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Phylogenetic and geographical nested clade analysis (NCA) methods were applied to mitochondrial DNA sequences of Pimelia darkling beetles (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) endemic to Gran Canaria, an island in the Canary archipelago. The three species P. granulicollis, P. estevezi and P. sparsa occur on the island, the latter with three recognized subspecies. Another species, P. fernandezlopezi (endemic to the island of La Gomera) is a close relative of P. granulicollis based on partial Cytochrome Oxidase I mtDNA sequences obtained in a previous study. Some of these beetles are endangered, so phylogeographical structure within species and populations can help to define conservation priorities. A total of about 700 bp of Cytochrome Oxidase II were examined in 18 populations and up to 75 individuals excluding outgroups. Among them, 22 haplotypes were exclusive to P. granulicollis and P. estevezi and 31 were from P. sparsa. Phylogenetic analysis points to the paraphyly of Gran Canarian Pimelia, as the La Gomera P. fernandezlopezi haplotypes are included in them, and reciprocal monophyly of two species groups: one constituted by P. granulicollis, P. estevezi and P. fernandezlopezi (subgenus Aphanaspis), and the other by P. sparsa'sensu lato'. The two species groups show a remarkably high mtDNA divergence. Within P. sparsa, different analyses all reveal a common result, i.e. conflict between current subspecific taxonomic designations and evolutionary units, while P. estevezi and P. fernandezlopezi are very close to P. granulicollis measured at the mtDNA level. Geographical NCA identifies several cases of nonrandom associations between haplotypes and geography that may be caused by allopatric fragmentation of populations with some cases of restriction of gene flow or range expansion. Analyses of molecular variance and geographical NCA allow definition of evolutionary units for conservation purposes in both species-groups and suggest scenarios in which vicariance caused by geological history of the island may have shaped the pattern of the mitochondrial genetic diversity of these beetles.  相似文献   

The genus Nesotes (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) is represented in the Canary Islands by 19 endemic species, the majority of which are single island endemics. Nesotes conformis and N. fusculus are described on four and three islands, respectively, but each forms a paraphyletic assemblage between Gran Canaria and the other islands. The other described species for Gran Canaria are N. quadratus, N. lindbergi and N. piliger. Thirty-six individuals representing the five species on Gran Canaria have been sequenced for 675 bp of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome oxidase II gene. Neighbour-joining analysis of maximum likelihood distances resulted in five distinct mtDNA lineages for N. quadratus, two of which also include mitotypes of N. conformis. Each of the other three species is found on only one mtDNA lineage. We propose from the molecular data that differentiation in a widespread N. quadratus-type ancestor was followed by morphological adaptation to coastal, pine and laurel forest habitats.  相似文献   

The dentition of Gallotia stehlini from one extant and two subfossil populations dated as 4000 and 2000 years before present was studied. Body measurements were similar in the two subfossil populations, but much greater than the largest sizes observed today in G. stehlini. The morphology of the dental cusps in this G. stehlini differs greatly from that of other Lacertidae, including other congeneric Canarian species; this has been connected with a vegetarian diet. A decrease in heterodonty with size of the animal is also seen which contrasts strongly with the models observed in the Mediterranean lacertid lizards.  相似文献   

优先保护区识别对受威胁物种的多样性保护具有重要价值。基于GIS空间分析、管理及预测能力,以中国受威胁陆栖哺乳动物为对象,建立受威胁物种的分布二值网格系统;利用Dobson算法对研究区3810个网格单元进行筛除,确定全国范围下受威胁物种的优先保护区域;结合中国主要的自然保护地分布数据(国家公园和自然保护区),采用保护空缺方法分析优先保护区内受威胁动物的保护现状。研究发现,29个50km×50km的网格单元就包含了全部的受威胁陆栖哺乳物种,其中位于喜马拉雅山东南区等地的10个网格区域覆盖有80%以上的物种,其所处的10组县级行政区内被主要自然保护地保护的土地面积占25.9%,物种数占83.6%,存在一定的保护空缺。本文采用Dobson排除算法,以小面积规则网格为基本单元,顾及到了实验结果的客观性,有助于提高优先保护区的识别效率。  相似文献   

Quantitative estimates of time-averaging (age mixing) in gastropod shell accumulations from Quaternary (the late Pleistocene and Holocene) eolian deposits of Canary Islands were obtained by direct dating of individual gastropods obtained from exceptionally well-preserved dune and paleosol shell assemblages. A total of 203 shells of the gastropods Theba geminata and T. arinagae, representing 44 samples (= stratigraphic horizons) from 14 sections, were dated using amino acid (isoleucine) epimerization ratios calibrated with 12 radiocarbon dates. Most samples reveal a substantial variation in shell age that exceeds the error that could be generated by dating imprecision, with the mean within-sample shell age range of 6670 years and the mean standard deviation of 2920 years. Even the most conservative approach (Monte Carlo simulations with a non-sequential Bonferroni correction) indicates that at least 25% of samples must have undergone substantial time-averaging (e.g., age variations within those samples cannot be explained by dating imprecision alone). Samples vary in shell age structure, including both left-skewed (17 out of 44) and right-skewed distributions (26 out of 44) as well as age distributions with a highly variable kurtosis. Dispersion and shape of age distributions of samples do not show any notable correlation with the stratigraphic age of samples, suggesting that the structure and scale of temporal mixing is time invariant. The statistically significant multi-millennial time-averaging observed here is consistent with previous studies of shell accumulations from various depositional settings and reinforces the importance of dating numerous specimens per horizon in geochronological studies. Unlike in the case of marine samples, typified by right-skewed age distributions (attributed to an exponential-like shell loss from older age classes), many of the samples analyzed here displayed left-skewed distributions, suggestive of different dynamics of age mixing in marine versus terrestrial shell accumulations.  相似文献   

栖息地是野生动物赖以生存的基础,明晰物种的适宜栖息地分布是切实加强野生动物保护、提高生物多样性保护成效的重要基础。北京市野生动植物资源丰富,也建立了一系列自然保护地以加强对野生动物的保护。当前亟需系统评估北京市现有自然保护地体系对野生动物适宜栖息地的保护成效,为未来北京市野生动物保护管理和自然保护地体系整合工作优化提供科学指导。研究选取了北京地区6个较为典型的野生动物为主要研究对象,包括黑鹳(Ciconia nigra)、褐马鸡(Crossoption mantchuricum)、大鸨(Otis tarda)、鸳鸯(Aix galericulata)、金雕(Aquila chrysaetos)和斑羚(Naemorhedus griseus),利用MaxEnt模型和ArcGIS的空间分析功能分析其适宜栖息地的分布;将自然保护地与适宜栖息地相叠加,识别其适宜栖息地的分布热点和保护空缺,进而评估了北京市现有自然保护地体系的保护成效。研究结果表明,6个研究物种在现有的自然保护地体系中均得到了不同程度的保护,其中褐马鸡的受保护率最高(92.82%),鸳鸯的受保护率最低(13.66%)。各类自然保...  相似文献   

The arborescent taxa of Dracaena which form the dragon tree group comprise five species found in Macaronesia, Morocco (D. draco), East Africa (D. ombet, D. schizantha), Arabia (D. serrulata) and the island of Socotra (D. cinnabari). A new species of dragon tree, Dracaena tamaranae A. Marrero, R. S. Almeida & M. Gonzalez-Martin, is described from Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. This new species differs from D. draco, the only other Dracaena species currently known in Macaronesia, in having a growth form and inflorescence type and leaves more similar to the East African and Arabian species of Dracaena. In contrast, D. draco appears to be related to D. cinnabari. In this paper, we also present a study of the taxonomy, habitat and ecology of all the species of the dragon tree group. These are found in thermo-sclerophyllous plant communities of tropical-subtropical regions which are rather xerophilous and have a rainfall range of 200–500 mm. Our study indicates two independent colonization events for Dracaena in Macaronesia. In addition, we suggest that the dragon tree group provides an example of two major biogeographical disjunctions between East and West Africa. We postulate that this group has a Tethyan origin, a hypothesis supported by fossil and palaeoclimatic data, and thus parallels the distribution and dispersal pattern of other taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

Abstract. Population size, reproductive timing and habitats, seasonal behaviors, and juvenile activity were assessed in a British Columbia population of the endangered Oregon forestsnail, Allogona townsendiana , over a period of 4 years. Adult snail population size ranged from seven to 47 snails in four × 24-m2 sampling sites. The mating period peaked in March and April; adults aggregated in clusters of eight to 14 snails before mating. Pairs of snails were observed to mate for 225 min or more in close proximity to coarse woody debris and stinging nettle, Urtica dioica. Nesting peaked in April–May and resulted in a mean clutch size of 34 eggs (SD=9). Hatching for two nests occurred at 63 and 64 d after oviposition. Within hours of hatching, juveniles began dispersing from the nest site; by 1 month most had disappeared. Snails tracked with harmonic radar became less active or aestivated from late July to early September and hibernated from early November to mid-March within leaf litter and soil. Preliminary measurements of growth rate indicate this species takes a minimum of 2 years to reach adulthood and has a typical life span of at least 5 years.  相似文献   

We tagged individuals of the sea urchin Diadema antillarum (Philippi) around the island of Gran Canaria (The Canary Islands) during winter 2001–2002 using a new technique, consisting of the insertion of a hook fastened to a fishing line into the aboral pole (periproctal membrane). This allowed individual identification of tagged sea urchins. The goals were: (1) to quantify nocturnal movements and the homing behaviour of this echinoid on shallow rocky bottoms, and (2) to assess short term spatial and temporal variability of these movements. Tagged sea urchins displayed clear homing behaviour. The mean distance travelled at night was 3.7±1.2 m (range 1.0–5.1 m). Mean speed of nocturnal movement was 33±26 cm h–1 (range 5–110 cm h–1). We observed greater movement at midnight than at the beginning and the end of the night.Communicated by H.-D. Franke  相似文献   

This study continues studies on the taxonomy and distribution of Dysdera in the Canarian archipelago. Four new species are described: Dysdera andamanae sp. n., D. arabisenen sp. n., D. tibicena sp. n. and D. yguanirae sp. n. Four new synonymies are reported: D. bailadero Wunderlich, 1991 and D. pauciserae Wunderlich, 1991 = Dysdera iguanensis Wunderlich, 1987, D. tamadabaensis Wunderlich, 1991 = D. paucispinosa Wunderlich, 1991; D. sinuosa Wunderlich, 1994 = D. tilosensis Wunderlich, 1991. Six species are redescribed: D. bandamae Schmidt, 1973, D. iguanensis Wunderlich, 1987, D. insulana Simon, 1883, D. paucispinosa Wunderlich, 1991, D. tilosensis Wunderlich, 1991 and D. verneaui Simon, 1883; and neotypes are designated for D. insulana and D. verneaui . The presence of the following species in Gran Canaria is reported for the first time: D. iguanensis , formerly only collected on Tenerife, D. insulana , previously of doubtful location, and D. levipes , known from Tenenfe and La Gomera. Morphological affinities, ecology and distribution of the species are discussed.  相似文献   

Endemic species swarms constitute large fractions of the millipede faunas of Madeira (29 species of the Cylindroiulus madeirae group, plus six species of Acipes , out of a total of 60 species) and the Canary Islands (46 species of Dolichoiulus , plus four species of the Glomeris alluaudi-group , out of a total of about 79 species). The poorer faunas of the Azores (22 species) and the Cape Verde Islands (15 species) in contrast only include a few endemics. The Cylindroiulus madeirae group and Dolichoiulus show a high degree of diversity of structure (size, colour, leg length etc.) and habitat (laurisilva, xeric habitats, caves). The C. madeirae group, unlike Dolichoiulus , is strongly concentrated in the laurisilva. In this habitat, microhabitat differentiation is pronounced in both swarms.  相似文献   

中国自然湿地螺类生态学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
螺类是软体动物腹足纲的通称,是湿地生态系统大型无脊椎动物的重要组成部分。湿地螺类在维持湿地生物多样性和复杂食物网结构,保障湿地物质循环和能量流动等方面具有重要的生态功能。从基本组成、生活型、功能群方面归纳了螺类群落结构特征;分析了螺类的时空分布格局;重点讨论了影响螺类群落结构的温度、盐度、底质等非生物因子和植被、物种间影响等生物因子以及人类对螺类的影响;概述了湿地演替过程中螺类群落的变化和螺类的环境指示功能。依据目前中国自然湿地螺类的研究特点和国际研究动态,展望了未来我国螺类群落的生态学研究的重点。  相似文献   

The occurrence, habitat and abundance are reported for the population of ocean triggerfish Canthidermis sufflamen (Balistidae) at El Hierro, Canary Islands. This is the first record from the Eastern Atlantic.  相似文献   

The biogeography of helicoid land snails was investigated using cladistic methods. Parsimony analysis under Assumption 0 yielded twelve area cladograms (length=25, c.i.=0.76, r.i.=0.86). The pattern of vicariance for the Helicoidea indicated that families originated with the break up of eastern Gondwana and Laurasia between the late Mesozoic and mid-Tertiary, and possible vicariance events are identified. It is proposed that Asian terranes, located between India and Australia, maintained contact with northern Australia until the late Cretaceous, which is later than is suggested in current palaeogeographical hypotheses.  相似文献   

Certain major aspects of phenotypic diversity are still largely unexplained. When phenotypic patterns do not relate to habitat variables, fine analysis of morphological patterns and their distribution sheds light on the origin of diversity. Among invertebrates, snails are an ideal model for studying the roles of the neutral processes and selection involved in creating diversity. To understand patterns and processes of variability on different scales (regional: areas; local: sites), morphological variability of two sets of characters (shell and genitalia) was quantified in a group of rock-dwelling land snails of the genus Marmorana (Pulmonata, Helicidae). To analyse shell variability, partitioning of the overall variation into size and shape components was analysed by a principal component-based approach. Shell shape and size variability is not significantly influenced by any environmental pressure. Variability at site scale is mainly attributed to shell size, which is a trait demonstrated to have a high degree of phenotypic plasticity. No sharp changes were observed for genitalia. Moreover, allometries between shell size and genitalia measurements involve a few populations. The observed multiple scale patterns are in line with the hypothesis that genital variance may be selectively controlled to maintain function.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 359–370.  相似文献   

The land snail genus Mandarina has undergone extensive radiation within the Bonin Islands in the west Pacific. The preferred above-ground vegetation heights of sympatric species were clearly different. They separated into arboreal, semi-arboreal, exposed ground and sheltered ground ecotypes. Shells of species with different ecotypes differ markedly, but shells of species with the same ecotype are very similar to each other. Shell morphologies of some phylogenetically distantly related species with the same ecotype were indistinguishable. Character evolution estimated parsimoniously using a phylogenetic tree suggests that the speciation among sympatric species is accompanied by ecological and morphological diversification. In addition, species coexistence of Mandarina is related to niche differentiation. The above findings suggest that ecological interactions among species contribute to the ecological and morphological diversification and radiation of these land snails in this depauperate environment.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity was measured by allozyme electrophoresis in eight natural populations of the threatened Canarian endemic Viola palmensis Webb & Berth. (Violaceae). Nineteen alleles corresponding to 11 gene loci were detected. High levels of genetic diversity were found, ranging from 36.3 to 45.4 % for the percentage of polymorphic loci (P), from 1.45 to 1.60 for the average number of alleles per locus (A) and from 0.128 to 0.200 for the expected heterozygosity (H(e)). Between 85.5 and 96.6 % of genetic variability was apportioned within populations. As a whole, populations were not at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, with a deficit of heterozygous individuals attributable to the existence of genetic structuring in the populations analysed. The levels of interpopulation genetic differentiation were low (mean F(ST) = 0.100), while genetic identity pair-wise comparisons were high (mean I = 0.973) suggesting considerable levels of gene flow among populations. No relationship was detected between genetic differentiation and geographical distances between populations. An outcrossing insect-mediated breeding system might contribute to pollen dispersion of this species. For conservation genetics we suggest in situ preservation areas are defined that are free of disturbance and that include populations with the highest genetic diversity.  相似文献   

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