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柠条绿虎天牛是近年来在宁夏柠条灌丛中大面积暴发的一种钻蛀性害虫,主要以幼虫危害柠条的枝干部。论文调查研究了柠条绿虎天牛的危害特性及种群数量的动态变化。结果表明,幼虫和成虫主要分布在柠条枝干0~100cm范围内,以0~20cm处居多,其数量由基部至顶部逐渐减少。幼虫主要危害4年生以上的柠条植株,以6~8年生受害最重。随着柠条地径的增加,天牛成虫数量逐渐增加,而幼虫数量则呈现先增加再减少的变化趋势。不同时期幼虫数量在枝干上的分布变化较大,幼虫具有转移危害习性,先由基部和顶部向中部转移,随着气温的不断降低,则由顶部不断向基部转移,以0~20cm处的数量最多,可能柠条枝干基部的环境更有利于幼虫的越冬。  相似文献   

<正> 原文中写到红颈天牛幼虫的生物学特性时提出:“幼虫一生钻蛀隧道长可达50—60厘米,隔一定距离于树皮上蛀一通气排粪孔;……。”和“幼虫老熟时于隧道端,木质部内,蛀椭圆形蛹室,头向上化蛹。”的两点生活习性,我们有不同看法。以在安徽合肥地区多年(自1974年起)观察红颈天牛的生物学特性结果,提供商讨: 一、红颈天牛初龄幼虫绝大部分在韧皮部和木质部间蛀食,于皮层下蛀成弯曲不规则浅沟状隧道,黄褐色虫粪堆积在隧道内,从树皮外不易觉察。初龄幼虫活动时期,有时于树皮外也发现少而细的虫粪从幼虫蛀入孔或通气孔排出,但多半自表层裂缝处排出。1979  相似文献   

在发生松树蜂的林场利用"五点取样法"进行调查,调查样方内树木种类、胸径大小、生长情况、蛀干害虫种类和在树干上的分布情况;同时,选取虫害木,解剖并统计不同蛀干害虫的羽化孔数量和特点,幼虫钻蛀特征和危害特点;研究松树蜂自然种群的寄主选择规律和垂直分布特点。结果表明,松树蜂在我国仅危害衰弱的樟子松,30-40年生的中龄林受害最严重,平均有虫株率为10.94%±8.67%。松树蜂产卵后的树皮表面有流树脂现象,呈点状或流泪状。同松幽天牛和吉丁危害状不同,松树蜂羽化孔呈正圆形,直径大小约为7 mm,分布在树干0-4.20 m的高度,其中90%的集中分布在0-3 m范围内。松树蜂幼虫坑道横截面为正圆形,无排粪孔,虫粪和蛀屑都呈粉末状,紧实堆满蛀道,颜色和蛀道周围颜色无明显差异。  相似文献   

思茅咖啡天牛种群构成与危害的时空特性研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
通过室内饲养和野外调查,本文对思茅市咖啡天牛种群的构成,发生时期危害的时空特性及幼虫蛀孔部位的选择性进行了研究。结果表明,危害思茅地区咖啡的天牛种群由旋皮天牛和灭字虎天牛构成 ,在不同时间两个种群的构成比例不同。施皮天牛是优势种心化高峰期为4月18-30日,灭字虎天牛成虫主要在10-12月出现;在咖啡树中天牛幼虫的频数分布具有明显特征,1头虫的分布频数最高;  相似文献   

利用中华甲虫蒲螨防治双条杉天牛幼虫研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭鑫  许志春  熊德平 《昆虫知识》2010,47(3):529-532
双条杉天牛Semanotus bifasciatus(Motschulsky)是危害柏树类树木的主要蛀干害虫之一,主要以幼虫蛀干危害树木。1~4龄幼虫主要危害韧皮部,4龄后幼虫则开始进入到木质部危害,并且用虫粪堵塞蛀道与外界的联络通道,造成小型天敌进入困难。本文通过利用中华甲虫蒲螨Pyemotes zhonghuajia(YuandZhang)防治双条杉天牛1~2和3~4龄幼虫研究试验,比较了天敌中华甲虫蒲螨不同释放量对双条杉天牛的防治效果。结果表明,当中华甲虫蒲螨释放量为1管/木段时,对1~2龄幼虫防治较好,达83.0%;当中华甲虫蒲螨释放量为2管/木段时,对3~4龄幼虫防治也有较好的防治效果,防治效果高达87.7%;但从防治经济高效的角度出发,最合理高效的投放量为1管蒲螨/木段,防治1~2龄幼虫可行性最高。通过中华甲虫蒲螨对双条杉天牛幼虫的寄生结果比较得知,其对寄生体长为1~2cm的双条杉天牛幼虫有明显的趋向性。  相似文献   

买国庆 《昆虫知识》2003,40(3):217-217
绿绒星天牛Anoplophoraleryllina (Hope) ,摄于云南省腾冲县。天牛科昆虫是鞘翅目中的一大类群 ,世界迄今已知 3 0 0 0 0余种 ,我国约 3 0 0 0种。天牛成虫多白天活动 ,有访花习性 ,可取食花粉、花蜜、树叶或树液 ;产卵在树缝 ,或以强大的上颚咬破植物表皮 ,产卵于组织内 ;多数幼虫取食死亡或腐烂的木材 ,但有的钻蛀树木的茎或根 ,深入到木质部 ,形成孔洞和遂道 ,严重影响树木的生长发育 ,引起枯枝甚至整棵树木死亡 ,是林木的重要害虫。封面照片:绿绒星天牛Anoplophora leryllina@买国庆$中国科学院动物研究所!100080…  相似文献   

桃红颈天牛是为害桃、杏、李等核果类的主要害虫。果树受害后未老先衰或枯死,有碍于果品产量的增长。 桃红颈天牛在北京地区两年发生一代,从6月下旬至9月上旬为成虫发生期,7月中旬至8月中旬为发生盛期。成虫产卵于距地面一尺左右的树干或主枝的粗皮缝隙内。初孵化幼虫头朝下蛀入韧皮部为害,经过休眠越冬,于翌年春天继续向下为害木质边材。当幼  相似文献   

寄主植物对松墨天牛幼虫体内酶系活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
室内采用在马尾松、黑松、火炬松、湿地松和雪松皮下接入松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope幼虫的方法,探明5种寄主植物对松墨天牛幼虫的存活、钻蛀取食及纤维素酶、酯酶、羧酸酯酶活性的影响。结果表明,5种寄主植物对松墨天牛幼虫存活和钻蛀取食有显著影响,接种于马尾松的天牛幼虫存活率100%;接种于雪松的松墨天牛幼虫存活率仅55.56%。松墨天牛取食不同寄主后,其体内纤维素酶、酯酶和羧酸酯酶活性存在显著差异。其中以取食火炬松的Cx酶活性最高,为(4.5754±0.1975)μmol·g-1(FW)·min-1,C1酶和β-l,4-葡萄糖苷酶活性以取食马尾松的松墨天牛幼虫消化道中最高,分别为(2.8199±0.0510)μmol·g-1(FW)·min-1与(3.0793±0.1733)μmol·g-1(FW)·min-1;而以取食黑松和马尾松的酯酶、羧酸酯酶活性最高,分别为1372.74mmoD/min·μg和744.82mmoD/min·μg。  相似文献   

青杨脊虎天牛幼虫空间分布格局   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
20 0 3年 4~ 6月 ,在黑龙江省大庆市红旗林场对青杨脊虎天牛XylotechusrusticusL .幼虫空间分布格局进行了调查研究 ,结果表明该天牛幼虫在杨树人工林内呈负二项分布 ;采用 6种不同聚集指标测定结果均表明为聚集分布。对青杨脊虎天牛幼虫在树干高度上垂直分布研究表明 ,该天牛幼虫在树干上危害部位主要集中在 1~ 4m范围内 ;对该幼虫垂直分布与树干高度进行曲线拟合 ,符合立方曲线 ,曲线方程为y =0 0 68+0 41 7x -0 1 3 6x2 +0 0 1 1x3 ,由相关系数方值R2 =0 83 6验证  相似文献   

广西咖啡树两种虎天牛的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
咖啡是我区解放以后栽植的热带经济作物,随着栽植时间的增长和咖啡园林的形成,各种害虫相继繁殖孳生为害。据多年调查,已发现我区咖啡树上害虫约有50种,其中钻蛀性的虎天牛发生普遍,具有毁灭性。幼虫钻蛀为害后,轻者叶黄枝枯,产量锐减;重则主干折断而至整株枯死,颗粒无收。因此,寻求经济有效的防治措施是急待解决的任务。1958年以来,我们即开始进行了调查试验,近又有所补充,今将结果报道如下。  相似文献   

Abstract The spatial characteristics of larval galleries and mining behaviour of the coffee stem‐borer, Acalolepta cervinus (Hope), were studied on their host plant, Coffea arabica L. Results showed that entry holes were centrally located on stems of 4 cm diameter. Older larvae than third instar preferred tunnelling upward on the stems when diameter at the entry hole is larger than 4 cm, but downward on less than 4 cm. The vertical distribution of entry holes skewed toward lower position of stems. The larvae preferred drilling holes beside protrusions, especially beside the bases of adjacent branches. More entry holes were located on the south‐facing side of stems. Larvae boring hole on stem exhibited a strong location preference. This study helps us to understand larval tunnelling behaviour and to develop the control methods against the target pest.  相似文献   

1. The importance of host‐race formation to herbivorous insect diversity depends on the likelihood that successful populations can be established on a new plant host. A previously unexplored ecological aid to success on a novel host is better nutritional quality. The role of nutrition was examined in the shift of the stem‐boring beetle Mordellistena convicta to fly‐induced galls on goldenrod and the establishment there of a genetically distinct gall host race. 2. First, larvae of the host race inhabiting stems of Solidago gigantea were transplanted into stems and galls of greenhouse‐grown S. gigantea plants. At the end of larval development, the mean mass of larvae transplanted to galls was significantly greater than the mass of larvae transplanted to stems, indicating a likely nutritional benefit during the shift. This advantage was slightly but significantly diminished when the gall‐inducing fly feeding at the centre of the gall died early in the season. Additionally, there was a suggestion of a trade‐off in the increased mortality of smaller beetle larvae transplanted into galls. 3. In a companion experiment, S. gigantea gall‐race beetle larvae were likewise transplanted to S. gigantea stems and galls. Besides the expected greater mass in galls, the larvae also exhibited adaptations to the gall nutritional environment: larger inherent size, altered tunnelling behaviour, and no diminution of mass pursuant to gall‐inducer mortality. 4. In a third line of inquiry, chemical analyses of field‐collected S. gigantea plants revealed higher levels of mineral elements important to insect nutrition in galls as compared with stems.  相似文献   

The sawtoothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.), is an extremely destructive pest of packaged consumer food products. The beetle is not believed to chew directly through packaging materials, but to use openings or flaws in damaged or improperly sealed packages to gain entry. We investigated the behavioral mechanisms by which the sawtoothed grain beetle infests packages with flaws. Significantly more sawtoothed grain beetles infested consumer food packages that had been punctured with 0.4 mm diameter holes, to simulate packaging flaws that preclude adults, than when packages had no flaws. In a test arena, females laid more eggs into or near the hole in a plastic packaging film, when they were able to contact the food through the hole than when they could not contact the food. First instar larvae placed either 1 mm or 1 cm away entered holes when food was present, indicating that packages could become infested if eggs were laid near holes. In the absence of food, neither adults nor larvae responded to holes. This study has shown the importance of sound packaging in preventing insect infestation.  相似文献   

棉铃虫室内饲养技术的改进   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在传统人工饲料饲养技术的基础上 ,对棉铃虫的卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫的饲养器材和操作方法进行了简化和改进。将产于纱布上的卵经消毒晾干后 ,直接放于塑料保鲜袋中孵化。初孵幼虫用毛笔移入特制的带盖 1 0孔饲养盒 ,每孔 1头 ,孔径和高度为 2 5cm× 1 8cm ,接虫前每孔加人工饲料 4~ 5g ,接虫后加盖 ,直至化蛹。幼虫化蛹后用培养皿收集 ,直接放于成虫饲养笼中 ,任其羽化、交配和产卵。采用这一改进饲养技术 ,幼虫存活率、化蛹率、羽化率等均有显著提高 ,棉铃虫的病害明显减少 ,同时节约饲养成本约 5 0 %。  相似文献   

平卧川牛漆甾酮是紫背金盘中的主要植物蜕皮甾类 ,在筋骨草属植物中普遍存在。试验结果表明 ,用 5 0mg L平卧川牛漆甾酮处理小菜蛾卵 ,其孵化受到抑制 ,总孵化率为 94.7% ,显著低于对照的 1 0 0 %孵化。平卧川牛漆甾酮对幼虫具有弱的毒杀活性和良好的拒食活性 ,且与浓度相关。小菜蛾的生长发育也受平卧川牛漆甾酮的影响。用高于 5 0mg L浓度处理幼虫 ,其生长受抑及蛾的产卵量下降 ,而较低浓度处理则有利于幼虫生长 ,卵量提高。这种双重作用可能是由于平卧川牛漆甾酮的激素活性和拒食活性的作用结果 ,后者导致昆虫营养不良。处理幼虫后 ,试虫的化蛹和羽化受阻。小菜蛾对平卧川牛漆甾酮比 2 0 羟基蜕皮酮更敏感。  相似文献   

Larvae of Acanthoscelides obtectus show two contrasting behaviors when entering a bean. One is pioneer behavior in which a larva enters the bean through an entrance hole made by itself; the other is follower behavior in which a larva enters the bean through an entrance hole made by a pioneer. Previous studies have shown that the number of followers is much greater than that of pioneers. If there is a cost to being a pioneer, and if larvae can choose either of the two strategies, there is a dilemma: to be a pioneer or not. This dilemma is similar to the chicken game because if all larvae avoid choosing the risky pioneer strategy in favor of the follower strategy, none of the larvae can enter a bean, and they will die. In the present study, in order to investigate whether the larvae of A. obtectus are facing a dilemma of entry order, we experimentally measured the cost to pioneers and tested the flexibility of larval entering strategies. Pioneers’ costs were measured by entrance success rate, and the flexibility of larval strategies was tested by gauging the proportion of pioneers at various larval densities. The entrance success of pioneers was lower than that of followers, and the proportion of pioneers decreased as the number of competing larvae increased. These results suggest that the Pioneer-Follower interaction in A. obtectus satisfies the conditions for a dilemma game: the larvae of A. obtectus are in a dilemma of entry order.  相似文献   


Aspects of larval feeding and tunnelling were described for seven species of the wood-boring genus Aenetus. The species were studied in Australia, New Caledonia, and New Zealand. A sequential pattern of larval feeding involving transfer from a fungal based diet to callus tissue in live trees, previously known for A. virescens, was confirmed for A. cohici and inferred for A. dulcis and A. paradiseus. A specialised “transfer” morph linking the two feeding stages in A. virescens was also confirmed for A. cohici and two unidentified species. The wood-boring habit involved entry into the host above ground level and the construction of a tunnel which extends into and then down the stem. Tunnels were often located on the lower surface of leaning branches or stems. Tunnel entrances were open to the host surface, but overlain by a silk- /frass web. Bark and underlying tissue were removed from around the tunnel entrance and a callus growth resulted, which the larva consumed. The evolutionary history of arboreal tunnelling in the Hepialidae was investigated using biogeographic analysis of generic distribution. It is argued that evolution and variation in arboreal tunnelling resulted from specialised recombinations of generalised ancestral characters. It is suggested that the study of arboreal tunnelling can provide a source of useful characters for systematic analysis of phylogenetic relationships within Aenetus. The potential systematic value of tunnel characters is illustrated for A. virescens.  相似文献   

In laboratory and garden experiments, we tested for the existence of adaptive patterns of oviposition and larval behaviour regarding group size in the gregarious tortoise beetle Chelymorpha varians Blanchard (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae) on its host plant Calystegia sepium L. (Convolvulaceae). Specifically, we addressed the following questions: (i) Which is the more frequent egg cluster size? (ii) Does cluster size fully predict larval group size? (iii) Are newborn larvae attracted or repelled to conspecific groupings? and (iv) Which is the group size associated with enhanced larval development and adult mass? We found that the mean cluster size was 21.4 eggs. Egg hatch time was significantly shorter in larger clusters. A regression analysis of larval group size against cluster size showed non‐significant results. Thus, original cluster size did not totally determine the larval group size. The mean larval group size was 17.1. Choice tests in an experimental arena showed that larvae clearly preferred leaves of a host plant rather than moistened papers, and that larvae preferred a small group of conspecifics (four larvae per leaf) over larger groups (12 or 20 larvae). Empty leaves of the host plant showed an intermediate level of preference. Development time and beetle performance (adult mass) were affected by larval group size. Larvae in the smallest group (one per leaf) took four more days to attain adulthood than larvae in the larger groups (12 and 20 larvae). Adult C. varians reared in the 12‐larvae group were significantly larger than those reared at the other densities. Comparison of patterns across experimental groups, excluding the 12‐larvae group, showed a tendency for a greater final mass with slower developmental rate.  相似文献   

Ola M. Fincke 《Oecologia》1994,100(1-2):118-127
The relative importance of intraspecific, interspecific, and seasonal causes of larval mortality were investigated for aquatic larvae of the giant damselfly Megaloprepus coerulatus in Panama. These larvae live in water-filled holes in fallen and living trees, where they and three other common odonate species are the top predators. By mid wet season, M. coerulatus larvae were found in nearly half of all tree holes that harbored odonates. Although M. coerulatus were typically, but not always, eliminated from holes inhabited by larger hetero-specifics, M. coerulatus were more likely to encounter conspecifics than other odonate species. Hole with less than 11 of water rarely contained more than a single larva. In large holes where M. coerulatus was the only odonate species present, multiple larvae coexisted at a density of one larva per 1–21 of water. There the absence of 2–4 of the 5 larval size classes, despite a continuous input of eggs, suggested that cannibalism was a common cause of mortality. The size of the final instar, which determined adult body size, was correlated positively with tree hole volume for male, but not female, larvae. Experiments showed that when two larvae were placed together in 0.4–1 holes with abundant tadpole prey, the larger larva killed the smaller one. Often the larva that was killed was not eaten. Small larvae were more tolerant of each other than were pairs of medium or large larvae. Before killing occurred, the presence of larger larvae reduced the growth of smaller individuals, relative to controls. Obligate killing was density-dependent. In 3.0–1 holes with ad libitum prey, conspecific killing occurred until the larval density stabilized at one larva per 1–1.5 I, similar to the density found in large holes under field conditions, For M. coerulatus, cannibalism functions to reduce the number of potential competitors for food in addition to providing nutrition. When interactions between paired larvae in small holes were experimentally prevented, competition for food reduced the growth of one or both larvae relative to controls. Holes that were watered during the dry season supported larval densities similar to those in the wet season. Thus, dry season mortality could not be attributed to a decrease in available prey. Rather, M. coerulatus larvae could not survive more than 1 month of complete drying. Because the dry season typically lasts more than 6 weeks, habitat drying is a secondary source of mortality, affecting second- or third-generation larvae that fail to emerge before tree holes dry out completely.  相似文献   

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