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In order to develop effective bioremediation strategies for radionuclide contaminants, the composition and metabolic potential of microbial communities need to be better understood, especially in highly contaminated subsurface sediments for which little cultivation-independent information is available. In this study, we characterized metabolically active and total microbial communities associated with uranium-contaminated subsurface sediments along geochemical gradients. DNA and RNA were extracted and amplified from four sediment-depth intervals representing moderately acidic (pH 3.7) to near-neutral (pH 6.7) conditions. Phylotypes related to Proteobacteria (Alpha-, Beta-, Delta- and Gammaproteobacteria), Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes and Planctomycetes were detected in DNA- and RNA-derived clone libraries. Diversity and numerical dominance of phylotypes were observed to correspond to changes in sediment geochemistry and rates of microbial activity, suggesting that geochemical conditions have selected for well-adapted taxa. Sequences closely related to nitrate-reducing bacteria represented 28% and 43% of clones from the total and metabolically active fractions of the microbial community, respectively. This study provides the first detailed analysis of total and metabolically active microbial communities in radionuclide-contaminated subsurface sediments. Our microbial community analysis, in conjunction with rates of microbial activity, points to several groups of nitrate-reducers that appear to be well adapted to environmental conditions common to radionuclide-contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Dissimilatory nitrate reduction (denitrification) in subsurface sediments by indigenous microflora was investigated in samples obtained over a range of depths from 0 to 289 m. Denitrifying activity in sediment samples retrieved from similar stratigraphic horizons at four different sites was determined by measuring the accumulation of N2O using the acetylene blockage technique. Denitrification was detected in unamended samples which received only prereduced deionized water at almost all depths in all sediments sampled. The surface sediments showed the highest denitrification activity. In the deeper sediments, denitrifying activity was much higher in saturated sandy samples and lower or absent in drier clay samples. Addition of nitrate enhanced denitrification activity in all samples from below the water table down to the maximum depth sampled (289 m), while addition of a carbon (succinate) source in general had no stimulatory effect. These results show that denitrifying microorganisms were present in all of the deep subsurface sediments tested in this study. Furthermore, these results suggest that adequate supplies of metabolizable organic carbon were available to support denitrifying activity. However, denitrification may be limited by inadequate supplies of nitrate in the sediments.  相似文献   

Microbial communities inhabiting highly permeable sediments of Checker Reef in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, were characterized in relation to porewater geochemistry (O2, NO3 , NO2 , NH4 +, phosphate). The physiologically active part of the population, assessed by sequencing cDNA libraries of 16S rRNA amplicons, was very diverse, with an estimated ribotype richness ≥1,380 in anoxic sediment. Quantitative analysis of community structure by rRNA-targeted fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) indicated that the archaeal population (9–18%) was dominated by marine Crenarchaeota (5–9%). Planctomycetales were the most abundant group in the oxic and interfacial habitat (17–19%) but were a minority (<5%) in anoxic reef sediment, where γ-Proteobacteria were numerically dominant (18%). Another 9–14% of the microbial benthos belonged to β-Proteobacteria, predominantly within the order Nitrosomonadales, many cultured representatives of which are NH4 + oxidizers. The results of this study contribute to the phylogenetic characterization of benthic microbial communities that are important in organic matter degradation and nutrient recycling in coral reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

Microbial communities in cores obtained from methane hydrate-bearing deep marine sediments (down to more than 300 m below the seafloor) in the forearc basin of the Nankai Trough near Japan were characterized with cultivation-dependent and -independent techniques. Acridine orange direct count data indicated that cell numbers generally decreased with sediment depth. Lipid biomarker analyses indicated the presence of viable biomass at concentrations greater than previously reported for terrestrial subsurface environments at similar depths. Archaeal lipids were more abundant than bacterial lipids. Methane was produced from both acetate and hydrogen in enrichments inoculated with sediment from all depths evaluated, at both 10 and 35 degrees C. Characterization of 16S rRNA genes amplified from the sediments indicated that archaeal clones could be discretely grouped within the Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota domains. The bacterial clones exhibited greater overall diversity than the archaeal clones, with sequences related to the Bacteroidetes, Planctomycetes, Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, and green nonsulfur groups. The majority of the bacterial clones were either members of a novel lineage or most closely related to uncultured clones. The results of these analyses suggest that the microbial community in this environment is distinct from those in previously characterized methane hydrate-bearing sediments.  相似文献   

Recently attempts have been made to establish the presence and to determine the metabolic versatility of microorganisms in the terrestrial deep subsurface at the Savannah River Plant, Aiken, SC, USA. Sediment samples obtained at 20 different depths of up to 526 m were examined to determine carbon mineralization under aerobic, sulfate-reducing, and methanogenic conditions. The evolution of14CO2 from radiolabelled glucose was observed under aerobic conditions in all sediments, whereas pyridine was transformed in 50% of the 20 sediments and indole was metabolized in 85% of the sediments. Glucose mineralization in certain sediments was comparable to that in the surface environment. Sulfate was reduced in only five sediments, and two were carbon limited. Methane production was detected in ten sediments amended with formate only after long-term incubations. The transformation of indole and pyridine was only rarely observed under sulfate-reducing conditions and was never detected in methanogenic incubations. This study provides information concerning the metabolic capability of both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms in the deep subsurface and may prove useful in determining the feasibility of microbial decontamination of such environments.  相似文献   

Video-logging through a transparent tube is described as an alternative method for examining in situ the distribution of biogenic structures within the deep layers of heterogeneous sediments in which undisturbed cores are hard to be obtained. The method comprises four successive phases: the installation of transparent tubes into the sediment, the lowering of a video-camera for scanning sediments through the tube walls, the numerical treatment of images for correcting deformations and obtaining panoramic views of discrete sediment layers, and the mapping of biogenic structures. The method was used successfully to determine the density and depth distribution of galleries made by the oligochaetae Tubifex tubifex (Müller, 1874) within the infiltration bed of a stormwater basin.  相似文献   

During the past few years Archaea have been recognized as a widespread and significant component of marine picoplankton assemblages and, more recently, the presence of novel archaeal phylogenetic lineages has been reported in coastal marine benthic environments. We investigated the relative abundance, vertical distribution, phylogenetic composition, and spatial variability of Archaea in deep-sea sediments collected from several stations in the Atlantic Ocean. Quantitative oligonucleotide hybridization experiments indicated that the relative abundance of archaeal 16S rRNA in deep-sea sediments (1500 m deep) ranged from about 2.5 to 8% of the total prokaryotic rRNA. Clone libraries of PCR-amplified archaeal rRNA genes (rDNA) were constructed from 10 depth intervals obtained from sediment cores collected at depths of 1,500, 2,600, and 4,500 m. Phylogenetic analysis of rDNA sequences revealed the presence of a complex archaeal population structure, whose members could be grouped into discrete phylogenetic lineages within the two kingdoms, Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota. Comparative denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profile analysis of archaeal 16S rDNA V3 fragments revealed a significant depth-related variability in the composition of the archaeal population.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of the bacterial communities in marine sediments.   总被引:25,自引:13,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
For the phylogenetic analysis of microbial communities present in environmental samples microbial DNA can be extracted from the sample, 16S rDNA can be amplified with suitable primers and the PCR, and clonal libraries can be constructed. We report a protocol that can be used for efficient cell lysis and recovery of DNA from marine sediments. Key steps in this procedure include the use of a bead mill homogenizer for matrix disruption and uniform cell lysis and then purification of the released DNA by agarose gel electrophoresis. For sediments collected from two sites in Puget Sound, over 96% of the cells present were lysed. Our method yields high-molecular-weight DNA that is suitable for molecular studies, including amplification of 16S rRNA genes. The DNA yield was 47 micrograms per g (dry weight) for sediments collected from creosote-contaminated Eagle Harbor, Wash. Primers were selected for the PCR amplification of (eu)bacterial 16S rDNA that contained linkers with unique 8-base restriction sites for directional cloning. Examination of 22 16S rDNA clones showed that the surficial sediments in Eagle Harbor contained a phylogenetically diverse population of organisms from the Bacteria domain (G. J. Olsen, C. R. Woese, and R. Overbeek, J. Bacteriol. 176:1-6, 1994) with members of six major lineages represented: alpha, delta, and gamma Proteobacteria; the gram-positive high G+C content subdivision; clostridia and related organisms; and planctomyces and related organisms. None of the clones were identical to any representatives in the Ribosomal Database Project small subunit RNA database. The analysis of clonal representives in the first report using molecular techniques to determine the phylogenetic composition of the (eu)bacterial community present in coastal marine sediments.  相似文献   

Marine sediments cover two-thirds of our planet and harbor huge numbers of living prokaryotes. Long-term survival of indigenous microorganisms within the deep subsurface is still enigmatic, as sources of organic carbon are vanishingly small. To better understand controlling factors of microbial life, we have analyzed viral abundance within a comprehensive set of globally distributed subsurface sediments. Phages were detected by electron microscopy in deep (320 m below seafloor), ancient (∼14 Ma old) and the most oligotrophic subsurface sediments of the world''s oceans (South Pacific Gyre (SPG)). The numbers of viruses (104–109 cm−3, counted by epifluorescence microscopy) generally decreased with sediment depth, but always exceeded the total cell counts. The enormous numbers of viruses indicate their impact as a controlling factor for prokaryotic mortality in the marine deep biosphere. The virus-to-cell ratios increased in deeper and more oligotrophic layers, exhibiting values of up to 225 in the deep subsurface of the SPG. High numbers of phages might be due to absorption onto the sediment matrix and a diminished degradation by exoenzymes. However, even in the oldest sediments, microbial communities are capable of maintaining viral populations, indicating an ongoing viral production and thus, viruses provide an independent indicator for microbial life in the marine deep biosphere.  相似文献   

The reductive dechlorination of 2,4- and 3,4-dichlorophenol (DCP) was studied in slurries of marine sediments and subsurface soils with dissolved organic carbon concentrations less than 1 ppm. Dechlorination was markedly greater in marine sediment slurries than in subsoil slurries, although similar products were observed in each case. From 25% to 98% of the 2,4- and 3,4-DCP (6.5 μm/l) added to most marine slurries was converted to 4- and 3-chlorophenol (CP) respectively, within 30 weeks. In contrast 2,4-DCP was dechlorinated to 4-CP (>90%) in only 1 of 24 replicate subsoil slurries after 32 weeks of incubation. Dechlorination was observed within 2 weeks when yeast extract was added to subsoil slurries; yeast extract additions also stimulated dechlorination in marine sediments but to a lesser extent. The intermediate monochlorophenol products did not persist in marine slurries but did persist in the subsoil slurries. It was concluded that the total organic carbon at a site is not always a good predictor of the site's ability to support dechlorination activity. Received: 3 December 1996 / Received revision: 28 February 1997 / Accepted: 7 March 1997  相似文献   

Members of the highly diverse Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotal Group (MCG) are globally distributed in various marine and continental habitats. In this study, we applied a polyphasic approach (rRNA slot blot hybridization, quantitative PCR (qPCR) and catalyzed reporter deposition FISH) using newly developed probes and primers for the in situ detection and quantification of MCG crenarchaeota in diverse types of marine sediments and microbial mats. In general, abundance of MCG (cocci, 0.4 μm) relative to other archaea was highest (12–100%) in anoxic, low-energy environments characterized by deeper sulfate depletion and lower microbial respiration rates (P=0.06 for slot blot and P=0.05 for qPCR). When studied in high depth resolution in the White Oak River estuary and Hydrate Ridge methane seeps, changes in MCG abundance relative to total archaea and MCG phylogenetic composition did not correlate with changes in sulfate reduction or methane oxidation with depth. In addition, MCG abundance did not vary significantly (P>0.1) between seep sites (with high rates of methanotrophy) and non-seep sites (with low rates of methanotrophy). This suggests that MCG are likely not methanotrophs. MCG crenarchaeota are highly diverse and contain 17 subgroups, with a range of intragroup similarity of 82 to 94%. This high diversity and widespread distribution in subsurface sediments indicates that this group is globally important in sedimentary processes.  相似文献   

The contamination of groundwater with mercury (Hg) is an increasing problem worldwide. Yet, little is known about the interactions of Hg with microorganisms and their processes in subsurface environments. We tested the impact of Hg on denitrification in nitrate reducing enrichment cultures derived from subsurface sediments from the Oak Ridge Integrated Field Research Challenge site, where nitrate is a major contaminant and where bioremediation efforts are in progress. We observed an inverse relationship between Hg concentrations and onset and rates of denitrification in nitrate enrichment cultures containing between 53 and 1.1 μM of inorganic Hg; higher Hg concentrations increasingly extended the time to onset of denitrification and inhibited denitrification rates. Microbial community complexity, as indicated by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (tRFLP) analysis of the 16S rRNA genes, declined with increasing Hg concentrations; at the 312 nM Hg treatment, a single tRFLP peak was detected representing a culture of Bradyrhizobium sp. that possessed the merA gene indicating a potential for Hg reduction. A culture identified as Bradyrhizobium sp. strain FRC01 with an identical 16S rRNA sequence to that of the enriched peak in the tRFLP patterns, reduced Hg(II) to Hg(0) and carried merA whose amino acid sequence has 97 % identity to merA from the Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. This study demonstrates that in subsurface sediment incubations, Hg may inhibit denitrification and that inhibition may be alleviated when Hg resistant denitrifying Bradyrhizobium spp. detoxify Hg by its reduction to the volatile elemental form.  相似文献   

Cross-taxon congruence has been suggested as an efficient tool in conservation planning and biodiversity monitoring. It corresponds to the degree to which patterns in assemblage structure in a set of sites are similar among different taxonomic groups. If different groups ordinate the sampling sites similarly, they are concordant and this information is frequently used as an indicative that one group could be used as a surrogate for the other. Using spatiotemporal benthic data from a biodiverse coastal ecosystem (the Araçá Bay in southeast Brazil), we first assessed if macro- and meiofaunal assemblages inhabiting marine soft-sediments show concordant patterns. Then, we used multi- and univariate analysis to examine the relationship of both groups with the environment. Macro- and meiofaunal assemblages exhibited strong congruent patterns in all periods analyzed. Moreover, both groups responded to similar environmental features and their ordination patterns matched those generated by the environmental data. These results show that the patterns of concordance are probably mediated by similar responses to environmental gradients. Overall, our results suggest the potential for use of the surrogacy approach in conservation planning and monitoring purposes of marine benthic biodiversity, and that macro- and meiofauna can be used as a surrogate for each other.  相似文献   

Methanogenesis, sulfate reduction, and rates of carbon mineralization were determined for samples derived at different depths from four cores drilled at the Savannah River Plant, Aiken South Carolina. Three‐gram subsamples of the sediments were dispensed to 10‐mL serum bottles under 5% H2/95% N2 and amended with 0.5 mL degassed distilled water with or without the following solutes: formate plus acetate, bicarbonate, lactate, and radiolabeled sulfate, glucose, and Índole. After incubating 1 to 5 days, the sediments were assayed for methane, H2, 35S, and I4CO2. No methanogenesis was detected at any depth in any core and sulfate was rarely reduced. Evolution of 14CO2 from glucose and indole was detected in sediments as deep as 262 and 259 m, respectively. At some depths the 14CO2 evolution rate was comparable to that of surface soils; however, at other depths no 14CO2 evolution could be detected. Injection of sterile air into anaerobic incubations increased rates of carbon mineralization at all depths that had demonstrated anaerobic activity and stimulated mineralization activity in sediments that were inactive anaerobically, suggesting a predominance of aerobic metabolism. Increasing the concentration of added glucose and indole often increased the resulting rates of 14CO2 evolved from these substrates. Our data indicate that both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms are present and metabolically active in samples from deep subsurface environments.  相似文献   

This biogeochemical, molecular genetic and lipid biomarker study of sediments ( approximately 4 m cores) from the Skagerrak (Denmark) investigated methane cycling in a sediment with a clear sulfate-methane-transition zone (SMTZ) and where CH(4) supply was by diffusion, rather than by advection, as in more commonly studied seep sites. Sulfate reduction removed sulfate by 0.7 m and CH(4) accumulated below. (14)C-radiotracer measurements demonstrated active H(2)/CO(2) and acetate methanogenesis and anaerobic oxidation of CH(4) (AOM). Maximum AOM rates occurred near the SMTZ ( approximately 3 nmol cm(-3) day(-1) at 0.75 m) but also continued deeper, overall, at much lower rates. Maximum rates of H(2)/CO(2) and acetate methanogenesis occurred below the SMTZ but H(2)/CO(2) methanogenesis rates were x 10 those of acetate methanogenesis, and this was consistent with initial values of (13)C-depleted CH(4) (delta(13)C c.-80 per thousand). Areal AOM and methanogenic rates were similar ( approximately 1.7 mmol m(-2) day(-1)), hence, CH(4) flux is finely balanced. A 16S rRNA gene library from 1.39 m combined with methanogen (T-RFLP), bacterial (16S rRNA DGGE) and lipid biomarker depth profiles showed the presence of populations similar to some seep sites: ANME-2a (dominant), ANME-3, Methanomicrobiales, Methanosaeta Archaea, with abundance changes with depth corresponding to changes in activities and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). Below the SMTZ to approximately 1.7 m CH(4) became progressively more (13)C depleted (delta(13)C -82 per thousand) indicating a zone of CH(4) recycling which was consistent with the presence of (13)C-depleted archaeol (delta(13)C -55 per thousand). Pore water acetate concentrations decreased in this zone (to approximately 5 microM), suggesting that H(2), not acetate, was an important CH(4) cycling intermediate. The potential biomarkers for AOM-associated SRB, non-isoprenoidal ether lipids, increased below the SMTZ but this distribution reflected 16S rRNA gene sequences for JS1 and OP8 bacteria rather than those of SRB. At this site peak rates of methane production and consumption are spatially separated and seem to be conducted by different archaeal groups. Also AOM is predominantly coupled to sulfate reduction, unlike recent reports from some seep and gassy sediment sites.  相似文献   

The distribution of microorganisms in deep subsurface profiles was determined at three sites at the Savannah River Plant, Aiken, South Carolina. Acridine orange direct counts (AODC) of bacteria were highest in surface soil samples and declined to the 106 to 107 per gram range in the subsurface, but then did not decline further with depth. In the subsurface, AODC values varied from layer to layer, the highest being found in samples from sandy aquifer formations and the lowest in clayey interbed layers. Sandy aquifer sediments also contained the highest numbers of viable bacteria as determined by aerobic spread plate counts (CFU) on a dilute heterotrophic medium. In some of these samples bacterial CFU values approached 100% of the AODC values. Viable protozoa (amoebae and flagellates, but no ciliates) were found in samples with high bacterial CFU values. A variety of green algae, phytoflagellates, diatoms, and a few cyanobacteria were found at low population densities in samples from two of the three boreholes. Low numbers of fungi were evenly distributed throughout the profiles at all three sites. Microbial population density estimates correlated positively with sand content and pore‐water pH, and negatively with clay content and pore‐water metal concentration. A large diversity of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms was found in samples with high population densities. A survey of bacterial strains isolated from subsurface samples revealed associations of gram‐positive bacteria with high clay sediments and gram‐negative bacteria with sandy sediments. The ability to deposit lipophilic storage material (presumably poly‐ß‐hydroxybutyrate) was found in a high proportion of isolates from sandy sediments, but only rarely in isolates from high clay sediments.  相似文献   

The extent of the diversity of marine prokaryotes is not well known, primarily because of poor cultivability. However, new techniques permit the characterization of such organisms without culturing, via 16S rRNA sequences obtained directly from biomass. We performed such an analysis by polymerase chain reaction amplification with universal primers on five oligotrophic open-ocean samples: from 100-m (three samples) and 500-m depths in the western California Current (Pacific Ocean) and from a 10-m depth in the Atlantic Ocean near Bermuda. Of 61 clones, 90% were in clusters of two or more related marine clones obtained by ourselves or others. We report 15 clones related to clone SAR 11 found earlier near Bermuda (S. J. Giovannoni, T. B. Britschgi, C. L. Moyer, and K. G. Field, Nature [London] 345:60-63, 1990), 11 related to marine cyanobacteria, 9 clustered in a group affiliated with gram-positive bacteria, 9 in an archaeal cluster we recently described (mostly from the 500-m sample), 4 in a novel gamma-proteobacterial cluster, and 6 in three two-membered clusters (including other archaea). One clone was related to flavobacteria. Only the cyanobacteria plus one other clone, related to Roseobacter denitrificans (formerly Erythrobacter longus Och114), were within 10% sequence identity to any previously sequenced cultured organism in a major data base. We never found more than two occurrences of the same sequence in a sample, although four times we found identical sequences between samples, two of which were between oceans; one of these sequences was also identical to SAR 11.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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