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Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is the most common histological type of esophageal cancer, with a poor prognosis. Deregulation of WNT and NOTCH signaling pathways is important in ESCC progression, which can be due to either malfunction of their components or crosstalk with other pathways. Therefore, identification of new crosstalk between such pathways may be effective to introduce new strategies for targeted therapy of cancer. A correlation study was performed to assess the probable interaction between growth factor receptors and WNT/NOTCH pathways via the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and Musashi1 (MSI1), respectively.


Levels of MSI1/EGFR mRNA expression in tumor tissues from 48 ESCC patients were compared to their corresponding normal tissues using real-time polymerase chain reaction.


There was a significant correlation between EGFR and MSI1 expression (p?=?0.05). Moreover, there was a significant correlation between EGFR/MSI1 expression and grade of tumor differentiation (p?=?0.02).


This study confirms a direct correlation between MSI1 and EGFR and may support the important role of MSI1 in activation of EGFR through NOTCH/WNT pathways in ESCC.

The biosynthesis of the EGF receptor was examined in the epidermoid carcinoma cell line A431 and five novel cell lines from human squamous cell carcinomas possessing high numbers of EGF receptors. Newly synthesized EGF receptors were visualized by labeling with [35S]methionine and immunoprecipitation with a monoclonal anti-EGF receptor antibody. In addition, the processing of the EGF receptor and its intracellular transport was analyzed by distinguishing cell surface receptors from intracellular receptors and by treating cells with inhibitors such as tunicamycin, monensin and brefeldin A. These analyses revealed that in all the tumor cell lines the EGF receptor is synthesized as a glycosylated protein of Mr 160,000 which is converted to the receptor of Mr 170,000 through posttranslational glycosylation. The receptors of Mr 160,000 and 170,000 appeared to possess high mannose type oligosaccharide chains because endoglycosidase H treatment reduced their molecular weights by approximately 30,000. A431 was the only tumor cell line studied that secreted the truncated EGF receptor of Mr 110,000. In A431 cells, the truncated EGF receptor was generated from a protein of Mr 60,000 through tunicamycin- and monensin-sensitive glycosylation. A431 cells treated with monensin secreted the truncated receptor as a Mr 95,000 form.  相似文献   

CD9 is a member of the tetraspanins, and has been shown to be involved in a variety of cellular activities such as migration, proliferation, and adhesion. In addition, it has been known that CD9 can associate with other proteins. Here we demonstrated the physical and functional association of CD9 with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) on MKN-28 cells. Double-immunofluorescent staining and immunoprecipitation demonstrated the complex formation of CD9-EGFR and CD9-beta(1) integrin, and that both complexes are colocalized on the cell surface especially at the cell-cell contact site. Anti-CD9 monoclonal antibody ALB6 induced a dotted or patch-like aggregation pattern of both CD9-EGFR and CD9-beta(1) integrin. The internalization of EGFR after EGF-stimulation was significantly enhanced by the treatment with ALB6. CD9 can associate with EGFR in hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2/CD9) and Chinese hamster ovary cancer cells (CHO-HER/CD9), which were transfected with pTJ/human EGFR/CD9. Furthermore expression of CD9 specifically attenuated EGFR signaling in CHO-HER/CD9 cells through the down regulation of surface expression of EGFR. These results suggest that CD9 might have an important role that attenuates EGFR signaling. Therefore, CD9 not only associates EGFR but also a new regulator, which may affect EGF-induced signaling in cancer cells.  相似文献   

Autophagy is an intracellular degradation system in eukaryotic cells that occurs at a basal level. It can also be induced in response to environmental signals including nutrients, hormones, microbial pathogens, and growth factors, although the mechanism is not known in detail. We previously demonstrated that excessive autophagy is induced within pancreatic acinar cells deficient in Spink3, which is a trypsin inhibitor. SPINK1, the human homolog of murine Spink3, has structural similarity to epidermal growth factor (EGF), and can bind and stimulate the EGF receptor (EGFR). To analyze the role of the EGFR in pancreatic development, in the regulation of autophagy in pancreatic acinar cells, and in cerulein-induced pancreatitis, we generated and examined acinar cell-specific Egfr-deficient (Egfr−/−) mice. Egfr−/− mice showed no abnormalities in pancreatic development, induction of autophagy, or cerulein-induced pancreatitis, suggesting that Egfr is dispensable for autophagy regulation in pancreatic acinar cells.  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a lipid metabolite that induces the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) through binding to the G protein-coupled receptor in a number of cell lines and cultures. Recent studies have revealed that LPA is able to rapidly induce the phosphorylation of MAPK through an epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor-dependent pathway. We investigated the role of the EGF receptor in the signaling pathway initiated by LPA stimulation in nerve growth factor (NGF)-responsive PC12 cells well known to transiently retract their own neurites upon LPA stimulation. LPA-stimulated MAPK signaling was suppressed by the selective EGF receptor inhibitor and in the dominant negative mutant EGF receptor cell line. As in the EGF signaling pathway, the complex of EGF receptor with adapter proteins Shc and Sos was formed in response to LPA stimulation, suggesting there is an intracellular mechanism for transactivation. A neurite retraction assay was also performed to examine the role of the EGF receptor in PC12 cell differentiation, which related to the involvement of LPA-induced neurite retraction. These results suggest that the receptor tyrosine kinase can be activated in a ligand-independent manner through intracellular crosstalk between the signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The apical surface of polarized epithelial cells receives input from mediators, growth factors, and mechanical stimuli. How these stimuli are coordinated to regulate complex cellular functions such as polarized membrane traffic is not understood. We analyzed the requirement for growth factor signaling and mechanical stimuli in umbrella cells, which line the mucosal surface of the bladder and dynamically insert and remove apical membrane in response to stretch. We observed that stretch-stimulated exocytosis required apical epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor activation and that activation occurred in an autocrine manner downstream of heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor precursor cleavage. Long-term changes in apical exocytosis depended on protein synthesis, which occurred upon EGF receptor-dependent activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling. Our results indicate a novel physiological role for the EGF receptor that couples upstream mechanical stimuli to downstream apical EGF receptor activation that may regulate apical surface area changes during bladder filling.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor family tyrosine kinases transduce signals for cell proliferation and migration and contribute to tumorigenesis. A recent extensive research has highlighted the major roles of the negative regulators of complex epidermal growth factor receptor signaling networks. These regulators fine-tune signaling under physiological conditions. When their expression is downregulated, the resultant aberrant epidermal growth factor receptor signaling may promote cell proliferation and migration, leading to increased tumorigenesis. In this paper, I review specific feedback inhibitors that target epidermal growth factor receptors preferentially, via multiple modes of action. The inhibitors include mitogen-inducible gene-6 (Mig-6)/receptor-associated late transducer (RALT)/Gene 33, fibroblast growth factor receptor substrate 2beta (FRS2beta)/suc1-associated neurotrophic factor target-2 (SNT-2)/FRS3, suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3)/SOCS4/SOCS5, and leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 1 (LRIG1). Although only fragmentary evidence is available regarding these inhibitors, they might be useful as cancer biomarkers, and the development of drugs that target them would certainly advance personalized medicine in the near future.  相似文献   

Overexpression of Met is a common finding in thyroid carcinomas. Recently, we reported on overexpression and ligand-independent constitutive activation of Met in anaplastic thyroid carcinoma cells. In the present study we have investigated a putative mechanism for this phenomenon. Cell lines with constitutively activated Met expressed both TGF-alpha mRNA and protein. Western blot analysis revealed expression of receptors for epidermal growth factor (EGFR) in all carcinoma cell lines; in tumor cells with elevated levels of TGF-alpha mRNA there was a constitutive tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGFRs. Preincubation of carcinoma cells with suramin decreased EGFR activation and downregulated Met expression as well as the ligand-independent phosphorylation of Met. Similar results were obtained with a EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor, AG 1478. The MEK inhibitor U0126 had an even more pronounced effect compared to AG 1478, indicating a Ras/MAPK-mediated signal in the regulation of Met expression and activation. Inhibition of EGFR signaling also decreased proliferation of the anaplastic thyroid carcinoma cells. Thus, aberrant activation of EGFRs may lead to an overexpression and activation of Met, which may be of importance for the malignant phenotype of anaplastic thyroid carcinomas.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) acts, in a dose dependent manner, as both a mitogen and an inhibitor of growth of the A431 squamous carcinoma cell line. gamma-interferon (IFN) also inhibits A431 cell growth. The dual effects of EGF on A431 growth and expression of the oncogenes, EGF receptor (EGFR) and Ha-ras, were evaluated with or without gamma-IFN. A mitogenic level (10pM) of EGF had no effect on expression of EGFR 10 kb mRNA or protein. gamma-IFN combined with 10pM EGF caused an initial drop in EGFR mRNA not reflected at the protein level; at 72 hours, the level of EGFR 10kb mRNA rose and inhibition of cell growth was observed. Treatment with a cytostatic amount (10nM) of EGF resulted in decreased expression of EGFR 10kb mRNA and protein within 24 hours; combined treatment with gamma-IFN caused rapid cell death. Expression of Ha-ras mRNA paralleled that of EGFR mRNA upon treatment with 10pM EGF and/or gamma-IFN, but differed with 10nM EGF.  相似文献   

Suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS) are Src homology-2-containing proteins originally identified as negative regulators of cytokine signaling. Accumulating evidence indicates a role for SOCS proteins in the regulation of additional signaling pathways including receptor tyrosine kinases. Notably, SOCS36E, the Drosophila ortholog of mammalian SOCS5, was recently implicated as a negative regulator of the Drosophila ortholog of EGFR. In this study, we aimed at characterizing the role of SOCS5 in the negative regulation of EGFR. Here we show that the expression of SOCS5 and its closest homolog SOCS4 is elevated in cells following treatment with EGF, similar to several negative feedback regulators of EGFR whose expression is up-regulated upon receptor activation. The expression of SOCS5 led to a marked reduction in EGFR expression levels by promoting EGFR degradation. The reduction in EGFR levels and EGF-induced signaling in SOCS5-expressing cells requires both the Src homology-2 and SOCS box domains of SOCS5. Interestingly, EGFR is degraded by SOCS5 prior to EGF treatment in a ligand- and c-Cbl-independent manner. SOCS5 can associate with EGFR and can also bind the ElonginBC protein complex via its SOCS box, which may recruit an E3 ubiquitin ligase to promote EGFR degradation. Thus, we have characterized a novel function for SOCS5 in regulating EGFR and discuss its potential role in controlling EGFR homeostasis.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is the most common malignancy among women worldwide. The role of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in many epithelial malignancies has been established, since it is dysregulated, overexpressed or mutated. Its overexpression has been associated with increased aggressiveness and metastatic potential in breast cancer. The well-established interplay between EGFR signaling pathway and estrogen receptors (ERs) as well as major extracellular matrix (ECM) mediators is crucial for regulating basic functional properties of breast cancer cells, including migration, proliferation, adhesion and invasion. EGFR activation leads to endocytosis of the receptor with implications in the regulation of downstream signaling effectors, the modulation of autophagy and cell survival. Therefore, EGFR is considered as a promising therapeutic target in breast cancer. Several anti-EGFR therapies (i.e. monoclonal antibodies and tyrosine kinase inhibitors) have been evaluated both in vitro and in vivo, making their way to clinical trials. However, the response rates of anti-EGFR therapies in the clinical trials is low mainly due to chemoresistance. Novel drug design, phytochemicals and microRNAs (miRNAs) are assessed as new therapeutic approaches against EGFR. The main goal of this review is to highlight the importance of targeting EGFR signaling pathway in terms of its crosstalk with ERs, the involvement of ECM effectors and epigenetics. Moreover, recent insights into the design of specialized delivery systems contributing in the development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in breast cancer are addressed.  相似文献   

Cbl proteins function as ubiquitin protein ligases for the activated epidermal growth factor receptor and, thus, negatively regulate its activity. Here we show that Cbl-b is ubiquitinated and degraded upon activation of the receptor. Epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced Cbl-b degradation requires intact RING finger and tyrosine kinase binding domains and requires binding of the Cbl-b protein to the activated EGF receptor (EGFR). Degradation of both the EGFR and the Cbl-b protein is blocked by lysosomal and proteasomal inhibitors. Other components of the EGFR-signaling complex (i.e. Grb2 and Shc) are also degraded in an EGF-induced Cbl-b-dependent fashion. Our results suggest that the ubiquitin protein ligase function of Cbl-b is regulated by coordinated degradation of the Cbl-b protein along with its substrate. Furthermore, the data demonstrate that Cbl-b mediates degradation of multiple proteins in the EGFR-signaling complex.  相似文献   

Ceramide has emerged as a pleiotropic signal mediator of cellular responses including differentiation, proliferation, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. In the present study we evaluated the effect of cell permeant ceramide analogues on ligand-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGF receptor (EGFR), phospholipase Cy (PLCgamma) activity and cell proliferation. Treatment with N-acetylsphingosine (C2-cer) and N-hexanoylceramide (C6-cer) prevented EGF-induced tyrosine trans-phosphorylation of the receptor in two different cell lines overexpressing the human EGFR (A431 and EGF-T17 cells). In contrast, treatment of A431 and EGFR-T17 cells with C2-cer or C6-cer did not affect the ligand binding capacity of the receptor, an effect that was however observed after TPA-induced activation of PKC. In addition EGF-stimulated PLCgamma activity was transiently decreased in A431 cells treated with C6-cer and only a modest, albeit significant reduction on ligand-induced 3H-InsP3 generation was observed in EGFR-T17 cells pretreated with ceramide. We also examined the effect of C2-cer on serum (A431)- or EGF (EGFR-T 17)-induced cell proliferation. Treatment of EGFR-TI7 cells with C2-cer (0.1-10 microM) did not affect cell viability, but prevented EGF-induced 3H-thymidine incorporation in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, 3H-thymidine incorporation in serum-stimulated A431 cells decreased only at the higher doses of C2-cer used (1-10 microM), being this effect accompanied by a slight, albeit significant (20-25%), reduction in cell viability.  相似文献   

Cycloheximide is the most common protein synthesis inhibitor, and is believed to specifically inhibit the cytoplasmic protein synthesis. Here we demonstrate that cycloheximide induces internalization and redistribution of EGF receptor to early endosomes in HeLa cells independent of receptor tyrosine phosphorylation, but dependent on p38 MAPK activity. Degradation of EGF receptor or its downstream effectors was not observed. EGF-induced activation of ERK1/2 was inhibited upon pre-treatment with cycloheximide, but did not activate JNK. The observed effects of treatment with cycloheximide alone are significant and therefore results involving the use of cycloheximide for inhibition of protein synthesis must be interpreted with caution.

Structured summary of protein interactions

EEA1 and EGFRcolocalize by fluorescence microscopy (View interaction).  相似文献   

The relation between the concentration of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor/kinase and effects of EGF on cell proliferation has been studied using variant A431 cells and antagonist anti-EGF receptor monoclonal antibodies. Clonal A431 cell variants selected for escape from the EGF-mediated growth inhibition of parental A431 cells all have reduced concentrations of EGF receptor/kinase; Harvey sarcoma virus-transformed A431 cells, which have escaped from EGF-mediated growth inhibition, also have reduced EGF receptors. Three clonal variants which have reacquired EGF-mediated growth inhibition have 2- to 4-fold more EGF receptor than their respective parent variant. A biphasic response with stimulation at low and inhibition at high concentrations of EGF was especially evident in revertants of clone 29. Three separate antagonist monoclonal anti-EGF receptor antibodies block the growth inhibitory effects of EGF and uncover EGF-mediated growth stimulation. These studies indicate that in A431 cell variants a continuum of ligand-activated EGF receptors determines proliferative responses from low concentrations of active receptors under basal conditions to intermediate concentrations causing growth stimulation to high concentrations, causing inhibition of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

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