitiesunder high temperatures and male fertility was not restoredin them. The observations presented suggest that high temperaturesin the field may adversely affect the yield of canola. Temperature, male and female sterility, rapeseed, canola, Brassica napus  相似文献   

The onset and rate of infection in root hairs of T. parviflorumand T. glomeratum inoculated with Rhizobium trifolli strain5 varied much with root temperature. At moderate root temperature(18, 24, and 30 °C) infections were initiated earlier andin larger numbers than at low (6 and 12 °C) or moderatelyhigh (36 °C) temperatures. Both species showed a broad temperatureoptimum between 18 and 30 °C. The site of thread initiation(apically or laterally in a hair) was independent of temperature,as was also the proportion of successful threads penetratingthe root cortex, which increased with seedling age. Threadsgrew more slowly at low temperatures. The size of hair nucleinear infection threads remained unaffected by temperature, butnuclei associated with laterally originating threads were largerthan those associated with apical threads. Infection was non-randomly distributed along the main root atall temperatures. More zones of infection were found at moderatetemperatures than at temperature extremes (6–12 or 36°C). Probit plots of numbers of infections for individualplants were steplike, the linear sloping parts correspondingto normal distributions of infection within zones. Between 18 and 30 °C numbers of infections increased exponentiallyin two phases, the first more rapid phase ending at about thetime nodules appeared. A model devised for the infection processand fitted to the data suggested the existence of two kindsof infections: primary ones occuring randomly at a slow rateand probably not affected by temperature and secondary infectionsthat appeared to increase with rising temperatures in the range12 to 30 °C. Nodule numbers were relatively more sensitive to high and lowtemperatures than infection. The numbers of infections and nodulesand the root lengths of T. parviflorum were twice those of T.glomeratum except at the temperature extremes. Numbers of infectionswere otherwise unrelated to root length or cotyledon or leafareas. The development of lateral organs (primordia, lateralroots, and nodules) was reduced at temperatures below 18 °Cand above 30 °C.  相似文献   

I tested predictions from ultimate hypotheses of why femalegreat snipe Gallinago media give loud calls when visiting leks,using observational data and playback experiments. One hypothesisis that calls might be used in female—female competitionfor popular males, either (1) in an aggressive context towarda specific female, or (2) toward females in general to defendthe male. It has also been suggested that female calls (3) may not have an adaptive function, the capability of vocalizingbeing explained as a correlated response to selection on malesinging. Further, calls might function as (4) a copulationsolicitation toward a specific male. Finally, calls might havea function in mate choice, either (5) in indirect mate choiceas a fertility advertisement to incite male fighting, or (6)in direct mate choice as a mate-sampling aid to provoke quality-revealing responses from males. Disproportionately many female calls wereuttered when no other females were present on a male's territoryand in territories of males without mating success, contradictinghypotheses 1 and 2. Female calls were not associated with copulation;calls generally occurred several days before copulations, contradictinghypotheses 4 and 5. Playback of female calls attracted malesand increased fighting among males, even if females were presentnearby, contradicting hypothesis 3. Males changed their ownsongs in response to playback, and the response was relatedto their mating success. Taken together, the results are onlyconsistent with one of the hypotheses considered—femalecalls may function as a mate-sampling aid used in direct matechoice.  相似文献   

The call of male Scudderia curvicauda (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)consists of a series of phrases, and each phrase contains syllables.Females respond to the male signal with ticks that follow malephrases after a specific period of time. Pair formation takesplace after males locate the female using her response sounds.Repeated recordings of males revealed that the average numberof syllables produced per phrase was a table, within-male parameterand that this parameter was a reliable predictor of male size(pronotum length). Thus, phrase length could be a reliable cueby which females evaluate males. We presented virgin femaleswith a sequential choice of two tape-recorded male calls thatdiffered only in the mean number of syllables produced per phrase.Two different playback tapes were used, and each female wastested on each of 5 consecutive days with the same playbacktape. Females responded more often and with a greater numberof ticks to calls containing more syllables per phrase, andthis preference was maintained throughout the testing period.Male size was a poor predictor of the size of the spermatophorefood-gift produced by the male; therefore, females are probablynot selecting males for this attribute. For one of the playbacktapes, there was a significant increase in female responsivenessover several playback trials, suggesting that females may employa falling-threshold tactic with respect to mate preference.  相似文献   

NEWTON  MARTHA E. 《Annals of botany》1972,36(1):163-178
As Mnium undulatum was shown to be homosporous, it was concludedthat neither male nor female derived an advantage from sporesize that might be related to the observed excess of femaleplants. The rate of germination was greater at 20 °C thanat 10 °C in M. hornum and M. undulatum, and was also reducedin short days (7.25 hours) at both temperatures. Spores of M.undulatum germinated more slowly than those of M. hornum undereach of the environmental regimes used. Isolated spores of M.undulatum showed a ratio of 1: 4.1 compared with 1: 0.89 inM. hornum. The excess of female plants of M. undulatum thathad been established by the end of germination, was maintainedamongst the first protonemal buds produced (1: 3.5), whereasan excess of male M. hornum was observed in the first protonemalbuds (1: 0.45). Frost reduced the rate of germination in M.undulatum, but unlike desiccation did not affect the final percentage.Male and female were amongst the spores which survived desiccationat 10 °C. Regeneration of detached leaves occurred more rapidly in M.undulatum than in M. hornum, and no difference between maleand female was detected. It was found that frost prior to orduring regeneration did not produce long-term harmful effectsin M. undulatum. None of the young male gametophytes producedby regeneration from leaves survived desiccation, compared with77 per cent of similarly produced female gametophytes.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle and sexuality of the green mussel Pernaviridis (L.) in Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong, were investigatedfrom July 1982 to May 1984. Histological studies showed thatthe cyde could be divided into 4 stages occurring in a highlyseasonal pattern. The very low (<0.1%) occurrence of functionalhermaphrodites indicates that P. viridis is gonochoristic. Pastreports of protandric rhythmic hermaphroditism may have resultedfrom reliance on fluctuations in sex ratio and sex identificationby gonad colour. These criteria are, however, considered invalidfor P. viridis because differences exist between the developmentalpatterns of the male and female gonads and, further, colourof the female gonad at the early proliferation stage resemblesthe male. Temperature was found to correlate positively withgonad development and with the lower threshold at 24°C.Temperature was not, however, limiting at some sites in HongKong. A joint Principal Component Analysis-Stepwise multipleregression procedure suggested that hypertrophication mightinhibit gonadal development in Victoria Harbour (Received 2 November 1987; accepted 30 December 1987)  相似文献   

The Effect of Heat Stress on Wheat Leaf and Ear Photosynthesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of heat-hardening on carbon exchange rate per unitarea (CER) of flag leaves, whole ears, and ears with the awnsremoved, was measured in hexaploid (Triticum aestivum L.) andtetraploid (T. turgidum L. and T. dicoccoides) wheat varieties.The CER for awns was calculated by the difference. For the non-hardened hexaploid cv. ‘H-895’ the CERfor the leaves and glumes had an optimum temperature of 25°C.By contrast, the CER for the awns increased from 25°C to32°C, indicating an optimum at 32°C or more. Heat-hardeningdecreased the CER of leaves and glumes at the optimum temperature,but increased the CER especially in leaves at supra-optimaltemperatures. Thus, leaf CER in hardened plants became essentiallyindependent of temperatures between 25°C and 32°C. AwnCER was little affected by heat-hardening. For all 12 varieties, leaf and ear CER was smaller in hardenedplants at 30°C than in non-hardened plants at 22°C.Leaf and ear CER measured at 30°C differed significantlybetween varieties within a species. Whole ear CER at 30°Cwas negative in most varieties although the calculated valuefor the awns was positive. Thus, the high temperature optimumfor CER of the awns was a major factor in the variation amongwheat varieties in tolerance of ear CER to heat. The biochemicalattributes of the photosynthetic mechanism in awns responsiblefor the high temperature optimum were already present in wildtetraploid wheat. There was a positive correlation across allvarieties between ear CER at 30°C and the percentage ofawns in total ear area (r = 0930, P = 0 This together with previousresults (Blum, 1985a), suggests that a large amount of awnsin the ear is a sensible selection index in wheat for improvedproduction in hot, dry environments. Key words: Carbon exchange rate, photosynthesis, awns, heat, stress, wheat, breeding  相似文献   

Sexual selection is generally caused by female choice and male–malecompetition. In female choice process, female preference isfavored indirectly and/or directly by sexual selection. In indirectselection, females expressing the preference might gain indirectgenetic benefits. In direct selection, females expressing thepreference might gain direct benefits or avoid male-imposedcosts. The white-tailed zygaenid moth Elcysma westwoodii ismonandrous, and males often gather around a female to mate withher, suggesting a high opportunity for sexual selection on maletraits. We quantified phenotypic selection on male morphologyin this species in the field. The morphological characters analyzedincluded body weight, antenna length, forewing length, hindwing length, hind wing tail length, genital clasper length,and the fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of these bilateral traits.In E. westwoodii, selection favored males with more symmetricgenital claspers, as well as longer and more symmetrical hindwings and antennae. Negative correlations between FA and sizewere also detected in the clasper and the antenna. Our resultssuggest that FAs of male traits, in particular the genital clasper,may have indirect and direct influences on mating success. Duringa copulatory attempt, an E. westwoodii male will try to graspthe female's abdominal tip with his claspers but often failto do so because of the female's reluctance to mate. The femaleabdominal tips are smooth and strongly sclerotized and couldthus be difficult for males to grasp. We hypothesize that moresymmetrical male claspers are more efficient in overcoming femalereluctance.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study of the effects oftemperature on the growth, reproduction and longevity of thecladoceran Moina salina, a species of potential use as livefood in marine aquaculture. The growth rate of M.salina increasedwith increasing temperature. Some parameters of development,such as length at death and the number of adult instars, werealso positively related to temperature. Other parameters (durationof juvenile and adult instars) decreased with increasing temperature,while the number of juvenile instars was unaffected. An increasein temperature resulted in a reduction in age at maturity anda decrease in the number of days between broods. The numberof young per female, the number of broods per female, the numberof youngper day of reproductive life, and the number of youngper brood, increased up to a temperature of 25°C. At 15and 20°C. substantial degeneration of eggs and/or embryosoccurred. Likewise, temperature affected the type of reproductioncarried out by sexual females. Temperature and longevity wereinversely correlated. It was concluded that temperature actsas a very important factor regulating the life cycle of M.salina.Temperature >30°C may correspond to sublethal levels,while a temperature of 15°C is considered to impose stress.The range 20–25°C is optimal for the development andreproduction of this species.  相似文献   

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