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概述了好好芭的生物学特性,好好芭特色高经济价值产品——好好芭油的合成机制,并跟踪介绍了好好芭分子生物学方面的研究进展,如好好芭油脂合成特异基因的转基因研究和盐调控基因的克隆等。  相似文献   

希蒙得木种子育苗试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
希蒙得木〔Simmondsia chinensis(Link)Schneider〕俗称油油芭、霍霍芭(Jojoba)。原属黄杨科(Buxaceae),现已独立为希蒙得木科(Simmondsiaceae),仅一属一种。 希蒙得木系多年生常绿灌木。原产美国西南部和墨西哥西北部,北纬25°至31°、海拔1500米以下的干燥地区。能耐-6℃的低温和58.3℃的酷暑,无论干旱沙漠或沿海潮湿的盐碱地都能生长发育,寿命长达百年以上。其种子含44—59%的液体蜡,它不  相似文献   

本书追踪了好好芭这一特种基因资源植物、旱地农业新兴工业油料作物的发展历史过程。通过好好芭资源生物学的系统阐述揭示其重要经济、社会价值和生态学意义。全书重点内容包括:好好芭的分类、生物学特征、物候学、驯化栽培历史过程、田间管理、高产优良品种选育、无性繁殖和体外微繁殖生物技术、工艺学、产品用途与研发、种植产业化与风险、社会效益、生态效益、经济效益,以及好好芭基因资源研发现状和产业发展前景展望等。  相似文献   

希蒙得木扦插试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
希蒙得木(Simmondsia Chinensis)系希蒙得木科多年生常绿灌木。原产美国加利福尼亚地区,具有很强的抗旱能力和抗盐碱能力,每英亩产值达3000~5000美元。种子可以提取一种纯净的蜡状油,称为希蒙得木油,其化学成分和结构与鲸鱼油相似,希蒙得木油耐高温、高压,是发展尖端工业必不可少的油。同时也是化妆品,高熔点蜡,元烟蜡,油墨,漆布,橡胶等工业生产的上等原料。希蒙得木种子经加工可以食用,其味美可口,类似板栗同味。树  相似文献   

希蒙得木(Simmondsin chinensis)是一种新的油料种子植物,生长在美国西南部以及一些其它国家。用它可生产一种价值很高的油——一种不饱和液态蜡酯混合液。油占种子重量50~60%,而用已烷提取过的粉尚未被利用,因为其含有抗营养成份(ANF)、对牛的生长不利。同样的化合物对于单胃的动物也是有害的。在美国生产出的压过的饼粕粉大多是用已烷提取的。这种粉含25~30%粗蛋白,食用纤维含量高,可作动物饲料补充剂。但在实际上这种粉不能直接用来作饲料,因为含有11%抗营养因素——5—脱甲基希蒙得木素等。  相似文献   

希蒙得木(Simmondsia Chinensis《S.Calif.rnica》Nutall)为希蒙得木科(simmondsia ccae),仅一属一种,多年生常绿灌木。希蒙得木种子含油量大约为50%,其油和鲸蜡相似,是一种优质润滑油。希蒙得木油的化学结构和分子形状与其它植物油的化学结构和分子形状不同。它可以应用于航空、车辆、机械、化学、卫生、纺织、食品等工业部门,在军工、国防尖端科学研究中尤为重要。在于机械工业上,是机械高压的高级润滑油,汽车的发动机采用希蒙得木种子油可行3.6万公里无  相似文献   

希蒙得木种子繁殖试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林荣   《广西植物》1986,(3):225-229
本文报道希蒙得木的种子理化处理、种子质量、播种土壤、深度、时期及育苗条件等试验结果,为提高希蒙得木的种子出苗率和成苗率及促进幼苗生长提供有效的措施。  相似文献   

在发达国家,人们食品中动物油脂和植物油脂的比例过高,占每日能量摄取总值的40%以上,三酰基甘油所产生的高能量在人体内逐步贮藏起来,这些高脂肪、高胆固醇的食品导致冠心病的发病率不断增加。于是,营养学家和科学家开始寻找其它动植物油代用品,既可保证在食品配方中有一定量的脂肪,又要减少人体对它的消化吸收率。希蒙得木(Simmondsia Chinensis)种籽中的液状蜡就是这种理想的油脂,它具有理想的物理和烹饪性能,并可抗氧化。希蒙得木蜡在10℃时呈液状,它是线性单不饱和酯、长链脂肪酸和长链脂肪醇的混合物,  相似文献   

希蒙得木(Simmondsia chinensis Link)系沙漠灌木,生长在美国亚洛桑那州南部、墨西哥西北部及毗邻地区。它可以承受较大的日温变化,在不能种植其它作物的土壤和湿度条件下也能良好生长。希蒙得木系木本常绿灌木,高2~3英尺,叶呈蓝绿色、  相似文献   

综述蒙瓢蜡蝉属的分类研究历史,记述中国蒙瓢蜡蝉属Mongoliana Distant 7种,其中包括5新种矛尖蒙瓢蜡蝉Mongoliana lanceolata, sp. nov.,三角蒙瓢蜡蝉Mongoliana triangularis, sp. nov.,锯缘蒙瓢蜡蝉Mongoliana serrata, sp. nov.,褐斑蒙瓢蜡蝉Mongoliana naevia, sp. nov. 和曲纹蒙瓢蜡蝉Mongoliana sinuata, sp. nov.;绘制了雄性外生殖器及前翅主要特征图,并列有分种检索表.新种模式标本均保存在西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆.  相似文献   

硝酸镧对霍霍巴多芽苗生长的促进作用及植株再生   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在增殖培养基(改良MS 2mg/L6-BA 0.5mg/LG3)中添加1~3.5mg/L硝酸镧,对霍霍巴试管苗生长有显著促进作用,2.5mg/L硝酸镧对多芽分化有极显著的促进;在生根培养基(改良1/2MS 3mg/LIBA 1.5mg/LNAA)中,1~2mg/L的La(NO3)3对根的分化有显著的促进作用,生根率提高,最佳浓度为2.0mg/L。过高的浓度对试管苗生长有一定抑制。试验表明,不同器官对硝酸镧的敏感程度不同。取2cm高以上的霍霍巴试管苗,用25mg/L IBA或NAA处理30min,扦插于沙基质中。保持室温20~30℃。50d后揭去覆膜,保持光强3000 lx,相对湿度85%以上。正常管理条件下成活率达75%。  相似文献   

Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schnieder) was used to identify genes regulated by wound–water stress. Suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was performed using cDNAs prepared from wounded parts of leaves under drying stress as a tester and cDNAs from unstressed parts of leaves as a driver. A forward-subtracted cDNA library was constructed and positive clones were confirmed by differential screening, resulting in 1344 clones as wound–water stress induced. After sequencing and trimming, 838 sequences were further analyzed. Sequence assembly analysis generated 385 unique ESTs. By referring to NCBI database and the functional categories of Arabidopsis thaliana proteins, 139 ESTs in 13 main categories were annotated. The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database was used to evaluate the functions of the ESTs and the pathways in which they are involved. Ninety-six genes were identified by KEGG Orthology (KO) identifier. These genes are involved in 63 pathways. Some pathways, such as energy metabolism, lipid metabolism, amino acid metabolism, translation, and MAPK signaling pathway, are associated with wound–water stress. The results from this study are useful in understanding the genetic regulation process under wound–water stress in jojoba.  相似文献   

Simmondsin was modified with acarviosine-glucose using the transglycosylation activity of Thermus maltogenic amylase to synthesize a novel compound with both antiobesity and hypoglycemic activity. The LC/MS and 13C NMR analyses confirmed that the structure of the major transglycosylation product was acarviosine-simmondsin (Acv-simmondsin), in which acarviosine was attached to the glucose moiety of simmondsin by an alpha-(1,6)-glycosidic linkage. It was found that Acv-simmondsin was a potent competitive inhibitor of alpha-glucosidase with the Ki value of 0.69 microM and a mixed type inhibitor of alpha-amylase with the Ki and KI of 20.78 microM and 26.31 microM, respectively. The administration of Acv-simmondsin (0.1 g/100 g diet/day) to mice for 5 days significantly reduced food intake by 35%, compared to 25% with simmondsin in control obese mice. Acv-simmondsin (50 mg/kg BW) suppressed the postprandial blood glucose response to sucrose (1 g/kg BW) by 74%, compared to 71% with acarbose, in normal rats.  相似文献   

Morley JE  Farr SA  Sell RL  Hileman SM  Banks WA 《Peptides》2011,32(4):776-780
In recent years, there have been a large number of neuropeptides discovered that regulate food intake. Many of these peptides regulate food intake by increasing or decreasing nitric oxide (NO). In the current study, we compared the effect of the food modulators ghrelin, NPY and CCK in NOS KO mice. Satiated homozygous and heterozygous NOS KO mice and their wild type controls were administered ghrelin ICV. Food intake was measured for 2 h post injection. Ghrelin did not increase food intake in the homozygous NOS KO mice compared to vehicle treated NOS KO mice, whereas food intake was increased in the wild type controls compared to vehicle treated wild type controls. NPY was administered ICV and food intake measured for 2 h. Homozygous NOS KO mice showed no increase in food intake after NPY administration, whereas the wild type controls did. In our final study, we administered CCK intraperitoneally to homozygous and heterozygous NOS KO mice and their wild type controls after overnight food deprivation. Food intake was measured for 1 h after injection. CCK inhibited food intake in wild type mice after overnight food deprivation, however, CCK failed to inhibit food intake in the NOS KO mice. The heterozygous mice showed partial food inhibition after the CCK. The current results add further support to the theory that NO is a central mediator in food intake.  相似文献   

Jojoba [ Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schneider] cuttings were grown in pots under constant light intensity and vapour pressure deficit at wir temperatures of 18 and 27°C in climate-controlled cabinets. Leaf conductance and transpiration rate decreased exponentially as the xylen water potential (Ψx) decreased concurrently with the drying out of the soil. At high Ψx'leaf conductance and transpiration rate were much higher at the higher air temperature, and as Ψx declined both parameters decreased more rapidly at 27°C than at 18°C. When soil temperatures were decreased from 27 to 13°C, leaf water potential was not affected at either air temperatures, but transpiration rate was reduced. A linear negative correlation was found between transpiration rates and soil temperatures. It is suggested that the low soil temperature may restrict reducion of water flux in turn reduces stomatal conductance and transpiration without affecting the water potential in the shoot. The releavance of the response to changes in soil or air temperature to the performance of the plant in its semi-arid habitat is discussed.  相似文献   

High fat maintenance diet attenuates hindbrain neuronal response to CCK   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rats maintained on a high fat diet reduce their food intake less in response to exogenous cholecystokinin (CCK) than rats maintained on a low fat diet. In addition, inhibition of gastric emptying by CCK is markedly attenuated in rats maintained on a high fat diet. Both inhibition of food intake and gastric emptying by CCK are mediated by sensory fibers in the vagus nerve. These fibers terminate on dorsal hindbrain neurons of the nucleus of the solitary tract and area postrema. To determine whether diet-induced changes in the control of feeding and gastric emptying are accompanied by altered vagal sensory responsiveness, we examined dorsal hindbrain expression of Fos-like immunoreactivity (Fos-li) following intraperitoneal CCK injection of rats maintained on high fat or low fat diets. Following CCK, there were numerous Fos-li nuclei in the area postrema and in the commissural and medial subnuclei of the nucleus of the solitary tract of rats maintained on a low fat diet. However, Fos-li was absent or rare in the brains of rats maintained on a high fat diet. These data suggest that the vagal sensory response to exogenous CCK is reduced in rats maintained on a high fat diet. Our results also are consistent with our previous findings that CCK-induced reduction of food intake and gastric emptying are both attenuated in rats maintained on a high fat diet. In addition our results support the hypothesis that attenuation of CCK-induced inhibition of food intake and gastric emptying may be due to diet-induced diminution of vagal CCK responsiveness.  相似文献   

One of the most profound hallmarks of mammalian hibernation is the dramatic reduction in food intake during the winter months. Several species of hibernator completely cease food intake (aphagia) for nearly 7 months regardless of ambient temperature and in many cases, whether or not food is available to them. Food intake regulation has been studied in mammals that hibernate for over 50 years and still little is known about the physiological mechanisms that control this important behavior in hibernators. It is well known from lesion experiments in non-hibernators that the hypothalamus is the main brain region controlling food intake and therefore body mass. In hibernators, the regulation of food intake and body mass is presumably governed by a circannual rhythm since there is a clear seasonal rhythm to food intake: animals increase food intake in the summer and early autumn, food intake declines in autumn and actually ceases in winter in many species, and resumes again in spring as food becomes available in the environment. Changes in circulating hormones (e.g., leptin, insulin, and ghrelin), nutrients (glucose, and free fatty acids), and cellular enzymes such as AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) have been shown to determine the activity of neurons involved in the food intake pathway. Thus, it appears likely that the food intake pathway is controlled by a variety of inputs, but is also acted upon by upstream regulators that are presumably rhythmic in nature. Current research examining the molecular mechanisms and integration of environmental signals (e.g., temperature and light) with these molecular mechanisms will hopefully shed light on how animals can turn off food intake and survive without eating for months on end.  相似文献   

Previous reports have demonstrated that systemic injection of cholecystokinin (CCK) in rats produces dose-related decreases in food intake, increases in neurohypophyseal secretion of oxytocin (OT), and decreases in gastric emptying. The present studies determined whether systemic injection of bombesin (BBS), another peptide that potently reduces food intake in rats, had similar effects on OT secretion and gastric emptying. Although BBS produces a dose-dependent inhibition of food intake, even very high doses did not significantly affect plasma OT levels and only slightly decreased rates of gastric emptying. Consequently, despite their similar inhibitory effects on food intake, BBS does not appear to activate the same network of central nervous system pathways as does CCK in rats. However, parallel studies in monkeys demonstrated that systemic injection of BBS was effective in stimulating neurohypophyseal secretion of vasopressin rather than OT, in a pattern both qualitatively and quantitatively analogous to the effects of CCK in this species. Together with previous findings that BBS more potently inhibits gastric emptying in primates than in rats, these results therefore also suggest the presence of significant species differences in the central mechanisms by which BBS acts to reduce food intake.  相似文献   

Melatonin has several known physiological functions, the main one being synchronization of daily and seasonal rhythms. In addition, melatonin has been reported to influence food intake and behavioral rhythms with varying results depending on the species. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of intraperitoneal melatonin injection on food intake and locomotor activity in two different fish species: goldfish (diurnal) and tench (nocturnal), under different light regimes: constant light (LL) conditions or LD 12:12, with melatonin administration at mid-light (ML), mid-dark (MD), and after a 1-h light pulse at MD. In addition to these acute tests, in the case of goldfish we also investigated the effects of daily melatonin administration for 1 week. Our results indicated that acute melatonin administration significantly decreased goldfish food intake (16-52% inhibition, depending on the light regime) and locomotor activity (55-100%), with the chronic treatment inducing a similar total food intake inhibition that persisted for 7 days. In tench, a nocturnal fish species, acute melatonin administration at MD and ML reduced food intake (37% and 29%, respectively), while locomotor activity was not affected at MD and slightly increased at ML. Taken together, these results indicated that melatonin reduced food intake in both species, while its effects on locomotor activity depended on the time of administration (light or dark phase) and the activity patterns of the species.  相似文献   

Obesity is rapidly increasing and is of great public health concern worldwide. Although there have been remarkable developments in obesity research over the past 10 years, the molecular mechanism of obesity is still not completely understood. Body weight results from the balance between food intake and energy expenditure. Recent studies have found that hypothalamic AMP-activated protein kinase plays a key role in regulating these processes. Leptin, insulin, glucose and alpha-lipoic acid have been shown to reduce food intake by lowering hypothalamic AMP-activated protein kinase activity, whereas ghrelin and glucose depletion increase food intake by increasing hypothalamic AMP-activated protein kinase activity. In addition, this enzyme plays a role in the central regulation of energy expenditure. These findings indicate that hypothalamic AMP-activated protein kinase is an important signal molecule, which integrates nutritional and hormonal signals and modulates feeding behavior and energy expenditure.  相似文献   

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