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在检视大量革螨标本中,发现异形标本4种9例。异形包括骨板变形和刚毛变位两种情况,现分别记述如下,供革螨分类鉴定和形态学研究时参考。1 毒厉螨 Laelaps echidninus Berlese,1887 检视标本1608■■,发现异形4■■。1971年2-10月采于吉林省前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县,寄主为褐家鼠 Rattus noruegicus(Berkenhout)。 标本1:胸板后缘明显凹陷,后凸的骨片消失(图1-2),该处构造与正常标本不同。肛板花纹如图1,后部有一圆锥形构造,向后突出,PA位于其后… 相似文献
四川革螨采集记录(蜱螨亚纲) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1985年作者自四川采得一批革螨标本,记录如下。厉螨科Laelapidae1.黔下盾螨Hypoaspis chianensis Gu,1990标本1 ,峨眉山清音阁,褐家鼠(Rattus norvegi-cus)巢,1985-07-07。2.中华裸厉螨Gymnolaelaps sinensis Wang,Zhou etJi,1991标本1 ,峨眉山一线天,溪边鸟窝,1985-07-06。帝螨科Parasitidae3.四川寄螨Parasitus sichuanensis Ma et Wang,1996 相似文献
单角新革螨雌雄螨描述(蜱螨亚纲:革螨股:寄螨科) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
单角新革螨 Neogamasus unicornutus ( Ewing,1 90 9)同物异名为岛屿新革螨 Neogamasusislandicus( Sellnick,1 94 0 ) ,其后若螨 [1 ]、前若螨及幼螨 [2 ]已有较详细描述 ,但雌螨和雄螨在所查到的文献中只记载有个别特征 ,没有完整描述 [1 ,3- 6] 。本文根据采自集安的标本 ,描述其雌螨和雄螨。文中测量单位为 μm,括号内为测量均值。单角新革螨 Neogamasusunicornutus(Ewing,190 9)雌螨 (图 1 - 7)体黄色 ,卵圆形 ,长 6 78- 70 1 ( 6 89) ,宽 36 8- 41 4 ( 394 )。背板几乎覆盖整个背面 ,后部留狭窄裸露区。前背板长 345- 356 ( 349) ,… 相似文献
裂缝常革螨形态描述(蜱螨亚纲:革螨股:寄螨科) 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
裂缝常革螨 Vulgarogamasus lyriformis ( Mc Grow et Farrier,1 96 9)分布于美国、加拿大和前苏联。 2 0 0 0年自朝鲜入境货物中采得该螨。在所查到的文献中 ,仅《ОпределительОбитающихвПочвеКлещеи,М esostigmata》一书有该种的记载 ,但只记载有雌螨胸板、生殖区、头盖和雄螨足 的特征 ,无完整描述。今根据朝鲜标本 ,详细描述其雌螨、雄螨、前若螨和幼螨。文中测量单位为μm,括号内为测量均值。裂缝常革螨 Vulgarogamasuslyriformis (Mc Grow et Farrier,1969)图 1- 6 裂缝常革螨 Vulgarogamasu… 相似文献
革伊螨属一新种(蜱螨亚纲:土革螨科) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据文献记载,革伊螨属Gamasiphis中国仅分布有美丽革伊螨G.pulchelus(Berlese,1887*)。马丹梅曾于1996年9月22日自辽宁省丹东市的土壤中采得美丽革伊螨6只标本(3♀♀和3)。本文记述该属1新种。文中测量单位为μm... 相似文献
云南西部不同生境区域革螨群落的模糊聚类分析 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
云南西部10个不同生境区域小兽体表革螨群落经用模糊聚类分析,归并为4种群落类型:华南区室内生境型、华南区室外农耕地生境型、西南区室内生境型及西南区室外农耕地生境型。研究表明,生境的不同或在动物地理上位置的不同导致了革螨群落的差异。 相似文献
运用系统聚类分析方法对中国云南省境内17种主要小型哺乳动物(小兽)体表革螨群落相似性进行研究,每一种小兽体表的所有外寄生革螨被定义为一个相应的革螨群落。运用SPSS11.5软件完成17种革螨群落的相似性比较。研究结果表明:小兽体表革螨群落结构复杂,物种多样性高;隶属同一个属的小兽体表的革螨群落相似程度高,在系统聚类分析中聚为一类;大多数革螨群落相似性大小与相应小兽宿主在动物分类上的近缘性高低呈现高度一致,但也有一些革螨群落是例外的。这说明小兽体表革螨群落不仅受小兽宿主分类地位的影响,可能还受宿主生境的影响 相似文献
粪巨螯螨雄螨描述(蜱螨亚纲:革螨股) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
粪巨螯螨 Macrocheles merdarius( Berlese,1 889)在所查到的文献中仅描述有雌螨 [1 - 5] ,今根据集安标本描述其雄螨。图 1- 4 粪巨螯螨 Macrocheles merdarius(Berlese)♂1 .背面 ;2 .腹面 ;3 .螯钳 ;4.足 粪巨螯螨 Macrocheles merdarius( Berlese,1 889)雄螨 (图 1 - 4)体黄色 ,近六角形 ,长宽 4 0 2× 2 30μm。背毛 34对 ,均短小光滑 ,F1 基部距离较远。全腹板有胸毛 3对 ,胸后毛 1对 ,生殖毛 1对 ,腹毛 4对 ,围肛毛 3根。胸区有隙孔2对。Ad位于肛孔前缘水平 ,Ad与 PA约等于肛孔长。气门沟前端达到颚基。头盖看不清。螯钳导精… 相似文献
Abstract A total of 70 species of gamasid mites (7485 individuals) were collected from the body surface of 38 species of small mammals (3023 individuals) during an investigation of 13 counties of western Yunnan, China, from 1990 to 1996. Most species of gamasid mites have more females (80% 100%) than males (P <0.01). Exceptions are Haemogamasus gongshanensis where males outnumber females (P < 0.01) and Haemolaelaps glasgowi where there are similar numbers of males and females (P > 0.05). No larva was found in most of the mite species. The proportion of individuals at the immature stages (mainly protonymphs and deutonymphs) in most mite species is small (0–12.84%) compared to the adults (P < 0.01). Exceptions are Ornithonyssus bacoti and Haemolaelaps glasgowi where 62.84% and 49.48% respectively are nymphs. The biased sex ratios may reflect the probable different bloodsucking preferences and parthenogenesis of the gamasid mites. The absence of larvae and a low proportion of nymph stages in most mite species probably reflect that the larvae or nymphs of most mite species are non‐feeding or non‐blood sucking and are in their hosts' nests. Another possibility is that some species directly produce protonymphs or even deutonymphs without eggs and larvae which makes it difficult to find the larval stage. 相似文献
根据在吉林省西部草原地区采得的革螨资料,利用聚类分析,对革螨进行了分类,给出了革螨与寄主种数的关系方程。其与寄主关系,25.6%为单寄主。格氏血厉螨和东北血革螨是多寄主的优势螨种。 相似文献
记述寄螨科Parasitidae1新种,六盘山钝革螨Amblygamasus liupanshanensis Bai,Yan et Wu,sp.nov.,宽寄螨科Euryparasitidae 1新种,邓氏宽寄螨Euryparasitus tengkuofani Bai,Yan et Wei,sp.nov.和维螨科Veigaiaidae 1新种,陈氏维螨Veigaia chenbaifangi Bai,Yan et Qi,sp.nov.,标本采自宁夏六盘山自然保护区,模式标本保存于军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所昆虫标本馆,北京。 相似文献
黑龙江省熊类年龄构成、性比及繁殖情况的初步研究 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2
熊类是重要的狩猎动物,肉、皮、骨、脂均可利用,熊掌和熊胆尤为名贵,因而具有很高的经济价值。 目前,国际上对于熊类生态学的研究日益深入。近二十年来多次举行国际熊类研究专题讨论会并出版了论文集。研究方向集中于熊类的群体生态,行为生态及种群的管理方面并正朝着集约管理和合理利用的方向发展。 相似文献
During the morbillivirus epizootic that affected the Mediterranean striped dolphins ( Stenella coeruleoalba )in 1990–1992, several thous and individuals are believed to have died. In order to determine the segments of the population that were affected by the event, the sex- and age-frequency distributions of the animals that were washed ashore on the Spanish coasts were studied. The age of the animals was determined by counting dentine growth layer groups in the teeth. The results obtained indicate that both sexes were affected similarly by the disease and that the population component that suffered the largest mortality was that of sexually mature individuals, although substantial mortality of calves, probably still dependent on their mothers, was also observed. Juveniles, in contrast, appeared to be only slightly affected by the epizootic. This pattern of mortality is not consistent with the epidemiology of morbillivirus infections previously observed in other mammals. Possible explanations of this particular age distribution include behavioral factors, increased susceptibility to the disease in adults due to the effects of pollution, high temperatures and decreased food availability, or allopatric geographical distribution of population components and, therefore, of their associated mortality. 相似文献
对云南玉溪地区1982年人口普查时的性比(男:女100)进行了分析,发现:(1)玉溪地区总人口的性比(99.22)比全国的(106.3)低,0—4岁与5—9岁儿童的性比(103.45与102.9)也比全国的(107.15与106.24)低。(2)傣族的性比特别低,其0—14岁儿童的性比为98.54;回族的性比也较低,其0—14岁儿童的性比为101.22;汉族0—14岁儿童性比则为104.16。(3)“大跃进”与“国民经济暂时困难”时期出生的人(20—24岁)性比特别低,仅为92.30,而且按民族,县,及城、乡分别统计时均有同样趋势。这一情况在全国人口性比统计中也得到证实。作者估计,这可能是当时自然流产增多造成的。(4)玉溪地区解放以来总人口性比不断增高,1953年为88.70,1964年为94.94,1982年则为99.22。(5)城镇人口的性比(156.48)比农村的(95.86)高得多,这与全国各地区相同。 相似文献
David O. Conover David A. Van Voorhees Amir Ehtisham 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1992,46(6):1722-1730
What happens when a population with environmental sex determination (ESD) experiences a change to an extreme environment that causes a highly unbalanced sex ratio? Theory predicts that frequency-dependent selection would increase the proportion of the minority sex and decrease the level of ESD in subsequent generations. We empirically modeled this process by maintaining five laboratory populations of a fish with temperature-dependent sex determination (the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia) in extreme constant temperature environments that caused highly skewed sex ratios to occur initially. Increases in the minority sex consistently occurred from one generation to the next across all five populations, first establishing and then maintaining a balanced sex ratio until termination of the experiment at 8 to 10 generations. The extent to which the level of ESD changed as balanced sex ratios evolved, however, was not consistent. Two populations that experienced high temperatures each generation displayed a loss of ESD, and in one of these ESD was virtually eliminated. This suggests that temperature-insensitive, sex-determining genes were being selected. In populations maintained in low temperature environments, however, the level of ESD did not decline. Instead, the response of sex ratio to temperature was adjusted upward or downward, perhaps by selection of sex-determining genes sensitive to higher (or lower) temperatures. The two different outcomes at low versus high temperatures occurred independent of the geographic origin of the founding population. Our results demonstrate that ESD is capable of evolving in response to selection. 相似文献
海南岛小兽类寄生蜱的群落结构 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文定量研究了海南岛三亚市9种小兽类体外寄生蜱的群落结构,共发现8种寄生蜱,粒形硬蜱的宿主范围广,在所捕获的9种小兽体外均有寄生。珀氏长吻松鼠体表粒形硬蜱率相当高(>50%)。社鼠和海南毛猥的多样性指数低。 相似文献
应用系统聚类分析方法对云南省境内24种主要小型哺乳动物(小兽)体表吸虱昆虫群落相似性及群落分类进行了研究。研究中将每一种小兽体表的所有吸虱昆虫定义为一个相应的吸虱群落单位。结果表明,小兽体表吸虱群落结构简单,物种多样性很低。多数小兽有固定的吸虱种类寄生,其吸虱的宿主特异性高。在动物分类上隶属同一个属的小兽,其体表吸虱群落相似程度高,在系统聚类分析中大多被归为一类。在动物分类上近缘的小兽,其体表吸虱群落相似,优势虱种相同或相似,此情形尤其表现在鼠属、白腹鼠属、姬鼠属和绒鼠属。吸虱群落相似性大小与相应小兽宿主在动物分类地位上的近缘性高低呈现高度一致。从生态学角度来看,吸虱昆虫与其所寄生的小兽宿主动物之间存在密切的协同进化关系。 相似文献